
Table Of Contents

Service Inventory—Device Console

Device Console

Download Commands

Download Template

Device Configuration Manager

EXEC Commands


Service Inventory—Device Console

From the Home window of Cisco IP Solution Center (ISC), which you receive upon logging in, click the Service Inventory tab or area in the data pane of the window, and you receive a window as shown in Figure 5-1, " Service Inventory Selections."

Figure 5-1 Service Inventory Selections

Click on Device Console and you proceed to Figure 5-2, " Example of Device Console Selections" and can choose one of the device related operations.

Device Console

Device Console is the starting point for many operations. To navigate through Device Console, follow these steps:

Step 1 Choose Service Inventory > Device Console and you receive a window as shown in the example in Figure 5-2, " Example of Device Console Selections."

Note The radio button last selected will be the one shown in Figure 5-2.

Figure 5-2 Example of Device Console Selections

Step 2 To select one of the operations, click the radio button for one of the following selections and then click Next:

Note All operations apply only to Live mode, not ECHO mode.

Download Commands Download operation commands and configlets. The Select Operation Method selections of Simplified and Advanced (via wizard) are only available for Download Commands and are explained in that section.

Download Template Downloads template configlets to the specified devices.

Device Configuration Manager Displays different versions of configuration files created on a repository per timestamp and writes to running-configuration or start-up configuration.

EXEC Commands Allows you to send to target devices any Cisco IOS commands that can be executed in enable mode.

Reload Remotely reloads devices.

Download Commands

To download commands, follow these steps:

Step 1 Choose Service Inventory > Device Console > Download Commands.

Step 2 The Select Operation Method default is Simplified, which indicates that in a single window you have the options for selecting the Devices, Device Groups, and Operation Commands. You do not need to multi-click. In a single window you can submit the required parameters to complete the task. Advanced (via wizard) indicates you must go to multiple windows to achieve the task. In this method, you select Device, click Next, select Device Groups, click Next, select Operation Command, and then the summary.

Step 3 Click Next. A window as shown in Figure 5-3, " Device Console—Download Commands: Select Devices," appears.

Figure 5-3 Device Console—Download Commands: Select Devices

Step 4 In the Devices row, click Select/Deselect. In the new window, check the check box for each device you want. Uncheck a check box if you do not want this device. Then click Select. Figure 5-3 then reappears with the selected devices in the Devices row.

Step 5 In the Groups row, click Select/Deselect. In the next window, check the check box for each group you want. Uncheck a check box if you do not want this group. Then click Select. The selected groups appear in the Groups row.

Step 6 In the Operation Commands field, enter the commands you want to download or click Load File to select a set of commands to place in the Operation Commands field.

Step 7 If you leave the Upload Config After Download check box unchecked, you do not upload the configuration file after the download.

Step 8 If you leave the Retrieve device attributes check box unchecked, you do not retrieve any device attributes. If you check the Retrieve device attributes check box, after the template is downloaded, SNMP is used to retrieve interface information and issue additional show commands, such as show version.

Step 9 Click OK to submit the download and you receive a window with the Device Console Operation Result and in the bottom left corner a Status. You can click Download or Done.

Step 10 When you click Download, you return to Step 6 to download additional commands on the selected devices.

Step 11 When you click Done, you return to Figure 5-2.

Download Template

Note Multiple datafiles belonging to different templates cannot be downloaded through the device console.

To download a template, follow these steps:

Step 1 Choose Service Inventory > Device Console > Download Template from Figure 5-2 and click Next. A window as shown in Figure 5-4, " Device Console—Download Template: Select Devices," appears.

Figure 5-4 Device Console—Download Template: Select Devices

Step 2 Continue with Step 3 if you want to add devices; proceed to Step 8 to delete devices; or click Next to proceed to Step 10 for 3. Select Device Groups.

Step 3 Click Add, as shown in Figure 5-4, to 2. Select Devices.

Step 4 From the resulting window, as shown in Figure 5-5, " Device Selection," check the check box(es) for each device you want to select. Then click Select.

Figure 5-5 Device Selection

Step 5 You return to Figure 5-4 with the added devices.

Step 6 For each device, you can click the added Clear button to clear the Upload to Customer/Site column to reflect none selected, or you can click the added Select button and a new window allows you to Create Customer, Create Site, Select, or Cancel. When you click Select in this new window, you return to Figure 5-4 with the added customer or site.

Step 7 You can repeat Step 3 to Step 6 to add more devices, you can delete devices, as explained in Step 8, or you can proceed by going to Step 9.

Step 8 To delete devices, check the check box(es) for the devices you want to delete and then click Delete. Select carefully, because there is no chance to confirm this deletion.

Step 9 When you have all the devices you want, click Next. You proceed to 3. Select Device Groups, starting in Step 10.

Step 10 Continue with Step 11 if you want to add device groups; proceed to Step 14 to delete device groups; or click Next to proceed to Step 16 for 4. Enter Download Commands.

Step 11 Click Add, as shown in Figure 5-6, to 3. Select Device Groups. Adding Device Groups is optional.

Figure 5-6 Device Group Selection

Step 12 From the resulting window, as shown in Figure 5-7, " Group Association," check the check box(es) for each device group you want to select. Then click Select.

Figure 5-7 Group Association

Step 13 You return to Figure 5-6 with the added device groups. You can repeat Step 11 to Step 12 to add more device groups, you can delete device groups, as explained in Step 14, or you can proceed by going to Step 15.

Step 14 To delete device groups, check the check box(es) for the devices you want to delete and then click Delete. Select carefully, because there is no chance to confirm this deletion.

Step 15 When you have all the device groups you want, click Next. You proceed to 4. Select Download Template, starting in Step 16.

Step 16 For 4. Select Download Template, the resulting window is shown in Figure 5-8, " Select Download Template."

Figure 5-8 Select Download Template

Step 17 In Figure 5-8, you can click the Select button.

Step 18 A window as shown in Figure 5-9, " Add/Remove Templates," appears. Click Add to add templates or Remove to remove templates. When you have the templates you want, click OK.

When you click Add you get a Template Datafile Chooser window with the template choices in the tree. Click + to open the folders and subfolders in the tree, until you get the property you want to choose. Click on that property and it is added to your list. Repeat this until all the templates you want are in your list. In each added property, you can click View and you receive the configlet for that data file. To return, click OK. In Figure 5-9, check the check box(es) for the template(s) you want. In each template row, click the Action drop-down list and choose APPEND or PREPEND to add information after or before, respectively; check or uncheck the Active check box; and then click OK.

Figure 5-9 Add/Remove Templates

Step 19 You return to Figure 5-8 with the updated information.

Step 20 Click Next and you proceed to 5. Download Template Summary, as explained in Step 21.

Step 21 For 5. Download Commands Summary, a window as shown in Figure 5-10, " Download Template Summary," appears.

Figure 5-10 Download Template Summary

Step 22 In Figure 5-10, if you leave the Upload Config After Download check box unchecked, you do not upload the configuration file after the download. If you check the Upload Config After Download check box, you upload the new configuration file after you download the templates in Step 18. If you leave the Retrieve device attributes check box unchecked, you do not retrieve any device attributes. If you check the Retrieve device attributes check box, after the template is downloaded, SNMP is used to retrieve interface information and issue additional show commands, such as show version.

Step 23 Click Back until you correct any information you want to change or click Finish to submit the download and you receive a window with the Download Template Results and in the bottom left corner a Status with a green check mark for Succeeded.

Step 24 Click Done and you return to Figure 5-2.

Device Configuration Manager

To display the configuration, download the configuration to the startup configuration on the device, or download the configuration to the running configuration on the device, follow these steps:

Step 1 Choose Service Inventory > Device Console > Device Configuration Manager and from Figure 5-2 click Next. A window as shown in Figure 5-11, " Device Configuration Manager," appears.

Figure 5-11 Device Configuration Manager

Step 2 In the Device row, click Select and a window as shown in Figure 5-12, " Device Selection," appears.

Figure 5-12 Device Selection

Step 3 From the devices listed, click the radio button for the device you want to select. Then click Select.

Step 4 You return to Figure 5-11 with the added device. You can repeat Step 2 to Step 3 to change the device.

Step 5 When you have selected the device you want, go to the Configuration to Display row and click the Select a Version... drop-down list. Click the version you want and then click Load to load that configuration file.

Step 6 Click one of the following radio buttons or keep the default:

Display only The configuration file can only be viewed.

Download to startup The configuration file is downloaded to the start up configuration of the selected router.

Note For Download to startup, the Device Access Protocol (defined in device creation) must be either ftp or tftp. If this is not the case, the Device Configuration Manager Results window appears and indicates that you must set up either ftp or tftp. Dynamic Component Properties Library (DCPL) properties for DCS for both FTP and TFTP are specified in Appendix C, "Property Settings".

Download to running The configuration file is downloaded to the router's running configuration file.

Note When the DCPL property copy-running-to-startup in the GTL/ios folder is set to the default of true, the router's running configuration file is also copied to the start up configuration.

Step 7 Click Finish. If in Step 6 you chose Display only, you automatically return to Figure 5-2. If in Step 6 you clicked Download to startup or Download to running, you get a Device Configuration Manager Results window. In the Status box, you get a green check mark for Succeeded or a red Failed status and you must click Done to return to Figure 5-2.

EXEC Commands

EXEC Commands allows you to send to target devices any Cisco IOS commands that can be executed in enable mode. You can only view the router information. You cannot edit or delete the information.

To execute EXEC Commands, follow these steps:

Step 1 Choose Service Inventory > Device Console > EXEC Commands and in Figure 5-2 click Next. A window as shown in Figure 5-13, " Device Console—EXEC Commands: Select Devices," appears.

Figure 5-13 Device Console—EXEC Commands: Select Devices

Step 2 Continue with Step 3 if you want to add devices; proceed to Step 6 to delete devices; or click Next to proceed to Step 8 for 3. Select Device Groups.

Step 3 Click Add, as shown in Figure 5-13, to 2. Select Devices.

Step 4 From the resulting window, as shown in Figure 5-14, " Device Selection," check the check box(es) for each device you want to select. Then click Select.

Figure 5-14 Device Selection

Step 5 You return to Figure 5-13 with the added devices. You can repeat Step 3 to Step 4 to add more devices, you can delete devices, as explained in Step 6, or you can proceed by going to Step 7.

Step 6 To delete devices, check the check box(es) for the devices you want to delete and then click Delete in Figure 5-13. Select carefully, because there is no chance to confirm this deletion.

Step 7 When you have all the devices you want, click Next. You proceed to 3. Select Device Groups, starting in Step 8.

Step 8 Continue with Step 9 if you want to add device groups; proceed to Step 12 to delete device groups; or click Next to proceed to Step 14 for 4. Enter EXEC Commands.

Step 9 Click Add, as shown in Figure 5-15, to 3. Select Device Groups.

Figure 5-15 Device Group Selection

Step 10 From the resulting window, as shown in Figure 5-16, " Group Association,"check the check box(es) for each device group you want to select. Then click Select.

Figure 5-16 Group Association

Step 11 You return to Figure 5-15 with the added device groups. You can repeat Step 9 to Step 10 to add more device groups, you can delete device groups, as explained in Step 12, or you can proceed by going to Step 13.

Step 12 To delete device groups, check the check box(es) for the devices you want to delete and then click Delete. Select carefully, because there is no chance to confirm this deletion.

Step 13 When you have all the device groups you want, click Next. You proceed to 4. Enter EXEC Commands, starting in Step 14.

Step 14 For 4. Enter EXEC Commands, the resulting window is shown in Figure 5-17, " Operation Commands."

Figure 5-17 Operation Commands

Step 15 In Figure 5-17, you can click the Browse button to input an existing file with Cisco IOS configuration commands. Then click the Load File button to put the file's information in the Commands field. Otherwise, you can enter the Cisco IOS configuration commands directly in the Commands field.

Step 16 Click Next and you proceed to 5. EXEC Commands Summary, as explained in Step 17.

Step 17 For 5. EXEC Commands Summary, a window as shown in Figure 5-18, " EXEC Commands Summary," appears.

Figure 5-18 EXEC Commands Summary

Step 18 Click Back until you correct any information you want to change or click Finish to retrieve the information from the router. You then receive a window with the EXEC Commands Results and a Status with a green check mark for Succeeded. You can click EXEC or Done.

Step 19 When you click EXEC, you return to Step 14 to enter additional commands on the selected devices.

Step 20 When you click Done, you return to Figure 5-2.


To reload (reboot) the router, follow these steps:

Step 1 Choose Service Inventory > Device Console > Reload and from Figure 5-2 click Next. A window as shown in Figure 5-19, " Device Console—Reload: Select Devices," appears.

Figure 5-19 Device Console—Reload: Select Devices

Step 2 Continue with Step 3 if you want to add devices; proceed to Step 6 to delete devices; or click Next to proceed to Step 8 for 3. Select Device Groups.

Step 3 Click Add, as shown in Figure 5-19, to 2. Select Devices.

Step 4 From the resulting window, as shown in Figure 5-20, " Device Selection," check the check box(es) for each device you want to select. Then click Select.

Figure 5-20 Device Selection

Step 5 You return to Figure 5-19 with the added devices. Repeat Step 3 to Step 4 to add more devices; delete devices, as explained in Step 6; or proceed by going to Step 7.

Step 6 To delete devices, check the check box(es) for the devices you want to delete and then click Delete. Select carefully, because there is no chance to confirm this deletion.

Step 7 When you have all the devices you want, click Next. You proceed to 3. Select Device Groups, starting in Step 8.

Step 8 Continue with Step 9 if you want to add device groups; proceed to Step 12 to delete device groups; or click Next to proceed to Step 14 for 4. Reload Devices Summary.

Step 9 Click Add, as shown in Figure 5-21, to 3. Select Device Groups.

Figure 5-21 Device Group Selection

Step 10 From the resulting window, as shown in Figure 5-22, " Group Association," check the check box(es) for each device group you want to select. Then click Select.

Figure 5-22 Group Association

Step 11 You return to Figure 5-21 with the added device groups. Repeat Step 9 to Step 10 to add more device groups; delete device groups, as explained in Step 12; or proceed by going to Step 14.

Step 12 To delete device groups, check the check box(es) for the devices you want to delete in Figure 5-21 and then click Delete. Select carefully, because there is no chance to confirm this deletion.

Step 13 When you have all the device groups you want, click Next. You proceed to 4. Reload Devices Summary, starting in Step 14.

Step 14 For 4. Reload Devices Summary, a window as shown in Figure 5-23, " Reload Summary," appears.

Figure 5-23 Reload Summary

Step 15 Click Back until you correct any information you want to change or click Finish to submit the reload and you receive a window with the Reload Results and a Status with a green check mark for Succeeded.

Step 16 Click Finish and you return to Figure 5-2.


Posted: Mon Feb 18 15:40:14 PST 2008
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