
Table Of Contents

Configuring Users, Groups, and Mailboxes


Adding and Modifying a User

Privilege Levels for Users

Users and Mailboxes


Adding and Modifying a Group


Creating and Modifying a Voice Mailbox

Types of Mailboxes

Mailbox Limitations



Unlocking a Voice Mailbox

Refreshing Message Waiting Indicators

Configuring Users, Groups, and Mailboxes

All configuration and administration functions for Cisco Unity Express are available through the graphical user interface (GUI). However, you may find that using the command-line interface (CLI) is more efficient than using the GUI. For example, you may want to create a script to configure a large number of users or mailboxes for a specific system. In this case, the CLI may be more useful.

This chapter describes the commands that emulate the following tasks available on the GUI and contains the following sections:


Adding and Modifying a User

Adding and Modifying a Group

Creating and Modifying a Voice Mailbox

Unlocking a Voice Mailbox

Refreshing Message Waiting Indicators


Verify that the telephones and extensions connected to the Cisco CallManager server are configured. If you have not completed the configuration, refer to the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide, Release 3.3(3).

Adding and Modifying a User

Users configured with the Cisco CallManager GUI may be imported to the Cisco Unity Express database. Users configured with the Cisco Unity Express GUI or CLI are not copied to the Cisco CallManager database. If a user needs to be in the Cisco CallManager database but is configured in Cisco Unity Express, go back to Cisco CallManager later and configure the user there.

The procedure described in this section allows you to create a new user in the system. Use the same commands to modify an existing user's properties.

Note To associate a telephone number with a user, you must configure the telephone before using this procedure. If you have not configured the telephone, refer to the Cisco CallManager documentation or the Cisco Unity Express GUI for the procedures.

Privilege Levels for Users

The Cisco Unity Express software recognizes several privileges for users:

Superuser—An administrator, also called a superuser, has the capability, or privilege, of accessing all the configuration and maintenance functions, including the Administration via Telephone (AvT).

ManagePrompts—The prompt management user has access to the AvT but not to any other administrative functions.

Broadcast—The broadcast privilege permits the user to send broadcast messages across the network.

ManagePublicList—The ManagePublicList privilege permits the user to create and modify public distribution lists.

ViewPrivateList—The ViewPrivateList privilege allows the user to view another user's private distribution lists. The user can not modify or delete the private lists.

These privilege levels are assigned to a group, and any member of the group is granted the privilege rights. The software initialization process created an Administrator group from the imported users designated as administrators. Other groups can be created with these privileges. Assign users to an existing group using the CLI commands or the GUI option Configuration > Users.

To display the current list of privileges, use the show privileges command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

Users and Mailboxes

Cisco Unity Express supports twice as many users as mailboxes. Some users, such as system administrators, may not be assigned a voice mailbox. The maximum number of mailboxes is determined by the license of the module. See "Software Licenses and Factory-Set Limits" on page 15 for the maximum number of mailboxes permitted for your module.


The following information is required for adding or modifying a user:

Username—The user ID. The username must be at least 3 and no more than 32 characters in length. Cisco Unity Express allows only letters, numbers, and the characters underscore (_), dot (.), and dash (-) in user IDs. User IDs must start with a letter. Do not use spaces in the username.

(Optional) Full name—First and last name of the user. Enter this name in quotation marks (" ").

(Optional) Group—Name of an existing group in which this user is a member.

Password—Temporary password for this user. The password must be at least 3 and no more than 32 characters in length. Spaces are not allowed. When the user logs in to the GUI for the first time, the application requires the user to change the password. The user's password does not expire.

PIN—Personal identification number. The PIN must be at least 3 and no more than 16 digits in length. When the user logs in to the voice-mail system for the first time, the application requires the user to change the PIN. The PIN does not expire.


EXEC Mode:

1. username name [create | delete | fullname [first first-name | last last-name |
display full-name] | group group-name | language | password "password" | pin number]

2. show users
show user detail username name

3. copy running-config startup-config

Configuration Mode:

1. config t

2. username name [create | phonenumber phone-number | phonenumberE164 full-number]

3. exit

4. show users
user detail username name

5. copy running-config startup-config


EXEC mode:

Command or Action

Step 1 

username name [create | delete |
fullname [first first-name | last last-name | display full-name] | group group-name |
language | password "password" | pin number]


se-10-0-0-0# username user1 create

se-10-0-0-0# username user2 fullname display "User 2"

se-10-0-0-0# username user2 group sales

se-10-0-0-0# username user2 password "green"

se-10-0-0-0# username user2 pin 4444

se-10-0-0-0# username user2 delete

Creates the user with user ID name value. The optional parameters configure more information for the user:

name—User ID of the user. The user ID must be at least 3 and no more than 32 characters in length. Cisco Unity Express allows only letters, numbers, and the characters underscore (_), dot (.), and dash (-) in user IDs. User IDs must start with a letter. Do not use spaces in the username.

create—Creates the user with no other information.

delete—Deletes an existing user.

fullname—Specifies a full name for this user. This full name appears on telephone displays.

group—Associates this user with an existing group.

language—Specifies a language for this user. Cisco Unity Express supports only one language installed on the system. This option cannot be changed.

password—Specifies a password for this user. The password value must be entered within quotation marks (" "). Spaces are not allowed. Acceptable password characters are lowercase letters a through z, uppercase letters A through Z, digits 0 through 9, and the following symbols: - , . + = _ ! @ # $ ^ * ( ) ? / ~ < > & %.

pin—Specifies a personal identification number (PIN) for this user. The user enters this number from the telephone when accessing the voice-mail system. The PIN may contain a maximum number of 16 digits. The asterisk (*) and pound sign (#) may not be used.

Step 2 

show users


show user detail username name


se-10-0-0-0# show user detail username user2

Displays a list of usernames for all configured users. This command does not display the details for the users.


Displays the detailed configuration information for the user with the name value.

Step 3 

copy running-config startup-config


se-10-0-0-0# copy running-config startup-config

Copies the configuration changes to the startup configuration.


The following output illustrates the show users and show user detail username commands:

se-10-0-0-0# show users

se-10-0-0-0# show user detail username user2
Full Name: User 2
First Name:
Last Name: user2
Nickname: user2
Language: en_US

Configuration Mode:

Command or Action

Step 1 

config t


se-10-0-0-0# config t

Enters configuration mode.

Step 2 

username name [create | phonenumber phone-number |
phonenumberE164 full-number]


se-10-0-0-0(config)# username user3 create

se-10-0-0-0(config)# username user3 phonenumber 71111

se-10-0-0-0(config)# username user3 phonenumberE164 13335550111

Creates the user with user ID name value. The optional parameters configure more information for the user:

name—User ID of the user. The user ID must be at least 3 and no more than 32 characters in length. Cisco Unity Express allows only letters, numbers, and the characters underscore (_), dot (.), and dash (-) in user IDs. User IDs must start with a letter. Do not use spaces in the username.

create—Creates the user with no other information.

phonenumber—Specifies a number or extension for this user. No spaces or dashes are allowed.

phonenumberE164—Specifies a telephone number with area code for this user. No spaces or dashes are allowed.

Step 3 



se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

Exits configuration mode.

Step 4 

show users


show user detail username name


se-10-0-0-0# show user detail username user2

Displays a list of usernames for all configured users. This command does not display the details for the users.


Displays the detailed configuration information for the user name value.

Step 5 

copy running-config startup-config


se-10-0-0-0# copy running-config startup-config

Copies the configuration changes to the startup configuration.


The following example illustrates configuring a user and the output from the show commands:

se-10-0-0-0(config)# username user3 create
se-10-0-0-0(config)# username user3 phonenumber 7654
se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit
se-10-0-0-0# show users
se-10-0-0-0# show user detail username user3
Full Name:          User 3
First Name:
Last Name: user3
Nickname: user3
Phone: 7654
Language: en_US

Adding and Modifying a Group

A group is a collection of users, usually with a common function or purpose, such as sales, main office, customer service, or technicians. A group has the following characteristics:

Members of the group can be individual users or other groups.

The group is assigned an extension. If the members of the group are configured with the extension as a shared line, then anyone who calls this extension reaches a member of the group.

The group usually has a mailbox assigned to it. This mailbox is called a general delivery mailbox. All members of the group access the mailbox to retrieve messages stored there. See "Types of Mailboxes" for more information about general delivery mailboxes.

At least one user must be designated as the owner of the group. The owner adds and deletes users from the group.

Members may belong to more than one group.

Members can be added to the group using the configuration mode groupname command or using the EXEC mode username command. See "Adding and Modifying a User" for details about the username command.

Note Users must exist before being added to a group. See "Adding and Modifying a User" to configure the user's detailed information.

Only members have access to the messages in a group's voice mailbox. The owner is not considered a member of the group. If the owner needs to access the group's mailbox, add the owner as a member of the group. (The owner's name appears twice in the group, once as a member and once as the owner.)

A group may be assigned a privilege level. The privilege level permits the members of the group to access all or a restricted set of administrative functions. Use the show privileges command to display the privilege levels installed on your system. Use the show groups privileges command to display the privileges assigned to each group. See "Privilege Levels for Users" for more information about privilege levels.

See "Software Licenses and Factory-Set Limits" on page 15 for the maximum number of groups, owners, and members permitted on your system.

The procedure described in this section allows you to create a new group in the system. Use the same commands to modify an existing group's properties.


The following information is required to define a group:

EXEC mode:

Name of the group

(Optional) Description of the group

(Optional) Full name of the group

Configuration mode:

Name of the group

(Optional) One or more member user IDs

(Optional) User ID of the owner

(Optional) Extension or telephone number of the group

(Optional) Full E.164 telephone number of the group

(Optional) Privilege level for the group


EXEC Mode:

1. groupname name [create | delete | description "description" | fullname "full-name"]

2. show groups
show group detail groupname name

3. copy running-config startup-config

Configuration Mode:

1. config t

2. groupname name [member username | owner ownername| phonenumber phone-number | phonenumberE164 full-number | privilege privilege-id]

3. exit

4. show groups
group detail groupname name

5. copy running-config startup-config


EXEC Mode:

Command or Action

Step 1 

groupname name [create | delete | description "description" | fullname "fullname"]


se-10-0-0-0# groupname sales fullname "Sales Department"

se-10-0-0-0# groupname sales description "Retail Sales Department"

se-10-0-0-0# groupname sales delete

Creates the group with group ID name value.The optional parameters configure more information for the group:

create—Creates the group with no other information.

delete—Deletes an existing group.

description—Specifies a description of the group.

fullname—Specifies a long name for the group.

Step 2 

show groups


show group detail groupname name


se-10-0-0-0# show group detail groupname sales

Displays a list of group names for all configured groups. This command does not display the details for the groups.


Displays the detailed configuration information for the group name value.

Step 3 

copy running-config startup-config


se-10-0-0-0# copy running-config startup-config

Copies the configuration changes to the startup configuration.


The following example creates a group and displays the output of the show commands:

se-10-0-0-0# groupname sales fullname "Sales Department"
se-10-0-0-0# groupname sales description "CA office"

se-10-0-0-0# show groups

se-10-0-0-0# show group detail groupname sales
Full Name: Sales Department
Description: CA office
Language: en_US

Configuration Mode:

Command or Action

Step 1 

config t


se-10-0-0-0# config t

Enters configuration mode.

Step 2 

groupname name [member username | owner ownername | phonenumber phone-number | phonenumberE164 full-number | privilege privilege-id]


se-10-0-0-0(config)# groupname sales member user1

se-10-0-0-0(config)# groupname sales owner user2

se-10-0-0-0(config)# groupname sales phonenumber 50120

se-10-0-0-0(config)# groupname sales phonenumberE164 12225550120

se-10-0-0-0(config)# groupname sales privilege ManagePrompts

Creates the user with user ID name value. The optional parameters configure more information for the user:

member—Associates an existing user as a member of this group. Repeat this command to assign multiple users to the group.

owner—Specifies the owner of the group. The owner is not considered a member. If the owner is to have access to the group's voice mailbox, also assign the owner as a member.

phonenumber—Associates a number or extension with this group. No spaces or dashes are allowed.

phonenumberE164—Associates a telephone number and area code with this group. No spaces or dashes are allowed.

privilege—Specifies the privilege level for the group. Members assigned to this group have the designated privilege rights.

Step 3 



se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

Exits configuration mode.

Step 4 

show groups


show group detail groupname name


se-10-0-0-0# show group detail groupname sales

Displays a list of group names for all configured groups. This command does not display the details for the groups.

Displays the detailed configuration information for the group name value.

Step 5 

copy running-config startup-config


se-10-0-0-0# copy running-config startup-config

Copies the configuration changes to the startup configuration.


The following example adds an owner and two members to the group sales and assigns sales a phone number:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# groupname sales member user1
se-10-0-0-0(config)# groupname sales member user2
se-10-0-0-0(config)# groupname sales owner user1
se-10-0-0-0(config)# groupname sales phonenumber 50120
se-10-0-0-0(config)# groupname sales phonenumberE164 12225550120
se-10-0-0-0(config)# groupname sales privilege ManagePrompts
sse-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

se-10-0-0-0(# show groups

se-10-0-0-0# show group detail groupname sales
Full Name: Sales Department
Description: CA office
Phone: 50120
Phone(E.164): 12225550120
Language: en_US
Owners: user1
Members: user1 user2

Creating and Modifying a Voice Mailbox

Assign a voice mailbox to a user configured in the Cisco Unity Express database. A mailbox user is either an individual or the owner of a user group. The user must have an assigned extension.

Not all users or extensions require a voice mailbox. To use mailboxes efficiently, consider the function or purpose of the user or extension before assigning the mailbox.

The commands to create or modify a voice mailbox are the same.

Types of Mailboxes

Cisco Unity Express supports two types of mailboxes:

Personal mailbox—This mailbox is assigned to a specific user and is accessible only by this user. When a caller leaves a message in this mailbox, the message waiting indicator (MWI) light turns on.

General delivery mailbox (GDM)—This mailbox is assigned to a group of users. (See "Adding and Modifying a Group" for the definition of group members.) All members in the group have access to the mailbox. When a caller leaves a message in this mailbox, no MWI is turned on. Instead, when a member logs in to the personal mailbox, the mailbox menu allows the member to access the messages in each GDM to which the member belongs. Only one person can access the GDM at a time. After the first person saves or deletes a message in the GDM, the message is no longer played as "new" for any subsequent members.

Mailbox Limitations

Mailboxes are assigned to an IP telephone under the control of the Cisco CallManager system that resides on the same router as the Cisco Unity Express module. IP telephones under the control of Cisco CallManager on another router need their own on-site Cisco Unity Express application.

Only the owner of a personal mailbox can delete messages in the mailbox. Members of a GDM can delete messages in the mailbox. The administrator cannot delete messages or display the length of time for which messages are stored in the system. When the mailbox owner logs in to the voice mailbox, the application notifies the owner of any expired messages. The owner can delete or save each message. If a message is saved from the expired messages menu, the expiry timer is restarted for that message.

Mailboxes can have different storage sizes. Consider the purpose of the mailbox when assigning a smaller or larger size than the default. The aggregate of all mailboxes cannot exceed the maximum storage allowed on your system. See "Cisco Unity Express Feature List" on page 2 for the mailbox storage capacity for your system, and use the show voicemail usage command to display the amount of storage already configured.


Verify that the users and groups that will have voice mailboxes are configured before using this procedure. If you have not created the users and groups, see "Adding and Modifying a User" or "Adding and Modifying a Group" or return to the Cisco Unity Express GUI for the procedures.

System-wide mailbox default values were configured during the installation process. If necessary, modify any of the following values for a specific mailbox:

Mailbox size

Expiration time

Message size

Use the show voicemail limits command to display the default values.

The default greeting type is standard. Modify this value if the user or group owner has recorded an alternate greeting.


1. config t

2. voice mailbox owner name [size seconds]

3. default parameter

4. description "text"

5. enable

6. expiration time days

7. greeting {alternate | standard}

8. mailboxsize seconds

9. messagesize seconds

10. (Optional) no parameter

11. tutorial

12. zerooutnumber "number"

13. end

14. exit

15. show voicemail {detail {mailbox | user} name | limits | mailboxes [idle days] | usage | users}

16. copy running-config startup-config


Command or Action

Step 1 

config t


se-10-0-0-0# config t

Enters configuration mode.

Step 2 

voice mailbox owner name [size seconds]


se-10-0-0-0(config)# voice mailbox owner user3

se-10-0-0-0(config)# voice mailbox owner sales

Creates a mailbox for the name value and with storage size seconds value, and enters mailbox configuration mode.

Step 3 

default parameter


se-10-0-0-0(config-mailbox)# default mailboxsize

(Optional) Resets the mailbox parameter to the default system value.

Step 4 

description "text"


se-10-0-0-0(config-mailbox)# description "User 3 mailbox"

(Optional) Enters a description of the mailbox. Use double quotes around the text.

Step 5 





se-10-0-0-0(config-mailbox)# enable

se-10-0-0-0(config-mailbox)# disable

Activates or deactivates the new mailbox or reactivates the disabled mailbox.

Step 6 

expiration time days


se-10-0-0-0(config-mailbox)# expiration time 10

Sets the number of days for which messages are stored in the mailbox. The default is 30 days.

Step 7 

greeting {alternate | standard}


se-10-0-0-0(config-mailbox)# greeting standard

Specifies which greeting to use when a caller reaches the mailbox. The mailbox owner can record standard and alternate messages from the telephone user interface (TUI). If the user has not recorded any messages, the default recording is used.

Step 8 

mailboxsize seconds


se-10-0-0-0(config-mailbox)# mailboxsize 300

Specifies the storage size of the mailbox, in seconds. This is the same as the size parameter.

Step 9 

messagesize seconds


se-10-0-0-0(config-mailbox)# messagesize 120

Specifies the maximum size of an incoming message, in seconds.

Step 10 

no parameter


se-10-0-0-0(config-mailbox)# no tutorial

Deletes or disables the mailbox parameter.

Step 11 



se-10-0-0-0(config-mailbox)# tutorial

Enables the mailbox tutorial program when the telephone user logs in to the voice-mail system for the first time. The default is enabled. If the tutorial command is enabled after the mailbox is configured, the tutorial will start again but will confirm the user's previous choices, rather than erasing them all.

Step 12 

zerooutnumber "number"


se-10-0-0-0(config-mailbox)# zerooutnumber "2100"

Specifies the extension where a caller is routed when a caller presses "0' to reach an operator after being transferred to a subscriber's mailbox.

Step 13 



se-10-0-0-0(config-mailbox)# end

Exits mailbox configuration mode.

Step 14 



se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

Exits configuration mode.

Step 15 

show voicemail {detail {mailbox | user} name | limits | mailboxes [idle days] | usage | users}


se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail detail mailbox sales

se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail detail mailbox user1

se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail detail user user3

se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail limits

se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail mailboxes

se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail mailboxes idle 5

se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail usage

se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail users

Displays voice mailbox properties.

detail—Displays the details for a configured mailbox or user with the name value. For a group mailbox, this is the name of the mailbox, not the owner of the mailbox. If a user is an owner of a group mailbox, details for both the user's personal and group mailboxes are displayed.

limits—Displays the default values for all mailboxes.

mailboxes—Displays all configured mailboxes and their current mailbox storage status. The idle parameter displays the mailboxes that have been inactive for at least the specified number of days.

usage—Displays how much of the system's voice-mail capacity has been used or configured.

users—Lists the local voice-mail users.

Step 16 

copy running-config startup-config


se-10-0-0-0# copy running-config startup-config

Copies the configuration changes to the startup configuration.


The following example configures a mailbox for a user and displays the output of the show commands:

se-10-0-0-0# config t

se-10-0-0-0(config)# voice mailbox owner user3
se-10-0-0-0(config-mailbox)# description "User 3 mailbox"
se-10-0-0-0(config-mailbox)# expiration time 10
se-10-0-0-0(config-mailbox)# greeting alternate
se-10-0-0-0(config-mailbox)# mailboxsize 480
se-10-0-0-0(config-mailbox)# messagesize 120
se-10-0-0-0(config-mailbox)# no tutorial
se-10-0-0-0(config-mailbox)# zerooutnumber "2100"
se-10-0-0-0(config-mailbox)# enable
se-10-0-0-0(config-mailbox)# end
se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail detail mailbox user3

Owner: /sw/local/users/user3
Type: Personal
Description: User 3 mailbox
Busy state: idle
Enabled: enabled
Mailbox Size (seconds): 480
Message Size (seconds): 120
Play Tutorial: false
Space Used (seconds): 0
Total Message Count: 0
New Message Count: 0
Saved Message Count: 0
Expiration (days): 10
Greeting: alternate
Created/Last Accessed: Oct 15 2003 04:38:28 GMT+00:00

se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail limits

Default Mailbox Size (seconds): 3000
Default Caller Message Size (seconds): 60
Maximum Recording Size (seconds): 900
Default Message Age (days): 30
System Capacity (minutes): 6000
Default Prompt Language: en_US
Operator Telephone: 7000

se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail mailboxes

"user3"  0 0 0 0 480 0 %

se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail mailboxes idle 3

"user1" 10 0 0 3000
"user2" 10 0 0 3000
"user3" 10 0 0 3000
"user4" 10 0 0 3000
"user5" 10 0 0 3000
"user6" 10 0 0 3000

se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail mailboxes idle 20


se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail detail user user3

-- Mailboxes owned --
"/sw/local/users/user3" User 3 mailbox
-- Mailboxes accessible --

se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail usage

personal mailboxes: 1
general delivery mailboxes: 0
orphaned mailboxes: 0
capacity of voicemail (minutes): 6000
allocated capacity (minutes): 8.0
message time used (seconds): 0
message count: 0
average message length (seconds): 0.0
greeting time used (seconds): 0
greeting count: 0
average greeting length (seconds): 0.0
total time used (seconds): 0
total time used (minutes): 0.0
percentage used time (%): 0

Unlocking a Voice Mailbox

If a mailbox becomes locked, the telephone user will hear a message stating that the mailbox is unavailable. Use the voice mailbox unlock command to unlock the mailbox.

Starting in Cisco Unity EXEC mode, enter the following command:

voice mailbox unlock {owner name | telephonenumber tel-number}


Name of the mailbox owner.


Extension or telephone number of the mailbox.


se-10-0-0-0# voice mailbox unlock owner user3
se-10-0-0-0# voice mailbox unlock telephonenumber 7654

This command is equivalent to the GUI operation of clicking the Unlock icon under Voice Mail > Mailboxes.

Refreshing Message Waiting Indicators

Occasionally the MWI lights on a user's telephone get out of synchronization with the voice message status of the mailbox. When this condition happens, the MWI light is lit although the mailbox has no new messages or the MWI light is not lit even though the mailbox has new messages.

Use the mwi refresh all or mwi refresh telephonenumber command to refresh the MWI lights and to synchronize the mailbox message status and MWI lights. If the user has no messages, the MWI turns off. If the user has voice messages, the MWI light turns on.

Starting in Cisco Unity EXEC mode, enter the following command:

mwi refresh all


mwi refresh telephonenumber tel-number

where tel_number is the telephone number of a specific extension.


se-10-0-0-0# mwi refresh all
se-10-0-0-0# mwi refresh telephonenumber 7654

This command is equivalent to the GUI operation of clicking the Refresh All or Refresh Selected icons under Voice Mail > Message Waiting Indicators > Refresh.


Posted: Fri Jan 13 03:56:26 PST 2006
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