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2.6 Review of Basic vi Commands

Table 2.1 presents a few of the commands you can perform by combining the commands c , d , and y with various text objects. The last two rows show additional commands for editing. Table 2.2 and Table 2.3 list some other basic commands. Table 2.4 summarizes the rest of the commands described in this chapter.

Table 2.1: Edit Commands
Text Object Change Delete Copy
1 word cw dw yw

2 words, not counting punctuation

2cW or c2W 2dW or d2W 2yW or y2W
3 words back 3cb or c3b 3db or d3b 3yb or y3b
1 line cc dd yy or Y
To end of line c$ or C d$ or D y$
To beginning of line c0 d0 y0
Single character r x or X yl or yh
Five characters 5s 5x 5yl

Table 2.2: Movement
Movement Commands
<-,-v,-^, ->

h , j , k , l

To first character of next line +
To first character of previous line -
To end of word e or E
Forward by word w or W
Backward by word b or B
To end of line $
To beginning of line 0

Table 2.3: Other Operations
Operations Commands
Place text from buffer P or p
Start vi , open file if specified vi file
Save edits, quit file ZZ
No saving of edits, quit file :q!

Table 2.4: Text Creation and Manipulation Commands
Editing Action Command
Insert text at current position i
Insert text at beginning of line I
Append text at current position a
Append text at beginning of line A
Open new line below cursor for new text o
Open new line above cursor for new text O
Delete line and substitute text S
Overstrike existing characters with new text R
Join current and next line J
Toggle case ~
Repeat last action .
Undo last change u
Restore line to original state U

You can get by in vi using only the commands listed in these tables. However, in order to harness the real power of vi (and increase your own productivity), you will need more tools. The following chapters describe those tools.

Previous: 2.5 Joining Two Lines with J Learning the vi Editor Next: 3. Moving Around in a Hurry
2.5 Joining Two Lines with J Book Index 3. Moving Around in a Hurry

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