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aborting the installation 
absolute pathnames 
access modes (permissions)  2nd 
active windows 
Address Book (Writer) 
addresses  [See IP addresses]
adduser command 
alias directive 
alias name= command 
Alt-Fn keystroke 
AMD processors 
ampersand (&)  2nd 
Animation (Impress) 
anonymous FTP 
    security and 
    starting and stopping 
Apache Configuration Tool 
    Main tab 
    Performance Tuning tab 
    Server tab 
    Virtual Hosts tab 
append redirection operators 
application links 
apropos command  2nd  3rd 
    creating the database 
arguments to commands 
ascii command (FTP) 
assembly language 
asterisk (*)  2nd 
at command 
    -f option 
Athlon processor 
atq command 
atrm command 
    default options 
automatic partitioning 
AutoPilot (Writer) 
autotune option 
auxiliary buses