
Table Of Contents

Networking Cisco Unity Express

Cisco Unity Express Networking Overview




Configuring Network Locations



Troubleshooting Commands

Downloading and Uploading Network Location Spoken Names


Downloading the Location Spoken Name

Uploading the Location Spoken Name

Disabling a Network Location



Adding Remote Users to the Local Directory

Impact of Remote Messages on the Local User

Configuring the Local Directory with Remote Users

Displaying Remote Users

Deleting Remote User Information

Downloading and Uploading Remote User Spoken Names


Downloading the Remote User Spoken Name

Uploading the Remote User Spoken Name

Configuring Caller ID for Incoming Messages

Enabling Caller ID on the Local System

Disabling Caller ID on the Local System

Configuring a Location with vCard Information

Enabling a Location to Receive vCard Information

Displaying vCard Status

Disabling Receipt of vCard Information

Configuring the LRU Cache

Enabling the LRU Cache

Disabling the LRU Cache

Displaying LRU Cache Data

Configuring Network Broadcast Messages

Configuring Broadcast Messages

Configuring the Broadcast Message VPIM ID for a Network Location

Enabling the MWI Lights for Broadcast Messages

Displaying Broadcast Messages

Deleting a Broadcast Message

Changing the Broadcast Message Start and End Times

Disabling the Broadcast Privileges for a Group

Disabling the MWI Lights for Broadcast Messages

Configuring Distribution Lists

Members of a Distribution List

Public Distribution Lists

Private Distribution Lists

Properties of Distribution Lists

Differences Between Cisco Unity Express and Cisco Unity Distribution Lists

Configuring Public Distribution Lists

Displaying Distribution Lists

Deleting Distribution Lists

Networking Cisco Unity Express

This chapter describes the procedures for configuring the networking capability on the local Cisco Unity Express voice-mail system and contains the following sections:

Cisco Unity Express Networking Overview

Configuring Network Locations

Downloading and Uploading Network Location Spoken Names

Disabling a Network Location

Adding Remote Users to the Local Directory

Downloading and Uploading Remote User Spoken Names

Configuring Caller ID for Incoming Messages

Configuring a Location with vCard Information

Configuring the LRU Cache

Configuring Network Broadcast Messages

Configuring Distribution Lists

Cisco Unity Express Networking Overview

Cisco Unity Express supports the Voice Profile for Internet Mail (VPIM) version 2 protocol to permit voice-mail message networking between Cisco Unity Express and Cisco Unity voice-mail systems that are not co-located on the same router or server. The voice-mail systems can reside on Cisco CallManager or Cisco CallManager Express call control platforms. Supported networked voice-mail configurations include:

Cisco Unity Express to Cisco Unity Express

Cisco Unity Express to Cisco Unity

Cisco Unity to Cisco Unity Express

Non-Delivery Record (NDR)

Voice-mail message networking uses Non-Delivery Records (NDRs) for handling undelivered messages. Currently, when a message cannot be delivered to a local subscriber, the sender receives an immediate notification of the reason. However, when sending to a remote subscriber, immediate feedback may not be possible due to repeated attempts to contact the remote location or to deliver the message.

After a specified amount of time, the sender receives a new voice-mail message indicating the reason for non-delivery. If non-delivery is due to the recipient's mailbox being full, nonexistent, or disabled, the non-delivery message includes the sender's original message. When the sender plays the NDR, the sender can readdress and resend the original message or delete the message.

Blind Addressing

When a subscriber sends a message to another subscriber on the same (local) Cisco Unity Express voice-mail system, the sender can address the recipient using spell-by-name or an extension number. The sender hears a confirmation of the recipient's spoken name, if it is recorded, or the recipient's extension number.

When a subscriber sends a message to a remote subscriber, the sender will not hear a confirmation of the recipient's name or extension. This is blind addressing. The address of the remote recipient is the location ID of the remote system plus the recipient's extension number at the remote location.

Spoken Name Confirmation for Remote Users

Beginning with Release 2.1, administrators or other privileged users can add remote users to the local directory using the Administration via Telephone (AvT) feature, which is part of the Telephone User Interface (TUI). Administrators can record spoken names for these remote users. The Cisco Unity Express network module (NM) supports up to 50 remote users; the Advanced Integration Module (AIM) supports up to 20 remote users.

This directory permits local voice-mail senders to address messages to the remote users using dial-by-name and to receive spoken name confirmation of the recipients. If a recipient is not in the directory, the sender receives the recipient's location ID and extension.

If the local system has vCard information enabled, incoming vCard information updates the remote user directory. The vCard information also updates a dynamic cache of remote users. This cache contains the first names, last names, and spoken names of remote users and is updated on a least recently used (LRU) basis. If a local sender addresses a voice message to a remote user who is not in the local directory but is in the LRU cache, the sender hears a spoken name for the remote user. If the remote user is not in the directory or the cache, the sender does not receive spoken name confirmation.


Cisco Unity Express—Configure the Cisco Unity Express system at each location for networking between the systems.

Cisco CallManager—Releases 3.3(3), 3.3(4), 4.0(1), 4.0(2), and 4.1(2) are supported.

Cisco Unity—Releases 4.03 and 4.04 are supported. You must configure VPIM networking on Cisco Unity, including the primary location for Cisco Unity and the delivery locations for remote Cisco Unity Express locations. See the documentation in the "Additional References" section on page 20 for more information.


Cisco Unity Express must be installed at each remote location.

Network connectivity between all Cisco Unity Express and Cisco call control system sites must be established.

Cisco CallManager and Cisco Unity Express Version Compatibility

Cisco Unity Express is shipped configured for interoperability with Cisco CallManager 3.3(3) and above. The following scenarios apply when installing Cisco Unity Express with a different version of Cisco CallManager, or upgrading the Cisco CallManager version:

If Cisco Unity Express is installed with Cisco CallManager 4.0, Cisco Unity Express will reload once after the reload that you initiate at the completion of the initialization wizard procedure.

If Cisco Unity Express is installed with Cisco CallManager 3.3, and Cisco CallManager is upgraded to version 4.0, then Cisco Unity Express reloads and updates its system files to work with the new version of Cisco CallManager. No further action from you is required.

If the Cisco CallManager version has changed due to a Cisco CallManager configuration, or a different version of Cisco CallManager is restored, you must perform a manual reload. Cisco Unity Express will then perform one additional reload after the user-initiated reload.


The VPIM version 2 protocol is supported only between Cisco Unity Express and Cisco Unity 4.0.3. Interworking with other voice-mail systems that use the VPIM version 2 protocol is not supported.

For Cisco Unity Express Release 2.0, network configuration is available only with the command-line interface (CLI). Network tracing is available using the CLI or the Cisco Unity Express graphical user interface (GUI). From the GUI, choose Administration > Traces. See the "Troubleshooting Commands" section for more information on trace options.

Configuring Network Locations

To configure network locations in Cisco Unity Express, perform the following tasks at each network location.


The following information is required to configure networking on Cisco Unity Express:

Network location ID number—Unique ID number for each location used by the voice-mail sender to send a remote message. The maximum length of the number is 7 digits. Release 2.0 supports a maximum of 500 locations.

(Optional) Location name—Descriptive name of the network location.

(Optional) Abbreviated location name—Abbreviated description of the network location.

E-mail domain name—E-mail domain name or IP address for the remote voice-mail system. The domain name is attached to the local voice-mail originator's extension when sending a VPIM message. The local system's e-mail domain name must be configured to receive remote voice-mail messages.

Voice-mail system telephone number prefix—Phone number prefix that is added to a local voice-mail originator's extension to create a VPIM address. A prefix is required only if an e-mail domain services multiple locations, and extensions between the locations are not unique. The maximum length of the prefix is 15 digits.

Length of the local voice-mail system extensions.

VPIM encoding scheme—Encoding scheme options for translating voice-mail messages at the local Cisco Unity Express system are dynamic, G.711mu-law, or G.726.

(Optional) Voice-mail spoken name capability—Enabling this functionality permits receipt of a voice-mail originator's spoken name, which is played at the beginning of the received voice-mail message.


1. config t

2. network location id number

3. name location-name

4. abbreviation name

5. email domain domain-name

6. voicemail phone-prefix digit string

7. voicemail extension-length number [min number | max number]

8. voicemail vpim-encoding {dynamic | G711ulaw | G726}

9. (Optional) voicemail spoken-name

10. end

11. network local location id number

12. end

13. show network locations

14. show network detail location id number

15. show network detail local

16. show network queues


Command or Action

Step 1 

config t


se-10-0-0-0# config t

Enters configuration mode.

Step 2 

network location id number


se-10-0-0-0(config)# network location id 9

Enters location configuration mode to allow you to add or modify a location.

number—A unique numeric ID assigned to the location. This number is used to identify the location and is entered when a user performs addressing functions in the telephone user interface. The maximum length of the number is 7 digits. Cisco Unity Express Release 2.0 supports up to 500 locations on a single system.

To delete a location, use the no form of this command.

Step 3 

name location-name


se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# name "San Jose"

(Optional) Descriptive name used to identify the location. Enclose the name in double quotes if spaces are used.

To delete a location name, use the no form of this command.

Step 4 

abbreviation name


se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# abbreviation sjcal

(Optional) Creates an alphanumeric abbreviation for the location that is spoken to a user when the user performs addressing functions in the telephone user interface. You cannot enter more than 5 characters.

To delete an abbreviation, use the no form of this command.

Step 5 

email domain domain-name


se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# email domain

Configures the e-mail domain name or IP address for the location. The domain name is added when sending a VPIM message to the remote location (for example, ""). If you do not configure a domain name or IP address, the Cisco Unity Express system at this location cannot receive network messages.

Caution To remove the e-mail domain name or IP address and disable networking, use the no form of this command.If you remove the e-mail domain for this location, and the location was also configured as the network local location (see Step 11), then if you save your configuration and reload Cisco Unity Express, the network local location will remain disabled. After Cisco Unity Express restarts, reenter the network local location id command to reenable networking at this location.

Step 6 

voicemail phone-prefix digit-string


se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# voicemail phone-prefix 484

Configures the phone number prefix that is added to an extension to create a VPIM address for a user at the location. A prefix is required only if an e-mail domain services multiple locations and extensions between the locations are not unique. Valid values: 1 to 15 digits. Default value: empty.

To delete a phone prefix, use the no form of this command.

Step 7 

voicemail extension-length {number | min number max number}


se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# voicemail extension-length 8

se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# voicemail extension-length min 5 max 9

Configures the voice mail extension length for the location.

number—Configures the number of digits contained in extensions at the location.

max number—Sets the minimum number of digits for extensions. Default value: 2.

min number—Sets the maximum number of digits for extensions. Default value: 15.

To remove the configuration for the number of digits for extensions, use the no form of this command.

Step 8 

voicemail vpim-encoding {dynamic | G711ulaw | G726}


se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# voicemail vpim-encoding G711ulaw

Configures the encoding method used to transfer voice-mail messages to this location.

dynamic—Cisco Unity Express negotiates with the location to determine the encoding method

G711ulaw—Cisco Unity Express always sends messages as G711 mu-law .wav files. Set this only if the receiving system supports G711 mu-law encoding (such as Cisco Unity).

G726—Cisco Unity Express always sends messages as G726 (32K ADPCM). Use for low-bandwidth connections or when the system to which Cisco Unity Express is connecting does not support G711mu-law.

Default value: dynamic.

To return to the default value for encoding, use the no form of this command.

Step 9 

voicemail spoken-name


se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# voicemail spoken-name

(Optional) Enables sending the spoken name of the voice-mail originator as part of the message. If the spoken name is sent, it is played as the first part of the received message. Default: enabled.

To disable sending the spoken name, use the no form of this command.

Step 10 



se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# end

Exits location configuration mode.

Step 11 

network local location id number


se-10-0-0-0(config)# network local location id 1

Enables networking for the local Cisco Unity Express system identified by the location ID number.

To delete the local location, use the no form of this command.

Caution If you delete the network local location and then save your configuration, when you reload Cisco Unity Express, the network local location will remain disabled. After Cisco Unity Express restarts, reenter the network local location id command to reenable networking at this location.

Step 12 



se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

Exits configuration mode.

Step 13 

show network locations


se-10-0-0-0# show network locations

(Optional) Displays the location ID, name, abbreviation, and domain name for each configured Cisco Unity Express location.

Step 14 

show network detail location id number


se-10-0-0-0# show network detail location id 9

(Optional) Displays network information for the specified location ID, including the number of messages sent and received.

Step 15 

show network detail local


se-10-0-0-0# show network detail local

(Optional) Displays network information for the local Cisco Unity Express location, including the number of messages sent and received.

Step 16 

show network queues


se-10-0-0-0# show network queues

(Optional) Displays information about messages in the outgoing queue that are to be sent from this Cisco Unity Express system. The queue information contains three displays: one for urgent job queue information, one for normal job queue information, and one for running job information.


The following examples illustrate the output from the show network commands on company ABC's call control system in San Jose with remote voice-mail provided by six remote Cisco Unity Express sites.

se-10-0-0-0# show network locations

ID NAME                          ABBREV DOMAIN
101 'San Jose'                      SJC
102 'Dallas/Fort Worth' DFW
201 'Los Angeles'                   LAX
202 'Canada'                        CAN
301 'Chicago'                       CHI
302 'New York'                      NYC
401   'Bangalore'                     BAN

se-10-0-0-0# show network detail location id 102

Name:                               Dallas/Fort Worth
Abbreviation:                       DFW
Email domain:             
Minimum extension length: 2
Maximum extension length: 15
Phone prefix:
VPIM encoding:                       G726
Send spoken name:                    enabled
Sent msg count:                      10
Received msg count:                  110

se-10-0-0-0# show network detail local

Location Id:                          101
Name:                                 San Jose
Abbreviation:                         SJC
Email domain:               
Minimum extension length:     2
Maximum extension length:     15
Phone prefix:
VPIM encoding:                        dynamic
Send spoken name:  enabled

The following example illustrates output from the show network queues command. The output includes the following fields:

ID—Job ID.

Retry—Number of times that Cisco Unity Express has tried to send this job to the remote location.

Time—Time when the job will be resent.

se-10-0-0-0# show network queues

Running Job Queue

107 VPIM 06:13:26 20 jennifer
106 VPIM 06:28:25 20 jennifer

Urgent Job Queue

123 VPIM 16:33:39 1 andy

Normal Job Queue

122 VPIM 16:33:23 1 andy
124 VPIM 16:34:28 1 andy
125 VPIM 16:34:57 1 andy
126 VPIM 16:35:43 1 andy

Troubleshooting Commands

To troubleshoot network configuration in Cisco Unity Express, use the following commands in EXEC mode.


1. trace networking smtp [all | receive | send | work]

2. trace networking vpim [all | receive | send]

3. trace networking sysdb [all]

4. trace networking dns [all]

5. trace networking database [all | connection | execute | garbage | largeobject | mgmt | query | results | transaction]

6. trace networking jobqueue [all | job number]


Command or Action

Step 1 

trace networking smtp [all | receive | send | work]


se-10-0-0-0# trace networking smtp all

Enables tracing for SMTP network functions.

all—Traces every SMTP activity.

receive—Traces SMTP receiving.

send—Traces SMTP sending.


Step 2 

trace networking vpim [all | receive | send]


se-10-0-0-0# trace networking vpimi all

Enables tracing for VPIM network functions.

all—Traces every VPIM activity.

receive—Traces VPIM receiving.

send—Traces VPIM sending.

Step 3 

trace networking sysdb [all]


se-10-0-0-0# trace networking sysdb

Enables tracing for sysdb events.

all—Traces every sysdb event.

Step 4 

trace networking dns [all]


se-10-0-0-0# trace networking dns

Enables tracing for DNS activities. Displays DNS lookups that are performed and results that are given when a user adds an e-mail domain to a location, and when a domain is verified and resolved using SMTP.

all—Traces every DNS event.

Step 5 

trace networking database [all | connection | execute | garbage | largeobject | mgmt | query | results | transaction]]


se-10-0-0-0# trace networking database results

Enables tracing for database functions. The following keywords specify the type of traces:

all—Every database event.

connection—Database connections.

execute—Inserts and updates performed on database.

garbage—Garbage data collection process.

largeobject—Large object reads and writes to the database.

mgmt—Database management processes.

query—Queries performed on the database.

results—Results of queries, inserts, and updates.

transactions—Start and end of database transactions.

Step 6 

trace networking jobqueue [all | job number]


se-10-0-0-0# trace networking jobqueue job 101

Enables tracing for the job queue.

all—Traces all jobs in the queue.

job number—Traces a specified job in the queue.

Downloading and Uploading Network Location Spoken Names

Use the Administration via Telephone (AvT) options to record the spoken names. Those name files are stored in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) on the Cisco Unity Express module. If you download the files to a server other than the Cisco Unity Express module, you can upload those spoken name files to another Cisco Unity Express module in the network.

The following sections describe this feature:


Disabling a Network Location

Uploading the Location Spoken Name


Network location ID

URL of the file with the recorded spoken name on the server

Login and password to the server

Downloading the Location Spoken Name

To download the network location spoken name, use the following command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode:

network copy spokenname url url location id location-id loginname server-login password server-password

where the command arguments are defined as:


URL to the spoken name file on the server.


Network location ID.


Server login.


Server password.

The following example uploads the spoken name file rename.wav for location 500:

se-10-0-0-0# network copy spokenname url ftp:/ location id 500 loginname admin password test

Uploading the Location Spoken Name

To upload the network location spoken name, use the following command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode:

network copy spokenname location id location-id url url loginname server-login password server-password

where the command arguments are defined as:


Network location ID.


URL to the spoken name file on the server.


Server login.


Server password.

The following example uploads the spoken name file rename.wav for location 500:

se-10-0-0-0# network copy spokenname location id 500 url ftp:/ loginname admin password test

Disabling a Network Location

Cisco Unity Express supports disabling a location from the Cisco Unity Express network. A new command is available to disable a network location from sending or receiving Cisco Unity Express voice-mail messages. This command does not delete the network location from the Cisco Unity Express database.

To re-establish voice-mail message transmission to and from the network location, use the enable command.


You will need the network location ID to disable a network location.


1. config t

2. network location id location-id

3. no enable

4. y

5. end

6. exit


Command or Action

Step 1 

config t


se-10-0-0-0# config t


Enters configuration mode.

Step 2 

network location id location-id


se-10-0-0-0(config)# network location id 15

Enters the location configuration mode for network location location-id.

Step 3 

no enable


se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# no enable

!!!WARNING!!!:Disabling location will disable networking to/from this location.

Do you wish to continue[n]?:

Disables the network location location-id from sending or receiving voice-mail messages.

Step 4 

Enter yes to disable the location.

Step 5 



se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# end


Exits location configuration mode.

Step 6 



se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit


Exits configuration mode.


The following example displays the details for network location 15 with networking disabled:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# network location id 15
se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# no enable
!!!WARNING!!!:Disabling location will disable
networking to/from this location.
Do you wish to continue[n]?:y
se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# end
se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit
se-10-0-0-0# show network detail location id 15

Name:                      houston
Abbreviation:              hou
Email domain:    
Minimum extension length:  2
Maximum extension length:  15
Phone prefix:              4
VPIM encoding:             dynamic
Send spoken name:          enabled
Send vCard:                enabled
State:                     disabled
VPIM broadcast ID:         vpim-broadcast
Sent msg count:            1
Received msg count:        1

The following example re-establishes voice-mail transmission to and from network location 15.

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# network location id 15
se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# enable
se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# end
se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

Adding Remote Users to the Local Directory

Cisco Unity Express permits the addition of remote users to the local voice- mail directory.

The local Cisco Unity Express directory allows inclusion of frequently addressed remote users. This capability allows a local voice-mail sender to address a remote recipient using dial-by-name. Additionally, the system provides the sender with a spoken name confirmation of the remote recipient so that the sender can verify that the name and location are correct.

Regardless of the license level, the network module (NM) supports a maximum of 50 remote users and the advanced integration module (AIM) supports a maximum of 20 remote users.

System administrators have a new menu option available on the Cisco Unity Express telephone user interface (TUI) to record the spoken name for the remote users. If a remote user does not have a spoken name recorded, the system uses the remote extension number and location as confirmation to the local sender.

If the vCard option is configured, the remote user's vCard updates the local system with the remote user's first name, last name, or extension.

The following sections describe this feature:

Impact of Remote Messages on the Local User

Configuring the Local Directory with Remote Users

Displaying Remote Users


Impact of Remote Messages on the Local User

Prior to Release 2.1, the local sender had to use blind addressing to send a message to a remote recipient. Now the local sender can use dial-by-name for the remote recipient's address. If a name or number conflicts with another, the system presents the sender with all conflicting addresses to make a selection.

The local sender hears the remote user's spoken name if it is configured by one of the following methods:

The spoken name is recorded on the local system.

The local system receives a message from the remote user, whose spoken name is recorded on the remote system, and the remote system is configured to send the spoken name to the local system.

If the remote sender's spoken name is not configured either locally or remotely, the local user hears the remote extension number and remote location name.

When a local user plays back a message from a remote user, the local user hears the remote sender's spoken name or remote phone number, spoken name of the remote office, the date, and the time that the message was sent. If the local system received the message more than 30 minutes after the message was sent, the local user also hears the time when the message was received. If the local user replies to this message, the local system automatically sets up the appropriate remote address information.

If the system cannot deliver a message to a remote site after 6 hours, the local user receives a non-delivery record (NDR) indicating that the message was not sent or that the message was not delivered to the recipient's mailbox. Beginning with Release 2.1, Cisco Unity Express adds a delayed delivery record (DDR), which is a notification left in the sender's mailbox after 60 minutes of trying to deliver the original message. Unlike the NDR, the DDR does not contain the original message as an attachment and does not count against the sender's mailbox capacity. Additionally, the DDR cannot be saved, only deleted. The system stores only one copy of a DDR for a particular message in the sender's mailbox. The user must delete the existing DDR in order to receive an updated DDR for the same message.

Configuring the Local Directory with Remote Users

Configuring remote users requires the following procedures:

Configuring the local system for networking.

CLI commands exist to configure the local and remote sites in the system. GUI screens are available to configure the location parameters.

Configuring vCard information on the local system.

See the chapter "Configuring a Location with vCard Information" for that procedure.

Adding the remote user information to the local directory.

This section describes this procedure.

Adding a spoken name and location for the remote user.

The administrator uses the TUI to record a spoken name for the remote user and a spoken name for the remote location.

Configuring the remote user can be done in the Cisco Unity Express configuration mode and the EXEC mode. Both modes permit adding the remote user to the local directory but have different capabilities for other user information. Use the remote username location command once, in either mode, to associate the remote user with a network location.

Configuration Mode

Use this Cisco Unity Express configuration mode procedure to configure remote users on the local system.


The following information is required to configure remote users on the local system:

Remote username

Remote user's extension number

Remote location ID


1. config t

2. remote username username location location-id created

3. remote username username phonenumber extension-number

4. exit


Command or Action

Step 1 

config t


se-10-0-0-0# config t


Enters configuration mode.

Step 2 

remote username username location location-id create


se-10-0-0-0(config)# remote username abrown location sjc create

Adds the user with username at the location location-id to the local directory.

An error message appears if one of the following conditions occurs:

A user, group, or remote user exists with this username.

The maximum number of remote users is already configured on the system.

location-id does not exist.

location-id is the local location.

Step 3 

remote username username phonenumber extension-number


se-10-0-0-0(config)# remote username abrown phonenumber 75555

Associates the remote user username with extension-number.

The local system does not verify the remote extension number.

An error message appears if one of the following conditions occurs:

username does not exist.

The length of extension-number does not fall within the maximum and minimum extension lengths for the user's location.

Step 4 



se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit


Exits configuration mode.


Use this Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode procedure to configure remote users on the local system.


The following information is required to configure remote users on the local system:

Remote username

Remote location ID

Remote user's first name, last name, and full name for display purposes


1. remote username username location location-id created

2. remote username username fullname display display-name

3. remote username username fullname first first-name

4. remote username username fullname last last-name


Command or Action

Step 1 

remote username username location location-id create


se-10-0-0-0# remote username abrown location sjc create

Adds the user with username at the location location-id to the local directory.

An error message appears if one of the following conditions occurs:

A user, group, or remote user exists with this username.

The maximum number of remote users is already configured on the system.

location-id does not exist.

location-id is the local location.

Step 2 

remote username username fullname display display-name


se-10-0-0-0# remote username abrown fullname display "Al Brown"

Associates the remote user username with a display name.

Step 3 

remote username username fullname first first-name


se-10-0-0-0# remote username abrown fullname first Al

Associates the remote user username with a first name for display.

Step 4 

remote username username fullname last last-name


se-10-0-0-0# remote username abrown fullname last Brown

Associates the remote user username with a last name for display.


The following example configures several remote users.

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# remote username asmith location sjc created
se-10-0-0-0(config)# remote username asmith phonenumber 84444
se-10-0-0-0(config)# remote username tbrown location sjc created
se-10-0-0-0(config)# remote username tbrown phonenumber 81111
se-10-0-0-0(config)# remote username jdoe location nyc created
se-10-0-0-0(config)# remote username jdoe phonenumber 92222
se-10-0-0-0(config)# remote username sjones location nyc created
se-10-0-0-0(config)# remote username sjones phonenumber 93333
se-10-0-0-0(config)# end
se-10-0-0-0# remote username asmith fullname display "Al Smith"
se-10-0-0-0# remote username asmith fullname first Al
se-10-0-0-0# remote username asmith fullname last Smith
se-10-0-0-0# remote username tbrown fullname display "Tom Brown"
se-10-0-0-0# remote username tbrown fullname first Tom
se-10-0-0-0# remote username tbrown fullname last Brown
se-10-0-0-0# remote username jdoe fullname display "Jane Doe"
se-10-0-0-0# remote username jdoe fullname first Jane
se-10-0-0-0# remote username jdoe fullname last Doe
se-10-0-0-0# remote username sjones fullname display "Susan Jones"
se-10-0-0-0# remote username sjones fullname first Susan
se-10-0-0-0# remote username sjones fullname last Jones

Displaying Remote Users

Several commands are available to display remote users.

Displaying All Remote Users

The following command displays all remote users configured on the local system:

show remote users

The output for this command may appear similar to the following:

se-10-0-0-0# show remote users


Displaying a Specific Remote User

The following command displays the details for a specific remote user:

show remote user detail username username

where username is the specific remote user.

The output for this command may appear similar to the following:

se-10-0-0-0# show remote user detail username asmith

Full Name: Al Smith
First Name: Al
Last Name: Smith
Nick Name:
Extension: 84444
Location Id: sjc

Deleting Remote User Information

Several commands are available to delete remote user information from the local directory.

Deleting an Extension Number

The following configuration mode command deletes a remote user's extension number:

no remote username username phonenumber extension-number

where username is the name of the remote user and extension-number is the remote user's extension.

The following example deletes extension 75555 from remote user Al Smith:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# no remote username asmith phonenumber 84444
se-10-0-0-0(config)# end

Deleting a Display Name

The following EXEC mode command deletes the remote user's display name:

no remote username username fullname display display-name

where username is the name of the remote user and display-name is the remote user's display name.

The following example deletes the display name from remote user Al Smith:

se-10-0-0-0# no remote username asmith fullname display "Al Smith"

Deleting a First Name

The following EXEC mode command deletes the remote user's first name:

no remote username username fullname first first-name

where username is the name of the remote user and first-name is the remote user's first name.

The following example deletes the first name from remote user Al Smith:

se-10-0-0-0# no remote username asmith fullname first Al

Deleting a Last Name

The following EXEC mode command deletes the remote user's last name:

no remote username username fullname last last-name

where username is the name of the remote user and last-name is the remote user's last name.

The following example deletes the last name from remote user Al Smith:

se-10-0-0-0# no remote username asmith fullname last Smith

Deleting a Remote User Entry in Local Directory

The following EXEC mode command deletes the remote user from the local directory:

no remote username username

where username is the name of the remote user.

The following example deletes the remote user Al Smith:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# no remote username asmith
se-10-0-0-0(config)# end

Downloading and Uploading Remote User Spoken Names

Use the Administration via Telephone (AvT) options to record the spoken names. Those name files are stored in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) on the Cisco Unity Express module. If you download the files to a server other than the Cisco Unity Express module, you can upload those spoken name files to another Cisco Unity Express module in the network.

The following sections describe this feature:


Downloading the Remote User Spoken Name

Uploading the Remote User Spoken Name


User name

URL of the file with the recorded spoken name on the server

Login and password to the server

Downloading the Remote User Spoken Name

To download the remote user spoken name, use the following command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode:

remote copy spokenname url url username username loginname server-login password server-password

where the command arguments are defined as:


URL to the spoken name file on the server.


Remote user ID.


Server login.


Server password.

The following example uploads the spoken name file abrown.wav for remote user abrown:

se-10-0-0-0# remote copy spokenname url ftp:/ username abrown loginname admin password test

Uploading the Remote User Spoken Name

To upload the network location spoken name, use the following command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode:

remote copy spokenname username username url url loginname server-login password server-password

where the command arguments are defined as:


Remote user ID.


URL to the spoken name file on the server.


Server login.


Server password.

The following example uploads the spoken name file abrown.wav for remote user abrown:

se-10-0-0-0# remote copy spokenname username abrown url ftp:/ loginname admin password test

Configuring Caller ID for Incoming Messages

Cisco Unity Express supports caller ID information for incoming voice-mail messages.

When receiving an incoming voice-mail message from an external caller, the system attempts to match the associated caller ID information with an entry in the local directory. If a match is not found and the system is configured to play caller ID information, the system plays the sender's telephone number in the message envelope when the recipient listens to that message. If the system is not configured to play caller ID information, the system plays "Unknown Caller" in the message envelope.

Cisco Unity Express does not verify that the caller ID information is valid. That function is dependent on the central office (CO) and the incoming trunk setup. Additionally, the local system plays caller ID information for Cisco CallMenager Express or Cisco CallManager extensions that are not configured in the local Cisco Unity Express directory.

The default caller ID status is disabled. Use the GUI Defaults > Voice Mail option or the CLI command described below to enable or disable playing of caller ID information.

Note An external call is any telephone number that is not listed in the Cisco Unity Express user directory. Possible sources of external calls are the local telephone company, an IP telephone, or an H.323 gateway. These sources must be configured to present caller ID information to the Cisco Unity Express system.

The following sections describe this feature:

Enabling Caller ID on the Local System

Disabling Caller ID on the Local System

Enabling Caller ID on the Local System

Use the following Cisco Unity Express configuration mode command to enable the playing of caller ID information in the message envelope of incoming external calls.

voicemail callerid

The following example illustrates enabling caller ID information on local system:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# voicemail callerid
se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

Disabling Caller ID on the Local System

Use the following Cisco Unity Express configuration mode command to disable the playing of caller ID information in the message envelope of incoming external calls.

no voicemail callerid

The following example illustrates disabling caller ID information on local system:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# no voicemail callerid
se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

Configuring a Location with vCard Information

Cisco Unity Express supports sending and receiving vCard information in voice-mail messages. A remote user's vCard information contains the user's first name, last name, and extension. Cisco Unity Express uses the vCard information from incoming voice profile for Internet mail (VPIM) messages and the recorded spoken name to populate and update a least recent user (LRU) cache with the remote user information. (For more information about configuring the spoken name, see "Adding Remote Users to the Local Directory".)

When addressing a message to a remote user, the local sender hears the spoken name as a confirmation of the intended recipient. The LRU cache is a source of the spoken name.

The maximum length of the LRU cache is 50 users on the network module (NM) and 20 users on the advanced integration module (AIM).

The following sections describe this feature:

Enabling a Location to Receive vCard Information

Displaying vCard Status

Disabling Receipt of vCard Information

Enabling a Location to Receive vCard Information

The remote location numeric ID is required to enable the location to receive vCard information.

The system default is to send the vCard information.


1. config t

2. network location id location-id

3. voicemail vcard

4. end

5. exit


Command or Action

Step 1 

config t


se-10-0-0-0# config t


Enters configuration mode.

Step 2 

network location id location-id


se-10-0-0-0(config)# network location id 15

Enters the location configuration mode for network location location-id.

Step 3 

voicemail vcard


se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# voicemail vcard

Enables the network location location-id to receive vCard information.

Step 4 



se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# end


Exits location configuration mode.

Step 5 



se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit


Exits configuration mode.


The following example enables receipt of vCard information to network locations 23 and nyc:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# network location 23
se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# voicemail vcard
se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# end
se-10-0-0-0(config)# network location nyc
se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# voicemail vcard
se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# end
se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

Displaying vCard Status

Several commands are available to display vCard status.

Displaying vCard Status For a Specific Location

The following Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode command displays details about a specific remote location:

show network detail location id location-id

where location-id is the remote location number.

The following example displays details about network location 15, which has vCard enabled:

se-10-0-0-0# show network detail location id 15

Name:                      houston
Abbreviation:              hou
Email domain:    
Minimum extension length:  2
Maximum extension length:  15
Phone prefix:              4
VPIM encoding:             dynamic
Send spoken name:          enabled
Send vCard:                enabled
State:                     enabled
VPIM broadcast ID:         vpim-broadcast
Sent msg count:            0
Received msg count:        0

Displaying vCard Status For the Local System

The following EXEC mode command displays details for the local Cisco Unity Express system:

show network detail local

The following example displays details for the local system with vCard enabled:

se-10-0-0-0# show network detail local

Location ID:               10
Name:                      SanJoseCA
Abbreviation:              sjc
Email domain:    
Minimum extension length:  2
Maximum extension length:  15
Phone prefix:              
VPIM encoding:             G726
Send spoken name:          enabled
Send vCard:                enabled
State:                     enabled
VPIM broadcast ID:         vpim-broadcast

Disabling Receipt of vCard Information

Use this procedure to disable receipt of vCard information.


1. config t

2. network location id location-id

3. no voicemail vcard

4. end

5. exit


Command or Action

Step 1 

config t


se-10-0-0-0# config t


Enters configuration mode.

Step 2 

network location id location-id


se-10-0-0-0(config)# network location id 15

Enters the location configuration mode for network location location-id.

Step 3 

no voicemail vcard


se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# no voicemail vcard

Disables the network location location-id from receiving vCard information.

Step 4 



se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# end


Exits location configuration mode.

Step 5 



se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit


Exits configuration mode.


The following command disables receipt of vCard information to network location nyc:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# network location nyc
se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# no voicemail vcard
se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# end
se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

Configuring the LRU Cache

Cisco Unity Express supports a least recent user (LRU) cache that contains vCard information about remote users. An LRU cache is a database of remote users' first names, last names, and spoken names. These remote users are not configured in the Remote User Directory. The users contained in the cache are referred to as cached users.

Network messages update the contents of the LRU cache. When a local sender addresses a voice-mail message to a remote user, the system accesses this information to send a spoken name confirmation about the remote user to the local sender. Each time a network message arrives from a cached user or each time a local sender sends a voice message to a cached user, the system updates the timestamp of the cached user's entry in the LRU cache.

The maximum capacity of the LRU cache is 50 users on the network module (NM) and 20 users on the advanced integration module (AIM). When the LRU cache reaches its maximum capacity, a new entry erases the existing entry with the oldest timestamp. This means that the next time a local sender calls a remote user, the sender will not receive a spoken name confirmation if the remote user is no longer in the LRU cache.

Do one or both of the following to avoid the inconsistent confirmation response:

To ensure that a sender always receives a spoken name confirmation for a remote user, configure the remote user in to the Remote User Directory.

Disable the LRU cache.

The LRU cache contents are saved after system reloads.

By default, the LRU cache is enabled on the local system. Use the GUI Defaults > Voice Mail option or the CLI commands described below to change the status of the LRU cache.

The following sections describe this feature:

Enabling the LRU Cache

Disabling the LRU Cache

Displaying LRU Cache Data

Enabling the LRU Cache

Use the following Cisco Unity Express configuration mode command to enable the LRU cache on the local system:

remote cache enable

The following example illustrates enabling the LRU cache on the local system:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# remote cache enable
se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

Disabling the LRU Cache

Disabling the cache clears all cache entries and prevents new user entries from being stored in the cache.

Use the following Cisco Unity Express configuration mode command to disable the LRU cache on the local system.

no remote cache enable

The following example illustrates disabling the LRU cache on the local system:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# no remote cache enable
se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

Displaying LRU Cache Data

Use the following Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode command to display the local system's LRU cache data:

show remote cache

The system displays the user ID, location, extension, and last accessed time for each cached user.

se-10-0-0-0# show remote cache

Remote user cache is enabled
3014001        sjc     5555         Tue Sep 21 10:38:28 PDT 2004
6661005        nyc     1111         Tue Sep 21 14:55:11 PDT 2004

Configuring Network Broadcast Messages

Cisco Unity Express permits sending broadcast messages to local and remote network locations. Cisco Unity Express permits users with the broadcast privilege to send local and network broadcast messages. Users obtain this privilege as members of a group that has the broadcast privilege.

Sending a broadcast message is available through the Cisco Unity Express telephone user interface (TUI).

The broadcast message sender has the option to re-address, re-record, and review the message before sending it out. The sender also has the option to set the number of days the broadcast message plays before the system deletes it. The maximum life of a broadcast message is 30 days. The default message lifetime is 30 days.

The sender can include any or all of the remote locations configured on the local system. The remote addresses can be location numbers or location names. When using the location name, the number of matches may resolve into several locations. If the number of locations is less than or equal to 4, the system gives the sender the option to select the exact location. If the number of matches is greater than 4, the sender has to enter more letters to narrow the search.

All subscribers at the remote location receive the broadcast message. The recipients hear the message immediately after logging in to their voice mailboxes. The recipients cannot interrupt the message with any DTMF key. Recipients can save or delete the broadcast message; they cannot reply or forward a broadcast message.

The system administrator at each location determines how or when the message waiting indicator (MWI) lights up.

It is possible for the MWI lights to turn on for a broadcast message on some systems but not for others.

The following sections describe this feature:

Configuring Broadcast Messages

Configuring the Broadcast Message VPIM ID for a Network Location

Enabling the MWI Lights for Broadcast Messages

Displaying Broadcast Messages

Deleting a Broadcast Message

Changing the Broadcast Message Start and End Times

Disabling the Broadcast Privileges for a Group

Disabling the MWI Lights for Broadcast Messages

Configuring Broadcast Messages

Perform the following procedures to configure broadcast messages:

Configuring a Group with Broadcast Privileges.

Configuring the Broadcast Message Length and Expiration Time

Configuring a Group with Broadcast Privileges

Use the following EXEC mode command to configure a group with broadcast privileges:

group group-name privilege broadcast

where group-name is the set of users who will have the capability of creating and sending broadcast messages.

The following example assigns the broadcast privilege to a group named managers:

se-10-0-0-0# group managers privilege broadcast

Configuring the Broadcast Message Length and Expiration Time

Use the following procedure to configure the local system for broadcast messages.


The following information is required to configure the broadcast message length and expiry time:

Broadcast message length, in seconds

Broadcast message expiry time, in days


1. config t

2. voicemail broadcast recording time broadcast-length

3. voicemail default broadcast expiration time broadcast-days

4. exit


Command or Action

Step 1 

config t


se-10-0-0-0# config t


Enters configuration mode.

Step 2 

voicemail broadcast recording time broadcast-length


se-10-0-0-0(config)# voicemail broadcast recording time 120

Specifies the maximum length of broadcast messages, in seconds. Valid values are 10 to 3600.

Step 3 

voicemail default broadcast expiration time broadcast-days


se-10-0-0-0(config)# voicemail default broadcast expiration time 90

Specifies the number of days to store broadcast messages. The maximum value is 30 days.

Step 4 



se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit


Exits configuration mode.


The following example sets the broadcast message length to 20 seconds and the expiration time to 2 days.

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# voicemail broadcast recording time 20
se-10-0-0-0(config)# voicemail default broadcast expiration time 2
se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

Configuring the Broadcast Message VPIM ID for a Network Location

Use the following procedure to configure the VPIM ID for broadcast messages for a network location.


The following information is required to configure the broadcast message VPIM ID for a network location:

Network location ID

Network location VPIM ID


1. config t

2. network location id location-id

3. voicemail broadcast vpim-id vpim-id

4. end

5. exit


Command or Action

Step 1 

config t


se-10-0-0-0# config t


Enters configuration mode.

Step 2 

network location id location-id


se-10-0-0-0(config)# network location id 15

Specifies the network location.

Step 3 

voicemail broadcast vpim-id vpim-id


se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# voicemail broadcast vpim-id 159a

Specifies the VPIM ID for the location. Valid VPIM IDs contain letters, numbers, and the special characters underscore (_), dash (-), and dot (.). The maximum length is 32 characters.

Step 4 



se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# end


Exits location configuration mode.

Step 5 



se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit


Exits configuration mode.


The following example sets the VPIM ID to ny-270 for network location 150:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# network location id 150
se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# voicemail broadcast vpim-id ny-270
se-10-0-0-0(config-location)# end
se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

Enabling the MWI Lights for Broadcast Messages

Use the following Cisco Unity Express configuration mode command to enable the MWI lights to turn on when a voice mailbox receives a broadcast message.

voicemail broadcast mwi

The following example illustrates enabling the MWI lights for broadcast messages:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# voicemail broadcast mwi
se-10-0-0-0(config)# end

Displaying Broadcast Messages

Several commands are available to display information about broadcast messages.

Displaying Current Broadcast Messages

Use the following EXEC mode command to display broadcast messages:

show voicemail broadcast messages

The output for this command may appear similar to the following:

se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail broadcast messages

Message ID:         JMX0824L4R4-NM-FOC08221WSQ-1103139552166-NBCM
Length(secs):       10
Start time:         21:12:54 Nov 23 2004 PST
End time:           11:48:06 Dec 4 2004 PST

Message ID:         JMX0824L4R4-NM-FOC08221WSQ-1103084723247-NBCM
Length(secs):       30
Start time:         08:41:09 Dec 7 2004 PST
End time:           09:00:00 Jan 3 2005 PST

Displaying Broadcast Messages Received Per Mailbox

The following command is modified to display broadcast message information:

show voicemail mailboxes

A new column BCST displays the number of broadcast messages received by the mailboxes. The output for this command may appear similar to the following:

se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail mailboxes

user1             16   16   0    0   4   3000    3000    100%
user2             16   16   0    0   4   3000    3000    100%
user3             16   16   0    0   4   3000    3000    100%
user4             16   16   0    0   4   3000    3000    100%

Displaying Broadcast Messages Received by the Voice-Mail System

The following command is modified to display broadcast message information:

show voicemail usage

A new row broadcast message count displays the number of broadcast messages received by the voice mail system. The output for this command may appear similar to the following:

se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail usage

personal mailboxes:                  120
general delivery mailboxes:          0
orphaned mailboxes                   0
capacity of voicemail (minutes):     6000
allocated capacity (minutes):        6000.0
total message time used (seconds):   7543
total message count:                 7001
average message length (seconds):    1.0774175117840308
broadcast message count:             4
networking message count:            0
greeting time used (seconds):        3
greeting count:                      1
average greeting length (seconds):   3.0
total time used (seconds):           7546
total time used (minutes):           125.76667022705078
percentage time used (%):            2

Deleting a Broadcast Message

Use the following EXEC mode command to delete a broadcast message:

voicemail broadcast message message-id delete

where message-id is the coded identifier for the message. Use the show voicemail broadcast messages command to obtain the message ID.

The following example deletes a broadcast message:

se-10-0-0-0# voicemail broadcast message JMX0824L4R4-NM-FOC08221WSQ-1103139552166-NBCM delete

Changing the Broadcast Message Start and End Times

Use the following EXEC mode commands to change the start and end times of a broadcast message:

voicemail broadcast message message-id starttime time date

voicemail broadcast message message-id endtime time date

where message-id is the coded identifier for the message, time is the time in the 24-hour clock format, and date has the format YYYY-MM-DD. Use the show voicemail broadcast messages command to obtain the message ID.

The following examples change the start and end times for a broadcast message:

se-10-0-0-0# voicemail broadcast message JMX0824L4R4-NM-FOC08221WSQ-1103139552166-NBCM starttime 10:00 2004-09-15

se-10-0-0-0# voicemail broadcast message JMX0824L4R4-NM-FOC08221WSQ-1103139552166-NBCM endtime 15:30 2004-09-16

Disabling the Broadcast Privileges for a Group

Use the following EXEC mode command to remove the broadcast privileges from a group:

no group groupname privilege broadcast

where groupname is the group to have the broadcast privileges removed.

The following example disables the broadcast privilege for the group named managers:

se-10-0-0-0# no group managers privilege broadcast

Disabling the MWI Lights for Broadcast Messages

Use the following Cisco Unity Express configuration mode command to turn off the MWI lights for broadcast messages.

no voicemail broadcast mwi

The following example illustrates disabling the MWI lights for broadcast messages:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# no voicemail broadcast mwi
se-10-0-0-0(config)# end

Configuring Distribution Lists

Cisco Unity Express permits configuration of distribution lists that allow users to send a voice-mail message to multiple recipients at one time. This section describes distribution lists and contains the following sections:

Members of a Distribution List

Public Distribution Lists

Private Distribution Lists

Properties of Distribution Lists

Differences Between Cisco Unity Express and Cisco Unity Distribution Lists

Configuring Public Distribution Lists

Displaying Distribution Lists

Deleting Distribution Lists

Members of a Distribution List

Members of a distribution list can be any combination of the following:

Local and remote users

A remote user that is statically configured on the local system can be a member of a distribution list. However, that remote user cannot own a distribution list on the local system.

General delivery mailboxes (GDMs)


Other distribution lists

Recursive distribution lists are permitted; for example, list A can be a member of list B, and list B can be a member of list A.

Blind addresses

Specify the location ID and extension of the blind address. The system verifies the location ID and the extension length.

Public Distribution Lists

All local users of the system can use a public distribution list in the address of a voice-mail message. Table 10 describes the features of a public distribution list.

Table 10 Features of Public Distribution Lists

Number Permitted

Maximum number of lists on the system


Cisco Unity Express supports up to 15 user-defined public lists. Local users who belong to the Administrators group or to any group that has the ManagePublicList privilege can create these lists.

The system generates a special list, the everyone list, which contains all the local users but no groups, GDMs, or other lists. The system automatically creates this list when the system receives a request for it. A user cannot manually add or delete members of this list.

Number of owners of a list

0 to 50

The 15 public lists can have owners. The everyone list cannot have an owner.

The owner can be any local user or group. If the owner is a group, all the members of the group are owners of the list.

The owners can edit or delete members of the list and can assign other owners to the list.

Members of the Administrators group are implicit owners of all public distribution lists and can edit any public list at any time. If all the owners of a list are deleted, the Administrator group continues to have ownership of the list.

Maximum number of list members on the local system


This total is the sum of all members in all public lists on the system, excluding the everyone list.

This maximum applies to all voice mailbox license levels.

Maximum number of list owners on the local system


This total is the sum of all owners of all public lists on the system, excluding the everyone list.

This maximum applies to all voice mailbox license levels.

Use the Cisco Unity Express graphical user interface (GUI), telephone user interface (TUI), or command-line interface (CLI) to create and manage public distribution lists.

Private Distribution Lists

Any local user can create private distribution lists that are visible and accessible only to the user. Table 11 describes the features of private distribution lists.

Table 11 Features of Private Distribution Lists


Owner of a private list

The owner of a private distribution list is the local user who created it. The owner of a private list cannot be changed.

If the local user is deleted from the system, the user's private lists are also deleted.

List creation and management

Use the GUI or TUI to create and manage private lists. No CLI commands are available to create or manage private lists.

Viewing private lists

The list owner and any local users who are members of the Administrator group or any group with the ViewPrivateList privilege can use the GUI to view the private lists that belong to a specific user. CLI commands are available to view private lists and their details.

Members of the ViewPrivateList or Administrator groups cannot create or modify a private list for a user.

Maximum number of private lists per user

A user can have a maximum of 5 private lists.

Maximum number of members per user

The sum of all members in a user's private lists is 50.

Maximum number of members on the local system

50*n, where n is the number of mailboxes (not users) allowed by the voice mailbox license level.

Properties of Distribution Lists

Cisco Unity Express distribution lists have the following properties:

Identification—Each list must have a unique name or number.

Valid names have a maximum of 64 characters and include the letters A to Z, a to z, digits 0 to 9, and the characters underscore (_), dot (.), and dash (-). Names must start with a letter. Do not use spaces in the name.

Valid private list numbers are 1 to 5.

Public list numbers have a maximum length of 15 digits. A list number can match the user's or GDM's telephone number but must not match another local public list number.

The system automatically assigns 9999 to the default everyone public list. An administrator can change this number using the GUI menu option Voice Mail > Distribution Lists > Public Lists. The 9999 number cannot be changed using TUI options or CLI commands.

Members—Distribution lists can comprise a variety of members: local users, remote users, blind addresses, GDMs, groups, and other lists.

A public list member can be another public list but may not be a private list.

A private list member can be any public list and may be another private list owned by the same user.

When a user addresses a voice message to a public or private distribution list, the system verifies that the list has members. If the list is empty, the system plays a prompt indicating that the list contains no members and does not allow the list to be used as a recipient of the message.

Spoken name—The owner of a public or private distribution list can record a spoken name for the list using the TUI. Recording or uploading the spoken name cannot be done through the GUI or CLI.

The default everyone public list has a spoken name by default. An administrator can change this name using the TUI.

Removal of a list member—If a local or remote user is removed from the system, the user is removed from all public and private distribution lists on the system. The user's private distribution lists are removed from the system and the user is removed as owner of any public distribution list. If the user was the sole owner of a public distribution list, the Administrator group assumes ownership of that list.

This same series of actions applies to the removal of a group, except for private lists (a group cannot own a private list).

Access to remote distribution lists—A local user cannot modify a remote distribution list and cannot use a remote distribution list as the recipient of a voice message.

Differences Between Cisco Unity Express and Cisco Unity Distribution Lists

Table 12 describes important differences between the Cisco Unity Express and Cisco Unity distribution lists.

Table 12 Differences Between Cisco Unity Express and Cisco Unity Distribution Lists 

Cisco Unity Implementation
Cisco Unity Express Implementation

Managing distribution lists through the TUI

Not permitted for public distribution lists.

Permitted for private distribution lists.

Permitted for public and private distribution lists.

Extra TUI menu options are available for managing public lists.

Key presses for private distribution lists are the same as for Cisco Unity.

Creating distribution lists

Created by the system.

No TUI options are available for users to create or delete distribution lists.

Created and deleted by the user using TUI menus.

Implicit list creation is available for both public and private lists. If a user tries to add a member to a nonexistent list, the system creates the list and adds the member to it. If a user tries to record the spoken name for a nonexistent list, the system creates the list and records the spoken name. In both cases, the user hears a prompt stating that a new list was created.

Removing members of a list

The system assigns a sequence of numbers to the list members' names and extensions. The user presses the sequence number to remove the member.

The user removes a list member by name or extension, similar to the dial-by-name and extension flow for addressing voice messages.

Adding private lists to another list

Not permitted.

A private list may be added to another private list owned by the same user.

Configuring Public Distribution Lists

Use this procedure to create public distribution lists.

Note Use the TUI or GUI to create private distribution lists. No CLI commands are available for private distribution lists.


Local and remote users must be previously defined on the system.

The following information is required to create a public distribution list:

List name and number

(Optional) List description—The description can have a maximum of 64 characters.

The following information is required to add members to a distribution list:

Member type (user, group, GDM, list, remote, or blind)

Member name or extension


1. config t

2. list name list-name number list-number create

3. list number list-number owner owner-ID

4. list number list-number member {member-name | extension} type {group | user | gdm | list | remote | blind}

5. (Optional) list number list-number description description

6. exit


Command or Action

Step 1 

config t


se-10-0-0-0# config t


Enters configuration mode.

Step 2 

list name list-name number list-number create


se-10-0-0-0(config)# list name engineers number 5 create

Creates a list named list-name with the number list-number.

list-number can be up to 15 digits in length.

An error message appears if list-name or list-number already exists.

An error message appears if the maximum number of public lists (15) already exists.

Step 3 

list number list-number owner owner-ID


se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 5 owner mbrown

Assigns an owner to the list. The owner can be a local user or a local group.

An error message appears if listnumber or owner-ID does not exist.

An error message appears if the maximum number of owners on the system (50) has been reached.

Use the no form of the command to remove the owner of the list.

Step 4 

list number list-number
member {member-name | extension}
{group | user | gdm | list | remote | blind}


se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 5 member wsmith type user

se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 5 member managers type group

se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 5 member sale type gdm

se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 5 member mylist3 type list

se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 5 member tjones type remote

se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 5 member abc5555 type blind

Assigns a member to the list. Valid member types include:

group—Local or remote group

user—Local user

gdm—Local or remote GDM

list—Any local public list that belong to the list owner

remote—Remote user

blind—Blind address of a remote user

Valid members include:

Local or remote user

Group ID

GDM name

Voice mailbox extension (blind address)

List number

List name

An error message appears if the list or member does not exist.

An error message appears if the maximum number of public list members (1000) has been reached.

Use the no form of this command to delete the member from the list.

Step 5 

list number list-number description description


se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 5 description "SJ Engineers"

(Optional) Adds a description to the public list. Enclose the description in quotes if the description is more than one word.

An error message appears if the list does not exist.

Use the no form of this command to delete the description.

Step 6 



se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit


Exits configuration mode.


The following example creates public distribution list number 5 for engineers:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# list name engineers number 5 create
se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 5 owner abcdef
se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 5 owner progmgrs
se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 5 member abcdef type user
se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 5 member xxyyzz type user
se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 5 member betamgrs type group
se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 5 member tech type gdm
se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 5 member nyc7777 type blind
se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

Displaying Distribution Lists

Several commands are available to display distribution lists and their members.

Displaying All Public Distribution Lists

The following Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode command displays all the public distribution lists on the local system:

show lists public

This command displays the lists in alphabetical order with each list name, number, and type, followed by the details of each list.

Output from this command may appear similar to the following:

se-10-0-0-0# show lists public

List number List Name Type
5                        engineers                Public
9999 everyone Public
Number: 5
Name: engineers
Type: Public
       abcdef        Local User
       progmgrs      Group
       abcdef        Local User
       xxyyzz        Local User
       progmgrs      Group
       techs         General Delivery Mailbox
       tech25        Remote User
       nyc5555       Blind Address

Displaying Details of a Public Distribution List

The following Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode command displays details of a specific public distribution list:

show lists detail public (name list-name | number list-number)

where list-name is the name of the list and list-number is the number of the list.

This command displays the list number, list name, list type, owners, and members of the list with their type categories.

Output from this command may appear similar to the following:

se-10-0-0-0# show lists detail public name engineers

Number: 5

Name: engineers 

Type: Public
     abcdef user
     progmgrs group
     abcdef user
     xxyyzz user
     betamgrs group
     techs gdm
     tech25 remote
     nyc5555 blind

The command show list detail public number 5 would display the same output as shown above.

Displaying an Owner's Lists

The following Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode command displays the public and private lists owned by a specific user or group:

show lists owner owner-id

where owner-id is the name of a user or group. An error message appears if owner-id does not exist.

This command displays the list number, list name, and list type for all the public and private lists that belong to the specified owner. The lists appear in alphabetical order, private lists first followed by public lists.

Output from this command may appear similar to the following:

se-10-0-0-0# show lists owner abcdef

Owner: abcdef
   List Number      List Name      List Type
   4                projectteam    Private List
   5                engineers      Public List
   25               managers       Public List

Displaying Details of a Private Distribution List

The following Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode command displays the details of a specific private distribution list for a specific user:

show lists detail private (name list-name | number list-number) owner owner-id

where list-name is the name of the private list, list-number is the number of the private list, and owner-id is the name of a user. An error message appears if list-name, list-number, or owner-id does not exist.

The list owner and local users who are members of the ViewPrivateList or Administrators groups can view the private lists that belong to a particular user.

This command displays the list number, list name, owner, members, and member types of the specified private distribution list.

Output from this command may appear similar to the following:

se-10-0-0-0# show lists detail private name projectteam owner abcdef
Number: 4
Name: projectteam
Type: Private
      tech1 user
      tech2 user
      testers group
      tech10 remote

The command show lists detail private number 4 owner abcdef would display the same output as shown above.

Deleting Distribution Lists

The TUI and GUI have options for deleting private and public distribution lists. Additionally, the CLI has a command for deleting public lists on the local system.

Use the following Cisco Unity Express configuration mode command to delete public distribution lists:

list number list-number delete

where list-number is the number of the public distribution list.

The following example deletes list number 10 from the local system:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 10 delete
se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit


Posted: Fri Jan 13 03:43:05 PST 2006
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