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HP-UX 11i v3 Installation and Update Guide: HP Integrity Server Blades, HP Integrity Servers, and HP 9000 Servers > Chapter 7 Installing HP Applications and Patches

HP-UX Patching and Patch Management


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HP releases patches to deliver incremental updates to your system. Patches are best known for delivering defect fixes, but also deliver new functionality and features, enable new hardware, and update firmware. You can use HP-UX patches to update HP-UX software without having to completely reinstall your system application.

Hewlett-Packard provides several methods to patch HP-UX systems:

Standard HP-UX Patch Bundles

The HP-UX OE media provides standard HP-UX patch bundles for HP-UX core file sets and applications, plus diagnostic products. Standard patch bundles are collections of patches that have been thoroughly tested together. These bundles enable new hardware, fix known defects, and provide diagnostics tools. In some cases, a patch bundle may deliver new software functionality. All bundle software is cumulative and replaces completely any previous bundle release for the same operating system (OS) release.

For descriptions of the standard HP-UX patch bundles (including Hardware Enablement, Quality Pack, and Feature Enablement), see the HP-UX 11i Version 3 Release Notes. In addition to being delivered on the OE media, the standard HP-UX patch bundles are available at the HP IT Resource Center website at http://itrc.hp.com

Documentation  The Patch Management User Guide for HP-UX 11.x Systems provides information and procedures on how to acquire and install standard HP-UX patch bundles. You can find the document at http://www.docs.hp.com/en/oshpux11iv3.html (navigate to Patch Management).

Individual HP-UX Patches

Individual HP-UX patches comprise the Standard HP-UX patch bundles. The individual patches and patch bundles are available from the Patch Database on the HP IT Resource Center website at http://itrc.hp.com

At times, you may find it necessary to acquire and install individual patches, for example, based on known patch IDs, software functionality, reactive patching, and security issues.

HP-UX Software Assistant

HP-UX Software Assistant (SWA) is a tool that consolidates and simplifies patch management and security bulletin management on HP-UX systems. SWA combines the versatility and power of the HP IT Resource Center (ITRC) Patch Assessment and Security Patch Check (SPC) utilities, and is the HP-recommended utility to use to maintain currency with HP-published security bulletins for HP-UX software.

SWA can perform a number of checks, including applicable security bulletins and installed patches with critical warnings. Once an analysis has been performed, you can use SWA to download any recommended patches or patch bundles and create a depot ready for installation.

New for HP-UX 11i releases as of January 2007, the SWA tool's bundle name is SwAssistant and its product number is B6834AA. SWA is delivered as a recommended (default-installed) product in all OEs.

The HP-UX Software Assistant website at https://www.hp.com/go/swa provides a product overview, download links, documentation links, and installation instructions.

Documentation  The following SWA documents are available at http://www.docs.hp.com/en/oshpux11iv3.html (navigate to Patch Management):

  • The HP-UX Software Assistant Release Notes provides the features and functionality of the latest release, and known problems.

  • The HP-UX Software Assistant System Administration Guide provides an introduction to the tool, how to use it, how to use the reporting, and troubleshooting.

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