
Table of Contents

About This Guide

About This Guide

This guide explains how to configure and use the various servers and clients that make up the Cisco DNS/DHCP Manager (CDDM), the Cisco Server Suite 1000 (CSS1000), and the DNM Browser.


This guide is for network managers who perform any of the following tasks:

If you are not familiar with the Domain Name System, please refer to the book DNS and BIND by Paul Albitz and Cricket Liu, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.

Document Conventions

This guide uses the following conventions:

  For example, the key combination ^ D means hold down the Control key while you press the D key.
Caution Means reader be careful. In this situation, you might do something that could result in equipment damage or loss of data.

Note Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to material not in the manual.

Getting Help

You can obtain help by reviewing context-sensitive online help, viewing specific sections in this guide, viewing or printing the online documentation, viewing electronic support information, or contacting Technical Support.

Viewing Context-Sensitive Online Help

Both the DNM Browser and Cisco Service Manager include both context-sensitive online help and pointer help.

To view online help about any screen object, choose On Context from the Help menu. The cursor will change into a question mark. Position the cursor over the object on which you want information, and click. The help viewer will start and display information pertaining to that object.

Pointer help contains one-line descriptions of every screen object. It appears in a status line at the bottom of the window. Whatever object the cursor is positioned over will be described in that status line. To toggle point help on or off, select Pointer Help from the Help menu.

Viewing and Printing Online Documentation

The CDDM CD-ROM includes online documentation in HTML and PDF formats, in the following directories:

where mount_point is the CD-ROM mount point.

where cd_drive is the CD-ROM drive letter.

During installation, the HTML and PDF (optional) files are copied to the following directories on your hard disk. On Windows systems:

where install_dir is the directory in which you installed the CDDM or CSS1000 software.

On Solaris systems:

where install_dir is the directory in which you installed the CDDM or CSS1000 software.

The HTML files are installed by default when you install CDDM or CSS1000, as they are used in the on-line help systems for those products. To preserve hard disk space, the PDF files are not installed automatically.

HTML Format

To view the HTML version of the online documentation on the CDDM CD-ROM, start your web browser and open the following file:

where mount_point is the CD-ROM mount point.

where cd_drive is the CD-ROM drive letter.

After you have installed the CDDM or Cisco Server Suite 1000, you can access the HTML documentation by opening the file install_dir\html\index.htm on Windows platforms and install_dir/CSCOcddm/doc/html/index.htm on UNIX platforms.

The CDDM CD-ROM includes the Netscape Navigator web browser. If you installed this browser at installation time, you can start Netscape as follows.

On UNIX hosts, issue this command:


where install_dir is the directory in which you installed the CDDM or CSS1000 software.

On Windows hosts, choose Netscape in the Programs section of the Start menu.

PDF Format

To view the PDF version of the online documentation on the CDDM CD-ROM, start your Adobe Acrobat Reader and navigate to the following directory:

where mount_point is the CD-ROM mount point.

where cd_drive is the CD-ROM drive letter.

Then open the following files:

After you have installed the CDDM or Cisco Server Suite 1000, you can access the PDF files in the following directories:

where install_dir is the directory in which you installed the CDDM or CSS1000 software.

Note The CDDM CD-ROM includes a copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Consult the contrib directory under the top-level product directory for this software.

Cisco Connection Documentation

Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a CD-ROM package, which ships with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM, a member of the Cisco Connection Family, is updated monthly. Therefore, it might be more up to date than printed documentation. To order additional copies of the Documentation CD-ROM, contact your local sales representative or call customer service. The CD-ROM package is available as a single package or as an annual subscription. You can also access Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at,, or

Viewing Electronic Product Information

For general product information about Cisco DNS/DHCP Manager and Cisco Server
Suite 1000, consult the following URL on the Cisco World Wide Web server:

Contacting Technical Support

Cisco Systems Technical Assistance Center (TAC) provides customer service and technical support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Support is available only for registered technical contacts with a current support agreement at each customer site. If you purchased the Cisco DNS/DHCP Manager from an authorized Cisco distributor or partner, technical support is available directly from them.

If your site does not have a current support agreement, you may call the TAC for a per-call fee. Please have a major credit card number handy when making this call. For customers in the warranty period 90 days from the date of purchase, there is no charge for this call.

You can contact the TAC as follows:

  For many questions, electronic mail is the preferred communication tool. Technical support via electronic mail is available to qualified contacts with a current support agreement. Send electronic mail to:
  When sending electronic mail, include the following information in your message:
Information about you:

Your name




Email address

Information about your software:

Product serial number, if any

Maintenance contract number

Software version level

Software configuration

Information about your host configuration:

Brand and model

OS (e.g., Solaris, HP/UX, AIX, Windows NT, Windows 95)

  Attach any files that you think may be relevant, such as log files, and any error messages. Including this information helps the Technical Assistance Center process and track your electronic support request.
  You can call the TAC directly at one of the following telephone numbers:
  (800) 553-2447
(408) 526-7208
  When you call the TAC, have available the information requested in the previous table.

Submitting Documentation Comments

Send comments about the documentation to

Posted: Sun Sep 29 01:53:35 PDT 2002
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