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Index: I

i (insert) command : 2.1. vi Commands
I (insert) command : 2.4. More Ways to Insert Text
-i option (elvis) : 10.2. Important Command-Line Arguments
-i option (vim) : 11.2. Important Command-Line Arguments
[i, ]i (file search) commands (vim) : Include file searching
[I, ]I (file search) commands (vim) : Include file searching
\i, \I metacharacters : 11.7. Extended Regular Expressions
[^I, ]^I (file search) commands (vim) : Include file searching
ibm values (lptype option) : 10.10.1. Display Modes
ic option
6.3.3. Metacharacters Used in Replacement Strings
7.1.1. The :set Command
ignorecase option : 7.1.4. Some Useful Options
:ijump (:ij) command (vim) : Include file searching
:ilist (:il) command (vim) : Include file searching
include option (vim) : Include file searching
:incremental-search command (vile) : 12.8.5. Incremental Searching
incremental searching : 8.6.4. Incremental Searching
nvi editor : 9.8.5. Incremental Searching
vile editor : 12.8.5. Incremental Searching
vim editor : 11.8.5. Incremental Searching
incsearch option (vim)
8.6.4. Incremental Searching
11.6. GUI Interfaces
11.8.5. Incremental Searching Smart indenting
indentation : 7.5.1. Indentation Control
vim and (smart indenting) : Smart indenting
infinite undo facility : 8.6.3. Infinite Undo
elvis editor : 10.8.3. Infinite Undo
nvi editor : 9.8.3. Infinite Undo
vile editor : 12.8.3. Infinite Undo
vim editor : 11.8.3. Infinite Undo
elvis editor : 10.4. Initialization
nvi editor : 9.4. Initialization
vile editor : 12.4. Initialization
vim editor : 11.4. Initialization
inputtab option (elvis) : 10.8.1. Command-Line History and Completion
insert mode
completion in (vim) : 11.8.1. Command-Line History and Completion
mapping keys for : 7.3.6. Mapping Keys for Insert Mode
mode indicators : 8.6.7. Mode Indicators
word abbreviations : 7.3.1. Word Abbreviation
inserting text : 2.4. More Ways to Insert Text
a (append) command
2.3. Simple Edits
2.3.2. Appending Text
handling long insertions Repeat
7.3.5. More Examples of Mapping Keys
8.6.2. Arbitrary Length Lines and Binary Data
elvis editor : 10.8.4. Arbitrary Length Lines and Binary Data
nvi editor : 9.8.4. Arbitrary Length Lines and Binary Data
vile editor : 12.8.4. Arbitrary Length Lines and Binary Data
vim editor : 11.8.4. Arbitrary Length Lines and Binary Data
in insert mode
1.1.3. Modus Operandi
2.1. vi Commands
repeating insert with CTRL-@ : Repeat
intelligent terminals : 2.3.1. Inserting New Text
interfaces for vi clones : 8.3. GUI Interfaces
elvis editor : 10.6. GUI Interfaces
display modes
10.9.2. Syntax Highlighting
10.10.1. Display Modes
vile editor : 12.6. GUI Interfaces
vim editor : 11.6. GUI Interfaces
internationizational support
elvis editor : 10.10. Interesting Features
nvi editor : 9.10. Interesting Features
Internet, vi and : E. vi and the Internet
invoking vi : 1.1.1. Opening a File
command-line options
A. Quick Reference
4.2. Options When Starting vi
on multiple files : 5.5.1. Invoking vi on Multiple Files
:isearch (:is) command (vim) : Include file searching
isfname option (vim) : 11.7. Extended Regular Expressions
isident option (vim) : 11.7. Extended Regular Expressions
iskeyword option (vim) : 11.7. Extended Regular Expressions
:isplit (:isp) command (vim) : Include file searching
isprint option (vim) : 11.7. Extended Regular Expressions

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