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ulimit [options ] [n ]

Print the value of one or more resource limits, or, if n is specified, set a resource limit to n . Resource limits can be either hard (-H ) or soft (-S ). By default, ulimit sets both limits or prints the soft limit. The options determine which resource is acted on.



Hard limit. Anyone can lower a hard limit; only privileged users can raise it.


Soft limit. Must be lower than the hard limit.


Print all limits.


Maximum size of core files.


Maximum kilobytes of data segment or heap.


Maximum size of files (the default option).


Maximum kilobytes of physical memory. Korn shell only. (Not effective on all Unix systems.)


Maximum file descriptor plus 1.


Size of pipe buffers. Korn shell only. (Not effective on all Unix systems.)


Maximum kilobytes of stack segment.


Maximum CPU seconds.


Maximum kilobytes of virtual memory.

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