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Index: C

c (change) command
2.3. Simple Edits
2.3.3. Changing Text
cc command : Lines
cw command : Words
examples of use
2.6. Review of Basic vi Commands
4.1. More Command Combinations
review examples of : Changing through searching
C (change) command : Lines
-c command-line option : 4.2.1. Advancing to a Specific Place
c option (:s command) : 6.1. Confirming Substitutions
-c option (elvis) : 10.2. Important Command-Line Arguments
-c option (nvi) : 9.2. Important Command-Line Arguments
-c option (vim) : 11.2. Important Command-Line Arguments
C, C++ programming
cmode mode (vile) : 12.10.2. Major Modes
vim editor features : 11.10.2. C and C++ Programming Features
C/C++ comments, placing (example) : 7.3.5. More Examples of Mapping Keys
:calc command (elvis) : 10.10. Interesting Features
calculator, elvis : 10.10. Interesting Features
capitals, changing to lowercase
2.3.4. Changing Case
6.3.3. Metacharacters Used in Replacement Strings
CAPS LOCK key : 2.5.1. Problem Checklist
caret (^)
cursor movement command : Movement on the current line
metacharacter : 6.3.1. Metacharacters Used in Search Patterns
representing CTRL key
(see also CTRL- commands)
within [] metacharacters : 6.3.1. Metacharacters Used in Search Patterns
case insensitivity : 2.5.1. Problem Checklist
case sensitivity
1. The vi Text Editor
1.1.1. Opening a File
6.3.3. Metacharacters Used in Replacement Strings
case-insensitive pattern searches : 7.1.1. The :set Command
pattern searching : 7.1.4. Some Useful Options
case, converting
2.3.4. Changing Case
6.3.3. Metacharacters Used in Replacement Strings
:cc command (vim) : 11.9.1. Edit-Compile Speedup
:cc command (elvis) : 10.9.1. Edit-Compile Speedup
ccprg option (elvis) : 10.9.1. Edit-Compile Speedup
cedit option (nvi) : 9.8.1. Command-Line History and Completion
:cfile (:cf) command (vim) : 11.9.1. Edit-Compile Speedup
changing (replacing) text
2.3. Simple Edits
2.3.3. Changing Text
by characters : Characters
globally : 6. Global Replacement
confirming substitutions : 6.1. Confirming Substitutions
context sensitivity : 6.2. Context-Sensitive Replacement
replacement-string metacharacters : 6.3.3. Metacharacters Used in Replacement Strings
substitution tricks : 6.3.4. More Substitution Tricks
by lines Lines Substituting text
searching and : Changing through searching
by words : Words
character classes : 6.3.2. POSIX Bracket Expressions
"Character special file" message : 1.1.2. Problems Opening Files
character strings : 3.3. Movement by Searches
(see also lines; text; words)
2.6. Review of Basic vi Commands
case conversions
2.3.4. Changing Case
6.3.3. Metacharacters Used in Replacement Strings
2.1. vi Commands Characters
marking with ` (vile) : 12.8.7. Visual Mode
matching : (see metacharacters)
moving by : 2.2.1. Single Movements
replacing (changing) singly : Characters
searching for in lines : 3.3.2. Current Line Searches
transposing : Transposing two letters
charityware, vim as : 11.10.1. vim Is Charityware
:checkpath (:che) command (vim) : Include file searching
cindent option (vim) : Smart indenting
cinkeys option (vim) : Smart indenting
cinoptions option (vim) : Smart indenting
cinwords option (vim) : Smart indenting
class keyword (ctags) : 8.5.2. The New tags Format
:clast (:cl) command (vim) : 11.9.1. Edit-Compile Speedup
clicking in elvis : 10.6.2. Mouse Behavior
-client option (elvis) : 10.6.1. The Basic Window
clipboard, xvile and : Clipboard
:clist (:cl) command (vim) : 11.9.1. Edit-Compile Speedup
clones, vi
(see also specific clone)
8.1. And These Are My Brothers, Darrell, Darrell, and Darrell
8.8. Editor Comparison Summary
enhanced tags : 8.5. Enhanced Tags
feature summary : 8.8. Editor Comparison Summary
GUI interfaces : 8.3. GUI Interfaces
elvis editor
10.6. GUI Interfaces
10.9.2. Syntax Highlighting
10.10.1. Display Modes
vile editor
12.6. GUI Interfaces
12.9.2. Syntax Highlighting
vim editor
11.6. GUI Interfaces
11.9.2. Syntax Highlighting
improvements over vi : 8.6. Improved Facilities
elvis editor : 10.8. Improved Editing Facilities
nvi editor : 9.8. Improvements for Editing
vile editor : 12.8. Improved Editing Facilities
vim editor : 11.8. Improved Editing Facilities
multiwindow editing : 8.2. Multiwindow Editing
elvis editor : 10.5. Multiwindow Editing
nvi editor : 9.5. Multiwindow Editing
vile editor : 12.5. Multiwindow Editing
vim editor : 11.5. Multiwindow Editing
programming assistance : 8.7. Programming Assistance
elvis editor : 10.9. Programming Assistance
vile editor : 12.9. Programming Assistance
vim editor : 11.9. Programming Assistance
regular expressions : 8.4. Extended Regular Expressions
elvis editor : 10.7. Extended Regular Expressions
nvi editor : 9.7. Extended Regular Expressions
vile editor : 12.7. Extended Regular Expressions
vim editor : 11.7. Extended Regular Expressions
set command options (list) : C. Setting Options
:close command (elvis) : 10.5. Multiwindow Editing
:close (:clo) command (vim) : 11.5. Multiwindow Editing
cmode mode (vile) : 12.10.2. Major Modes
:cnext (:cn) command (vim) : 11.9.1. Edit-Compile Speedup
:cNext (:cN) command (vim) : 11.9.1. Edit-Compile Speedup
:co (copy) command (ex) : 5.2. Editing with ex
coffee mugs with vi logo : E.1.4. vi for Java Lovers
collating symbols : 6.3.2. POSIX Bracket Expressions
colon (:)
:! for UNIX commands in ex : 7.2. Executing UNIX Commands
for ex commands in vi
1. The vi Text Editor
5.1. ex Commands
line editing mode : 1.1.2. Problems Opening Files
colors : (see GUI interfaces for vi clones)
comma (,)
for line ranges (ex)
5.1. ex Commands
5.2.2. Defining a Range of Lines
repeat search command : 3.3.2. Current Line Searches
command completion : 8.6.1. Command-Line History and Completion
elvis editor : 10.8.1. Command-Line History and Completion
nvi editor : 9.8.1. Command-Line History and Completion
vile editor : 12.8.1. Command-Line History and Completion
vim editor : 11.8.1. Command-Line History and Completion
command mode
1. The vi Text Editor
2.1. vi Commands
keystroke maps : 7.3.2. Using the map Command
function keys and special keys : 7.3.7. Mapping Function Keys
useful examples of using : 7.3.5. More Examples of Mapping Keys
mode indicators : 8.6.7. Mode Indicators
command-line history : 8.6.1. Command-Line History and Completion
elvis editor : 10.8.1. Command-Line History and Completion
nvi editor : 9.8.1. Command-Line History and Completion
vile editor : 12.8.1. Command-Line History and Completion
vim editor : 11.8.1. Command-Line History and Completion
command-line options
A. Quick Reference
4.2. Options When Starting vi
elvis editor : 10.2. Important Command-Line Arguments
nvi editor : 9.2. Important Command-Line Arguments
vile editor : 12.2. Important Command-Line Arguments
vim editor : 11.2. Important Command-Line Arguments
autocommands (vim) : 11.10.3. Autocommands
ex : (see ex commands)
saving : 7.3. Saving Commands
UNIX : (see UNIX commands)
vi : (see vi commands)
comment option (vim) : Smart indenting
commentfont display mode (elvis) : 10.9.2. Syntax Highlighting
in ex scripts : 7.4.4. Comments in ex Scripts
placing markers around lines (example) : 7.3.5. More Examples of Mapping Keys
compiling program source code : 8.7.1. Edit-Compile Speedup
elvis editor : 10.9.1. Edit-Compile Speedup
vile editor : 12.9.1. Edit-Compile Speedup
vim editor : 11.9.1. Edit-Compile Speedup
completion, command-line : 8.6.1. Command-Line History and Completion
elvis editor : 10.8.1. Command-Line History and Completion
nvi editor : 9.8.1. Command-Line History and Completion
vile editor : 12.8.1. Command-Line History and Completion
vim editor : 11.8.1. Command-Line History and Completion
COMSPEC environment variable (vim) : 11.4.1. Initialization for All vim Invocations
:configure command (vile) : 12.6.1. Building xvile
configuring options : (see :set command)
confirming substitutions : 6.1. Confirming Substitutions
context-sensitive global replacement : 6.2. Context-Sensitive Replacement
:copy command (ex) : 5.2. Editing with ex
:copy-to-clipboard command (xvile) : Clipboard
copying files into other files : 5.4. Copying a File into Another File
copying text : 2.3.7. Copying Text
by lines : 5.2. Editing with ex
named deletion/yank buffers
4.3.2. Yanking to Named Buffers
5.5.5. Edits Between Files
yank-and-put : 2.3. Simple Edits
named deletion/yank buffers : 4.3. Making Use of Buffers
numbered deletion/yank buffers
4.3. Making Use of Buffers 2.3.6. Moving Text
COSE standards : 10.4.1. The Session File
cpoption option (vim) : 11.8.3. Infinite Undo
:cPrevious (:cP) command (vim) : 11.9.1. Edit-Compile Speedup
:cquit (:cq) command (vim) : 11.9.1. Edit-Compile Speedup
cr values (lptype option) : 10.10.1. Display Modes
:crewind command (vim) : 11.9.1. Edit-Compile Speedup
cscope program : 9.8.2. Tag Stacks
ctags command (UNIX) : 7.5.3. Using Tags
Exuberant ctags program
8.5. Enhanced Tags
9.8.2. Tag Stacks
10.8.2. Tag Stacks
tag stacks : 8.5.3. Tag Stacks
elvis editor : 10.8.2. Tag Stacks
nvi editor : 9.8.2. Tag Stacks
Solaris vi
7.5.3. Using Tags Solaris vi
vile editor : 12.8.2. Tag Stacks
vim editor : 11.8.2. Tag Stacks
CTRL- commands
CTRL-@ : Repeat
CTRL-] (find tag)
8.5.3. Tag Stacks
9.8.2. Tag Stacks
10.8.2. Tag Stacks
11.8.2. Tag Stacks
12.8.2. Tag Stacks
CTRL-^ command : 5.5.4. Switching Files from vi
CTRL-A (completion; vim) : 11.8.1. Command-Line History and Completion
CTRL-A CTRL-] (next tag; vile) : 12.8.2. Tag Stacks
CTRL-B, CTRL-F (scrolling) : 3.1.1. Scrolling the Screen
CTRL-D (completion; vim) : 11.8.1. Command-Line History and Completion
CTRL-D, CTRL-U (scrolling) : 3.1.1. Scrolling the Screen
CTRL-E, CTRL-Y (scrolling) : 3.1.1. Scrolling the Screen
CTRL-G (display line numbers)
3.4. Movement by Line Number
5.2.2. Defining a Range of Lines
CTRL-L (completion; vim) : 11.8.1. Command-Line History and Completion
CTRL-L, CTRL-R (redrawing) : 3.1.3. Redrawing the Screen
CTRL-N (completion; vim) : 11.8.1. Command-Line History and Completion
CTRL-P (completion; vim) : 11.8.1. Command-Line History and Completion
CTRL-T (find tag) Solaris vi
9.8.2. Tag Stacks
10.8.2. Tag Stacks
11.8.2. Tag Stacks
CTRL-T CTRL-X CTRL-] (next tag; vile) : 12.8.2. Tag Stacks
CTRL-V : 7.3.3. Protecting Keys from Interpretation by ex
CTRL-V command (elvis block mode) : 10.8.6. Visual Mode
CTRL-V command (vim block mode) : 11.8.7. Visual Mode
CTRL-W commands
elvis vi-mode window commands : 10.5. Multiwindow Editing
nvi window cycle commands : 9.5. Multiwindow Editing
vim file searching commands : Include file searching
vim vi-mode window commands : 11.5. Multiwindow Editing
CTRL-X completion commands (vim) : 11.8.1. Command-Line History and Completion
CTRL-X CTRL-R, CTRL-X CTRL-L (scroll; vile) : 8.6.5. Left-Right Scrolling
CTRL-X CTRL-S, CTRL-X CTRL-R (search; vile) : 8.6.4. Incremental Searching
curly braces {}
{ (move cursor) command : 3.2. Movement by Text Blocks
} (move cursor) command : 3.2. Movement by Text Blocks
finding and matching : 7.5.2. A Special Search Command
8.4. Extended Regular Expressions
9.7. Extended Regular Expressions
current file, % for : 5.5.3. Calling in New Files
current line (ex)
. symbol for : 5.2.3. Line Addressing Symbols
redefining : 5.2.5. Redefining the Current Line Position
cursor, moving
2.2. Moving the Cursor
2.6. Review of Basic vi Commands
3.1.4. Movement Within a Screen
commands for
A. Quick Reference
3.5. Review of vi Motion Commands
to marks : 4.4. Marking Your Place
opening files at specific place : 4.2.1. Advancing to a Specific Place
by searching for patterns
3.3. Movement by Searches
3.4. Movement by Line Number
by text blocks
2.2.4. Movement by Text Blocks
3.2. Movement by Text Blocks
vim commands for (programming) : Cursor motion commands for programming
xvile interface : Setting the cursor position and mouse motions
customizing editing environment : 7.1. Customizing vi
2.3. Simple Edits
2.3.6. Moving Text

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