
Table Of Contents

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X -



aagent properties C-36

access control list, defined GL-1

access domains

creating 3-125, 4-51


reports 7-43

Topology Tool for ISC-VPN topology 3-44

ACL, defined GL-1

administration, overview 9-1

Administration tab 1-15

Aggregate view 3-48

antialiasing, defined GL-1

API, defined GL-1

appliances, Cisco CNS IE2100 A-1

Application Programming Interface, defined GL-1

area, defined GL-1

AS, defined GL-1

ASN, defined GL-1


CE roles 4-44

device roles 4-40

devices 3-36

PE roles 4-41

ATM, defined GL-1

ATMoMPLS, defined GL-1

AToM, defined GL-1


general device attributes 3-9


audience, for guide xvi

auditing, tasks 7-5

audit SR (TE), defined GL-1

auto bandwidth / auto-bw, defined GL-1

AutoDiscovery property C-1

autonomous system, defined GL-2

autonomous system number, defined GL-2


backing store, defined GL-2

baseline, defined GL-2

BECN, defined GL-2

BGP, defined GL-2

Border Gateway Protocol, defined GL-2

border router, defined GL-2


CAR, defined GL-2

CDP, defined GL-2

CDP discovery 4-17

CE, defined GL-2

CEF, defined GL-2

CERC, defined GL-3

CERC membership, defined GL-3


accessing the CE Routing Communities window 3-137

creating 3-138

deleting 3-139

CE routing communities (see CERCs) 3-136

CE Routing Communities window 3-137


assigning the CE role 4-44

editing the CE role 4-46

opening and editing 3-26

saving role assignment information 4-49

cfr properties C-37

CIM, defined GL-3

CIM-CX, defined GL-3

CIR, defined GL-3

Cisco CNS IE2100 appliances A-1

creating 3-96, A-1

plug-and-play A-7

Cisco Service Management, defined GL-3

Cleanup properties C-1


customer attributes 3-32

device attributes 3-12

provider attributes 3-22

collection zones 9-26


download 5-2

EXEC 5-10

startdb 2-1

startns 2-2

startwd 2-2

stopall 2-3

stopdb 2-3

stopns 2-4

stopwd 2-4

WatchDog 2-1

wdclient 2-5

wdclient disk 2-5

wdclient group 2-6

wdclient groups 2-6

wdclient health 2-6

wdclient restart 2-7

wdclient start 2-7

wdclient status 2-8

wdclient stop 2-10

committed access rate, defined GL-3

config button, used to view DCPL properties 9-23

configlet, defined GL-3

config task, for discovered devices 4-79


SSH 3-72

SSHv2 3-72

conformant tunnel, defined GL-3

Control Center, overview 9-21


Topology Tool 3-41


devices 3-104

templates 6-13

user roles 9-13

users 9-6

CORBA, defined GL-3

CPE devices (see CPEs) 3-116


creating 3-117

customer attributes 3-34

deleting 3-119

editing 3-118

creating 3-124

access domains 3-125, 4-51

Catalyst switch devices 3-80

CERCs 3-138

Cisco CNS IE2100 appliances A-1

CiscoCNS IE2100 devices 3-96

Cisco devices 3-85

Cisco IOS devices A-3

CPEs 3-117

customers 3-112

customer sites 3-115

custom reports 7-47

data files 6-13

device groups 3-106

devices 3-79

folders for templates 6-4

IP address pools 3-128

multicast pools 3-129

NPC rings 3-150

NPCs 3-146

object groups 9-16

PEs 3-124

provider regions 3-123

providers 3-120

resource pools 4-51

route distinguisher and route target pools 3-130

site of origin pools 3-132

tasks 7-3

templates 6-5

terminal servers 3-91

user groups 9-8

user roles 9-11

users 9-3

VC ID pools 3-134

VLAN pools 3-134

VPNs 3-141, 4-62

CSM, defined GL-3

customer, defined GL-3

customer edge router, defined GL-3

customer edge routing community, defined GL-3

customer network, defined GL-3


accessing the Customers window 3-112

CNS attributes 3-32

CPE attributes 3-34

creating 3-112

creating customer sites 3-115

deleting 3-114

editing 3-113

general attributes 3-29

interfaces 3-35

overview 3-111

password attributes 3-30

platform attributes 3-33

SNMP attributes 3-31

customer site, defined GL-3


data files, creating 6-13

data-link connection identifier, defined GL-4

data model, defined GL-4

dCEF, defined GL-4

DCPL properties

aagent C-36

AutoDiscovery C-1

cfr C-37

Cleanup C-1


DeploymentFlow C-8

Discovery C-8

DistributionFramework C-12


GTL C-14

GUI C-16

how to view 9-23

JavaWebStart C-19

lockmanager C-37

Logging C-19

nbi C-38

notification C-40

pal C-41

Provisioning C-20

repository C-41

Scheduler C-33

Services C-33

SLA C-31

SnmpService C-33


TaskManager C-36

TE C-34

TE Topology C-35

VpnInvServer C-36

watchdog C-44

xml C-54

DCS properties C-3


CERCs 3-139

CPEs 3-119

customers 3-114

device groups 3-109

devices 3-100

devices from NPCs 4-56

NPC rings 3-154

NPCs 3-150

object groups 9-17

providers 3-122

resource pools 3-136

rings from NPCs 4-56

SLA probes 7-31

tasks 7-7

templates 6-20

user groups 9-9

user roles 9-14

users 9-6

VPNs 3-144

DeploymentFlow property C-8

device.xml (file used in discovery) 4-22

Device/Topology Based Discovery, defined GL-4

Device Console 5-1

device configuration manager 5-8

download commands 5-2

download template 5-3

EXEC commands 5-10

reload 5-13

device groups

accessing the Device Groups window 3-106

creating a device group 3-106

deleting 3-109

editing 3-109

e-mailing device groups 3-110

overview 3-105


accessing the Devices window 3-77

adding to NPCs 4-54

adding to rings 4-55

assigning 3-36

assigning device roles 4-40

changing device assignments 4-40

Cisco CNS IE2100 appliances A-1

CNS attributes 3-12

CNS device access protocol A-3

collection zones for 9-26

commit discovered devices to the ISC repository 4-78

config task for discovered devices 4-79

configuring SSH or SSHv2 3-72

copying 3-104

creating 3-79

creating a Catalyst switch 3-80

creating a Cisco CNS IE2100 3-96

creating a Cisco device 3-85

creating Cisco IOS devices A-3

creating terminal servers 3-91

deleting 3-100

deleting from NPCs 4-56

determining device roles through discovery 4-41

device configuration manager 5-8

editing 3-97

editing device configurations 3-101

editing device configurations for discovery 4-31

e-mailing a device owner 3-103

enabling RTR responder 3-77

general attributes 3-9

importing 3-6

initiating role assignment 4-38

interfaces 3-14

logical 3-57

opening and editing 3-7

password attributes 3-10

physical 3-58

platform attributes 3-14

properties 3-57

saving configurations for discovery 4-37

setting general attributes for discovery 4-35

setting up SNMP 3-75

SNMP attributes 3-11

viewing properties 3-56

working with 3-71

Devices window, accessing 3-77

DHCP, defined GL-4

diagnostics, overview 8-1

Diagnostics tab 1-14, 8-1

disabling, SLA probes 7-34


assigning devices individually or in bulk 4-40

assigning the CE role 4-44

assigning the PE role 4-41

CDP 4-17

changing device assignments 4-40

changing the device assignment display 4-39

CNS attributes 4-36

commit devices and services to the ISC repository 4-78

config task for discovered devices 4-79

data collection 4-37

determine device roles 4-41

device.xml file 4-22

device role assignment 4-37

editing device configurations 4-31

editing the CE role 4-46

editing the PE role 4-43

edit services 4-79

end-to-end wires, deleting 4-74

end-to-end wires, editing 4-72

end-to-end wires, joining 4-74

end-to-end wires, splitting 4-73

end-to-end wires, viewing discovered end-to-end wires 4-70

general device attributes 4-35

general notes 4-6

initiating role assignment 4-38

installing licenses 4-17

issues in large networks 4-17

L2VPNs 4-7, 4-66

deleting discovered services by VPN 4-70

editing discovered services by VPN 4-69

saving policies and initiating service creation 4-78

viewing discovered services by VPN 4-67

MDE 4-7

MPLS VPN, service creation 4-65


MPLS VPNs, saving 4-65

MPLS VPN service discovery 4-57

NPC assignment 4-52

NPCs 4-50

overview 4-1

password attributes 4-33

performing 4-25

policy.xml file 4-19

preliminary steps 4-15

saving device configurations 4-37

saving role assignment information 4-49

starting 4-26

summary of tasks for MPLS VPN and L2VPN discovery 4-8

summary tasks for MDE discovery 4-12

system requirements 4-16

technical notes 4-5

TEM 4-8

topology.xml file 4-23

using the discovery log files 4-6

view services 4-79

VPLS links, deleting 4-77

VPLS links, editing 4-76

VPLS links, viewing 4-74

XML file samples 4-19

XML files required for 4-19

Discovery properties C-8

DistributionFramework properties C-12

DLCI, defined GL-4

DMTF, defined GL-4

DNS, defined GL-4

documentation xv

documentation, organization xvii

document type definition, defined GL-4

Domain Naming System, defined GL-4

double buffer, defined GL-4

DRAM, defined GL-4

DSCP, defined GL-4

DTD, defined GL-4

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, defined GL-4

dynamic path, defined GL-4

dynamic random-access memory, defined GL-4


EBGP, defined GL-5


CEs 3-26

CPEs 3-118

customers 3-113

device configurations 3-101

device configurations for discovery 4-31

device groups 3-109

devices 3-7, 3-97

discovered services 4-79

inter-N-PE interfaces 4-51

NPC rings 3-154

object groups 9-17

PEs 3-16

providers 3-121

templates 6-18

user groups 9-8

user roles 9-14

users 9-6

egress, defined GL-5

E-LAN, defined GL-5

E-Line, defined GL-5

e-mailing, reports 7-46

EMS, defined GL-5


RTR responder 3-77

SLA probes 7-32

traps 7-33

end-to-end wires


deleting 4-74

editing 4-72

joining 4-74

splitting 4-73

EPL, defined GL-5

ERMS, defined GL-5

ERS, defined GL-5

Ethernet LAN Service Type, defined GL-5

Ethernet Line Service Type, defined GL-5

Ethernet Multipoint Service, defined GL-5

Ethernet Private Line, defined GL-5

Ethernet Relay Multipoint Service, defined GL-5

Ethernet Relay Service, defined GL-5

Ethernet Virtual Connection, defined GL-5

Ethernet Wire Service, defined GL-5

EVC, defined GL-5

EWS, defined GL-5, GL-6

examples, templates 6-22

EXEC command 5-10


reports 7-46

templates 6-36

Extensible Markup Language, defined GL-6

exterior border gateway protocol, defined GL-6


Fast Re-Route (FRR) protection, defined GL-6


for reports 7-43

MPLS VPN view 4-59

topology views 3-63

filters 1-7


copying template folders 6-4

creating 6-4

FRoMPLS, defined GL-6


getting started 1-1

Gigabit Switch Router, defined GL-6

global pool, defined GL-6

graphical user interface (see GUI elements) 1-1

grooming, defined GL-6

GSAM property C-14

GSR, defined GL-6

GTL properties C-14

GUI elements

about 1-6

accounts 1-5

Administration tab 1-15, 9-1

auto refresh 1-8

color coding 1-8

common components 1-7

customer 1-6

Device Console 5-1

Diagnostics tab 1-14, 8-1

filters 1-7

go to page 1-7

header row check box 1-7

help 1-6

home 1-3

icons 1-10

index 1-5

introduction 1-1

links 1-3

logout 1-6

Monitoring tab 1-13

Product Category tabs 1-3

rows per page 1-7

Security window 9-1

Service Design tab 1-12, 6-1

Service Inventory tab 1-10

shortcuts 1-3

structural overview 1-2

using the reports GUI 7-43

GUI properties C-16


help, invoking help for reports 7-47

hold priority, defined GL-6


details 9-22

viewing status information 9-21

HTTP, defined GL-6

HTTPS, defined GL-6

Hyper text Transfer Protocol, defined GL-6


IANA, defined GL-7

IBGP, defined GL-7

ICMP, defined GL-7

icons 1-10

IDL, defined GL-7


devices 3-6

templates 6-36

information model, defined GL-7

ingress, defined GL-7


licences 4-17

license keys 9-28

Interface Definition Language, defined GL-7

interfaces 3-59

customers 3-35

devices 3-14

provider 3-25

interior border gateway protocol, defined GL-7

Internet Control Message Protocol, defined GL-7

internet-service provider, defined GL-7

inter-switch link, defined GL-7

Inventory and Connection Manager 3-1

Inventory Manager 3-5

Inventory Manager window 3-5


configuring SSH or SSHv2 on Cisco IOS XR routers 3-73

IP address pools, creating 3-128

IPv4, defined GL-7

IPv6, defined GL-7


service discovery (see discovery) 4-1

XML reference B-1

ISC, defined GL-7

ISC Discovery, defined GL-7

ISC-VPN topology, accessing 3-44

ISL, defined GL-7

ISP, defined GL-7


JavaWebStart properties C-19


L2TPv3, defined GL-8

L2VPN, defined GL-8


deleting discovered services by VPN 4-70

discovery 4-7, 4-8, 4-66

editing discovered services by VPN 4-69

saving policies and initiating service creation 4-78

viewing discovered services by VPN 4-67

label-switched path, defined GL-8

launching, Topology Tool 3-39

layers 3-69


installing license keys 9-28

required for discovery 4-17


properties 3-60

viewing 3-56

viewing VPN link details 4-64

link speed factor, defined GL-8

lockmanager properties C-37

log files, using for discovery 4-6

logging out 1-6

Logging properties C-19


devices 3-57

view 3-52


task logs 7-7

user access logs 9-31

viewing master server logs 9-26

watchdog 9-25

LSP, defined GL-8


macros, using in templates D-9

managed tunnel, defined GL-8

manage lock, defined GL-8

management information base, defined GL-8


object groups 9-15

TIBCO rendezvous 9-33

user groups 9-7

user roles 9-9

users 9-2

maps 3-67

adding new maps 3-71

data 3-70

loading 3-68

master servers (see servers) 9-24

MCE, defined GL-8


discovery 4-12

MDE, discovery 4-7

Metro Ethernet, defined GL-8

MIB, defined GL-8

MLPPP, defined GL-8

monitoring, overview 7-1

Monitoring tab 1-13

MPE, defined GL-8

MPLS, defined GL-8

MPLS Diagnostics Expert (see MDE) 4-7

MPLS TE tunnel, defined GL-8

MPLS VPN, defined GL-9


filtering the MPLS VPN view 4-59

properties 3-62

service discovery 4-57

MPLS VPNs (see also VPNs) 4-6

multicast pools, creating 3-129

multilink point-to-point protocol, defined GL-9

multipoint-to-multipoint, defined GL-9

multi protocol label switching, defined GL-9

multi protocol label switching virtual private network, defined GL-9

Multi-VRF CE, defined GL-9


named physical circuits (see NPCs) 3-144

Named Physical Circuits Window 3-145

nbi properties C-38

network, defined GL-9

Network-facing Provider Edge, defined GL-9

network management subnet, defined GL-9

nodes, locations of 3-70

non-conformant tunnel, defined GL-9

notification properties C-40


accessing the Named Physical Circuits Window 3-145

adding devices to 4-54

adding rings to 4-55

creating 3-146

creating NPC rings 3-150

deleting 3-150

deleting a device or a ring 4-56

deleting NPC rings 3-154

discovering 4-50

editing NPC rings 3-154

inserting a device 4-56

inserting a ring 4-56

saving configurations 4-57

starting assignment of NPCs for discovery 4-52

N-PE, defined GL-9

N-PEs, editing inter-N-PE interfaces 4-51


object groups

creating 9-16

deleting 9-17

editing 9-17

managing 9-15

objective, of guide xv

operations support system, defined GL-10

OSS, defined GL-10


reports fields 7-44

using output from reports 7-45


PAD, defined GL-10

pal properties C-41


customer attributes 3-30

device attributes 3-10

provider attributes 3-19

setting attributes for discovery 4-33

PE, defined GL-10

PE-AGG, defined GL-10

permanent virtual circuit, defined GL-10

PEs 3-124

assigning the PE role 4-41

editing the PE role 4-43

opening and editing 3-16

provider attributes 3-24

saving role assignment information 4-49


devices 3-58

view 3-55

ping 7-8


customer attributes 3-33

device attributes 3-14

provider attributes 3-23

plug-and-play, for Cisco CNS IE2100 appliances A-7

Point-to-Point Ethernet, defined GL-10

policies 6-1

policy.xml (file used in discovery) 4-19

printing, reports 7-46

probes (see also SLA probes) 7-12

projection (topology map), defined GL-10

propagation delay, defined GL-10

properties 3-59

aagent C-36

AutoDiscovery C-1

cfr C-37

Cleanup C-1


DeploymentFlow C-8

devices 3-57

Discovery C-8

DistributionFramework C-12


GTL C-14

GUI C-16

JavaWebStart C-19

links 3-60

lockmanager C-37

Logging C-19

nbi C-38

notification C-40

pal C-41

Provisioning C-20

repository C-41

Scheduler C-33

Services C-33

SLA C-31

SnmpService C-33


TaskManager C-36

TE C-34

TE Topology C-35

VpnInvServer C-36

watchdog C-44

xml C-54

properties (see DCPL properties) C-1

provider, defined GL-10

Provider Administrative Domain, defined GL-10

Provider edge aggregation, defined GL-10

provider edge router, defined GL-10

provider network, defined GL-11


accessing the Providers window 3-120

CNS attributes 3-22

creating 3-120

creating access domains 3-125

creating PE devices 3-124

creating provider regions 3-123

deleting 3-122

editing 3-121

general attributes 3-18

interfaces 3-25

overview 3-119

password attributes 3-19

PE attributes 3-24

platform attributes 3-23

SNMP attributes 3-21

Providers window 3-120

Provisioning properties C-20

PVC, defined GL-11


QoS, defined GL-11

quality of Service, defined GL-11


RD, defined GL-11

region, defined GL-11

regions, creating provider regions 3-123

related documentation xv


accessing 7-43

CoS report 7-40

custom reports, creating 7-47

e-mailing 7-46

exporting 7-46

filters 7-43

HTTP Cos 7-41

HTTP report 7-39

invoking help 7-47

jitter CoS report 7-41

jitter report 7-39

layout 7-43

output fields 7-44

overview 7-41, 7-42

printing 7-46

running 7-44

SLA probes 7-36

sorting 7-44

summary report 7-36

using output from 7-45

using the reports GUI 7-43

repository properties C-41

repository variables, summary 6-23

Residual Bandwidth Reservation, defined GL-11

resource pools

accessing the Resource Pools window 3-127

creating 4-51

creating IP address pools 3-128

creating multicast pools 3-129

creating route distinguisher and route target pools 3-130

creating site of origin pools 3-132

creating VC ID pools 3-134

creating VLAN pools 3-134

deleting 3-136

overview 3-126

Resource Pools window 3-127

response time reporter, defined GL-11

RG, defined GL-11


deleting from NPCs 4-56

inserting into NPCs 4-56

RIP, defined GL-11

roles, assignment with discovery 4-37

round-trip time, defined GL-11

route distinguisher, defined GL-11

route distinguisher pools, creating 3-130

Route Generator, defined GL-11

route target, defined GL-11

route target pools, creating 3-130

Routing Information Protocol, defined GL-11

RT, defined GL-11

RTR, defined GL-12

RTT, defined GL-12

rules, XML B-1

running, reports 7-44


SAAgent, defined GL-12

saving, NPC configurations 4-57

Scheduler properties C-33

scheduling, tasks 7-6

schema, defined GL-12

searching, topology views 3-66

Security window 9-1

seed router, defined GL-12


collection zones 9-26

creating terminal servers 3-91

logs 9-26

viewing status information 9-24

Service Assurance Agent, defined GL-12

service design

policies 6-1

templates 6-2

Service Design tab 1-12, 6-1

service discovery, overview 4-1

Service Inventory tab 1-10, 3-1

service level agreement (see SLAs) 7-11

service level agreement, defined GL-12

service requests 3-2

Services property C-33

setup priority, defined GL-12

Shared-Risk Link Group, defined GL-12

site, defined GL-12

site of origin pools, creating 3-132

SLA, defined GL-12

SLA probes

deleting 7-31

disabling 7-34

enabling 7-32

HTTP CoS report 7-41

HTTP report 7-39

jitter CoS report 7-41

jitter report 7-39

protocols supported 7-24

reports 7-36

summary CoS report 7-40

summary report 7-36

traps, disabling 7-35

traps, enabling 7-33

viewing details 7-30


overview 7-11

probes (see SLA probes) 7-12

properties of C-31

setup tasks 7-12


customer attributes 3-31

device attributes 3-11

provider attributes 3-21

setting up on devices 3-75

SNMP, defined GL-12

SnmpService properties C-33

SOAP, defined GL-12

sorting, reports 7-44

SP, defined GL-12

splitting, VPNs 4-59

SRLG, defined GL-12

SSH, configuring 3-72

SSHv2, configuring 3-72

startdb command 2-1

starting, Task Manager 7-2

startns command 2-2

startwd command 2-2

Static route, defined GL-12


viewing host status 9-21

viewing server status 9-24

stopall command 2-3

stopdb command 2-3

stopns command 2-4

stopwd command 2-4

storm control, defined GL-12

sub pool, defined GL-13

subtemplates, how to use D-10

switch, creating Catalyst switch devices 3-80

system path, defined GL-13

SYSTEM properties C-31

system recommendations 1-1

system requirements, for discovery 4-16


tags, XML B-1

target, defined GL-13

target language, defined GL-13

Task Manager

auditing tasks 7-5

creating tasks 7-3

deleting tasks 7-7

displaying task details 7-6

logs 7-7

overview 7-1

properties C-36

scheduling tasks 7-6

starting 7-2

tasks 7-2

tasks 7-2

auditing 7-5

config task for discovered devices 4-79

creating 7-3

deleting 7-7

displaying task details 7-6

TCP, defined GL-13


properties C-34

Topology properties C-35

TE, defined GL-13

TE discovery, defined GL-13

TE explicit path, defined GL-13

TE functional audit, defined GL-13

TE link, defined GL-13

TEM, defined GL-13

TEM, discovery 4-8

TE metric, defined GL-13

Template Manager, troubleshooting D-1


copying 6-13

copying folders 6-4

creating 6-5

creating folders 6-4

deleting 6-20

download 5-3

editing 6-18

examples 6-22

importing and exporting 6-36

listing associated service requests 6-21

overview 6-2

repository variables 6-23

templates tree and data pane 6-3

troubleshooting D-1

using macros D-9

using strings D-8

using subtemplates D-10

TE node, defined GL-13

TE policy, defined GL-13

TE provider, defined GL-13

terminal servers, creating 3-91

TE topology, defined GL-13

TE traffic admission, defined GL-13

TE tunnel, defined GL-13

TIBCO rendezvous, managing 9-33

tools, topology (see Topology Tool) 3-38


logical devices 3-57

tool (see Topology Tool) 3-38

VPLS 3-50

topology.xml (file used in discovery) 4-23

Topology Tool 3-38

adding new maps 3-71

Aggregate view 3-48

conventions 3-41

device and link properties 3-56

device properties 3-57

filtering views 3-63

interface properties 3-59

introduction 3-39

launching 3-39

layers 3-69

links properties 3-60

loading maps 3-68

logical view 3-52

map data 3-70

maps 3-67

MPLS VPN properties 3-62

node locations 3-70

physical devices 3-58

physical view 3-55

searching views 3-66

views 3-46

VPLS view 3-50

VPN view 3-47

traffic engineering, performance report 7-41

Traffic Engineering Management (see also TEM) 3-5

Transmission Control Protocol, defined GL-14


disabling 7-35

enabling 7-33

troubleshooting, templates D-1

tunnel audit, defined GL-14

tunnel placement, defined GL-14

tunnel repair, defined GL-14


UDP, defined GL-14

unmanaged tunnel, defined GL-14

U-PE, defined GL-14

User Datagram Protocol, defined GL-14

User-facing Provider Edge, defined GL-14

user groups

creating 9-8

deleting 9-9

editing 9-8

managing 9-7

user role, defined GL-14

user roles

copying 9-13

creating 9-11

deleting 9-14

design example 9-18

editing 9-14

managing 9-9


communicating with active users 9-30

copying 9-6

creating 9-3

deleting 9-6

editing 9-6

managing 9-2

user access log 9-31

viewing activity of 9-31

viewing details of 9-3


VCI, defined GL-14

VC ID pools, creating 3-134

view, VPN 3-47


details of SLA probes 7-30

device and link properties 3-56

discovered services 4-79

user details 9-3


Aggregate 3-48

logical 3-52

physical 3-55

types of views 3-46

virtual channel identifier, defined GL-14

virtual LAN, defined GL-14

virtual path identifier, defined GL-14

virtual private network, defined GL-14

VLAN, defined GL-14

VLANs pools, creating 3-134

VLAN Translation, defined GL-15

VoIP, defined GL-15

VPI, defined GL-15

VPIM, defined GL-15

VPLS, defined GL-15

VPLS, topology 3-50

VPLS links

deleting 4-77

editing 4-76

viewing 4-74

VPN, defined GL-15

VPN customer, defined GL-15

VpnInvServer properties C-36

VPN routing/forwarding instance, defined GL-15


accessing the VPNs window 3-140

creating 3-141, 4-62

deleting 3-144

discovery 4-6, 4-8

MPLS VPN properties 3-62

overview 3-140

service discovery 4-57

splitting 4-59

using ping command to check connectivity 7-8

view 3-47

viewing VPN link details 4-64

VPNs window 3-140

VRF, defined GL-15

VRF definition, defined GL-15


WatchDog 2-1

watchdog 9-25

watchdog properties C-44

wdclient command 2-5

wdclient disk subcommand 2-5

wdclient groups subcommand 2-6

wdclient group subcommand 2-6

wdclient health subcommand 2-6

wdclient restart subcommand 2-7

wdclient start subcommand 2-7

wdclient status subcommand 2-8

wdclient stop subcommand 2-10

WSDL, defined GL-15



reference B-1

rules, tags and attributes in ISC B-1

XML, defined GL-16

XML API, defined GL-16

xml properties C-54

XML Schema, defined GL-16


Posted: Mon Feb 18 15:37:12 PST 2008
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