» |
Symbols- /etc, Task 2: Backing Up Your Configuration Files
- /etc/passwd, Create a New Root Home Directory, Recover Files
- /home, Create a New Root Home Directory, Restore /home
- /local, Restore Other Files
- /opt, Task 2: Backing Up Your Configuration Files, Restore Other Files
- /usr, Restore Other Files
- /usr/local/, Task 2: Backing Up Your Configuration Files
- 10GigEther-00, Optional Software
- 10GigEther-01, Optional Software
- 3D
Graphics Development Kit (DK) and Runtime Environment (RTE) for OpenGL, Optional Software
A- AccessControl, Optional Software
- actions menu, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 Using the Terminal User Interface
- adding sources, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 Using the Terminal User Interface
- additional software, Selecting Your Security Levels at Install Time
- administration, Other HP Web Resources
- alternate
install methods, Reviewing the Update Process
- Analysis Dialog, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 Using the Terminal User Interface
- Apache-based Web Server, Other HP Web Resources
- security settings, Host-based Sec10Host Install-time Security Settings
- applications, Installing HP Applications and Patches
- configuring after update, Post-Install Tasks, Post-Update Tasks
- AtomicLib, Optional Software
- AuditExt, Optional Software
- automatic scrolling, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 Using the Terminal User Interface
B- backup, Task 2: Backing Up Your Configuration Files, Task 3: Making a Recovery Image of Your System, Using make_tape_recovery, Backing Up the System
- Base VXFS 4.1, Recommended Software
- Base VxTools 5.0, Optional Software
- before you begin
- installing, Before You Begin, Before You Begin
- updating, Before You Begin
- boot device types, Booting Your PA-RISC System
- buffer cache, What You Will Find in This Appendix, Controlling the Buffer Cache
C- cache
- buffer, What You Will Find in This Appendix, Controlling the Buffer Cache
- inode, What You Will Find in This Appendix, Controlling the inode Cache
- CDE, Task 2: Backing Up Your Configuration Files, Create a New Root Home Directory, Optional Software
- choosing file
system, Task 3: Configuring Your Installation
- cleaning log files, Task 2: Backing Up Your Configuration Files, Task 3: Making a Recovery Image of Your System, Task 3: Renaming Your Log Files, Task 4: Backing Up Your System
- cold-install, System Requirements, When to Cold-Install, Cold-Installing HP-UX 11i v3 From Media
- compared
to update, When to Cold-Install
- considerations
- instant ignition, Choosing an Installation Method
- deciding an installation method, When to Cold-Install
- definition, Cold-Installs of HP-UX 11i v3
- vs. update, Deciding Which Method to Use
- cold-install procedure, Cold-installing HP-UX 11i v3, Installing HP-UX Applications from the DVD
- commands
- frecover, Task 2: Backing Up Your Data Files
- ioscan, Task 1: Create a Network Depot (Optional), Task 2: Install the Latest Update-UX Bundle
- make_net_recovery, Using make_net_recovery
- make_tape_recovery, Using make_tape_recovery
- mk_kernel, Task 2: Rebuilding the Kernel
- smh, Task 1: Create a Network Depot (Optional)
- swinstall, Reviewing the Update Process
- swlist, Task 1: Identifying Software Versions
- update-ux, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3, Task 2: Install the Latest Update-UX Bundle, Task 3: Update Your System Using Update-UX, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 Using the Terminal User Interface, Adding and Removing Operating Environments From the Command Line
- Common Desktop Environment
(CDE), Optional Software
- CommonIO, Required Software
- configuration, Task 2: Backing Up Your Configuration Files, Task 4: Finishing Your Installation
- OE Applications, Post-Install Tasks, Post-Update Tasks
- Configuring HP-UX for Different Languages, Media Kit Contents
- considerations
- cold-install
- instant ignition, Choosing an Installation Method
- console
- selecting, Task 1: Selecting Your HP-UX Console for Itanium-based Systems
- contents, Media Kit Contents
- create depot, Task 1: Create a Network Depot (Optional)
- creating new
root directory, Create a New Root Home Directory
D- data collection, Miscellaneous Data Collection Table, Network Data Collection Table
- deciding an installation
- cold-install, When to Cold-Install
- update, When to Update
- default gateway, Network Data Collection Table
- dependencies
- security, Security Choice Dependencies
- depots
- creating, Task 1: Create a Network Depot (Optional)
- Deselecting recommended software bundles, Recommended Software
- Device Special File, HP-UX 11i v3 Device Special File (DSF)
- diagnostics
- offline, Offline Diagnostics
- online, Online Diagnostics
- directories, Create a New Root Home Directory
- disk space, How to Plan Your Disk Space Needs
- allocation, Disk Space Allocation for File Partitions
- button, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 Using the Terminal User Interface
- planning needs, How to Plan Your Disk Space Needs
- requirements, Disk Space Requirements for a Cold-Install
- disk volumes, Miscellaneous Data Collection Table
- DiskPath, Miscellaneous Data Collection Table
- Distributed
Systems Administration Utilities, Recommended Software
- DNS, Network Data Collection Table
- downloading, Other HP Web Resources
- drivers, Supported Network Drivers, Mass Storage Drivers, I/O Cards, and Storage Devices, Post-Install Tasks
- HP-UX 11i v3, Media Kit Contents
- HP-UX 11i v3 Application Release, Media Kit Contents
- HP-UX 11i v3 Instant Information, Media Kit Contents
- Dynamic
nPartitions, Recommended Software
- Dynamic Root Disk, Disk Space Allocation for File Partitions, Reduce Downtime Using Dynamic Root Disk, Recommended Software
- Dynamic System V Semaphore Tunables, Optional Software
F- factory ignition, Choosing an Installation Method, Reviewing the Update Process
- Fast Boot, enable, Booting Your PA-RISC System
- Feature Enablement
Patch Bundle (FEATURE11i), Required Software
- feedback, Other HP Web Resources
- FibrChanl-00, Recommended Software
- FibrChanl-01, Recommended Software
- FibrChanl-02, Recommended Software
- FIFOENH, Optional Software
- file partitions, Disk Space Requirements for a Cold-Install
- file sizes, Disk Space Allocation for File Partitions
- file system, Miscellaneous Data Collection Table, Task 3: Configuring Your Installation
- Firefox, Recommended Software
- Source, Recommended Software
- firmware, System Firmware Requirements
- recommendations, applying patches, downloading updates, Finding Firmware Information
- firmware requirements, System Firmware Requirements
- flowchart
- update process, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3
- forums, Other HP Web Resources
- frecover, Restore /home
G- getenv Performance Enhancement, Optional Software
- GigEther-00, Required Software
- GigEther-01, Required Software
- GlancePlus Pak, Recommended Software
- global tunables
- VxFS, Introduction
- Gnome GTK+, Recommended Software
- Gnome GUI Runtime Toolkit, Recommended Software
- Gnome GUI Runtime Toolkit source, Recommended Software
- golden images, Reviewing the Update Process
- Graphical User Interface
(GUI), Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 Using the Terminal User Interface
- GTK+ Libraries, Recommended Software
- Guest AVIO LAN software , Recommended Software
- Guest AVIO Stor software , Recommended Software
- guided installation, Task 3: Configuring Your Installation
H- HA Monitors, Recommended Software
- Hardware Enablement Patch Bundle, Required Software
- hardware failures, Online Diagnostics
- HFS Filesystem Block Size, Known Install and Update Problems
- hints, How to Plan Your Disk Space Needs
- home directory, Create a New Root Home Directory
- Host AVIO LAN software , Recommended Software
- Host AVIO Stor software , Recommended Software
- host IP, Network Data Collection Table
- how to
- apply firmware patches, Finding Firmware Information
- install, Cold-installing HP-UX 11i v3, Installing HP-UX Applications from the DVD
- update, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 Using the Terminal User Interface
- HP aCC_link bundle, Recommended Software
- HP Apache
- Tomcat, Recommended Software
- Web Server, Recommended Software
- Webmin-based
Admin, Recommended Software
- XML Web
Server Tools, Recommended Software
- HP Caliper, Recommended Software
- HP Capacity Advisor LTU, Recommended Software
- HP CIFS Client, Recommended Software
- HP CIFS Server, Recommended Software
- HP FTP Server, Recommended Software
- HP Global Workload Manager Agent LTU, Recommended Software
- HP Integrity Virtual Machines, Optional Software
- HP Message Passing Interface (MPI), Optional Software
- HP Process Resource Manager (PRM) Web
GUI Systems Insight Manager (SIM) Integration Files, Optional Software
- HP ServiceGuard, Recommended Software
- HP Serviceguard, Recommended Software
- HP System Management Homepage, Recommended Software
- HP Systems Insight Manager, Other HP Web Resources
- HP Systems
Insight Manager (HP SIM), Optional Software
- HP Virtualization Manager LTU, Recommended Software
- HP VSE Suite LTU, Recommended Software
- HP WildeBeest Debugger, Recommended Software
- HP-UX 11i v3
- Application
Release DVD, Media Kit Contents
- cold-install
- deciding when, When to Cold-Install
- deciding
which method, Deciding Which Method to Use
- DVD, Media Kit Contents
- existing system, Choosing an Installation Method
- Installation and Update Guide, Media Kit Contents
- Instant
Information DVD, Media Kit Contents
- migrating from older releases, Cold-Installs of HP-UX 11i v3
- rebuilding kernel before updating, Task 2: Rebuilding the Kernel
- Release Notes, Media Kit Contents
- update
- deciding when, When to Update
- update procedure, Task 3: Update Your System Using Update-UX
- updating, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 Using the Terminal User Interface
- HP-UX 11i v3 Read Before Installing or Updating DVD booklet, Media Kit Contents
- HP-UX Auto
Port Aggregation, Recommended Software
- HP-UX Bastille, Security Considerations
- HP-UX Bastille Security Tool, Recommended Software
- HP-UX DHCPv4 Server, Recommended Software
- HP-UX DHCPv6 Server, Recommended Software
- HP-UX Gated and Mrouted Server, Recommended Software
- HP-UX Host
Intrusion Detection System, Optional Software
- HP-UX Internet Services, Optional Software
- HP-UX IPFilter, Recommended Software
- HP-UX IPsec, Optional Software
- HP-UX IPv6 routing Server, Recommended Software
- HP-UX Mail Server, Required Software
- HP-UX Mobile IPv6, Optional Software
- HP-UX nPartition Configuration Commands, Required Software
- HP-UX NTP Server, Recommended Software
- HP-UX Secure Shell, Recommended Software
- HP-UX Software Assistant, Other HP Web Resources, HP-UX Software Assistant, Recommended Software
- HP-UX Swapoff, Optional Software
- HP-UX TCPWrapper daemon, Recommended Software
- HP-UX Virtual Partitions, Optional Software
- HP-UX Web Server Suite
- bundles, Recommended Software
- HPUX-Nameserver/BIND, Recommended Software
- HPUXEssential, Recommended Software
- HPUXEssentials, Recommended Software
- HPUXLocales, Recommended Software
- HPUXMinRuntime, Required Software, Recommended Software
- HyprFabrc-00, Optional Software
I- IB4X-00 Driver for InfiniBand, Optional Software
- identifying model, Identification of Model, OS/OE, and Software
- identifying OE, Identification of Model, OS/OE, and Software
- identifying
OS, Identification of Model, OS/OE, and Software
- identifying software, Identification of Model, OS/OE, and Software
- IEther-00, Required Software
- Ignite-UX, Other HP Web Resources, When to Cold-Install, Task 4: Updating Your Ignite-UX Server, Using make_net_recovery, Using make_tape_recovery, Task 2: Selecting Your Installation Type, Uninstalling HP-UX 11i v3, Optional Software
- inode cache, What You Will Find in This Appendix, Controlling the inode Cache
- install
- before
you begin, Before You Begin, Before You Begin
- known problems, Known Problems and Troubleshooting
- problems, Known Install and Update Problems
- verify, Verifying System Install or Update, Verifying the HP-UX Cold-Install or Update
- install information, Task 3: Retrieving Information After Cold-installing
- install-time
- security, Security Considerations
- security settings, Secured Services and Protocols, Additional Sec20MngDMZ Install-time Security Settings, Additional Sec30DMZ Install-time Security Settings
- Install-Time Security Infrastructure
(Sec00Tools), Recommended Software
- installing, Cold-Installing HP-UX 11i v3 From Media, Cold-installing HP-UX 11i v3, Task 2: Selecting Your Installation Type, Task 3: Configuring Your Installation, Installing HP-UX Applications from the DVD
- applications, Installing HP Applications and Patches
- patches, Installing HP Applications and Patches
- installing from
- instant ignition, Choosing an Installation Method
- installing OnlineDiag, Online Diagnostics
- Instant Ignition, Reviewing the Update Process
- installing from, Choosing an Installation Method
- Instant Information
DVD, Uninstalling HP-UX 11i v3
- Integrity VM Guest Support Libraries, Recommended Software
- Internationalization
support, Recommended Software
- ioscan, Task 1: Create a Network Depot (Optional), Task 2: Install the Latest Update-UX Bundle
- IPv6 Upgrade, Optional Software
- Itanium-based
- server, Other HP Web Resources
- ITRC, Other HP Web Resources
L- language-specific input methods, Recommended Software
- language-specific manpages, Recommended Software
- languages, Other HP Web Resources
- LDAP-UX Integration, Recommended Software
- legal notice, HP-UX 11i v3 Installation and Update Guide
- Libc Enhancements, Optional Software
- localization, Other HP Web Resources
- localized language message catalogs, Recommended Software
- log files
- cleaning, Task 2: Backing Up Your Configuration Files, Task 3: Making a Recovery Image of Your System, Task 3: Renaming Your Log Files, Task 4: Backing Up Your System
- renaming, Task 3: Renaming Your Log Files
- logfile, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 Using the Terminal User Interface
- Logical Volume Manager, Required Software
- LVM, Miscellaneous Data Collection Table, Create a New Root Home Directory
M- make_net_recovery, Task 4: Updating Your Ignite-UX Server, Using make_net_recovery, Uninstalling HP-UX 11i v3
- make_tape_recovery, Using make_tape_recovery
- MallocNextGen, Optional Software
- mark
- for install, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 Using the Terminal User Interface
- Mass Storage Stack, Mass Storage Stack for HP-UX 11i v3
- media, Required Media, Installing HP-UX Applications from the DVD
- contents, HP-UX 11i v3 Software Bundles Contained in the New OEs
- kit, Media Kit Contents
- Media Streaming Protocol, Optional Software
- memory
- VxFS, Controlling Memory Utilization of VxFS 4.1
- messages, Known Problems and Troubleshooting
- migration paths
- deciding a method, Deciding Which Method to Use
- from previous HP-UX releases, Cold-Installs of HP-UX 11i v3
- MirrorDisk/UX, Recommended Software
- miscellaneous
data collection, Miscellaneous Data Collection Table
- mk_kernel command, Task 2: Rebuilding the Kernel
- MLIB, Optional Software
- Mobile IPv4 , Optional Software
- model, Identification of Model, OS/OE, and Software
- Mozilla, Recommended Software
- Source, Recommended Software
N- Netscape
Directory Server Version 7, Optional Software
- network data collection, Network Data Collection Table
- network depot, Task 1: Create a Network Depot (Optional)
- network drivers, Post-Install Tasks
- Network Server Accelerator, Optional Software
- new root, Create a New Root Home Directory
- NIS, Network Data Collection Table
- notes, Known Problems and Troubleshooting
- nslookup, Network Data Collection Table
- Numeric User Group Name, Optional Software
O- Obsolescence Bundle, Required Software
- OEs
- configuring
applications, Post-Install Tasks, Post-Update Tasks
- updating, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3
- Offline Diagnostics, Offline Diagnostics
- older HP-UX Releases
- migrating to HP-UX 11i v3, Cold-Installs of HP-UX 11i v3
- ONCplus, Required Software
- Online Diagnostics, Online Diagnostics, Required Software
- OnlineDiag, Online Diagnostics
- OnlineJFS, Installing VxFS and VxVM
- bundle, Optional Software
- installation, Installing VxFS and VxVM
- known problems, Known Install and Update Problems
- OnlineJFS 4.1, Recommended Software
- Openview SNMP Agent, Recommended Software
- operating environments, Identification of Model, OS/OE, and Software
- configuring applications, Post-Install Tasks, Post-Update Tasks
- contents, HP-UX 11i v3 Software Bundles Contained in the New OEs
- new, New HP-UX 11i v3 Operating Environments
- original, Original HP-UX 11i v3 Operating Environments
- updating, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3, Adding and Removing Operating Environments From the Command Line
- optional software, Installing HP-UX Applications, Optional Software
- 10GigEther-00, Optional Software
- 10GigEther-01, Optional Software
- 3D Graphics Development Kit (DK) and Runtime Environment
(RTE) for OpenGL, Optional Software
- AccessControl, Optional Software
- AtomicLib, Optional Software
- AuditExt, Optional Software
- Base VxTools 5.0, Optional Software
- Common Desktop Environment
(CDE), Optional Software
- Dynamic
System V Semaphore Tunables, Optional Software
- FIFOENH, Optional Software
- getenv Performance Enhancement, Optional Software
- HP Integrity Virtual Machines, Optional Software
- HP Message Passing Interface (MPI), Optional Software
- HP Process Resource Manager (PRM) Web GUI Systems Insight
Manager (SIM) Integration Files, Optional Software
- HP Systems Insight Manager (HP SIM), Optional Software
- HP-UX Host Intrusion Detection System, Optional Software
- HP-UX Internet Services, Optional Software
- HP-UX IPsec, Optional Software
- HP-UX Mobile IPv6, Optional Software
- HP-UX Swapoff, Optional Software
- HP-UX Virtual Partitions, Optional Software
- HyprFabrc-00, Optional Software
- IB4X-00 Driver for InfiniBand, Optional Software
- Ignite-UX, Optional Software
- IPv6 Upgrade, Optional Software
- Java Out-of-Box, Optional Software
- Kerberos Client, Optional Software
- KRB5CLIENT, Optional Software
- Libc Enhancements, Optional Software
- MallocNextGen, Optional Software
- Media Streaming Protocol, Optional Software
- MLIB, Optional Software
- Mobile IPv4 , Optional Software
- Netscape Directory Server Version 7, Optional Software
- Network Server Accelerator, Optional Software
- Numeric User Group Name, Optional Software
- Online JFS 3.5 for EOE and MCOE only, Recommended Software
- OnlineJFS, Optional Software
- Pay per use, Optional Software
- PCIMUX-00, Optional Software
- Security Level 10, Optional Software
- Security Level 20, Optional Software
- Security Level 30, Optional Software
- Software Package Builder, Optional Software
- TERMIO-00, Optional Software
- updating, Updating Optional Software From the Command Line
- Virtual Server Environment , Optional Software
- VMKernelSW, Optional Software
- VseAssist, Optional Software
- VxFS 5.0 , Optional Software
- VxVM 5.0 , Optional Software
- OS, Identification of Model, OS/OE, and Software
- updating, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3
- overview
- updating, Reviewing the Update Process
P- PAM Kerberos, Recommended Software
- parMgr, Other HP Web Resources
- Partition Manager, Other HP Web Resources, Recommended Software
- Patch Management, HP-UX Patching and Patch Management
- patches, Managing a Network Depot with Patch Bundles, Installing HP Applications and Patches
- Patching, HP-UX Patching and Patch Management
- Dynamic Root Disk, Reduce Downtime Using Dynamic Root Disk
- HP-UX Software Assistant, HP-UX Software Assistant
- Individual HP-UX
Patches, Individual HP-UX Patches
- Standard HP-UX Patch
Bundles, Standard HP-UX Patch Bundles
- Pay per use, Optional Software
- PCI drivers, Supported Network Drivers, Mass Storage Drivers, I/O Cards, and Storage Devices
- PCIMUX-00, Optional Software
- Perl, Recommended Software
- planning, How to Plan Your Disk Space Needs
- post-installation tasks, Task 3: Retrieving Information After Cold-installing
- pre-defined
security, Predefined Security Levels
- pre-installed, Choosing an Installation Method
Kernel Software, Recommended Software
- PRM Libraries, Recommended Software
- problems
- install, Known Install and Update Problems
- update, Known Install and Update Problems
- process
- update, Reviewing the Update Process
- Process Resource Manager, Recommended Software
- product
- description button, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 Using the Terminal User Interface
- summary button, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 Using the Terminal User Interface
- protocols
- secured, Secured Services and Protocols
- ProviderDefault, Recommended Software
R- RAID-01, Recommended Software
- rebuilding kernel, Task 2: Rebuilding the Kernel
- Recommended Software, Recommended Software
- Deselecting, Recommended Software
- recommended software
- Base VXFS 4.1, Recommended Software
- Distributed Systems Administration Utilities, Recommended Software
- Dynamic nPartitions, Recommended Software
- Dynamic Root Disk, Recommended Software
- Enterprise Cluster Master Toolkit, Recommended Software
- FibrChanl-00, Recommended Software
- FibrChanl-01, Recommended Software
- FibrChanl-02, Recommended Software
- Firefox, Recommended Software
- Firefox Source, Recommended Software
- GlancePlus Pak, Recommended Software
- Gnome GTK+, Recommended Software
- Gnome GUI Runtime Toolkit, Recommended Software
- Gnome GUI Runtime Toolkit source, Recommended Software
- GTK+ Libraries, Recommended Software
- Guest AVIO LAN software , Recommended Software
- Guest AVIO Stor software, Recommended Software
- HA Monitors, Recommended Software
- Host AVIO LAN software , Recommended Software
- Host AVIO Stor software , Recommended Software
- HP aCC_link bundle, Recommended Software
- HP Apache-based
Web Server, Recommended Software
- HP Caliper, Recommended Software
- HP Capacity Advisor LTU, Recommended Software
- HP CIFS Client, Recommended Software
- HP CIFS Server, Recommended Software
- HP FTP Server, Recommended Software
- HP Global Workload Manager Agent LTU, Recommended Software
- HP ServiceGuard, Recommended Software
- HP Serviceguard, Recommended Software
- HP System
Management Homepage, Recommended Software
- HP Tomcat-based Servlet Engine, Recommended Software
- HP Virtualization Manager LTU, Recommended Software
- HP VSE Suite LTU, Recommended Software
- HP Webmin-based Admin, Recommended Software
- HP WildeBeest Debugger, Recommended Software
- HP XML Web Server Tools, Recommended Software
- HP-UX Auto Port Aggregation, Recommended Software
- HP-UX Bastille Security Tool, Recommended Software
- HP-UX DHCPv4 Server, Recommended Software
- HP-UX DHCPv6 Server, Recommended Software
- HP-UX Gated and Mrouted Server, Recommended Software
- HP-UX IPFilter, Recommended Software
- HP-UX IPv6 routing Server, Recommended Software
- HP-UX NTP Server, Recommended Software
- HP-UX Secure Shell, Recommended Software
Software Assistant, Recommended Software
- HP-UX TCPWrapper daemon, Recommended Software
- HP-UX-Nameserver/BIND, Recommended Software
- HPUXEssential, Recommended Software
- HPUXEssentials, Recommended Software
- HPUXLocales, Recommended Software
- HPUXMinRuntime, Recommended Software
- Install-Time Security
Infrastructure (Sec00Tools), Recommended Software
- Integrity
VM Guest Support Libraries, Recommended Software
- Java, Recommended Software
- LDAP-UX Integration, Recommended Software
- MirrorDisk/UX, Recommended Software
- Mozilla, Recommended Software
- Mozilla Source, Recommended Software
- OnlineJFS 4.1, Recommended Software
- Openview SNMP Agent, Recommended Software
- PAM Kerberos, Recommended Software
- Partition Manager, Recommended Software
- Perl, Recommended Software
- PRM Kernel Software, Recommended Software
- PRM Libraries, Recommended Software
- Process Resource Manager, Recommended Software
- ProviderDefault, Recommended Software
- RAID-01, Recommended Software
- Thunderbird, Recommended Software
- Thunderbird email/client source, Recommended Software
- Tune-N-Tools, Recommended Software
- Workload Manager
Toolkit, Recommended Software
- recording software versions, Task 1: Identifying Software Versions
- recovering files, Recover Files
- recovery image, Task 3: Making a Recovery Image of Your System
- release notes, Other HP Web Resources
- required media, Required Media, Installing HP-UX Applications from the DVD
- Required Software, Required Software
- required software
- CommonIO, Required Software
- Feature Enablement Patch Bundle (FEATURE11i), Required Software
- GigEther-00, Required Software
- GigEther-01, Required Software
- Hardware Enablement Patch Bundle, Required Software
- HP-UX Mail Server, Required Software
- HP-UX nPartition Configuration Commands, Required Software
- HPUXMinRuntime, Required Software
- IEther-00, Required Software
- Logical Volume Manager, Required Software
- Obsolescence Bundle, Required Software
- ONCplus, Required Software
- Online Diagnostics, Required Software
- Quality Pack Patch Bundles (QPKAPPS), Required Software
- Quality Pack Patch Bundles (QPKBASE), Required Software
- scsiU320-00, Required Software
- SerialSCSI-00, Required Software
- SwMgmtMin, Required Software
- SysMgmtMin, Required Software
- System Fault Management, Required Software
- USB-00, Required Software
- requirements
- disk space, Disk Space Requirements for a Cold-Install
- firmware, System Firmware Requirements
- system, System Requirements
- restoring /home, Restore /home
- restoring /local, Restore Other Files
- restoring /opt, Restore Other Files
- restoring /usr, Restore Other Files
- retrieving install
information, Task 3: Retrieving Information After Cold-installing
- root, Miscellaneous Data Collection Table, Create a New Root Home Directory
- root disk, Task 3: Configuring Your Installation
- root swap space, Task 3: Configuring Your Installation
S- safety, Other HP Web Resources
- saving configuration
files, Task 2: Backing Up Your Configuration Files
- SCSI, Supported Network Drivers, Mass Storage Drivers, I/O Cards, and Storage Devices
- scsiU320-00, Required Software
- SD, Other HP Web Resources
- Sec00Tools, Predefined Security Levels
- Sec10Host, Predefined Security Levels
- Sec20MngDMZ, Predefined Security Levels
- Sec30DMZ, Predefined Security Levels
- secured
- protocols, Secured Services and Protocols
- services, Secured Services and Protocols
- security
- dependencies, Security Choice Dependencies
- install-time
- HP-UX Bastille, Security Considerations
- levels, Selecting Your Security Levels at Install Time
- pre-defined, Predefined Security Levels
- Secured Services
and Protocols, Secured Services and Protocols
- Serviceguard, Serviceguard Configuration (Post-Installation) to Enable Use with Security Levels
- settings, Secured Services and Protocols, Additional Sec20MngDMZ Install-time Security Settings, Additional Sec30DMZ Install-time Security Settings
- Security Level 10, Optional Software
- Security Level 20, Optional Software
- Security Level 30, Optional Software
- selectable drivers, Supported Network Drivers, Mass Storage Drivers, I/O Cards, and Storage Devices
- selecting additional
software, Selecting Your Security Levels at Install Time
- SerialSCSI-00, Required Software
- servers, Other HP Web Resources
- services
- secured, Secured Services and Protocols
- Servlet Engine, Recommended Software
- set_parms, Task 4: Finishing Your Installation
- settings
- security, Secured Services and Protocols, Additional Sec20MngDMZ Install-time Security Settings, Additional Sec30DMZ Install-time Security Settings
- show software
for selection, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 Using the Terminal User Interface
- sizes
- file partitions, Disk Space Requirements for a Cold-Install
- smh, Task 1: Create a Network Depot (Optional)
- software, Identification of Model, OS/OE, and Software
- bundles, HP-UX 11i v3 Software Bundles Contained in the New OEs
- media, HP-UX 11i v3 Software Bundles Contained in the New OEs
- Optional, Optional Software
- Recommended, Recommended Software
- record versions, Task 1: Identifying Software Versions
- Required, Required Software
- structure, HP-UX 11i v3 Software Bundles Contained in the New OEs
- updating optional software, Updating Optional Software From the Command Line
- Software bundle categories, Task 3: Configuring Your Installation, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 Using the Terminal User Interface, HP-UX 11i v3 Software Bundles Contained in the New OEs
- Software
Bundles, HP-UX 11i v3 Software Bundles Contained in the New OEs
- software depots, Reviewing the Update Process
- Software Distributor, Other HP Web Resources
- Software Package Builder, Optional Software
- Software Selection Window, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 Using the Terminal User Interface
- source
- adding a, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 Using the Terminal User Interface
- depot path, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 Using the Terminal User Interface
- host name, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 Using the Terminal User Interface
- Specify Source Dialog, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 Using the Terminal User Interface
- specifying swap space, Task 3: Configuring Your Installation
- storage, Supported Network Drivers, Mass Storage Drivers, I/O Cards, and Storage Devices
- subnet, Network Data Collection Table
- support, Other HP Web Resources
- Supported Systems, Supported Systems
- swap, Miscellaneous Data Collection Table
- swap space, Task 3: Configuring Your Installation
- swinstall, Reviewing the Update Process, Installing HP-UX Applications
- swlist, Task 1: Identifying Software Versions, Verifying the HP-UX Cold-Install or Update
- SwMgmtMin, Required Software
- swverify, Verifying the HP-UX Cold-Install or Update
- SysMgmtMin, Required Software
- system backup, Using make_tape_recovery, Backing Up the System
- System Fault Management, Required Software
- system requirements, System Requirements
T- tables, Miscellaneous Data Collection Table, Network Data Collection Table
- Terminal User Interface (TUI), Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 Using the Terminal User Interface
- TERMIO-00, Optional Software
- Thunderbird, Recommended Software
- Thunderbird
email/client source, Recommended Software
- tips
- updating, Updating Tips
- trademark notices, HP-UX 11i v3 Installation and Update Guide
- troubleshooting, Known Problems and Troubleshooting
- Tunable Base Page Size, Known Install and Update Problems
- tunables
- global, Introduction
- VxFS, Introduction
- Tune-N-Tools, Recommended Software
U- uname, Network Data Collection Table
- uninstalling, Uninstalling HP-UX 11i v3
- update
- before you
begin, Before You Begin
- deciding
an installation method, When to Update
- error codes, Updating Tips
- examples
- optional software, Updating Optional Software From the Command Line
- flowchart, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3
- how to, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 Using the Terminal User Interface
- HP-UX 11i, Task 3: Update Your System Using Update-UX
- known problems, Known Problems and Troubleshooting
- operating environments, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3
- OS, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3
- overview, Reviewing the Update Process
- problems, Known Install and Update Problems
- steps
- create network depot, Task 1: Create a Network Depot (Optional)
- installing update-ux, Task 2: Install the Latest Update-UX Bundle
- using update-ux, Task 3: Update Your System Using Update-UX
- tips, Updating Tips
- clean log files, Task 2: Backing Up Your Configuration Files, Task 3: Making a Recovery Image of Your System, Task 3: Renaming Your Log Files, Task 4: Backing Up Your System
- configuration, Post-Install Tasks, Post-Update Tasks
- rebuild kernel, Task 2: Rebuilding the Kernel
- record software versions, Task 1: Identifying Software Versions
- to an 11i v2 OE, Adding and Removing Operating Environments From the Command Line
- update-ux
command, Task 3: Update Your System Using Update-UX
- vs. cold-install, When to Update
- update process
- flowchart, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3
- running other commands, Updating Tips
- update-ux, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3, Task 2: Install the Latest Update-UX Bundle, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 Using the Terminal User Interface
- command syntax, Task 3: Update Your System Using Update-UX
- errors, Updating Tips
- examples, Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 Using the Command Line Interface
- installing, Task 2: Install the Latest Update-UX Bundle
- software not updated, Updating Tips
- update 11i v2 OE, Adding and Removing Operating Environments From the Command Line
- using, Task 3: Update Your System Using Update-UX
- updating Ignite-UX, Task 4: Updating Your Ignite-UX Server
- USB-00, Required Software
- using make_net_recovery, Using make_net_recovery
V- Virtual Server Environment , Optional Software
- VMKernelSW, Optional Software
- vPars, Optional Software
- VSE Management Software Version 4.0 Getting Started Guide, Media Kit Contents
- VSE Management Software Version 4.0 Installation
and Update Guide for HP-UX, Media Kit Contents
- VseAssist, Optional Software
- vx_bc_bufhwm, Controlling Memory Utilization of VxFS 4.1
- vx_ninode, Controlling Memory Utilization of VxFS 4.1
- VxFS, Miscellaneous Data Collection Table, Controlling Memory Utilization of VxFS 4.1, Installing VxFS and VxVM
- bundle, Optional Software
- global tunables, Introduction
- installation, Installing VxFS and VxVM
- tunables, Introduction
- VxVM, Miscellaneous Data Collection Table, Installing VxFS and VxVM
- bundle, Optional Software
- installation, Installing VxFS and VxVM
- known problems, Known Install and Update Problems