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uustat [options ]

Provide information about uucp requests. This command can also be used to cancel uucp requests. Options -a , -j , -k , -m , -p , -q , and -r cannot be used with each other.



Report all queued jobs.


When used with -t , report average time spent on queue instead of average transfer rate.

-d n

When used with -t , report averages for past n minutes instead of past hour.


Report the total number of jobs displayed (use only with -a or -s ).

-k n

Kill job request n ; you must own it.


Report accessibility of other systems.


Suppress standard output but not standard error.


Execute a ps -flp on active UUCP processes.


Report the jobs queued for all systems.

-r n

Renew job n by issuing a touch on its associated files.

-s system

Report the status of jobs for system .

-S x

Report status for jobs of type x :


Completed jobs.


Interrupted jobs.


Queued jobs.


Running jobs.

-t system

Report system 's average transfer rate (in bytes per second) over the past hour.

-u user

Report the status of jobs for user .

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Reference: uupick Book Index Reference: uuto

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