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Index: E

editing table rows : 10.5. Referencing and Modifying PL/SQL Table Rows
ELSE keyword : (see IF statements)
ELSIF keyword : (see IF statements)
email, sending with external procedures : 21.7.2. Example: Sending Email
embedded PL/SQL : (see stored functions, PL/SQL)
embedding trace calls in programs : 26.5. Quick-and-Dirty Tracing
embedding quotation marks : 2.3.1. Embedding Single Quotes Inside a String
EMPTY_BLOB function : 13.2.2. The EMPTY_BLOB function
EMPTY_CLOB function : 13.2.3. The EMPTY_CLOB function
ENABLE procedure : C.9.2. The ENABLE procedure
encapsulating calculations : 17.8.1. Encapsulating Calculations
encapsulation : Encapsulation
of data structure access : 1.7.2. Synchronize Program and Data Structures
on object views : The "don't use" argument
of persistent objects : DDL usage
enclosed block : (see nested blocks)
encrypting code : 23.7. Encrypting Stored Code
END IF : (see IF statements)
END label
15.4.4. The END Label
15.5.3. The END Label
END LOOP keywords : (see loops)
ENQUEUE procedure : C.3.1.1. The ENQUEUE procedure
Enterprise Manager/Performance Pack product : 25.1. Analyzing Program Performance
entity-relationship (ER) model : Inheritance
environment, user : 13.3.9. The USERENV function
equality, testing objects for : Equality comparisons
ER (entity-relationship) model : Inheritance
ERASE procedure : C.6.4. The ERASE procedure
erasing : (see deleting)
error messages
"attribute expression within SQL expression" : 6.9. Cursor Attributes
"cursor already open"
6.5. Opening Cursors
6.9.4. The %ISOPEN Attribute
"expression is inappropriate" : 6.4.1. The Cursor Name
"fetch out of sequence" : 6.11.1. Releasing Locks with COMMIT
"function returned without value" : No RETURN is executed
"maximum open cursors exceeded" : 6.8.1. Maximum Number of Cursors
"wrong number of values in the INTO list" : 6.6.1. Matching Column List with INTO Clause
SQLERRM function : 13.3.6. The SQLERRM function
"illegal GOTO statement" : Target labels and scope of GOTO
(see also exceptions)
8. Exception Handlers
caused by implicit cursors : Vulnerability to data errors
codes for : (see SQLCODE)
communication from server to client : 8.7. Client-Server Error Communication
handling : Error handling
viewing in SQL*Plus : 23.5.4. Viewing Compilation Errors in SQL*Plus
violation of RESTRICT_REFERENCES pragma : Pragma violation errors
event level, tracing : 26.1.2. Turning On the Trace
8.3.2. Named Programmer-Defined Exceptions
8.6. Handling Exceptions
exceptions Error handling
8. Exception Handlers
for branching logic : 1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
continuing once handled : 8.6.4. Continuing Past Exceptions
CURSOR_ALREADY_OPEN : 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
declaring in packages : 16.3. The Package Specification
DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX : 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
exception section of code : 8.2. The Exception Section
formatting handlers of : 3.3.3. Formatting Exception Handlers
handler development : 1.7.4. Standardize Your PL/SQL Development Environment
handles for : 8.6. Handling Exceptions
handling : 22.2.3. Avoid Exception Handlers for Normal Program Exits
like IF statement : 8.9. Exception Handler as IF Statement
multiple : 8.6.1. Combining Multiple Exceptions in a Single Handler
structure for : 8.4. Determining Exception-Handling Behavior
tips for : 8.10. RAISE Nothing but Exceptions
INVALID_CURSOR : 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
INVALID_NUMBER : 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
LOGIN_DENIED : 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
8.8. NO_DATA_FOUND: Multipurpose Exception
NOT_LOGGED_ON : 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
nullifying effect of raised : Nullifying the effect of a raised exception
overlapping names of : Overlapping exception names
as package : A package of exceptions
PROGRAM_ERROR : 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
8.3.2. Named Programmer-Defined Exceptions
8.3.4. Unnamed Programmer-Defined Exceptions
propagation of : 8.4.2. Propagation of an Exception
raised within handler : 8.5.4. Exceptions Raised in an Exception Handler
8.5. Raising an Exception
8.10. RAISE Nothing but Exceptions
scope of : 8.4.1. Scope of an Exception
SQLCODE function : 13.3.5. The SQLCODE function
STORAGE_ERROR : 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
system : 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
TIMEOUT_ON_RESOURCE : 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
TOO_MANY_ROWS : 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
TRANSACTION_BACKED_OUT : 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
trapping invalid arguments : Trap invalid argument values
types of : 8.3. Types of Exceptions
VALUE_ERROR : 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
ZERO_DIVIDE : 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
execute authority
1.3.2. Improved Execution Authority and Transaction Integrity with PL/SQL
23.2. Transaction Integrity and Execute Authority
collections and : 19.8.1. Privileges
packages and : 23.2.1. Execute Authority on Stored Objects
sharing code and : 23.1.4. Key Concepts for Program Execution
on stored objects : 23.2.1. Execute Authority on Stored Objects
EXECUTE command
C.14.6. The EXECUTE function
23.1.1. Executing Procedures
23.5.3. Changing Stored Objects
EXECUTE_AND_FETCH command : C.14.7. The EXECUTE_AND_FETCH function
execution, shared code : 23.1. Executing Stored Code
EXISTS function The EXISTS function
19.6.3. EXISTS(i)
EXIT statement
(see also loops)
7.2.1. Terminating a Simple Loop: EXIT and EXIT WHEN EXIT and EXIT WHEN statements
EXIT WHEN statement
7.2.1. Terminating a Simple Loop: EXIT and EXIT WHEN
7.2.2. Emulating a REPEAT UNTIL Loop EXIT and EXIT WHEN statements
with loop labels : Loop termination using labels
EXIT WHEN statement
(see also loops)
7.2.1. Terminating a Simple Loop: EXIT and EXIT WHEN
exiting loops : 1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
EXP function : 13.1.9. The EXP function
EXPLAIN PLAN statement : 25.1. Analyzing Program Performance
conversion functions : 14. Conversion Functions
(see also cursors)
1.7.4. Standardize Your PL/SQL Development Environment
6.2.1. Types of Cursors
6.3.3. Explicit Cursors
fetching from
9.5.3. FETCH INTO from an Explicit Cursor 1.7.2. Synchronize Program and Data Structures
explicit datatype conversion : Explicit data conversions
exponents : 13.1.14. The POWER function
EXTEND procedure : 19.6.4. EXTEND [ (n [,i] ) ]
adding collection elements : Adding elements using EXTEND
extensions, filename : (see filenames)
LOBs : Large object support
procedures : External procedures
EXTERNAL clause : 21.3.2. EXTERNAL: Creating the PL/SQL Body
external datatypes : 21.4.1. Datatype Conversion
external procedures : 21. External Procedures
architecture of : 21.1.2. Architecture
creating : 21.2. Steps in Creating an External Procedure
data dictionary entries : 21.6.1. Data Dictionary
debugging : 21.6.2. Rules and Warnings About External Procedures
examples : 21.7. Examples
listeners for : 21.2.1. Step 1: Set Up the Listener
mapping parameters : 21.4. Mapping Parameters
OCI routines for : 21.5. OCI Service Routines
syntax : 21.3. Syntax for External Procedures
warnings about : 21.6.2. Rules and Warnings About External Procedures
EXTERNAL_PROCEDURE_LISTENER listener : 21.2.1. Step 1: Set Up the Listener

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