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HP-UX 11i v3 Installation and Update Guide: HP Integrity Server Blades, HP Integrity Servers, and HP 9000 Servers > Appendix A Known Problems and Troubleshooting

Known Install and Update Problems


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Table A-1 describes problems known to occur in the HP-UX 11i v3 release.

Table A-1 Known Install and Update Problems



Update to HP-UX 11i v3 Generates Harmless Warning Messages in the Install Log File

When updating to HP-UX 11i v3 September 2008 from HP-UX 11i v1, 11i v2 or 11i v3, one or both of the following warning messages may be logged in to the install log file:

"EMS-Core.EMS-WRAPPER-COM". WARNING: [1296] Encountered a message of unknown priority. - [902] cron may not be running - call your system administrator

warning: commands will be executed using /usr/bin/sh * [367] Running "configure" script for fileset "EMS-Core.EMS-WRAPPER-COM". succeeded with 1 warning.

The message “cron may not be running” will be logged if the cron daemon has not been running during the update.

The warning “commands will be executed using /usr/bin/sh” will occur if the default login shell is defined as anything other than POSIX shell /usr/bin/sh.

This is simply a warning from cron that the POSIX shell will be used to execute commands in the crontab file. If the login shell is set to /usr/bin/sh in the /etc/passwd file, then this error will not be logged.

What To Do

Both these warning messages can be safely ignored.

The Audit Events Tab and Audit System Calls Tab in “Auditing and Security Attributes Configuration” May Not Show Any Events

The Audit Events tab and Audit System Calls tab in the “Auditing and Security Attributes Configuration” tool in HP SMH may not show any Events, if there is a duplicate custom event defined in the /etc/audit/audit_site.conf file. This issue has been seen since the tool was first released in September 2007.

What To Do

To confirm if the table in the Events tab does not contain any rows because of the duplicate entry, execute the command /usr/sbin/audevent -l on the command prompt. If you see an error message similar to

Rename event alias 'XXXXXXXX' (line YYY) in /etc/audit/audit_site.conf; the name has already been used

manually edit the file to remove the duplicate definition mentioned on line number YYY.

/usr/lbin/dhcpdb2conf May Core Dump if PHSS_37202 Has Been Installed

After update to or install of HP-UX 11i v3, /usr/lbin/dhcpdb2conf may core dump. This is because of an uninitialized variable in dhcpdb2conf. This problem will be exposed only if the linker patch PHSS_37202 or later has been installed.

What To Do

Install the latest FirstBoot patch PHCO_36525, available at the HP IT Resource Center site: http://itrc.hp.com.

HFS Filesystem Block Size Must Be Greater Than or Equal to System Base Page Size

The HP-UX 11i v3 September 2008 release includes the option to tune the system base page size to values larger than its 4 KB default. Integrity Virtual Machines always uses this feature to tune the system base page size in the Platform Manager to 64 KB. HFS filesystems will fail to mount when the filesystem block size is less than the system base page size.

What To Do

If you are performing an update, and plan to use a non-default base page size. Replace each HFS filesystem with a VxFS filesystem. For each existing HFS filesystem, create a new VxFS filesystem and copy the contents of the HFS filesystem to the VxFS filesystem. HP does not recommend using HFS filesystems on systems where the base page size will be tuned to a non-default value. While HFS filesystems can be configured to work in this environment, VxFS administration is much simpler than HFS administration with non-default base page sizes.

During a cold-install, configure all physical filesystems as VxFS filesystems.

For information about the new tunable that controls the size of a system base page, see “Tunable Base Page Size” in the HP-UX 11i Version 3 September 2008 Release Notes (http://www.docs.hp.com/en/oshpux11iv3.html#Release%20Notes).

Update to VxVM 5.0 Generates Harmless Warning in rc.log

After update to VxVM 5.0, /sbin/rc1.d/S092vxvm-startup start outputs the following warning to rc.log:

VxVM vxvm-startup WARNING V-5-2-0 CVM protocol version in use is older. The system is running at CVM protocol version 60 while the highest available is 70. You need to run 'vxdctl upgrade' to use the newest disk group version and the features it supports.

What To Do

You can safely ignore this harmless message. The message is reported after an upgrade to indicate that a higher disk layout version is available.

Installing or Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 September 2008 with VxVM 5.0 Generates Spurious Error Message

After installing or updating to HP-UX 11i v3 September 2008 with VxVM 5.0, the following error message is logged on the console:

VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-12826 /etc/vx/uuid/bin/osuuid list: invalid guid:

What To Do

You can safely ignore this error message.

Updating from HP-UX 11i v2 to HP-UX 11i v3 September 2008 Generates Spurious Error Message

When updating from HP-UX 11i v2 to HP-UX 11i v3 September 2008, the following error message is logged to the console on the final reboot:

VxVM sysboot INFO V-5-2-3390 Starting restore daemon... VxVM vxdmpadm ERROR V-5-1-684 IPC failure: Configuration daemon is not accessible VxVM sysboot INFO V-5-2-3811 Starting in boot mode...

What To Do

You can safely ignore this error message. The update and reboot will be successful, and there will be no functionality impact.

Cold-install Fails in Integrity VM Guest

Due to a limitation on the length of the pathname to backing store volumes, cold-installing HP-UX 11i v3 fails in an Integrity VM guest when using host VxVM volumes as the guest's backing store. The install fails with the following error:

NOTICE: VxVM vxdmp V-5-0-34 added disk array OTHER_DISKS, datype = OTHER_DISKS VxVM vxdisk ERROR V-5-1-5433 Device disk1_p2: init failed: Device path not valid * smapi listener returned "ACTION_FAILURE" for message "CREATE_GROUP" The configuration process has incurred an error, would you like to push a shell for debugging purposes? (y/[n]):

The issue will be fixed in a subsequent release of VxVM.

What To Do

Restrict the length of the pathname to a backing store volume. If using VxVM volumes as backing store, the combined number of characters in the volume group name AND the volume name must not exceed 9.

For all backing stores (including LVM or raw disk), the full pathname to the backing store or volume must not exceed 23 characters.

VxVM Volumes Cannot Be Configured as Dump Devices on PA-RISC Systems

When using crashconf, errors like this one may be seen:

# crashconf -r /dev/vx/dsk/DUMPDG/dumpvol

/dev/vx/dsk/DUMPDG/dumpvol: error: unsupported disk layout

Additionally, after updating PA-RISC systems that previously used older VxVM or HP-UX versions configured with VxVM dump devices, errors like this one may be seen in syslog:

Apr 10 11:13:33 ptstn5 vmunix: ERROR: dump device 2:0x1 cannot be used and will be ignored:

What To Do

Do not use VxVM for dump devices. Any other disk or volume type can be used. crashconf -r <non-vxvm disk> can be run to replace the default swapvol (though not properly configured). crashconf -s can be run to update the krs to use the new non-vxvm disk as the default dump device instead of swapvol.

A patch to fix this problem, PHKL_38236, is available at HP IT Resource Center site: http://itrc.hp.com.

HP Serviceguard Storage Management Suite May Be Incompatible with Upgrade of OE

When you purchase an HP Serviceguard Storage Management Suite (SG SMS) Operating Environment (OE) bundle, the SG SMS software is provided on one DVD and the HP-UX OE (Mission Critical - MCOE, Data Center - DC-OE, or High Availability - HA-OE) is provided on a separate DVD.

The software provided on the SG SMS DVD relies on products and filesets that are provided on the OE DVD, including HP Serviceguard and the Veritas Storage Foundation products. Each SG SMS version relies on specific versions of HP Serviceguard and the Veritas Storage Foundation products that can change with new OE releases.

The software on the SG SMS DVD is installed using swinstall. If an HP-UX OE is installed on your system and you attempt to install a SG SMS version that is not supported with the versions of Serviceguard and Veritas Storage Foundation included with the OE, swinstall will detect the incompatible software and the installation will fail.

The software on the OE DVD is installed using update-ux. If a SG SMS bundle is installed on your system and you attempt to install or upgrade to an OE version that includes Serviceguard and Veritas Storage Foundation versions that are not supported with the SG SMS bundle, update-ux will not detect the incompatible software. The installation will complete, but the Serviceguard cluster will not start, or you will not be able to access the Veritas volumes. update-ux does not check for software dependencies.

What To Do

For information on Serviceguard and Veritas Storage Foundation versions that are supported with various SG SMS bundles, see the “Compatibility Information and Installation Requirements” section in the HP Serviceguard Storage Management Suite Release Notes for your SG SMS product. The SG SMS documentation is available at http://docs.hp.com (navigate to High Availability, then to HP Serviceguard Storage Management Suite).

Warning Message During Update from HP-UX 11i v2 with OnlineJFS 4.1 to HP-UX 11i v3 with OnlineJFS 5.0

When OnLineJFS 5.0 (B3929FB) is selected during an update from 11i v2 OnlineJFS 4.1 to 11i v3 with OnlineJFS 5.0 (B3929FB), the following selection time warning from update-ux may be seen:

WARNING: The following was found while selecting software:

- There are new revisions of SW available in the source that would update SW already installed on the system. The newer revisions are not selected for installation. This could leave the incompatible old revision of SW on the system. The affected SW is:

- OnlineJFS.VXFS41-AD-RN,r=B.11.31 replaces OnlineJFS01.VXFS41-AD-RN,r=4.1.004

What To Do

This warning can be safely ignored. The update will complete successfully despite this warning. For complete installation instructions, see also “VxVM and VxFS Installation with Update-UX”.

Cannot Access /.secure/etc/* Error Message

Updating from the HP-UX 11i v2 release to the HP-UX 11i v3 release may cause the following error to appear in the swagent.log:

cp: cannot access /.secure/etc/*: No such file or directory

What To Do

You can safely ignore this message.

Error Message When Updating to HP-UX 11i v3

When updating your system to HP-UX 11i v3, you may encounter the following warning message in the /var/adm/sw/swagent.log file:

ln: Warning! dld.sl.orig and dld.sl are identical

What To Do

You can safely ignore this message. Install patch PHSS_37493 to fix this problem. For availability of this patch, please check the HP IT Resource Center site: http://itrc.hp.com

Unloading device driver for critical resource may cause next system boot to fail

If you attempt to dynamically unload an I/O interface device driver assigned to a system critical resource, the unload does not succeed. However, the driver is marked as unused and it is removed from the kernel configuration for the next system boot. For example:

# kcmodule drivername=unused

ERROR: Unload of the module 'drivername' failed.

- Critical Usages detected for the module.

- More details can be found in /var/adm/cra.log.

NOTE: The requested changes could not be applied to the currently running system, for the following reasons:

- The module 'drivername' cannot support the requested operation.

* The requested changes have been saved, and will take effect at next boot.

What To Do

Before rebooting your system, run kcmodule -D to see what modules will be removed at the next boot. For example:

Module State Cause Notes

drivername (now) loaded best loadable, unloadable

(next boot) unused

If the driver controls a system critical resource, run kconfig -H to discard all changes pending for the next boot. For example:

# kconfig -H

* All changes being held for next boot have been discarded.

# kcmodule -D

NOTE: There are no module state changes being held for next boot.

Warning Messages on Reboot of HP-UX 11i v3 System

Upon reboot of your HP-UX 11i v3 system, the following warning messages may appear in the /etc/rc.log file:

*Finish containment subsystem configuration Output from "/sbin/rc2.d/S480sec_late_init start":

setfilexsec: warning: Ignored the entry for file "/opt/ids/lbin/idssysdsp":

No such file or directory setfilexsec: warning: Ignored the entry for file "/opt/ids/lbin/idscor":

No such file or directory setfilexsec: warning: Ignored the entry for file "/opt/ids/bin/idsagent":

No such file or directory setfilexsec: warning: Ignored the entry for file "/opt/ids/lbin/updaterc":

No such file or directory ERROR CODE 1 "/sbin/rc2.d/S480sec_late_init start" FAILED

What To Do

You can safely ignore these warning messages as these messages do not affect the functionality of HIDS or other products installed on the system. However, these warning messages may continue to appear in /etc/rc.log file upon every reboot of the system when the product is installed and then later removed. If you want to stop receiving these warning messages, execute the following set of commands to clear entries related to HIDS from the containment product's configuration file ( /etc/priv-apps/all-apps ):

/usr/sbin/setfilexsec -D /opt/ids/lbin/idssysdsp

/usr/sbin/setfilexsec -D /opt/ids/lbin/idscor

/usr/sbin/setfilexsec -D /opt/ids/bin/idsagent

/usr/sbin/setfilexsec -D /opt/ids/lbin/updaterc

Configuring vPar with Low Base Memory Results in System Hang or Slow Performance

Configuring a vPar with a low amount of base memory can result in system hang or lead to slow system performance.

What To Do

Configure vPars with enough base memory as per the below guidelines:

  • If there is 1 GB to 8 GB total memory assigned to the Virtual Partition: make sure the minimum base memory is 1/2 of total memory.

  • If there is 8 GB to 16 GB total memory assigned to the Virtual Partition: make sure the minimum base memory is 4 GB.

  • If there is over 16 GB total memory assigned to the Virtual Partition: make sure the minimum base memory is 1/4 of the total memory.

Online Diagnostics are No Longer Started by Default

With the HP-UX 11i v3 March 2008 release, Online Diagnostics are no longer started by default. Traditionally, HP Instant Support Enterprise Edition (ISEE) depends on Online Diagnostics (EMS listener) for event detection, however, if it is not started and you notice anomalies in ISEE operation especially with regard to which events are submitted, you must consult the ISEE Installation and Configuration Guide.

What To Do

To check which version of diagnostics is running, run the following command:

sfmconfig -w -e

The preceding command switches the diagnostics mode to "EMS". In this mode, EMS Hardware Monitors are enabled and SysFaultMgmt does not monitor any devices.

If the results show that only System Fault Manager is running without Online Diagnostics (EMS listener) on your HP-UX device, and anomalies exist in ISEE operation especially with regard to which events are submitted, please consult the ISEE Installation and Configuration Guide for additional information and instructions at


Note: As of the HP-UX 11i v3 September 2008 OEUR, ISEE is no longer included in the OEs. See the HP-UX 11i Version 3 September 2008 Release Notes for further information.

HP Service Control Manager (SCM) Not Supported on HP-UX 11i v3

The HP Service Control Manager (HP SCM) is not supported on HP-UX 11i v3. If your system is running SCM, you must migrate to HP System Insight Manager (HP SIM) version 4.2 BEFORE updating to HP-UX 11i v3; otherwise the update may fail.

What To Do

Remove HP SCM before updating to HP-UX 11i v3. If you are updating your system to HP-UX 11i v3 and HP SCM is installed on your current system and you do not want to run it in the future, you must remove the HP SCM product before you update to HP-UX 11i v3.

Uninstall HP Servicecontrol Manager using the following command: swremove –x enforce_dependencies=false ID

where ID is the product or bundle ID as shown in the following example syntax:

swremove –x enforce_dependencies=false B8339BA

Remove the old product sub-directories by executing the following command: rm -fr /opt/mx /etc/opt/mx

You can also remove the database for Service Control Manager, mysql, by executing the following command: swremove mysql

You may also choose to migrate HP SCM version 3.0 to HP SIM version 4.2 before updating to HP-UX 11i v3. You must be running HP SCM version 3.0 to perform this update. If you are running an earlier version you will need to update HP SCM to version 3.0 before updating to HP SIM version 4.2.

For more information on migrating from HP SCM to HP SIM version 4.2 please see the HP Systems Insight Manager 5.1 Installation and User Guide.

Secure Path Not Supported on HP-UX 11i v3

Secure Path is not supported on HP-UX 11i v3. If your system is running Secure Path, upon update to HP-UX 11i v3, a migration script will execute and perform the following actions:

  • Uninstall the HP StorageWorks Secure Path driver for Active-Passive disk arrays

  • Uninstall the HP StorageWorks Secure Path driver for Active-Active disk arrays

  • Map the pseudo DSFs provided to LUNs by Secure Path (for Active-Passive disk arrays) to their corresponding LUN WWN

  • Map the virtual aliases provided to the LUNs by Secure Path 3.0F SP2 (for Active-Active disk arrays) to their corresponding HP-UX 11i v3 disk device special file

  • Update the /etc/fstab with HP-UX 11i v3 disk device special file by replacing the virtual aliases provided by Secure Path 3.0F SP2 (Active-Active disk arrays), but the filesystems will not be automatically mounted

  • Update all the Secure Path virtual aliases with the new style device special files

If the virtual aliases provided by Secure Path 3.0F SP2 (Active-Active disk arrays) are used in the /etc/fstab file, the entries are automatically replaced with the corresponding new style dsfs. Only active-active disk arrays supported by the version of Secure Path (active/active) installed on the system will be migrated. For example, if Secure Path for HP-UX 3.0F is installed, EVA-GL (active/active) LUNs cannot be migrated because EVA-GL is supported only from Secure Path for HP-UX 3.0F SP1.

What To Do

After the cold-install or update to HP-UX 11i v3 is complete, manually mount the file systems. For more information, see the white paper called, Migrating from HP StorageWorks Secure Path for Active-Active Disk Arrays to Native Multipathing in HP-UX 11i v3 available at


JavaOOB Installation Errors

Updating from the HP-UX 11i v2 September 2006 release to the HP–UX 11i v3 September 2007 release may cause the following errors to appear in the console log, dmesg.log and syslog from the Java Out-of-Box (JavaOOB) installation:

ERROR: The proposed values for nfile (4097) and maxfiles_lim (4096)do not meet t he constraint of (nfile >= (2 * maxfiles_lim)).

ERROR: The stored value (4097) for the tunable 'nfile' is not valid. The system will use the default value instead.

What To Do

You can safely ignore this message.

NIS+ Not Supported on HP-UX 11i v3

The NIS+ product is not supported on HP-UX 11i v3. If a system is running NIS+, you must migrate to LDAP BEFORE updating to HP-UX 11i v3; otherwise the update may fail. The NIS+ to LDAP-UX migration tool uses NIS+ commands and utilities for migration. Since the NIS+ commands and utilities will not be available on HP-UX 11i v3, the migration tools will not run on a system that has been updated to HP-UX 11i v3.

What To Do

Migrate NIS+ servers and clients to LDAP before updating to HP-UX 11i v3.

NFS*MAN filesets Produce swverify Errors During Install/Update or Removal

After an HP-UX 11i v3 install/update, the swverify command may report that one or more of the following ONCplus.NFS manpage files is missing:





The hard links to the affected manpages were incorrectly removed by the install/update process.

What To Do

As superuser, recreate the missing links by executing the following commands, as needed:

# cd /usr/share/man/man1m.Z

# ln rpcbind.1m portmap.1m

# ln mount_nfs.1m umount_nfs.1m

# cd /usr/share/man/ja_JP.eucJP/man1m.Z

# ln mount_nfs.1m umount_nfs.1m

# cd /usr/share/man/ja_JP.eucJP

# ln mount_nfs.1m umount_nfs.1m

Third-Party Product Installation Scripts Fail to Launch

For some third-party product installation scripts, dtksh is required for scripts to launch license-acceptance dialogs for Mozilla.

What To Do

Either install CDE to enable the script to run as expected, or execute /opt/mozilla/mozilla and manually accept the Mozilla license.

Warning Message When Performing swcopy, swlist, or swverify

If you are on an HP-UX 11i v1 system and perform swcopy, swlist, or swverify on a depot containing HP-UX 11i v2 or HP-UX 11i v3 software, you may encounter the following warning message:

WARNING: Ignoring duplicate information for the keyword “dynamic_module” at line.

What To Do

For swlist or swverify on HP–UX 11i v1, you can safely ignore this message. For swcopy on HP–UX 11i v1, install patch PHCO_28848 (or a superseding patch) on the HP–UX 11i v1 system, then re-run the swcopy command with "-x reinstall=true".

Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 from HP-UX 11i v2 with VxFS 5.0

If VxFS 5.0 has been used to create file systems with disk layout version 7, those disks will not be readable by the VxFS 4.1 for HP-UX 11i v3.

What To Do

If you plan to update to 11i v3 with VxFS 4.1, then, before updating to 11i v3, copy data from your DLV 7 file systems and onto file systems created at layout version 5 or 6. This step is not required if you plan to update to 11i v3 with VxFS 5.0, because the 11i v3 VxFS 5.0 can read DLV 7 file systems.

Updating to HP-UX 11i v3 from HP-UX 11i v2 with VxFS 4.1

If you have created any VxFS file system with disk layout version 2 or version 3, these file systems cannot be mounted under VxFS 4.1 on HP-UX 11i v3.

What To Do

Use the vxfsconvert command to upgrade the disk layout to version 4 before upgrading to VxFS 4.1 on HP-UX 11i v3. See the Veritas 4.1 Installation Guide for more information on VxFS 4.1.

Third-Party Storage

If third-party (non-HP) storage will be connected to your HP-UX 11i v3 system, HP recommends that you contact your third-party storage vendor to determine the compatibility of the storage with HP-UX 11i v3. Check with your third-party storage vendor for information about any prerequisites and limitations with the storage on HP-UX 11i v3.

/dev/random or /dev/urandom Errors During Update

When updating your system to HP-UX 11i v3, you may encounter the following error message in the /var/opt/swm/swm.log file:

*Running "/var/adm/sw/pre_update/RNG-DKRN.100". ERROR: The /dev/random or /dev/urandom device special files may not be in use during update-ux. Use the fuser(1M) command to identify these processes, then terminate them. ERROR: The script "/var/adm/sw/pre_update/RNG-DKRN.100" returned a value of "1" (ERROR) *Running "/var/adm/sw/pre_update/RNG-DKRN.100" failed with 2 errors

What To Do

Run fuser /dev/random or fuser /dev/urandom to retrieve a list of process IDs that are using the special device files. Use the process ID along with the ps command to determine what processes are using the special device files.

If you find mxdtf, mxdomainmgr, or mxinventory as part of these processes, then run /opt/mx/bin/mxstop to stop all HP SIM activities before updating to HP-UX 11i v3.

If you find smbd as part of these processes, then run /sbin/init.d/sambastop to stop all CIFS/Samba server processes before updating to HP-UX 11i v3.

If you find named as part of these processes, then run /sbin/init.d/named stop and /usr/sbin/rndc stop to stop all DNS/BIND server processes before updating to HP-UX 11i v3.

If you find sshd as part of these processes, then run /sbin/init.d/secsh stop to stop all HP Secure Shell server processes before updating to HP-UX 11i v3.


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