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Index: B

b command (sed) : Chapter 10, Reference: b
background processes : Chapter 2, Reference: wait
banner command : Chapter 2, Reference: banner
basename command
(see also dirname command)
Chapter 2, Reference: basename
batch command : Chapter 2, Reference: batch
batch execution
immediate : Chapter 2, Reference: batch
printing queued jobs : Chapter 2, Reference: atq
removing queued jobs : Chapter 2, Reference: atrm
at specified date/time
Chapter 2, Reference: at
Chapter 2, Reference: crontab
bc command : Chapter 2, Reference: bc
bdiff command : Chapter 2, Reference: bdiff
bfs command : Appendix B, Obsolete Commands: bfs
bg command
Chapter 4, Reference: bg
Chapter 5, Reference: bg
bibliographic references, preprocessing : 17.4. refer
biff command : Chapter 2, Reference: biff
/bin directory : 2. Unix Commands
bitwise operators (csh) : Bitwise and logical operators
blank character class : 4.2.2. Filename Metacharacters
block size (characters) : Chapter 2, Reference: dd
Bourne shell : (see sh)
branching commands (sed) : 10.4.5. Branching Commands
break command (awk) : Chapter 11, Reference: break
break command (csh) : Chapter 5, Reference: break
break command (sh, ksh) : Chapter 4, Reference: break
breaksw command : Chapter 5, Reference: breaksw
BSD Compatibility Package : 1.1. Merging the Traditions
BSD-derived system : 1.5. Guide for Users of BSD-Derived Systems
buffers (emacs) commands for : 7.2.9. Buffer-Manipulation Commands
built-in shell variables
csh shell : 5.3.3. Predefined Shell Variables
sh and ksh shells : 4.3.2. Built-in Shell Variables
built-in variables, awk : 11.4. Built-in Variables
builtin command : Chapter 4, Reference: builtin
bundling commands : Chapter 2, Reference: xargs
bundling software packages : 1.2. Bundling

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