
Table Of Contents

Manage Circuits

Before You Begin

F90 View Circuit Information

F91 Search for Circuits

F92 Filter the Display of Circuits

F93 View Circuits on a Span

F94 Edit a Circuit Name

F95 Change Active and Standby Span Color

F96 Edit SNCP Circuit Path Selectors

E97 Delete Circuits

F98 Roll the Source or Destination of One Optical Circuit

F99 Roll One Cross-Connection from an Optical Circuit to a Second Optical Circuit

F100 Roll Two Cross-Connections on One Optical Circuit Using Automatic Routing

F101 Roll Two Cross-Connections on One Optical Circuit Using Manual Routing

F102 Roll Two Cross-Connections from One Optical Circuit To a Second Optical Circuit

F103 Delete a Roll

Manage Circuits

This chapter explains how to manage CiscoONS15600SDH optical circuits.

Note The ONS15600SDH Software Release 1.4 does not support a full state model. As a result, the circuit state cannot be changed; it is always In Service (IS).

Before You Begin

To create circuits, complete the procedures as needed in "Create Circuits"

To clear any alarm or trouble conditions, refer to the CiscoONS15600SDH Troubleshooting Guide.

This section lists the chapter procedures (NTPs). Turn to a procedure for applicable tasks (DLPs).

1. F60 Locate and View Circuits—Complete as needed.

2. F61 Modify and Delete Circuit Characteristics—Complete as needed to edit a circuit name, change the active and standby colors of spans, or change signal fail thresholds, signal degrade thresholds, and reversion time.

3. F62 Monitor a J1 Path Trace—Complete as needed to monitor interruptions or changes to circuit traffic.

4. F63 Bridge and Roll Traffic—Complete as needed to reroute circuits.

5. F64 Convert Circuits to TL1 Cross-Connections— Complete as needed to repair missing cross-connects or change cross-connects using the TL1-like circuit option.

6. F65 Upgrade TL1 Cross-Connects to CTC Circuits—Complete as needed if you want to convert TL1 cross-connects or TL1-like cross-connects created in Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) into a CTC circuit.

Note To provision ONS15600SDH circuits from an ONS 15454 node, the CTC version launched from the ONS 15454 must be Software R4.1 or later. Cisco recommends launching CTC from the ONS15600SDH node before provisioning circuits.

NTP-F60 Locate and View Circuits


This procedure locates and displays ONS15600 circuits.



Prerequisite Procedures

F42 Create an Automatically Routed Optical Circuit or

F43 Create a Manually Routed Optical Circuit

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Retrieve or higher

Step1 Complete the "DLP-F36 Log into CTC" task at any node on the network where you want to view the circuits. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.

Step2 As needed, complete the "DLP-F90 View Circuit Information" task

Step3 As needed, complete the "DLP-F91 Search for Circuits" task.

Step4 As needed, complete the "DLP-F92 Filter the Display of Circuits" task.

Step5 As needed, complete the "DLP-F93 View Circuits on a Span" task.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

DLP-F90 View Circuit Information


This task displays ONS15600SDH circuits.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Retrieve or higher

Step1 Navigate to the appropriate CTC view:

To view circuits for an entire network, from the View menu, choose Go To Network View .

To view circuits that originate, terminate, or pass through a specific node, from the View menu, choose Go To Other Node , then choose the node you want to search and click OK .

To view circuits that originate, terminate, or pass through a specific card, in node view, double-click the card containing the circuits you want to view.

Note In node or card view, you can change the scope of the circuits that are displayed by choosing Card (in card view), Node, or Network from the Scope drop-down menu in the bottom right corner of the Circuits window.

Step2 Click the Circuits tab. The Circuits tab has the following information:

Name—The name of the circuit (user-assigned or automatically generated).

Type—For the ONS 15600 SDH, the circuit type is HOP (VC_HO_PATH_CIRCUIT) .

Size—The VC_HO_PATH_CIRCUIT size can be VC4, VC4-2c, VC4-3c, VC4-4c, VC4-8c, VC4-16c, or VC4-64c.

Protection—The protection type; see Table 9-1  for a description of the possible values.

Table 9-1 Circuit Protection Types 

Protection Type

Circuit protection is not applicable.


The circuit is protected by a 2-fiber multiplex section-shared protection ring (MS-SPRing).


The circuit is protected by subnetwork connection protection (SNCP).

1+1 (LMSP)

The circuit is protected by a 1+1 (LMSP (Linear Multiplex Section Protection)) protection group.


The circuit is protected by diverse SDH topologies, for example, MS-SPRing and SNCP, or SNCP and 1+1.

Unprot (black)

The circuit is not protected.

Unprot (red)

The circuit was created as a fully protected circuit, but is no longer protected due to a system change, such as a traffic switch.


Circuit protection types display in the Protection column only when all circuit components are known, that is, when the circuit status is ACTIVE or UPGRADABLE. If the circuit is in some other status, protection type is displayed as "unknown."

Direction—The circuit direction, either two-way or one-way.

Status—The circuit status; see Table 9-2  for a description of the possible values.

Table 9-2 Circuit Status 



CTC is creating a circuit.


CTC created a circuit. All components are in place and a complete path exists from circuit source to destination.


CTC is deleting a circuit.


Indicates one of the following:

A CTC-created circuit is missing a connection or network span (network link).

A complete path from source to destination(s) does not exist.

A MAC address change occurred on one of the circuit nodes and the circuit is in need of repair.

In CTC, circuits are represented using cross-connects and network spans. If a network span is missing from a circuit, the circuit status is INCOMPLETE. However, an INCOMPLETE status does not necessarily mean a circuit traffic failure has occurred, for traffic might flow on a protect path.

Network spans are in one of two states: up or down. On CTC circuit and network maps, up spans appear as green lines, and down spans appear as gray lines. If a failure occurs on a network span during a CTC session, the span remains on the network map but its color changes to gray to indicate the span is down. If you restart your CTC session while the failure is active, the new CTC session cannot discover the span and its span line will not appear on the network map.

Subsequently, circuits routed on a network span that goes down will appear as ACTIVE during the current CTC session, but they will appear as INCOMPLETE to users who log in after the span failure.

Source—The circuit source in the format: node/slot/port "port name".

Destination—The circuit destination in the node/slot/port "port name".

# of VLANS—The number of VLANs used by an Ethernet circuit (future use for the ONS 15600 SDH).

# of Spans—The number of internode links that compose the circuit.

State—The circuit state. The ONS 15600 SDH Release 1.4 does not support a full state model. As a result, you cannot change the circuit state; it is always IS.

Step3 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-F91 Search for Circuits


This task searches for an ONS15600SDH circuit at the network, node, or card level.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Retrieve or higher

Step1 Navigate to the appropriate CTC view:

To search the entire network, from the View menu choose Go To Network View .

To search for circuits that originate, terminate, or pass through a specific node, from the View menu choose Go To Other Node , then choose the node you want to search and click OK .

To search for circuits that originate, terminate, or pass through a specific card, double-click the card on the shelf graphic in node view to display the card in card view.

Step2 Click the Circuits tab.

Step3 If you are in node or card view, choose the scope for the search (Network or Node ) from the Scope drop-down menu.

Step4 Click Search .

Step5 In the Circuit Name Search dialog box, complete the following:

Find What—Enter the text of the circuit name you want to find.

Match Whole Word Only—Check this box to instruct CTC to select circuits only if the entire word matches the text in the Find What field.

Match Case—Check this box to instruct CTC to select circuits only when the capitalization matches the capitalization entered in the Find What field.

Direction—Choose the direction for the search. Searches are conducted up or down from the currently selected circuit.

Step6 Click Find Next .

Step7 Repeat Steps 5 and 6 until you are finished, then click Cancel .

Step8 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-F92 Filter the Display of Circuits


This task filters the display of circuits in the ONS15600SDH network, node, or card view Circuits window based on circuit name, size, type, direction and other attributes.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Retrieve or higher

Step1 Navigate to the appropriate CTC view:

To filter network circuits, from the View menu choose Go To Network View .

To filter circuits that originate, terminate, or pass through a specific node, from the View menu choose Go To Other Node , then choose the node you want to search and click OK .

To filter circuits that originate, terminate, or pass through a specific card, double-click the card on the shelf graphic in node view to display the card in card view.

Step2 Click the Circuits tab.

Step3 Click Filter .

Step4 In the Circuit Filter dialog box ( Figure9-1), complete the following, as applicable:

Name—Enter a complete or partial circuit name to filter circuits based on circuit name; otherwise leave the field blank.

Direction—Choose one: Any (CTC will not use direction to filter circuits), 1-way (CTC displays only one-way circuits), or 2-way (CTC displays only two-way circuits).

Status—Choose one: Any (status not used to filter circuits), Active (CTC displays only active circuits), Incomplete (CTC displays only incomplete circuits, that is, circuits missing a connection or span to form a complete path), or Upgradable (CTC displays only upgradable circuits, that is, circuits created in TL1 that are ready to upgrade in CTC). See Table 9-2  for more information about circuit statuses. (While other statuses are described in the table, filtering is only supported for Active, Incomplete, and Upgradable circuits.)

State—Choose IS (CTC displays only in-service circuits).

Protection—Choose the protection type from the drop-down menu.

Slot—Enter a slot number to filter circuits based on source or destination slot; otherwise leave the field blank.

Port—Enter a port number to filter circuits based on source or destination port; otherwise leave the field blank.

Type—Choose one: Any (CTC will not use circuit type to filter circuits) or VC_HO_PATH_CIRCUIT (CTC displays only high order circuits).

Size—Click the appropriate check boxes to filter circuits based on size: VC12, VC3, VC4, VC4-2c, VC4-3c, VC4-4c, VC4-8c, VC4-16c, and VC4-64c. The available check boxes depend on the entry in the Type field.

Figure 9-1 Entering Circuit Filter Criteria

Step5 Click OK . The Circuits tab will display only the circuits that meet the criteria set in the Filter dialog box.

Step6 To turn filtering off, click the Filter icon in the lower-right corner of the Circuits window. Click the icon again to turn filtering on.

Step7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-F93 View Circuits on a Span


Use this task to view circuits on an ONS15600SDH span.



Prerequisite Procedures

"Create Circuits"

F36 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Retrieve or higher

Step1 From the View menu, choose Go To Network View . If you are already in network view, continue with Step2.

Step2 Right-click the green line (span) containing the circuits you want to view and choose Circuits from the shortcut menu.

In the Circuits on Span dialog box, you can view the following information for all circuits provisioned on the span:

VC4—Displays VC4s used by the circuits.

VC12, VC3—Displays VC12 and VC3s used by the circuits (not applicable for the ONS 15600 SDH).

SNCP—Indicates whether the circuit is in an SNCP or not.

Circuit—Displays the circuit name.

Switch State—(SNCP span only) Displays the switch state of the circuit, that is, whether or not any span switches are active. For SNCP spans, switch types include: CLEAR (no spans are switched), MANUAL (a Manual switch is active), FORCE (a Force switch is active), and LOCKOUT OF PROTECTION (a span lockout is active).

Note You can complete other procedures from the Circuits on Span dialog box. If the span is in an SNCP, you can switch the span traffic. See "DLP-F59 SNCP Protection Switching Test" task for instructions. If you want to edit a circuit on the span, double-click the circuit. See the "DLP-F96 Edit SNCP Circuit Path Selectors" task for instructions.

Step3 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

NTP-F61 Modify and Delete Circuit Characteristics


Use this procedure to edit or change the properties of ONS15600SDH circuits.



Prerequisite Procedures

F42 Create an Automatically Routed Optical Circuit or

F43 Create a Manually Routed Optical Circuit or

F44 Create a Unidirectional Optical Circuit with Multiple Drops

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step1 Complete the "DLP-F36 Log into CTC" task the network containing the circuit you want to modify. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.

Step2 As needed, complete the "DLP-F94 Edit a Circuit Name" task.

Step3 As needed, complete the "DLP-F95 Change Active and Standby Span Color" task.

Step4 As needed, complete the "DLP-F96 Edit SNCP Circuit Path Selectors" task.

Step5 As needed, complete the "DLP-E97 Delete Circuits" task.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

DLP-F94 Edit a Circuit Name


This task edits a circuit name.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step1 Click the Circuits tab.

Step2 Click the circuit you want to rename, then click Edit .

Step3 In the General tab, click the Name field, and edit or rename the circuit. Names can be up to 48alphanumeric and/or special characters.

Step4 Click Apply .

Step5 From File menu, choose Close .

Step6 In the Circuits window, verify that the circuit was correctly renamed.

Step7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-F95 Change Active and Standby Span Color


This task changes the color of active (working) and standby (protect) circuit spans that appear on the detailed circuit map of the Edit Circuits window. By default, working spans are green and protect spans are purple.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step1 From the Edit menu, choose Preferences .

Step2 In the Preferences dialog box, click the Circuit tab.

Step3 Complete one or more of the following steps, as required:

To change the color of the active (working) span, continue with Step 4 .

To change the color of the standby (protect) span, continue with Step 5 .

To return active and standby spans to their default colors, continue with Step 6 .

Step4 Change the color of the active span:

a. Next to Active Span Color, click Color .

b. In the Pick a Color dialog box, click the color for the active span. Click the Reset button if you want the active span to display the last applied (saved) color.

c. Click OK to close the Pick a Color dialog box.

d. If you want to change the standby span color, continue with Step 5 . If not, click OK to save the change and close the Preferences dialog box, or click Apply to save the change and keep the Preferences dialog box open.

Step5 Change the color of the standby span:

a. Next to Standby Span Color, click the Color button.

b. In the Pick a Color dialog box, click the color for the standby span. Click the Reset button if you want the standby span to display the last applied (saved) color.

c. Click OK to close the Pick a Color dialog box.

d. Click OK to save the change and close the Preferences dialog box, or click Apply to save the change and keep the Preferences dialog box open.

Step6 If you want to return the active and standby spans to their default colors:

a. From the Edit menu, choose Preferences .

b. In the Preferences dialog box, click the Circuit tab.

c. Click the Reset to Defaults button.

d. Click Apply and click OK to close the Preferences dialog box.

Step7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-F96 Edit SNCP Circuit Path Selectors


This task changes the SNCP signal fail and signal degrade thresholds and the reversion time.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

F39 Provision SNCP Nodes

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step1 Click the Circuits tab.

Step2 In the Circuits tab, click the SNCP circuit that you want to edit. To change the settings for multiple circuits, press the Shift key (to choose adjoining circuits) or the Ctrl key (to choose nonadjoining circuits) and click each circuit you want to change.

Step3 From the Tools menu, choose Circuits > Set Path Selector Attributes .

Note Alternatively, for single circuits, you can click the Edit button, then click the SNCP Selectors tab in the Edit Circuits window.

Step4 In the Path Selectors Attributes dialog box ( Figure9-2), edit the following SNCP selectors, as needed:

Revertive—If checked, traffic reverts to the working path when conditions that diverted it to the protect path are repaired. If not checked, traffic does not revert.

Reversion Time (Min)—If Revertive is checked, sets the amount of time that will elapse before traffic reverts to the working path. The range is 0.5 to 12 minutes in 0.5 minute increments.

SF Ber Level—Sets the SNCP signal failure BER threshold (VC4 circuits only).

SD Ber Level—Sets the SNCP signal degrade BER threshold (VC4 circuits only).

PDI-P—Not enabled for ONS 15600 SDH.

Figure 9-2 Editing SNCP Path Selectors

Step5 Click OK and verify that the changed values are correct.

Step6 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-E97 Delete Circuits


This task deletes circuits.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step1 Complete the "NTP-F88 Back Up the Database" procedure on page14-3.

Step2 Investigate all network alarms and resolve any problems that might be affected if the circuit is deleted. If necessary, refer to the CiscoONS15600SDH Troubleshooting Guide.

Step3 Verify that traffic is no longer carried on the circuit and that the circuit can be safely deleted.

Step4 Click the Circuits tab.

Step5 Choose the circuit that you want to delete, then click Delete .

Step6 In the Delete Circuits confirmation dialog box, check the Set drop ports to OOS check box if you want to put the circuit source and destination ports out of service. (CTC will place the ports out of service only if the circuit is the same size as the port or is the only circuit using the port.) Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Note The drop port will not be set to out of service state (OOS) if the same port is being used by another circuit or timing source.

Step7 Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Step8 Complete the "NTP-F88 Back Up the Database" procedure on page14-3, if needed.

Note If a schedule is established for database backup, you do not need to complete a backup after every circuit addition and deletion.

Step9 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

NTP-F62 Monitor a J1 Path Trace


This procedure allows you to monitor interruptions or changes to circuit traffic and edit the expected path trace string.


ONS15600SDH cards capable of transmitting and/or receiving path trace must be installed.

Prerequisite Procedures

F42 Create an Automatically Routed Optical Circuit or

F43 Create a Manually Routed Optical Circuit or

F44 Create a Unidirectional Optical Circuit with Multiple Drops

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step1 Complete the "DLP-F36 Log into CTC" task at the node on the network where path trace was provisioned on the circuit source and destination ports. If you are already logged in, continue with Step2.

Step2 Click the Circuits tab.

Step3 Choose the VC4 circuit that has path trace provisioned on the source and destination ports, then click Edit .

Step4 In the Edit Circuit window, check Show Detailed Map at the bottom of the window ( Figure9-3). A detailed circuit graphic showing source and destination ports appears.

Figure 9-3 Selecting the Edit Path Trace Option (Manual)

Step5 On the detailed circuit map, right-click the circuit STM-N port (the square on the left or right of the source node icon) and choose Edit Path Trace (Port) from the shortcut menu.

Step6 In the Circuit Path Trace window, enable the path trace expected string by choosing Manual from the Path Trace Mode drop-down menu.

Manual sets the string entered in the Current Expected String field is the baseline. An alarm is raised when a string that differs from the Current Expected String is received.

Step7 Enter the string that the circuit destination should receive from the circuit source in the New Expected String field.

Step8 Enter the string that the STM-N port should receive in the New Expected String field. To do this, trace the circuit path on the detailed circuit window to determine whether the port is in the circuit source or destination path, then set the New Expected String to the string transmitted by the circuit source or destination.

Step9 Click Apply .

Step10 After you set up the expected receive string, the received string appears in the Received box on the path trace setup window. The following options are available:

Click Hex Mode to display path trace in hexadecimal. The button name changes to ASCII Mode. Click ASCII Mode to return the path trace to ASCII.

Click the Reset button to reread values from the port.

Click Default to return to the path trace default settings (Path Trace Mode is set to Off and the New Transmit and New Expected Strings are null).

The Expect and Receive strings are updated every few seconds. When you open the detailed circuit window, path trace is indicated by an M (manual path trace) at the circuit source and destination ports.

Caution Clicking Default will generate alarms if the port on the other end is provisioned with a different string.

Step11 Click Close .

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-F63 Bridge and Roll Traffic


This procedure reroutes live traffic without interrupting service. You can use the Bridge and Roll wizard for maintenance functions such as card replacement or load balancing. A circuit consists of a source facility, destination facility(s), and intermediate facilities (path).



Prerequisite Procedures

Circuits must exist on the network. See "Create Circuits" for circuit creation procedures.

To route circuits on protected ports, you must create a protection group using the "NTP-F27 Create a 1+1 (LMSP) Protection Group" procedure on page4-19.

When a roll involves two circuits, a data communications channel (DCC) connection must exist. See the "DLP-F53 Provision SDH DCC Terminations" task.

Use "NTP-F60 Locate and View Circuits" procedure to verify that the planned Roll To paths are in service. Verify that the planned Roll To and Roll From paths are not in the Roll Pending state, used in test access, or used in a loopback. Refer to the CiscoONS15600SDH Troubleshooting Guide to clear any alarms.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning and higher

Note You can upgrade an unprotected circuit to a fully protected circuit or downgrade a 1+1 protected circuit to an unprotected circuit.

Step1 Complete the "DLP-F36 Log into CTC" task at the ONS15600SDH source node. If you are already logged in, continue with Step2.

Step2 As needed, complete the "DLP-F98 Roll the Source or Destination of One Optical Circuit" task.

Step3 As needed, complete the "DLP-F99 Roll One Cross-Connection from an Optical Circuit to a Second Optical Circuit" task.

Step4 As needed, complete the "DLP-F100 Roll Two Cross-Connections on One Optical Circuit Using Automatic Routing" task or "DLP-F101 Roll Two Cross-Connections on One Optical Circuit Using Manual Routing" task.

Step5 As needed, complete the "DLP-F102 Roll Two Cross-Connections from One Optical Circuit To a Second Optical Circuit" task.

Step6 As needed, complete the "DLP-F103 Delete a Roll" task.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

DLP-F98 Roll the Source or Destination of One Optical Circuit


This task reroutes traffic from one source or destination to another on the same circuit, which changes the original source or destination.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step1 From the View menu, choose Go To Network View .

Step2 Click the Circuits tab.

Step3 Click the circuit that you want to roll. The circuit must be in the Active state for you to complete a roll.

Step4 From the Tools menu, choose Circuits > Roll Circuit .

Step5 In the Roll Attributes area, complete the following ( Figure9-4):

From the Circuit Roll Mode drop-down menu, choose Auto to create an automatic roll (required for a 1-way source roll) or Manual to create a manual roll (required for a 1-way destination roll).

From the Circuit Roll Type drop-down menu, choose Single to indicate that you want to roll one cross-connection on the chosen circuit.

Figure 9-4 Selecting Single Roll Attributes

Step6 Click Next .

Step7 In the Pivot/Fixed Point 1 window, click the square in the graphic image that represents the facility that you want to keep ( Figure9-5).

This facility is the fixed location in the cross-connection involved in the roll process. The identifier appears in the text box below the graphic image. The facility that is not selected is the Roll From path. The Roll From path is deleted after the roll is completed.

Figure 9-5 Selecting a Path

Step8 Click Next .

Step9 In the Select New End Point area, choose the Slot , Port , and VC4 from the drop-down menus ( Figure9-6).

This selection indicates the Roll To facility.

Figure 9-6 Selecting a New Endpoint

Step10 Click Finish . On the Circuits tab, the circuit state for the Roll To port changes from Active to RollPending.

Step11 Click the Rolls tab ( Figure9-7). For the pending roll, view the Roll Valid Signal status:

If the Roll Valid Signal status is true, a valid signal was found on the new port. Continue with Step 12 .

If the roll is a one-way destination roll and the Roll Valid Signal is false, continue with Step 12 . It is not possible to get a Roll Valid Signal status of true for a one-way destination roll.

If the roll is not a one-way destination roll and the Roll Valid Signal status is false, a valid signal was not found. Wait until the signal is found and continue with Step 12 . If the signal is not found, refer to the Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Troubleshooting Guide. To cancel the roll, click the roll and then click Cancel .

Note You cannot cancel an Auto roll after a valid signal is found.

Figure 9-7 Viewing the Rolls Tab

Step12 If you selected Manual in Step5, click the rolled facility on the Rolls tab and then click Complete .

Step13 For both Manual and Auto rolls, click Finish to complete the circuit roll process. The roll clears from the Rolls tab and the rolled circuit now appears on the Circuits tab in the Active state.

Step14 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-F99 Roll One Cross-Connection from an Optical Circuit to a Second Optical Circuit


This task reroutes a cross-connection on one circuit onto another circuit, resulting in a new destination.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

F53 Provision SDH DCC Terminations for the ports involved in the roll

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step1 From the View menu, choose Go To Network View .

Step2 Click the Circuits tab.

Step3 Press Ctrl and click the two circuits that you want to use in the roll process.

The circuits must be in the Active state; in addition, they must be the same size and direction for you to complete a roll.

Note The planned Roll To circuit must not carry traffic.

Note The Roll To facility should be DCC connected to the source node of the Roll To circuit.

Step4 From the Tools menu, choose Circuits > Roll Circuit .

Step5 In the Roll Attributes area, complete the following ( Figure9-8):

From the Circuit Roll Mode drop-down menu, choose Auto to create an automatic roll (required for a 1-way source roll) or Manual to create a manual roll (required for 1-way destination roll).

From the Circuit Roll Type drop-down menu, choose Single to indicate that you want to roll a single connection from the Roll From circuit to the Roll To circuit.

In the Roll From Circuit area, click the circuit that contains the Roll From connection.

Figure 9-8 Selecting Roll Attributes for a Single Roll onto a Second Circuit

Step6 Click Next .

Step7 In the Pivot/Fixed Point 1 window, click the square representing the facility that you want to keep ( Figure9-9).

This facility is the fixed location in the cross-connection involved in the roll process. The identifier appears in the text box below the graphic image. The facility that is not selected is the Roll From path. The Roll From path is deleted after the roll is completed.

Figure 9-9 Selecting the Fixed Path

Step8 Click Next .

Step9 In the Select New End Point area, choose the Slot , Port , and VC4 from the drop-down menus to identify the Roll To facility on the connection being rolled.

Step10 Click Finish .

The states of the Roll From and Roll To circuits change from Active to Roll Pending in the Circuits tab.

Step11 Click the Rolls tab. For the pending roll, view the Roll Valid Signal status:

If the Roll Valid Signal status is true, a valid signal was found on the new port. Continue with Step 12 .

If the roll is a one-way destination roll and the Roll Valid Signal is false, continue with Step 12 . It is not possible to get a Roll Valid Signal status of true for a one-way destination roll.

If the roll is not a one-way destination roll and the Roll Valid Signal status is false, a valid signal was not found. Wait until the signal is found and continue with Step 12 . If the signal is not found, refer to the Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Troubleshooting Guide. To cancel the roll, click the roll on the Rolls tab and click Cancel .

Note You cannot cancel an Auto roll after a valid signal is found.

Step12 If you selected Manual in Step5, click the roll on the Rolls tab and click Complete to route the traffic to the new port.

Step13 For both Manual and Auto rolls, click Finish t o complete the circuit roll process.

The roll is cleared from the Rolls tab and the new rolled circuit on Circuits tab returns to the Active state.

Step14 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-F100 Roll Two Cross-Connections on One Optical Circuit Using Automatic Routing


This task reroutes the network path while maintaining the same source and destination. This task allows CTC to automatically select a Roll To path.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Note Although the new network path might include multiple nodes (ONS15600SDH, and ONS15454SDH), the original source and destination must remain on ONS15600SDH nodes.

Step1 From the View menu, choose Go To Network View .

Step2 Click the Circuits tab.

Step3 Click the circuit that has the connections that you want to roll. The circuit must be in the Active state for you to complete a roll.

Step4 From the Tools menu, choose Circuits > Roll Circuit .

Step5 In the Roll Attributes area, complete the following ( Figure9-10):

a. From the Circuit Roll Mode drop-down menu, choose Auto to create an automatic roll or Manual to create a manual roll.

Note Cisco recommends using Manual roll, especially for dual rolls. It is possible to cancel a manual roll if one end receives a valid signal but the other end does not receive one.

b. From the Circuit Type drop-down menu, choose Dual to indicate that you want to roll two connections on the chosen circuit.

Figure 9-10 Selecting Dual Roll Attributes

Step6 Click Next .

Step7 In the Pivot/Fixed Point 1 window, click the square representing the fixed path of the first connection to be rolled ( Figure9-11).

This path is a fixed point in the cross connection involved in the roll process. The path identifier appears in the text box below the graphic image. The path that is not selected contains the Roll From path. The Roll From path is deleted after the roll is completed.

Figure 9-11 Selecting the First Fixed Path on a Circuit

Step8 Click Next .

Step9 Complete one of the following:

If multiple Roll From paths exist, the Select Roll From dialog box appears. Select the path from which you want to roll traffic and click OK ( Figure 9-12 ).

If multiple Roll From paths do not exist, continue with Step 10 . The circuit state for the Roll To path changes states from Active to Roll Pending.

Figure 9-12 Selecting the Roll From Path

Step10 In the Pivot/Fixed Point 2 window, click the square that represents the fixed path of the second connection to be rolled ( Figure9-14).

The path that is not selected is the Roll From path. The Roll From path is deleted after the roll is completed. The path identifier appears in the text box below the graphic image.

Figure 9-13 Selecting the Second Fixed Path on a Circuit

Step11 Click Next .

Step12 In the Circuit Routing Preferences area, check Route Automatically to allow CTC to find the route ( Figure9-14). If you check Route Automatically, the following options are available:

Using Required Nodes/Spans—If checked, you can specify nodes and spans to include or exclude in the CTC-generated circuit route in Step 15 .

Review Route Before Creation—If checked, you can review and edit the circuit route before the circuit is created.

Figure 9-14 Setting Circuit Routing Preferences

Step13 To route the circuit over a protected path, check Fully Protected Path . (If you do not want to route the circuit on a protected path, continue with Step14.) CTC creates a primary and alternate circuit route (virtual SNCP) based on the following nodal diversity options. Select one of the following and follow subsequent window prompts to complete the routing:

Nodal Diversity Required—Ensures that the primary and alternate paths within path-protected mesh network (PPMN) portions of the complete circuit path are nodally diverse.

Nodal Diversity Desired—Specifies that node diversity should be attempted, but if node diversity is not possible, CTC creates link diverse paths for the PPMN portion of the complete circuit path.

Link Diversity Only—Specifies that only link-diverse primary and alternate paths for PPMN portions of the complete circuit path are needed. The paths might be node-diverse, but CTC does not check for node diversity.

Step14 If you checked Route Automatically in Step12:

If you checked Using Required Nodes/Spans, continue with Step 15 .

If you checked both Using Required Nodes/Spans and Review Route Before Creation, continue with Step 15 .

If you checked only Review Route Before Creation, continue with Step 16 .

If you did not check Using Required Nodes/Spans or Review Route Before Creation, continue with Step 17 .

Step15 If you checked Using Required Nodes/Spans:

a. In the Roll Route Constraints area, click a node or span on the circuit map.

b. Click Include to include the node or span in the circuit. Click Exclude to exclude the node/span from the circuit. The order in which you select included nodes and spans sets the circuit sequence. Click spans twice to change the circuit direction.

c. Repeat Step b  for each node or span that you wish to include or exclude.

d. Review the circuit route. To change the circuit routing order, select a node in the Required Nodes/Lines or Excluded Notes Links list, then click the Up or Down buttons to change the circuit routing order. Click Remove to remove a node or span.

Step16 If you checked Review Route Before Creation in Step12:

a. In the Roll Route Review and Edit area, review the circuit route. To add or delete a circuit span, select a node on the circuit route. Blue arrows show the circuit route. Green arrows indicate spans that you can add. Click a span arrowhead, then click Include to include the span or Remove to remove the span.

b. If the provisioned circuit does not reflect the routing and configuration you want, click Back to verify and change circuit information.

Step17 Click Finish .

In the Circuits tab, verify that a new circuit appears. This circuit is the Roll To circuit. It is designated with the Roll From circuit name appended with ROLL**.

Step18 Click the Rolls tab. Two new rolls now appear. For each pending roll, view the Roll Valid Signal status:

If the Roll Valid Signal status is true, a valid signal was found on the new port. Continue with Step 19 .

If the roll is a one-way destination roll and the Roll Valid signal status is false, continue with Step 19 . It is not possible to get a Roll Valid Signal status of true for a one-way destination roll.

If the roll is not a one-way destination roll and the Roll Valid Signal status is false, a valid signal was not found. Wait until the signal is found and continue with Step 19 . If the signal is not found, refer to the Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Troubleshooting Guide. To cancel the roll, click both rolls on the Rolls tab and click Cancel .

Note If you have completed a roll, you cannot cancel the sibling roll. You must cancel the two rolls together.

Note You cannot cancel an Auto roll after a valid signal is found.

Step19 If you selected Manual in Step5, click both rolls on the Rolls tab and click Complete to route the traffic to the new port.

Note You cannot complete a roll if you cancelled the sibling roll. You must complete the two rolls together.

Step20 For both Manual and Auto rolls, click Finish to complete circuit roll process.

Note If you tried to roll an SNCP circuit, an error message appears. Click OK to close the error message. To cancel the roll, click the roll on the Rolls tab and click Cancel .

Step21 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-F101 Roll Two Cross-Connections on One Optical Circuit Using Manual Routing


This task reroutes a network path of an optical circuit using manual routing.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning and higher

Note Although the new network path might include multiple nodes (ONS15600SDH and ONS15454SDH), the original source and destination must remain on ONS15600SDH nodes.

Step1 From the View menu, choose Go To Network View .

Step2 Click the Circuits tab .

Step3 Click the circuit that you want to roll to a new path. The circuit must be in the Active state for you to complete a roll.

Step4 From the Tools menu, choose Circuits > Roll Circuit .

Step5 In the Roll Attributes area, complete the following ( Figure9-15):

a. From the Circuit Roll Mode drop-down menu, choose Auto to create an automatic roll or Manual to create a manual roll.

b. From the Circuit Type drop-down menu, choose Dual to indicate that you want to roll two connections on the chosen circuit.

Figure 9-15 Selecting Dual Roll Attributes

Step6 Click Next .

Step7 In the Pivot/Fixed Point 1 window, click the square representing the fixed path of the first cross-connection to be rolled ( Figure9-16).

This path is a fixed point in the cross-connection involved in the roll process. The path identifier appears in the text box below the graphic image. The path that is not selected contains the Roll From path. The Roll From path is deleted after the roll is completed.

Figure 9-16 Selecting the First Fixed Path on a Circuit

Step8 Click Next .

Step9 Complete one of the following:

If multiple Roll From paths exist, the Select Roll From dialog box appears. Select the path from which you want to roll traffic and click OK ( Figure 9-17 ).

If multiple Roll From paths do not exist, continue with Step 10 . The circuit state for the Roll To path changes from Active to Roll Pending.

Figure 9-17 Selecting the Roll From Point

Step10 In the Pivot/Fixed Point 2 window, click the square that represents the fixed path of the second connection to be rolled ( Figure9-18).

The path that is not selected is the Roll From path. The Roll From path is deleted after the roll is complete. The path identifier appears in the text box below the graphic image.

Figure 9-18 Selecting the Second Fixed Path on the Circuit

Step11 Click Next .

Step12 In the Circuit Routing Preferences area, uncheck Route Automatically .

Step13 Set the circuit path protection:

To route the circuit on a protected path, leave Fully Protected Path checked and continue with Step 14 .

To create an unprotected circuit, uncheck Fully Protected Path and continue with Step 15 .

Step14 If you checked Fully Protected Path, choose one of the following:

Nodal Diversity Required—Ensures that the primary and alternate paths within the SNCP portions of the complete circuit path are nodally diverse.

Nodal Diversity Desired—Specifies that node diversity is preferred, but if node diversity is not possible, CTC creates fiber-diverse paths for the SNCP portion of the complete circuit path.

Link Diversity Only—Specifies that only fiber-diverse primary and alternate paths for SNCP portions of the complete circuit path are needed. The paths might be node-diverse, but CTC does not check for node diversity.

Step15 Click Next . Beneath Route Review and Edit, node icons appear for you to route the circuit manually.

The green arrows pointing from the source node to other network nodes indicate spans that are available for routing the circuit.

Step16 Complete the "DLP-F63 Provision an Optical Circuit Route" task.

Step17 Click Finish. In the Circuits tab, verify that a new circuit appears.

This circuit is the Roll To circuit. It is designated with the Roll From circuit name appended with ROLL**.

Step18 Click the Rolls tab. Two new rolls now appear on the Rolls tab. For each pending roll, view the Roll Valid Signal status.

If the Roll Valid Signal status is true, a valid signal was found on the new port. Continue with Step 19 .

If the roll is a one-way destination roll and the Roll Valid signal status is false, continue with Step 19 . It is not possible to get a Roll Valid Signal status of true for a one-way destination roll.

If the roll is not a one-way destination roll and the Roll Valid Signal status is false, a valid signal was not found. Wait until the signal is found and continue with Step 19 . If the signal is not found, refer to the Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Troubleshooting Guide. To cancel the roll, click both rolls and click Cancel .

Note You cannot cancel an Auto roll after a valid signal is found.

Step19 If you selected Manual in Step5, click each roll and click Complete to route the traffic to the new port.

Note You cannot complete a roll if you cancelled the sibling roll. You must complete the two rolls together.

Step20 For both Manual and Auto rolls, click Finish to complete the circuit roll process.

Note If you tried to roll an SNCP circuit, an error message appears. Click OK to close the error message. To cancel the roll, click the roll on the Rolls tab and click Cancel .

Step21 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-F102 Roll Two Cross-Connections from One Optical Circuit To a Second Optical Circuit


This task reroutes a network path using two optical circuits by allowing CTC to select the Roll To path on the second circuit automatically.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning and higher

Step1 From the View menu, choose Go To Network View .

Step2 Click the Circuits tab.

Step3 Press Ctrl and click the two circuits that you want to use in the roll process.

The Roll From path will be on one circuit and the Roll To path will be on the other circuit. The circuits must be in the Active state; in addition, they must be the same size and direction for you to complete a roll.

Note The planned Roll To circuit must not carry traffic.

Note The first Roll To path must be DCC connected to the source node of the Roll To circuit, and the second Roll To path must be DCC connected to the destination node of the Roll To circuit.

Step4 From the Tools menu, choose Circuits > Roll Circuit .

Step5 In the Roll Attributes area, complete the following ( Figure9-19):

From the Circuit Roll Mode drop-down menu, choose Auto to create an automatic roll (required for a 1-way source roll) or Manual to create a manual roll (required for 1-way destination roll).

From the Circuit Roll Type drop-down menu, choose Dual.

In the Roll From Circuit area, click the circuit that contains the Roll From path.

Figure 9-19 Selecting Roll Attributes for a Dual Roll onto a Second Circuit

Step6 Click Next .

Step7 In the Pivot/Fixed Point 1 window, click the square representing the fixed path of the first cross-connection to be rolled ( Figure9-20).

This path is a fixed point in the cross-connection involved in the roll process. The path identifier appears in the text box below the graphic image. The path that is not selected contains the Roll From path. The Roll From path is deleted after the roll is completed.

Figure 9-20 Selecting the First Fixed Path on a Circuit

Step8 Click Next .

Step9 Complete one of the following:

If multiple Roll From paths exist, the Select Roll From dialog box appears. Select the path from which you want to roll traffic and click OK ( Figure 9-21 ).

If multiple Roll From paths do not exist, continue with Step 10 .

The circuit state for the Roll To path changes from Active to Roll Pending.

Figure 9-21 Selecting the Roll From Connection

Step10 In the Pivot/Fixed Point 2 window, click the square that represents the fixed path of the second connection to be rolled ( Figure9-22).

The path that is not selected is the Roll From path. The Roll From path is deleted after the roll is completed. The path identifier appears in the text box below the graphic image.

Figure 9-22 Selecting the Second Fixed Path on the Circuit

Step11 Click Next .

Step12 Click Finish . In the Circuits tab, the Roll From and Roll To circuits change from the Active state to Roll Rending.

Step13 Click the Rolls tab. Two new rolls now appear on the Rolls tab. For each pending roll, view the Roll Valid Signal status.

If the Roll Valid Signal status is true, a valid signal was found on the new port. Continue with Step 14 .

If the roll is a one-way destination roll and the Roll Valid signal status is false, continue with Step 14 . It is not possible to get a Roll Valid Signal status of true for a one-way destination roll.

If the roll is not a one-way destination roll and the Roll Valid Signal status is false, a valid signal was not found. Wait until the signal is found and continue with Step 14 . If the signal is not found, refer to the Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Troubleshooting Guide. To cancel the roll, click both rolls on the Rolls tab and click Cancel .

Note You cannot cancel an Auto roll after a valid signal is found.

Step14 If you selected Manual in Step5, click both rolls on the Rolls tab and click Complete to route the traffic to the new port. If you selected Auto in Step5, continue with Step15.

Note You cannot complete a roll if you cancelled the sibling roll. You must complete the two rolls together.

Step15 For both Manual and Auto rolls, click Finish to complete the circuit roll process.

Note If you tried to roll an SNCP circuit, an error message appears. Click OK to close the error message. To cancel the roll, click the roll on the Rolls tab and click Cancel .

Step16 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-F103 Delete a Roll


This task deletes a roll.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

F63 Bridge and Roll Traffic

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Note You must complete a roll before you can delete it.

Step1 From the View menu, choose Go To Network View .

Step2 Click the Circuits > Rolls tabs.

Step3 Click the rolled circuit that you want to delete.

Step4 From the Tools menu, choose Circuits > Delete Rolls.

Step5 In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes .

Step6 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

NTP-F64 Convert Circuits to TL1 Cross-Connections


This procedure converts CTC circuits to a set of TL1 cross-connects, which enables you to repair a missing cross-connect or change the cross-connect(s) using the TL1-like circuit option during circuit creation.



Prerequisite Procedures

"Create Circuits"

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Note One-way SNCP circuits can be downgraded but will not be Upgradable to Active circuits. These circuits will remain in the Non_Upgradable state after the merge.

Step1 Complete the "DLP-F36 Log into CTC" task at an ONS15600SDH node on the network where you want to convert the CTC circuits. If you are already logged in, continue with Step2.

Step2 From the View menu, choose Go To Network View .

Step3 Click the Circuits tab, then choose the CTC circuits that you want to convert to TL1 cross-connects.

The circuit(s) must have an INCOMPLETE or ACTIVE status.

Step4 From the Tools menu, choose Circuits > Convert CTC Circuit to TL1 Cross-Connects .

Step5 In the Convert to TL1 Cross Connect dialog box, click OK .

The Convert to TL1 Cross Connect Results dialog box displays the results of the conversion. If any circuits could not be converted, those circuits are listed.

Step6 In the Convert to TL1 Cross Connect Results dialog box, click OK .

If the circuit you selected had an INCOMPLETE status, its status will not change. If you selected an ACTIVE (complete) circuit, its status will change to UPGRADABLE.

Step7 If you are repairing a circuit, complete the circuit creation procedure in "Create Circuits," appropriate to the circuit you are repairing to replace or repair the circuit cross-connects.

After you repair or replace all missing cross-connects, CTC automatically merges them and the circuit status changes to UPGRADABLE.

Figure 9-23 Choosing the Cross-Connects Only Option

Step8 To upgrade the repaired circuit to a CTC circuit, continue with the "NTP-F65 Upgrade TL1 Cross-Connects to CTC Circuits" procedure.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-F65 Upgrade TL1 Cross-Connects to CTC Circuits


This procedure converts a series of cross-connects shown as UPGRADABLE in the CTC Circuits window to an ACTIVE CTC circuit.



Prerequisite Procedures

TL1-created or CTC-created TL1-like cross-connects must exist on the network

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step1 Complete the "DLP-F36 Log into CTC" task at an ONS15600SDH node on the network where you want to upgrade the TL1-created or CTC-created TL1-like cross-connects. If you are already logged in, continue with Step2.

Step2 From the View menu, choose Go To Network View .

Step3 Click the Circuits tab, then choose one or more circuits with an UPGRADABLE status. These circuits contain a series of cross-connects that are linked together to form a circuit path. The cross-connects might have been created with TL1 or with CTC using the TL1-like cross-connects option.

Step4 From the Tools menu, choose Circuits > Upgrade TL1 Cross-Connects to CTC Circuits .

Step5 In the Upgrade Circuits dialog box, click OK .

The circuit status changes to ACTIVE.

Step6 In the Circuit Upgrade Results dialog box, click OK .

Stop. You have completed this procedure.


Posted: Thu Feb 26 17:33:43 PST 2004
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