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radio buttons 
RAM disks, identification for GRUB 
reboot command 
reconnect option 
Red Hat Linux  [See also Linux]2nd 
    hardware requirements  [See installing Red Hat Linux]
    installing  [See installing Red Hat Linux]
    mailing lists 
    package manager  [See RPM]
    web site 
Red Hat Network 
    multiple accounts 
    proxy configuration 
    signup procedure 
    system profile, creating 
Red Hat User Manager 
redhat-install-packages command 
    operators  2nd 
relative pathnames 
remote access control 
remote access of a home computer 
remote logins, enabling 
reset command 
Ritchie, Dennis 
rm command  2nd  3rd 
    -i option 
rmdir command  2nd 
    in FTP 
rmmod command 
root  2nd 
    home directory 
root command (GRUB) 
root directory 
    partition, creating 
root partition creating 
rootnoverify command (GRUB) 
route command 
RPM (Red Hat Linux Package Manager) 
    advanced techniques 
    conflicting files 
    failed dependencies 
    freshening packages 
    installing packages  2nd 
    package discrepancy codes 
    package management tool 
        hard disk, installing from 
        installing packages, package groups 
        removing packages, package groups 
    packages, naming conventions 
    RPM database
    uninstalling packages 
    updating packages 
        via Red Hat Network 
    verifying packages 
rpm command 
    --nodeps option 
    --oldpackage option 
    --replacefiles option 
    -F option 
    -V option 
    -Vp option 
    advanced options 
    RPM database queries 
    services, using to learn about 
runlevels  2nd 
    default, setting 
    services and 
rw boot argument