
Table Of Contents

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V - W - Z



access lists 11, 27

active calls

backup 135

restore 138

addressing remote messages 176


differences 18

GU and CLI 35

GUI 17

Administration via Telephone 106

Administration via Telephone application

configuring 69

administrative privilege 106


Cisco CallManager 18

Cisco Unity Express 18

password 11, 27

user ID 11, 27

web 18

AIM module

usage 88

wear 88

alternate welcome greeting 12, 28

application command 158


deleting 83

atrace.log file 89

auto attendant

AvT 14, 75

configuring 69

creating a script 76

deleting a greeting 76

deleting a prompt 76

deleting a script 77

maximum retries 71

maximum sessions 72

operator extension 71

recording a greeting 14, 71, 75

telephone number 71, 72

uploading greeting file 75

uploading script file 77

autoprovisioning 14

AvT 106

recording a greeting 75

AvT, configuring 69

AvT, recording a greeting 14



active calls 135

command 133

FTP server 131

numbering scheme 135

offline mode 131

parameters 133

procedure 135

restrictions 13, 131, 132

revision number 131

selective 13

backup category command 135

backup history report 145

blind addressing 176

boot helper installation 43

broadcast privilege 106

bulk provisioning 6



displaying by application 125

displaying by route 127

implementation ID 129

call processing 11, 27

capacity, configuring 86

ccn application command 67, 72, 154

ccn call terminate command 129

ccn copy script command 77

ccn copy url command 75, 77

ccn delete command 76, 77

ccn engine command 152

ccn trigger command 78, 158

centralized message storage 13

Cisco CallManager

CTI ports 11, 26

database 18

description 18

JTAPI user 11, 27

route point 11, 27

Cisco Unity Express

database 18

description 18

software files 48, 54, 57

Cisco Unity Express prompt 162

Cisco Unity Express software website 45, 48, 49, 54, 57, 58

CiscoWorks configmaker 14

clean installation, definition 43, 47

CLI 17

CLI administration 35

clock timezone command 172



application 158

backup 133

backup category 135

ccn application 67, 72, 154

ccn call terminate 129

ccn copy script 77

ccn copy url 75, 77

ccn delete 76, 77

ccn engine 152

ccn trigger 78, 158

clock timezone 172

continue 135

copy ftp 141

copy running-config 107, 113, 142

copy startup-config 141

copy tftp 143

default 152, 154, 158

description 72, 118, 154

enable 185


enabled command 72

expiration 118

greeting 118


config mode 113

EXEC mode 113

hostname 162

idletimeout 158

interface Service-Engine 30

ip address 30

ip domain-name 164

ip name-server 164

ip unnumbered 30

locale 158

log trace 89

mailbox size 118

maxsessions 67, 72, 78, 154, 158

maxsteps 152

message size 118

mwi refresh 124

no ccn application 83

no ccn trigger 81, 83

no parameter 159

ntp server 166, 168

offline 135, 138

parameter 154

parameters, auto attendant 72

parameters, voicemail 67

reload 138

restore id 138

script 154

service-module 30, 32

session 32

show backup 133

show backup history 135, 138

show backup server 135, 138

show ccn application 67, 72, 83, 154

show ccn call application 125

show ccn call route 127

show ccn engine 152

show ccn scripts 67, 72, 154

show ccn trigger 78, 81, 83, 159

show clock detail 172

show group detail groupname 113

show groups 113

show hosts 162

show interface ide 0 88

show ip route 164

show ntp configuration 166, 168

show ntp status 166, 168

show user detail username 107

show users 107

show voicemail 118

telnet 32


log 149

show 149

trace 149


config mode 107

EXEC mode 107

voice mailbox 118

voice mailbox unlock 123

voicemail capacity time 87

voicemail default 87

voicemail operator telephone 87

voicemail recording time 87

command environment 31

command-line interface 17

commands 147

communication link to Cisco CallManager 29

configuration 148

running 142

startup, copying 141

TFTP 143

configuration mode

backup commands 131

definition 31

configurations, copying 141


Administration via Telephone (AvT) 69

auto attendant 69

capacity 86

DNS server 164

expiration date 86

hostname 162

IP addresses 29

language 86

mailbox size 86

message length 86

multiple triggers 158

NTP server 166

operator extension 86

recording time 86

script steps 152

system parameters 152

voice mail 66

configuring time zone 172

connectivity to Cisco CallManager 29

console display, system messages 170

continue command 135

copy ftp command 141

copy running-config command 107, 113, 142

copy startup-config command 141

copy tftp command 143

copying log files, troubleshooting 148

copying, configurations 141

CTI ports 11, 26



Cisco CallManager 18

Cisco Unity Express 18

date and time

restrictions 13

daylight savings time 147

default command 152, 154, 158

default gateway 29

default mailbox size 15, 16

default values

system-wide 86


applications 83

greetings 76

messages 117

prompts 76

scripts 77

triggers 81, 83


Cisco Unity 17

Cisco Unity Express 17

description command 72, 118, 154

Device option 11, 26


administration 18

administrators 18

passwords 19, 107, 108, 110

user IDs 19, 107, 108, 110

users 18

DNS server 11, 27

resolving host name to IP address 166

DNS server, configuring 164

downloading license files 45


editor for scripts 14

enable command 185

Etherswitch module 11, 26

EXEC mode, definition 31

expiration command 118

expiration date, configuring 86

expired messages 117

expiry timer 117

extension, group 112

external syslog server 170


factory-set system limits 15

Fast Ethernet ports 13


atrace.log 89

messages.log 89, 170

file size

messages.log 89

prompt 75

script 76

flash memory 31, 142

log and trace 89


wear 88


backup and restore 131

configuration 141

server 45

FTP server 6


G.711 u-law 14

G711 ulaw 75

GDM 117

general delivery mailboxes 117


telephone numbers 69

graphical user interface 17


recording alternate 28

types 118

greeting command 118


deleting a file 76

recording alternate 12

restrictions 13

uploading 75


definition 112

extension 112

mailbox 112

owner 112

groupname command

config mode 113

EXEC mode 113

GUI 17

administration 17

GUI administration 35


hard disk, replacing restrictions 13

hostname command 162

hostname configuration 162


idletimeout 78, 158

idletimeout command 158

implementation ID 129

initialization wizard 35


boot helper 43


upgrade 43

installer file 45


software image 48, 57

interface Service-Engine command 30


address, Cisco Unity Express module 12

addressing 29, 147

communication link 29

default-gateway 147

unnumbered 147

ip address command 30

IP address, Cisco Unity Express module 28

ip domain-name command 164

ip name-server command 164

IP network access 6

ip unnumbered command 30



deleting triggers 81

traffic, prioritizing 11

triggers 78

user 11, 27

JTAPI route point 158

JTAPI traffic, prioritizing 27



configuring 86

language restrictions 13


SKUs 6

license files 45

downloading 45

installling 46


system access 13

Linux software 5

locale command 158

location spoken name, uploading and downloading 184, 194

log files

system 6

troubleshooting 146, 148

log trace command 89

loop, voice mail 87

lost data, troubleshooting 148


maximum capacity 200



zerooutnumber 118

mailbox size

configuring 86

default 15, 16

mailbox size command 118

mailboxes 117

expiration time 118

general delivery 117

greetings 118

group 112

limitations 117

message size 118

number of 15, 16

number supported 106

personal 117

storage stize 117

telephones supported 117

types 117

unlocking 123

ManagePrompts privilege 106

ManagePublicList privilege 106


retries, auto attendant 71


trigger 78

sessions, auto attendant 72

users, voice mail 67

maximum callers 158

maximum number of triggers 16, 158

maximum sessions 158

maximum steps 152

maxsessions command 67, 72, 78, 154, 158

maxsteps command 152

maxsteps parameter 152

members of a group, definition 112


configuring length 86

expired 117

storage restrictions 13

tutorial 118

message size command 118

messages.log file 89, 170

messages.log, file size 89

modes, EXEC and configuration 31


IP address 12

restrictions 13

module IP address 28

MWI lights

refreshing 124

troubleshooting 149

mwi refresh command 124


NDR 175

network module

description 18

restrictions 13

spare 6

network module card

processor 5

software 5

networked configurations 175

networking 16

no ccn application command 83

no ccn trigger command 81, 83

no parameter command 159

Non Deliver Record 175

NTP server 11, 27

hostname 166

IP address 166

removing 168

ntp server command 166, 168

NTP server, configuring 166


concurrent administrators 13

concurrent users 13

number of

mailboxes 15, 16

ports 15, 16

numbering scheme, backup files 135


offline command 135, 138

offline mode 135, 138

backup commands 131


troubleshooting 147

OIR, restrictions 13

online insertion and removal, restrictons 13

operator extension

auto attendant 71

configuring 86


Device 11, 26

User 11, 27

owner of a group 112


parameter command 72, 154


backup 133

capacity 86

expiration date 86

language 86

mailbox size 86

maxsteps 152

message length 86

operator extension 86

recording time 86

system-wide, configuring 86

voicemail 67


characters allowed 19

passwords, characters allowed 107, 108, 110

personal mailboxes 117

pinging internal address 147

port, implementation ID 129


Fast Ethernet 13

number of 15, 16

restrictions 13


administrative 106

broadcast 106

ManagePrompts 106

ManagePublicList 106

superuser 106

ViewPrivateList 106


file size 75

prompt, formation 162

prompts, deleting 76


bulk 6


rebooting network module 146

rebooting router 146


AvT 75

recording a greeting 71

auto attendant 14, 75

AvT 14

recording time, configuring 86

refreshing MWI lights 124

reload command 138

removing an NTP server 168


backup 145

call history 145

CPU usage 145

mailbox 145

mailbox size 145

memory 145

message status 145

restore 145

system 6

system hardware 145

resolving host name to IP address 166


active calls 138

FTP server 131

procedure 138

restrictions 13, 131, 132

selective 13

restore history report 145

restore id command 138


administrators 13

autoprovisioning with CNS/SNAP 14

backup 13

backup and restore 131, 132

centralized message storage 13

CiscoWorks configmaker 14

date and time 13

greetings 13

language 13

Linux system access 13

managing with SNMP 14

modules 13

OIR 13

replacing hard disk 13

restore 13

selective backup 13

selective restore 13

users 13

route point 11, 27


saving data, troubleshooting 148

script command 154

script editor 76

script steps 152


creating 14, 76

deleting a file 77

downloading 77

editor software 14

file size 14, 76

uploading 77

selective backup restrictions 13

selective restore restrictions 13


syslog 170


DNS 11, 27

NTP 11, 27

service-module command 30, 32

service-module, troubleshooting 147

session command 32

sessions 158

setting daylight savings time 147

severity level, system messages 170

show backup command 133

show backup history command 135, 138

show backup server command 135, 138

show ccn application 67

show ccn application command 72, 83, 154

show ccn call application command 125

show ccn call route command 127

show ccn engine command 152

show ccn scripts command 67, 72, 154

show ccn trigger command 78, 81, 83, 159

show clock detail command 172

show group detail groupname command 113

show groups command 113

show hosts command 162

show interface ide 0 command 88

show ip route command 164

show ntp configuration command 166, 168

show ntp status command 166, 168

show user detail username command 107

show users command 107

show voicemail command 118

SKUs 15, 16, 44


software files 48, 54, 57

installer 45

license 45

software image, installing 48, 57

software image, upgrading 53

software install clean command 43

software install upgrade command 43

spare network modules 6

speed of internal line 147

spoken name

confirmation 188

enabling 178, 180

network location 184, 194

recording 187

remote user 188

vCard 196

startup configuration, copying 141


configuring 152

maximum number 152

storage hours 15, 16

superuser privilege 106

syslog server 170

system access using IP network 6

system capacities 15, 16

system limits

factory set 15

system log files 6

system messages

console display 170

severity 170

system parameters

configuring 152

system reports 6, 145


default values 86

parameters, configuring 86



Table 4 Configuration Task Sequence 36

Table 5 Troubleshooting Commands 149

telephone number

auto attendant 71, 72

triggers 78, 158

telephone numbers

auto attendant 71

GMS 69

voice mail 66

telephones supported for voice mail 117

telnet command 32

Telnet session 31

terminating a call 129


configuration 143

time zone

configuring 172

timeout 78, 158

total storage hours 15, 16


maximum sessions 78


auto attendant 78

configuring multiple 158

deleting 81, 83

maximum number 16, 158

sessions 158

telephone number 78, 158

timeout 78, 158

voice mail 78


access to GUI 146

copying log files 148

IP address 147

IP unnumbered 147

IP, default-gateway 147

log files 146

lost data 148

MWI lights 149

OIR 147

opening a session 147

pinging internal address 147

rebooting network module 146

rebooting router 146

saving data 148

service-module status 147

speed of terminal line 147

unknown caller 149

user password 146

user PIN 146

users and groups 146

voice mail 149


recording a greeting 75

TUI, recording a greeting 14

tutorial command 118


unknown caller

troubleshooting 149

unlocking a mailbox 123

upgrade installation, definition 43


software image 53

usage, flash memory 88

user IDs

characters allowed 19

user IDs, characters allowed 107, 108, 110

User option 11, 27

user password, troubleshooting 146

user PIN, troubleshooting 146

username command

config mode 107

EXEC mode 107


adding 106

modifying 106

number supported 106



spoken name 196

ViewPrivateList privilege 106

VLAN interface 11, 26

voice mail

configuring 66

conflicting extensions 87

loop 87

maximum users 67

networking 16

telephone numbers 66

telephones supported 117

troubleshooting 149

voice mailbox command 118

voice mailbox unlock command 123

Voice Profile for Internet Mail protocol 175

voicemail capacity time command 87

voicemail default command 87

voicemail operator telephone command 87

voicemail recording time command 87

VPIM 175


wav file 14, 75

wear, flash memory 88


administrator 18


zerooutnumber command 118


Posted: Fri Jan 13 04:27:30 PST 2006
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