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10/100/1000 ports

cable lengths 3-8, 4-11

connecting to 3-62to 3-64, 4-47to 4-49

described 2-7

pinouts B-2

10/100 ports

cable lengths 3-8, 4-11

connecting to 3-62to 3-64, 4-47to 4-49

described 2-6to 2-7

pinouts B-2

100BASE-FX ports

cable lengths 3-8, 4-11

connecting to 3-65to 3-66, 4-50to 4-51

connectors and cables B-3

described 2-8

power levels, fiber-optic A-3

100BASE-LX ports

cable lengths 3-8, 4-11

connecting to 3-67to 3-68, 4-52to 4-54

connectors and cables B-3

described 2-8


AC power

connecting to 3-29to 3-40

adapter pinouts, terminal

RJ-45-to-DB-25 B-10

RJ-45-to-DB-9 B-9

addresses, assigning IP 3-69, 4-54


required clearance 3-9, 4-11

alarm relay connections

power and relay connector 2-8, 2-9

alarms and relays

LEDs 2-16

altitude A-2, A-4

applying the switch protective liner 3-10, 4-13


10/100/1000 ports 2-7

10/100 ports 2-7



10/100/1000 ports 2-7

10/100 ports 2-6to 2-7

100BASE-FX ports 2-8

100BASE-LX ports 2-8


four twisted-pair pinout, 10/100 ports B-7

four twisted-pair pinout, 1000BASE-T ports B-8

identifying B-11

two twisted-pair pinout B-6

LC B-4

LC patch cables B-4


100BASE-FX ports 2-8

problems, solving 5-4


100BASE-LX ports 2-8


four twisted-pair pinout, 10/100 ports B-7

four twisted-pair pinout, 1000BASE-T ports B-8

two twisted-pair pinout B-6


10/100/1000 ports 2-7

10/100 ports 2-6to 2-7

Catalyst 2955C-12 switch

illustrated 2-4


illustrated 2-12

Catalyst 2955S-12 switch

illustrated 2-5


illustrated 2-12

Catalyst 2955 switch

warning labels 2-5

Catalyst 2955T-12 switch

illustrated 2-3


illustrated 2-11

cautions, defined xviii

chassis power connection warning C-72

chassis warnings

servicing C-39

Cisco IE2100 2-20

Cisco IE2100 Series Configuration Registrar

See Cisco IE2100

Cisco Intelligent Engine 2100

See Cisco IE2100

CiscoView 2-19

class 1, division 2, hazardous location warning C-29to C-31

Class 1 laser product warning 3-5, 4-7, B-4

class 1 laser product warning C-49

Class 1 LED product warning 3-5, 3-65, 4-7, 4-50, B-3

class 1 LED product warning C-50

clearance 3-8, 4-11

CLI 2-19

Cluster Builder application 2-19

Cluster Management Suite


Cluster Manager application 2-19

Cluster View application 2-19


Cluster Builder 2-19

Cluster Management 2-19

Cluster View 2-19

described 2-19

Device Manager 2-19

command-line interface


configuration examples, network 2-1

configuring ports 3-69, 4-54


to 10/100/1000 ports 3-62to 3-64, 4-47to 4-49

to 10/100 ports 3-62to 3-64, 4-47to 4-49

to 100BASE-FX ports 3-65to 3-66, 4-50to 4-51

to 100BASE-LX ports 3-67to 3-68, 4-52to 4-54

to console port 3-11to 3-13, 4-14to 4-16

to DC power 3-17to 3-27, 4-20to 4-30

to PC 3-11to 3-13, 4-14to 4-16

to terminal 3-11to 3-13, 4-14to 4-16

to the power converter 3-29to 3-47

connecting to

external alarm devices 3-48to 3-51, 4-32to 4-36

connecting to the console port 1-4

connectivity problems, solving 5-5

connectors and cables

100BASE-FX ports B-3

100BASE-LX ports B-3

console port B-5

console cable connection warning C-24to C-27

console port

adapter pinouts

RJ-45-to-DB-25 terminal B-10

connecting to 1-4, 3-11to 3-13, 4-14to 4-16, B-9to B-10

default characteristics 3-12, 4-15

described 2-10

RJ-45-to-DB-9 adapter cable pinouts B-9

conventions, document xviiito xxvi

crossover cable B-11

connecting to

10/100/1000 ports 3-63, 4-48

10/100 ports 3-63, 4-48

connectivity problems 5-5


four twisted-pair, 10/100 ports B-7

four twisted-pair, 1000BASE-T ports B-8

two twisted-pair B-6


DC power

connecting to 3-17to 3-27, 4-20to 4-30

warnings 3-2, 3-17, 4-2, 4-20

DC power disconnection warning 3-4, 3-18, 4-6

default characteristics of the console port 3-12, 4-15

Device Manager 2-19

dimensions A-2, A-5


related publications xxvi

document conventions xviiito xxvi


electrical noise, avoiding 3-9, 4-12

electromagnetic interface (EMI) A-3, A-5


agency approvals A-3to A-5

EMC regulatory statements 3-6, 4-8

ensure that the switch is grounded warning 3-4, 4-6

environmental ranges A-2, A-4


requirements 3-62, 4-47

European Zone 2 certification

regulatory statements 4-10

examples, network configuration 2-1

exposed DC power wire warning 3-5, 3-20, 3-33, 3-44, 4-4, 4-23, C-75


features 2-1to 2-2


attaching 3-24to 3-25, 4-27to 4-28

fiber-port specifications A-3

front panel

10/100/1000 ports 2-7

10/100 ports 2-6to 2-7

100BASE-FX ports 2-8

100BASE-LX ports 2-8

clearance 3-8, 4-11

console port 2-10

described 2-3

illustrated 2-3to 2-5

LEDs 2-10to 2-16

power and relay connector 2-8

functional ground lug warning 3-4, 3-14, 3-32, 4-6, 4-18


ground connection warning 3-3, 3-14, 3-36, 3-42, 4-5, 4-18, C-42to C-43

grounded equipment warning C-22to C-23, C-66

grounding procedures 3-14to 3-17, 4-18to 4-20


hazardous location installation warning C-7

hazardous location warnings

connecting and disconnecting cables 1-4, 4-5

console cable 1-6, 2-10, 4-5, 4-14, 4-16, 4-30, 5-2

disconnecting equipment 4-3

power and relay connector 2-9, 4-3, 4-28

relay wires 2-16, 4-4, 4-32

safe operating voltage range 4-3

hot surface warning label

illustrated 2-6

HP OpenView 2-19

humidity A-2


industrial environment warning 3-3, 4-4


applying the switch protective liner 3-10, 4-13

assigning the IP Address 1-6

attaching the ferrite 3-24to 3-25, 4-27to 4-28

attach the power and relay connector 3-25, 4-28

connecting to a power source 1-2

grounding procedures 3-14to 3-17, 4-18to 4-20

guidelines 3-8, 4-11

mounting on a DIN rail 3-52to 3-56, 4-37to 4-41

package contents 3-9to 3-10, 4-12to 4-13

POST 1-2to 1-3, 3-27to 3-29, 4-30to 4-32

power on 3-27, 4-30

pre-installation information and guidelines 3-2to 3-10, 4-2to 4-10

rack-mount 3-57to 3-58, 4-42to 4-43

required clearance 3-9, 4-11

starting the terminal-emulation software 1-6

verifying switch operation 3-11to 3-29, 4-14to 4-32

warning C-3

wiring the relays 3-48to 3-51, 4-32to 4-36

installation instructions warning C-38

invisible laser radiation warning 3-5, 4-7, B-4

IOS command-line interface


IP address procedures 3-69, 4-54


jewelry removal warning 3-4, 4-6, C-45


laser beam exposure warning 3-6, 4-7, C-56

laser radiation warning C-52

laser safety warning label

illustrated 2-6

laser viewing warning 3-5, 4-7, C-54


patch cables B-4


alarm relay 2-16

alarm relay status 2-16

front panel 2-10to 2-16

port 2-13

port status 2-13

uplink ports 2-14to 2-15

uplink port status 2-14to 2-15

lightning activity warning 3-5, 4-7, C-1


management options 2-19


DIN rail 3-52to 3-56, 4-37to 4-41

rack 3-57to 3-58, 4-42to 4-43


connector B-3


network configuration examples 2-1

noise, electrical 3-9, 4-12

notes, defined xviii


open type equipment warning C-18to C-21

overtemperature warning 3-3, 4-5, C-27


package contents 3-9to 3-10, 4-12to 4-13

patch cables, LC 3-10, 4-13

patch cables, MT-RJ 3-10, 3-65, 3-67, 4-13, 4-50, 4-52

PC, connecting to switch 3-11to 3-13, 4-14to 4-16, B-9

performance problems, solving 5-4

physical dimensions A-2, A-5


10/100/1000 ports B-2

10/100 ports B-2

adapters B-11

DB-25 B-10

console port

DB-25 adapter B-10

RJ-45-to-DB-9 adapter cable B-9

crossover cable B-11

crossover cables

four twisted-pair, 10/100 ports B-7

four twisted-pair, 1000BASE-T ports B-8

two twisted-pair B-6

RJ-45-to-DB-25 terminal adapter B-10

RJ-45-to-DB-9 adapter cable B-9

RJ-45-to-DB-9 PC adapter cable B-9

straight-through cables

four twisted-pair, 10/100 ports B-7

four twisted-pair, 1000BASE-T ports B-8

two twisted-pair B-6

pollution degree 2 industrial environment warning C-33



LEDs 2-14


LEDs 2-15


LEDs 2-15

LEDs 2-13to 2-15

port connection warning C-35to C-38



pinouts B-2


pinouts B-2

See 10/100 ports, 10/100/1000 ports, 100BASE-FX ports, 100BASE-LX ports, and console ports


description 1-2, 3-27, 3-46, 4-30, 5-2

problems, solving 5-5

results 1-2, 3-27, 3-46, 4-30, 5-2


connecting to

AC 3-29to 3-40

DC 3-17to 3-27, 4-20to 4-30

power and relay connector 2-8

requirements A-2, A-5

power and relay connector

connecting to the switch 3-25, 4-28

described 2-8

illustrated 2-8

power and relay connector warning C-3to C-6

power connection

power and relay connector 2-8

power on 3-13, 4-16

power on the switch 3-27, 4-30


connecting to AC power 3-29to 3-40

connecting to DC power 3-17to 3-27, 4-20to 4-30

installation 3-57to 3-58, 4-42to 4-43

IP address 3-69, 4-54

power on 3-13to 3-27, 4-16to 4-26

product disposal warning 3-5, 4-7, C-47

protective liner

applying 3-10, 4-13

publications, related xxvi


qualified personnel warning C-68



procedures 3-57to 3-58, 4-42to 4-43

rear panel

clearance 3-8, 4-11

regulatory statements, EMC 3-6, 4-8

regulatory statements, European Zone 2 certification 4-10

related publications xxvi


connecting to

power and relay connector 2-9

described 2-9

wiring 3-48to 3-51, 4-32to 4-36

remove power before disconnecting warning C-15to C-18

removing the switch from a DIN rail or a rack 3-59to 3-61, 4-45to 4-46

removing the switch from parallel and face-down mounted positions 3-59to 3-61, 4-45to 4-46

restricted area warning C-69


safe operating voltage range warning C-9to C-10

safety agency approvals A-3, A-5

safety warnings 3-2to 3-6, 4-2to 4-7, C-1to C-76

SELV-IEC 60950 DC power supply warning C-44

service personnel warning 3-2, 4-2, C-39

servicing warning C-58to C-66

SNMP network management platforms 2-19

software switch management 2-19

specifications A-1to A-5

stacking the chassis warning C-39, C-41to C-42

straight-through cable

connecting to

10/100/1000 ports 3-63, 4-48

10/100 ports 3-63, 4-48

connectivity problems 5-5


four twisted-pair, 10/100 ports B-7

four twisted-pair, 1000BASE-T ports B-8

two twisted-pair B-6

SunNet Manager 2-19

supply wires warning 3-3, 3-32, 3-42, 4-4, C-32to C-33

switch, power-on 3-13to 3-27, 4-16to 4-30

switch relays warning C-11to C-14


technical specifications A-1to A-5

Telnet, and accessing the CLI 2-19


operating A-2, A-4

warning 3-3, 4-5

terminal, connecting to a switch 3-11to 3-13, 4-14to 4-16, B-10

terminal-emulation software 1-5, 3-11, 4-15

translated warnings C-1to C-76

troubleshooting 5-1

diagnosing problems 5-3to 5-5

understanding POST results 5-2


uplink ports

LEDs 2-14to 2-15


verifying package contents 3-9to 3-10, 4-12to 4-13

verifying switch operation 3-11to 3-29, 4-14to 4-32


warning labels

hot surface 2-6

illustrated 2-5

laser safety 2-6


chassis power connection C-72

Class 1 laser product 3-5, 4-7, B-4

class 1 laser product C-49

Class 1 LED product 3-5, 3-65, 4-7, 4-50, B-3

class 1 LED product C-50

console cable connection C-24to C-27

DC power 3-2, 3-17, 4-2, 4-20

ensure that the switch is grounded 3-4, 4-6

exposed DC power wire C-75

functional ground lug 3-4, 3-14, 3-32, 4-6, 4-18

ground connection 3-3, 4-5, C-42to C-43

grounded equipment C-22to C-23, C-66

hazardous locations

class 1, division 2 hazardous location C-29to C-31

connecting and disconnecting cables 1-4, 4-5

console cable 1-6, 2-10, 4-5, 4-14, 4-16, 4-30, 5-2

disconnecting equipment 4-3

pollution degree 2 industrial environment C-33

port connection C-35to C-38

power and relay connector 2-9, 4-3, 4-28

relay wires 2-16, 4-4, 4-32

safe operating voltage range 4-3

switch installation C-7

industrial environment 3-3, 4-4

installation 3-2to 3-6, 4-2to 4-7, C-3

installation instructions C-38

invisible laser radiation 3-5, 4-7, B-4

jewelry removal 3-4, 4-6, C-45

laser beam exposure 3-6, 4-7, C-56

laser radiation C-52

laser viewing 3-5, 4-7, C-54

lightning activity 3-5, 4-7, C-1

open type equipment C-18to C-21

overtemperature 3-3, 4-5, C-27

product disposal 3-5, 4-7, C-47

qualified personnel C-68

remove power before disconnecting C-15to C-18

restricted area C-69

SELV-IEC 60950 DC power supply C-44

service personnel 3-2, 4-2, C-39

servicing C-39, C-58to C-66

stacking the chassis C-39, C-41to C-42

supply wires 3-3, 3-32, 3-42, 4-4, C-32to C-33

temperature 3-3

translated C-1to C-76

wiring the relays 3-48to 3-51, 4-32to 4-36


Posted: Fri Aug 6 18:58:16 PDT 2004
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