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Table Of Contents
Create Circuits and VT Tunnels
NTP-50 Verify System Acceptance
NTP-51 Create an Automatically Routed DS-1 Circuit
NTP-52 Create a Manually Routed DS-1 Circuit
NTP-53 Create a Unidirectional DS-1 Circuit with Multiple Drops
NTP-54 Create an Automatically Routed DS-3 Circuit
NTP-55 Create a Manually Routed DS-3 Circuit
NTP-56 Create a Unidirectional DS-3 Circuit with Multiple Drops
DLP-95 Provision a DS-1 or DS-3 Circuit Source and Destination
DLP-96 Provision a DS-1 or DS-3 Circuit Route
NTP-58 Test Electrical Circuits
NTP-59 Create an Automatically Routed Optical Circuit
NTP-60 Create a Manually Routed Optical Circuit
NTP-61 Create a Unidirectional Optical Circuit with Multiple Drops
DLP-97 Provision an Optical Circuit Source and Destination
DLP-98 Provision an Optical Circuit Route
NTP-63 Create E Series Ethernet Circuits
DLP-99 Determine Available VLANs
DLP-100 Provision an E Series EtherSwitch Circuit (Multicard or Single-Card)
DLP-101 Create an E Series Shared Packet Ring Ethernet Circuit
DLP-102 Create an E Series Hub and Spoke Ethernet Circuit
DLP-103 Provision an E Series Single-Card EtherSwitch Manual Cross-Connect
DLP-104 Provision an E Series Multicard EtherSwitch Manual Cross-Connect
DLP-105 Provision E Series Ethernet Ports
DLP-106 Provision E Series Ethernet Ports for VLAN Membership
NTP-64 Test E Series Ethernet Circuits
NTP-65 Create G Series Ethernet Circuits
DLP-107 Create a G1000-4 EtherSwitch Circuit
DLP-108 Provision a G1000-4 Manual Cross-Connect
DLP-109 Provision G1000-4 Ethernet Ports
NTP-66 Test G Series Ethernet Circuits
Create Circuits and VT Tunnels
This chapter explains how to create Cisco ONS 15454 electrical circuits and VT tunnels, optical circuits, and Ethernet circuits.
For additional information about ONS 15454 circuits, refer to the Circuits chapter and Circuit Routing appendix in the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Guide.
Before You Begin
Before performing any of the following procedures, investigate all alarms and clear any trouble conditions. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide as necessary.
This section lists the chapter procedures (NTPs). Turn to a procedure for applicable tasks (DLPs).
NTP-50 Verify System Acceptance—Complete this procedure before you create any circuits.
NTP-51 Create an Automatically Routed DS-1 Circuit—Complete as needed.
NTP-52 Create a Manually Routed DS-1 Circuit—Complete as needed.
NTP-53 Create a Unidirectional DS-1 Circuit with Multiple Drops—Complete as needed.
NTP-54 Create an Automatically Routed DS-3 Circuit—Complete as needed.
NTP-55 Create a Manually Routed DS-3 Circuit—Complete as needed.
NTP-56 Create a Unidirectional DS-3 Circuit with Multiple Drops—Complete as needed.
NTP-57 Create a VT Tunnel—Complete as needed.
NTP-58 Test Electrical Circuits—Complete this procedure after you create an electrical circuit.
NTP-59 Create an Automatically Routed Optical Circuit—Complete as needed.
NTP-60 Create a Manually Routed Optical Circuit—Complete as needed.
NTP-61 Create a Unidirectional Optical Circuit with Multiple Drops—Complete as needed.
NTP-62 Test Optical Circuits—Complete this procedure after you create an optical circuit.
NTP-63 Create E Series Ethernet Circuits—Complete this procedure as needed to create EtherSwitch, shared packet ring, and point-to-point Ethernet circuits.
NTP-64 Test E Series Ethernet Circuits—Complete this procedure after creating E series Ethernet circuits.
NTP-65 Create G Series Ethernet Circuits—Complete this procedure to create circuits with the G1000-4 card.
NTP-66 Test G Series Ethernet Circuits—Complete this procedure after creating G series Ethernet circuits.
Table 6-1 defines ONS 15454 circuit creation terms and options.
ONS 15454 circuits are either a VT or a STS circuit. Table 6-2 shows the circuit source and destination options that display for VT circuits. Table 6-3 shows the options that display for STS circuits.
NTP-50 Verify System Acceptance
This procedure verifies that the ONS 15454 network is ready for circuit provisioning.
Prerequisite Procedures
Required/As Needed
Onsite or remote
Step 1
Log into an ONS 15454 on the network where you will create circuits. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions.
Step 2
From the View menu, select Go to Network View. Wait for all the nodes that are part of the network to display on the network map. (Large networks may take several minutes to display all the nodes.)
If this is the first time your computer has connected to this ONS 15454 network, the node icons will be stacked on the left side of your screen, possibly out of view. Use the scroll bar beneath the network map to display the icons. To separate the icons press Ctrl, click and drag the icon with your mouse to the new location. Repeat until all the nodes are visible on the screen.
Step 3
Verify node accessibility. All node icons must be either green, yellow, orange, or red.
If all network nodes do not display after a few minutes, or if a node icon is grey with an IP address under it, do not continue. Go to Chapter 5, "Turn Up Network," to review the network turn-up procedure appropriate for your network topology, or refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide for troubleshooting procedures.
Step 4
Verify DCC connectivity. All nodes must be connected by green lines. If lines are missing or grey in color, do not continue. Go to Chapter 5, "Turn Up Network," and follow the network turnip procedure appropriate for your network topology. Verify that all nodes have DCC connectivity before continuing.
Step 5
Investigate and resolve, if necessary, all critical (red node icon) or major (orange node icon) alarms. Click the Alarms tab to view alarm descriptions. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide for to resolve the alarm before continuing.
Step 6
From the View menu, select Go to Home View. Verify that the node is provisioned according to your site or engineering plan:
View the cards displayed in the shelf map. Verify that the ONS 15454 cards appear in the specified slots.
Click the Provisioning > General tabs. Verify that the node name, contacts, date, time and NTP/SNTP server IP address (if used) are correctly provisioned. If needed, make corrections using the "DLP-64 Set the IP Address, Default Router, and Network Mask Using the LCD" task.
Click the Network tab. Verify that the IP address, Subnet mask, Default Router, Prevent LCD IP Config, and Gateway Settings are correctly provisioned. If not, make corrections using the "DLP-63 Set Up Network Information Using CTC" task.
Click the Protection tab. Verify that protection groups are created as specified in your site plan. If the protection groups are not created, create them using "NTP-29 Create Protection Groups" procedure.
If the node is in a BLSR, click the Ring tab. (If the node is not in a BLSR, go to Step f.) Verify that the following items are provisioned as specified in your site plan:
BLSR type (2-Fiber or 4-Fiber)
BLSR ring ID and node IDs
Ring reversion time
East and west card assignments
4-fiber BLSRs: span reversion and east/west protect card assignments
If corrections need to be made, go to "NTP-40 Provision the BLSR Nodes" procedure on page 5-13 for instructions.
Click the Security tab. Verify that the users and access levels are provisioned as specified. If not, see the "NTP-30 Create Users and Assign Security" procedure to correct the information.
If SNMP is used, click the SNMP tab and verify the trap and destination information. If the information is not correct, see the "NTP-33 Set Up SNMP" procedure to correct the information.
Click the Sonet DCC tab. Verify that DCC(s) were created to the applicable OC-N cards and ports. If DCCs were not created for the appropriate OC-N cards, go to Chapter 5, "Turn Up Network," and complete the turnip procedure appropriate for your network topology.
Click the Timing tab. Verify that timing is provisioned as specified. If not, go to the "NTP-28 Set Up Timing" procedure to make the changes.
Click the Alarm Behavior tab. If you provisioned optional alarm profiles, verify that the alarms are provisioned as specified. If not, see the "NTP-71 Create and Assign Alarm Severity Profiles" procedure to change the information.
Step 7
Select the next node in the network and Repeat Step 6 for that node. Repeat for each node in the network.
Step 8
As appropriate, complete the circuit creation procedure listed on page 6-1.
NTP-51 Create an Automatically Routed DS-1 Circuit
This procedure creates an automatically routed DS-1 circuit, meaning CTC chooses the circuit route based on the parameters you set at circuit creation and on the system load.
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-50 Verify System Acceptance
Required/As Needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
Step 1
Log into the node where you will create the circuit. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions. The default (node) view displays.
Step 2
Click the Circuits tab, then click Create.
Step 3
In the Circuit Creation dialog box ( Figure 6-1), complete the following fields:
Name—Assign a name to the circuit. The name can be alphanumeric and up to 32 characters (including spaces). If you leave the field blank, CTC assigns a default name to the circuit.
Type—Select VT. VT cross connects will carry the DS-1 circuit across the ONS 15454 network.
Size—VT1.5 is the default. You cannot change it.
Bidirectional—Leave checked for this circuit (default).
Number of circuits—Type the number of DS-1 circuits you want to create. The default is 1. If you are creating multiple circuits with the same source and destination, you can use Auto-Ranged to create the circuits automatically.
Auto-ranged—This checkbox is automatically selected if you enter more than 1 in the Number of circuits field. Auto-ranging creates identical (same source and destination) sequential circuits automatically. Deselect the box if you do not want CTC to create sequential circuits automatically.
Protected Drops—Select this box if you want CTC to display only protected cards and ports as source and destination choices.
Figure 6-1 Setting circuit attributes for a DS-1 circuit
Step 4
If the circuit will be routed on a UPSR, set the UPSR path selectors:
Revertive—Check this box if you want traffic to revert to the working path when the conditions that diverted it to the protect path are repaired. If you do not choose Revertive, traffic remains on the protect path after the switch.
Reversion time—If Revertive is checked, choose the reversion time. Click the Reversion time field and select a reversion time from the pull-down menu. The range is 0.5 to 12.0 minutes. The default is 5.0 minutes. This is the amount of time that will elapse before the traffic reverts to the working path. Traffic can revert when conditions causing the switch are cleared.
SF threshold—Not available for VT circuits.
SD threshold—Not available for VT circuits.
Switch on PDI-P—Not available for VT circuits.
Step 5
Click Next.
Step 6
Complete the "DLP-95 Provision a DS-1 or DS-3 Circuit Source and Destination" task for the DS-1 circuit you are creating.
Step 7
Beneath Circuit Routing Preferences ( Figure 6-2), select Route Automatically. The following options are available.
Using Required Nodes/Spans—Select this box if you want to specify nodes and spans to include or exclude in the CTC-generated circuit route.
Review Route Before Creation—Select this box if you want to review and edit the circuit route before the circuit is created.
Select either, both, or none, based on your preferences.
Fully Protected Path is checked by default to route the circuit over a protected path. (If you do not want to route the circuit on a protected path, uncheck the Fully Protected Path checkbox and go to Step 9.) When checked, CTC creates a fully-protected circuit route based on the path diversity option you choose. Fully-protected paths may or may not have UPSR path segments (with primary and alternate paths), and the path diversity options only apply to UPSR path segments, if any exist.
Step 8
If Fully Protected Path is selected, choose one of the following:
Nodal Diversity Required—Ensures that the primary and alternate paths within PPMN portions of the complete circuit path are nodally diverse.
Nodal Diversity Desired—(default) Specifies that node diversity is preferred, but if node diversity is not possible, CTC creates link-diverse paths for the PPMN portion of the complete circuit path.
Link Diversity Only—Specifies that only link-diverse primary and alternate paths for PPMN portions of the complete circuit path are needed. The paths may be node-diverse, but CTC does not check for node diversity.
Figure 6-2 Setting circuit routing preferences for a DS-1 circuit
Step 9
If you selected Using Required Nodes/Spans, complete the following substeps. If not, proceed to the next step:
Click Next.
Beneath Circuit Route Constraints, click a node or span on the circuit map.
Click Include to include the node or span in the circuit. Click Exclude to exclude the node/span from the circuit. The order in which you select included nodes and spans sets the circuit sequence. Click spans twice to change the circuit direction.
Repeat Step c for each node or span you wish to include or exclude.
Review the circuit route. To change the circuit routing order, select a node under the Required Nodes/Lines or Excluded Notes Links lists and click the Up or Down buttons to change the circuit routing order. Click Remove to remove a node or span.
Step 10
If you selected Review Route Before Creation, complete the following substeps. If not, proceed to the next step.
Click Next.
Review the circuit route. To add or delete a circuit span, select a node on the circuit route. Blue arrows show the circuit route. Green arrows indicate spans that you can add. Click a span arrowhead, then click Include to include the span or Remove to remove the span.
If the provisioned circuit does not reflect the routing and configuration you want, click Back to verify and change circuit information. If the circuit needs to be routed to a different path, see the "NTP-52 Create a Manually Routed DS-1 Circuit" task.
Step 11
Click Finish. One of the following results occurs, depending on the circuit properties you chose in the Circuit Creation dialog box:
If you entered more than 1 in Number of circuits and selected Auto-ranged, CTC automatically creates the number of circuits entered in Number of circuits. If auto ranging cannot complete all the circuits, for example, because enough bandwidth is not available at the source or destination, a dialog box is displayed. Set the new source or destination for the remaining circuits, then click Finish to continue auto ranging.
If you entered more than 1 in Number of circuits and did not select Auto-ranged, the Circuit Creation dialog box is displayed so you can create the remaining circuits. Repeat this procedure for each additional circuit.
After completing the circuit(s), CTC displays the Circuits window.
Step 12
On the Circuits window, verify that the circuit(s) just created appear in the circuits list.
Step 13
Complete the "NTP-58 Test Electrical Circuits" procedure.
NTP-52 Create a Manually Routed DS-1 Circuit
Step 1
Log into the node where you will create the circuit. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions. The default (node) view displays.
Step 2
Click the Circuits tab, then click Create.
Step 3
In the Circuit Creation dialog box (see Figure 6-1), complete the following fields:
Name—Assign a name to the circuit. The name can be alphanumeric and up to 32 characters (including spaces). If you leave the field blank, CTC assigns a default name to the circuit.
Type—Select VT. VT cross connects will carry the DS-1 circuit across the ONS 15454 network.
Size—VT1.5 is the default. You cannot change it.
Bidirectional—Leave checked for this circuit (default).
Number of circuits—Type the number of DS-1 circuits you want to create. The default is 1.
Auto-ranged—Applies to automatically-routed circuits only. Leave this box unchecked (default).
Protected Drops—Select this box if you want CTC to display only protected cards and ports (cards and ports in 1:1, 1:N, 1+1, or BLSR protection) as source and destination choices.
Step 4
If the circuit will be routed on a UPSR, set the UPSR path selectors:
Revertive—Check this box if you want traffic to revert to the working path when the conditions that diverted it to the protect path are repaired. If you do not choose Revertive, traffic remains on the protect path after the switch.
Reversion time—If Revertive is checked, choose the reversion time. Click the Reversion time field and select a reversion time from the pull-down menu. The range is 0.5 to 12.0 minutes. The default is 5.0 minutes. This is the amount of time that will elapse before the traffic reverts to the working path. Traffic can revert when conditions causing the switch are cleared.
SF threshold—Not available for VT circuits.
SD threshold—Not available for VT circuits.
Switch on PDI-P—Not available for VT circuits.
Step 5
Click Next.
Step 6
Complete the "DLP-95 Provision a DS-1 or DS-3 Circuit Source and Destination" task for the DS-1 circuit.
Step 7
Beneath Circuit Routing Preferences (see Figure 6-2), deselect Route Automatically.
Fully Protected Path is checked by default to route the circuit over a protected path. (If you do not want to route the circuit on a protected path, uncheck the Fully Protected Path checkbox and go to Step 11.) When checked, CTC compares your manually-provisioned circuit route with the specified path diversity option. If the path does not meet the specified path diversity requirement, CTC displays an error message and allows you to change the circuit path. Fully-protected paths may or may not have UPSR path segments (with primary and alternate paths), and the path diversity options only apply to UPSR path segments, if any exist.
Step 8
If Fully Protected Path is selected, choose one of the following:
Nodal Diversity Required—Ensures that the primary and alternate paths within the PPMN portions of the complete circuit path are nodally diverse.
Nodal Diversity Desired— (default) Specifies that node diversity is preferred, but if node diversity is not possible, CTC creates link-diverse paths for the PPMN portion of the complete circuit path.
Link Diversity Only—Specifies that only link-diverse primary and alternate paths for PPMN portions of the complete circuit path are needed. The paths may be node-diverse, but CTC does not check for node diversity.
Step 9
Click Next. Beneath Route Review and Edit, node icons are displayed so you can route the circuit manually. The green arrows pointing from the selected node to other network nodes indicate spans that are available for routing the circuit.
Step 10
Complete the "DLP-96 Provision a DS-1 or DS-3 Circuit Route" task for the DS-1 circuit you are creating.
When provisioning a protected circuit, you only need to select one of the BLSR or 1+1 span paths from the source to the drop. If you select unprotected spans as part of the path, you must provision both the working and protect paths.
Step 11
Click Finish. If you entered more than 1 in Number of circuits, the Circuit Creation dialog box is displayed so you can create the remaining circuits. Repeat this procedure for each additional circuit.
Step 12
When all the circuits are created, CTC displays the main Circuits window. Verify that the circuit(s) you created are correct.
Step 13
Complete the "NTP-58 Test Electrical Circuits" procedure.
NTP-53 Create a Unidirectional DS-1 Circuit with Multiple Drops
This procedure creates a unidirectional DS-1 circuit with multiple drops.
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-50 Verify System Acceptance
Required/As Needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
Step 1
Log into the node where you will create the circuit. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions. The default (node) view displays.
Step 2
Click the Circuits tab, then click Create.
Step 3
In the Circuit Creation dialog box ( Figure 6-1), complete the following fields:
Name—Assign a name to the circuit. The name can be alphanumeric and up to 32 characters (including spaces). If you leave the field blank, CTC assigns a default name to the circuit.
Type—Select VT.
Size—VT1.5 is the default. You cannot change it.
Bidirectional—Deselect for this circuit.
Number of circuits—Type the number of DS-1 circuits you want to create. The default is 1. If you are creating multiple circuits with the same source and destination, you can use auto-ranging to create the circuits automatically.
Auto-ranged—Automatically selected if you enter more than 1 in the Number of circuits field. Leave selected if you are creating multiple DS-1 circuits with the same source and destination and you want CTC to create the circuits automatically. Deselect the box if you do not want CTC to create the circuits automatically.
Protected Drops—Select this box if you want the circuit routed to protect drops only, that is, to ONS 15454 cards that are in 1:1, 1:N, 1+1, or BLSR protection. If you select this box, CTC only displays protected cards as source and destination choices.
Figure 6-3 Setting circuit attributes for a DS-1 circuit
Step 4
If the circuit will be routed on a UPSR, set the UPSR path selectors:
Revertive—Check this box if you want traffic to revert to the working path when the conditions that diverted it to the protect path are repaired. If you do not choose Revertive, traffic remains on the protect path after the switch.
Reversion time—If Revertive is checked, choose the reversion time. Click the Reversion time field and select a reversion time from the pull-down menu. The range is 0.5 to 12.0 minutes. The default is 5.0 minutes. This is the amount of time that will elapse before the traffic reverts to the working path. Traffic can revert when conditions causing the switch are cleared.
SF threshold—Not available for VT circuits.
SD threshold—Not available for VT circuits.
Switch on PDI-P—Not available for VT circuits.
Step 5
Click Next.
Step 6
Complete the "DLP-95 Provision a DS-1 or DS-3 Circuit Source and Destination" task for the DS-1 circuit you are creating.
Step 7
Beneath Circuit Routing Preferences, deselect Route Automatically. When Route Automatically is not selected, Using Required Nodes/Spans and Review Route Before Circuit Creation are not available.
Fully Protected Path is checked by default to route the circuit over a protected path. (If you do not want to route the circuit on a protected path, uncheck the Fully Protected Path checkbox and go to Step 9.) When checked, CTC creates a fully-protected circuit route based on the path diversity option you choose. Fully-protected paths may or may not have UPSR path segments (with primary and alternate paths), and the path diversity options only apply to UPSR path segments, if any exist.
Step 8
If Fully Protected Path is selected, choose one of the following:
Nodal Diversity Required—Ensures that the primary and alternate paths within the PPMN portions of the complete circuit path are nodally diverse.
Nodal Diversity Desired—(default) Specifies that node diversity is preferred, but if node diversity is not possible, CTC creates link-diverse paths for the PPMN portion of the complete circuit path.
Link Diversity Only—Specifies that only link-diverse primary and alternate paths for PPMN portions of the complete circuit path are needed. The paths may be node-diverse, but CTC does not check for node diversity.
Step 9
Click Next. Beneath Route Review and Edit, node icons are displayed so you can route the circuit manually. The green arrows pointing from the selected node to other network nodes indicate spans that are available for routing the circuit.
Step 10
Complete the "DLP-96 Provision a DS-1 or DS-3 Circuit Route" task for the DS-1 circuit you are creating.
When provisioning a protected circuit, you only need to select one path of BLSR or 1+1 spans from the source to the drop. If you select unprotected spans as part of the path, you must provision both the working and protect paths.
Step 11
Click Finish. One of the following occurs, based on the circuit properties you chose:
If you entered more than 1 in Number of circuits and selected Auto-ranged, CTC automatically creates the number of circuits entered in Number of circuits. If auto ranging cannot complete all the circuits, for example, because enough bandwidth is not available on the source or destination, a dialog box is displayed. Set the new source or destination for the remaining circuits, then click Finish to continue auto ranging.
If you entered more than 1 in Number of circuits and did not select Auto-ranged, the Circuit Creation dialog box is displayed so you can create the remaining circuits. Repeat Steps 3- 13 for each additional circuit.
After completing the circuit(s), CTC displays the Circuits window.
Step 12
On the Circuits window, click the circuit that you want to route to multiple drops. The Delete Edit, and Search radio buttons become active.
Step 13
Click Edit. The Edit Circuit window is displayed with the General tab selected.
All nodes in the DCC network are displayed on the network. Circuit source and destination information appears under the source and destination nodes. To display a detailed view of the circuit, click Show Detailed Map. You can also rearrange a node icon by selecting the node with the left mouse button while simultaneously pressing Ctrl, then dragging the icon to the new location.
Step 14
On the Edit Circuit dialog box, click the Drops tab. A list of existing drops is displayed.
Step 15
Click Create.
Step 16
On the Define New Drop dialog box, define the new drop:
Node—Choose the target node for the circuit drop.
Slot—Choose the target card and slot.
Port, STS, VT, or DS1—Choose the port, STS, VT, or DS1 from the Port, STS, VT or DS1 pull-down menus. The card selected in Step b determines the fields that display. See Table 6-2 for a list of options.
Click OK. The new drop appears in the Drops list.
The routing preferences for the new drop will match those of the original drop. If the original circuit was created using a fully-protected path, any new drops will also have a fully-protected path from the circuit source.
Step 17
If you need to create additional drops for the circuit, repeat Step 15- 16 to create the additional drops.
Step 18
Select Close. The Circuits window is displayed.
Step 19
Verify that the new drops are displayed under the Destination column for the circuit you edited. If they do not appear repeat Steps 3- 18, making sure all options are provisioned correctly.
Step 20
Complete the "NTP-58 Test Electrical Circuits" procedure.
NTP-54 Create an Automatically Routed DS-3 Circuit
Creates an automatically routed DS-3 circuit. CTC routes the circuit automatically based on circuit creation parameters and the system load.
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-50 Verify System Acceptance
Required/As Needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
Step 1
Log into the node where you will create the circuit. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions. The default (node) view displays.
Step 2
Click the Circuits tab, then click Create.
Step 3
In the Circuit Creation dialog box ( Figure 6-1), complete the following fields:
Name—Assign a name to the circuit. The name can be alphanumeric and up to 32 characters (including spaces). If you leave the field blank, CTC assigns a default name to the circuit.
Type—Select STS. STS cross connects will carry the DS-3 circuit across the ONS 15454 network.
Size—Select STS-1.
Bidirectional—Leave checked for this circuit (default).
Number of circuits—Type the number of DS-3 circuits you want to create. The default is 1. If you are creating multiple circuits with the same source and destination, you can use Auto-Ranged to create the circuits automatically.
Auto-ranged—This box is automatically selected if you enter more than 1 in the Number of circuits field. Leave selected if you are creating multiple DS-3 circuits with the same source and destination and you want CTC to create the circuits automatically. Deselect the box if you do not want CTC to create sequential circuits automatically.
Protected Drops—Select this box if you want CTC to display only protected cards and ports (cards and ports in 1:1, 1:N, 1+1, or BLSR protection) as source and destination choices.
Figure 6-4 Setting circuit attributes for a DS-3 circuit
Step 4
If the circuit will be routed on a UPSR, set the UPSR path selectors:
Revertive—Check this box if you want traffic to revert to the working path when the conditions that diverted it to the protect path are repaired. If you do not choose Revertive, traffic remains on the protect path after the switch.
Reversion time—If Revertive is checked, choose the reversion time. Click the Reversion time field and select a reversion time from the pull-down menu. The range is 0.5 to 12.0 minutes. The default is 5.0 minutes. This is the amount of time that will elapse before the traffic reverts to the working path. Traffic can revert when conditions causing the switch are cleared.
SF threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal failure bit error rate (BER) threshold.
SD threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal degrade bit error rate (BER) threshold.
Switch on PDI-P—Check this box if you want traffic to switch when an STS payload defect indicator is received.
Click Next.
Step 5
Complete the "DLP-95 Provision a DS-1 or DS-3 Circuit Source and Destination" task.
Step 6
Beneath Circuit Routing Preferences ( Figure 6-5), select Route Automatically. The following options are available:
Using Required Nodes/Spans—Select this box to specify nodes and spans to include or exclude in the CTC-generated circuit route.
Review Route Before Creation—Select this box to review and edit the circuit route before the circuit is created.
Fully Protected Path is checked by default to route the circuit over a protected path. (If you do not want to route the circuit on a protected path, uncheck the Fully Protected Path checkbox and go to Step 8.) When checked, CTC creates a fully-protected circuit route based on the path diversity option you choose. Fully-protected paths may or may not have UPSR path segments (with primary and alternate paths), and the path diversity options only apply to UPSR path segments, if any exist.
Step 7
If Fully Protected Path is selected, choose one of the following:
Nodal Diversity Required—Ensures that the primary and alternate paths within PPMN portions of the complete circuit path are nodally diverse.
Nodal Diversity Desired—(default) Specifies that node diversity is preferred, but if node diversity is not possible, CTC creates link-diverse paths for the PPMN portion of the complete circuit path.
Link Diversity Only—Specifies that only link-diverse primary and alternate paths for PPMN portions of the complete circuit path are needed. The paths may be node-diverse, but CTC does not check for node diversity.
Figure 6-5 Setting circuit routing preferences for a DS-3 circuit
Step 8
If you selected Using Required Nodes/Spans complete the following substeps; otherwise, proceed to Step 9:
Click Next.
Beneath Circuit Route Constraints, click a node or span on the circuit map.
Click Include to include the node or span in the circuit. Click Exclude to exclude the node/span from the circuit. The order in which you select included nodes and spans determines the circuit sequence. Click spans twice to change the circuit direction.
Repeat Step c for each node or span you wish to include or exclude.
Review the circuit route. To change the circuit routing order, select a node from the Required Nodes/Lines or Excluded Notes Links lists, then click the Up or Down buttons to change the circuit routing order. Click Remove to remove a node or span.
If a node or span stays grey, that node or span is required.
Step 9
If you selected Review Route Before Creation, complete the following substeps; otherwise, proceed to Step 10:
Click Next
Review the circuit route. To add or delete a circuit span, select a node on the circuit route. Blue arrows show the circuit route. Green arrows indicate spans that you can add. Click a span arrowhead, then click Include to include the span or Remove to remove the span.
If the provisioned circuit does not reflect the routing and configuration you want, click Back to verify and change circuit information. If the circuit needs to be routed to a different path, see the "NTP-55 Create a Manually Routed DS-3 Circuit" task.
Step 10
Click Finish. One of the following actions occurs based on the circuit properties you selected:
If you entered more than 1 in Number of circuits and selected Auto-ranged, CTC automatically creates the number of circuits entered in Number of circuits. If auto ranging cannot complete all the circuits, for example, because enough bandwidth is not available at the source or destination, a dialog box is displayed. Set the new source or destination for the remaining circuits, then click Finish to continue auto ranging.
If you entered more than 1 in Number of circuits and did not select Auto-ranged, the Circuit Creation dialog box is displayed so you can create the remaining circuits. Repeat Steps 3- 11 for each additional circuit.
After completing the circuit(s), CTC displays the Circuits window.
Step 11
On the Circuits window, verify that the circuit(s) you just created appear in the circuits list.
Step 12
Complete the "NTP-58 Test Electrical Circuits" procedure.
NTP-55 Create a Manually Routed DS-3 Circuit
This procedure creates a DS-3 circuit and allows you to choose the circuit route.
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-50 Verify System Acceptance
Required/As Needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
Step 1
Log into the node where you will create the circuit. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions. The default (node) view displays.
Step 2
Click the Circuits tab, then click Create.
Step 3
In the Circuit Creation dialog box ( Figure 6-1), complete the following fields:
Name—Assign a name to the circuit. The name can be alphanumeric and up to 32 characters (including spaces). If you leave this field blank, CTC will assign a default name to the circuit.
Type—Select STS. STS cross connects will carry the DS-3 circuit across the ONS 15454 network.
Size—Select STS-1.
Bidirectional—Leave this field checked (default).
Number of circuits—Type the number of DS-3 circuits you want to create. The default is 1.
Auto-ranged—Applies to automatically-routed circuits only. Leave this box unchecked (default).
Protected Drops—Select this box if you want the circuit routed to protect drops only, that is, to ONS 15454 cards that are in 1:1, 1:N, 1+1, or BLSR protection. If you select this box, CTC only displays protected cards as source and destination choices.
Step 4
If the circuit will be routed on a UPSR, set the UPSR path selectors:
Revertive—Check this box if you want traffic to revert to the working path when the conditions that diverted it to the protect path are repaired. If you do not choose Revertive, traffic remains on the protect path after the switch.
Reversion time—If Revertive is checked, choose the reversion time. Click the Reversion time field and select a reversion time from the pull-down menu. The range is 0.5 to 12.0 minutes. The default is 5.0 minutes. This is the amount of time that will elapse before the traffic reverts to the working path. Traffic can revert when conditions causing the switch are cleared.
SF threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal failure bit error rate (BER) thresholds.
SD threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal degrade BER thresholds.
Switch on PDI-P—Check this box if you want traffic to switch when an STS payload defect indicator is received.
Step 5
Click Next.
Step 6
Complete the "DLP-95 Provision a DS-1 or DS-3 Circuit Source and Destination" task for the DS-3 circuit you are creating.
Step 7
Beneath Circuit Routing Preferences ( Figure 6-5), deselect Route Automatically.
Fully Protected Path is checked by default to route the circuit over a protected path. (If you do not want to route the circuit on a protected path, uncheck the Fully Protected Path checkbox and go to Step 9.) When checked, CTC compares your manually-provisioned circuit route with the specified path diversity option. If the path does not meet the specified path diversity requirement, CTC displays an error message and allows you to change the circuit path. Fully-protected paths may or may not have UPSR path segments (with primary and alternate paths), and the path diversity options only apply to UPSR path segments, if any exist.
Step 8
If Fully Protected Path is selected, choose one of the following:
Nodal Diversity Required—Ensures that the primary and alternate paths within the PPMN portions of the complete circuit path are nodally diverse.
Nodal Diversity Desired—(default) Specifies that node diversity is preferred, but if node diversity is not possible, CTC creates link-diverse paths for the PPMN portion of the complete circuit path.
Link Diversity Only—Specifies that only link-diverse primary and alternate paths for PPMN portions of the complete circuit path are needed. The paths may be node-diverse, but CTC does not check for node diversity.
Step 9
Click Next. Beneath Route Review and Edit, node icons are displayed so you can route the circuit manually. The green arrows pointing from the selected node to other network nodes indicate spans that are available for routing the circuit.
Step 10
Complete the "DLP-96 Provision a DS-1 or DS-3 Circuit Route" task for the DS-3 you are creating.
When provisioning a protected circuit, you only need to select one of the BLSR or 1+1 span paths from the source to the drop. If you are in a UPSR and PPMN, you must provision both the working and protect paths.
Step 11
Click Finish. If you entered more than 1 in Number of circuits, the Circuit Creation dialog box is displayed so you can create the remaining circuits. Repeat this procedure for each additional circuit.
Step 12
When all the circuits are created, CTC displays the main Circuits window. Verify that the circuit(s) you created appear in the window.
Step 13
Complete the "NTP-58 Test Electrical Circuits" procedure.
NTP-56 Create a Unidirectional DS-3 Circuit with Multiple Drops
This procedure creates a unidirectional DS-3 circuit with multiple drops.
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-50 Verify System Acceptance
Required/As Needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
Step 1
Log into the node where you will create the circuit. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions. The default (node) view displays.
Step 2
Click the Circuits tab, then click Create.
Step 3
In the Circuit Creation dialog box ( Figure 6-1), complete the following fields:
Name—Assign a name to the circuit. The name can be alphanumeric and up to 32 characters (including spaces). If you leave the field blank, CTC assigns a default name to the circuit.
Type—Select STS.
Size—Select STS-1.
Bidirectional—Deselect for this circuit.
Number of circuits—Type the number of DS-1 circuits you want to create. The default is 1. If you are creating multiple circuits with the same source and destination, you can use auto-ranging to create the circuits automatically.
Auto-ranged—This box is automatically selected when you enter more than 1 in the Number of circuits field. Leave selected if you are creating multiple DS-3 circuits with the same source and destination and you want CTC to create the circuits automatically. Deselect the box if you do not want CTC to create the circuits automatically.
Protected Drops—Select this box if you want the circuit routed to protect drops only, that is, to ONS 15454 cards that are in 1:1, 1:N, 1+1, or BLSR protection. If you select this box, CTC only displays protected cards as source and destination choices.
Figure 6-6 Setting circuit attributes for a unidirectional DS-3 circuit
Step 4
If the circuit will be routed on a UPSR, set the UPSR path selectors:
Revertive—Check this box if you want traffic to revert to the working path when the conditions that diverted it to the protect path are repaired. If you do not choose Revertive, traffic remains on the protect path after the switch.
Reversion time—If Revertive is checked, choose the reversion time. Click the Reversion time field and select a reversion time from the pull-down menu. The range is 0.5 to 12.0 minutes. The default is 5.0 minutes. This is the amount of time that will elapse before the traffic reverts to the working path. Traffic can revert when conditions causing the switch are cleared.
SF threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal failure bit error rate (BER) thresholds.
SD threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal degrade BER thresholds.
Switch on PDI-P—Check this box if you want traffic to switch when an STS payload defect indicator is received.
Step 5
Click Next.
Step 6
Complete the "DLP-95 Provision a DS-1 or DS-3 Circuit Source and Destination" task for the DS-3 circuit you are creating.
Step 7
De-select Route Automatically. When Route Automatically is not selected, Using Required Nodes/Spans and Review Route Before Circuit Creation are not available.
Fully Protected Path is checked by default to route the circuit over a protected path. (If you do not want to route the circuit on a protected path, uncheck the Fully Protected Path checkbox and go to Step 9.) When checked, CTC creates a fully-protected circuit route based on the path diversity option you choose. Fully-protected paths may or may not have UPSR path segments (with primary and alternate paths), and the path diversity options only apply to UPSR path segments, if any exist.
Step 8
If Fully Protected Path is selected, choose one of the following:
Nodal Diversity Required—Ensures that the primary and alternate paths within the PPMN portions of the complete circuit path are nodally diverse.
Nodal Diversity Desired—(default) Specifies that node diversity is preferred, but if node diversity is not possible, CTC creates link-diverse paths for the PPMN portion of the complete circuit path.
Link Diversity Only—Specifies that only link-diverse primary and alternate paths for PPMN portions of the complete circuit path are needed. The paths may be node-diverse, but CTC does not check for node diversity.
Step 9
Click Next. Beneath Route Review and Edit, node icons are displayed so you can route the circuit manually. The green arrows pointing from the selected node to other network nodes indicate spans that are available for routing the circuit.
Step 10
Complete the "DLP-96 Provision a DS-1 or DS-3 Circuit Route" task for the DS-3 you are creating.
When provisioning a protected circuit, you only need to select one path of BLSR or 1+1 span paths from the source to the drop. If you select unprotected spans as part of the path, you must select both the working and protect paths.
Step 11
Click Finish. One of the following occurs, based on the circuit properties you selected:
If you entered more than 1 in Number of circuits and selected Auto-ranged, CTC automatically creates the number of circuits entered in Number of circuits. If auto ranging cannot complete all the circuits, for example, because enough bandwidth is not available on the source or destination, a dialog box is displayed. Set the new source or destination for the remaining circuits, then click Finish to continue auto ranging.
If you entered more than 1 in Number of circuits and did not select Auto-ranged, the Circuit Creation dialog box is displayed so you can create the remaining circuits. Repeat Steps 3- 11 for each additional circuit.
After completing the circuit(s), CTC displays the Circuits window.
Step 12
On the Circuits window, click the circuit that you want to route to multiple drops. The Delete, Edit, and Search radio buttons become active.
Step 13
Click Edit. The Edit Circuit window is displayed with the General tab selected. All nodes in the DCC network are displayed on the network map. Circuit source and destination information appears under the source and destination nodes. To display a detailed view of the circuit, click Show Detailed Map. You can rearrange the node icons by selecting the node with the left mouse button while simultaneously pressing Ctrl, then dragging the icon to the new location.
Step 14
On the Edit Circuit dialog box, click the Drops tab. A list of existing drops is displayed.
Step 15
Click Create.
Step 16
On the Define New Drop dialog box, define the new drop:
Node—Select the target node for the circuit drop.
Slot—Select the target card and slot
Port, STS—Select the port and/or STS from the Port and STS pull-down menus. The card selected in Step b determines which of these fields display. See Table 6-2 for a list of options.
Click OK. The new drop appears in the Drops list.
The routing preferences for the new drop will match those of the original drop. If the original circuit was created using a fully-protected path, any new drops will also have a fully-protected path from the circuit source.
Step 17
If you need to create additional drops for the circuit, repeat Steps 15- 16 to create the additional drops.
Step 18
Click Close. The Circuits window displays.
Step 19
Verify that the new drops are displayed under the Destination column for the circuit you edited. If they do not appear, repeat this procedure, making sure all options are provisioned correctly.
Step 20
Complete the "NTP-58 Test Electrical Circuits" procedure.
DLP-95 Provision a DS-1 or DS-3 Circuit Source and Destination
After you have selected the circuit properties in the Circuit Source dialog box according to the specific circuit creation procedure, you are ready to provision the circuit source.
Step 1
From the Node pull-down menu, select the node where the source will originate.
Step 2
From the Slot pull-down menu, select the slot containing the DS1-14, DS3XM-6, or DS-3 card where the circuit will originate.
Step 3
From the Port pull-down menu, select the source DS-1, DS3XM-6, or DS-3 port.
Step 4
If you chose DS3XM-6, select the source port and DS-1 from the Port and DS1 submenus.
Step 5
If you need to create a secondary source, for example, a UPSR bridge/selector circuit entry point in a multivendor UPSR, click Use Secondary Source and repeat Steps 1- 3 to define the secondary source. If you do not need to create a secondary source, go to Step 6.
Step 6
Click Next.
Step 7
From the Node pull-down menu, select the destination (termination) node.
Step 8
From the Slot pull-down menu, select the slot containing the destination card. The destination is typically a DS-1, DS3XM-6, or DS-3 card. You can also select an OC-N card to map the DS-1 to a VT1.5 for optical transport or to map the DS-3 circuit to an STS.
Step 9
Depending on the destination card, select the destination port, STS, VT, or DS1 from the sub-menus that display based on the card selected in Step 3. See Table 6-2 for a list of valid options. CTC does not display ports, STSs, VTs, or DS1s if they are already in use by other circuits.
Step 10
If you need to create a secondary destination, for example, a UPSR bridge/selector circuit exit point in a multivendor UPSR, click Use Secondary Destination and repeat Steps 7- 9 to define the secondary destination.
Step 11
Click Next.
Step 12
Finish the circuit creation procedure that referred you to this task.
DLP-96 Provision a DS-1 or DS-3 Circuit Route
Step 1
Starting with a span on the source node, click the arrowhead of the span you want the circuit to travel. The arrow turns white. Beneath Selected Span, the From and To fields display span information. The source VT (DS-1) or source STS (DS-3) is displayed.
Step 2
If you want to change the source VT, adjust the Source VT field; otherwise, proceed to the next step.
VT will be grey on a DS-3 circuit.
Step 3
If you want to change the source STS, change it in the Source STS field; otherwise, proceed to the next step.
Step 4
Click Add Span.The span is added to the Included Spans list and the span arrow turns blue.
Step 5
Repeat Steps 2- 4 until the circuit is provisioned from the source to the destination node through all intermediary nodes.
When provisioning a protected circuit, you only need to select one of the BLSR or 1+1 span paths from the source to the drop. If you select unprotected spans as part of the path, you must provision both the working and protect paths.
Step 6
Finish the circuit creation procedure that referred you to this task.
NTP-57 Create a VT Tunnel
This procedure creates a VT tunnel from source to destination nodes.
Prerequisite Procedures
Required/As Needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
Step 1
Log into the node where you will create the circuit. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions. The default (node) view displays.
Step 2
Click the Circuits tab, then click Create.
Step 3
In the Circuit Creation dialog box ( Figure 6-1), complete the following fields:
Name—Assign a name to the VT tunnel. The name can be alphanumeric and up to 32 characters (including spaces). If you leave the field blank, CTC assigns a default name to the tunnel.
Type—Choose VT Tunnel. The other fields in the dialog box become invalid (greyed out).
Figure 6-7 Setting attributes for a VT tunnel
Step 4
Click Next.
Step 5
Beneath Circuit Source, select the node where the VT tunnel will originate from the Node pull-down menu.
Step 6
Click Next.
Step 7
Beneath Circuit Destination, select the node where the VT tunnel will terminate from the Node pull-down menu.
Step 8
Click Next.
Step 9
Beneath Circuit Routing Preferences ( Figure 6-5), select Route Automatically. The following options are available:
Using Required Nodes/Spans—Select this box to specify nodes and spans to include or exclude in the CTC-generated tunnel route. If you select this option, proceed to the next step.
Review Route Before Creation—Select this box to review and edit the VT tunnel route before the circuit is created. If you select this option, proceed to Step 11.
Even through Fully Protect Path is not selectable, if the circuit route is fully-protected through a 1+1 or BLSR, it is considered protected when used for routing VT circuits.
Step 10
If you selected Using Required Nodes/Spans:
Click Next.
Beneath Circuit Route Constraints, click a span on the VT tunnel map.
Click Include to include the node or span in the VT tunnel. Click Exclude to exclude the node/span from the VT tunnel. The order in which you select included nodes and spans sets the VT tunnel sequence. Click spans twice to change the circuit direction.
Repeat Step c for each node or span you wish to include or exclude.
Review the VT tunnel route. To change the tunnel routing order, select a node under the Required Nodes/Lines or Excluded Notes Links lists, then click the Up or Down buttons to change the tunnel routing order. Click Remove to remove a node or span.
Step 11
If you selected Review Route Before Creation:
Click Next.
Review the tunnel route. To add or delete a tunnel span, select a node on the tunnel route. Blue arrows show the tunnel route. Green arrows indicate spans that you can add. Click a span arrowhead, then click Include to include the span or Remove to remove the span.
If the provisioned tunnel does not reflect the routing and configuration you want, click Back to verify and change tunnel information.
Step 12
Click Finish. The Circuits window displays.
Step 13
Verify that the circuit(s) just created appear in the circuits list.
Step 14
Complete the "NTP-58 Test Electrical Circuits" procedure.
NTP-58 Test Electrical Circuits
This procedure assumes you completed facility loopback tests to test the fibers and cables from the source and destination ONS 15454s to the DSX. If this has not been completed, do so now before completing the electrical circuit test procedure.
Use this procedure to test a DS-1 and DS-3 circuit.
A test set and all appropriate cables
Prerequisite Procedures
One of the following:
NTP-51 Create an Automatically Routed DS-1 Circuit
NTP-52 Create a Manually Routed DS-1 Circuit
NTP-53 Create a Unidirectional DS-1 Circuit with Multiple Drops
NTP-54 Create an Automatically Routed DS-3 Circuit
NTP-55 Create a Manually Routed DS-3 Circuit
NTP-56 Create a Unidirectional DS-3 Circuit with Multiple DropsRequired/As Needed
Step 1
Log into the node where you will create the circuit. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions. The default (node) view displays.
Step 2
Double-click the circuit source card that you want to test.
Step 3
Select the Provisioning > Line tabs.
Step 4
Perform the following steps for the source port of the circuit you are testing:
From the port Line Length pull-down menu, select the line length for the distance (in feet) between the DSX (if used) or circuit termination point and the source ONS 15454.
From the Status pull-down menu, select In Service.
Click Apply.
Step 5
From the View menu, select Go to Network View.
Step 6
Double-click the circuit destination node icon.
Step 7
Repeat Steps 2- 4 for the circuit destination card and port.
Step 8
Attach loopback cables to the circuit destination card.
Verify the integrity of the loopback cable by looping the test set transmit (TX) to the test set receive (RX). If the test set does not run error-free, check the cable for damage and check the test set to make sure it is set up correctly before going to Step b.
Attach the loopback cable to the port you are testing. Connect the transmit (TX) to the receive (RX) of the port.
Step 9
Attach loopback cables to the circuit source node.
Verify the integrity of loopback cable by looping the test set transmit (TX) to the test set receive (RX). If the test set does not run error-free, check the cable for damage and check the test set to make sure it is set up correctly before going to Step b.
Attach the loopback cable to the port you are testing. Connect the test set to the circuit source port: (transmit (TX) port of the test set to the circuit receive (RX) port; test set receive (RX) port to the circuit transmit (TX) port.
Step 10
Configure the test set for the ONS 15454 card that is the source of the circuit you are testing:
DS-1—If you are testing an unmuxed DS-1, you must have a DSX-1 panel or a direct DS-1 interface into the ONS 15454. Set the test set for DS-1. For information about configuring your test set, consult your test set user guide.
DS-3—If you are testing a clear channel DS-3, you must have a DSX-3 panel or a direct DS-3 interface into the ONS 15454. Set the test set for clear channel DS-3. For information about configuring your test set, consult your test set user guide.
DS3XM-6—If you are testing a DS-1 circuit on a DS3XM=6 card you must have a DSX-3 panel or a direct DS-3 interface to the ONS 15454. Set the test set for a muxed DS3. After you select muxed DS-3, choose the DS-1 to test on the muxed DS-3. For information about configuring your test set, consult your test set user guide.
EC-1—If you are testing a DS-1 on an EC1 card, you must have a DSX-3 panel or a direct DS-3 interface to the ONS 15454. Set the test set for an STS-1. After you select STS-1, choose the DS1 to test the STS-1. For information about configuring your test set, consult your test set user guide.
Step 11
Verify that the test set displays a clean signal. If a clean signal is not displayed, repeat Steps 1- 10 to make sure the test set and cabling is configured correctly.
Step 12
Inject errors from the test set. Verify that the errors display at the source and destination nodes.
Step 13
Clear the PMs for the ports that you tested. See the "DLP-130 Clear Selected PM Counts" task on page 8-15 for instructions.
Step 14
Perform protection switch testing appropriate to SONET topology:
For UPSRs, see the "DLP-94 UPSR Protection Switching Test" task on page 5-29
For BLSRs see the "DLP-91 BLSR Ring Switch Test" task on page 5-21.
Step 15
Perform a Bit Error Rate Test (BERT) for 12 hours or a duration dictated by local testing custom. For information about configuring your test set for BERT, see your test set user guide.
Step 16
After the BERT is complete, print the results or save them to a disk for future reference. For information about printing or saving test results see your test set user guide.
Step 17
Turn to the table of contents, list of procedures, or index to locate any other procedures that you need to perform for your site.
NTP-59 Create an Automatically Routed Optical Circuit
Step 1
Log into the node where you will create the circuit. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions. The default (node) view displays.
Step 2
Click the Circuits tab, then click Create.
Step 3
In the Circuit Creation dialog box ( Figure 6-1), complete the following fields:
Name—Assign a name to the circuit. The name can be alphanumeric and up to 32 characters (including spaces). If you leave the field blank, CTC assigns a default name to the circuit.
Type—Select STS.
Size—Select the optical circuit size: STS-1, STS-3c, STS-6c, STS-9c, STS-12c, STS-24c, STS-48c, or STS-192c.
Bidirectional—Leave checked for this circuit (default).
Number of circuits—Type the number of optical circuits you want to create. The default is 1. If you are creating multiple circuits with the same source and destination, you can use auto-ranging to create the circuits automatically.
Auto-ranged—This checkbox is automatically selected when you enter more than 1 in the Number of circuits field. Leave selected if you are creating multiple optical circuits with the same source and destination and you want CTC to create the circuits automatically. Deselect the box if you do not want CTC to create the circuits automatically.
Protected Drops—Select this box if you want the circuit routed to protected drops only, that is, to ONS 15454 cards that are in 1:1, 1:N, 1+1, or BLSR protection. If you select this box, CTC only displays protected cards as source and destination choices.
Figure 6-8 Setting circuit attributes for an optical circuit
Step 4
If the circuit will be routed on a UPSR, set the UPSR path selectors:
Revertive—Check this box if you want traffic to revert to the working path when the conditions that diverted it to the protect path are repaired. If you do not choose Revertive, traffic remains on the protect path after the switch.
Reversion time—If Revertive is checked, choose the reversion time. Click the Reversion time field and select a reversion time from the pull-down menu. The range is 0.5 to 12.0 minutes. The default is 5.0 minutes. This is the amount of time that will elapse before the traffic reverts to the working path. Traffic can revert when conditions causing the switch are cleared.
SF threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal fail bit error rate (BER) threshold.
SD threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal degrade BER threshold.
Switch on PDI-P—Check this box if you want traffic to switch when an STS payload defect indicator is received.
Step 5
Click Next.
Step 6
Complete the "DLP-97 Provision an Optical Circuit Source and Destination" task for the optical circuit you are creating.
Step 7
Beneath Circuit Routing Preferences ( Figure 6-9), select Route Automatically. The following options are available:
Using Required Nodes/Spans—Select this checkbox to specify nodes and spans to include or exclude in the CTC-generated circuit route.
Review Route Before Creation—Select this checkbox to review and edit the circuit route before the circuit is created.
Step 8
Fully Protected Path is checked by default to route the circuit over a protected path. (If you do not want to route the circuit on a protected path, uncheck the Fully Protected Path checkbox and go to Step 9.) When checked, CTC creates a fully-protected circuit route based on the path diversity option you choose. Fully-protected paths may or may not have UPSR path segments (with primary and alternate paths), and the path diversity options only apply to UPSR path segments, if any exist. Choose one of the following:
Nodal Diversity Required—Ensures that the primary and alternate paths within PPMN portions of the complete circuit path are nodally diverse.
Nodal Diversity Desired—(default) Specifies that node diversity is preferred, but if node diversity is not possible, CTC creates link-diverse paths for the PPMN portion of the complete circuit path.
Link Diversity Only—Specifies that only link-diverse primary and alternate paths for PPMN portions of the complete circuit path are needed. The paths may be node-diverse, but CTC does not check for node diversity.
Figure 6-9 Setting circuit routing preferences for an optical circuit
Step 9
If you selected Using Required Nodes/Spans complete the following substeps; otherwise, proceed to the next step:
Click Next.
Beneath Circuit Route Constraints, click a node or span on the circuit map.
Click Include to include the node or span in the circuit, or click Exclude to exclude the node or span from the circuit. The order in which you select included nodes and spans sets the circuit sequence. Click spans twice to change the circuit direction.
Repeat Step c. for each node or span you wish to include or exclude.
Review the circuit route. To change the circuit routing order, select a node under the Required Nodes/Lines or Excluded Notes Links lists, then click the Up or Down buttons to change the circuit routing order. Click Remove to remove a node or span.
Step 10
If you selected Review Route Before Creation, complete the following substeps; otherwise, proceed to the next step:
Click Next
Review the circuit route. To add or delete a circuit span, select a node on the circuit route. Blue arrows show the circuit route. Green arrows indicate spans that you can add. Click a span arrowhead, then click Include to include the span or Remove to remove the span.
If the provisioned circuit does not reflect the routing and configuration you want, click Back to verify and change circuit information. If the circuit needs to be routed to a different path, see the "NTP-60 Create a Manually Routed Optical Circuit" task to assign the circuit route yourself.
Step 11
Click Finish. One of the following occurs, based on the circuit properties you provisioned in the Circuit Creation dialog box:
If you entered more than 1 in Number of circuits and selected Auto-ranged, CTC automatically creates the number of circuits entered in Number of circuits. If auto ranging cannot complete all the circuits, for example, because enough bandwidth is not available on the source or destination, a dialog box is displayed. Set the new source or destination for the remaining circuits, then click Finish to continue auto ranging.
If you entered more than 1 in Number of circuits and did not select Auto-ranged, the Circuit Creation dialog box is displayed so you can create the remaining circuits. Repeat Steps Step 3- 11 for each additional circuit.
After completing the circuit(s), CTC displays the Circuits window.
Step 12
On the Circuits window, verify that the circuit(s) you created appear in the circuits list.
Step 13
Complete the "NTP-62 Test Optical Circuits" procedure.
NTP-60 Create a Manually Routed Optical Circuit
Step 1
Log into the node where you will create the circuit. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions. The default (node) view displays.
Step 2
Click the Circuits tab, then click Create.
Step 3
In the Circuit Creation dialog box, complete the following fields:
Name—Assign a name to the circuit. The name can be alphanumeric and up to 32 characters (including spaces). If you leave the field blank, CTC assigns a default name to the circuit.
Type—Select STS.
Size—Select the optical circuit size. Choices are STS-1, STS-3c, STS-6c, STS-9c, STS-12c, STS-24c, STS-48c, or STS-192c.
Bidirectional—Leave checked for this circuit (default).
Number of circuits—Type the number of optical circuits you want to create. The default is 1.
Auto-ranged—Applies to automatically-routed circuits only. Leave this box unchecked (default).
Protected Drops—Select this box if you want the circuit routed to protect drops only, that is, to ONS 15454 cards that are in 1:1, 1:N, 1+1, or BLSR protection. If you select this box, CTC only displays protected cards as source and destination choices.
Step 4
If the circuit will be routed on a UPSR, set the UPSR path selectors:
Revertive—Check this box if you want traffic to revert to the working path when the conditions that diverted it to the protect path are repaired. If you do not choose Revertive, traffic remains on the protect path after the switch.
Reversion time—If Revertive is checked, choose the reversion time. Click the Reversion time field and select a reversion time from the pull-down menu. The range is 0.5 to 12.0 minutes. The default is 5.0 minutes. This is the amount of time that will elapse before the traffic reverts to the working path. Traffic can revert when conditions causing the switch are cleared.
SF threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal failure bit error rate (BER) thresholds.
SD threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal degrade BER thresholds.
Switch on PDI-P—Check this box if you want traffic to switch when an STS payload defect indicator is received.
Step 5
Click Next.
Step 6
Complete the "DLP-97 Provision an Optical Circuit Source and Destination" task for the optical circuit you are creating.
Step 7
Beneath Circuit Routing Preferences ( Figure 6-9), deselect Route Automatically.
Fully Protected Path is checked by default to route the circuit over a protected path. (If you do not want to route the circuit on a protected path, uncheck the Fully Protected Path checkbox and go to Step 9.) When checked, CTC compares your manually-provisioned circuit route with the specified path diversity option. If the path does not meet the specified path diversity requirement, CTC displays an error message and allows you to change the circuit path. Fully-protected paths may or may not have UPSR path segments (with primary and alternate paths), and the path diversity options only apply to UPSR path segments, if any exist.
Step 8
If Fully Protected Path is selected, choose one of the following:
Nodal Diversity Required—Ensures that the primary and alternate paths within the PPMN portions of the complete circuit path are nodally diverse.
Nodal Diversity Desired—(default) Specifies that node diversity is preferred, but if node diversity is not possible, CTC creates link-diverse paths for the PPMN portion of the complete circuit path.
Link Diversity Only—Specifies that only link-diverse primary and alternate paths for PPMN portions of the complete circuit path are needed. The paths may be node-diverse, but CTC does not check for node diversity.
Step 9
Click Next. Beneath Route Review and Edit, node icons are displayed so you can route the circuit manually. The green arrows pointing from the selected node to other network nodes indicate spans that are available for routing the circuit.
Step 10
Complete the "DLP-98 Provision an Optical Circuit Route" task.
When provisioning a protected circuit, you only need to select one path of BLSR or 1+1 spans from the source to the drop. If you select unprotected spans as part of the path, select two different paths for the unprotected segment of the path.
Step 11
Click Finish. If you entered more than 1 in Number of circuits, the Circuit Creation dialog box is displayed so you can create the remaining circuits. Repeat Steps 3- 11 for each additional circuit.
Step 12
When all the circuits are created, CTC displays the main Circuits window. Verify that the circuit(s) you created appear in the window.
Step 13
Complete the "NTP-62 Test Optical Circuits" procedure.
NTP-61 Create a Unidirectional Optical Circuit with Multiple Drops
Step 1
Log into the node where you will create the circuit. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions. The default (node) view displays.
Step 2
Click the Circuits tab, then click Create.
Step 3
In the Circuit Creation dialog box, complete the following fields:
Name—Assign a name to the circuit. The name can be alphanumeric and up to 32 characters (including spaces). If you leave the field blank, CTC assigns a default name to the circuit.
Type—Select STS.
Size—Select the circuit size: STS-1, STS-3c, STS-6c, STS-9c, STS-12c, STS-24c, STS-48c, or STS-192c.
Bidirectional—Deselect this checkbox for this circuit.
Number of circuits—Type the number of circuits you want to create. The default is 1. If you are creating multiple circuits with the same source and destination, you can use auto-ranging to create the circuits automatically.
Auto-ranged—This checkbox is automatically selected when you enter more than 1 in the Number of circuits field. Leave selected if you are creating multiple circuits with the same source and destination and you want CTC to create the circuits automatically. Deselect the box if you do not want CTC to create the circuits automatically.
Protected Drops—Select this box if you want the circuit routed to protect drops only, that is, to ONS 15454 cards that are in 1:1, 1:N, 1+1, or BLSR protection. If you select this box, CTC only displays protected cards as source and destination choices.
Step 4
If the circuit will be routed on a UPSR, set the UPSR path selectors:
Revertive—Check this box if you want traffic to revert to the working path when the conditions that diverted it to the protect path are repaired. If you do not choose Revertive, traffic remains on the protect path after the switch.
Reversion time—If Revertive is checked, choose the reversion time. Click the Reversion time field and select a reversion time from the pull-down menu. The range is 0.5 to 12.0 minutes. The default is 5.0 minutes. This is the amount of time that will elapse before the traffic reverts to the working path. Traffic can revert when conditions causing the switch are cleared.
SF threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal failure bit error rate (BER) thresholds.
SD threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal degrade BER thresholds.
Switch on PDI-P—Check this box if you want traffic to switch when an STS payload defect indicator is received.
Click Next.
Step 5
Complete the "DLP-97 Provision an Optical Circuit Source and Destination" task for the circuit you are creating.
Step 6
Beneath Circuit Routing Preferences, deselect Route Automatically. When deselected, Using Required Nodes/Spans and Review Route Before Circuit Creation are not available.
Fully Protected Path is checked by default to route the circuit over a protected path. (If you do not want to route the circuit on a protected path, uncheck the Fully Protected Path checkbox and go to Step 8.) When checked, CTC creates a fully-protected circuit route based on the path diversity option. Fully-protected paths may or may not have UPSR path segments (with primary and alternate paths), and the path diversity options only apply to UPSR path segments, if any exist.
Step 7
If Fully Protected Path is selected, choose one of the following:
Nodal Diversity Required—Ensures that the primary and alternate paths within the PPMN portions of the complete circuit path are nodally diverse.
Nodal Diversity Desired—(default) Specifies that node diversity is preferred, but if node diversity is not possible, CTC creates link-diverse paths for the PPMN portion of the complete circuit path.
Link Diversity Only—Specifies that only link-diverse primary and alternate paths for PPMN portions of the complete circuit path are needed. The paths may be node-diverse, but CTC does not check for node diversity.
For manually-routed circuits, CTC checks your manually-provisioned path against the path diversity option you choose. If the path does not meet the path diversity requirement that is specified, CTC displays an error message.
Step 8
Click Next. Beneath Route Review and Edit, node icons are displayed so you can route the circuit manually. The green arrows pointing from the selected node to other network nodes indicate spans that are available for routing the circuit.
Step 9
Complete the "DLP-98 Provision an Optical Circuit Route" task.
When provisioning a protected circuit, you only need to select one of the BLSR or 1+1 span paths from the source to the drop. If you select unprotected spans as part of the path, you must provision both the working and protect paths.
Step 10
Click Finish. One of the following results occurs, based on the circuit properties you provisioned:
If you entered more than 1 in Number of circuits and selected Auto-ranged, CTC automatically creates the number of circuits entered in Number of circuits. If auto ranging cannot complete all the circuits, for example, because enough bandwidth is not available on the source or destination, a dialog box is displayed. Set the new source or destination for the remaining circuits, then click Finish to continue auto ranging.
If you entered more than 1 in Number of circuits and did not select Auto-ranged, the Circuit Creation dialog box is displayed so you can create the remaining circuits. Repeat Steps 3- 10 for each additional circuit.
After completing the circuit(s), CTC displays the Circuits window.
Step 11
On the Circuits window, click the circuit that you want to route to multiple drops. The Delete, Edit, and Search radio buttons become active.
Step 12
Click Edit. The Edit Circuit window is displayed with the General tab selected. All nodes in the DCC network are displayed on the network. Circuit source and destination information appears under the source and destination nodes. To display a detailed view of the circuit, click Show Detailed Map. You can rearrange the node icons by selecting the node with the left mouse button, pressing Ctrl and dragging the icon to the new location.
Step 13
On the Edit Circuit dialog box, click the Drops tab. A list of existing drops is displayed.
Step 14
Click Create.
Step 15
On the Define New Drop dialog box, define the new drop:
Node—Select the target node for the circuit drop.
Slot—Select the target card and slot.
Port, STS—Select the port and/or STS from the Port and STS pull-down menus. The choice in these menus depends on the card selected in Step b. See Table 6-2 for a list of options.
Click OK. The new drop appears in the Drops list.
Step 16
If you need to create additional drops on the circuit, repeat Steps 13- 15.
Step 17
Click Close. The Circuits window appears.
Step 18
Verify that the new drops are displayed under the Destination column for the circuit you edited. If they do not appear, repeat Steps 14- 17 making sure all options are provisioned correctly.
Step 19
Complete the "NTP-62 Test Optical Circuits" procedure.
DLP-97 Provision an Optical Circuit Source and Destination
This task provisions the source and destination cards for an optical circuit.
Prerequisite Procedures
Required/As Needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
Step 1
From the Node pull-down menu, select the node where the circuit will originate.
Step 2
From the Slot pull-down menu, select the slot containing the optical card where the circuit originates. (If a card's capacity is fully utilized, it does not appear in the menu.)
Step 3
Depending on the circuit origination card, select the source port and/or STS from the Port and STS sub-menus. The Port menu is only available if the card has multiple ports. STSs are not displayed if they are already in use by other circuits.
The STSs that display depend on the card, circuit size, and protection scheme. For example, if you create an STS-3c circuit on an OC-12 card in a UPSR, only four STSs are available. If you create an STS-3c circuit on an OC-12 card in a BLSR, two STSs are available because of the BLSR protection characteristics.
Step 4
If you need to create a secondary source, for example, a UPSR bridge/selector circuit entry point in a multivendor UPSR, click Use Secondary Source and repeat Steps 1- 3 to define the secondary source.
Step 5
Click Next.
Step 6
From the Node pull-down menu, select the destination node.
Step 7
From the Slot pull-down menu, select the slot containing the optical card where the circuit will terminate (destination card). (If a card's capacity is fully utilized, the card does not appear in the menu.)
Step 8
Depending on the card selected in Step 2, select the destination port and/or STS from the Port and STS sub-menus. The Port menu is available only if the card has multiple ports. The STSs that display depend on the card, circuit size, and protection scheme.
Step 9
If you need to create a secondary destination, for example, a UPSR bridge/selector circuit entry point in a multivendor UPSR, click Use Secondary Destination and repeat Steps 6- 8 to define the secondary destination.
Step 10
Click Next.
Step 11
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-98 Provision an Optical Circuit Route
This task provisions an optical circuit route for manually-routed circuits.
Prerequisite Procedures
Required/As Needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
Step 1
Click the arrowhead of the span you want the circuit to travel. The arrow turns white. Beneath Selected Span, the From and To fields display span information. The source STS displays in the Source STS field.
Step 2
If you want to change the source STS, adjust it in the Source STS field, otherwise go to Step 3.
Step 3
Click Add Span.The span is added to the Included Spans list and the span arrow turns blue.
Step 4
Repeat this task until the circuit is provisioned from the source to the destination node.
Step 5
Return to the circuit creation procedure that referred you to this task.
NTP-62 Test Optical Circuits
This procedure assumes you completed facility loopback tests to test the fibers and cables from the source and destination ONS 15454s to the fiber distribution panel or the DSX. If this has not been done, do so now before completing the optical circuit test procedure.
Use this procedure to test an optical circuit.
Test set capable of optical speeds, appropriate fibers and attenuators
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-59 Create an Automatically Routed Optical Circuit
Required/As Needed
Step 1
Log into the node where you will create the circuit. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions. The default (node) view displays.
Step 2
Double-click the circuit source card.
Step 3
Select the Provisioning > Line tabs.
Step 4
From Status pull-down menu for the circuit source port, select In Service. (The menu displays when you click the Status field.) Click Apply.
Step 5
From the View menu, select Go to Network View.
Step 6
Double-click the circuit destination node icon.
Step 7
On the ONS 15454 shelf graphic, double-click the circuit destination card.
Step 8
Select the Provisioning > Line tabs.
Step 9
From the Status pull-down menu for the circuit destination port, select In Service. (The menu displays when you click the Status field.) Click Apply.
Step 10
Set up the loopback cable at the destination node:
Test the loopback cable by connecting one end to the test set transmit (TX) port and the other end to the test receive (RX) port. If the test set does not run error-free, check the cable for damage and check the test set to make sure it is set up correctly.
Install the loopback cable on the port you are testing. Connect the transmit (TX) to the receive (RX) of the port being tested.
Step 11
Set up the loopback cable at the source node:
Test the loopback cable by connecting one end to the test set transmit (TX) port and the other end to the test receive (RX) port. If the test set does not run error-free, check the cable for damage and check the test set to make sure it is set up correctly.
At the source node attach the loopback cable to the port you are testing. Connect the test set to the circuit source port: transmit (TX) port of the test set to the circuit receive (RX) port; test set receive (RX) port to the circuit transmit (TX) port.
Step 12
Configure the test set for the source ONS 15454 card:
OC-3 cards—You will test either an OC-3c (the "c" denotes concatenated) or a muxed OC-3. If you are testing an OC-3c, configure the test set for an OC-3c. If you are testing a muxed OC-3, configure the test set for a muxed OC-3 and choose the DS-3 and/or DS-1 you will test. For information about configuring your test set, consult your test set user guide.
OC-12 cards—You will test either an OC-12c or a muxed OC-12. If you are testing an OC-12c, configure the test set for an OC-12c. If you are testing a muxed OC-12, configure the test set for a muxed OC12 and choose the DS-3 and/or DS-1 you will test. For information about configuring your test set, consult your test set user guide.
OC-48 cards—You will test either an OC-48c or a muxed OC-48. If you are testing an OC-48c configure the test set for an OC-48c. If you are testing a muxed OC-48, configure the test set for a muxed OC-48 and choose the DS-3 and/or DS-1 you will test. For information about configuring your test set, consult your test set user guide.
OC-192 cards—You will test an OC-192c or a muxed OC-192. If you are testing an OC-192c configure the test set for an OC-192c. If you are testing a muxed OC-192, configure the test set for a muxed OC-192 and choose the DS-3 and/or DS-1 you will test. For information about configuring your test set, consult your test set user guide.
Step 13
Verify that the test set displays a clean signal. If a clean signal is not displayed, repeat Steps 1- 12 to make sure you have configured the test set and cabling.
Step 14
Inject errors from the test set. Verify that the errors display at the source and destination nodes.
Step 15
Clear the PMs for the ports that you tested. See the "DLP-130 Clear Selected PM Counts" task on page 8-15 for instructions.
Step 16
Perform protection switch testing appropriate to SONET topology:
For UPSRs, see the "DLP-94 UPSR Protection Switching Test" task on page 5-29.
For BLSRs see the "DLP-91 BLSR Ring Switch Test" task on page 5-21.
Step 17
Perform a Bit Error Rate Test (BERT) for 12 hours or a duration dictated by local testing custom. For information about configuring your test set for BERT, see your test set user guide.
Step 18
After the BERT is complete, print the results or save them to a disk for future reference. For information about printing or saving test results see your test set user guide.
Step 19
Turn to the table of contents, list of procedures, or index to locate any other procedures that you need to perform for your site.
NTP-63 Create E Series Ethernet Circuits
This procedure creates an EtherSwitch, shared packet ring, or hub and spoke Ethernet circuit.
Prerequisite Procedures
Required/As Needed
As needed
Step 1
Log into an ONS 15454 on the network where you will create an Ethernet circuit. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions.
Step 2
Determine which Ethernet card(s) are installed at the circuit source and destination nodes. Circuit creation tasks are specific to the card series: E series cards include the E100T-12, E100T-G, E1000-2 and E1000-2-G cards and the G series cards include the G1000-4 card.
Step 3
If a high number of VLANs is already used by the system, complete the "DLP-99 Determine Available VLANs" task to verify that sufficient VLAN capacity is available (you will create a VLAN during each circuit creation task).
Step 4
As needed, complete the "DLP-100 Provision an E Series EtherSwitch Circuit (Multicard or Single-Card)" task.
Step 5
As needed, complete the "NTP-64 Test E Series Ethernet Circuits" task.
Step 6
As needed, complete the "DLP-102 Create an E Series Hub and Spoke Ethernet Circuit" task.
If your Ethernet circuit will pass through non-ONS, OSI/TARP-based equipment, you must create an Ethernet manual cross-connect circuit to connect the Ethernet circuit to an STS channel.
Step 7
If you need to create an Ethernet manual cross-connect circuit use one of the following tasks:
DLP-103 Provision an E Series Single-Card EtherSwitch Manual Cross-Connect
DLP-104 Provision an E Series Multicard EtherSwitch Manual Cross-Connect
Step 8
Turn to the table of contents, list of procedures, or index to locate any other procedures that you need to perform for your site.
DLP-99 Determine Available VLANs
This task verifies that the network has the capacity to support the additional new VLANs required for the creation E-Series circuits.
E Series Ethernet cards (E100T-12/E100T-G, E1000-2/E1000-2-G) must be installed at each end of the Ethernet circuit.
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-50 Verify System Acceptance
Required/As Needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
Step 1
At any CTC view, click the Circuits tab.
Step 2
Click any existing Ethernet circuit to highlight that row.
Step 3
Click Edit, then click the VLANs tab.
The Edit Circuit dialog displays the number of VLANs used by circuits and the total number of VLANs available for use.
Step 4
Determine that number of available VLANs listed is sufficient for the number of E-series Ethernet circuits that you will create.
CautionMultiple E-series Ethernet circuits with spanning tree enabled will block each other if the circuits traverse the same E-series Ethernet card and use the same VLAN.
Figure 6-10 Edit Circuit dialog with VLANs tab selected
Step 5
Return to the "NTP-63 Create E Series Ethernet Circuits" procedure.
DLP-100 Provision an E Series EtherSwitch Circuit (Multicard or Single-Card)
This task creates a multicard or single-card EtherSwitch Circuit
E Series Ethernet cards (E100T-12/E100T-G, E1000-2/E1000-2-G) must be installed at each end of the Ethernet circuit.
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-50 Verify System Acceptance
Required/As Needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
Step 1
On the node view, double-click one of the Ethernet cards that will carry the circuit.
Step 2
Click the Provisioning > Card tabs.
Step 3
Under Card Mode, choose one of the following:
For Multicard EtherSwitch circuit groups, choose Multicard EtherSwitch Group. Click Apply.
For Single-card EtherSwitch circuits, choose Single-card EtherSwitch. Click Apply.
Step 4
Multicard EtherSwitch circuits only: repeat Steps 2- 4 for all other Ethernet cards in the ONS 15454 that will carry the circuit.
Step 5
From the View menu, choose Go to Other Node.
Step 6
In the Select Node dialog box, select the other ONS 15454 Ethernet circuit endpoint node and repeat Steps 2- 5.
Step 7
Click the Circuits tab and click Create.
Step 8
In the Create Circuits dialog box ( Figure 6-11), complete the following fields:
Name—Assign a name to the circuit. The name can be alphanumeric and up to 32 characters (including spaces). If you leave the field blank, CTC assigns a default name to the circuit.
Type—Select STS.
Size—Select the circuit size. Valid circuit sizes for an Ethernet Multicard circuit are STS-1, STS-3c, and STS6c. Valid circuit sizes for an Ethernet Single-card circuit are STS-1, STS-3c, STS6c, and STS12c.
Bidirectional—Leave the default unchanged (checked).
Number of circuits—Leave the default unchanged (1).
Auto-ranged—Not available.
Protected Drops—Leave the default unchanged (unchecked).
Step 9
If the circuit will be routed on a UPSR, set the UPSR path selectors:
Revertive—Check this box if you want traffic to revert to the working path when the conditions that diverted it to the protect path are repaired. If you do not choose Revertive, traffic remains on the protect path after the switch.
Reversion time—If Revertive is checked, choose the reversion time. Click the Reversion time field and select a reversion time from the pull-down menu. The range is 0.5 to 12.0 minutes. The default is 5.0 minutes. This is the amount of time that will elapse before the traffic reverts to the working path. Traffic can revert when conditions causing the switch are cleared.
SF threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal failure bit error rate (BER) thresholds.
SD threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal degrade BER thresholds.
Switch on PDI-P—Check this box if you want traffic to switch when an STS payload defect indicator is received.
Figure 6-11 Provisioning an Ethernet circuit
Step 10
Click Next.
Step 11
Provision the circuit source:
From the Node pull-down menu, select one of the EtherSwitch circuit endpoint nodes. (Either end node can be the EtherSwitch circuit source.)
From the Slot pull-down menu, select one of the following:
If you are building a Multicard EtherSwitch circuit, choose Ethergroup.
If you are building a Single-card EtherSwitch circuit, choose the Ethernet card where you enabled the single-card EtherSwitch.
Step 12
Click Next.
Step 13
Provision the circuit destination:
From the Node pull-down menu, select the second EtherSwitch circuit endpoint node.
From the Slot pull-down menu, select one of the following:
If you are building a Multicard EtherSwitch circuit, choose Ethergroup.
If you are building a Single-card EtherSwitch circuit, choose the Ethernet card where you enabled the single-card EtherSwitch.
Step 14
Click Next.
Figure 6-12 Circuit VLAN selection dialog with Enable Spanning Tree checkbox
Step 15
Beneath Circuit VLAN Selection, click New VLAN. If the desired VLAN already exists, go to Step 18.
Step 16
In the New VLAN dialog box, complete the following:
VLAN Name—Assign an easily-identifiable name to your VLAN.
VLAN ID—Assign a VLAN ID. The VLAN ID should be the next available number between 2 and 4093 that is not already assigned to an existing VLAN. Each ONS 15454 network supports a maximum of 509 user-provisionable VLANs.
Step 17
Click OK.
Step 18
Beneath Circuit VLAN Selection, highlight the VLAN name and click the arrow >> button to move the available VLAN(s) to the Circuit VLANs column.
Step 19
If you are building a Single-card EtherSwitch circuit and want to disable spanning tree protection on this circuit, uncheck the Enable Spanning Tree checkbox and click OK on the Disabling Spanning Tree dialog that appears.
CautionDisabling spanning tree protection increases the likelihood of logic loops on an Ethernet network.
CautionTurning off spanning tree on a circuit-by-circuit basis means that the ONS 15454 is no longer protecting the Ethernet circuit, and that the circuit must be protected by another mechanism in the Ethernet network.
CautionMultiple circuits with spanning tree protection enabled will incur blocking if the circuits traverse the same E-series Ethernet card and use the same VLAN.
The Enable Spanning Tree box is "sticky." It will remain in the same state, checked or unchecked, for the creation of the next Single-card point-to-point Ethernet circuit.
Users can disable or enable spanning tree protection on a circuit-by-circuit basis only for single-card point-to-point Ethernet circuits. Other E-series Ethernet configurations disable or enable spanning tree on a port-by-port basis at the card view of CTC under the Provisioning tab.
Step 20
Click Next.
Step 21
Confirm that the following information about the circuit is correct:
Circuit name
Circuit type
Circuit size
ONS 15454 circuit nodes
Step 22
Click Finish.
Step 23
Complete the "DLP-105 Provision E Series Ethernet Ports" task.
Step 24
Complete the "DLP-106 Provision E Series Ethernet Ports for VLAN Membership" task.
DLP-101 Create an E Series Shared Packet Ring Ethernet Circuit
This task creates a shared packet ring Ethernet circuit.
E Series Ethernet cards (E100T-12/E100T-G, E1000-2/E1000-2-G) must be installed at both Ethernet circuit endpoint nodes.
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-50 Verify System Acceptance
Required/As Needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
Step 1
From node view, double-click one of the Ethernet cards that will carry the circuit.
Step 2
Click the Provisioning > Card tabs.
Step 3
Verify that Multi-card EtherSwitch Group is selected. If Multi-card EtherSwitch Group is not selected, select it and click Apply.
Step 4
Return to node view (select Go to Parent View from the View menu), then repeat Steps 2- 4 for all other Ethernet cards in the ONS 15454 that will carry the shared packet ring.
Step 5
One at a time, repeat Steps 2- 5 for all other ONS 15454 nodes that will be part of the shared packet ring.
Step 6
Click the Circuits tab and click Create.
Step 7
In the Create Circuits dialog box, complete the following fields:
Name—Assign a name to the circuit. The name can be alphanumeric and up to 32 characters (including spaces). If you leave the field blank, CTC assigns a default name to the circuit.
Type—Select STS.
Size—Select the circuit size. Valid shared packet ring circuit sizes are STS-1, STS-3c, and STS6c.
Bidirectional—Leave checked for this circuit (default).
Number of circuits—Leave set at 1 (default).
Auto-ranged—Not available.
Protected Drops—Leave unchecked.
Step 8
If the circuit will be routed on a UPSR, set the UPSR path selectors:
Revertive—Check this box if you want traffic to revert to the working path when the conditions that diverted it to the protect path are repaired. If you do not choose Revertive, traffic remains on the protect path after the switch.
Reversion time—If Revertive is checked, choose the reversion time. Click the Reversion time field and select a reversion time from the pull-down menu. The range is 0.5 to 12.0 minutes. The default is 5.0 minutes. This is the amount of time that will elapse before the traffic reverts to the working path. Traffic can revert when conditions causing the switch are cleared.
SF threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal failure bit error rate (BER) thresholds.
SD threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal degrade BER thresholds.
Switch on PDI-P—Check this box if you want traffic to switch when an STS payload defect indicator is received.
Step 9
Click Next.
Step 10
Provision the circuit source:
From the Node pull-down menu, select one of the shared packet ring circuit endpoint nodes. (Either end node can be the shared packet ring circuit source.)
From the Slot pull-down menu, choose Ethergroup.
Step 11
Click Next.
Step 12
Provision the circuit destination:
From the Node pull-down menu, select the second shared packet ring circuit endpoint node.
From the Slot pull-down menu, select Ethergroup.
Step 13
Click Next.
Step 14
Review the VLANs listed under Available VLANs ( Figure 6-13). If the VLAN you want to use is displayed, go to Step 15. If you need to create a new VLAN, complete the following steps:
Click the New VLAN button.
On the New VLAN dialog box, complete the following:
VLAN Name—Assign an easily-identifiable name to your VLAN.
VLAN ID—Assign a VLAN ID. The VLAN ID should be the next available number between 2 and 4093 that is not already assigned to an existing VLAN. Each ONS 15454 network supports a maximum of 509 user-provisionable VLANs.
Click OK.
Figure 6-13 Selecting a VLAN
Step 15
Click the VLAN you want to use on the Available VLANs column, then click the arrow >> button to move the VLAN to the Circuit VLANs column.
Moving the VLAN from Available VLANs to Circuit VLANs forces all the VLAN traffic to use the shared packet ring you are creating.
Step 16
Click Next.
Step 17
Under Circuit Routing Preferences, uncheck the Route Automatically checkbox and click Next.
Step 18
Under Route Review and Edit panel ( Figure 6-14), click the source node, then click either span (green arrow) leading from the source node.
The span turns white.
Figure 6-14 Adding a span
Step 19
Click Add Span.
The span turns blue and adds the span to the Included Spans field.
Step 20
Click the node at the end of the blue span.
Step 21
Click the green span beginning at the node in Step 20.
The span turns white.
Step 22
Click Add Span.
The span turns blue.
Step 23
Repeat Steps 19- 22 for every node in the ring. Figure 6-15 shows the Circuit Creation dialog box with all the circuit spans selected.
Figure 6-15 Viewing a span
Step 24
Verify that the new circuit is correctly configured. If the circuit information is not correct, click the Back button and repeat the procedure with the correct information.
If the circuit is incorrect, you can also click Finish, delete the completed circuit, and begin the procedure again.
Step 25
Click Finish.
Step 26
Complete the "DLP-105 Provision E Series Ethernet Ports" task.
Step 27
Complete the "DLP-106 Provision E Series Ethernet Ports for VLAN Membership" task.
DLP-102 Create an E Series Hub and Spoke Ethernet Circuit
This task creates a hub and spoke Ethernet circuit
E Series Ethernet cards (E100T-12/E100T-G, E1000-2/E1000-2-G) must be installed at both Ethernet circuit end point nodes.
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-50 Verify System Acceptance
Required/As Needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
Step 1
Display the node view.
Step 2
Double-click the Ethernet card that will carry the circuit.
Step 3
Click the Provisioning > Card tabs.
Step 4
Beneath Card Mode, choose Single-card EtherSwitch and click Apply.
Step 5
Navigate to the other ONS 15454 endpoint node of the hub and spoke circuit and repeat Steps 2- 4.
Step 6
Click the Circuits tab and click Create.
Step 7
In the Create Circuits dialog box, complete the following fields:
Name—Assign a name to the circuit. The name can be alphanumeric and up to 32 characters (including spaces). If you leave the field blank, CTC assigns a default name to the circuit.
Type—Select STS.
Size—Select the circuit size.
Bidirectional—Leave checked for this circuit (default).
Number of circuits—Leave set at 1 (default).
Auto-ranged—Not available.
Protected Drops—Leave unchecked.
Step 8
If the circuit will be routed on a UPSR, set the UPSR path selectors:
Revertive—Check this box if you want traffic to revert to the working path when the conditions that diverted it to the protect path are repaired. If you do not choose Revertive, traffic remains on the protect path after the switch.
Reversion time—If Revertive is checked, choose the reversion time. Click the Reversion time field and select a reversion time from the pull-down menu. The range is 0.5 to 12.0 minutes. The default is 5.0 minutes. This is the amount of time that will elapse before the traffic reverts to the working path. Traffic can revert when conditions causing the switch are cleared.
SF threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal failure bit error rate (BER) thresholds.
SD threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal degrade BER thresholds.
Switch on PDI-P—Check this box if you want traffic to switch when an STS payload defect indicator is received.
Step 9
Click Next.
Step 10
Provision the circuit source:
From the Node pull-down menu, select one of the hub and spoke circuit endpoint nodes. (Either end node can be the circuit source.)
From the Slot pull-down menu, choose the Ethernet card where you enabled the single-card EtherSwitch in Step 4.
Step 11
Click Next.
Step 12
Provision the circuit destination:
From the Node pull-down menu, select the second EtherSwitch circuit endpoint node.
From the Slot pull-down menu, choose the Ethernet card where you enabled the single-card EtherSwitch in Step 5.
Step 13
Click Next.
Step 14
Review the VLANs listed under Available VLANs ( Figure 6-16). If the VLAN you want to use is displayed, go to Step 15. If you need to create a new VLAN, complete the following steps:
Click the New VLAN button.
On the New VLAN dialog box, complete the following:
VLAN Name—Assign an easily-identifiable name to your VLAN.
VLAN ID—Assign a VLAN ID. The VLAN ID should be the next available number between 2 and 4093 that is not already assigned to an existing VLAN. Each ONS 15454 network supports a maximum of 509 user-provisionable VLANs.
Click OK.
Figure 6-16 Selecting a VLAN
Step 15
Click the VLAN you want to use on the Available VLANs column, then click the arrow >> button to move the VLAN to the Circuit VLANs column.
Moving the VLAN from Available VLANs to Circuit VLANs forces all the VLAN traffic to use the shared packet ring you are creating.
Step 16
Click Next.
Step 17
Confirm that the following information about the hub and spoke circuit is correct:
Circuit name
Circuit type
Circuit size
VLAN names
ONS 15454 circuit nodes
If the circuit information is not correct, click the Back button and repeat the procedure with the correct information.
You can also click Finish, delete the completed circuit, and start the procedure from the beginning.
Step 18
Click Finish.
Step 19
Navigate to an ONS 15454 that will be an endpoint for the second Ethernet circuit.
Step 20
Double-click the Ethernet card that will carry the circuit.
Step 21
Click the Provisioning > Card tabs.
Step 22
Beneath Card Mode, choose Single-card EtherSwitch and click Apply.
Step 23
From the View menu, choose Go to Other Node.
Step 24
On the Select Node dialog box, choose the other endpoint node for the second circuit and repeat Steps 21- 23 at that node.
Step 25
Click the Circuits tab and click Create.
Step 26
In the Create Circuits dialog box, complete the following fields:
Name—Assign a name to the circuit. The name can be alphanumeric and up to 32 characters (including spaces). If you leave the field blank, CTC assigns a default name to the circuit.
Type—Select STS.
Size—Select the circuit size.
Bidirectional—Leave checked for this circuit.
Number of circuits—Leave set at 1 (default).
Auto-ranged—Not available.
Protected Drops—Leave unchecked.
Step 27
If the circuit will be routed on a UPSR, set the UPSR path selectors:
Revertive—Check this box if you want traffic to revert to the working path when the conditions that diverted it to the protect path are repaired. If you do not choose Revertive, traffic remains on the protect path after the switch.
Reversion time—If Revertive is checked, choose the reversion time. Click the Reversion time field and select a reversion time from the pull-down menu. The range is 0.5 to 12.0 minutes. The default is 5.0 minutes. This is the amount of time that will elapse before the traffic reverts to the working path. Traffic can revert when conditions causing the switch are cleared.
SF threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal failure bit error rate (BER) thresholds.
SD threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal degrade BER thresholds.
Switch on PDI-P—Check this box if you want traffic to switch when an STS payload defect indicator is received.
Step 28
Click Next.
Step 29
Provision the circuit source:
From the Node pull-down menu, select one of the hub and spoke circuit endpoint nodes. (Either end node can be the circuit source.)
From the Slot pull-down menu, choose the Ethernet card where you enabled the single-card EtherSwitch in Step 22.
Step 30
Click Next.
Step 31
Provision the circuit destination:
From the Node pull-down menu, select the second EtherSwitch circuit endpoint node.
From the Slot pull-down menu, choose the Ethernet card where you enabled the single-card EtherSwitch in Step 24.
Step 32
Click Next.
Step 33
Highlight the VLAN that you created for the first circuit and click the >> button to move the VLAN(s) from the Available VLANs column to the Selected VLANs column.
Step 34
Click Next.
Step 35
Confirm that the following information about the second hub and spoke circuit is correct:
Circuit name
Circuit type
Circuit size
VLAN names
ONS 15454 circuit nodes
If the circuit information is not correct, click the Back button and repeat the procedure with the correct information. You can also click Finish, delete the completed circuit, and start the procedure from the beginning.
Step 36
Click Finish.
Step 37
Complete the "DLP-105 Provision E Series Ethernet Ports" task.
Step 38
Complete the "DLP-106 Provision E Series Ethernet Ports for VLAN Membership" task.
DLP-103 Provision an E Series Single-Card EtherSwitch Manual Cross-Connect
This task manually creates a Multicard EtherSwitch cross-connect between E Series Ethernet cards and an OC-N cards connected to non-ONS equipment.
E Series Ethernet cards (E100T-12/E100T-G, E1000-2/E1000-2-G) must be installed at the circuit source node.
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-50 Verify System Acceptance
Required/As Needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
Step 1
On the node view, double-click the Ethernet card that will carry the cross-connect.
Cross-connect refers to a circuit connection created within the same node between the Ethernet card and an OC-N card connected to third-party equipment. You create cross-connects at the source and destination nodes so an Ethernet circuit can be routed from source to destination across third-party equipment.
Step 2
Click the Provisioning > Card tabs.
Step 3
Beneath Card Mode, choose Single-card EtherSwitch and click Apply.
Step 4
Click the Circuits tab and click Create.
Step 5
In the Create Circuits dialog box, complete the following fields:
Name—Assign a name to the cross-connect. The name can be alphanumeric and up to 32 characters (including spaces). If you leave the field blank, CTC assigns a default name to the cross-connect.
Type—Select STS.
Size—Select the cross-connect size. For single-card EtherSwitch, the available sizes are STS-1, STS-3c, STS-6c, and STS-12c.
Bidirectional—Leave checked for this cross-connect (default).
Number of circuits—Leave set at 1 (default).
Auto-ranged—Not available.
Protected Drops—Leave unchecked.
Step 6
If the circuit carried by the cross-connect will be routed on a UPSR, set the UPSR path selectors:
Revertive—Check this box if you want traffic to revert to the working path when the conditions that diverted it to the protect path are repaired. If you do not choose Revertive, traffic remains on the protect path after the switch.
Reversion time—If Revertive is checked, choose the reversion time. Click the Reversion time field and select a reversion time from the pull-down menu. The range is 0.5 to 12.0 minutes. The default is 5.0 minutes. This is the amount of time that will elapse before the traffic reverts to the working path. Traffic can revert when conditions causing the switch are cleared.
SF threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal failure bit error rate (BER) thresholds.
SD threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal degrade BER thresholds.
Switch on PDI-P—Check this box if you want traffic to switch when an STS payload defect indicator is received.
Step 7
Click Next.
Step 8
Provision the circuit source:
From the Node pull-down menu, choose the cross-connect source node.
From the Slot pull-down menu, choose the Ethernet card where you enabled the single-card EtherSwitch in Step 4.
Step 9
Click Next.
Step 10
Provision the circuit destination:
From the Node pull-down menu, choose the cross-connect circuit source node selected in Step 8. (For Ethernet cross-connects, the source and destination nodes are the same.)
From the Slot pull-down menu, choose the OC-N card that is connected to the non-ONS equipment.
Depending on the OC-N card, choose the port and/or STS from the Port and STS pull-down menus.
Step 11
Click Next.
Step 12
Review the VLANs listed under Available VLANs ( Figure 6-17). If the VLAN you want to use is displayed, go to Step 13. If you need to create a new VLAN, complete the following steps:
Click the New VLAN button.
On the New VLAN dialog box, complete the following:
VLAN Name—Assign an easily-identifiable name to your VLAN.
VLAN ID—Assign a VLAN ID. The VLAN ID should be the next available number between 2 and 4093 that is not already assigned to an existing VLAN. Each ONS 15454 network supports a maximum of 509 user-provisionable VLANs.
Click OK.
Figure 6-17 Selecting a VLAN
Step 13
Click the VLAN you want to use on the Available VLANs column, then click the arrow >> button to move the VLAN to the Circuit VLANs column.
Step 14
Click Next. The Circuit Creation (Circuit Routing Preferences) dialog box opens.
Step 15
Confirm that the following information about the single-card EtherSwitch manual cross-connect is correct (in this task, "circuit" refers to the Ethernet cross-connect):
Circuit name
Circuit type
Circuit size
VLAN names
ONS 15454 nodes
If the information is not correct, click the Back button and repeat the procedure with the correct information.
Step 16
Click Finish.
Step 17
Complete the "DLP-105 Provision E Series Ethernet Ports" task.
Step 18
Complete the "DLP-106 Provision E Series Ethernet Ports for VLAN Membership" task.
DLP-104 Provision an E Series Multicard EtherSwitch Manual Cross-Connect
This task manually creates a Multicard EtherSwitch cross-connect between E Series Ethernet cards and an OC-N cards connected to non-ONS equipment.
E Series Ethernet cards (E100T-12/E100T-G, E1000-2/E1000-2-G) must be installed at the circuit source node.
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-50 Verify System Acceptance
Required/As Needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
Step 1
On the node view, double-click the Ethernet card where you want to create the cross-connect.
Cross-connect refers to a circuit connection created within the same node between the Ethernet card and an OC-N card connected to third-party equipment. You create cross-connects at the source and destination nodes so an Ethernet circuit can be routed from source to destination across third-party equipment.
Step 2
Click the Provisioning > Card tabs.
Step 3
Beneath Card Mode, choose Multi-card EtherSwitch Group and click Apply.
Step 4
From the View menu, choose Go to Parent View.
Step 5
Repeat Steps 2- 4 for any other Ethernet cards in the ONS 15454 that will carry the circuit.
Step 6
Click the Circuits tab and click Create.
Step 7
In the Create Circuits dialog box, complete the following fields:
Name—Assign a name to the source cross connect. The name can be alphanumeric and up to 32 characters (including spaces). If you leave the field blank, CTC assigns a default name to the source cross connect.
Type—Select STS.
Size—Select the size of the circuit that will be carried by the cross-connect. For Multicard EtherSwitch circuits, the available sizes are STS-1, STS-3c, and STS-6c.
Bidirectional—Leave checked (default).
Number of circuits—Leave set at 1 (default).
Auto-ranged—Not available.
Protected Drops—Leave unchecked.
Step 8
If the circuit carried by the cross-connect will be routed on a UPSR, set the UPSR path selectors:
Revertive—Check this box if you want traffic to revert to the working path when the conditions that diverted it to the protect path are repaired. If you do not choose Revertive, traffic remains on the protect path after the switch.
Reversion time—If Revertive is checked, choose the reversion time. Click the Reversion time field and select a reversion time from the pull-down menu. The range is 0.5 to 12.0 minutes. The default is 5.0 minutes. This is the amount of time that will elapse before the traffic reverts to the working path. Traffic can revert when conditions causing the switch are cleared.
SF threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal failure bit error rate (BER) thresholds.
SD threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal degrade BER thresholds.
Switch on PDI-P—Check this box if you want traffic to switch when an STS payload defect indicator is received.
Step 9
Click Next.
Step 10
Provision the cross-connect source:
From the Node pull-down menu, select the cross-connect source node.
From the Slot pull-down menu, choose Ethergroup.
Step 11
Click Next.
Step 12
From the Node pull-down menu under Destination, choose the circuit source node selected in Step 10. (For Ethernet cross-connects, the source and destination nodes are the same.)
The Slot field automatically is provisioned for Ethergroup.
Step 13
Click Next.
Step 14
Review the VLANs listed under Available VLANs ( Figure 6-18). If the VLAN you want to use is displayed, go to Step 16. If you need to create a new VLAN, complete the following steps:
Click the New VLAN button.
On the New VLAN dialog box, complete the following:
VLAN Name—Assign an easily-identifiable name to your VLAN.
VLAN ID—Assign a VLAN ID. The VLAN ID should be the next available number between 2 and 4093 that is not already assigned to an existing VLAN. Each ONS 15454 network supports a maximum of 509 user-provisionable VLANs.
Click OK.
Figure 6-18 Selecting a VLAN
Step 15
Click the VLAN you want to use on the Available VLANs column, then click the arrow >> button to move the VLAN to the Circuit VLANs column.
Step 16
Click Next.
The Circuit Creation (Circuit Routing Preferences) dialog box opens.
Step 17
In the left pane, verify the cross-connect information (in this step, "circuit" refers to the Ethernet cross-connect):
Circuit name
Circuit type
Circuit size
ONS 15454 nodes
If the information is not correct, click the Back button and repeat the procedure with the correct information.
Step 18
Click Finish.
Step 19
Complete the "DLP-105 Provision E Series Ethernet Ports" task.
Step 20
Complete the "DLP-106 Provision E Series Ethernet Ports for VLAN Membership" task.
Step 21
From the View menu, choose Go to Home View.
Step 22
Click the Circuits tab.
Step 23
Highlight the circuit and click Edit.
The Edit Circuit dialog box opens.
Step 24
Click Drops and click Create.
The Define New Drop dialog box opens.
Step 25
From the Slot menu, choose the OC-N card that links the ONS 15454 to the non-ONS 15454 equipment.
Step 26
From the Port menu, choose the appropriate port.
Step 27
From the STS menu, choose the STS that matches the STS of the connecting non-ONS 15454 equipment.
Step 28
Click OK.
Step 29
Confirm the circuit information that displays in the Edit Circuit dialog box and click Close.
Step 30
Repeat Steps 1- 29 at the second ONS 15454 Ethernet manual cross-connect endpoint.
The appropriate STS circuit must exist in the non-ONS 15454 equipment to connect the two ONS 15454 Ethernet manual cross-connect endpoints.
CautionIf a CARLOSS alarm repeatedly appears and clears on an Ethernet manual cross connect, the two Ethernet circuits may have a circuit-size mismatch. For example, a circuit size of STS-3c was configured on the first ONS 15454 and circuit size of STS-12c was configured on the second ONS 15454. To troubleshoot this occurrence of the CARLOSS alarm, refer to Step 9 of the CARLOSS alarm troubleshooting procedure in the Alarm Troubleshooting chapter of the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 31
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-105 Provision E Series Ethernet Ports
This task enables ports for the E100T-12, E100T-G, E1000-2, and E1000-2-G cards.
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-50 Verify System Acceptance
Required/As Needed
Required to enable Ethernet traffic
Onsite or remote
Step 1
Display the node view.
Step 2
Double-click the Ethernet card that you want to provision.
Step 3
Click the Provisioning > Port tabs ( Figure 6-19).
Figure 6-19 Provisioning E-100 Series Ethernet ports
Step 4
For each Ethernet port, provision the following parameters:
Port Name—If you want to label the port, type a port name.
Mode—Choose the appropriate mode for the Ethernet port:
Valid choices for the E100T-12/E100T-G card are Auto, 10 Half, 10 Full, 100 Half, or 100 Full.
Valid choices for the E1000-2/E1000-2-G card are 1000 Full or Auto.
Both 1000 Full and Auto mode set the E1000-2 port to the 1000 Mbps and Full duplex operating mode; however, flow control is disabled when 1000 Full is selected. Choosing Auto mode enables the E1000-2 card to auto-negotiate flow control. Flow control is a mechanism that prevents network congestion by ensuring that transmitting devices do not overwhelm receiving devices with data. The E1000-2 port handshakes with the connected network device to determine if that device supports flow control.
Enabled—Click this checkbox to activate the corresponding Ethernet port.
Priority—Choose a queuing priority for the port. Options range from 0 (Low) to 7 (High). Priority queuing (IEEE 802.1Q) reduces the impact of network congestion by mapping Ethernet traffic to different priority levels. Refer to the priority queuing information in the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual.
Stp Enabled—Click this checkbox to enable the spanning tree protocol (STP) on the port. Refer to the spanning tree information in the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual.
Step 5
Click Apply.
Step 6
Repeat Steps 1- 5 for all other cards that will be in the VLAN.
Step 7
Your Ethernet ports are provisioned and ready to be configured for VLAN membership.Go to the "DLP-106 Provision E Series Ethernet Ports for VLAN Membership" task for instructions.
DLP-106 Provision E Series Ethernet Ports for VLAN Membership
This task provisions E series Ethernet card ports for VLAN membership
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-50 Verify System Acceptance
Required/As Needed
Required to enable Ethernet traffic on E series Ethernet cards
Onsite or remote
Step 1
Display the node view.
Step 2
Double-click the E series card graphic to open the card.
Step 3
Click the Provisioning > VLAN tabs ( Figure 6-20).
Figure 6-20 Configuring VLAN membership for individual Ethernet ports
Step 4
To put a port in a VLAN:
Click the port and choose either Tagged or Untag. Figure 6-20 shows Port 1 in the red VLAN and Port 2 through Port 12 in the default VLAN. Table 6-4 shows valid port settings.
If a port is a member of only one VLAN, go to that VLAN's row and choose Untag from the Port column. Choose -- for all the other VLAN rows in that Port column.
The VLAN with Untag selected can connect to the port, but other VLANs cannot access that port.
Choose Tagged at all VLAN rows that need to be trunked. Choose Untag VLAN rows that do not need to be trunked, for example, the default VLAN.
Each Ethernet port must attached to at least one untagged VLAN. If a port is a trunk port, it connects multiple VLANs to an external device, such as a switch, which also supports trunking. A trunk port must have tagging (802.1Q) enabled for all the VLANs that connect to that external device.
Step 5
After each port is in the appropriate VLAN, click Apply.
If Tagged is chosen, the attached external Ethernet devices must recognize IEEE 802.1Q VLANs.
Both ports on individual E1000-2/E1000-2-G cards cannot be members of the same VLAN.
Step 6
Return to the circuit creation task that referred you to this task.
NTP-64 Test E Series Ethernet Circuits
This procedure assumes you completed facility loopback tests to test the fibers and cables from the source and destination ONS 15454s to the fiber distribution panel or the DSX.
Step 1
Log into the ONS 15454 source Ethernet node. See the "NTP-23 Log into the ONS 15454 GUI" procedure for instructions.
Step 2
On the ONS 15454 shelf graphic, double-click the circuit source card.
Step 3
Select the Provisioning > Port tabs.
Step 4
Verify the following settings:
Mode—Is set to one of the following: Auto, 10 Half, 10 Full, 100 Half, or 100 Full.
Priority—Set to the priority level indicated by the circuit or site plan.
Stp—Checked if Spanning Tree Protocol is enabled for the circuit.
Step 5
Click the VLAN tab.
Step 6
Verify that the source port is on the same VLAN as the destination port.
Step 7
Repeat Steps 1- 6 for the destination node.
Step 8
At the destination node connect the Ethernet test to the destination port and configure the test set to send and receive the appropriate Ethernet traffic.
At this point, you will not be able to send and receive Ethernet traffic.
Step 9
At the source node connect an Ethernet test set to the source port and configure the test set to send and receive the appropriate Ethernet traffic.
Step 10
Transmit Ethernet frames between both test sets. If you cannot transmit and receive Ethernet traffic between the nodes, repeat Steps 1- 9 to make sure you configured the Ethernet ports and test set correctly.
Step 11
Perform protection switch testing appropriate to SONET topology:
For UPSRs, see the "DLP-94 UPSR Protection Switching Test" task on page 5-29
For BLSRs see the "DLP-91 BLSR Ring Switch Test" task on page 5-21.
Configure your test set according to local site practice. For information about configuring your test set, see your test set user guide.
Step 12
After the Ethernet test is complete, print the results or save them to a disk for future reference. For information about printing or saving test results see your test set user guide.
Step 13
Turn to the table of contents, list of procedures, or index to locate any other procedures that you need to perform for your site.
NTP-65 Create G Series Ethernet Circuits
Use this procedure to create circuits with a source or destination G1000-4 card.
A G1000-4 Ethernet card must be installed at each end of the Ethernet circuit.
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-50 Verify System Acceptance
Required/As Needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
Step 1
Log into the ONS 15454 that has the G1000-4 card where you want the circuit to originate. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions.
Step 2
Click the Circuits tab and the Create button.
Step 3
Complete one of the following tasks:
DLP-107 Create a G1000-4 EtherSwitch Circuit
DLP-108 Provision a G1000-4 Manual Cross-Connect
Step 4
Complete the "DLP-109 Provision G1000-4 Ethernet Ports" task.
Step 5
Turn to the table of contents, list of procedures, or index to locate any other procedures that you need to perform for your site.
DLP-107 Create a G1000-4 EtherSwitch Circuit
This task creates an EtherSwitch circuit on the G1000-4 card.
A G1000-4 Ethernet card must be installed at each end of the Ethernet circuit.
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-50 Verify System Acceptance
Required/As Needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
Step 1
In the Create Circuits dialog box ( Figure 6-21), complete the following fields:
Name—Assign a name to the circuit. The name can be alphanumeric and up to 32 characters (including spaces). If you leave the field blank, CTC assigns a default name to the circuit.
Type—Select STS.
Size—Select the circuit size. Valid circuit sizes for a G1000-4 circuit are STS-1, STS-3c, STS6c, STS-9c, STS-12c, STS-24c, and STS-48c.
Bidirectional—Leave checked for this circuit (default).
Number of circuits—Leave set at 1 (default).
Auto-ranged—Not available.
Protected Drops—Leave unchecked.
Step 2
If the circuit will be routed on a UPSR, choose the UPSR path selectors (if not, go to Step 3):
Revertive—Check this box if you want traffic to revert to the working path when the conditions that diverted it to the protect path are repaired. If you do not choose Revertive, traffic remains on the protect path after the switch.
Reversion time—If Revertive is checked, choose the reversion time. Click the Reversion time field and select a reversion time from the pull-down menu. The range is 0.5 to 12.0 minutes. The default is 5.0 minutes. This is the amount of time that will elapse before the traffic reverts to the working path. Traffic can revert when conditions causing the switch are cleared.
SF threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal failure bit error rate (BER) thresholds.
SD threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal degrade BER thresholds.
Switch on PDI-P—Leave unchecked. Checking PDI-P may cause unnecessary UPSR protection switches.
Figure 6-21 Provisioning a G1000-4 Ethernet circuit
Step 3
Click Next.
Step 4
Provision the circuit source:
From the Node pull-down menu, choose the circuit source node. Either end node can be the point-to-point circuit source.
From the Slot pull-down menu, choose the slot containing the G1000-4 card that you will use for one end of the point-to-point circuit.
From the Port pull-down menu, choose a port.
Step 5
Click Next.
Step 6
Provision the circuit destination:
From the Node pull-down menu, choose the circuit destination node.
From the Slot pull-down menu, choose the slot containing the G1000-4 card that you will use for other end of the point-to-point circuit.
From the Port pull-down menu, choose a port.
Step 7
Click Next. The Circuits window appears.
Step 8
Confirm that the following information about the point-to-point circuit is correct:
Circuit name
Circuit type
Circuit size
ONS 15454 circuit nodes
Step 9
Click Finish.
To change the capacity of a G1000-4 point-to-point circuit, you must delete the original circuit and reprovision a new larger circuit.
Step 10
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-108 Provision a G1000-4 Manual Cross-Connect
This task manually creates a manual cross-connect between a G1000-4 Ethernet card and an OC-N cards connected to non-ONS equipment.
A G1000-4 card must be installed at the circuit source node.
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-50 Verify System Acceptance
Required/As Needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
Cross-connect refers to a circuit connection created within the same node between the Ethernet card and an OC-N card connected to third-party equipment. You create cross-connects at the source and destination nodes so an Ethernet circuit can be routed from source to destination across third-party equipment.
Step 1
In the Create Circuits dialog box ( Figure 6-22), complete the following fields:
Name—Assign a name to the source cross-connect. The name can be alphanumeric and up to 32 characters (including spaces). If you leave the field blank, CTC assigns a default name to the source cross-connect.
Type—Select STS.
Size—Select the size of the circuit that will be carried by the cross-connect.Valid sizes for a G1000-4 circuit are STS-1, STS-3c, STS-6c, STS-9c, STS-12c, STS-24c, and STS-48c.
Bidirectional—Leave checked for this cross-connect (default).
Number of circuits—Leave set at 1 (default).
Auto-ranged—Not available.
Protected Drops—Leave unchecked.
Step 2
If the circuit that will be carried by the cross-connect will be routed on a UPSR, set the UPSR path selectors:
Revertive—Check this box if you want traffic to revert to the working path when the conditions that diverted it to the protect path are repaired. If you do not choose Revertive, traffic remains on the protect path after the switch.
Reversion time—If Revertive is checked, choose the reversion time. Click the Reversion time field and select a reversion time from the pull-down menu. The range is 0.5 to 12.0 minutes. The default is 5.0 minutes. This is the amount of time that will elapse before the traffic reverts to the working path. Traffic can revert when conditions causing the switch are cleared.
SF threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal failure bit error rate (BER) thresholds.
SD threshold—Set the UPSR path-level signal degrade BER thresholds.
Switch on PDI-P—Check this box if you want traffic to switch when an STS payload defect indicator is received.
Figure 6-22 Provisioning an Ethernet circuit
Step 3
Click Next.
Step 4
Provision the circuit source:
From the Node pull-down menu, select the circuit source node.
From the Slot pull-down menu, choose the G1000-4 that will be the cross-connect source.
From the Port pull-down menu, select the cross-connect source port.
Step 5
Click Next.
Step 6
Provision the circuit destination:
From the Node pull-down menu, select the cross-connect source node selected in Step 9. (For Ethernet cross connects, the source and destination nodes are the same.)
From the Slot pull-down menu, choose the OC-N card that is connected to the non-ONS equipment.
Depending on the OC-N card, choose the port and/or STS from the Port and STS pull-down menus.
Step 7
Click Next.
Step 8
Verify the cross-connection information (in this step, "circuit" refers to the cross-connect):
Circuit name
Circuit type
Circuit size
ONS 15454 circuit nodes
If the information is not correct, click the Back button and repeat the procedure with the correct information.
Step 9
Click Finish.
Step 10
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-109 Provision G1000-4 Ethernet Ports
This task provisions the G1000-4 ports for Ethernet circuits
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-50 Verify System Acceptance
Required/As Needed
Required to enable Ethernet traffic on the G1000-4
Onsite or remote
Step 1
Display the node view.
Step 2
Double-click the G1000-4 card graphic to open the card.
Step 3
Click the Provisioning > Port tabs ( Figure 6-23).
Figure 6-23 Provisioning G1000-4 Ethernet ports
Step 4
For each G1000-4 port, provision the following parameters:
Port Name—If you want to label the port, type the port name.
Enabled—Click the checkbox to activate the corresponding G1000-4 Ethernet port.
Flow Control Neg—Click this checkbox to enable flow control negotiation on the port (default). If you do not want to enable flow control, uncheck the box.
To activate flow control, the Ethernet device attached to the G1000-4 card must be set to auto-negotiation. If flow control is enabled but the negotiation status indicates no flow control, check the auto-negotiation settings on the attached Ethernet device.
Max Size—To permit the acceptance of jumbo size Ethernet frames, select Jumbo (default). If you do not want to permit jumbo size Ethernet frames, select 1548.
The maximum frame size of 1548 bytes, instead of the common maximum frame size of 1518 bytes, enables the port to accept valid Ethernet frames that use new protocols. New protocols, such as MPLS, add bytes and may cause the frame size to exceed the common 1518 byte maximum.
Step 5
Click Apply.
Step 6
Refresh the Ethernet statistics:
Click the Performance > Statistics tabs.
Click the Refresh button.
Reprovisioning an Ethernet port on the G1000-4 card does not reset the Ethernet statistics for that port. Reprovisioning an Ethernet port on the E-series Ethernet cards resets the Ethernet statistics for that port.
Step 7
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
NTP-66 Test G Series Ethernet Circuits
This procedure assumes you completed facility loopback tests to test the fibers and cables from the source and destination ONS 15454s to the fiber distribution panel or the DSX.
Step 1
Log into the ONS 15454 source Ethernet node. See the "NTP-23 Log into the ONS 15454 GUI" procedure for instructions.
Step 2
On the ONS 15454 shelf graphic, double-click the circuit source card.
Step 3
Select the Provisioning > Port tabs.
Step 4
Verify the following settings:
Flow Control Neg—Checked or unchecked as indicated by the circuit or site plan.
Max Size—Check or unchecked as indicated by the circuit or site plan.
Media Type—Should indicate SX or LX.
Step 5
Repeat Steps 1- 4 for the destination node.
Step 6
At the destination node connect the Ethernet test to the destination port and configure the test set to send and receive the appropriate Ethernet traffic.
At this point, you will not be able to send and receive Ethernet traffic.
Step 7
At the source node connect an Ethernet test set to the source port and configure the test set to send and receive the appropriate Ethernet traffic.
Step 8
Transmit Ethernet frames between both test sets. If you cannot transmit and receive Ethernet traffic between the nodes, repeat Steps 1- 7 to make sure you configured the Ethernet ports and test set correctly.
Step 9
Perform protection switch testing appropriate to SONET topology:
For UPSRs, see the "DLP-94 UPSR Protection Switching Test" task on page 5-29
For BLSRs see the "DLP-91 BLSR Ring Switch Test" task on page 5-21.
Configure your test set according to local site practice. For information about configuring your test set, see your test set user guide.
Step 10
After the Ethernet test is complete, print the results or save them to a disk for future reference. For information about printing or saving test results see your test set user guide.
Step 11
Turn to the table of contents, list of procedures, or index to locate any other procedures that you need to perform for your site.
Posted: Fri Feb 22 13:47:55 PST 2008
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