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Table Of Contents
Diagnostic Testing for DSP Failures
CAS Code Sent When Adding a CID
CAS Code Sent When Deleting a CID
New Features in Release 3.2
Table 1-1 summarizes the new features in VISM/VISM-PR Release 3.2 and provides links to the corresponding sections in the documentation.
Table 1-1 New Features in Release 3.2
Feature Description and LinkLossless Compression
VISM-PR supports a new codec for Lossless compression.
Call Progress Tones
VISM-PR detects a subset of commonly used call progress tones and reports these tones to the call agent.
See Call Progress Tones.
Wireless Tones
VISM-PR supports the addition of wireless tones to the set of call progress tones.
See Wireless Tones.
Diagnostic Testing for DSP Failures
VISM-PR supports enabling DSP diagnostic testing.
TGCP 1.0 (IT Packaging and Endpoint Naming)
VISM and VISM-PR support TGCP 1.0.
See TGCP 1.0.
See also Call Control Function, page 5-15 of the VISM/VISM-PR Functional Description section.
Alarm Suppression
VISM and VISM-PR support alarm suppression.
See Alarm Suppression.
G.729a with 20 ms
VISM and VISM -PR support the G.729a codec with 20 ms.
E1 CAS Idle Code
VISM and VISM-PR support E1 CAS idle code.
See E1 CAS Idle Code.
VISM-PR Lossless Compression
In Release 3.2, VISM-PR supports a new codec for Lossless compression. This section describes how to configure the VISM-PR card to support Lossless compression and includes the following sections:
The Lossless compression feature is available only on VISM-PR hardware.
Before configuring your VISM-PR card for Lossless compression, complete the following prerequisites:
Install a VISM-PR into your Cisco MGX 8000 series chassis.
For card installation procedures, see Hardware Installation, page 3-1 of the Installing VISM/VISM-PR Hardware and Software section.
Install a PXM card with one of the following software versions:
PXM1—1.2.11 or 1.2.21
PXM1E—3.0.10, 3.0.23, or 4.0.10
PXM45—3.10, 3.0.23, or 4.0.10
Upgrade to software Release 3.2.
For upgrade information, see Software Upgrades, page 3-7 of the Installing VISM/VISM-PR Hardware and Software section.
Lossless compression decompresses voice traffic without changing the original form.
Lossless compression provides the following features:
Reduces the transmission bandwidth between the base transceiver station (BTS) and the base station controller (BSC).
Aggregates traffic between the BTS and BSC.
Compresses traffic.
Converts traffic from TDM to packet.
The Lossless compression feature includes the Lossless compressed (LLC) codec that allows higher throughput through the T1/E1 lines by removing information redundancy.
The Lossless compression feature supports the following specifications:
192 T1 and 248 E1 channels
Template 5 for Lossless codec
Same packetization period as clear channel
SNMP MIB support
AAL2 trunking mode
Lossless codec is not recommended when the voice traffic stream is incompressible. If used with incompressible voice traffic stream, expansion might occur due to internal compression headers.
This section provides a quick start procedure for configuring your VISM-PR card for Lossless compression and describes the following procedures:
The following table in this section provides a summary of the tasks required to configure Lossless compression on your VISM-PR card. This procedure is provided as an overview and as a quick reference.
Command PurposeStep 1
cnfvismmode 2
Related command
Configure the VISM-PR mode to AAL2 trunking (2). Ensure that CAC is disabled.
Step 2
cnfcodectmpl 5
Select the Lossless codec template (5).
See the "Select the Template" procedure.
Step 3
Add a port, and create a resource partition.
See the "Allocate Resources" procedure.
Step 4
addcon <localVCI> <preference> <pvc_type> <application> <PCR> <mastership> |remote end connection <nodename.slot.port.vpi.vci>
Configure the PVC connection with the PXM or AUSM card. Use the values that are applicable for Lossless compression.
See the "Configure PVC Connection" procedure.
Step 5
addln 1
Add an E1 line to your VISM-PR card.
See the "Configure Lines" procedure.
Step 6
cnflnsig 1 2
Configure signaling on the line for clear channel (2).
See the "Configure Lines" procedure.
Step 7
cnfln <line_number> <line_code> <line_length> <clk_src> <line_type> <loopback_detection>
Related command
Configure the line for E1 parameters.
See the "Configure Lines" procedure.
Step 8
addendpts <endpt_num> <ds1_num> <ds0_num> <endpts_num>
Add endpoints. Use the endpoint range from 1 to 248 for the Lossless compression template 5.
See the "Add Endpoints" procedure.
Step 9
addcid <LCN> <cid_num> <codec_type> <profile_type> <profile_number> <voice_activity_detection> <vad_init_timer> <echo_cancellation> <triple_redundancy_protection> <cas_signaling_transport> <dtmf_tone_transport_as_AAL2> <ICS_enable> <pkt_period>
Related commands:
Add a channel identifier. Use the endpoint range from 1 to 248 for the Lossless compression template 5.
See the "Add a Channel Identifier" procedure.
Step 10
Configure jitter delay.
See the "Configure Jitter Delay" procedure.
Select the Operating Mode
To configure the operating mode on your VISM-PR card as AAL2 trunking for Lossless compression, complete the following steps after power is applied:
Step 1
Ensure that you have logged in to the PXM card and have used the cc command to switch to the VISM-PR card.
Step 2
To determine the current operating mode of the VISM-PR card, enter the dspvismparam command.
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > dspvismparam
A new VISM-PR card (one that has not been configured) is displayed by default in VoIP operating mode.
The operating mode of the VISM card is displayed in the first line of the VISM card parameter list.
VISM mode: voipSwitching/voipTrunking
VISM features Bit Map: 0x5bc
FunctionModuleType: VISM-PR-8E1
CAC flag: enable
DS0s available: 248
Template number: 2
Percent of functional DSPs: 100
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Bearer IP address:
Bearer Subnet mask:
RTCP report interval: 5000 msec
RTCP receive multiplier: 3
RTP receive timer: disable
ControlPrecedence/Tos: 0x60
BearerPrecedence/Tos: 0xa0
Aal2 muxing status: disable
Aggregate Clipping enable
Aggregate Svc Bandwidth 0
Step 3
To configure the operating mode for AAL2 trunking, enter the following cnfvismmode command.
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > cnfvismmode <mode_number>
Replace <mode_number> with 2 to indicate AAL2 trunking.
Step 4
Type a y after the following warning message appears:
WARNING: Available CLI Commands will be changed, do you want to proceed (Yes/No)? y
The following informational message displays:
INFORMATION: The new 'aal2Trunking' mode has 188 CLI commands.
Step 5
If connection admission control (CAC) is enabled, enter the cnfcac command.
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > cnfcac <cac_flag_enable>
Replace <cac_flag_enable> with 1 to disable CAC.
CAC reserves bandwidth for voice calls, however, calls using LLC require much less bandwidth than specified by CAC.
Select the Template
After selecting the VISM-PR operating mode, select Template 5 for Lossless compression by completing the following steps:
Step 1
Ensure that you have logged in to the PXM card and have used the cc command to switch to the VISM-PR card.
Step 2
Enter the cnfcodectmpl command with the following template_num parameter for Lossless compression.
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > cnfcodectmpl <template_num>
Replace <template_num> with 5 to select the Lossless compression template.
Step 3
After the following message, type y to proceed.
The card will be reset, do you want to proceed (Yes/No)? y
The prompt displays after the card is reset.
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a >
Allocate Resources
After selecting the Lossless compression codec, allocate resources by completing the following steps:
Step 1
Ensure that you have logged in to the PXM card and have used the cc command to switch to the VISM-PR card.
Step 2
To add a virtual port to your VISM-PR card, enter the addport command (this command does not have arguments).
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > addport
This command adds an ATM port on a VISM-PR card. When you add the ATM port, the bandwidth, VPI range, and VCI range are determined. The VPI range is the slot ID.
The added port is not detected by the controller until you create a resource partition (see Step 3).
Step 3
To create a resource partition, enter the addrscprtn command with the controller_id argument
value of 1.mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > addrscprtn <controller_id>
Replace <controller_id> with 1.
Always specify the controller_id argument value as 1.
Configure PVC Connection
After allocating resources, configure a PVC connection by completing the following steps:
Step 1
Ensure that you have logged in to the PXM card and have used the cc command to switch to the VISM-PR card.
Step 2
To add an ATM PVC between the VISM-PR and PXM cards, enter the addcon command with the following arguments:
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > addcon <localVCI> <preference> <pvc_type> <application> <PCR> <mastership> |remoteConnId <nodename.slot.port.vpi.vci>| |serviceType| <scr> <mbs>
Replace the above arguments with the values listed in Table 1-2 for the addcon parameters. This example shows the following recommended values for Lossless compression.
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > addcon 220 1 2 2 50000 1 mgx8850.
Configure Lines
After configuring the PVC, configure the E1 lines of your VISM-PR card by completing the following steps:
Step 1
Ensure that you have logged in to the PXM card and have used the cc command to switch to the VISM-PR card.
Step 2
To add a line to your VISM-PR card, enter the addln command with the following argument.
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > addln <line_number>
Replace <line_number> with a value in the range 1-8. This example shows adding line 1.
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > addln 1
Step 3
To configure signaling on the line, enter the cnflnsig command with the following arguments:
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > cnflnsig <line_number> <signaling_type>
Replace <line_number> with the value of the line you added in Step 2.
Replace <signaling_type> with 2 for CCS.
This example shows configuring line 1 with CCS.
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > cnflnsig 1 2
Step 4
To configure the parameters of the line you added, enter the cnfln command with the following arguments:
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > cnfln <line_number> <line_code> <line_len> <clk_src> <line_type> <loop_detection> |<circuit_identifier>|
Replace the above arguments with the values listed in Table 1-11 for the cnfln parameters. This example shows the recommended E1 parameters.
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > cnfln 1 3 9 2 7 1
Step 5
To display the values of the line, enter the dspln command with the line_number (1) argument value.
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > dspln 1
The following example shows some of the sample output from the dspln command:
LineNum: 1
LineConnectorType: RJ-48
LineEnable: Modify
LineType: dsx1E1CLEAR
LineCoding: dsx1HDB3
LineLength: G.703 120 ohm
LineXmtClockSource: LocalTiming
LineLoopbackCommand: NoLoop
LineSendCode: NoCode
LineUsedTimeslotsBitMap: 0xfffffffe
LineLoopbackCodeDetection: codeDetectDisabled
LineSignalingType: CCS
LineCcsChannels: 0x0
LineTrunkConditioning: disable
TxDigitOrder: aniThenDnis
TonePlanVersion: 0
RingingTO: 180
RingBackTO: 180
BusyTO: 30
Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
ReorderTO: 30
DialTO: 16
StutterDialTO: 16
OffHookAlertTO: 5
RemoteRingbackMethod: proxy
LineNumOfValidEntries: 8
Add Endpoints
After configuring the E1 lines, add the endpoints by completing the following steps:
Step 1
Ensure that you have logged in to the PXM card and have used the cc command to switch to the VISM-PR card.
Step 2
Enter the addendpts command with the values for the following arguments:
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > addendpts <endpt_num> <ds1_num> <ds0_num> <endpts_num>
Replace the above arguments with the values listed in Table 1-4 for the addendpts parameters. This example shows adding 31 endpoints to line 1 starting at DS0 1 for Lossless compression.
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > addendpts 1 1 1 31
Step 3
To display the endpoint configurations for line 1, enter the dspendpt command.
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > dspendpt 1
EndptNum: 1
EndptLineNum: 1
EndptName: E1-1/1@cisco.com
EndptSpeed: 64 kbps
EndptState: active
EndptEnable: active
EndptLoopback: disabled
Add a Channel Identifier
The channel identifier (CID) is a mechanism within AAL2 that allows multiple calls to be transported across a single AAL2 PVC. The addcid command binds an endpoint to a logical channel (PVC).
To add a CID to an AAL2 PVC (for AAL2 trunking mode), complete the following steps.
Step 1
Ensure that you have logged in to the PXM card and have used the cc command to switch to the VISM-PR card.
Step 2
To add a CID to an AAL2 PVC, enter the addcid command with the following arguments:
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > addcid <endpt_num> <LCN> <cid_num> <codec_type> <profile_type> <profile_number> <voice_activity_detection> <vad_init_timer> <echo_cancellation> <triple_redundancy_prote|ction> <cas_signaling_transport> <dtmf_tone_transport_as_AAL2> <ICS_enable> <pktPeriod>
Replace the above arguments with the values listed in Table 1-5 for the addcid parameters. This example shows adding a CID to an AAL2 PVC for Lossless compression.
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > addcid 1 220 8 15 3 201 2 250 2 2 2 2 2
Step 3
To display the CID you added, enter the dspcid command with the LCN number and CID number.
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > dspcid 220 8
The following information is displayed:
LCN number : 220
CID number: 8
Endpoint number : 1
CidRowStatus: active
Type3redundancy: enabled
VAD: disabled
VADInitTimer: 250
Profile type: Custom
Profile number: 201
Codec type: Lossless
Cas transport: disabled
DTMF transport: disabled
Ecan on/off: disabled
ICS enable: Disabled
pkt period: 5
Cid state: Active
Cid Fail Reason: High Level
Step 4
To display a list of all the CIDs, enter the dspcids command with the LCN number.
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > dspcids 220
The following information is displayed:
LCN CID Endpt Cid Type3 VAD Prof Prof Codec Cas DTMF ICS Pkt
Num Num Num Status Redun VAD Timer Type Num Type Tran Tran Ecan Enable Period
--- --- ----- ------ ----- --- ----- ----- ---- ------ ---- ---- ---- ------ -----
220 8 1 active enabl dis 250 Custo 201 Lossless dis dis dis Dis 5
Configure Jitter Delay
For Lossless compression, the default jitter delay is 16. Cisco recommends the jitter delay to be at least 16 or 20 depending on your network.
In AAL2 trunking operation mode, you cannot change the jitter parameters while the CIDs are active.
To configure the jitter delay, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Ensure that you have logged in to the PXM card and have used the cc command to switch to the VISM-PR card.
Step 2
To display the current jitter delay, enter the dspcodecjtrdelays command.
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > dspcodecjtrdelays
The following example shows the default delays:
codecType delay mode initial delay
------------- ----------- -------------
1 - G.711u fixed hundred
2 - G.711a fixed hundred
3 - G.726-32K adaptive sixty
4 - G.729a adaptive sixty
5 - G.729ab adaptive sixty
6 - clr chan fixed hundred
7 - G.726-16K adaptive sixty
8 - G.726-24K adaptive sixty
9 - G.726-40K adaptive sixty
11 - G.723.1-H adaptive sixty
12 - G.723.1a-H adaptive sixty
13 - G.723.1-L adaptive sixty
14 - G.723.1a-L adaptive sixty
15 - Lossless fixed sixteen
Step 3
To configure the jitter delay for the Lossless codec, enter the cnfcodecjtrdelay command with the jitter delay as 20.
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > cnfcodecjtrdelay <codecType> <jitter_mode> <jitter_initdelay>
Replace the above arguments with the following values (respectively):
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > cnfcodecjtrdelay 15 1 20
Step 4
To display the change, enter the dspcodecjtrdelays command.
mgx8850.1.12.VISM8.a > dspcodecjtrdelays
The following example shows the output:
codecType delay mode initial delay
------------- ----------- -------------
1 - G.711u fixed hundred
2 - G.711a fixed hundred
3 - G.726-32K adaptive sixty
4 - G.729a adaptive sixty
5 - G.729ab adaptive sixty
6 - clr chan fixed hundred
7 - G.726-16K adaptive sixty
8 - G.726-24K adaptive sixty
9 - G.726-40K adaptive sixty
11 - G.723.1-H adaptive sixty
12 - G.723.1a-H adaptive sixty
13 - G.723.1-L adaptive sixty
14 - G.723.1a-L adaptive sixty
15 - Lossless fixed twenty
You have completed configuring the VISM-PR for Lossless compression.
Call Progress Tones
In a VoIP network, a call agent can originate a call to an analog network. The call supervision information from the analog switch might be sent back as special information tones. A voice gateway can detect the subscriber line tones and pass the tones to the remote gateway as telephony events.
This section contains the following topics:
Configure Call Progress Tones
In Release 3.2 the VISM-PR detects a subset of commonly used call progress tones and reports these tones to the call agent. Table 1-6 lists the supported call progress tones.
Table 1-6 Call Progress Tones
Tone Name NTE Representation (Decimal)Ringing
Special Ringing
Special Information
These tones are only applicable to the VISM-PR card with PXM1, PXM1E, and PXM45 processor cards. The tones are only supported in VoIP switching mode.
This feature is not supported on VISM-PR E1 cards.
Although the NTE is sent regardless of the codec, it is recommended that you use codec G.711u. Using any codec other than G.711u can cause distortion in the in-band propagated tone on the other end.
The call progress tones are supported on all of the templates.
Default Values
This section contains the VISM-PR default values for each of the call progress tones. These values are recommended for configuration.
Dual Tones
This section contains the recommended values for the four dual tones.
When the two frequency components of a dual frequency tone are less than 60 Hz apart, the frequency pair must be configured according to the following formula:
frequency pair (F1 + F2)/2, 0
For example, if the Ringback tone has the following frequency components: F1= 440 Hz, F2 = 480 Hz, the frequency must be configured as Freq1 = 460, Freq2 = 0.
The cadences of the tones are used to differentiate between tones that have overlapping frequencies.
If the call agent requests multiple dual-frequency tone events which have overlapping frequencies and cadences, the VISM-PR attempts to match the tones in ascending order of the requested event Ids (Event Number). The lowest event ID that matches the frequency and cadence combination is reported to the call agent.
Ringback Tone
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > dspdualtonedet 1
Tone Index: 1
Event Number: 70
Freq1: 460 Hz
Freq2: 0 Hz
Oncadence: 2000 ms
OffCadence: 4000 ms
CadenceMatch: 1
FreqMaxDeviation: 30 Hz
ToneMaxPower: -3 dB
ToneMinPwr: -35 dB
TonePwrTwist: 10
FreqMaxDelay: 100 ms
MinOnCadence: 200 ms
axOffCadence: 4500 ms
Special Ringback Tone
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > dspdualtonedet 2
Tone Index: 2
Event Number: 71
Freq1: 460 Hz
Freq2: 0 Hz
Oncadence: 1000 ms
OffCadence: 3000 ms
CadenceMatch: 1
FreqMaxDeviation: 30 Hz
ToneMaxPower: -3 dB
ToneMinPwr: -35 dB
TonePwrTwist: 10
FreqMaxDelay: 100 ms
MinOnCadence: 200 ms
MaxOffCadence: 4500 ms
Busy Tone
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > dspdualtonedet 3
Tone Index: 3
Event Number: 72
Freq1: 480 Hz
Freq2: 620 Hz
Oncadence: 500 ms
OffCadence: 500 ms
CadenceMatch: 1
FreqMaxDeviation: 30 Hz
ToneMaxPower: -3 dB
ToneMinPwr: -35 dB
TonePwrTwist: 10
FreqMaxDelay: 100 ms
MinOnCadence: 200 ms
MaxOffCadence: 4500 ms
Congestion Tone
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > dspdualtonedet 4
Tone Index: 4
Event Number: 73
Freq1: 480 Hz
Freq2: 620 Hz
Oncadence: 250 ms
OffCadence: 250 ms
CadenceMatch: 1
FreqMaxDeviation: 30 Hz
ToneMaxPower: -3 dB
ToneMinPwr: -35 dB
TonePwrTwist: 10
FreqMaxDelay: 100 ms
MinOnCadence: 200 ms
MaxOffCadence: 4500 ms
Special Information Tone
The following values are recommended for a sequential tone.
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > dspseqtonedet
seqToneNumOfFrequencies 3
seqToneEventID 74
seqToneDurationOfEachTone 330 ms
seqToneGapBetweenEachTone 10 ms
seqToneDurationDeviation 20 ms
seqToneMaximumGapDuration 150 ms
seqToneGapDurationDeviation 20
seqToneFreqDeviation 40 Hz
seqTonePowerLevelCeiling -3 dB
seqTonePowerLevelFloor -35 dB
seqToneFrequency1 950 Hz
seqToneFrequency2 1400 Hz
seqToneFrequency3 1800 Hz
seqToneFrequency4 280 Hz
seqToneFrequency5 280 Hz
seqToneFrequency6 280 Hz
seqToneFrequency7 280 Hz
seqToneFrequency8 280 Hz
seqToneFrequency9 280 Hz
seqToneFrequency10 280 Hz
Configure Call Progress Tones
This section contains the following call progress tones configuration information:
Configure Dual Tones
To add or delete dual tones, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Ensure you have configured the call agent for the VISM-PR card.
Step 2
To add a dual frequency tone, enter the adddualtonedet command.
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > adddualtonedet <dttoneId> <dteventId> <dtfreq1> <dtfreq2> <onCadence> <offCadence> [<cadMatch> <maxFreqDev> <maxPwr> <minPwr> <pwrTwist> <maxDelay> <minOnCad> <maxOffCad>]
Replace the above values with the values listed in Table 1-11.
Cisco recommends that you use the dual tones values listed in the Default Values section.
Step 3
To display a dual frequency tone, enter the dspdualtonedet command.
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > dspdualtonedet <tone_det_num>
Replace the <tone_det_num> with the dual tone ID.
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > dspdualtonedet 1
Step 4
To remove a dual frequency tone, enter the deldualtonedet command.
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > deldualtonedet <vismConfigToneDetectNum>
Replace the <vismConfigToneDetectNum> with the dual tone ID.
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > deldualtonedet 1
Configure Sequential Tones
A sequential tone is a sequence of single frequencies. Sequential tones can be configured, but they cannot be deleted.
If you do not configure sequential tones, the VISM-PR uses the default system settings.
Step 1
Ensure you have configured the call agent for the VISM-PR card.
Step 2
To change the default settings of a sequential tone, enter the cnfseqtonedet command.
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > cnfseqtonedet <numfreq> <eventid> <tonedur> <tonegap> <durdev> <maxgap> <gapdev> <freqdev> |<maxpwr> <minpwr>| <freq1>,[<freq2>, <freq3>... <freq10>]
Replace the above values with the values listed in Table 1-8.
Step 3
To display a sequential tone, enter the dspseqtonedet command.
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > dspseqtonedet
Wireless Tones
This release supports the addition of wireless tones to the set of call progress tones. These wireless tones are required to alert the mobile stations.
VISM-PR supports programmable tones through 48 built-in country tone plans. Also, VISM supports 32 user defined tones through an external text file that is downloaded via a TFTP server. This feature adds wireless tones to the set of existing tone plans: dial tone, stutter tone, ring-back tone, busy tone, fast busy tone, alert tone.
Wireless tones are only supported on the VISM-PR in the switched VoIP mode. Also, wireless tones are only supported for the TDM interface and for MGC signaling.
This section contains the following topics:
List of Supported Tones
VISM provides the following wireless tones for the built-in tone plans:
Dial Tone
Ringback or AudibleAlerting
InterceptTone or Mobil Reorder
CongestionTone or ReorderTone
Up to 28 additional custom tones are supported for each user configurable tone plan.
Tone Plan File Description
Tone definitions are specified in ASCII files, one file per tone plan. These files are stored on a TFTP server in the directory /tftpboot.
Example 1-1 shows a tone plan file named UnitedStates_2_tone_plan_file.txt. An explanation of the fields follows the example.
Example 1-1 Tone Plan Definition File
// Comments : Text after `//' through the end of the line are ignored.
System Section
version 2
description "Tone Plan Defined for CompanyX"
Tones Section
dial_tone 1 14656 0 0 400 0 65535 0 65535
stutter_tone 2 4000 4000 0 350 440 100 100 1
ring_back_tone 2 3681 3681 0 440 480 2000 4000 1
busy_tone 2 2070 2070 45000 480 620 500 500 1
fast_busy_tone 2 2070 2070 16000 440 620 250 250 1
alert_tone 1 14656 0 45000 400 0 65535 0 1
intercept_tone 2 2070 2070 2000 440 620 250 250 1
confirmation_tone 1 8241 0 2000 440 0 100 150 1
answer_tone 1 8241 0 6000 440 0 100 100 1 440 0 100 900 1
call_waiting_tone 1 8241 0 6000 440 0 100 100 1 440 0 100 900 1
recall_dial_tone 1 14656 0 45000 400 0 65535 0 1
berge_in_tone 1 4634 0 0 1004 0 65535 0 65535
ppc_insuffice_tone 1 4000 4000 0 480 0 100 100 3
ppc_warn1_tone 1 4000 4000 0 480 0 200 65535 1
ppc_warn2_tone 1 4000 4000 0 480 0 100 200 2
ppc_warn3_tone 1 4000 4000 0 480 0 100 200 3
ppc_disc_tone 1 4000 4000 0 480 0 400 65535 1
ppc_redirect_tone 1 4000 4000 0 480 0 200 200 2
all_tone_off 1 0 0 0 0 0 65535 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
pip_tone 1 14656 0 0 480 0 100 900 1
warning_tone 1 4634 0 0 1004 0 65535 0 1
denial_tone 1 4634 0 0 1004 0 65535 0 1
custom1_tone 1 14656 0 0 480 0 100 900 1 // Click Tone
custom2_tone 1 4634 0 0 1004 0 65535 0 65535 // Milliwatt Tone -20dBm
custom3_tone 1 46348 0 0 1004 0 65535 0 65535 // Milliwatt Tone 0dBm
custom4_tone 1 0 0 0 0 0 65535 0 65535 // Scilence
// custom5_tone
// custom6_tone
// custom7_tone
// custom8_tone
// custom9_tone
// custom10_tone
// custom11_tone
// custom12_tone
// custom13_tone
// custom14_tone
// custom15_tone
// custom16_tone
// custom17_tone
// custom18_tone
// custom19_tone
// custom20_tone
// custom21_tone
// custom22_tone
// custom23_tone
// custom24_tone
// custom25_tone
// custom26_tone
// custom27_tone
// custom28_tone
dtmf_digit 16384 16384
mf_r1_digit 16384 16384
File name—The name of the tone plan file is restricted to 64 characters.
System Section are mandatory keywords. Use this section to define tone plans. This section can contain only the following two lines:
version—Use version 2 to define the tone plan with wireless tones. Version 2 includes the format of version 1 with additional syntax items for defining the tones.
description—Provide a general description of the tone plan.
Tone Section are mandatory keywords. Use this section to define the call progress tones. Specify each tone on a separate line, and use white spaces as delimiters.
The syntax of the tone plan definition file must be specified in the following order and on the same line:
<tone_name> <number_of_freq_components> <amp_of_first> <amp_of_second> <timeout> <freq_1st_cadence1> <freq_2nd_cadence1> <ontime_cadence1> <offtime_cadence1> <repeat_count_cadence1>
[<freq_1st_cadence2> <freq_2nd_cadence2> <ontime_cadence2> <offtime_cadence2> <repeat_count_cadence2>]
[<freq_1st_cadence3> <freq_2nd_cadence3> <ontime_cadence3> <offtime_cadence3> <repeat_count_cadence3>]
[<freq_1st_cadence4> <freq_2nd_cadence4> <ontime_cadence4> <offtime_cadence4> <repeat_count_cadence4>]Table 1-9 lists the mandatory values for defining the call tones.
Table 1-9 Mandatory Parameters for Defining Tones
Syntax Item Descriptiontone_name
Identifies the tone as one of the following values:
Number of frequency components as one of the following values:
Peak-to-peak amplitude of the first frequency according to the following formula:
46348 * 10 to the power of (dBm/20)
Value range is 0-65535.
amp_of_second 1
Peak-to-peak amplitude of the second frequency according to the following formula:
46348 * 10 to the power of (dBm/20)
Value range is 0-65535.
Time when tone generation is stopped. Range is 0-65535 msec.
A value of 0 means no timeout, and thus the tone is stopped explicitly by call agent.
First frequency in cadence 1. Range is 0-3999 Hz.
Second frequency in cadence 1. Range is 0-3999 Hz.
First on time that the tone plays in cadence 1. Range is 0-65535 msec.
First off time that the tone does not play in cadence 1. Range is 0-65535 msec.
Repeat count for cadence 1. Range is 1-65535 msec.
1 To specify amplitudes of DTMF and MFR1 tones, you must use the following syntax: dtmf_digit amp-low amp-high or mf_r1_digit amp-low amp-high. The amp-low value = low group frequency. The amp-high value = high group frequency.
Table 1-10 describes the optional parameters you can use to define the tones.
Adding the Tone Plan
To add a tone plan to the VISM-PR card, complete the following steps.
Step 1
Use your text editor to create the new tone plan according to the format listed in the Tone Plan File Description above.
The file name must not exceed 64 characters.
Step 2
Place the new tone plan on the TFTP server in the /tftpboot directory.
Step 3
Add the TFTP server domain name to the VISM-PR card by entering the adddn command.
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > adddn <mg_domain_num> <mg_domain_name> [Resolution_Type]
Replace the above values with the values listed in Table 1-11. This example shows adding the TFTP server with the name tftp_server.
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > adddn 1 tftp_server 1
Step 4
Add the IP address of the TFTP server by entering the adddnip command.
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > adddnip <Resolution_index> <DomainName> <IpAddress> <preference>
Replace the above values with the values listed in Table 1-12. This example shows adding the IP address of the TFTP server with the name tftp_server.
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > adddnip 1 tftp_server 1
Step 5
Configure the parameters of the TFTP server domain name by entering the cnftftpdn command.
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > cnftftpdn <domain_name>
Replace <domain_name> with the name of your TFTP server. This example shows configuring the parameters for the tftp_server server.
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > cnftftpdn tftp_server
Step 6
Ensure you can ping the VISM-PR from the TFTP server.
Also check that the TFTP functionality is enabled on the TFTP server.
Step 7
Add the new tone plan to the VISM card by entering the addtoneplan command.
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > addtoneplan <tone_plan_region> <tone_plan_version> <tone_plan_file>
Replace the above values with the values listed in Table 1-13. This example shows adding the custx2_tone.txt to the United States country tone plan.
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > addtoneplan UnitedStates 2 custx2_tone.txt
TFTP: Transferred file='custx2_tone.txt', size=3108 bytes, sec=0, nsec=80000000
Step 8
Ensure that the tone plan is added by entering the dsptoneplans command.
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > dsptoneplans
Status Tone Plan Region Version Tone Plan File Name
--------- ----------------------------------- ------ -------------------------
configure UnitedStates 2 custx2_tone.txt
configure ITU 1 BUILTIN
configure NorthAmerica 1 BUILTIN
configure Argentina 1 BUILTIN
configure Australia 1 BUILTIN
configure Austria 1 BUILTIN
configure Belgium 1 BUILTIN
configure Brazil 1 BUILTIN
configure Canada 1 BUILTIN
configure China 1 BUILTIN
configure Cyprus 1 BUILTIN
configure CzechRepublic 1 BUILTIN
configure Denmark 1 BUILTIN
configure Finland 1 BUILTIN
configure France 1 BUILTIN
configure Germany 1 BUILTIN
configure Greece 1 BUILTIN
configure HongKong 1 BUILTIN
configure Hungary 1 BUILTIN
configure Iceland 1 BUILTIN
configure India 1 BUILTIN
configure Indonesia 1 BUILTIN
configure Ireland 1 BUILTIN
configure Israel 1 BUILTIN
configure Italy 1 BUILTIN
configure Japan 1 BUILTIN
configure KoreaRepublic 1 BUILTIN
configure Luxembourg 1 BUILTIN
configure Malaysia 1 BUILTIN
configure Mexico 1 BUILTIN
configure Netherlands 1 BUILTIN
configure NewZealand 1 BUILTIN
configure Norway 1 BUILTIN
configure Philippines 1 BUILTIN
configure Poland 1 BUILTIN
configure Portugal 1 BUILTIN
configure Russia 1 BUILTIN
configure Singapore 1 BUILTIN
configure Slovakia 1 BUILTIN
configure Slovenia 1 BUILTIN
configure SouthAfrica 1 BUILTIN
configure Spain 1 BUILTIN
configure Sweden 1 BUILTIN
configure Switzerland 1 BUILTIN
configure Taiwan 1 BUILTIN
configure Thailand 1 BUILTIN
configure Turkey 1 BUILTIN
configure UnitedKingdom 1 BUILTIN
configure UnitedStates 1 BUILTIN
Total number of Tone Plans = 50.
Step 9
To display the elements of a tone plan enter the dsptoneplan command.
(Some parts of the example in this step are truncated.)
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > dsptoneplan UnitedStates 2
Region Name : UnitedStates
Version : 2
Description : Tone Plan defined for CustX
File name : cust2_tone.txt
DTMF Amplitude (Low Group) : 16384
DTMF Amplitude (High Group) : 16384
MF R1 Amplitude (Low Group) : 16384
MF R1 Amplitude (High Group) : 16384
Name Defined No.Freq. Amp1 Amp2 Timeout(ms)
dial_tone YES 1 14656 0 0
stutter_tone YES 2 4000 4000 0
ring_back_tone YES 2 3681 3681 0
busy_tone YES 2 2070 2070 45000
fast_busy_tone YES 2 2070 2070 16000
alert_tone YES 1 14656 0 45000
intercept_tone YES 2 2070 2070 2000
confirmation_tone YES 1 8241 0 2000
answer_tone YES 1 8241 0 6000
call_waiting_tone YES 1 8241 0 6000
recall_dial_tone YES 1 14656 0 45000
berge_in_tone YES 1 4634 0 0
ppc_insuffice_tone YES 1 4000 4000 0
ppc_warn1_tone YES 1 4000 4000 0
ppc_warn2_tone YES 1 4000 4000 0
ppc_warn3_tone YES 1 4000 4000 0
ppc_disc_tone YES 1 4000 4000 0
ppc_redirect_tone YES 1 4000 4000 0
all_tone_off YES 1 0 0 0
pip_tone YES 1 14656 0 0
warning_tone YES 1 4634 0 0
denial_tone YES 1 4634 0 0
custom1_tone YES 1 14656 0 0
custom2_tone YES 1 4634 0 0
custom3_tone YES 1 46348 0 0
custom4_tone YES 1 0 0 0
custom5_tone NO - - - -
custom6_tone NO - - - -
custom7_tone NO - - - -
custom8_tone NO - - - -
custom9_tone NO - - - -
custom10_tone NO - - - -
custom11_tone NO - - - -
custom12_tone NO - - - -
custom13_tone NO - - - -
custom14_tone NO - - - -
custom15_tone NO - - - -
custom16_tone NO - - - -
custom17_tone NO - - - -
custom18_tone NO - - - -
custom19_tone NO - - - -
custom20_tone NO - - - -
custom21_tone NO - - - -
custom22_tone NO - - - -
custom23_tone NO - - - -
custom24_tone NO - - - -
custom25_tone NO - - - -
custom26_tone NO - - - -
custom27_tone NO - - - -
custom28_tone NO - - - -
Cadence 1 Cade
Name Freq1 Freq2 OnTm1 OffTm2 Repeat Freq1 Freq2 OnTt
Hz Hz ms ms count1 Hz Hz ms2
dial_tone 400 0 65535 0 65535 0 0 0
stutter_tone 350 440 100 100 1 0 0 0
ring_back_tone 440 480 2000 4000 1 0 0 0
busy_tone 480 620 500 500 1 0 0 0
fast_busy_tone 440 620 250 250 1 0 0 0
alert_tone 400 0 65535 0 1 0 0 0
intercept_tone 440 620 250 250 1 0 0 0
confirmation_tone 440 0 100 150 1 0 0 0
answer_tone 440 0 100 100 1 440 0 11
call_waiting_tone 440 0 100 100 1 440 0 11
recall_dial_tone 400 0 65535 0 1 0 0 0
berge_in_tone 1004 0 65535 0 65535 0 0 0
ppc_insuffice_tone 480 0 100 100 3 0 0 0
ppc_warn1_tone 480 0 200 65535 1 0 0 0
ppc_warn2_tone 480 0 100 200 2 0 0 0
ppc_warn3_tone 480 0 100 200 3 0 0 0
ppc_disc_tone 480 0 400 65535 1 0 0 0
ppc_redirect_tone 480 0 200 200 2 0 0 0
all_tone_off 0 0 65535 0 1 0 0 0
pip_tone 480 0 100 900 1 0 0 0
warning_tone 1004 0 65535 0 1 0 0 0
denial_tone 1004 0 65535 0 1 0 0 0
custom1_tone 480 0 100 900 1 0 0 0
custom2_tone 1004 0 65535 0 65535 0 0 0
custom3_tone 1004 0 65535 0 65535 0 0 0
custom4_tone 0 0 65535 0 65535 0 0 0
custom5_tone - - - - - - - -
custom6_tone - - - - - - - -
custom7_tone - - - - - - - -
custom8_tone - - - - - - - -
custom9_tone - - - - - - - -
custom10_tone - - - - - - - -
custom11_tone - - - - - - - -
custom12_tone - - - - - - - -
custom13_tone - - - - - - - -
custom14_tone - - - - - - - -
custom15_tone - - - - - - - -
custom16_tone - - - - - - - -
custom17_tone - - - - - - - -
custom18_tone - - - - - - - -
custom19_tone - - - - - - - -
custom20_tone - - - - - - - -
custom21_tone - - - - - - - -
custom22_tone - - - - - - - -
custom23_tone - - - - - - - -
custom24_tone - - - - - - - -
custom25_tone - - - - - - - -
custom26_tone - - - - - - - -
custom27_tone - - - - - - - -
custom28_tone - - - - - - - -
Diagnostic Testing for DSP Failures
When a VISM-PR card detects channel failures on the DSP, the call agent and CWM are informed. In AAL2 trunking mode a trap is generated for a DSP failure.
For DSPs to initiate diagnostics and report any failures to the call agent or CWM, the exec diag, that performs the diagnostic activities, must be enabled. If the exec diag is disabled, DSP failures are not reported.
Enable or Disable Diagnostics
To ensure that exec diag is enabled, use the commands in the following steps.
By default, exec diag is enabled.
Step 1
Log in to your VISM-PR card.
Step 2
To enable or disable the exec diag for all of the channels on a VISM-PR card, enter the cnfexecdiag command.
mgx.1.28.VISM8.a > cnfexecdiag <execdiag>
Replace <execdiag> with a value of 1 to enable or 2 to disable the exec diag on all of the channels.
Step 3
Display the testing status (enabled or disables) of all the channels on the VISM-PR card using the dspexecdiag command.
mgx.1.28.VISM8.a > dspexecdiag
LineNo/Ds0No DSP Exec Status
------------ ---------------
1/ 1 Enable
1/ 2 Enable
1/ 3 Enable
1/ 4 Enable
1/ 5 Enable
1/ 6 Enable
1/ 7 Enable
1/ 8 Enable
1/ 9 Enable
1/10 Enable
1/11 Enable
1/12 Enable
1/13 Enable
1/14 Enable
1/15 Enable
1/16 Enable
1/17 Enable
1/18 Enable
1/19 Enable
1/20 Enable
1/21 Enable
1/22 Enable
1/23 Enable
1/24 Enable
INFO: line ds1 '2' is not enabled
INFO: line ds1 '3' is not enabled
INFO: line ds1 '4' is not enabled
INFO: line ds1 '5' is not enabled
INFO: line ds1 '6' is not enabled
INFO: line ds1 '7' is not enabled
INFO: line ds1 '8' is not enabled
Step 4
To configure channel level diagnostics on a line, enter the cnflnexecdiag command.
mgx.1.28.VISM8.a > cnflnexecdiag <line_number> <execdiag>
Replace <line_number> with the line number, in the range 1-8; replace <execdiag> with a 1 to enable or 2 to disable diagnostics. The following example shows channel diagnostics enabled on line 1.
mgx.1.28.VISM8.a > cnflnexecdiag 1 1
Step 5
To verify all endpoints on the line are enabled for channel level diagnostics, enter the dsplnexecdiag command with the line number <line_number> value.
mgx.1.28.VISM8.a > dsplnexecdiag 1
LineNo/Ds0No DSP Exec Status
------------ ---------------
1/ 1 Enable
1/ 2 Enable
1/ 3 Enable
1/ 4 Enable
1/ 5 Enable
1/ 6 Enable
1/ 7 Enable
1/ 8 Enable
1/ 9 Enable
1/10 Enable
1/11 Enable
1/12 Enable
1/13 Enable
1/14 Enable
1/15 Enable
1/16 Enable
1/17 Enable
1/18 Enable
1/19 Enable
1/20 Enable
1/21 Enable
1/22 Enable
1/23 Enable
1/24 Enable
Step 6
To enable testing on an individual endpoint, enter the cnfds0execdiag command.
mgx.1.28.VISM8.a > cnfds0execdiag <line_number> <ds0_number> <execdiag>
Replace <line_number> with the line, in the range 1-8; replace <ds0_number> with a value in the range 1-24 for T1 lines or 1-31 for E1 lines; replace <execdiag> with a 1 to enable or 2 to disable diagnostics.
Step 7
To verify that testing is enabled on a channel, enter the dspds0execdiag command with the line number <line_number> and DS0 number <ds0_number>.
mgx.1.28.VISM8.a > dspds0execdiag 1 1
LineNo/Ds0No DSP Exec Status
------------ ---------------
1/ 1 Enable
Configure Heartbeat Timer
The DSP has a heartbeat mechanism that sends an "I'm alive and well" message at a regular intervals. If a heartbeat does not reach the host, the DSP is considered failed. The host displays the heartbeat messages and the interval it receives the messages.
For the DSP to generate a heartbeat message within a specified period of time, the heartbeat timer value must be set on the VISM-PR card.
Step 1
Log in to the VISM-PR card.
Step 2
To configure the heartbeat timer, enter the cnfdspheartbeattimer command.
mgx.1.28.VISM8.a > cnfdspheartbeattimer <Heart_beat_interval>
Replace <Heart_beat_interval> with a timeout value of 0 or a value in the range 100-65535. The recommended timer is 0 (disabled). The following example shows the timeout value of 0.
mgx.1.28.VISM8.a > cnfdspheartbeattimer 0
Step 3
Display the heartbeat value configured of the VISM-PR card by entering the dspheartbeattimer command.
mgx.1.28.VISM8.a > dspheartbeattimer
DSP Heartbeat timer value: 0
TGCP 1.0
The Trunking Gateway Control Protocol (TGCP) is a profile of the Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) 1.0 that is used to control the trunking gateway in packet cable network.
This section contains the following topics:
Configure TGCP
To configure the call agent for TGCP 1.0 protocol, complete the following steps.
Step 1
Ensure that TGCP 1.0 appears as an Media Gateway protocol by entering the dspmgprotocols command.
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > dspmgprotocols
Number mgProcotol
---------- -----------
1 MGCP 0.1
2 SGCP 1.1+
3 SRCP 1.0.2
4 SGCP 1.5
5 MGCP 1.0
6 TGCP 1.0
Step 2
Add TGCP 1.0 as an MGC group protocol by entering the addmgcgrpprotocol command.
addmgcgrpprotocol <Red_Group_Num> <protocol_number> <Qrntn_Persist> <Qrntn_Def> <Sign_OnOff> <Prov_Resp> <RspAck_Attr> <Disc_Proc> <Cancel_Graceful>
Replace the above values with the values listed in Table 1-11. This example shows adding TGCP 1.0 protocol to redundancy group 1.
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > addmgcgrpprotocol 1 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
Step 3
To change the protocol or any optional parameters of a redundancy group, enter the cnfmgcgrpprotocol command with the following parameters listed in Table 1-11.
Step 4
To verify that TGCP 1.0 has been added to the MGC redundancy group, enter the dspmgcgrpprotocols command.
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > dspmgcgrpprotocols
MgcGrp Prot Qrntn Qrntn Sign Prov RspAck Disc Cancel
Num Num Persist Def OnOff Resp Attr Proc Graceful
1 TGCP 1.0 Qrtn StepProcess DelNegEvt Send Send Enable Send
The above example shows the default values for TGCP 1.0.
Step 5
To delete TGCP 1.0 from a specified call agent redundancy group, enter the delmgcgrpprotocol command.
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > delmgcgrpprotocol <Red_Group_Num> <protocol_number>
Replace Red_Group_Num with a value of 1-8 and the protocol_number with 6 shown in the following example:
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > delmgcgrpprotocol 1 6
Configure the Timers
To configure the timers for TGCP, complete the following steps.
Step 1
Configure the timeout value by entering the cnflongdurationtimer command.
cvgmgx1a.1.20.VISM8.a > cnflongdurationtimer <timeout>
Replace the <timeout> parameter with a value in the range 0-24 hours. The following example shows the timeout value configured to 1 hour.
cvgmgx1a.1.20.VISM8.a > cnflongdurationtimer 1
Step 2
Display the long duration timer value by entering the dsplongdurationtimer command.
cvgmgx1a.1.20.VISM8.a > dsplongdurationtimer
Long duration timer value: 1
Step 3
Configure the continuity timers by entering the cnfco1timer and cnfco2timer commands.
cvgmgx1a.1.20.VISM8.a > cnfco1timer <timeout>
cvgmgx1a.1.20.VISM8.a > cnfco2timer <timeout>
Replace the <timeout> parameter with a value in the range 0-60 seconds. The following example shows the continuity timer 1 timeout is set to 3 seconds, and the continuity timer 2 is set to 60 seconds.
cvgmgx1a.1.20.VISM8.a > cnfco1timer 3
cvgmgx1a.1.20.VISM8.a > cnfco2timer 60
Step 4
Display the continuity timer timeout values by entering the dspco1timer and dspco2timer commands:
cvgmgx1a.1.20.VISM8.a > dspco1timer
CO1 timer value: 3
cvgmgx1a.1.20.VISM8.a > dspco2timer
CO2 timer value: 60
Step 5
Specify the timers for TGCP 1.0 by entering the cnfdisctimers command.
PXM1E_SJ.1.28.VISM8.a > cnfdisctimers <TdInit> <TdMin> <TdMax>
Replace the above values with the values listed in Table 15.
Alarm Suppression
The purpose of this feature is to prevent the CPE from dropping calls when a network link failure is temporary.
This section contains the following topics:
If the endpoint is in AAL2 trunking mode, the VISM/VISM-PR propagates network alarms to the T1/E1 line that is associated with the network link. The CPE equipment (PBX) receives this alarm and drops the calls.
VISM/VISM-PR processes several alarms. However, for this feature, only the following alarms are suppressed:
OAM Alarm Indication Signal (AIS)
OAM Far End Receive Failure (FERF)
OAM Remote Defect Indication (RDI)
In this release only, these alarms do not propagate onto the T1/E1 lines as line alarms, which cause call drops.
Since this alarm suppression causes network link failures to be ignored, the OAM end-to-end loopback monitoring function must be configured to detect permanent network failures.
Configure AIS Suppression
By default, alarm indication signal (AIS) suppression is disabled. VISM/VISM-PR cards on both ends of the AAL2 trunk need to be loaded with firmware that supports and enables AIS suppression.
To enable AIS suppression, complete the following steps.
You can only enable or disable AIS suppression in the AAL2 trunking mode. The other modes do not support this function.
Step 1
Ensure that the VISM/VISM-PR card is in AAL2 trunking mode.
cvgmgx1a.1.12.VISM8.a > cnfvismmode 2
WARNING: Available CLI Commands will be changed, do you want to proceed (Yes/No)? yes
INFORMATION: The new 'aal2Trunking' mode has 182 CLI commands.
Step 2
To enable AIS suppression, use the cnfaissuppression command.
mgx.1.12.VISM8.a > cnfaissuppression <enableFlag>
Replace <enableFlag> with 1 to enable AIS suppression.
mgx.1.12.VISM8.a > cnfaissuppression 1
INFORMATION: Successfully Enabled AIS Suppression.
If you attempt to enable AIS suppression when it is already enabled, the following message displays:
WARNING: AIS Suppression is already enabled.
Step 3
To show that AIS suppression has been enabled, use the dspaissuppression command.
mgx.1.12.VISM8.a > dspaissuppression
AIS Suppression : ENABLED
Step 4
To disable AIS suppression, use the cnfaissuppression command with the value of 2.
mgx.1.12.VISM8.a > cnfaissuppression 2
INFORMATION: Successfully Disabled AIS Suppression.
Configure OAM Loop Count
Since an OAM end-to-end loopback failure can still cause line alarms, you must configure the OAM loop count to be longer than the expected duration of the temporary network outage due to a reroute.
The OAM end-to-end loopback functionality has not been changed.
Step 1
Ensure that the VISM/VISM-PR is in AAL2 trunking mode.
mgx.1.12.VISM8.a > cnfvismmode <2>
Step 2
To check the OAM loop count, enter the dspoamloopcnt command.
mgx.1.12.VISM8.a > dspoamloopcnt
The loop count is displayed with the default value of 5 seconds.
OAM Loopback Cell Timeout Count: 5
Step 3
To configure the OAM loop count, enter the cnfoamloopcnt command.
mgx.1.12.VISM8.a > cnfoamloopcnt <count>
Replace <count> with the number of seconds in the range 5 to 60.
Display Alarms
With this feature, VISM/VISM-PR discovers network outages via OAM end-to-end loopback failures. Lost OAM loopback cells can be monitored by using the following command:
dspconcnt <LCN>
The following example shows the output:
mgx.1.12.VISM8.a > dspconcnt 131
ChanNum: 131
Chan State: alarm
Chan XMT ATM State: Sending FERF OAM
Chan RCV ATM State: Receiving AIS OAM
Chan Status Bit Map: 0x2
OAM Lpb Lost Cells: 20
AAL2 HEC Errors: 2
AAL2 CRC Errors: 0
AAL2 Invalid OSF Cells: 1
AAL2 Invalid Parity Cells: 0
AAL2 CPS Packet Xmt: 118467937
AAL2 CPS Packet Rcv: 116227849
AAL2 Invalid CID CPS: 0
AAL2 Invalid UUI CPS: 0
AAL2 Invalid Len. CPS: 0
AAL5 Invalid CPI: 0
AAL5 oversized SDU PDU: 0
AAL5 Invalid Len. PDU: 0
AAL5 PDU CRC32 Errors: 0
AAL5 Reassembly Timer expired PDU: 0
OAM AIS and FERF cells that are transmitted and received are accounted for via counters. With this feature, an alarm is not generated on the line.
The following examples show alarms after an OC-3 failure. AIS alarm cells are received, and FERF cells are transmitted in response.
Use the dspsarcnt <LCN> command to show the number of AIS, FERF, OAM end-to-end loopback, and total cells that are received and transmitted.
mgx.1.12.VISM8.a > dspsarcnt 131
SarShelfNum: 1
SarSlotNum: 5
SarChanNum: 131
Tx Rx
--------------- ---------------
Total Cells: 406656 333840
Total CellsCLP: 0 0
Total CellsAIS: 0 13
Total CellsFERF: 12 0
Total CellsEnd2EndLpBk: 85 69
Total CellsSegmentLpBk: 0 0
RcvCellsDiscOAM: 0
Use the dspalm -ds1 <LineNum> command to show the line alarm state with the AIS suppression feature. The
does not show any alarms. With the alarm suppression feature, no alarms are generated on the line in response to the OAM AIS alarm received.mgx.1.12.VISM8.a > dspalm -ds1 1
LineNum: 1
LineAlarmState: No Alarms
LineStatisticalAlarmState: Alarm(s) On --
Once the configured number of OAM end-to-end loopback cells are lost, the dspalm status shows that the lines are in alarm.
Without the AIS suppression feature, the LineAlarmState shows XmtAIS and RcvRAI
mgx.1.12.VISM8.a > dspalm -ds1 1
LineNum: 1
LineAlarmState: Alarm(s) On --
LineStatisticalAlarmState: Alarm(s) On --
Alarms not Suppressed
Alarm suppression does not affect the following AAL2 type 3 packet alarms (transmitted and received per CID):
external AIS
external RDI
connection AIS
connection RDI
These alarms allow the line alarms that are received due to a T1/E1 failure to be propagated to the remote end.
Upgrade Notes
The default for AIS suppression is disabled. If you upgrade to Release 3.2 from a release with AIS suppression enabled, you must re-enable AIS suppression.
After the upgrade, enable AIS suppression using the cnfaissuppression command.
G.729a Codec with 20 ms
VISM/VISM-PR cards contain a new custom profile to support G.729a with 20 milliseconds (ms) packetization period.
The new Custom profile type, 210, supports upspeeding from G.729a with 20 ms packetization period to other codecs, for example, G.711 MU/A law.
G.729a with 20 ms packetization period is supported for AAL2 trunking and applies to templates 1, 3, and 4 on the VISM/VISM-PR cards.
The following commands have been modified to support this feature. This list includes examples of using these commands to configure this feature. For more information about these commands and their syntax, see Chapter 7, "CLI Commands."
The commands in this list are linked to the corresponding sections in Chapter 7, "CLI Commands."
The following example creates a CID for endpoint 10, LCN 140, with a CID number of 10. The codec type is 4 (G.729a), profile type is 3 (Custom), profile number is 210 (Custom), VAD is 1 (on), VAD holdover is 300 milliseconds, echo cancelling is 1 (on), type 3 redundancy is 1 (on), CAS transport is 1 (on), DTMF transport is 1 (on), idle code suppression is 1 (on) and the packet period is 20 milliseconds.
mgx.1.14.VISM8.a > addcid 10 140 10 4 3 210 1 300 1 1 1 1 1 20
The following example shows that the Custom profile type, profile number 210, is configured with the midrange preference level of 4:
mgx.1.14.VISM8.a > cnfprofparams 3 210 4
The following example shows that the Custom profile type, profile number 210, is configured with the G.729a codec type (4), a packetization period of 20 ms, and VAD enabled:
mgx.1.14.VISM8.a > cnfprofelemvoice 3 210 4 20 2
For voice band data (VBD) the following example shows that the Customer profile type, profile number 210, is configured with the G.729a codec type (4), and a packetization period of 20- ms.
mgx.1.14.VISM8.a > cnfprofelemvoice 3 210 4 20
The following example shows the profile elements and preferences for all profiles, including the results of the cnfprofparams and cnfprofelemvoice commands.
mgx.1.14.VISM8.a > dspprofparams
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Profile Type : ITU
Profile Number : 1
Profile Preference : 4
Voice Profile Codec : G.711u
Voice Profile Packetization-period(ms): five
Voice Profile SID : VAD on
VBD Profile Codec : G.711u
VBD Profile Packetization-period (ms) : five
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Profile Type : ITU
Profile Number : 2
Profile Preference : 3
Voice Profile Codec : G.711u
Voice Profile Packetization-period(ms): five
Voice Profile SID : sidGenric
VBD Profile Codec : G.711u
VBD Profile Packetization-period (ms) : five
Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Profile Type : ITU
Profile Number : 3
Profile Preference : 1
Voice Profile Codec : G.726-32K
Voice Profile Packetization-period(ms): five
Voice Profile SID : sidGenric
VBD Profile Codec : G.711u
VBD Profile Packetization-period (ms) : five
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Profile Type : ITU
Profile Number : 7
Profile Preference : 2
Voice Profile Codec : G.729ab
Voice Profile Packetization-period(ms): ten
Voice Profile SID : sid729
VBD Profile Codec : G.711u
VBD Profile Packetization-period (ms) : five
Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Profile Type : ITU
Profile Number : 8
Profile Preference : 5
Voice Profile Codec : G.729ab
Voice Profile Packetization-period(ms): ten
Voice Profile SID : sid729
VBD Profile Codec : G.711u
VBD Profile Packetization-period (ms) : five
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Profile Type : ITU
Profile Number : 12
Profile Preference : 10
Voice Profile Codec : G.723.1a-H
Voice Profile Packetization-period(ms): thirty
Voice Profile SID : sid723
VBD Profile Codec : G.723.1-H
VBD Profile Packetization-period (ms) : thirty
Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Profile Type : Custom
Profile Number : 100
Profile Preference : 6
Voice Profile Codec : G.726-32K
Voice Profile Packetization-period(ms): ten
Voice Profile SID : sidGenric
VBD Profile Codec : G.711u
VBD Profile Packetization-period (ms) : five
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Profile Type : Custom
Profile Number : 101
Profile Preference : 7
Voice Profile Codec : G.729ab
Voice Profile Packetization-period(ms): ten
Voice Profile SID : sid729
VBD Profile Codec : G.711u
VBD Profile Packetization-period (ms) : five
Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Profile Type : Custom
Profile Number : 110
Profile Preference : 8
Voice Profile Codec : G.729ab
Voice Profile Packetization-period(ms): thirty
Voice Profile SID : sid729
VBD Profile Codec : G.711u
VBD Profile Packetization-period (ms) : five
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Profile Type : Custom
Profile Number : 200
Profile Preference : 9
Voice Profile Codec : clr chan
Voice Profile Packetization-period(ms): five
Voice Profile SID : VAD off
VBD Profile Codec : clr chan
VBD Profile Packetization-period (ms) : five
Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Profile Type : Custom
Profile Number : 210
Profile Preference : 4
Voice Profile Codec : G.729a
Voice Profile Packetization-period(ms): twenty
Voice Profile SID : VAD off
VBD Profile Codec : G.711u
VBD Profile Packetization-period (ms) : five
The following example shows that the data for AAL2 profile type 3 and profile number 210 is displayed:
mgx.1.14.VISM8.a > dspaal2profile 3 210
UUI Packet Packet Seq. No.
Codepoint Length Time Interval
Range (octets) Codec SID M (ms) (ms)
0-7 40 PCMU No SID 1 5 5
0-7 40 PCMA No SID 1 5 5
8-15 40 G726-32 No SID 2 10 5
8-15 20 G729ab SID729 2 20 5
8-15 20 G729a No SID 2 20 5
E1 CAS Idle Code
When VISM/VISM-PR is configured for E1 channel associated signaling (CAS) transport in AAL2 trunking mode, the default idle signaling pattern is 13.
This section contains the following topics:
CAS Code Sent When Adding a CID
CAS Code Sent When Deleting a CID
Configure the Idle Code
You can change the default idle ABCD CAS code on endpoint basis on the VISM/VISM-PR E1 cards. ABCD refers to the robbed-bit signaling bits that are sent in CAS lines.
Step 1
Log in to your VISM/VISM-PR card.
Step 2
Ensure that you are in the AAL2 trunking mode.
Step 3
To configure the idle CAS code as 4, enter the cnfcascode command.
The cnfcascode command can be used only on existing endpoints.
mgx.1.14.VISM8.a > cnfcascode <endpt_num> <idle_code> <seized_code> [endpts_num]
Replace the arguments with the values listed in the next table.
The following example shows the idle CAS code as 4 on endpoints 1-6. Seized code is not used for AAL2 trunking.
mgx.1.14.VISM8.a > cnfcascode 1 4 6 5
NOTE:In order for VISM card to use the new Idle Code :
Either Reset the Card OR re-add the Cids
Step 4
To show the configured idle code on endpoint 1, enter the dspds0cascode command.
mgx.1.14.VISM8.a > dspds0cascode <line_number> <ds0_number>
Replace the line_number argument with a value 1-8 and ds0_number with a value 1-24 for T1 lines or 1-31 for E1 lines.
The following example show the idle CAS code on endpoint 1 that you configured in Step 3.
mgx.1.14.VISM8.a > dspds0cascode 1 1
Ds1 line number: 1
ds0 number: 1
Ds0 If Index: 1
Ds0 Idle Code : 4
Ds0 Seized Code: 6
Step 5
To view the status of all the DS0s on a line, enter the dsplndsx0s command.
mgx.1.14.VISM8.a > dsplndsx0s <line_number>
The following example shows the idle code you configured using the cnfcascode command on line 2.
mgx.1.14.VISM8.a > dsplndsx0s 1
Ds0 If Robbed Bit Idle Seized EndPt If Variant Cadence Cadence
Index Signaling Code Code Num Type Name OnTime OffTime
------ ---------- ----- ------- ------ -------------- --------- -------- --------
1 False 4 6 1 bearer 75 75
2 False 4 6 2 bearer 75 75
3 False 4 6 3 bearer 75 75
4 False 4 6 4 bearer 75 75
5 False 4 6 5 bearer 75 75
6 False 4 6 6 bearer 75 75
7 False 2 4 7 bearer 75 75
8 False 2 4 8 bearer 75 75
9 False 2 4 9 bearer 75 75
10 False 2 4 10 bearer 75 75
11 False 13 15 -1 - 75 75
12 False 13 15 -1 - 75 75
13 False 13 15 -1 - 75 75
14 False 13 15 -1 - 75 75
15 False 13 15 -1 - 75 75
16 False 13 15 -1 - 75 75
17 False 13 15 -1 - 75 75
18 False 13 15 -1 - 75 75
19 False 13 15 -1 - 75 75
20 False 13 15 -1 - 75 75
21 False 13 15 -1 - 75 75
22 False 13 15 -1 - 75 75
23 False 13 15 -1 - 75 75
24 False 13 15 -1 - 75 75
25 False 13 15 -1 - 75 75
26 False 13 15 -1 - 75 75
27 False 13 15 -1 - 75 75
28 False 13 15 -1 - 75 75
29 False 13 15 -1 - 75 75
30 False 13 15 -1 - 75 75
31 False 13 15 -1 - 75 75
Step 6
To update the new CAS code on previously existing endpoints, reset the VISM/VISM-PR card.
CAS Code Sent When Adding a CID
If the local end CID is added first, the VISM/VISM-PR continues to provide the configured idle code on the DS0 (TDM interface) until the remote AAL2 CID is added and starts sending the CAS signaling traffic over the ATM network.
If the local end CID is added after the remote end CID is added, the VISM/VISM-PR is already receiving a CAS signaling pattern from the remote AAL2 CID. The VISM/VISM-PR begins propagating the received signaling code on the line side (TDM interface).
It is assumed the AAL2 CIDs that are added have CAS transport enabled on them. If CAS transport is disabled, the CAS signaling bits do not propagate end-to-end.
CAS Code Sent When Deleting a CID
If the remote end AAL2 CID is deleted first, the VISM/VISM-PR continues to send the last received CAS signaling pattern from the remote CID to the line side (TDM interface).
If the local end CID is deleted first, the VISM/VISM-PR sends the idle code (configured on this endpoint) to the line side (TDM interface).
Upgrade Notes
Before upgrading from 3.1.x to 3.2 configure the CAS code on the endpoints on the previous release. This step ensures that the configured idle code is carried over to the upgraded VISM/VISM-PR and used on all the endpoints.
If you install a new VISM/VISM-PR card with Release 3.2, and you want to configure a new CAS code on some endpoints, the new idle code is used on the CIDs which are added after configuring the CAS code.
Posted: Thu Jun 10 16:54:47 PDT 2004
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