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HP-UX 11i v3 Installation and Update Guide: HP Integrity Server Blades, HP Integrity Servers, and HP 9000 Servers > Chapter 2 System Requirements for Cold-Installing and Updating

System Requirements


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To cold-install or update HP-UX 11i v3, you must have the following:

NOTE: The minimum memory limit is intended for running the HP-UX 11i v3 Base OE and minimal applications. Additional memory will be required for optimal performance and optional software and applications. If your system has the minimum amount of memory, you may need to manually set VxFS tunables for optimal performance after cold-installing or updating to HP-UX 11i v3. For more information about these tunables, see Appendix B.

System Firmware Requirements

Make sure the firmware shipped with the system meets the minimum firmware requirements for the system for the latest HP-UX 11i v3 (B.11.31) release. HP strongly recommends you review the minimum system firmware matrix for HP-UX 11i v3 (B.11.31) systems at the HP Technical Documentation website:


See also “Finding Firmware Information”.

Disk Space Requirements for a Cold-Install

The tables listed below show the amount of disk space allocated for the indicated partitions during a default cold-install for each Operating Environment. Please note that in the tables below, the results are from using the bdf( 1M) command; your results may vary if you use the du( 1) command. In addition, totals are not exact due to rounding.

Table 2-1 Original OEs on Itanium System







1 GB (29% used)

1 GB (30% used)

1 GB (29% used)

1 GB (29% used)


1.75 GB (11% used)

1.75 GB (11% used)

1.75 GB (10% used)

1.75 GB (10% used)


8.5 GB (7% used)

8.5 GB (7% used)

4.5 GB (16% used)

4.5 GB (13% used)


4.4 GB (63% used)

4.4 GB (63% used)

4.4 GB (63% used)

4.3 GB (63% used)


.5 GB (4% used)

.5 GB (4% used)

.5 GB (4% used)

.5 GB (4% used)


6.8 GB (56% used)

7.1 GB (57% used)

7.2 GB (57% used)

7.8 GB (59% used)


112 MB (5% used)

112 MB (5% used)

104 MB (5% used)

104 MB (5% used)


1 GB

1 GB

1 GB

1 GB

Itanium EFI Boot

500 MB

500 MB

500 MB

500 MB

Itanium HP Service

400 MB

400 MB

400 MB

400 MB

Itanium Total

25 GB

25 GB

21 GB

22 GB


Table 2-2 Original OEs on PA System







1 GB (32% used)

1 GB (32% used)

1 GB (32% used)

1 GB (32% used)


1.6 GB (4% used)

1.6 GB (4% used)

1.6 GB (4% used)

1.6 GB (4% used)


8.5 GB (5% used)

8.5 GB (5% used)

4.5 GB (12% used)

4.5 GB (10% used)


3 GB (66% used)

3 GB (66% used)

3.1 GB (66% used)

3 GB (66% used)


.5 GB (4% used)

.5 GB (4% used)

.5 GB (4% used)

.5 GB (4% used)


4.5 GB (64% used)

4.75 GB (64% used)

4.7 GB (64% used)

5.1 GB (65% used)


112 MB (5% used)

112 MB (5% used)

104 MB (5% used)

104 MB (5% used)


1 GB

1 GB

1 GB

1 GB


100 MB

100 MB

100 MB

100 MB


20.3 GB

21 GB

17 GB

17 GB


Table 2-3 New OEs on Itanium System







1 GB (29% used)

1 GB (30% used)

1 GB (30% used)

1 GB (30% used)


1.75 GB (11% used)

1.75 GB (10% used)

1.75 GB (10% used)

1.75 GB (11% used)


8.5 GB (7% used)

4.5 GB (16% used)

4.5 GB (16% used)

8.5 GB (7% used)


4.3 GB (63% used)

4.4 GB (63% used)

4.5 GB (63% used)

4.3 GB (63% used)


.5 GB (4% used)

.5 GB (4% used)

.5 GB (4% used)

.5 GB (4% used)


7 GB (56% used)

7.3 GB (58% used)

7.3 GB (57% used)

7.4 GB (57% used)


112 MB (5% used)

104 MB (5% used)

104 MB (5% used)

112 MB (5% used)


1 GB

1 GB

1 GB

1 GB

Itanium EFI Boot

500 MB

500 MB

500 MB

500 MB

Itanium HP Service

400 MB

400 MB

400 MB

400 MB

Itanium Total

25 GB

21.5 GB

21.5 GB

25.4 GB


Table 2-4 New OEs on PA System







1 GB (32% used)

1 GB (32% used)

1 GB (32% used)

1 GB (32% used)


1.6 GB (4% used)

1.6 GB (4% used)

1.6 GB (4% used)

1.6 GB (4% used)


8.5 GB (5% used)

4.5 GB (12% used)

4.5 GB (12% used)

8.5 GB (5% used)


3 GB (66% used)

3.2 GB (66% used)

3.2 GB (66% used)

3 GB (66% used)


.5 GB (4% used)

.5 GB (4% used)

.5 GB (4% used)

.5 GB (4% used)


4.5 GB (64% used)

4.7 GB (64% used)

4.7 GB (64% used)

4.7 GB (64% used)


112 MB (5% used)

104 MB (5% used)

104 MB (5% used)

112 MB (5% used)


1 GB

1 GB

1 GB

1 GB


100 MB

100 MB

100 MB

100 MB


20.3 GB

16.7 GB

16.7 GB

20.5 GB


NOTE: During installation, Ignite-UX (on the File System tab) shows a higher percentage of disk space used than the information in the tables listed above show. The minimums enforced by Ignite-UX ensure that the cold-install completes successfully without filling a file system. This difference exists on all versions of Ignite-UX.

Disk Space Requirements for an Update

To ensure a successful update to HP-UX 11i v3, make sure that you have at least as much disk space allocated to the file partitions listed in the tables above, and that each partition (most importantly, /usr, /opt, and /var) has at least 10-20 percent free space to allow for any growth.

Disk Space Allocation for File Partitions

Depending on your system’s purpose, you may need to determine how much disk space you will need for each file partition before you cold-install or update to HP-UX 11i v3. For example, if you plan to install applications from other vendors, you may need to modify the size of the /opt partition to accommodate their size. Depending on how much disk space is available, you can change the partition size to meet your needs. For information about modifying your file system, see the HP-UX System Administrator’s Guide at the HP Technical Documentation website: http://docs.hp.com

CAUTION: If the default size for the /stand partition is too small for your environment, do not use the lvextend command to increase the size of the /stand partition; doing so may render your system unbootable. Instead, use a Dynamic Root Disk (DRD) clone to create an inactive copy of the system on which /stand can be extended, or use Ignite-UX recovery to create a recovery image and resize the /stand partition.

To use a DRD clone to extend /stand on an LVM-managed system, see “Using the DRD Toolset to Extend the /stand File System in an LVM Environment” (http://docs.hp.com/en/5992-1913/5992-1913.pdf). Further information on DRD is available at the DRD website: http://docs.hp.com/en/DRD/.

You can boot from an Ignite-UX recovery image and resize /stand as you recover the system. For help creating a recovery image, refer to Ignite-UX Administration Guide: for HP-UX 11i available at the Ignite-UX website: http://docs.hp.com/en/IUX/.

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