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Index: F

f (search line) command : 3.3.2. Current Line Searches
F (search line) command : 3.3.2. Current Line Searches
-f option (elvis) : 10.2. Important Command-Line Arguments
-F option (nvi) : 9.2. Important Command-Line Arguments
-f option (vim)
11.2. Important Command-Line Arguments
11.4.2. Initialization for the GUI
\f, \F metacharacters : 11.7. Extended Regular Expressions
:fg (uncover window) command (nvi) : 9.5. Multiwindow Editing
:Fg (uncover window) command (nvi) : 9.5. Multiwindow Editing
"File exists" message : 1.2.1. Problems Saving Files
"File is read only" message
1.1.2. Problems Opening Files
1.2.1. Problems Saving Files
file keyword (ctags) : 8.5.2. The New tags Format
file searching (vim) : Include file searching
"File system is full" message : 1.2.1. Problems Saving Files
"File to load" prompt : 10.6.3. The Toolbar
file type detection (vim) : 11.10. Interesting Features
filec option (nvi) : 9.8.1. Command-Line History and Completion
fileformat variable (vim) : 11.10. Interesting Features
copying into other files : 5.4. Copying a File into Another File
current and alternate (% and #) : 5.5.3. Calling in New Files
deleting : 1.2.1. Problems Saving Files
editing : (see editing)
executing ex scripts on : 7.4. Using ex Scripts
1.1.1. Opening a File
5.1. ex Commands
iterating through lists of : 7.3.5. More Examples of Mapping Keys
opening : 1.1.1. Opening a File
multiple at once
5.5.1. Invoking vi on Multiple Files
5.5.3. Calling in New Files
previous file : 5.5.4. Switching Files from vi
read-only mode : 4.2.2. Read-only Mode
at specific place : 4.2.1. Advancing to a Specific Place
quitting : (see quitting vi)
reading as vi environments : 7.1.3. Alternate Environments
renaming buffer (ex) : 5.3.1. Renaming the Buffer
saving : (see saving edits)
writing : (see writing the buffer)
filtering text through UNIX commands : 7.2.1. Filtering Text Through a Command
:find-file command (vile) : 12.5. Multiwindow Editing
"First address exceeds second" message : 5.2.5. Redefining the Current Line Position
first line of file
moving to : 3.1.4. Movement Within a Screen
firstx, firsty option (elvis) : 10.6.4. Options
fonts : (see GUI interfaces for vi clones)
for loops : 7.4.1. Looping in a Shell Script
formatoptions option (vim) : Smart indenting
formatting codes : 1. The vi Text Editor
Fox, Paul : 12. vile -- vi Like Emacs
ftp archives on vi : E.2. Amaze Your Friends!
function keys, mapping : 7.3.7. Mapping Function Keys
function keyword (ctags) : 8.5.2. The New tags Format
functionfont display mode (elvis) : 10.9.2. Syntax Highlighting

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