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HP-UX 11i v3 Installation and Update Guide: HP Integrity Server Blades, HP Integrity Servers, and HP 9000 Servers > Chapter 6 Updating to HP-UX 11i v3

Updating Tips


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Table 6-1 suggests some tips and recommendations to be aware of during an update process:

Table 6-1 Updating Tips



Extra Media Swap May Be Required

During OE media installations, if HPSIM-HP-UX is selected either manually or through a dependency, you should expect to do an extra media swap: DVD1, then DVD2, and back to DVD1 (the extra swap), then DVD2.

You should follow the on-screen prompts during media installation. These prompts will include the extra media swap if you select HPSIM-HP-UX or “all products” for installation.

Running Other Commands

During the update process, be careful when running other commands; doing so may cause the commands to function improperly.

All Software Does Not Get Updated

Update-UX updates the HP-UX OS and any software specified in additional software bundles available on the source media or depot. Update-UX may not automatically update software that is not contained in an Operating Environment. In addition, Update-UX may not automatically update optional software bundles that have changed names since the last release.

If you have added extra software to your existing OE, check to see if it is available in the new OE. If not, you will need to reinstall this software separately after the update is complete.

In addition, software products that are no longer supported on HP-UX 11i v3 may be either automatically removed during the update, or the system may generate messages that warns users that these unsupported software products must be removed before beginning the update process.

In Case of Trouble

The update-ux command returns an error value when it is not successful:

1 - Error during execution; update aborted.

2 - Update aborted via user action (keyboard press)

Messages are recorded in /var/opt/swm/swm.log and /var/adm/sw/update-ux.log.

If you encounter a problem during the update process, review Appendix A for possible solutions.


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