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Table of Contents

Starting APM for the First Time
Starting APM
APM Home Page
Where to Go from Here

Starting APM for the First Time

This chapter describes procedures you will use the first time you run Cisco AccessPath Manager (APM). In addition, it describes the APM graphical user interface (GUI) that you will use to configure and monitor AccessPath systems and shelves.


APM can perform a variety of tasks to help you configure, monitor, and manage your APM stacks. The following sections provide an overview of APM functionality, most of which is explained in more detail in later chapters.

Creating Stacks and Shelves

In order to use APM to configure, monitor, and manage your APM stacks, you must create stacks and shelves in APM and then download these configurations to your AccessPath stacks.

The procedures for creating stacks and shelves are explained in Chapter 3, "Configuring AccessPath Stacks Using APM" and Chapter 4, "Configuring AccessPath Shelves Using APM." This overview of the configuration procedure is only meant to provide a general outline of the process.

1. Create a stack. (See Chapter 3.)

2. Create all of the shelves in the stack, scheduling configuration downloads to each shelf as you create it. (See Chapter 4.)

Starting APM

Take these steps:

Step 1   Open your Java-enabled Netscape Navigator web browser. (A copy of Netscape Navigator for Solaris is included in the directory /opt/CSCOapm/browser.)

Step 2   Enter the following URL to go to the APM homepage:


where apm_server_name is the name of the APM server.

The login screen will appear. (See Figure 2-1.)

Figure 2-1   AccessPath Manager Login Screen

Step 3   Click Login to start your APM session.

Step 4   Type your APM username and password and click OK. The APM home page will appear. (See Figure 2-2.)

Figure 2-2   AccessPath Manager Home Page

APM Home Page

The APM home page displays the status of each configured stack within the Cisco APM system. The APM home page display contains the following areas to help you manage your system:

Stack Status Area

This is a tabular display that contains high-level status information regarding the health and performance of all the configured stacks within the Cisco APM system. Each stack is represented as a row that contains the options shown in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1   Stack Status Fields

Stack Status Field Name Description


Name of the stack.


ID of the stack that is used by APM.


Number of PRI1 lines.


Number of B/DS0 channels.


Number of currently connected analog calls.


Percentage of active B/DS0 channels in use in analog calls.


Number of currently connected ISDN2 calls.


Percentage of active B/DS0 channels in use in ISDN calls.

%CPU Utilization

Percentage utilization of CPUs in the stack.


Number of modems installed.


Number of available modems.


Number of unavailable modems.


Percentage of the modems that are in use.


Percentage of the modems that are offline.


Percentage of the modems that are dead.


Number of calls that were rejected.

1PRI = Primary Rate Interface.

2ISDN = Integrated Services Digital Network.

Stack Status Readouts

The status of a stack is shown by a graphic icon in the beginning of each row of the table. A change in the background color of the icon indicates a change of status in any of the shelves within the stack.

Defined colors are:

Customizing the Display

The APM home page display can be customized by clicking the Sort button.

The Sort option dialog box lets you customize the information being presented by editing the sort order and the keys on which to sort. If there are multiple sort keys, you can change the order of keys by using the buttons at the right of the sort order list or by clicking the Ascending or the Descending button.

Where to Go from Here

Now that you have started up APM and know something about the APM home page, you are ready to begin using APM to configure, monitor, and manage your AccessPath stacks. Other procedures that you might find useful are described in the following chapters:

If you need additional documentation, refer to the section "Additional Documentation" in Chapter 1, "Installing Cisco AccessPath Manager," or click on the question mark icon in APM to access the APM online help system.

Posted: Mon Jan 20 22:01:01 PST 2003
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