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HP-UX 11i v3 Installation and Update Guide: HP Integrity Server Blades, HP Integrity Servers, and HP 9000 Servers > Chapter 6 Updating to HP-UX 11i v3

Reviewing the Update Process


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This section describes updating to HP-UX 11i v3 using update-ux to selectively overwrite the operating system and application software from a media or network source depot.

Figure 6-1 shows the overall update process. You can update your system using one of the following methods:

IMPORTANT: You must install the latest version of Update-UX prior to updating your system. The latest version of Update-UX allows you to use the preview (-p) option, which is new for HP-UX 11i v3. Failure to install the latest version of Update-UX may cause the update to fail. For instructions, see “Task 2: Install the Latest Update-UX Bundle”.
NOTE: If your system is on HP Mission Critical Support, discuss the proper method of installing the OE with your HP Customer Engineer.
IMPORTANT: Previous HP-UX 11i v3 Operating Environment Update Releases (OEURs) included VxFS 4.1 and VxVM 4.1. Starting with the September 2008 OEUR, the following versions are included: VxFS 4.1, VxFS 5.0, and VxVM 5.0. Only VxFS 4.1 is installed by default, meaning that all other versions are optional. This has important implications for many install scenarios. For detailed instructions and information about how this impacts you, consult Appendix C.

Figure 6-1 Updating to HP-UX 11i v3

Updating to HP-UX 11i v3
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