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Table Of Contents
NTP-35 Verify Shelf Installation
NTP-36 Provision a Point-to-Point Network
DLP-85 Provision SONET DCC Terminations
DLP-86 Put Ports In or Out of Service
NTP-37 Point-to-Point Network Acceptance Test
DLP-87 Common Control Card Switch Test
DLP-88 Optical 1+1 Protection Test
NTP-38 Provision a Linear ADM Network
NTP-39 Linear ADM Network Acceptance Test
NTP-40 Provision the BLSR Nodes
NTP-42 Two-Fiber BLSR Acceptance Test
DLP-90 BLSR Exercise Ring Test
NTP-43 Four-Fiber BLSR Acceptance Test
DLP-92 Four-Fiber BLSR Exercise Span Test
DLP-93 Four-Fiber BLSR Span Switching Test
NTP-44 Provision the UPSR Nodes
DLP-94 UPSR Protection Switching Test
NTP-46 Subtend a UPSR from a BLSR
NTP-47 Subtend a BLSR from a UPSR
NTP-48 Subtend a BLSR from a BLSR
Turn Up Network
This chapter explains how to turn up and test Cisco ONS 15454s networks, including point-to-point networks, linear add drop multiplexers (ADMs), unidirectional path switched rings (UPSRs), and bidirectional line switched rings (BLSRs).
Before You Begin
This section lists the chapter procedures (NTPs). Turn to a procedure for applicable tasks (DLPs).
NTP-35 Verify Shelf Installation—Complete this procedure before beginning network turn up.
NTP-36 Provision a Point-to-Point Network—Complete as needed.
NTP-37 Point-to-Point Network Acceptance Test—Complete this procedure after you provision a point-to-point network.
NTP-38 Provision a Linear ADM Network—Complete as needed.
NTP-39 Linear ADM Network Acceptance Test—Complete this procedure after you provision a linear ADM.
NTP-40 Provision the BLSR Nodes—Complete this procedure to provision ONS 15454s in a BLSR.
NTP-41 Create the BLSR—Complete this procedure after provisioning the BLSR nodes.
NTP-42 Two-Fiber BLSR Acceptance Test—Complete this procedure after you provision a two-fiber BLSR.
NTP-43 Four-Fiber BLSR Acceptance Test—Complete this procedure after you provision a four-fiber BLSR.
NTP-44 Provision the UPSR Nodes—Complete as needed.
NTP-45 UPSR Acceptance Test—Complete this procedure after you provision a UPSR.
NTP-46 Subtend a UPSR from a BLSR—Complete as needed.
NTP-47 Subtend a BLSR from a UPSR—Complete as needed.
NTP-48 Subtend a BLSR from a BLSR—Complete as needed.
NTP-49 Create a DCC Tunnel—Complete as needed.
NTP-35 Verify Shelf Installation
Use this procedure to verify that each ONS 15454 is ready for network
turn up.Tools/Equipment
Prerequisite Procedures
Required/As Needed
Step 1
Log into an ONS 15454 on the network you will test. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions. The node (default) view displays.
Step 2
Click the Alarms tab. Verify that no unexplained alarms are displayed on the network. If alarms are displayed, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide for procedures.
Step 3
Click the Provisioning > General tabs. Verify that all general node information settings match the settings of your site plan. If not, see the "NTP-81 Change Node Management Information" procedure.
Step 4
Click the Provisioning > Timing tabs. Verify that timing settings match the settings of your site plan. If not, see the "NTP-85 Change Node Timing" procedure.
Step 5
Click the Provisioning > Network tabs. Verify that all network settings match the settings of your site plan. If not, see the "NTP-82 Change Network Information" procedure.
Step 6
Click the Provisioning > Protection tabs. Verify that all protection groups have been created according to your site plan. If not, see the "NTP-84 Change Card Protection Settings" procedure.
Step 7
Click the Provisioning > Security tabs. Verify that all users have been created and their security levels match the settings indicated by your site plan. If not, see the "NTP-86 Modify Users and Change Security" procedure.
Step 8
If SNMP is provisioned on the shelf, click the Provisioning > SNMP tabs. Verify that all SNMP settings match the settings of your site plan. If not, see the "NTP-87 Change SNMP Settings" procedure.
Step 9
Provision the network using the applicable procedure on page 5-1.
NTP-36 Provision a Point-to-Point Network
This procedure to provisions two ONS 15454s in a point-to-point (terminal) network
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-21 Set Up Computer for CTC
NTP-35 Verify Shelf Installation
Required/As Needed
Step 1
Verify that the fiber is connected from working card to working card, and from protect card to protect card.
Step 2
Log into an ONS 15454 on the network where you will create circuits. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions. The node (default) view displays.
Step 3
Click the Provisioning > Protection tabs. Verify that 1+1 protection is created for the OC-N cards at each node. Complete the "DLP-73 Create a 1+1 Protection Group" task if protection has not been created.
Step 4
Verify that the working and protect cards in the 1+1 protection groups correspond to the physical fiber connections between the nodes.
Step 5
Complete the "DLP-85 Provision SONET DCC Terminations" task for the working OC-N card/port on both point-to-point nodes.
SDCC is not provisioned on the protect card/port.
SDCC provisioning is performed by direct LAN connection to the node. Remote provisioning is possible only after all nodes in the network have DCC provisioned to in-service OC-N ports.
Step 6
Verify that timing is set up at both point-to-point nodes. If not, complete the "NTP-28 Set Up Timing" procedure for one or both of the nodes. If a node uses line timing, make its working OC-N the timing source.
Step 7
If you deselected Enable Ports when you created the DCC terminations in Step 5, complete the "DLP-86 Put Ports In or Out of Service" task to put the protect OC-N ports in service.
Step 8
From the View menu, choose Go to Other Node.
If the other node is not displayed, from the File menu, choose Add Node, then enter the node IP address or name in the Add Node dialog box.
Step 9
In the Select Node dialog box, choose the other point-to-point node and click OK.
Step 10
Repeat Step 7 for the protect OC-N card.
Step 11
Complete the "NTP-37 Point-to-Point Network Acceptance Test" procedure.
DLP-85 Provision SONET DCC Terminations
This task creates SONET DCC terminations.
Prerequisite Procedures
Required/As Needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
Step 1
Display the node (login) view.
Step 2
Click the Provisioning > Sonet DCC tabs.
Step 3
Under SDCC Terminations, click Create.
Step 4
In the Create SDCC Terminations dialog box click where you want to create the DCC termination.
The Set Port in Service checkbox is automatically selected when you select a port. If you do not want to set the port in service, deselect the box.
Step 5
Click OK.
EOC (SDCC Termination Failure) and LOS (Loss of Signal) alarms will be displayed until you create DCC terminations and enable all network OC-N ports.
Step 6
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-86 Put Ports In or Out of Service
Use this task to put a port in service or to remove a port from service.
Prerequisite Procedures
Required/As Needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
To provision Ethernet ports, see the "DLP-105 Provision E Series Ethernet Ports" task or the "DLP-109 Provision G1000-4 Ethernet Ports" task.
Step 1
Display the node (login) view.
Step 2
On the shelf graphic, double-click the card with the port(s) you want to put in or out of service. The card view displays.
Step 3
Click the Provisioning > Line tabs.
Step 4
Under Status, choose In Service or Out of Service.
Step 5
Click Apply.
Step 6
As needed, repeat this task for each port.
Step 7
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
NTP-37 Point-to-Point Network Acceptance Test
Use this procedure to test a point-to-point ONS 15454 network.
Test set/cables appropriate to the test circuit you will create
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-35 Verify Shelf Installation
Required/As Needed
As needed
Step 1
Log into one of the point-to-point nodes. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions. The node (default) view displays.
Step 2
Click the Alarms tab. Verify that no unexplained alarms are displayed on the network. If unexplained alarms are displayed, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 3
Export the alarm data to a file by choosing Export from the File menu. Select an export format and save to your hard drive. See the "DLP-139 Export CTC Data" task for additional information.
Step 4
Click the Conditions tab. Verify that no unexplained conditions are displayed on the network. If unexplained conditions are displayed, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 5
Export the conditions data to a file by choosing Export from the File menu. Select an export format and save to your hard drive. See the "DLP-139 Export CTC Data" task for additional information.
Step 6
Click the Inventory tab. Export the shelf inventory data to a file.
Step 7
Create a test circuit:
For DS-1 circuits, complete the "NTP-51 Create an Automatically Routed DS-1 Circuit" procedure
For DS-3 circuits, complete the "NTP-54 Create an Automatically Routed DS-3 Circuit" procedure
Step 8
Configure the test set for the test circuit type you created:
DS-1—If you are testing an unmuxed DS-1, you must have a DSX-1 panel or a direct DS-1 interface into the ONS 15454. Set the test set for DS-1. For information about configuring your test set, consult your test set user guide.
DS-3—If you are testing a clear channel DS-3, you must have a DSX-3 panel or a direct DS-3 interface into the ONS 15454. Set the test set for clear channel DS-3. For information about configuring your test set, consult your test set user guide.
DS3XM-6—If you are testing a DS-1 circuit on a DS3XM-6 card you must have a DSX-3 panel or a direct DS-3 interface to the ONS 15454. Set the test set for a muxed DS3. After you choose muxed DS-3, choose the DS-1 to test on the muxed DS-3. For information about configuring your test set, consult your test set user guide.
Step 9
Verify the integrity of all patch cables that will be used in this test by connecting one end to the test set transmit (TX) connector the other to the test set receive (RX) connector. If the test set does not run error-free, check the cable for damage and check the test set to make sure it is set up correctly before going to Step 10.
Step 10
Create a physical loopback at the circuit destination card. To do so, attach one end of a patch cable to the destination port's transmit (TX); attach the other end to the port's receive (RX).
Step 11
At the circuit source card:
Connect the transmit (TX) connector of the test set to the receive (RX) connector on the circuit source card.
Connect the test set receive (RX) connector to the circuit transmit (TX) connector on the circuit source card.
Step 12
Verify that the test set displays a clean signal. If a clean signal is not displayed, repeat Steps 7- 11 to make sure the test set and cabling is configured correctly.
Step 13
Inject BIT errors from the test set. Verify that the errors display at the test set, indicating a complete end-to-end circuit.
Step 14
Complete the "DLP-87 Common Control Card Switch Test" task to perform hardware redundancy tests on the XC, XCVT, XC10G and TCC+ cards.
Step 15
Complete the "DLP-88 Optical 1+1 Protection Test" task.
Step 16
Set up and complete a BER Test. Use the existing configuration and follow your site requirements for the specified length of time. Record the test results and configuration
Step 17
Remove any loopbacks, switches, or test sets from the nodes after all testing is complete.
Step 18
Click the Alarms tab. Verify that no unexplained alarms are displayed on the network. If unexplained alarms are displayed, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 19
Export the Alarms data to a file.
Step 20
Repeat Steps 12- 16 for the other point-to-point node.
Step 21
If a node fails any test, repeat the test verifying correct setup and configuration. If the test fails again, refer to the next level of support.
Step 22
Delete the test circuit. See the "NTP-77 Delete Circuits" procedure for instructions.
After all tests are successfully completed and no alarms exist in the network, the network is ready for service application.
DLP-87 Common Control Card Switch Test
Step 1
Click the Alarms tab. Verify that no unexplained alarms are displayed on the network. If unexplained alarms are displayed, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 2
Click the Conditions tab. Verify that no unexplained conditions are displayed on the network. If unexplained conditions are displayed, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 3
Test the cross connect card (XC, XCVT, or XC10G) switch functionality:
Click the Maintenance > XC Cards tabs ( Figure 5-1).
Figure 5-1 Performing a cross-connect card switch
Under Cross-Connect Cards, make a note of the active and standby slots.
On the shelf graphic, verify that the active cross-connect card displays a green ACT LED and the standby cross-connect card displays an amber SBY LED. If these conditions are not present, review the "DLP-36 Install the TCC+ XC/XCVT/XC10G Cards" task on page 2-4, or contact your next level of support.
Click the Switch button.
On the Confirm Switch dialog box, click Yes.
Verify that the active slot in Step 3 becomes the standby slot; the standby slot in Step b becomes the active slot. The switch should display within 1-2 seconds.
Verify that traffic on the test set connected to the node is still running. Some bit errors are normal, but traffic flow should not be interrupted. If a traffic interruption occurs, do not continue, refer to your next level of support.
Repeat Steps d- g to return the active/standby slots to their configuration at the start of the procedure.
Verify that the cross-connect card display is the same as noted in Step b.
Step 4
Test the TCC+ card switch functionality:
Make a note of which TCC+ is active and which is standby by examining the LEDs on the shelf graphic. TCC+ cards are installed in Slot 7 and Slot 11. The active TCC+ has a green ACT LED, and the standby TCC+ has an amber SBY LED.
On the shelf graphic, right-click the active TCC+ and choose Reset from the shortcut menu ( Figure 5-2).
Figure 5-2 Resetting the active TCC+
On the Resetting Card dialog box, click Yes. After 20-40 seconds, a "lost node connection, changing to network view" message is displayed.
Click OK. On the network view map, the node where you reset the TCC+ will be grey.
After the node icon turns green (within 1-2 minutes), double-click it. On the shelf graphic, observe the following:
The previous standby TCC+ displays a green ACT LED.
The previous active TCC+ LEDs will go through the following LED sequence: NP (card not present), Ldg (software is loading), amber SBY LED (TCC+ is in standby mode). The LEDs should complete this sequence within a few minutes.
Verify that traffic on the test set connected to the node is still running. If a traffic interruption occurs, do not continue, refer to your next level of support.
Repeat Steps b- f to return the active/standby TCC+s to their configuration at the start of the procedure.
Verify that the TCC+ cards display is the same as noted in Step a.
Step 5
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-88 Optical 1+1 Protection Test
Verifies a 1+1 protection group will switch properly
Optical test set and cables
Prerequisite Procedures
DLP-60 Log into CTC; a test circuit created as part of the topology acceptance test.
Required/As Needed
Step 1
Click the Alarms tab. Verify that no unexplained alarms are displayed on the network. If unexplained alarms are displayed, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 2
Click the Conditions tab. Verify that no unexplained conditions are displayed on the network. If unexplained conditions are displayed, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 3
Click the Maintenance > Protection tabs.
Step 4
Under Protection Groups, click the 1+1 protection group.
Step 5
Click the working port and click the Force Switch Command button.
Step 6
At the Confirm Manual Operation dialog, click Yes.
Step 7
Under Selected Group, verify that the following is displayed:
Protect port - Protect/Active [FORCE_SWITCH_TO_PROTECT]
Working port - Working/Standby [FORCE_SWITCH_TO_PROTECT]
Step 8
Verify that traffic on the test set connected to the node is still running. Some bit errors are normal, but traffic flow should not be interrupted. If a traffic interruption occurs, complete Steps 9- 10, then repeat Steps 4- 7, monitoring traffic on your test set. If interruptions occur, review the provisioning procedure for the network topology (point-to-point, linear ADM, UPSR, BLSR). If the problem persists, refer to your next level of support.
Step 9
Click the Clear Switch Command button.
Step 10
At the Confirm Clear Operation confirmation, click Yes.
Step 11
Under Selected Group, click the protect port then click the Force Switch Command button.
Step 12
At the Confirm Force Operation popup window, click Yes.
Step 13
Under Selected Group, verify that the following is displayed:
Protect port - Protect/Active [FORCE_SWITCH_TO_WORKING]
Working port - Working/Standby [FORCE_SWITCH_TO_WORKING]
Step 14
Verify that traffic on the test set connected to the node is still running. If a traffic interruption occurs, complete Steps 9- 13, monitoring traffic on your test set. If interruptions occur, review the provisioning procedure for the network topology (point-to-point, linear ADM, UPSR, BLSR). If the problem persists, refer to your next level of support.
Step 15
Click the Clear Switch Command button.
Step 16
At the Confirm Clear Operation dialog, click Yes.
Step 17
Under Selected Group, verify the following states:
Protect port - Protect/Standby
Working port - Working/Active
Step 18
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
NTP-38 Provision a Linear ADM Network
This procedure provisions three or more ONS 15454s in a linear ADM.
Prerequisite Procedures
Required/As Needed
As needed
Step 1
Log into an ONS 15454 on the linear ADM network you are testing. The node (default) view displays. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions.
Step 2
Verify that the fiber is connected from working card to working card, and from protect card to protect card.
Figure 5-3 shows three ONS 15454s in a linear ADM configuration. In this example, working traffic flows from Slot 5/Node 1 to Slot 5/Node 2, and from Slot 12/Node 2 to Slot 12/Node 3. Slots 6 and 13 contain the protect OC-N cards. Slots 5 and 6 and Slots 12 and 13 are in 1+1 protection.
Figure 5-3 A linear ADM configuration
Step 3
Click the Provisioning > Protection tabs. Verify that 1+1 protection is created for the OC-N cards at each linear node. If the protection group has not been created, go to "DLP-73 Create a 1+1 Protection Group" task, to create them.
Step 4
Verify that cards set as working and protect in the 1+1 protection groups correspond to the physical fiber connections between the nodes.
Step 5
Complete the "DLP-85 Provision SONET DCC Terminations" task for the working OC-N ports on each linear ADM node.
SDCC provisioning is performed by direct LAN connection to the node. Remote provisioning is possible only after all nodes in the network have DCC provisioned to in-service OC-N ports.
Terminating nodes (Nodes 1 and 3 in Figure 5-3) will have one SDCC, and intermediate nodes (Node 2 in Figure 5-3) will have two SDCCs (Slots 5 and 12 in the example).
Step 6
Verify that timing has been set up at each linear node. If not, complete the "NTP-28 Set Up Timing" procedure. If a node is using line timing, use its working OC-N card as the timing source.
Step 7
If you deselected Place Ports In Service when you created the DCC terminations, complete the "DLP-86 Put Ports In or Out of Service" task to put the OC-N ports in service for all OC-N cards connected to the linear ADM.
Step 8
Complete the "NTP-39 Linear ADM Network Acceptance Test" procedure.
NTP-39 Linear ADM Network Acceptance Test
Use this procedure to test a linear ADM ONS 15454 network.
Test set/cables appropriate to the test circuit you will create
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-35 Verify Shelf Installation
Required/As Needed
As needed
Step 1
Log into an ONS 15454 on the linear ADM network you are testing. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions. The node (default) view displays.
Step 2
Click the Alarms tab. Verify that no unexplained alarms are displayed on the network. If unexplained alarms are displayed, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 3
Export the alarm data to a file by choosing Export from the File menu. Select an export format and save to your hard drive. Complete the "DLP-139 Export CTC Data" task.
Step 4
Click the Conditions tab. Verify that no unexplained conditions are displayed on the network. If unexplained conditions are displayed, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 5
Export the conditions data to a file by choosing Export from the File menu. Select an export format and save to your hard drive. See the "DLP-139 Export CTC Data" task for additional information.
Step 6
Click the Inventory tab. Export the shelf inventory data to a file.
Step 7
Create a test circuit:
For DS-1 circuits, complete the "NTP-51 Create an Automatically Routed DS-1 Circuit" task
For DS-3 circuits, complete the "NTP-54 Create an Automatically Routed DS-3 Circuit" task
Step 8
Configure the test set for the test circuit type you created:
DS-1 card—If you are testing an unmuxed DS-1, you must have a DSX-1 panel or a direct DS-1 interface into the ONS 15454. Set the test set for DS-1. For information about configuring your test set, consult your test set user guide.
DS-3—If you are testing a clear channel DS-3, you must have a DSX-3 panel or a direct DS-3 interface into the ONS 15454. Set the test set for clear channel DS-3. For information about configuring your test set, consult your test set user guide.
DS3XM-6—If you are testing a DS-1 circuit on a DS3XM-6 card you must have a DSX-3 panel or a direct DS-3 interface to the ONS 15454. Set the test set for a muxed DS3. After you choose muxed DS-3, choose the DS-1 to test on the muxed DS-3. For information about configuring your test set, consult your test set user guide.
Step 9
Verify the integrity of all patch cables that will be used in this test by connecting one end to the test set transmit (TX) connector, and the other to the test set receive (RX) connector. If the test set does not run error-free, check the cable for damage and check the test set to make sure it is set up correctly before going to Step 10.
Step 10
Create a physical loopback at the circuit destination card. To do so, attach one end of a patch cable to the destination port's transmit (TX) connector; attach the other end to the destination port's receive (RX) connector.
Step 11
At the circuit source card:
Connect the transmit (TX) connector of the test set to the circuit receive (RX) connector.
Connect the test set receive (RX) connector to the circuit transmit (TX) connector.
Step 12
Verify that the test set displays a clean signal. If a clean signal is not displayed, repeat Steps 1- 9 to make sure the test set and cabling is configured correctly.
Step 13
Inject BIT errors from the test set. Verify that the errors display at the test set, indicating a complete end-to-end circuit.
Step 14
Complete the "DLP-87 Common Control Card Switch Test" task to perform hardware redundancy tests on the XC, XCVT, XC10G, and TCC+ cards.
Step 15
Complete the "DLP-88 Optical 1+1 Protection Test" task to test the OC-N port protection group switching.
Step 16
Set up and complete a BER Test. Use the existing configuration and follow your site requirements for length of time. Record the test results and configuration
Step 17
Remove any loopbacks, switches, or test sets from the nodes after all testing is complete.
Step 18
Click the Alarms tab. Verify that no unexplained alarms are displayed on the network. If unexplained alarms are displayed, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 19
Repeat this procedure for the other linear ADM nodes.
Step 20
If a node fails any test, repeat the test verifying correct setup and configuration. If the test fails again, refer to the next level of support.
Step 21
Delete the test circuit. See the "NTP-77 Delete Circuits" procedure for instructions.
After all tests are successfully completed and no alarms exist in the network, the network is ready for service application.
NTP-40 Provision the BLSR Nodes
This procedure provisions the ONS 15454 nodes for the BLSR.
Prerequisite Procedures
Required/As Needed
As needed
Step 1
Verify that the fiber is correctly connected to the BLSR trunk cards:
Verify that the east port at one node is connected to the west port on an adjacent node, and this east to west port connection is used at all BLSR nodes, similar to Figure 5-4.
For four-fiber BLSRs, verify that the same east port to west port connection is used for the working and protect fibers, similar to Figure 5-5. Verify that the working and protect card connections are not mixed.
Figure 5-4 Four-node, two-fiber BLSR fiber connection example
Figure 5-5 Four-node, four-fiber BLSR fiber connection example
Step 2
Log into an ONS 15454 in the BLSR you are turning up. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions. The node (default) view displays.
Step 3
Complete the "DLP-85 Provision SONET DCC Terminations" task. Provision the two ports/cards that will serve as the BLSR ports at the node. For four-fiber BLSRs provision the working cards, but not the protect cards, as DCC terminations.
If an ONS 15454 is not connected to a corporate LAN, SDCC provisioning must be performed through a local craft connection to the node. Remote provisioning is possible only after all nodes in the network have DCC provisioned to in-service OC-N ports.
Step 4
If Put Ports in Service was checked when you completed the DCC terminations in Step 3, those OC-N ports are in service. However, if they were not placed in service, complete the "DLP-86 Put Ports In or Out of Service" task for all ports that you configured as DCC terminations. Repeat this step at each node that will be in the BLSR.
Step 5
For four-fiber BLSRs, complete the "DLP-86 Put Ports In or Out of Service" task for the protect OC-N ports.
Step 6
If a BLSR span passes through third-party equipment that cannot transparently transport the K3 byte, complete the "DLP-89 Remap the K3 Byte" task. This task is not necessary for most customers.
Step 7
Repeat Steps 2- 5 at each node that will be in the BLSR.
Step 8
Complete the "NTP-41 Create the BLSR" procedure.
DLP-89 Remap the K3 Byte
CautionDo not remap the K3 byte unless specifically required to run an ONS 15454 BLSR through third-party equipment. This task is unnecessary for most customers.
Use this task to provision the K3 byte.
OC48AS cards must be installed on the BLSR span that you will remap.
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-35 Verify Shelf Installation
Required/As Needed
As needed
CautionIf you remap the K3 byte, remap to the same extended byte (Z2, E2, or F1) on either side of the span.
Step 1
At the node view, double-click the OC48AS card that connects to the third-party equipment.
Step 2
Click the Provisioning > Line tabs.
Step 3
Click BLSR Ext Byte and choose the alternate byte: Z2, E2, or F1.
Step 4
Click Apply.
Step 5
(Four-fiber BLSR only) Repeat Steps 2- 4 for each protect card.
Step 6
(Two-fiber BLSR only) Repeat Steps 2- 4 at the node and card on the other end of the BLSR span.
Step 7
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
NTP-41 Create the BLSR
This procedure creates the BLSR at each BLSR node.
Prerequisite Procedures
Required/As Needed
Onsite or remote
Step 1
Log into a BLSR node. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions.
Step 2
Click the Provisioning > Ring tabs.
Step 3
Click Create.
Step 4
On the Create BLSR dialog box ( Figure 5-6), set the BLSR properties:
Ring Type—Choose the BLSR ring type, either two-fiber or four-fiber.
Ring ID—Assign a ring ID (a number between 0 and 9999). Nodes in the same BLSR must have the same Ring ID.
Node ID—Assign a Node ID. The Node ID identifies the node to the BLSR. Nodes in the same BLSR must have unique Node IDs.
Reversion time—Set the amount of time that will pass before the traffic reverts to the original working path. The default is 5 minutes. All nodes in a BLSR ring should have the same reversion time setting, particularly if "never" (i.e., non-revertive) is chosen.
West Line—Assign the west BLSR port for the node from the pull-down menu. (In Figure 5-4, this is Slot 5.)
The east and west ports must match the fiber connections and DCC terminations set up in the "NTP-40 Provision the BLSR Nodes" procedure.
East Line—Assign the east BLSR port for the node from the pull-down menu. (In Figure 5-4, this is Slot 12.)
For four-fiber BLSRs, complete the following:
Span Reversion—Set the amount of time that will pass before the traffic reverts to the original working path following a span reversion. The default is 5 minutes. Span reversions can be set to Never. If you set a reversion time, the times must be the same for both ends of the span. That is, if Node A's west fiber is connected to Node B's east port, the Node A west span reversion time must be the same as the Node B east span reversion time. To avoid reversion time mismatches, Cisco recommends that you use the same span reversion time throughout the ring.
West Protect—Assign the west BLSR port that will connect to the west protect fiber from the pull-down menu. (In Figure 5-5, this is Slot 6.)
East Protect—Assign the east BLSR port that will connect to the east protect fiber from the pull-down menu. (In Figure 5-5, this is Slot 13.)
Figure 5-6 Setting BLSR properties
Step 5
Click OK.
Some or all of the following alarms display during BLSR setup: E-W MISMATCH, RING MISMATCH, APSCIMP, APSDFLTK, BLSROSYNC. The alarms will clear after you configure all the nodes in the BLSR.
Step 6
Complete Steps 2- 5 at each node that you are adding to the BLSR.
Step 7
After you configure the last BLSR node, wait for the BLSR Ring Map Change dialog box to display (this can take 10 - 30 seconds).
The dialog will not display if SDCC Termination alarms (e.g., EOC) or BLSR alarms (such as E-W MISMATCH and RING MISMATCH) are present. If an SDCC alarm is present, review the DCC provisioning at each node. If BLSR alarms have not cleared, repeat Steps 1-6 at each node, making sure each node is provisioned correctly. You can also following alarm troubleshooting procedures provided in the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 8
On the BLSR Ring Map Change dialog, click Yes.
Step 9
On the BLSR Ring Map dialog box, verify that the ring map contains all the nodes you provisioned in the expected order. If so, click Accept. If the nodes do not appear, or are not in the expected order, repeat Steps 1- 9, making sure no errors are made.
Step 10
From the View menu, choose Go to Network View. Verify the following:
A green span line appears between all BLSR nodes
Step 11
Complete the "NTP-42 Two-Fiber BLSR Acceptance Test" procedure or the "NTP-43 Four-Fiber BLSR Acceptance Test" procedure.
NTP-42 Two-Fiber BLSR Acceptance Test
This procedure tests a two-fiber ONS 15454 BLSR.
Test set and cables appropriate for the test circuit
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-35 Verify Shelf Installation
NTP-40 Provision the BLSR Nodes
Required/As Needed
As needed
This procedure requires that you create test circuits and perform span switches around the ring. For clarity, "Node 1" refers to the login node where you begin the procedure. "Node 2" refers to the node connected to the East OC-N trunk card of Node 1, "Node 3" refers to the node connected to the East OC-N trunk card of Node 2, and so on.
Step 1
Log into one of the ONS 15454s on the BLSR you are testing. (This node will be called Node 1.) See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions.
Step 2
From the View menu, choose Go to Network View.
Step 3
Click the Alarms tab. Verify that no unexplained alarms are displayed on the network. If unexplained alarms are displayed, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 4
Export the alarms data to a file by choosing Export from the File menu. Select an export format and save to your hard drive. See the "DLP-139 Export CTC Data" task for additional information.
Step 5
Click the Conditions tab. Verify that no unexplained conditions are displayed on the network. If unexplained conditions are displayed, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 6
Export the conditions data to a file by choosing Export from the File menu. Select an export format and save to your hard drive. See the "DLP-139 Export CTC Data" task for additional information.
Step 7
Complete the "DLP-139 Export CTC Data" task.
Step 8
On the network view, double-click Node 1.
Step 9
Click the Inventory tab. Export the Node 1 inventory data to a file.
Step 10
Complete the "DLP-90 BLSR Exercise Ring Test" task.
Step 11
Create a test circuit from Node 1 to the node connected to the East OC-N trunk card of Node 1. (This node will be called Node 2.)
For DS-1 circuits, complete the "NTP-51 Create an Automatically Routed DS-1 Circuit" task.
For DS-3 circuits, complete the "NTP-54 Create an Automatically Routed DS-3 Circuit" task.
Step 12
Configure the test set for the test circuit type you created:
DS-1—If you are testing an unmuxed DS-1, you must have a DSX-1 panel or a direct DS-1 interface into the ONS 15454. Set the test set for DS-1. For information about configuring your test set, consult your test set user guide.
DS-3—If you are testing a clear channel DS-3, you must have a DSX-3 panel or a direct DS-3 interface into the ONS 15454. Set the test set for clear channel DS-3. For information about configuring your test set, consult your test set user guide.
DS3XM-6—If you are testing a DS-1 circuit on a DS3XM-6 card you must have a DSX-3 panel or a direct DS-3 interface to the ONS 15454. Set the test set for a muxed DS-3. After you choose muxed DS-3, choose the DS-1 to test on the muxed DS-3. For information about configuring your test set, consult your test set user guide.
Step 13
Verify the integrity of all patch cables that will be used in this test by connecting the test set transmit (TX) the test set receive (RX). If the test set does not run error-free, check the cable for damage and check the test set to make sure it is set up correctly before going to Step 14.
Step 14
Create a physical loopback at the circuit destination card: attach one end of a patch cable to the destination port's transmit (TX); attach the other end to the port's receive (RX).
Step 15
At the circuit source card:
Connect the transmit (TX) connector of the test set to the circuit receive (RX) connector;
Connect the test set receive (RX) connector to the circuit transmit (TX) connector.
Step 16
Verify that the test set displays a clean signal. If a clean signal is not displayed, repeat Steps 1- 15 to make sure the test set and cabling is configured correctly.
Step 17
Inject BIT errors from the test set. Verify that the errors display at the test set, verifying a complete end-to-end circuit.
Step 18
Complete the "DLP-87 Common Control Card Switch Test" task at Node 1.
The text circuit should continue to work before, during, and after the switches. There may be a brief interruption. If the circuit stops working, do not continue. Contact your next level of support.
Step 19
Complete the "DLP-91 BLSR Ring Switch Test" task at Node 1.
The text circuit should continue to work before, during, and after the switches. There may be a brief interruption. If the circuit stops working, do not continue. Contact your next level of support.
Step 20
Set up and complete a BER test on the test circuit. Use the existing configuration and follow your site requirements for length of time. Record the test results and configuration.
Step 21
Complete the "NTP-77 Delete Circuits" procedure for the test circuit.
Step 22
Repeat Steps 8- 17 to set up a test circuit between Node 2 and the node connected to the East OC-N trunk card of Node 2. (This node will be Node 3.)
Step 23
At Node 2, complete the "DLP-87 Common Control Card Switch Test" task.
The text circuit should continue to work before, during, and after the switches. There may be a brief interruption. If the circuit stops working, do not continue. Contact your next level of support.
Step 24
At Node 2, complete the "DLP-91 BLSR Ring Switch Test" task.
The text circuit should continue to work before, during, and after the switches. There may be a brief interruption. If the circuit stops working, do not continue. Contact your next level of support.
Step 25
Set up and complete a BER test on the test circuit between Node 2 and 3.
Step 26
Complete the "NTP-77 Delete Circuits" procedure for the test circuit.
Step 27
Repeating steps 8- 23, work your way around the BLSR, testing each node and span in the ring.
Step 28
After you test the entire ring, remove any loopbacks and test sets from the nodes.
Step 29
View Alarms and conditions on each node and record the results (export to file).
Step 30
If a node fails any test, repeat the test to verify correct setup and configuration. If the test fails again, refer to the next level of support.
After all tests are successfully completed and no alarms exist in the network, the network is ready for service application.
DLP-90 BLSR Exercise Ring Test
This task tests the BLSR ring functionality without switching traffic.
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-40 Provision the BLSR Nodes
Required/As Needed
As needed
Step 1
From node view, click the Maintenance > Ring tabs.
Step 2
Under West Switch, choose Exercise Ring from the drop down menu. Click the Apply button, then click Yes on the confirmation.
The West Switch will display Exercise Ring. After 10-15 seconds, it changes to Clear.
Step 3
Click the History tab.
Step 4
On the Session subtab, verify that the EXERCISE-RING-REQ (Exercising Ring Request) and EXERCISING-RING (Exercising Ring Successfully) conditions are reported against the slot for the west span. Figure 5-7 shows an example.
Figure 5-7 Verifying the exercise ring conditions
Step 5
From the View menu, choose Go to Network View.
Step 6
Click the Alarms tab. Verify that no unexplained alarms are displayed on the network. If unexplained alarms are displayed, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 7
From the View menu, choose Go to Other Node.
Step 8
In the Select Node dialog box, choose the next node in the BLSR.
Step 9
Repeat this task for all nodes in the BLSR.
Step 10
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-91 BLSR Ring Switch Test
Use this task to verify that protection switching is working correctly in a BLSR.
Prerequisite Procedures
Required/As Needed
Step 1
Click the Maintenance > Ring tabs.
Step 2
From the West Switch pull-down menu, choose FORCE RING, and click Apply. Click Yes on the confirmation dialog boxes (two confirmations are displayed).
Step 3
Click the Alarms tab, then click the Show Events box at the bottom of the window.
Step 4
Verify that WKSWPR (Switch to Protection) and RING-SW-EAST (Ring Switch Active on East) conditions are reported against the slot for the west span.
Step 5
From the View menu, choose Go to Network View.
Step 6
Verify that no unexplained alarms are displayed on the network. If unexplained alarms are displayed, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 7
On the network map, double-click the node where you invoked the FORCE RING.
Step 8
Click the Maintenance > Ring tabs.
Step 9
From the West Switch pull-down menu, choose CLEAR, and click Apply. Click Yes on the confirmation dialog box.
Step 10
From the East Switch pull-down menu, choose FORCE RING, and click Apply. Click Yes on the confirmation dialog boxes (two confirmations are displayed).
Step 11
Click the Alarms tab, then click the Show Events box at the bottom of the window.
Step 12
Verify that WKSWPR (Switch to Protection) and RING-SW-WEST (Ring Switch Active on West) conditions are reported against the slot for the west span.
Step 13
From the View menu, choose Go to Network View.
Step 14
Verify that no unexplained alarms are displayed on the network. If unexplained alarms are displayed, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 15
On the network map, double-click the node where you invoked the FORCE RING.
Step 16
Click the Maintenance > Ring tabs.
Step 17
From the East Switch pull-down menu, choose CLEAR, and click Apply. Click Yes on the confirmation dialog box.
Step 18
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
NTP-43 Four-Fiber BLSR Acceptance Test
This procedure tests a four-fiber ONS 15454 BLSR
Test set and cables appropriate to the test circuit you will create.
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-40 Provision the BLSR Nodes
Required/As Needed
if you created a four-fiber BLSR
This procedure requires that you create test circuits and perform span switches around the ring. For clarity, "Node 1" refers to the login node where you begin the procedure. "Node 2" refers to the node connected to the East OC-N trunk card of Node 1, "Node 3" refers to the node connected to the East OC-N trunk card of Node 2, and so on.
Step 1
Log into one of the ONS 15454s on the BLSR you are testing. (This node will be called Node 1.) See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions. The node (default) view displays.
Step 2
From the View menu, choose Go to Network View.
Step 3
Click the Alarms tab. Verify that no unexplained alarms are displayed on the network. If unexplained alarms are displayed, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 4
Export the alarms data to a file by choosing Export from the File menu. Select an export format and save to your hard drive. See the "DLP-139 Export CTC Data" task for additional information.
Step 5
Click the Conditions tab. Verify that no unexplained conditions are displayed on the network. If unexplained conditions are displayed, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 6
Export the conditions data to a file by choosing Export from the File menu. Select an export format and save to your hard drive. See the "DLP-139 Export CTC Data" task for additional information.
Step 7
On the network map, double-click Node 1.
Step 8
Click the Inventory tab. Export the shelf inventory data to file by choosing Export from the File menu.
Step 9
Complete the "DLP-92 Four-Fiber BLSR Exercise Span Test" task.
Step 10
Complete the "DLP-90 BLSR Exercise Ring Test" task.
Step 11
Create a test circuit between Node 1 and Node 2.
For DS-1 circuits, complete the "NTP-51 Create an Automatically Routed DS-1 Circuit" task.
For DS-3 circuits, complete the "NTP-54 Create an Automatically Routed DS-3 Circuit" task.
Step 12
Configure the test set for the test circuit type you created:
DS-1 card—If you are testing an unmuxed DS-1, you must have a DSX-1 panel or a direct DS-1 interface into the ONS 15454. Set the test set for DS-1. For information about configuring your test set, consult your test set user guide.
DS-3—If you are testing a clear channel DS-3, you must have a DSX-3 panel or a direct DS-3 interface into the ONS 15454. Set the test set for clear channel DS-3. For information about configuring your test set, consult your test set user guide.
DS3XM-6—If you are testing a DS-1 circuit on a DS3XM-6 card you must have a DSX-3 panel or a direct DS-3 interface to the ONS 15454. Set the test set for a muxed DS3. After you choose muxed DS-3, choose the DS-1 to test on the muxed DS-3. For information about configuring your test set, consult your test set user guide.
Step 13
Verify the integrity of all patch cables that will be used in this test by connecting one end of the cable to the test set transmit (TX) the other of the cable to the test set receive (RX). If the test set does not run error-free, check the cable for damage and check the test set to make sure it is set up correctly before continuing with Step 14.
Step 14
Create a physical loopback at the circuit destination card. To do so, attach one end of a patch cable to the destination port's transmit (TX) connector; attach the other end to the port's receive (RX) connector.
Step 15
At the circuit source card:
Connect the transmit (TX) connector of the test set to the circuit receive (RX) connector.
Connect the test set receive (RX) connector to the circuit transmit (TX) connector.
Step 16
Verify that the test set displays a clean signal. If a clean signal is not displayed, repeat Steps 1- 9 to make sure the test set and cabling is configured correctly.
Step 17
Inject BIT errors from the test set. Verify that the errors display at the test set, verifying a complete end-to-end circuit.
Step 18
Complete the "DLP-87 Common Control Card Switch Test" task to perform hardware redundancy tests on the Node 1 common cards (cross-connect and TCC+ cards).
Step 19
Complete the "DLP-91 BLSR Ring Switch Test" task to test the BLSR protection switching at Node 1.
Step 20
Complete the "DLP-93 Four-Fiber BLSR Span Switching Test" task at Node 1.
Step 21
Set up and complete a BER test on the test circuit between Node 1 and 2. Use the existing configuration and follow your site requirements for length of time. Record the test results and configuration.
Step 22
Delete the test circuit: click the Circuits tab, click the circuit and click the Delete button. Click Yes to confirm.
Step 23
At Node 2, repeat Steps 7- 17 to create a test circuit between Node 2 and the node connected to the East OC-N trunk card of Node 2 (Node 3) and then complete test procedures.
Step 24
Set up and complete a BER test on the test circuit between Nodes 2 and 3.
Step 25
Delete the test circuit.
Step 26
Repeating Steps 7- 23, work your way around the BLSR, testing each node and span in the ring.
Step 27
After you test the entire ring, remove any loopbacks and test sets from the nodes.
Step 28
View Alarms and conditions on each node and record the results by exporting to a file. See the "DLP-139 Export CTC Data" task for instructions.
Step 29
If a node fails any test, repeat the test verifying correct setup and configuration. If the test fails again, refer to the next level of support.
After all tests are successfully completed and no alarms exist in the network, the network is ready for service application.
DLP-92 Four-Fiber BLSR Exercise Span Test
This task verifies the BLSR exercise span functionality.
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-40 Provision the BLSR Nodes
Required/As Needed
Step 1
Click the Maintenance > Ring tabs.
Step 2
Under West Switch, choose EXERCISE SPAN from the drop-down menu. Click the Apply button.
After approximately 10 seconds, the EXERCISE SPAN command changes to CLEAR.
Step 3
Click the History tab.
Step 4
On the Session subtab, verify that the EXERCISING-SPAN and EXERCISE-SPAN-REQ conditions are reported against the working West span.
Step 5
Repeat Steps 2- 4 for the East Switch to exercise the east span.
Step 6
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-93 Four-Fiber BLSR Span Switching Test
Verifies the Four-Fiber BLSR span switching.
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-40 Provision the BLSR Nodes
Required/As Needed
Step 1
Click the Maintenance > Ring tabs.
Step 2
From the West Switch pull-down menu, choose FORCE SPAN, and click Apply. Click Yes on the confirmation dialog boxes (two confirmations are displayed).
Step 3
Click the Alarms tab, then click the Show Events checkbox at the bottom of the window.
Step 4
Verify that WKSWPR (Switch to Protection) and SPAN-SW-WEST (Span Switch Active on West) conditions are reported against the slot for the west span.
Step 5
From the View menu, choose Go to Network View.
Step 6
Verify that no unexplained alarms are displayed on the network. If unexplained alarms are displayed, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 7
On the network map, double-click the node where you invoked the FORCE SPAN.
Step 8
Click the Maintenance > Ring tabs.
Step 9
From the West Switch pull-down menu, choose CLEAR, and click Apply. Click Yes on the confirmation dialog box.
Step 10
From the East Switch pull-down menu, choose FORCE SPAN, and click Apply. Click Yes on the confirmation dialog boxes (two confirmations are displayed).
Step 11
Click the Alarms tab, then click the Show Events box at the bottom of the window.
Step 12
Verify that WKSWPR (Switch to Protection) and SPAN-SW-EAST (Span Switch Active on East) conditions are reported against the slot for the west span.
Step 13
From the View menu, choose Go to Network View.
Step 14
Verify that no unexplained alarms are displayed on the network. If unexplained alarms are displayed, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 15
On the network map, double-click the node where you invoked the FORCE SPAN.
Step 16
Click the Maintenance > Ring tabs.
Step 17
From the East Switch pull-down menu, choose CLEAR, and click Apply. Click Yes on the confirmation dialog box.
Step 18
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
NTP-44 Provision the UPSR Nodes
Use this procedure to provision nodes for inclusion in a UPSR.
Prerequisite Procedures
Required/As Needed
As needed
Step 1
Verify that the fiber is correctly connected to the UPSR trunk OC-N cards similar to Figure 5-8.
Figure 5-8 UPSR fiber connection example
Step 2
Log into an ONS 15454 in the UPSR you are turning up. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions. The node (default) view displays.
Step 3
Complete the "DLP-85 Provision SONET DCC Terminations" task for the two cards/ports that will serve as the UPSR ports on the node. For example, Slot 5 (OC-48)/Node 1 and Slot 12 (OC-48)/ Node 1. Complete this step for each node in the UPSR.
If an ONS 15454 is not connected to a corporate LAN, SDCC provisioning must be performed through a local craft connection. Remote provisioning is possible only after all nodes in the network have DCC terminations provisioned to in-service OC-N ports.
Step 4
Ports are normally placed in service by default when you complete the DCC terminations. However, if they were not placed in service, complete the "DLP-86 Put Ports In or Out of Service" task for all ports that you configured as DCC terminations. Repeat this step at each node that will be in the UPSR.
Step 5
Complete the "NTP-45 UPSR Acceptance Test" procedure.
NTP-45 UPSR Acceptance Test
Tests an ONS 15454 UPSR
Test set and cables appropriate to the test circuit you will create.
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-35 Verify Shelf Installation
Required/As Needed
As needed
Step 1
Log into one of the ONS 15454s on the UPSR you are testing. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions. The node (default) view displays.
Step 2
From the View menu, choose Go to Network View.
Step 3
Click the Alarms tab. Verify that no unexplained alarms are displayed on the network. If unexplained alarms are displayed, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 4
Click the Conditions tab. Verify that no unexplained conditions are displayed on the network. If unexplained conditions are displayed, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 5
Export the conditions data to a file by choosing Export from the File menu. Select an export format and save to your hard drive. See the "DLP-139 Export CTC Data" task for additional information.
Step 6
On the network map, double-click the node that you logged into in Step 1.
Step 7
Click the Inventory tab. Complete the "DLP-139 Export CTC Data" task to export the inventory data to a file for future reference.
Step 8
Create a test circuit:
For DS-1 circuits, complete the "NTP-51 Create an Automatically Routed DS-1 Circuit" task.
For DS-3 circuits, complete the "NTP-54 Create an Automatically Routed DS-3 Circuit" task.
Step 9
Configure the test set for the test circuit type you created:
DS-1 card—If you are testing an unmuxed DS-1, you must have a DSX-1 panel or a direct DS-1 interface into the ONS 15454. Set the test set for DS-1. For information about configuring your test set, consult your test set user guide.
DS-3—If you are testing a clear channel DS-3, you must have a DSX-3 panel or a direct DS-3 interface into the ONS 15454. Set the test set for clear channel DS-3. For information about configuring your test set, consult your test set user guide.
DS3XM-6—If you are testing a DS-1 circuit on a DS3XM-6 card you must have a DSX-3 panel or a direct DS-3 interface to the ONS 15454. Set the test set for a muxed DS3. After you choose muxed DS-3, choose the DS-1 to test on the muxed DS-3. For information about configuring your test set, consult your test set user guide.
Step 10
Verify the integrity of all patch cables that will be used in this test by connecting one end to the test set transmit (TX) the other to the test set receive (RX). If the test set does not run error-free, check the cable for damage and check the test set to make sure it is set up correctly before going to Step 11.
Step 11
Create a physical loopback at the circuit destination card: attach one end of a patch cable to the destination port's transmit (TX); attach the other end to the port's receive (RX).
Step 12
At the circuit source card:
Connect the transmit (TX) connector of the test set to the circuit receive (RX) connector;
Connect the test set receive (RX) connector to the circuit transmit (TX) connector.
Step 13
Verify that the test set displays a clean signal. If a clean signal is not displayed, repeat Steps 1- 10 to make sure the test set and cabling is configured correctly.
Step 14
Inject BIT errors from the test set. Verify that the errors display at the test set, verifying a complete end-to-end circuit.
Step 15
Complete the "DLP-87 Common Control Card Switch Test" task to perform hardware redundancy tests on the cross-connect cards (XC, XCVT, or XC10G) and the TCC+.
Step 16
From the View menu, choose Go to Network View.
Step 17
Click one of the two spans leaving the node that is the source of the circuit.
Step 18
Test the UPSR protection switching function on this span. Go to the "DLP-94 UPSR Protection Switching Test" task for instructions.
The circuit should continue to work before, during, and after the switches, although there may be a brief interruption. If the circuit stops working, do not continue. Contact your next level of support.
Step 19
In network view, click the other span that leaves the node that is the source of the circuit.
Step 20
Test the UPSR protection switching function on this span. Go to the "DLP-94 UPSR Protection Switching Test" task for instructions.
The circuit should continue to work before, during, and after the switches, although there may be a brief interruption. If the circuit stops working, do not continue. Contact your next level of support.
Step 21
Set up and complete a BER Test. Use the existing configuration and follow your site requirements for length of time. Record the test results and configuration.
Step 22
Remove any loopbacks, switches, or test sets from the nodes after all testing is complete.
Step 23
View the alarms and conditions on each node and record results by exporting to a file.
Step 24
Repeat Steps 1- 21 for each node on the network.
Step 25
If a node fails any test, repeat the test verifying correct setup and configuration. If the test fails again, refer to the next level of support.
After all tests are successfully completed and no alarms exist in the network, the network is ready for service application.
DLP-94 UPSR Protection Switching Test
Use this task to verify that a UPSR span is switching correctly.
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-44 Provision the UPSR Nodes
Required/As Needed
Step 1
From the View menu, choose Go to the Network View.
Step 2
Right-click a network span and choose Circuits.
A dialog box displays the UPSR circuits, including circuit names, location, and a color code showing which circuits are active on the span.
Step 3
Click the Perform UPSR span switching field and choose FORCE from the pull-down menu. Click Apply. Click Yes to confirm.
A confirmation message verifies that traffic was switched.
Unprotected circuits will not switch.
Step 4
Click the Perform UPSR span switching field and choose CLEAR from the pull-down menu. Click Apply. Click Yes to confirm.
The colors of the circuits may not change.
A confirmation message verifies that the FORCE was cleared.
NTP-46 Subtend a UPSR from a BLSR
Use this procedure to subtend a UPSR from existing BLSR
One BLSR node must have OC-N cards and fibers to carry the UPSR.
Prerequisite Procedures
NTP-42 Two-Fiber BLSR Acceptance Test or
NTP-43 Four-Fiber BLSR Acceptance TestRequired/As Needed
As needed
Step 1
In the node that will subtend the UPSR (Node 3 in Figure 5-9), install the OC-N cards that will serve as the UPSR trunk cards (Node 3, Slots 6 and 13).
Step 2
Attach fibers from these cards to the UPSR trunk cards on the UPSR nodes. In Figure 5-9, Slot 6/Node 3 connects to Slot 13/Node 5, and Slot 13/Node 5 connects to Slot 6/Node 6.
Step 3
Log into one of the ONS 15454s that will subtend the UPSR. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions. The node (default) view displays.
Step 4
Complete the "DLP-85 Provision SONET DCC Terminations" task for the OC-N card that will carry the UPSR.
Step 5
Repeat Step 4 for the second OC-N trunk card that will carry the UPSR.
Step 6
Complete the "DLP-86 Put Ports In or Out of Service" task to put the ports in service that you will use for the UPSR.
Step 7
Follow Steps 1- 6 for the other nodes you will use for the UPSR.
Step 8
From the View menu, choose Go To Network View.
Figure 5-9 A UPSR subtending from a BLSR
Step 9
Complete the "NTP-45 UPSR Acceptance Test" procedure.
Step 10
Turn to the table of contents, list of procedures, or index to locate any other procedures that you need to perform for your site.
NTP-47 Subtend a BLSR from a UPSR
Step 1
In the node that will subtend the BLSR, install the OC-N cards that will serve as the BLSR trunk cards (in Figure 5-9, Node 3, Slots 6 and 13).
Step 2
Attach fibers from these cards to the BLSR trunk cards on the BLSR nodes. In Figure 5-9, Slot 6/Node 3 connects to Slot 13/Node 5, and Slot 13/Node 5 connects to Slot 6/Node 6.
Step 3
Log into one of the ONS 15454s that will subtend the BLSR. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions. The node (default) view displays.
Step 4
Create the DCCs on the first OC-N card that will carry the BLSR. See the "DLP-85 Provision SONET DCC Terminations" task for instructions.
Step 5
Repeat Step 4 for the second OC-N trunk card that will carry the BLSR.
Step 6
Put the ports that you will use for the BLSR in service. See the "DLP-86 Put Ports In or Out of Service" task for instructions.
Step 7
Follow Steps 3- 6 for the other nodes you will use for the BLSR.
Step 8
Go to the network view to see the subtending ring.
Step 9
Turn to the table of contents, list of procedures, or index to locate any other procedures that you need to perform for your site.
NTP-48 Subtend a BLSR from a BLSR
Use this procedure to subtend a BLSR from existing BLSR.
One BLSR node must have OC-N cards and fibers to carry the second BLSR.
Prerequisite Procedures
One of following procedures is required for each BLSR:
NTP-42 Two-Fiber BLSR Acceptance Test
Required/As Needed
As needed
Step 1
In the node that will subtend the BLSR install the OC-N cards that will serve as the BLSR trunk cards.
Figure 5-10 shows two BLSRs shared by one ONS 15454. Ring 1 runs on Nodes 1, 2, 3, and 4. Ring 2 runs on Nodes 4, 5, 6, and 7, and represents the subtending ring added by this procedure. Two BLSR rings, Ring 1 and Ring 2, are provisioned on Node 4. Ring 1 uses cards in Slots 5 and 12, and Ring 2 uses cards in Slots 6 and 13.
Figure 5-10 A BLSR subtending from a BLSR
Step 2
Attach fibers from these cards to the BLSR trunk cards on the BLSR nodes. In Figure 5-10, Node 4/Slot 6 connects to Node 7/Slot 13, and Node 4/Slot 13 connects to Node 5/Slot 6.
Step 3
Log into one of the ONS 15454s that will subtend the BLSR. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions. The node (default) view displays.
Step 4
Create the DCCs on the first OC-N card that will carry the BLSR. See the "DLP-85 Provision SONET DCC Terminations" task for instructions.
Step 5
Repeat Step 4 for the second OC-N trunk card that will carry the BLSR.
Step 6
Put the ports that you will use for the BLSR in service. See the "DLP-86 Put Ports In or Out of Service" task for instructions.
Step 7
Complete the "NTP-41 Create the BLSR" procedure to provision the new BLSR. The subtending BLSR must have a ring ID that differs from the ring ID of the first BLSR.
Step 8
Follow Steps 1- 7 for the other nodes that will be in the subtending BLSR.
Step 9
Display the network view to see the subtending ring.
Figure 5-11 shows an example of two subtending BLSRs.
Figure 5-11 Viewing subtending BLSRs on the network map
Figure 5-12 shows the Ring subtab for Node 5, which is the node that carries the two rings.
Figure 5-12 Configuring two BLSRs on the same node
Step 10
Complete the "NTP-42 Two-Fiber BLSR Acceptance Test" procedure or the "NTP-43 Four-Fiber BLSR Acceptance Test" procedure depending on the type of BLSR.
Step 11
Turn to the table of contents, list of procedures, or index to locate any other procedures that you need to perform for your site.
NTP-49 Create a DCC Tunnel
Each ONS 15454 can have up to 32 DCC tunnel connections. A terminated SDCC, that is a DCC used by the ONS 15454, cannot be used as a DCC tunnel end-point, and an SDCC that is used as an DCC tunnel end-point cannot be terminated. All DCC tunnel connections are bidirectional.
Step 1
Log into an ONS 15454 that is connected to the non-ONS 15454 network.
Step 2
Click the Provisioning > Sonet DCC tabs.
Step 3
Beneath the DCC Tunnel Connections area (bottom right of the screen), click Create.
Step 4
In the Create DCC Tunnel Connection dialog box ( Figure 5-13), select the tunnel end points from the From (A) and To (B) lists.
You cannot use the SDCC listed under SDCC Terminations (left side of the window) for tunnel connections. These are used for ONS 15454 optical connections.
Figure 5-13 Selecting DCC tunnel end points
Step 5
Click OK.
Step 6
Put the ports hosting the DCC tunnel in service. See the "DLP-86 Put Ports In or Out of Service" task for instructions.
Step 7
Repeat Steps 1- 6 for all slots/ports that are part of the DCC tunnel, including any intermediate nodes that will pass traffic from third party equipment. The procedure is confirmed when the third-party network elements successfully communicate over the newly-established DCC tunnel.
Step 8
Turn to the table of contents, list of procedures, or index to locate any other procedures that you need to perform for your site.
Posted: Fri Feb 22 13:54:53 PST 2008
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