
Table Of Contents


script (ccn application)

security password

security pin

show backup

show backup history

show backup server

show calendar biz-schedule

show calendar holiday

show ccn application

show ccn call application

show ccn call route

show ccn engine

show ccn prompts

show ccn scripts

show ccn status ccm-manager

show ccn subsystem jtapi

show ccn subsystem sip

show ccn trigger

show clock detail

show group detail groupname

show groups

show groups privileges

show hosts

show interface ide

show ip route

show lists detail private

show lists detail public

show lists owner

show lists public

show log

show logging

show logs

show memory

show network detail local

show network detail location id

show network locations

show network queues

show ntp associations

show ntp servers

show ntp source

show ntp status

show privileges

show process

show remote cache

show remote user detail

show remote users

show running-config

show security detail

show software

show software directory

show startup-config

show trace buffer

show trace store

show trace store-prev

show user detail username

show users

show version

show voicemail

show voicemail broadcast messages


software download abort

software download clean

software download server

software download status

software download upgrade

software install clean

software install downgrade

software install upgrade

software remove


script (ccn application)

security password

security pin

show backup

show backup history

show backup server

show calendar biz-schedule

show calendar holiday

show ccn application

show ccn call application

show ccn call route

show ccn engine

show ccn prompts

show ccn scripts

show ccn status ccm-manager

show ccn subsystem jtapi

show ccn subsystem sip

show ccn trigger

show clock detail

show group detail groupname

show groups

show groups privileges

show hosts

show interface ide

show ip route

show lists detail private

show lists detail public

show lists owner

show lists public

show log

show logging

show logs

show memory

show network detail local

show network detail location id

show network locations

show network queues

show ntp associations

show ntp servers

show ntp source

show ntp status

show privileges

show process

show remote cache

show remote user detail

show remote users

show running-config

show security detail

show software

show software directory

show startup-config

show trace buffer

show trace store

show trace store-prev

show user detail username

show users

show version

show voicemail

show voicemail broadcast messages


software download abort

software download clean

software download server

software download status

software download upgrade

software install clean

software install downgrade

software install upgrade

software remove

script (ccn application)

To specify the script used by the application, use the script command in Cisco Unity Express configuration application mode. To delete the script, use the no form of this command.

script script-name [description "description"]

no script script-name

Syntax Description


Specifies the script used by the application.

description "description"

(Optional) Specifies an optional description of the script, which must be written in double quotes. The default value for the description is the name of the script.


The default description is the name of the script.

Command Modes

Configuration application

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.


The following example assigns the aa.aef file as the script for the Auto Attendant application.

se-10-0-0-0# config t

se-10-0-0-0(config)# ccn application autoattendant

se-10-0-0-0(config-application)# script aa.aef description "AutoAttendant Script"

se-10-0-0-0(config-application)# end

se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

Related Commands


ccn application

Configures the CCN applications, such as voice mail and auto attendant.

show ccn application

Displays the CCN application details.

security password

To configure system-wide password length and expiry time, use the security password command in Cisco Unity Express configuration mode. To reset the password length and expiry time to system defaults, use the no form of this command.

security password {length min password-length | expiry days password-days}

no security password {length min | expiry}

Syntax Description

length min password-length

Minimum length of all users' passwords. Valid values range from 3 to 32.

expiry days password-days

Maximum number of days for which users' passwords are valid. Valid values range from 3 to 365. If this value is not configured, passwords will not expire.


Password length = 3
Passwords do not expire.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express configuration

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To control security on your system, the password length and expiry times can be configured on a system-wide basis.

The administrator can configure the length to a value greater than or equal to 3 alphanumeric characters. This is a system-wide value, so all users must have passwords of at least that many characters.

The password length does not have to equal the PIN length.

The expiry time is the time, in days, for which the password is valid. When this time is reached, the user must enter a new password.

If the expiry time is not configured, passwords do not expire.

The password expiry time does not have to equal the PIN expiry time.

Additionally, the GUI Defaults > User menu option configures these settings.


The following example sets the password length to 6 characters and the password expiry time to 60 days.

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# security password length min 6
se-10-0-0-0(config)# security password expiry days 60
se-10-0-0-0(config)# end

The following example resets the password length to the system default:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# no security password length min
se-10-0-0-0(config)# end

The following example resets the password expiry time to the system default:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# no security password expiry
se-10-0-0-0(config)# end

Related Commands


security pin

Configures PIN length and expiry time for the local system.

show security detail

Displays the password and PIN settings.

security pin

To configure system-wide personal identification number (PIN) length and expiry time, use the security pin command in Cisco Unity Express configuration mode. To reset the PIN length and expiry time to system defaults, use the no form of this command.

security pin {length min pin-length | expiry days pin-days}

no security pin {length min | expiry}

Syntax Description

length min pin-length

Minimum length of all users' PINs. Valid values range from 3 to 16.

expiry days pin-days

Maximum number of days for which users' PINs are valid. Valid values range from 3 to 365. If this value is not configured, PINs will not expire.


PIN length = 3
PINs do not expire.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express configuration

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To control security on your system, the PIN length and expiry times can be configured on a system-wide basis.

The administrator can configure the length to a value greater than or equal to 3 alphanumeric characters. This is a system-wide value, so all users must have PINs of at least that many characters.

The PIN length does not have to equal the password length.

The expiry time is the time, in days, for which the PIN is valid. When this time is reached, the user must enter a new PIN.

If the expiry time is not configured, PINs do not expire.

The PIN expiry time does not have to equal the password expiry time.

Additionally, the GUI Defaults > User menu option configures these settings.


The following example sets the PIN length to 5 characters and the PIN expiry time to 45 days.

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# security pin length min 5
se-10-0-0-0(config)# security pin expiry days 45
se-10-0-0-0(config)# end

The following example resets the PIN length to the system default:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# no security pin length min
se-10-0-0-0(config)# end

The following example resets the PIN expiry time to the system default:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# no security pin expiry days
se-10-0-0-0(config)# end

Related Commands


security password

Configures password length and expiry time for the local system.

show security detail

Displays the password and PIN settings.

show backup

To display information about the server that is used to store backup files, use the show backup command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show backup

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the FTP server URL, the user account on the FTP server, and the number of backup file revisions that are to be stored on the server.


The following is sample output from the show backup command:

se-10-0-0-0# show backup

Server URL:
User Account on Server:
Number of Backups to Retain: 5

Table 2 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 2 show backup Field Descriptions


Server URL

IP address of the backup server.

User Account on Server

(Optional) User ID on the backup server.

Number of Backups to Retain

Number of backup files to store before the oldest one is overwritten.

Related Commands



Selects the backup data and initiates the backup process.

show backup history

To display the success or failure of backup and restore procedures, use the show backup history command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show backup history

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays each backup file, its backup ID, the type of data stored in the file, and the success or failure of the backup procedure.


The following is sample output from the show backup history command:

se-10-0-0-0# show backup history

Start Operation
Category: Configuration
Backup Server:
Operation: Backup
Backupid: 1
Restoreid: -1
Description: test backup 1
Date: Sun Jun 13 12:23:38 PDT 1993
Result: Failure
Reason: Script execution failed: /bin/ returnvalue:1
; Server Url: returnvalue:9 Unable to authenticate
#End Operation

#Start Operation
Category: Data
Backup Server:
Operation: Backup
Backupid: 1
Restoreid: -1
Description: test backup 1
Date: Sun Jun 13 12:23:44 PDT 1993
Result: Failure
Reason: Script execution failed: /bin/ returnvalue:1
Voicemail Backup failed; Server Url: returnvalue:9
Unable to authenticate
#End Operation

#Start Operation
Category: Configuration
Backup Server:
Operation: Backup
Backupid: 2
Restoreid: -1
Description: CUE test backup
Date: Sun Jun 13 12:32:48 PDT 1993
Result: Success
#End Operation

#Start Operation
Category: Data
Backup Server:
Operation: Backup
Backupid: 2
Restoreid: -1
Description: CUE test backup
Date: Sun Jun 13 12:32:57 PDT 1993
Result: Success
#End Operation

#Start Operation
Category: Configuration
Backup Server:
Operation: Restore
Backupid: 2
Restoreid: 1
Date: Sun Jun 13 12:37:52 PDT 1993
Result: Success
#End Operation

#Start Operation
Category: Data
Backup Server:
Operation: Restore
Backupid: 2
Restoreid: 1
Date: Sun Jun 13 12:38:00 PDT 1993
Result: Success
#End Operation

Table 3 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 3 show backup history Field Descriptions 



Specifies the type of file (data, configuration, or all) that was backed up.

Backup Server

Backup server location.


Type of operation performed.


ID number of the backup file.


ID to use to restore this file.


Optional description of the backup procedure.


Date and time (in hh:mm:ss) when the operation occurred.


Indication of success or failure of the operation.


If the operation failed, this field gives the reason for the failure.

Related Commands



Selects the backup data and initiates the backup process.

show backup server

Displays the backup file ID.

show backup server

To display the details of the most recent backup files, use the show backup server command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show backup server

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays a list of the backup files available on the backup server. The files are grouped by category, with the date of each backup and the backup file ID. For information on the success or failure of a backup procedure, see the show backup history command.


The following is sample output for the show backup server command:

se-10-0-0-0# show backup server

Category: Data
Details of last 5 backups
Backupid: 1
Date: Tue Jul 22 10:55:52 PDT 2003
Backupid: 2
Date: Tue Jul 29 18:06:33 PDT 2003
Backupid: 3
Date: Tue Jul 29 19:10:32 PDT 2003

Category: Configuration
Details of last 5 backups
Backupid: 1
Date: Tue Jul 22 10:55:48 PDT 2003

Backupid: 2
Date: Tue Jul 29 18:06:27 PDT 2003

Backupid: 3
Date: Tue Jul 29 19:10:29 PDT 2003

Table 4 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 4 show backup server Field Descriptions



Type of backup file.


ID number of the backup file.


Date and time (in hh:mm:ss) when the file was backed up.


Optional description of the backup file.

Related Commands



Selects the backup data and initiates the backup process.

show backup history

Displays the success or failure of backup and restore procedures.

show calendar biz-schedule

To display the business-hours schedules, use the show calendar biz-schedule command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show calendar biz-schedule {schedule-name | all}

Syntax Description


Name of a business-hours schedule to be displayed.


Displays all the business-hours schedules configured on the local system.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the calendar biz-schedule command to create a business-hours schedule.


The following example displays the holiday-hours business-hours schedule:

se-10-0-0-0# show calendar biz-schedule holiday-season

Schedule: holiday-season
Day Open Hours
Sunday 09:00 to 15:00
Monday 08:30 to 17:30
Tuesday 08:30 to 17:30
Wednesday 08:30 to 17:30
Thursday 08:00 to 21:00
Friday 08:00 to 21:00
Saturday 08:00 to 21:30

The following example displays all the business-hours schedules configured on the local system, including the default schedule SystemSchedule:

sse-10-0-0-0# show calendar biz-schedule all

Schedule: systemschedule
Day Open Hours
Sunday Open all day
Monday Open all day
Tuesday Open all day
Wednesday Open all day
Thursday Open all day
Friday Open all day
Saturday Open all day

Schedule: normal
Day Open Hours
Sunday None
Monday 08:30 to 17:30
Tuesday 08:30 to 17:30
Wednesday 08:30 to 17:30
Thursday 08:30 to 20:00
Friday 08:30 to 18:00
Saturday 09:00 to 13:00

Schedule: holiday-season
Day Open Hours
Sunday 09:00 to 15:00
Monday 08:30 to 17:30
Tuesday 08:30 to 17:30
Wednesday 08:30 to 17:30
Thursday 08:00 to 21:00
Friday 08:00 to 21:00
Saturday 08:00 to 21:30

Related Commands


calendar biz-schedule

Creates a business-hours schedule.

closed day

Specifies the hours when a business is closed on a specific day.

open day

Specifies the hours when a business is open on a specific day.

show calendar holiday

To display the holidays configured on the local system, use the show calendar holiday command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show calendar holiday [year yyyy [month mm]]

Syntax Description

year yyyy

(Optional) Year of the holiday list, where yyyy is the 4-digit year.

month mm

(Optional) Month of the holiday list, where mm is the 2-digit month.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.


The following example displays all the holidays configured on the system.

se-10-0-0-0# show calendar holiday

Year: 2004
September 04 Labor Day
November 25 Thanksgiving

Year: 2005
July 04 July 4th
September 05 Labor Day
November 24    Thanksgiving
December 25 Christmas

The following example displays the holidays configured for a specific year.

se-10-0-0-0-0# show calendar holiday year 2005

Year: 2005
July 04 July 4th
September 05 Labor Day
November 24    Thanksgiving
December 25 Christmas

The following example displays all the holidays for a specific month.

se-10-0-0-0# show calendar holiday year 2005 month 12

Year: 2005
December 25 Christmas

If no holidays are configured for a specific year or month, a message similar to the following appears:

se-10-0-0-0# show calendar holiday year 2006

No holidays found for the specified year

Related Commands


calendar holiday

Creates a holiday list on the local system.

show ccn application

To display the currently configured applications, use the show ccn application command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show ccn application

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.


The following is sample output for the show ccn application command:

cue-10-0-0-0# show ccn application

Name: ciscomwiapplication
Description: ciscomwiapplication
Script: setmwi.aef
ID number: 0
Enabled: yes
Maximum number of sessions: 8
strMWI_OFF_DN: 8001
strMWI_ON_DN: 8000
CallControlGroupID: 0

Name: voicemail
Description: voicemail
Script: voicebrowser.aef
ID number: 1
Enabled: yes
Maximum number of sessions: 8
logoutUri:                              http://localhost/voicemail/vxmlscripts/Logout.jsp
uri: http://localhost/voicemail/vxmlscripts/login.vxml

Name: autoattendant
Description: Auto Attendant
Script: aa.aef
ID number: 2
Enabled: yes
Maximum number of sessions: 8
MaxRetry: 3
operExtn: 0
welcomePrompt: AAWelcome.wav

Table 5 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 5 show ccn application Field Descriptions



Name of the application.


Description of the application.


Application script filename.

ID number

Order of configuration sequence number.


Active status state.

Maximum number of sessions

Maximum number of concurrent calls that the application can handle.


Location of the logout Voice XML script to execute for the voice-mail application.


Location of the login Voice XML script to execute for the voice-mail application.


Number of times that the user can respond incorrectly to submenu options before the application disconnects the call.


MWI off extension.


MWI on extension.


Sequence number.


Extension dialed for the auto-attendant operator when the caller presses zero "0".


Welcome prompt filename.

Related Commands


show ccn engine

Displays the application engine parameters.

show ccn scripts

Displays configured scripts.

show ccn subsystem sip

Displays configured subsystems.

show ccn trigger

Displays configured triggers for applications.

show ccn call application

To display active calls for a specific application, use the show ccn call application in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show ccn call application [all [subsystem {jtapi | sip}] |
application-name [subsystem {jtapi | sip}]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays active calls for all applications.


(Optional) Displays active calls for the specified application.

subsystem jtapi

(Optional) Displays active calls for the JTAPI subsystem.

subsystem sip

(Optional) Displays active calls for the SIP subsystem.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


The following are sample outputs for the show ccn call application command:

se-10-0-0-0# show ccn call application voicemail

Active Call Details for Subsystem :SIP

**** Details for route ID :1200 ****

** Active Port #1:Call and Media info **
Port ID :4
Port Impl ID :16904
Port State :IN_USE
Call Id :241
Call Impl Id :FFCE47C8-669711D6-8C4BF237-80EC4A17@
Call active time(in seconds) :1
Application Associated :voicemail
Application Task Id :17000000122
Called Number :1200
Dialed Number :
Calling Number :1005
CLID :sip:1005@
Arrival Type :DIRECT
Last Redirected Number :

Original Called Number :
Original Dialed Number :

Media Id :6
Media State :IN_USE
Media Destination Address :
Media Destination Port :16970
Destination Size :20
Destination Payload :G711ULAW64K
Media Source Address :
Media Source Port :16904
Source Size :30
Source Payload :G711ULAW64K

se-10-0-0-0# show ccn call application promptmgmt

Active Call Details for Subsystem :SIP

**** Details for route ID :1202 ****

** Active Port #1:Call and Media info **
Port ID :3
Port Impl ID :16902
Port State :IN_USE
Call Id :242
Call Impl Id :92023CF-669811D6-8C50F237-80EC4A17@
Call active time(in seconds) :1
Application Associated :promptmgmt
Application Task Id :17000000123
Called Number :1202
Dialed Number :
Calling Number :1005
CLID :sip:1005@
Arrival Type :DIRECT
Last Redirected Number :
Original Called Number :
Original Dialed Number :

Media Id :5
Media State :IN_USE
Media Destination Address :
Media Destination Port :18534
Destination Size :20
Destination Payload :G711ULAW64K
Media Source Address :
Media Source Port :16902
Source Size :30
Source Payload :G711ULAW64K

Table 6 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 6 show ccn call application Field Descriptions 


Port ID

ID number of the port.

Port Impl ID

Implementation ID for the port. This is an internally generated number.

Port State

Status of the port.

Call Id

ID number of the call.

Call Impl Id

Implementation ID of the call. This is an internally generated number.

Call State

Status of the call.

Call active time (in seconds)

Length of time for which the call has been active, in seconds.

Application Associated

Application associated with the call.

Application Task Id

ID of the application task associated with the call.

Called Number

Called number or extension.

Dialed Number

Dialed number or extension.

Calling Number

Calling number or extension.


Automatic Number Identification of the calling party.


Dialed Number Identification Service of the called party.


Caller ID of the incoming call.

Arrival Type

Type of the incoming call.

Last Redirected Number

If this is a forwarded call, this field shows the number that forwarded the call.

Original Called Number

If this is a forwarded call, this field shows the original called number.

Original Dialed Number

If this is a forwarded call, this field shows the original number dialed by the caller.

Media Id

ID of the media.

Media State

Status of the media.

Media Destination Address

IP address of the media destination.

Media Destination Port

Port number of the media.

Destination Size

Size of the destination.

Destination Payload

Payload of the media.

Media Source Address

IP address of the media source.

Media Source Port

Port number of the media source.

Source Size

Size of the source.

Source Payload

Payload of the source.

Related Commands


ccn call terminate

Terminates an active call.

show ccn call route

Displays active calls for specified routes.

show ccn call route

To display active calls for a specific route, use the show ccn call route command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show ccn call route [all [subsystem {jtapi | sip}] | route-address [subsystem {jtapi | sip}]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays active calls for all routes.


(Optional) Displays active calls for the specified route.

subsystem jtapi

(Optional) Displays active calls for the JTAPI subsystem.

subsystem sip

(Optional) Displays active calls for the SIP subsystem.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A route address is a trigger number configured for an application. Use the show ccn trigger command to display a list of configured triggers.


The following are sample outputs for the show ccn call route command:

se-10-0-0-0# show ccn call route

Active Call Details for Subsystem :JTAPI

**** Details for route ID :2200 ****

** Active Port #1:Call and Media info **
Port ID :2
Port Impl ID :2225550150
Port State :IN_USE
Call Id :9
Call Impl Id :1566/1
Call active time(in seconds) :12
Application Associated :voicemail
Application Task Id :17000000010
Called Number :2200
Dialed Number :
Calling Number :2001
Arrival Type :DIRECT
Last Redirected Number :
Original Called Number :2200
Original Dialed Number :

Media Id :2
Media State :IN_USE
Media Destination Address :
Media Destination Port :22814
Destination Size :20
Destination Payload :G711ULAW64K
Media Source Address :
Media Source Port :16388
Source Size :20
Source Payload :G711ULAW64K

** Active Port #2:Call and Media info **
Port ID :1
Port Impl ID :2225550151
Port State :IN_USE
Call Id :10
Call Impl Id :1567/1
Call active time(in seconds) :12
Application Associated :voicemail
Application Task Id :17000000011
Called Number :2200
Dialed Number :
Calling Number :2003
Arrival Type :DIRECT
Last Redirected Number :
Original Called Number :2200
Original Dialed Number :

Media Id :1
Media State :IN_USE
Media Destination Address :
Media Destination Port :27928
Destination Size :20
Destination Payload :G711ULAW64K
Media Source Address :
Media Source Port :16386
Source Size :20
Source Payload :G711ULAW64K

Active Call Details for Subsystem :SIP

The following example displays active calls for the route 1200, which is a trigger number for the voice-mail application.

se-10-0-0-0# show ccn call route 1200

Active Call Details for Subsystem :SIP

**** Details for route ID :1200 ****

** Active Port #1:Call and Media info **
Port ID :8
Port Impl ID :16912
Port State :IN_USE
Call Id :246
Call Impl Id :E682B0A9-673311D6-8C64F237-80EC4A17@
Call active time(in seconds) :0
Application Associated :voicemail
Application Task Id :17000000127
Called Number :1200
Dialed Number :
Calling Number :1005
CLID :sip:1005@
Arrival Type :DIRECT
Last Redirected Number :
Original Called Number :
Original Dialed Number :

Media Id :1
Media State :IN_USE
Media Destination Address :
Media Destination Port :18812
Destination Size :20
Destination Payload :G711ULAW64K
Media Source Address :
Media Source Port :16912
Source Size :30
Source Payload :G711ULAW64K

Table 7 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 7 show ccn call route Field Descriptions 


Port ID

ID number of the port.

Port Impl ID

Implementation ID for the port. This is an internally generated number.

Port State

Status of the port.

Call Id

ID number of the call.

Call Impl Id

Implementation ID of the call. This is an internally generated number.

Call State

Status of the call.

Call active time (in seconds)

Length of time for which the call has been active, in seconds.

Application Associated

Application associated with the call.

Application Task Id

ID of the application task associated with the call.

Called Number

Called number or extension.

Dialed Number

Dialed number or extension.

Calling Number

Calling number or extension.


Automatic Number Identification of the calling party.


Dialed Number Identification Service of the called party.


Caller ID of the incoming call.

Arrival Type

Type of the incoming call.

Last Redirected Number

If this is a forwarded call, this field shows the number that forwarded the call.

Original Called Number

If this is a forwarded call, this field shows the original called number.

Original Dialed Number

If this is a forwarded call, this field shows the original number dialed by the caller.

Media Id

ID of the media.

Media State

Status of the media.

Media Destination Address

IP address of the media destination.

Media Destination Port

Port number of the media.

Destination Size

Size of the destination.

Destination Payload

Payload of the media.

Media Source Address

IP address of the media source.

Media Source Port

Port number of the media source.

Source Size

Size of the source.

Source Payload

Payload of the source.

Related Commands


ccn call terminate

Terminates an active call.

show ccn call application

Displays active calls for specified applications.

show ccn trigger

Displays currently configured triggers.

show ccn engine

To display details of the configured Cisco Unity Express software engine, use the show ccn engine command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show ccn engine

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.


The following is sample output for the show ccn engine command:

se-10-0-0-0# show ccn engine

Maximum number of Tasks: 0
Maximum number of Steps: 1000
LDAP root basedn: ldap://localhost:389/ou=craCME, ou=workflows, ou=CCN Apps, ou=branch123,

Table 8 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 8 show ccn engine Field Descriptions


Maximum number of Tasks

Maximum number of tasks that the Cisco Communication Network (CCN) engine can process concurrently.

Maximum number of Steps

Maximum number of steps that can be executed in one script. If the script reaches this maximum number, the script execution is halted.

Related Commands


show ccn application

Displays configured applications.

show ccn scripts

Displays configured scripts.

show ccn subsystem sip

Displays configured subsystems.

show ccn trigger

Displays configured triggers for applications.

show ccn prompts

To display the configured auto-attendant greeting prompt files, use the show ccn prompts command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show ccn prompts [language xx_YY]

Syntax Description

language xx_YY

(Optional) Language of the prompts. See Release Notes for Cisco Unity Express Release 2.2 for a list of supported languages.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.


The language option was added.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command before configuring a new prompt file to verify the filenames that exist or before deleting a prompt to verify the name of the prompt file that must be removed.

If a language is not specified, this command displays user prompts in all installed languages.

If a language is specified, this command displays user prompts only for that language.

Cisco Unity Express permits only one installed language.


The following is sample output for the show ccn prompts command:

se-10-0-0-0# show ccn prompts

Name: AAExtnOutOfService.wav
Language:                               de_DE
Last Modified Date:                     Thu Oct 21 a0:57:35 PDT 2004
Length: 25462

Table 9 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 9 show ccn prompts Field Descriptions



Name of the prompt file.


Language of the prompt file.

Last Modified Date

Date when the prompt file was last modified.


Length of the prompt file, in seconds.

Related Commands


ccn copy prompt

Copies prompts to a specified URL.

ccn delete

Deletes the specified prompt.

voicemail default

Specifies a default voice-mail language.

show ccn scripts

To display script filenames, use the show ccn scripts command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show ccn scripts

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.


The following is sample output for the show ccn scripts command:

se-10-0-0-0# show ccn scripts

Name: setmwi.aef
Description: setmwi.aef
Name: voicebrowser.aef
Description: voicebrowser.aef
Name: aa.aef
Description: aa.aef

Table 10 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 10 show ccn scripts Field Descriptions



Name of the script file.


Optional description of the script file. If no description was configured, the system uses the script name for the description.

Related Commands


show ccn application

Displays configured applications.

show ccn engine

Displays configured application engine parameters.

show ccn prompts

Displays configured auto-attendant prompt files.

show ccn subsystem sip

Displays configured subsystems.

show ccn trigger

Displays configured triggers for applications.

show ccn status ccm-manager

To display the status of the JTAPI subsystem, use the show ccn status ccm-manager command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show ccn status ccm-manager

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The Cisco Unity Express JTAPI subsystem is registered with the Cisco CallManager system indicated by the IP address shown in the output of this command.


The following example illustrates the output:

se-10-0-0-0# show ccn status ccm-manager

JTAPI Subsystem is currently registered with Call Manager

Related Commands


ccm-manager address

Configures the IP address or hostname of the Cisco CallManager servers.

ccm-manager credentials

Specifies the Cisco CallManager JTAPI username and password.

ccm-manager username

Specifies the Cisco CallManager JTAPI user.

show ccn subsystem jtapi

To display the JTAPI subsystem parameters, use the show ccn subsystem jtapi command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show ccn subsystem jtapi

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module (NM), advanced integration module (AIM), and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.


The following example displays the JTAPI parameters:

se-10-0-0-0# show ccn subsystem jtapi

Cisco Call Manager:
CCM Username: admin
CCM Password: *****
Call Control Group 1 CTI ports: 7008,7009,7010

Table 11 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 11 show ccn subsystem jtapi Field Descriptions


Cisco Call Manager

IP address of the Cisco CallManager server.

CCM Username

JTAPI user ID.

CCM Password

JTAPI user password.

Call Control Group 1 CTI ports

Cisco CallManager CTI ports.

Related Commandss


ccm-manager address

Specifies the Cisco CallManager server.

ccm-manager username

Specifies the JTAPI user ID and password.

ccn subsystem jtapi

Enters JTAPI configuration mode.


Specifies the Cisco CallManager CTI ports.

show ccn subsystem sip

To display the SIP subsystem parameters, use the show ccn subsystem sip command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show ccn subsystem sip

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.


The following example displays the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) gateway and SIP port number for the Cisco Unity Express module:

se-10-0-0-0# show ccn subsystem sip

SIP Gateway:
SIP Port Number: 5060

Table 12 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 12 show ccn subsystem sip Field Descriptions


SIP Gateway

IP address of the SIP gateway.

SIP Port Number

SIP port number on the module.

Related Commands


show ccn application

Displays configured applications.

show ccn engine

Displays configured application engine parameters.

show ccn scripts

Displays configured scripts.

show ccn trigger

Displays configured triggers for applications.

show ccn trigger

To display the currently configured triggers, use the show ccn trigger command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show ccn trigger

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

Before deleting an application, use this command to display the triggers associated with the application. All triggers for the application must be deleted. If they are not deleted, an incoming call that is configured as a trigger will invoke the application.


The following is sample output for the show ccn trigger command:

cue-10-0-0-0# show ccn trigger

Name: 6800
Type: SIP
Application: voicemail
Locale: en_US
Idle Timeout: 5000
Enabled: yes
Maximum number of sessions: 8

Name: 6700
Type: SIP
Application: autoattendant
Locale: en_US
Idle Timeout: 5000
Enabled: yes
Maximum number of sessions: 8

Table 13 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 13 show ccn trigger Field Descriptions 



Telephone number used for the trigger.


Type of trigger.


Application assigned to the trigger.


Language used for the application prompts.

Idle Timeout

Number of seconds that the application waits for a user response before disconnecting the call.


Active or inactive state of the application.

Maximum number of sessions

Number of calls that the application can handle concurrently.

Related Commands


ccn trigger sip phonenumber

Configures triggers for an application.

show clock detail

To display clock statistics, use the show clock detail command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show clock detail

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

Cisco Unity Express uses the Network Time Protocol (NTP) server for clocking functions. Use the show clock detail command to display the Cisco Unity Express module clock status.


The following is sample output for the show clock detail command:

se-10-0-0-0# show clock detail

19:20:33.724 PST Wed Mar 17 1993
time zone: America/Los_Angeles
clock state: unsync
delta from reference (microsec): 0
estimated error (microsec): 175431
time resolution (microsec): 1
clock interrupt period (microsec): 10000
time of day (sec): 732424833
time of day (microsec): 760817

Table 14 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 14 show clock detail Field Descriptions 


time zone

Current time zone setting.

clock state

Synchronization state of the clock.

delta from reference (microsec)

Difference between the module clock and the NTP reference clock.

time of day (sec)

Current time of day in seconds.

time of day (microsec)

Current time of day in microseconds.

Related Commands


clock timezone

Configures the local time zone.

ntp server

Specifies the NTP server for Cisco Unity Express.

show ntp source

Displays statistics for the NTP server.

show group detail groupname

To display the configured details for a specific group, use the show group detail groupname command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show group detail groupname group-name

Syntax Description


Name of the group whose configuration details should be displayed.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays details for a group that was configured using either the Cisco Unity Express EXEC version or Cisco Unity Express configuration version of the groupname command.


The following is sample output for the show group detail groupname command:

se-10-0-0-0# show group detail groupname sales

Full Name: sales
Language: en_US
Members: user2 user8

Table 15 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 15 show group detail groupname Field Descriptions 


Full Name

Full name of the group.


Optional description of the group.


Extension or telephone number assigned to the group.


Complete 11-digit telephone number for the group.


Language used by the group for system prompts.


User ID of the group owner.


User IDs of any members assigned to the group.

Related Commands



Configures a Cisco Unity Express group.

show groups

Displays a list of group names.

show users

Displays a list of user names.


Configures a Cisco Unity Express user.

show groups

To display a list of configured groups, use the show groups command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show groups

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays a list of all groups that were configured using either the Cisco Unity Express EXEC version or Cisco Unity Express configuration version of the groupname command.


The following is sample output for the show groups command:

se-10-0-0-0# show groups


Related Commands



Configures a Cisco Unity Express group.

show group detail groupname

Displays the configuration details for a specific group.

show users

Displays a list of configured users.


Configures a Cisco Unity Express user.

show groups privileges

To display the privileges assigned to configured groups, use the show groups privileges command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show groups privileges

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


The following is sample output for the show groups privileges command:

se-10-0-0-0# show groups privileges

Administrators superuser ManagePrompts ManagePublicList
Administrators ViewPrivateList
Broadcasters broadcast
managers broadcast ViewPrivateList

Related Commands



Configures Cisco Unity Express groups.

show hosts

To display information about the configured hosts, use the show hosts command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show hosts

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.


The following is sample output for the show hosts command:

se-10-0-0-0# show hosts

Hostname: se-10-100-6-10
Domain: localdomain
DNS Server1:

Table 16 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 16 show hosts Field Descriptions



Name of the Cisco Unity Express host system.


Domain name of the host.

DNS Server1

IP address of the DNS server.

Related Commands



Specifies the server that stores the Cisco Unity Express applications.

ip domain-name

Specifies the DNS domain name.

ip name-server

Specifies the DNS server.

ntp server

Specifies the NTP clocking server.

show ip route

Displays IP route configurations.

show interface ide

To display the AIM usage and wear status, use the show interface ide command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show interface ide number

Syntax Description


The disk unit number.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module (NM), advanced integration module (AIM), and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.


The following is sample output for the show interface ide 0 command:

se-10-0-0-0# show interface ide 0

IDE hd0 is up, line protocol is up
3499 reads, 39217152 bytes
0 read errors
51588 write, 324714496 bytes
0 write errors
     0.099333333333% worn

Table 17 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 17 show interface ide 0 Field Descriptions



Number of times that data was read from flash memory.


Number of bytes of data that were read from flash memory.

read errors

Number of errors that occurred during the read operations.


Number of times that data was written into flash memory.


Number of bytes of data that were written into flash memory.

write errors

Number of errors that occurred during the write operations.


Percentage of wear on the flash memory.

Related Commands


log trace boot

Generates logging and tracing files on the AIM flash memory.

show ip route

To display the IP routing table, use the show ip route command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show ip route

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.


The following is sample output for the show ip route command:

se-10-0-0-0# show ip route

DEST GATE MASK   IFACE  eth1  lo  eth1

Table 18 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 18 show ip route Field Descriptions



IP address of the destination network.


IP address of the gateway to access the destination network.


Mask for the gateway IP address.


Interface to reach the destination network.

Related Commands



Specifies the server that stores the Cisco Unity Express applications.

ip domain-name

Specifies the DNS domain name.

ip name-server

Specifies the DNS server.

ntp server

Specifies the NTP clocking server.

show hosts

Displays all configured hosts.

show lists detail private

To display details of a specific private distribution list for a specific user, use the show lists detail private command in the Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show lists detail private {name list-name | number list-number} owner owner-id

Syntax Description

name list-name

Name of the private distribution list.

number list-number

Number of the private distribution list.

owner owner-id

Name of the list owner.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

An error message appears if the list name, number, or owner does not exist.

The command displays the list number, list name, list type, description, owners, and members with their type categories.

The list owner and local users who are members of the ViewPrivateList or Administrators groups can view the private lists that belong to a particular user.


The following is sample output for the show lists detail private command:

se-10-0-0-0# show lists detail private name projectteam owner abcdef

Number: 4
Name: projectteam
Type: Private
      tech1 user
      tech2 user
      testers group
      tech10 remote

The show lists detail private number 4 owner abcdef command would display the same output as shown above.

Related Commands


show lists detail public

Displays the details of a specified public distribution list.

show lists owner

Displays all the public and private distribution lists for a specified owner.

show lists public

Displays all public distribution lists on the local system.

show lists detail public

To display details of a specific public distribution list on the local system, use the show lists detail public command in the Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show lists detail public {name list-name | number list-number}

Syntax Description

name list-name

Name of the public distribution list.

number list-number

Number of the public distribution list.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

An error message appears if the list name or number does not exist.

The command displays the list number, list name, list type, owners, and members with their type categories.


The following is sample output from the show lists detail public command:

se-10-0-0-0# show lists detail public name engineers

Number: 5
Name: engineers 
Type: Public
     abcdef user
     progmgrs group
     abcdef user
     xxyyzz user
     betamgrs group
     techs gdm
     tech25 remote
     nyc5555 blind

The show list detail public number 5 command would display the same output as shown above.

Related Commands


show lists detail private

Displays the details of the private distribution lists for a specified owner.

show lists owner

Displays all the public and private distribution lists for a specified owner.

show lists public

Displays all public distribution lists on the local system.

show lists owner

To display all the private and public distribution lists for a specific owner, use the show lists owner command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show lists owner owner-id

Syntax Description


Name of the user or group that owns the distribution list.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

An error message appears if the owner does not exist.

The lists appear in alphabetical order, private lists followed by public lists. The command displays the number, name, and type for each list.


The following is sample output for the show lists owner command:

se-10-0-0-0# show lists owner abcdef

Owner: abcdef
   List Number      List Name      List Type
   4                projectteam    Private List
   5                engineers      Public List
   25               managers       Public List

Related Commands


show lists detail private

Displays the details of the private distribution lists for a specified owner.

show lists detail public

Displays the details of a specified public distribution list.

show lists public

Displays all public distribution lists on the local system.

show lists public

To display all the public distribution lists on the local system, use the show lists public command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show lists public

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The command displays the lists in alphabetical order with each list name, number, and type, followed by the details of each list.


The following is sample output for the show lists public command:

se-10-0-0-0# show lists public

List number List Name Type
5                        engineers                Public
9999 everyone Public
Number: 5
Name: engineers
Type: Public
       abcdef        Local User
       progmgrs      Group
       abcdef        Local User
       xxyyzz        Local User
       progmgrs      Group
       techs         General Delivery Mailbox
       tech25        Remote User
       nyc5555       Blind Address

The system does not display the details of the everyone list.

Related Commands


show lists detail private

Displays the details of the private distribution lists for a specified owner.

show lists detail public

Displays the details of a specified public distribution list.

show lists owner

Displays all the public and private distribution lists for a specified owner.

show log

To display logging data, use the show log command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show log name name [containing expression | paged | tail]

Syntax Description

name name

The name of the log file to display. Use the show logs command to display a list of available log files.

containing expression

(Optional) Only display events that match a search expression.


(Optional) Display in paged mode.


(Optional) Display the latest events as they occur.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

See the "Related Commands" section for filtering options.


The following is partial output for the show log command that displays the dmesg log:

se-10-0-0-0# show log name dmesg

Press <CTRL-C> to exit...
Linux version 2.4.24 (bld_adm@bld-system) (gcc version 2.95.3 20010315 (release4
Platform: nm
setup.c: handling flash window at [15MB..16MB]
setup.c: handling kernel log buf at [245.5MB]
setup.c: handling trace buf at [246MB]
BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
BIOS-e820: 0000000000000000 - 000000000009f400 (usable)
BIOS-e820: 000000000009f400 - 00000000000a0000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 00000000000e0800 - 0000000000100000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 0000000000100000 - 0000000000f00000 (usable)
BIOS-e820: 0000000000f00000 - 0000000001000000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 0000000001000000 - 000000000f580000 (usable)
BIOS-e820: 000000000f580000 - 000000000f600000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 000000000f600000 - 0000000010000000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 00000000fff00000 - 0000000100000000 (reserved)
245MB LOWMEM available.
On node 0 totalpages: 62848
zone(0): 4096 pages.
zone(1): 58752 pages.
zone(2): 0 pages.
DMI not present.
Kernel command line: root=/dev/hda1 ro plat=nm
Initializing CPU#0
Detected 498.674 MHz processor.
Calibrating delay loop... 996.14 BogoMIPS
Memory: 245128k/251392k available (1164k kernel code, 4852k reserved, 667k data)
kdb version 4.3 by Keith Owens, Scott Lurndal. Copyright SGI, All Rights Reservd
in atrace_init
log_head: h: 0, t: 8429274, l: 0, w: 0, s: 10484672
Using existing trace log
log_head: h: 0, t: 8429274, l: 0, w: 0, s: 10484672
Dentry cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
Inode cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
Mount cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Buffer cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
Page-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
CPU: L1 I cache: 16K, L1 D cache: 16K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU serial number disabled.

The following is sample output for the show log command that displays the dmesg log using a search string:

se-10-0-0-0# show log name dmesg containing setup

Press <CTRL-C> to exit...
setup.c: handling flash window at [15MB..16MB]
setup.c: handling kernel log buf at [245.5MB]
setup.c: handling trace buf at [246MB]

The following is partial output for the show log command that displays the dmesg log in paged mode:

se-10-0-0-0# show log name dmesg paged

Linux version 2.4.24 (bld_adm@bld-system) (gcc version 2.95.3 20010315 (release
)) #1 Tue Nov 30 23:07:21 PST 2004
Platform: nm
setup.c: handling flash window at [15MB..16MB]
setup.c: handling kernel log buf at [245.5MB]
setup.c: handling trace buf at [246MB]
BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
BIOS-e820: 0000000000000000 - 000000000009f400 (usable)
BIOS-e820: 000000000009f400 - 00000000000a0000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 00000000000e0800 - 0000000000100000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 0000000000100000 - 0000000000f00000 (usable)
BIOS-e820: 0000000000f00000 - 0000000001000000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 0000000001000000 - 000000000f580000 (usable)
BIOS-e820: 000000000f580000 - 000000000f600000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 000000000f600000 - 0000000010000000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 00000000fff00000 - 0000000100000000 (reserved)
245MB LOWMEM available.
On node 0 totalpages: 62848
zone(0): 4096 pages.
zone(1): 58752 pages.
zone(2): 0 pages.
DMI not present.
Kernel command line: root=/dev/hda1 ro plat=nm
Initializing CPU#0
-- More --

The following is the output for the show log command that displays the current dmesg log as events are being entered:

se-10-0-0-0# show log name dmesg tail

Press <CTRL-C> to exit...
Freeing unused kernel memory: 88k freed

The following is partial output for the show log command that displays the dmesg log beginning with the first line starting with ide0:

se-10-0-0-0# show log name dmesg | begin ide0

ide0: BM-DMA at 0xfc00-0xfc07, BIOS settings: hda:pio, hdb:pio
ide1: BM-DMA at 0xfc08-0xfc0f, BIOS settings: hdc:pio, hdd:pio
hda: C/H/S=50127/232/176 from BIOS ignored
hdb: C/H/S=0/0/0 from BIOS ignored
hda: IC25N020ATMR04-0, ATA DISK drive
blk: queue c030c160, I/O limit 4095Mb (mask 0xffffffff)
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
hda: attached ide-disk driver.
hda: host protected area => 1
hda: 39070080 sectors (20004 MB) w/1740KiB Cache, CHS=2432/255/63, UDMA(33)
init unit number == 0

Related Commands


show begin

Begins the output of any show command from a specified string.

show exclude

Filters show command output so that it excludes lines that contain a particular regular expression.

show include

Filters show command output so that it displays only lines that contain a particular regular expression.

show logs

Displays the list of available logs.

show logging

To show the types of messages that are displayed on the console, use the show logging command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show logging

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

See the "Related Commands" section for filtering options.


The following displays the output for the show logging command when errors and fatal messages are displayed on the console.

se-10-0-0-0# show logging

info: off
warning: off
errors: on
fatal: on

Console Filter Info:


No filter active

The following displays the output for the show logging command when errors, fatal messages, and ccn engine messages are displayed on the console.

se-10-0-0-0# show logging

info: off
warning: off
errors: on
fatal: on

Console Filter Info:


ccn Engine XDBG
ccn Engine DBUG

Related Commands


log console

Specifies the types of messages displayed on the console.

show begin

Begins the output of any show command from a specified string.

show exclude

Filters show command output so that it excludes lines that contain a particular regular expression.

show include

Filters show command output so that it displays only lines that contain a particular regular expression.

show logs

To show the existing log files on the CUE module, use the show logs command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show logs

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

See the "Related Commands" section for filtering options.


The following is sample output for the show logs command:

se-10-0-0-0# show logs


Related Commands


log trace boot

Configures trace logging options.

show begin

Begins the output of any show command from a specified string.

show exclude

Filters show command output so that it excludes lines that contain a particular regular expression.

show include

Filters show command output so that it displays only lines that contain a particular regular expression.

show memory

To display memory information for the CUE module, use the show memory command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show memory

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


The following example shows detailed information about the memory on the CUE network module:

se-10-0-0-0# show memory

Total Memory (kB): 245216
Active Memory (kB): 23728
Inactive Memory (kB): 196620
Other Memory (kB): 19760
MemoryPool (kB): 5108

Kernel Memory
5768 5368 6795 0 fs
7040 6828 7499 0 other
156 100 186 0 net

Table 19 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 19 show memory Field Descriptions 


Total Memory (kB)

The total amount of memory available to the kernel.

Note Some of the physical memory may be reserved and therefore not included in this number.

Active Memory (kB)

The portion of process memory accessed recently by code somewhere in the system.

Inactive Memory (kB)

The portion of process memory that has not been accessed recently.

Other Memory (kB)

Memory allocated for nonprocess use.

MemoryPool (kB)

Memory not allocated for any use.

Kernel Memory


The amount of memory reserved for this type.


The portion of the reserved memory that is currently being used.


The peak INUSE value since the last reboot.


The number of times allocations for this use have failed.


There are three types possible:

fs—File system

net—Network protocols

other—All other types

Related Commands


show process

Displays subsystem status and statistics for the CUE module.

show network detail local

To display network information for the local Cisco Unity Express location, use the show network detail local command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show network detail local

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.


Broadcast message and vCard information was added to the display.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display information about the local Cisco Unity Express site, including the location ID, name, abbreviation, e-mail domain, minimum and maximum extension lengths, phone prefix, VPIM encoding type, if spoken name is enabled, status of vCard enabling, the VPIM broadcast message ID, and the number of messages sent and received.


The following example shows detailed information about the local Cisco Unity Express site called "San JoseCA":

se-10-0-0-0# show network detail local

Location ID:               10
Name:                      SanJoseCA
Abbreviation:              sjc
Email domain:    
Minimum extension length:  2
Maximum extension length:  15
Phone prefix:              
VPIM encoding:             G726
Send spoken name:          enabled
Send vCard:                enabled
State:                     enabled
VPIM broadcast ID:         vpim-broadcast
Sent msg count:            0
Received msg count:        0

Related Commands


show network detail location id

Displays network information for a specified Cisco Unity Express location ID.

show network detail location id

To display network information for a specified Cisco Unity Express location ID, use the show network detail location id command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show network detail location id number

Syntax Description


ID number of the Cisco Unity Express network location.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.


Broadcast message and vCard information was added to the display.

Usage Guidelines

This command provides detailed information about the specified Cisco Unity Express location, including the name, abbreviation, e-mail domain, minimum and maximum extension lengths, phone prefix, VPIM encoding type, if spoken name is enabled, vCard enable status, broadcast message status, and the number of messages sent and received.


The following example shows information about the remote Cisco Unity Express location with the ID of 102:

se-10-0-0-0# show network detail location id 102

Name:                      Dallas/Fort Worth
Abbreviation:              DFW
Email domain:    
Minimum extension length:  2
Maximum extension length:  15
Phone prefix:              4
VPIM encoding:             dynamic
Send spoken name:          enabled
Send vCard:                enabled
State:                     enabled
VPIM broadcast ID:         vpim-broadcast
Sent msg count:            0
Received msg count:        0

Related Commands


show network detail local

Displays network information for the local Cisco Unity Express location.

show network locations

To display information about Cisco Unity Express locations, use the show network locations command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show network locations

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to verify the location ID, name, abbreviation, and domain name for each configured Cisco Unity Express network location.


The following example shows the network locations for a Cisco Unity Express system:

se-10-0-0-0# show network locations

101 'San Jose' SJC
102 'Dallas/Fort Worth'    DFW
201 'Los Angeles'   LAX
202 'Canada' CAN
301 'Chicago' CHI
302 'New York'  NYC
401   'Bangalore'         BAN

Related Commands


show network detail local

Displays network information for the local Cisco Unity Express location.

show network detail location id

Displays network information for a specified Cisco Unity Express location ID.

show network queues

To display information about messages in the outgoing queue on a Cisco Unity Express system, use the show network queues command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show network queues

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The queue information contains three displays: one for running job queue information, one for urgent job queue information, and one for normal job queue information.


The following example shows output from the show network queues command:

se-10-0-0-0# show network queues

Running Job Queue

107 VPIM 06:13:26 20 jennifer
106 VPIM 06:28:25 20 jennifer

Urgent Job Queue

123 VPIM 16:33:39 1 andy

Normal Job Queue

122 VPIM 16:33:23 1 andy
124 VPIM 16:34:28 1 andy

125 VPIM 16:34:57 1 andy

Related Commands


show network locations

Displays information about Cisco Unity Express network locations.

show ntp associations

To display the association identifier and status for all Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers, use the show ntp associations command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show ntp associations [assoc-id association-id]

Syntax Description

assoc-id association-id

(Optional) Displays detailed information about the specified association ID.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module (NM) and the advanced integration module (AIM) for both Cisco CallManager and Cisco CallManager Express.

Note A similar Cisco IOS command was introduced in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

Usage Guidelines

The show ntp associations command displays the association identifier and status for all the NTP servers configured for Cisco Unity Express but does not provide detailed information about the servers. The show ntp associations assoc-id association-id command provides detailed information on the status of a specified NTP server.

Use the status field to determine the configuration and status of all the NTP servers. This field consists of 4 hexadecimal digits:

The first two digits specify the server configuration and how far it progressed through the clock selection process. See Table 20.

The second two digits indicate the number of events and the type of the last event. See Table 21.

Table 20 shows common status codes and their meanings. The first digit specifies the configuration, reachability, and authentication status for the specified server. The second digit records how well the specified server passed through the clock selection algorithm.

Table 20 Status Field Code Values 

Status Field Codes


Server has sent a peer synchronization request to the local machine, but the server is not configured locally.


Server is a peer that is not configured locally but is reachable and using proper authentication.


Server is configured but not authenticated or reachable.


Server is configured and reachable.


Server is configured to use authentication but is not reachable.


Server is configured to use authentication and is reachable but is not using a trusted key.


Server is authenticated as a trusted server and is reachable.


Server did not pass any sanity checks and is rejected by the client. Possible causes for this condition include the server failing to authenticate, the server having a huge error bound (over 16 seconds), or the server existing on a higher stratum number than the client.


Server passed the sanity checks but was not close enough to other servers to survive the intersection algorithm. This indicates that the server's clock was outside the largest possible error bounds of the other clocks, a condition that almost certainly indicates that the server is set to the wrong time.


Server passed the correctness checks (intersection algorithm). This value indicates that the server is probably configured correctly.


Server passed the candidate checks. This means that the server was not discarded because there were too many good servers (over 10).


Server passed through the clustering algorithms without being discarded as an outlier having too much dispersion.


Server would be the synchronization source but is too far away. This means that all the other clocks did not pass the sanity check or are too far away also.


Server is the current synchronization source. This is the preferred server status.

x7xx to xFxx

Reserved values. These should not occur in normal usage.

Table 21 lists the event codes. The third digit indicates the number of events that have occurred since the last time an error was returned to the console by NTP or by one of the show ntp commands. This value does not wrap and stops incrementing at 15 (or hex F).

For a properly running server, the value should be xx1x, unless one of the show ntp commands has queried the server since startup. In that case, the value should be xx0x. If the third digit is any other value, check for the event causing errors.

The fourth digit in the field indicates the last event that occurred. For properly running servers, the event should be the server becoming reachable.

Table 21 Event Field Code Values 

Event Field Codes


Unspecified event. Either no events have occurred or some sort of special error has occurred.


IP error occurred reaching the server.


Unable to authenticate a server that used to be reachable. This indicates that the keys changed or someone is spoofing the server.


Formerly reachable server is now unreachable.


Formerly unreachable server is now reachable.


Server's clock had an error.

xxx6 to xxxF

Reserved values. These should not occur in normal usage.

The flash field indicates the status of the packets while a series of 12 diagnostic tests are performed on them. The tests are performed in a specified sequence to gain maximum information while protecting against accidental or malicious errors.

The flash variable is set to zero as each packet is received. If any bits are set as a result of the tests, the packet is discarded.

The tests look for the following information:

TEST1 through TEST3 check the packet time stamps from which the offset and delay are calculated. If no bits are set, the packet header variables are saved.

TEST4 and TEST5 check access control and cryptographic authentication. If no bits are set, no values are saved.

TEST6 through TEST8 check the health of the server. If no bits are set, the offset and delay relative to the server are calculated and saved.

TEST9 checks the health of the association. If no bits are set, the saved variables are passed to the clock filter and mitigation algorithm.

TEST10 through TEST12 check the authentication state using Autokey public-key cryptography. If any bits are set and the association was previously marked as reachable, the packet is discarded. Otherwise, the originate and receive time stamps are saved and processing continues.

Table 22 lists the flash bits for each test.

Table 22 Flash Field Diagnostic Bit Values 

Flash Bit Values


TEST1. Duplicate packet. The packet is at best a casual retransmission and at worst a malicious replay.


TEST2. Bogus packet. The packet is not a reply to a message previously sent. This can happen when the NTP daemon is restarted.


TEST3. Unsynchronized. One or more time-stamp fields are invalid. This normally happens when the first packet from a peer is received.


TEST4. Access is denied.


TEST5. Cryptographic authentication fails.


TEST6. Server is unsynchronized. Wind up its clock first.


TEST7. Server stratum is at the maximum of 15. The server is probably unsynchronized, and its clock needs to be wound up.


TEST8. Either the root delay or the dispersion is greater than 1 second.


TEST9. Either the peer delay or the dispersion is greater than 1 second.


TEST10. Autokey protocol has detected an authentication failure.


TEST11. Autokey protocol has not verified the server, or the peer is proventic and has valid key credentials.


TEST12. Protocol or configuration error has occurred in the public key algorithm, or a possible intrusion event has been detected.


The following is sample output for the show ntp associations command:

se-10-0-0-0# show ntp associations

ind assID status conf reach auth condition last_event cnt
1 37773 9624 yes yes none sys.peer reachable 2

Table 23 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 23 show ntp associations Field Descriptions 



Index number of the association.


Peer identifier returned by the server.


Hexadecimal value of the server status. See Table 20 and Table 21 for a description of these field codes.


Indicates whether the server is configured or not. Valid values are yes and no.


Indicates whether the peer is reachable or not. Valid values are yes and no.


Status of the server authentication. Valid values are:




" "


Type of association in the clock selection process. Valid values are:

space—Reject: Peer is discarded as unreachable.

falsetick—Peer is discarded as a false tick.

excess—Peer is discarded as not among the 10 closest peers.

outlier—Peer is discarded as an outlier.

candidate—Peer selected for possible synchronization.

selected—Almost synchronized to this peer.

sys.peer—Synchronized to this peer.

pps.peer—Synchronized to this peer on the basis of a pulse-per-second signal.


Last event that occurred in the system. Valid values are:


IP error

Auth fail

lost reach


clock expt

See Table 21 for descriptions of these values.


Number of events that occurred since the last time an error was returned to the console by NTP. This value does not wrap and stops incrementing at 15 (or hex F). For a properly functioning server, this value should be 1 or 0.

The following is sample output for the show ntp associations assoc-id command:

se-10-0-0-0# show ntp associations assoc-id 37773

status=9624 reach, conf, sel_sys.peer, 2 events, event_reach,
srcadr=, srcport=123, dstadr=, dstport=123, leap=00,
stratum=8, precision=-18, rootdelay=0.000, rootdispersion=0.031,
refid=, reach=377, unreach=0, hmode=3, pmode=4, hpoll=10,
ppoll=10, flash=00 ok, keyid=0, offset=-1.139, delay=0.430,
dispersion=14.821, jitter=0.158,
reftime=af4a3bee.f4749337 Thu, Mar 11 1993 14:30:06.954,
org=af4a3bf8.3f18b455 Thu, Mar 11 1993 14:30:16.246,
rec=af4a3bf8.3f71758e Thu, Mar 11 1993 14:30:16.247,
xmt=af4a3bf8.3f545c78 Thu, Mar 11 1993 14:30:16.247,
filtdelay= 0.43 0.63 0.58 0.58 0.48 0.34 0.54 0.45,
filtoffset= -1.14 -0.98 -0.96 -0.90 -0.90 -0.79 -0.47 -0.45,
filtdisp= 0.01 15.40 30.79 46.14 61.48 76.83 92.19 99.90

Table 24 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 24 show ntp associations assoc-id Field Descriptions 



Status of the peer. See Table 20, Table 21, and Table 23 for descriptions of the values in this line.


IP address of the host server.


Port address of the host server.


IP address of the destination server.


Port address of the destination server.


Two-bit code warning of an impending leap second to be inserted in the NTP timescale. Valid values are:

00—No warning

01—Last minute has 61 seconds

10—Last minute has 59 seconds

11—Alarm condition (clock not synchronized)


Server hop count to the primary clock source. Valid values are:


1—Primary clock reference

2-255—Secondary reference via NTP

If the stratum value is 15, the server is probably unsynchronized and its clock needs to be reset.


Precision of the clock, in seconds to the power of two.


Total round-trip delay, in seconds, to the primary reference source at the root of the synchronization subnet.


Maximum error, in seconds, relative to the primary reference source at the root of the synchronization subnet.


IP address of the peer selected for synchronization.


Peer reachability status history, in octal. Each bit is set to 1 if the server is reached during a polling period and is set to 0 otherwise. The value 377 indicates that the last 8 attempts were good.


Number of poll intervals since the last valid packet was received.


Association mode of the host server. Valid values are:


1—Symmetric active

2—Symmetric passive




6—Reserved for NTP control messages

7—Reserved for private use


Association mode of the peer server. Valid values are:


1—Symmetric active

2—Symmetric passive




6—Reserved for NTP control messages

7—Reserved for private use


Minimum interval, in seconds as a power of two, between transmitted messages from the host.


Minimum interval, in seconds as a power of two, between transmitted messages to the peer.


Status of the packet after a series of diagnostic tests are performed on the packet. See the description of the flash field values in Table 22.


ID of the cryptographic key used to generate the message-authentication code.


Time difference between the client and the server, in milliseconds.


Round-trip delay of the packet, in milliseconds.


Measure, in milliseconds, of how scattered the time offsets have been from a given time server.


Estimated time error, in milliseconds, of the Cisco Unity Express clock measured as an exponential average of RMS time differences.


Local time, in time-stamp format, when the local clock was last updated. If the local clock has never been synchronized, the value is zero.


Local time, in time-stamp format, at the peer when its latest NTP message was sent. If the peer becomes unreachable, the value is zero.


Local time, in time-stamp format, when the latest NTP message from the peer arrived. If the peer becomes unreachable, the value is zero.


Local time, in time-stamp format, at which the NTP message departed the sender.


Round-trip delay, in seconds, between the peer clock and the local clock over the network between them.


Offset, in seconds, of the peer clock relative to the local clock.


Maximum error, in seconds, of the peer clock relative to the local clock over the network between them. Only values greater than zero are possible.

Related Commands


show ntp servers

Displays a list of NTP servers and their current states.

show ntp source

Displays the primary time source for an NTP server.

show ntp servers

To display a list of Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers and their current states, use the show ntp servers command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show ntp servers

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module (NM) and advanced integration module (AIM) for both Cisco CallManager and Cisco CallManager Express.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays a list of NTP servers, their states, and a summary of the remote peers associated with each server.


The following is sample output for the show ntp servers command:

se-10-0-0-0# show ntp servers

remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
*    8 u 933 1024 377 0.430 -1.139 0.158
space reject, x falsetick, . excess, - outlyer
+ candidate, # selected, * sys.peer, o pps.peer

Table 25 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 25 show ntp servers Field Descriptions



IP address of the remote server.


Server's current time source.


Hop count (stratum) to the remote server.


Type of peer. Valid values are:






Time when the last packet was received.


Polling interval, in seconds.


Peer reachability status history, in octal. Each bit is set to 1 if the server is reached during a polling period and is set to 0 otherwise. The value 377 indicates that the last 8 attempts were good.


Round-trip delay of the packet, in milliseconds.


Time difference between the client and the server, in milliseconds.


Estimated time error, in milliseconds, of the Cisco Unity Express clock measured as an exponential average of RMS time differences.

(tally code)

The character preceding the remote IP address indicates the status of the association in the clock selection process. Valid values are:

space  Reject: Peer is discarded as unreachable.

x  Falsetick: Peer is discarded as a false tick.

.   Excess: Peer is discarded as not among the ten closest peers.

-   Outlier: Peer is discarded as an outlier.

+  Candidate: Peer selected for possible synchronization.

#  Selected: Almost synchronized to this peer.

*  Sys.peer: Synchronized to this peer.

o  PPS.peer: Synchronized to this peer on the basis of a pulse-per-second signal.

Related Commands


ntp server

Configures the NTP server.

show ntp associations

Displays a list of association identifiers and peer statuses for an NTP server.

show ntp source

Displays the time source for an NTP server.

show ntp source

To display the time source for a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server, use the show ntp source command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show ntp source [detail]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays detailed information about the NTP servers.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module (NM) and advanced integration module (AIM) for both Cisco CallManager and Cisco CallManager Express.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the chain of NTP servers back to their primary time source, starting from the local host.


The following is sample output for the show ntp source command:

se-10-0-0-0# show ntp source stratum 9, offset 0.000015, synch distance 0.03047 stratum 8, offset -0.001124, synch distance 0.00003

Table 26 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 26 show ntp source Field Descriptions


(first field)

IP address of the host.


Server hop count to the primary clock source. Valid values are:


1—Primary clock reference

2-255—Secondary reference via NTP


Time offset between the host and the local host, in seconds.

synch distance

Host synchronization distance, which is the estimated error relative to the primary source.

The following is sample output for the show ntp source detail command:

se-1-100-5-2# show ntp source detail

server, port 123
stratum 9, precision -17, leap 00
refid [] delay 0.00012, dispersion 0.00000 offset 0.000011
rootdelay 0.00058, rootdispersion 0.03111, synch dist 0.03140
reference time: af4a3ff7.926698bb Thu, Mar 11 1993 14:47:19.571
originate timestamp: af4a4041.bf991bc5 Thu, Mar 11 1993 14:48:33.748
transmit timestamp: af4a4041.bf90a782 Thu, Mar 11 1993 14:48:33.748

server, port 123
stratum 8, precision -18, leap 00
refid [] delay 0.00024, dispersion 0.00000 offset -0.001130
rootdelay 0.00000, rootdispersion 0.00003, synch dist 0.00003
reference time: af4a402e.f46eaea6 Thu, Mar 11 1993 14:48:14.954
originate timestamp: af4a4041.bf6fb4d4 Thu, Mar 11 1993 14:48:33.747
transmit timestamp: af4a4041.bfb0d51f Thu, Mar 11 1993 14:48:33.748

Table 27 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 27 show ntp source detail Field Descriptions 



IP address of the host server.


Port number of the host server.


Server hop count to the primary clock source. Valid values are:


1—Primary clock reference

2-255—Secondary reference via NTP


Precision of the clock, in seconds to the power of two.


Two-bit code warning of an impending leap second to be inserted in the NTP time scale. Valid values are:

00—No warning

01—Last minute was 61 seconds

10—Last minute was 59 seconds

11—Alarm condition (clock not synchronized)


IP address of the peer selected for synchronization.


Round-trip delay of the packet, in milliseconds.


Measure, in milliseconds, of how scattered the time offsets have been from a given time server.


Time offset between the host and the local host, in seconds.


Total round-trip delay, in seconds, to the primary reference source at the root of the synchronization subnet.


Maximum error, in seconds, relative to the primary reference source at the root of the synchronization subnet.

synch dist

Host synchronization distance, which is the estimated error relative to the primary source.

reference time

Local time, in time-stamp format, when the local clock was last updated. If the local clock has never been synchronized, the value is zero.

originate timestamp

Local time, in time-stamp format, at the peer when its latest NTP message was sent. If the peer becomes unreachable, the value is zero.

transmit timestamp

Local time, in time-stamp format, when the latest NTP message from the peer arrived. If the peer becomes unreachable, the value is zero.

Related Commands


show ntp associations

Displays a list of association identifiers and peer statuses for an NTP server.

show ntp servers

Displays a list of NTP servers and their current states.

show ntp status

To display statistics for the Network Time Protocol (NTP) server, use the show ntp status command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show ntp status

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.


The following is sample output for the show ntp status command:

se-10-0-0-0# show ntp status

NTP reference server 1:
Status: sys.peer
Time difference (secs): 3.268110005008586E8
Time jitter (secs): 0.17168384790420532

Table 28 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 28 show ntp status Field Descriptions


NTP reference server 1

IP address of the NTP server.


Status of the peer association in the clock selection process. Valid values are:

Reject: Peer is discarded as unreachable.

Falsetick: Peer is discarded as a false tick.

Excess: Peer is discarded as not among the ten closest peers.

Outlier: Peer is discarded as an outlier.

Candidate: Peer selected for possible synchronization.

Selected: Almost synchronized to this peer.

Sys.peer: Synchronized to this peer.

PPS.peer: Synchronized to this peer on the basis of a pulse-per-second signal.

Time difference (secs)

Difference in seconds between the system clock and the NTP server.

Time jitter (secs)

Estimated time error, in seconds, of the Cisco Unity Express clock measured as an exponential average of root mean square (RMS) time differences.

Related Commands


clock timezone

Sets the local time zone.

ntp server

Specifies the NTP server for Cisco Unity Express.

show clock detail

Displays clock statistics.

show privileges

To display a list of available privileges on the system, use the show privileges command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show privileges

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


The following is sample output for the show privileges command:

se-10-0-0-0# show privileges

System privileges

Privilegeid Description

Table 29 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 29 show privileges Field Descriptions



Name of privilege.


Text description of the privilege.

Related Commands



Configures a Cisco Unity Express group.

show process

To display subsystem status and statistics for the CUE module, use the show process command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show process [cpu | memory]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays CPU time.


(Optional) Displays process memory usage.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module.

Usage Guidelines

The output of this command will be most useful to technical support personnel diagnosing problems.


The following is sample output for the show process command:

se-10-0-0-0# show process

online alive syslog-ng
online alive platform_config
online alive rbcp
online alive trace
online alive cli
online alive ntp
online alive ldap
online alive superthread
online alive sql
online alive http
online alive ccn
online alive probe
online alive downloader
online alive dns
online alive usermanager
online alive ccn_config
online alive backuprestore
online alive smtp

The following is sample output for the show process cpu command:

se-10-0-0-0# show process cpu

Uptime (secs): 953302.54
User time (secs): 2352.6
Kernel time (secs): 38.14
Idle time (secs): 950911.8

The following is sample output for the show process memory command:

se-10-0-0-0# show process memory

12176 1256 988 268 0 220 780 244 12 0.1 syslog-ng
20028 1148 928 220 0 296 772 36 44 0.1 platform_config
11840 964 756 208 0 220 684 36 24 0.1 rbcp
14076 956 748 208 0 208 688 44 16 0.1 trace
2080 1084 980 104 0 56 896 116 16 0.0 monitor
20320 1264 1000 264 0 304 852 76 32 0.1 ntp
11808 1008 824 184 0 284 676 36 12 0.1 probe
21256 2096 888 1208 0 352 684 1032 28 0.5 downloader
19292 3676 2476 1200 0 932 1772 912 60 0.5 ldap
17040 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 sql
58992 39248 2056 37192 0 664 2988 34864 732 15.2 superthread
58560 38616 2900 35716 0 580 4020 33524 492 14.6 http
81824 45188 2820 42368 0 516 4016 39336 1320 17.3 ccn
58992 39248 2056 37192 0 664 2988 34864 732 15.2 smtp
35912 22128 1896 20232 0 556 2920 18444 208 8.3 cli

Table 30 describes the fields in the show process command output.

Table 30 show process Field Descriptions



There are two possible states:

online—The subsystem is ready to handle requests.

ready-to-go-online—The subsystem is ready, but the main processing system has not brought the subsystem online.


There are two possible health conditions:

alive—The primary thread of the process exists.

dead—The primary thread of the process does not exist. Usually, a dead primary thread will cause the subsystem to restart.


The name of the subsystem.

Table 31 describes the fields in the show process cpu command output.

Table 31 show process cpu Field Descriptions


Uptime (secs)

The number of seconds since the last reboot.

User time (secs)

The number of seconds since the last reboot that the system has spent executing nonprivileged code.

Kernel time (secs)

The number of seconds since the last reboot that the system has spent executing privileged code.

Idle time (secs)

The number of seconds since the last reboot that the system spent idle.

Table 32 describes the fields in the show process memory command output.

Table 32 show process memory Field Descriptions



The size of the process address space, in kilobytes.


The amount of physical memory, in kilobytes, in use by the process.


The portion of RSS, in kilobytes, that is shared with other processes.


The portion of RSS, in kilobytes, that is private to this process.


Size of file-mapped, read-only data memory, in kilobytes.


Size of file-mapped, read-write data memory, in kilobytes.


Size of file-mapped, read-only executable memory, in kilobytes.


Size of non-stack, non-file mapped, read-write memory, in kilobytes.


Size of native thread stacks. Non-file-mapped, read-write memory.


The percentage of RSS that is private to this process.


The name of the subsystem.

Related Commands


show memory

Displays memory information for the CUE module.

show remote cache

To display the contents of the least recently used (LRU) cache, use the show remote cache command in the Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show remote cache

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.


The following example displays the user ID, location, extension, and last accessed time for each cached user.

se-10-0-0-0# show remote cache

Remote user cache is enabled
3014001        sjc     5555         Tue Sep 21 10:38:28 PDT 2004
6661005        nyc     1111         Tue Sep 21 14:55:11 PDT 2004

Related Commands


remote cache enable

Enables the LRU cache on the local system.

show remote user detail

To display the details of a specific remote user that is configured on the local system, use the show remote user detail command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show remote user detail username username

Syntax Description

username username

Name of the remote user.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.


The following example displays the details for remote user Al Smith:

se-10-0-0-0# show remote user detail username asmith

Full Name: Al Smith
First Name: Al
Last Name: Smith
Nick Name:
Extension: 84444
Location Id: sjc

Related Commands


remote username location

Configures a remote user on the local Cisco Unity Express system.

show remote users

Displays all remote users configured on the local system.

show remote users

To display the details of all remote users that are configured on the local system, use the show remote users command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show remote users

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.


The following example displays a list of all configured remote users on the local system:

se-10-0-0-0# show remote users


Related Commands


remote username location

Configures a remote user on the local Cisco Unity Express system.

show remote user detail

Displays details for a specific remote user configured on the local system.

show running-config

To display the current running configuration, use the show running-config command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show running-config [paged]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays enough output to fill the current viewing screen.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the running configuration stored in flash memory.

Use the paged keyword to display the output in screen-length pages.


The following is sample output for the show running-config command:

se-10-0-0-0# show running-config

Generating configuration:

! Timezone Settings
clock timezone America/Los_Angeles

! hostname
hostname se-10-0-0-0

! Domain Name
ip domain-name localdomain
! DNS Servers
ip name-server

ntp server

groupname Administrators create
groupname sales create
groupname tech create

username user1 create
username user2 create
username user3 create
username user4 create
username user5 create
username user6 create
username user7 create
username user8 create
username user9 create
username user1 phonenumber "2004"
username user2 phonenumber "2005"
username user4 phonenumber "2008"
username user6 phonenumber "2006"
username user7 phonenumber "2001"
username user8 phonenumber "2012"
username user9 phonenumber "2002"

groupname Administrators member user4
groupname Administrators member user6
groupname sales member user1
groupname sales member user9

backup server url "" username "" password ""

ccn application autoattendant
description "Auto Attendant"
maxsessions 8
script "aa.aef"
parameter "MaxRetry" "3"
parameter "operExtn" "0"
parameter "welcomePrompt" "AAWelcome.wav"
end application

ccn application ciscomwiapplication
description "ciscomwiapplication"
maxsessions 8
script "setmwi.aef"
parameter "strMWI_OFF_DN" "8001"
parameter "strMWI_ON_DN" "8000"
parameter "CallControlGroupID" "0"
end application

ccn application voicemail
description "voicemail"
maxsessions 8
script "voicebrowser.aef"
parameter "logoutUri" "http://localhost/voicemail/vxmlscripts/
parameter "uri" "http://localhost/voicemail/vxmlscripts/login.
end application

ccn engine
end engine

ccn subsystem sip
gateway address ""
end subsystem

ccn trigger sip phonenumber 6700
application "autoattendant"
locale "en_US"
maxsessions 8
end trigger

ccn trigger sip phonenumber 6800
application "voicemail"
locale "en_US"
maxsessions 8
end trigger

voicemail default mailboxsize 3000
voicemail mailbox owner "user1" size 3000
description "User 1"
end mailbox

voicemail mailbox owner "user2" size 3000
description "User 2"
end mailbox

voicemail mailbox owner "user3" size 3000
description "User 3"
end mailbox

voicemail mailbox owner "user4" size 3000
description "User 4"
end mailbox

voicemail mailbox owner "user5" size 3000
description "User 5"
end mailbox

voicemail mailbox owner "user6" size 3000
description "User 6"
end mailbox

voicemail mailbox owner "user7" size 3000
description "User 7"
end mailbox

voicemail mailbox owner "user8" size 3000
description "User 8"
end mailbox


Related Commands


copy ftp

Copies network FTP server data to another location.

copy running-config

Copies the running configuration to another location.

copy startup-config

Copies the startup configuration to another location.

copy tftp

Copies network TFTP server data to another location.

erase startup-config

Deletes the startup configuration.

show startup-config

Displays the startup configuration.


Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration.

show security detail

To display the system-wide password and PIN settings, use the show security detail command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show security detail

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.


The command output may look similar to the following:

se-10-0-0-0# show security detail

Password Expires: true
Password Age: 60 days
Password Length (min): 5
Password Length (max): 32
PIN Expires: true
PIN Age: 45 days
PIN Length (min): 4
PIN Length (max): 16

The following example shows the values when password expiration and the PIN length are reset to the system default values:

se-10-0-0-0# show security detail

Password Expires: false
Password Length (min): 3
Password Length (max): 32
PIN Expires: false
PIN Age: 45 days
PIN Length (min): 3
PIN Length (max): 16

Table 33 describes the fields in the show security detail command output.

Table 33 show security detail Field Descriptions 


Password Expires

Indicates if password expiration is turned on.

Password Age

Maximum number of days for which users' passwords are valid.

Password Length (min)

Minimum number of characters for all users' passwords.

Password Length (max)

Maximum number of characters for all users' passwords.

PIN Expires

Indicates if password expiration is turned on.


Maximum number of days for which users' PINs are valid.

PIN Length (min)

Minimum number of digits for all users' PINs.

PIN Length (max)

Maximum number of digits for all users' PINs.

Related Commands


security password

Configures password length and expiry time for the local system.

security pin

Configures PIN length and expiry time for the local system.

show software

To display characteristics of the installed software, use the show software command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show software {download server | licenses | packages | versions}

Syntax Description

download server

Displays the IP address of the FTP server.


Displays the terms and limits of the purchased license for the system.


Displays the configured Cisco Unity Express application packages.


Displays the current versions of the configured software and applications.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.


This command was updated for the Cisco Unity Express network module.


The following is sample output for the show software command:

se-10-0-0-0# show software download server

Download server URL is:

se-10-0-0-0# show software licenses

- application mode: CME
- total usable system ports: 8

Voicemail/Auto Attendant:
- max system mailbox capacity time: 6000
- max general delivery mailboxes: 20
- max personal mailboxes: 100

- max installed languages: unlimited
- max enabled languages: 1

se-10-0-0-0# show software packages

Installed Packages:
- Core (Integrated Voice Services - Core)
- Auto Attendant (Integrated Voice Services - Auto Attendant)
- Voice Mail (Integrated Voice Services - Voice Mail)
- Boot Loader (Service Engine Bootloader)

Installed Languages:
- US English (Integrated Services Voice Mail US English Prompts)

se-10-0-0-0# show software versions

Installed Packages:
- Installer 2.1.1
 - Thirdpart 2.1.1
 - Bootloader (Primary) 2.1.2
 - Infrastructure 2.1.2
- Global 2.1.3
 - GPL Infrastructure 2.1.0
 - Voice Mail 2.1.2
- Bootloader (Secondary) 2.1.2
 - Installer 2.1.1
 - Core 2.1.3
 - Auto Attendant 2.1.0

Installed Languages:
 - US English 2.1.0

Note In the show software versions display, the current Cisco Unity Express software version is shown as the Global version. The other versions shown are for internal components of the product and may not correspond to the actual software version.

Related Commands


show ccn application

Displays the configured applications.

show voicemail

Displays properties configured for the voice-mail system.

voicemail default

Configures default values for the voice-mail application.

show software directory

To display directory information for software download and downgrade files, use the show software directory command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show software directory {download | downgrade}

Syntax Description


Displays download directory information.


Displays downgrade directory information.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.


The following is sample output for the show software directory download command:

se-10-10-0-0# show software directory download

KBytes Directory
27347 /dwnld/pkgdata

Directory listings

Directory: /dwnld/pkgdata

total 27347
drwxrwxr-x 2 root daemon 136 Oct 18 19:30 .
drwxrwxr-x 4 root daemon 136 Oct 18 19:30 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 27857860 Oct 18 19:31 cue-vm-upgrade.2.1
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 113161 Oct 18 19:30 cue-vm.2.1.pkg

The following is sample output for the show software directory downgrade command:

se-172-16-0-0# show software directory downgrade

KBytes Directory
6154 /dwnld/dwngrade

Directory listings

Directory: /dwnld/dwngrade

total 6154
drwxrwxrwx 3 root daemon 184 Nov 3 17:22 .
drwxrwxr-x 4 root daemon 360 Nov 3 17:22 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root daemon 227 Oct 28 18:42 .uninstall_work_order
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root daemon 6286628 Oct 28 18:42 add_files.fhdr
drwxrwxr-x 2 root daemon 48 Nov 3 17:22 tmp

Related Commands


show ccn application

Displays the configured applications.

show voicemail

Displays properties configured for the voice-mail system.

voicemail default

Configures default values for the voice-mail application.

show startup-config

To display the current startup configuration, use the show startup-config command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show startup-config [paged]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays enough output to fill the current viewing screen.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the startup configuration stored in flash memory.


The following is sample output for the show startup-config command:

se-10-0-0-0# show startup-config

! This adds all the platform CLI commands

! hostname
hostname se-10-0-0-0

! Domain Name
ip domain-name localdomain

! DNS Servers
ip name-server

! Timezone Settings
clock timezone America/Los_Angeles

Related Commands


copy ftp

Copies network FTP server data to another location.

copy running-config

Copies the running configuration to another location.

copy startup-config

Copies the startup configuration to another location.

copy tftp

Copies network TFTP server data to another location.

erase startup-config

Deletes configuration data.

show running-config

Displays the running configuration.


Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration.

show trace buffer

To display a list of events in memory, use the show trace buffer command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show trace buffer [containing string [long | short] | long [paged] | short [paged] | tail [number [long | short]]]

Syntax Description

containing string

(Optional) Displays only events that match a search expression.


(Optional) Displays expanded text for many error and return codes.


(Optional) Displays hexadecimal codes.


(Optional) Displays the output a page at a time.


(Optional) Display the latest events as they occur.


(Optional) Displays the most recent number of events.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays a list of the trace events being captured in the memory buffer. Use this command to monitor trace events set for debugging. You may stop the output by pressing CTRL-C.


The following example shows a partial output from the show trace buffer command:

se-10-0-0-0# show trace buffer

Press <CTRL-C> to exit...
238 09/19 23:23:11.041 TRAC TIMZ 0 UTC UTC 0
238 09/19 23:23:11.043 TRAC TIMZ 0 UTC UTC 0
800 09/19 23:28:04.152 WFSP MISC 0 WFSysdbLimits::WFSysdbLimits hwModuleType=NM
800 09/19 23:28:04.171 WFSP MISC 0 WFSysdbProp::getProp
800 09/19 23:28:04.171 WFSP MISC 0 keyName = limitsDir
str = /sw/apps/wf/ccnapps/limits
800 09/19 23:28:04.197 WFSP MISC 0 WFSysdbProp::getNodeXml
800 09/19 23:28:04.197 WFSP MISC 0 WFSysdbProp::getProp
800 09/19 23:28:04.198 WFSP MISC 0 keyName = limits
str = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?> <attrList> <a
ttrDecl purpose="CONFIG" type="INT32" maxsize="4"> <node>limits</node> <attr>max
_scripts</attr> <desc>maximum number of scripts</desc> <value>0</value> </attrDe
cl> <attrDecl purpose="CONFIG" type="INT32" maxsize="4"> <node>limits</node> <at
tr>max_prompts</attr> <desc>maximum number of prompts</desc> <value>0</value> </
attrDecl> </attrList>
800 09/19 23:28:04.199 WFSP MISC 0 WFSysdbProp::getNodeXml(str, str)
800 09/19 23:28:04.200 WFSP MISC 0 WFSysdbProp::getProp
800 09/19 23:28:04.200 WFSP MISC 0 keyName = app

Related Commands


show begin

Begins the output of any show command from a specified string.

show exclude

Filters a show command output so that it excludes lines that contain a particular regular expression.

show include

Filters a show command output so that it displays only lines that contain a particular regular expression.

show trace store

To display a list of events from the atrace.log file, use the show trace store command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show trace store [containing string [long | short] | long [paged] | short [paged] | tail [number [long | short]]]

Syntax Description

containing string

(Optional) Displays only events that match a search expression.


(Optional) Displays expanded text for many error and return codes.


(Optional) Displays hexadecimal codes.


(Optional) Displays the output a page at a time.


(Optional) Display the latest events as they occur.


(Optional) Displays the most recent number of events.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module (NM) and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays a list of the trace events saved in the atrace.log file. Use this command to monitor trace events set for debugging. The atrace.log file capacity is 10 MB on the AIM and 100 MB on the NM. When the atrace.log file reaches its limit, it is copied to the atrace.log.prev file and restarted. You may stop the output by pressing CTRL-C.


The following example shows a partial output from the show trace store command:

se-10-0-0-0# show trace store

Press <CTRL-C> to exit...
238 09/19 23:23:11.041 TRAC TIMZ 0 UTC UTC 0
238 09/19 23:23:11.043 TRAC TIMZ 0 UTC UTC 0
800 09/19 23:28:04.152 WFSP MISC 0 WFSysdbLimits::WFSysdbLimits hwModuleType=NM
800 09/19 23:28:04.171 WFSP MISC 0 WFSysdbProp::getProp
800 09/19 23:28:04.171 WFSP MISC 0 keyName = limitsDir
str = /sw/apps/wf/ccnapps/limits
800 09/19 23:28:04.197 WFSP MISC 0 WFSysdbProp::getNodeXml
800 09/19 23:28:04.197 WFSP MISC 0 WFSysdbProp::getProp
800 09/19 23:28:04.198 WFSP MISC 0 keyName = limits
str = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?> <attrList> <a
ttrDecl purpose="CONFIG" type="INT32" maxsize="4"> <node>limits</node> <attr>max
_scripts</attr> <desc>maximum number of scripts</desc> <value>0</value> </attrDe
cl> <attrDecl purpose="CONFIG" type="INT32" maxsize="4"> <node>limits</node> <at
tr>max_prompts</attr> <desc>maximum number of prompts</desc> <value>0</value> </
attrDecl> </attrList>
800 09/19 23:28:04.199 WFSP MISC 0 WFSysdbProp::getNodeXml(str, str)
800 09/19 23:28:04.200 WFSP MISC 0 WFSysdbProp::getProp
800 09/19 23:28:04.200 WFSP MISC 0 keyName = app

Related Commands


show begin

Begins the output of any show command from a specified string.

show exclude

Filters a show command output so that it excludes lines that contain a particular regular expression.

show include

Filters a show command output so that it x displays only lines that contain a particular regular expression.

show logs

Displays a list of the log files.

show trace store-prev

Displays a list of events from the atrace.log.prev file.

show trace store-prev

To display a list of events from the atrace.log.prev file, use the show trace store-prev command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show trace store-prev [containing string [long | short] | long [paged] | short [paged] | tail [number [long | short]]]

Syntax Description

containing string

(Optional) Display only events that match a search expression.


(Optional) Displays expanded text for many error and return codes.


(Optional) Displays hexadecimal codes.


(Optional) Displays the output a page at a time.


(Optional) Display the latest events as they occur.


(Optional) Displays the most recent number of events.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module (NM) and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays a list of the trace events being captured in the atrace.log.prev file. Use this command to monitor trace events set for debugging. The atrace.log file capacity is 10 MB on the AIM and 100 MB on the NM. When the atrace.log file reaches its limit, it is copied to the atrace.log.prev file and restarted. You may stop the output by pressing CTRL-C.


The following example shows a partial output from the show trace store-prev command:

se-10-0-0-0# show trace store-prev

Press <CTRL-C> to exit...
238 09/19 23:23:11.041 TRAC TIMZ 0 UTC UTC 0
238 09/19 23:23:11.043 TRAC TIMZ 0 UTC UTC 0
800 09/19 23:28:04.152 WFSP MISC 0 WFSysdbLimits::WFSysdbLimits hwModuleType=NM
800 09/19 23:28:04.171 WFSP MISC 0 WFSysdbProp::getProp
800 09/19 23:28:04.171 WFSP MISC 0 keyName = limitsDir
str = /sw/apps/wf/ccnapps/limits
800 09/19 23:28:04.197 WFSP MISC 0 WFSysdbProp::getNodeXml
800 09/19 23:28:04.197 WFSP MISC 0 WFSysdbProp::getProp
800 09/19 23:28:04.198 WFSP MISC 0 keyName = limits
str = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?> <attrList> <a
ttrDecl purpose="CONFIG" type="INT32" maxsize="4"> <node>limits</node> <attr>max
_scripts</attr> <desc>maximum number of scripts</desc> <value>0</value> </attrDe
cl> <attrDecl purpose="CONFIG" type="INT32" maxsize="4"> <node>limits</node> <at
tr>max_prompts</attr> <desc>maximum number of prompts</desc> <value>0</value> </
attrDecl> </attrList>
800 09/19 23:28:04.199 WFSP MISC 0 WFSysdbProp::getNodeXml(str, str)
800 09/19 23:28:04.200 WFSP MISC 0 WFSysdbProp::getProp
800 09/19 23:28:04.200 WFSP MISC 0 keyName = app

Related Commands


show begin

Begins the output of any show command from a specified string.

show exclude

Filters a show command output so that it excludes lines that contain a particular regular expression.

show include

Filters a show command output so that it displays only lines that contain a particular regular expression.

show logs

Displays a list of the log files.

show trace store

Displays a list of events from the atrace.log file.

show user detail username

To display the configured details for a specific user, use the show user detail username command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show user detail username username

Syntax Description


Name of the user whose configuration details should be displayed.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays users who were configured using either the Cisco Unity Express EXEC version or Cisco Unity Express configuration version of the username command.


The following is sample output for the show user detail username command.

se-10-0-0-0# show user detail username user1

Full Name: User 1
First Name:
Last Name: user1
Nickname: user1
Phone: 2004
Language: en_US

Table 34 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 34 show user detail username Field Descriptions 


Full Name

Full name of the user.

First Name

First name of the user.

Last Name

Last name of the user.


Optional nickname of the user.


Extension or telephone number assigned to the user.


11-digit telephone number assigned to the user.


Language used for prompts for this user.

Related Commands


show users

Displays a list of usernames.


Configures a Cisco Unity Express user.

show users

To display a list of configured users, use the show users command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show users

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays a list of all users who were configured using either the Cisco Unity Express EXEC version or the Cisco Unity Express configuration version of the username command.


The following example lists the users configured in the voice-mail system:

se-10-0-0-0# show users


Related Commands


show user detail username

Displays the configuration details for a specific user.


Configures a Cisco Unity Express user.

show version

To display the versions of the Cisco Unity Express hardware components, use the show version command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show version

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


The compact flash information was added to the display.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays a list of the installed Cisco Unity Express hardware components with their versions and serial numbers.


The following example lists the hardware components for a Cisco Unity Express system:

se-10-0-0-0# show version

CPU Model: Pentium III (Coppermine)
CPU Speed (MHz): 498.677
CPU Cache (KByte): 256
Chassis Type: C3745
Chassis Serial: JMX0633L3RW
Module Type: NM
Module Serial: JAB0552066P
CF info: HITACHI_DK23DA-20

Related Commands


show software

Displays the version numbers of the installed Cisco Unity Express software components.

show voicemail

To display the properties of the voice-mail system, use the show voicemail command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show voicemail {detail {mailbox | user} name | limits | mailboxes [idle number-of-days] | usage | users}

Syntax Description

detail {mailbox | user} name

Displays the details for a general delivery mailbox or a user with the name value. For a general delivery mailbox, use the owner's name, not the name of the group.


Displays default values for all mailboxes.


Displays all configured mailboxes and their current storage status.

idle number-of-days

(Optional) Displays all configured mailboxes that have been inactive for at least the specified number of days.


Displays how much of the voice-mail system's capacity has been used or configured.


Lists all the local voice-mail users.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3). The idle keyword was added.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.


Broadcast information was added to the displays of the mailboxes and usage options.

Usage Guidelines

If the user specified with the name value has a personal mailbox and is the owner of a general delivery mailbox, the show voicemail detail mailbox command displays the detail for all the user's mailboxes.


The following is sample output for the show voicemail command:

se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail detail mailbox tech

Owner: /sw/local/groups/tech
Type: General Delivery
Busy state: idle
Enabled: enabled
Mailbox Size (seconds): 3000
Message Size (seconds): 60
Play Tutorial: true
Space Used (seconds): 0
Total Message Count: 0
New Message Count: 0
Saved Message Count: 0
Expiration (days): 30
Greeting: standard
Created/Last Accessed: Oct 15 2003 04:38:28 GMT+00:00

se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail detail mailbox user1

Owner: /sw/local/users/user1
Type: Personal
Description: user1
Busy state: idle
Enabled: enabled
Mailbox Size (seconds): 3000
Message Size (seconds): 60
Play Tutorial: true
Space Used (seconds): 0
Total Message Count: 0
New Message Count: 0
Saved Message Count: 0
Expiration (days): 30
Greeting: standard
Created/Last Accessed: Nov 05 2003 04:38:28 GMT+00:00

Table 35 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 35 show voicemail detail mailbox Field Descriptions



Pathname of the mailbox space. For a general delivery mailbox, this is not the name of the group owner.


Type of mailbox (general or personal).


Optional description of the mailbox.

Busy state

Current activity state of the mailbox.


Indicates whether the mailbox is available to receive calls.

Mailbox Size (seconds)

Configured size of the mailbox, in seconds.

Message Size (seconds)

Permitted maximum message storage size, in seconds.

Play Tutorial

Indication of whether the voice-mail tutorial plays on the user's first entry into the mailbox.

Space Used (seconds)

Number of seconds used for currently stored messages.

Total Message Count

Number of all stored messages in the mailbox.

New Message Count

Number of new messages in the mailbox.

Saved Message Count

Number of saved messages in the mailbox.

Expiration (days)

Maximum number of days for which messages can be stored in the mailbox.


Type of active greeting (standard or alternate).

The following is sample output for the show voicemail limits command:

se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail limits

Default Mailbox Size (seconds): 3000
Default Caller Message Size (seconds): 60
Maximum Recording Size (seconds): 900
Default Message Age (days): 30
System Capacity (minutes): 6000
Default Prompt Language: en_US
Operator Telephone: 6700

Table 36 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 36 show voicemail limits Field Descriptions


Default Mailbox Size (seconds)

Configured size of any new mailbox, in seconds.

Default Caller Message Size (seconds)

Permitted maximum message storage size in any new mailbox, in seconds.

Maximum Recording Size (seconds)

Maximum length of a user's outgoing greeting, in seconds.

Default Message Age (days)

Maximum number of days for which messages can be stored in any new mailbox.

System Capacity (minutes)

Maximum storage minutes for all messages and greetings in the system.

Default Prompt Language

Language used for voice-mail prompts.

Operator Telephone

Extension or telephone number for the voice-mail operator.

The following is sample output for the show voicemail mailboxes command:

se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail mailboxes

user1             16   16   0    0   4   3000    3000    100%
user2             16   16   0    0   4   3000    3000    100%
user3             16   16   0    0   4   3000    3000    100%
user4             16   16   0    0   4   3000    3000    100%

Table 37 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 37 show voicemail mailboxes Field Descriptions 



User who has a configured mailbox. Other users may be configured on the system, but only those with mailboxes appear on this list.


Total number of messages currently in the owner's mailbox.


Number of new messages in the owner's mailbox.


Number of saved messages in the owner's mailbox.


Number of deleted messages.


Number of broadcast messages in the owner's mailbox.


Total number of seconds used for messages in the owner's mailbox.


Size of the owner's mailbox, in seconds.


Number of seconds used by the owner for messages.

The following is sample output for the show voicemail mailboxes idle command:

se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail mailboxes idle 7

"user1" 11 0 0 3000
"user2" 11 0 0 3000
"user3" 11 0 0 3000
"user4" 11 0 0 3000
"user5" 11 0 0 3000

Table 38 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 38 show voicemail mailboxes idle Field Descriptions



User ID of the mailbox owner.


Number of days for which the mailbox has been idle.


Number of messages stored in the mailbox.


Number of minutes of messages currently stored in the mailbox.


Maximum number of storage minutes for the mailbox.

The following is sample output for the show voicemail usage command:

se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail usage

personal mailboxes:                  120
general delivery mailboxes:          0
orphaned mailboxes                   0
capacity of voicemail (minutes):     6000
allocated capacity (minutes):        6000.0
total message time used (seconds):   7543
total message count:                 7001
average message length (seconds):    1.0774175117840308
broadcast message count:             4
networking message count:            0
greeting time used (seconds):        3
greeting count:                      1
average greeting length (seconds):   3.0
total time used (seconds):           7546
total time used (minutes):           125.76667022705078
percentage time used (%):            2
messages left since boot:            5
messages played since boot:          2
messages deleted since boot:         0

Table 39 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 39 show voicemail usage Field Descriptions 


personal mailboxes

Number of configured personal mailboxes.

general delivery mailboxes

Number of configured general delivery mailboxes.

orphaned mailboxes

Number of orphaned mailboxes.

capacity of voicemail (minutes)

Maximum number of storage minutes for the voice-mail system.

allocated capacity (minutes)

Number of storage minutes allocated for the voice-mail system.

total message time used (seconds)

Number of seconds currently used for all messages.

total message count

Number of messages currently stored in all mailboxes.

average message length (seconds)

Average length of all voice messages, in seconds.

broadcast message count

Number of broadcast messages currently stored.

networking message count

Number of recorded network messages.

greeting time used (seconds)

Number of seconds used for all mailbox greetings.

greeting count

Number of recorded greetings.

average greeting length (seconds)

Average length of all greetings, in seconds.

total time used (seconds)

Total seconds used for all messages and greetings.

total time used (minutes)

Total minutes used for all messages and greetings.

percentage used time (%)

Percentage of total minutes used compared to the allocated capacity.

messages left since boot

Number of messages left by all callers to all voice mailboxes, including general delivery mailboxes (GDMs), since the last software reload.

messages played since boot

Number of messages played to all voice mailbox users and owners, including GDMs, since the last software reload.

messages deleted since boot

Number of messages deleted by all voice mailbox owners, including GDMs, since the last software reload.

The following is sample output for the show voicemail users command:

se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail users


Related Commands


voice mailbox owner

Configures a mailbox for a user or group.

voice mailbox unlock

Unlocks a mailbox.

show voicemail broadcast messages

To display details of all broadcast messages on the local system, use the show voicemail broadcast messages command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

show voicemail broadcast messages

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.


The output for this command may appear similar to the following:

se-10-0-0-0# show voicemail broadcast messages

Message ID:         JMX0824L4R4-NM-FOC08221WSQ-1103139552166-NBCM
Length(secs):       10
Start time:         21:12:54 Nov 23 2004 PST
End time:           11:48:06 Dec 4 2004 PST

Message ID:         JMX0824L4R4-NM-FOC08221WSQ-1103084723247-NBCM
Length(secs):       30
Start time:         08:41:09 Dec 7 2004 PST
End time:           09:00:00 Jan 3 2005 PST

Related Commands


show voicemail mailboxes

Displays details of all voice mailboxes, including broadcast messages.

show voicemail usage

Displays the voice-mail usage, including broadcast messages.

voicemail broadcast message

Configures the start and end times of the broadcast message.

voicemail broadcast message delete

Deletes a broadcast message.

voicemail broadcast mwi

Enables the MWI lights for broadcast messages.

voicemail broadcast recording time

Configures the maximum length of broadcast messages.

voicemail broadcast vpim-id

Configures the VPIM ID for a network location.

voicemail default broadcast expiration time

Configures the expiration time of broadcast messages.


To turn off the Cisco Unity Express system, use the shutdown command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.


Caution Always shut down the module before power-cycling the router to prevent file corruption and data loss.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module (NM) and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to shut down the Cisco Unity Express AIM or NM.

Caution The shutdown in immediate. The software does not ask for confirmation.


The following example shows the shutdown of a CUE network module:

se-10-10-0-0# shutdown
EXITED: probe exit status 0
EXITED: exit status 0
EXITED: exit status 0

Remounting device 03:01 ... OK
System halted.

Related Commands



Starts the Cisco Unity Express system.

software download abort

To abort a download that is in progress, use the software download abort command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

software download abort

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.


The following is an example of aborting an existing download:

se-10-0-0-0# software download abort
Download request aborted.

Related Commands


software download clean

Downloads a complete package to install later.

software download status

Reports the status of a download in progress.

software download upgrade

Downloads an upgrade package to install later.

software download clean

To download software packages for installing later, use the software download clean command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

software download clean {package-file-name | url ftp://ftp-server-ip-address/package-file-name}

Syntax Description


Name of the package file for the new software.

url ftp://ftp-server-ip-address

URL of the FTP server.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.


The following is an example of downloading a software package to install later where the FTP server information has been set in the CUE configuration.

se-172-16-0-0# software download clean cue-vm.2.0.1.pkg

The following is an example of downloading a software package to install later where the FTP server information is included on the command line.

se-10-16-0-0# software download clean url

WARNING:: This command will download the necessary software to
WARNING:: complete a clean install. It is recommended that a backup be done
WARNING:: before installing software.

Would you like to continue? [n] y

Downloading cue-vm.2.0.1.pkg
Bytes downloaded : 63648

Validating package signature ... done

Downloading cue-vm-lang-pack.2.0.1.pkg
Bytes downloaded : 126048

Validating package signature ... done
Language Selection Menu:

Num. Selected Installed Language Name
1 CUE Voicemail European French Version
2 CUE Voicemail European Spanish Version
3 CUE Voicemail Gaelic Irish Version
4 CUE Voicemail German Version
5 CUE Voicemail US English Version

Available commands are:
# - enter the number for the language to select one
r # - remove the language for given #
i # - more information about the language for given #
x - Done with language selection

> 5
Language Selection Menu:

Num. Selected Installed Language Name
1 CUE Voicemail European French Version
2 CUE Voicemail European Spanish Version
3 CUE Voicemail Gaelic Irish Version
4 CUE Voicemail German Version
5 * CUE Voicemail US English Version

Available commands are:
# - enter the number for the language to select one
r # - remove the language for given #
i # - more information about the language for given #
x - Done with language selection

> x
[17488 refs]

The following is an example of using the software download status command to check on the download progress.

se-172-16-0-0# software download status

Download request in progress.
downloading file : cue-vm.2.0.prt1
bytes downloaded : 5536224

Related Commands


software download abort

Aborts a download that is in progress.

software download status

Reports the status of a download in progress.

software download upgrade

Downloads an upgrade package to install later.

software download server

To configure the FTP server address on the Cisco Unity Express module, use the software download server command in Cisco Unity Express configuration mode.

software download server url ftp://server-ip-address[/dir] [username username
password password | credentials hidden credentials]

Syntax Description

url ftp://server-ip-address

IP address of the FTP server.


(Optional) The FTP directory on the server.

username username

(Optional) Specifies the FTP username. If this option is not used, the default is "anonymous".

password password

(Optional) Specifies the FTP password.

credentials hidden credentials

(Optional) Specifies the encrypted username and password value.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express configuration

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.


The following is an example of setting the server information with just a root directory.

se-10-16-0-0(config)# software download server url

The following is an example of setting the server information with a directory different than the root directory.

se-10-16-0-0(config)# software download server url

The following is an example of setting the server information with a username and password.

se-10-16-0-0(config)# software download server url username ftpuser password ftppassword

The following is an example of setting the server information with an encrypted credentials string.

se-10-16-0-0(config)# software download server url credentials hidden +EdgXXrwvTekoNCDGbGiEnfGWTYHfmPSd8ZZNgd+Y9J3xlk2B35j0nGWTYHfmPSd8ZZNgd+Y9J3xlk2B35jwAAAAA=

Related Commands


show software

Displays the FTP server information.

software download status

To display the progress of a software download, use the software download status command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

software download status

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.


The following is an example a download in progress:

se-10-0-0-0# software download status

Download request in progress.
downloading file : cue-vm.2.0.1.prt1
bytes downloaded : 5536224

se-10-0-0-0# software download status

Download request completed successfully.

Related Commands


software download abort

Aborts a download that is in progress.

software download clean

Downloads a complete package to install later.

software download upgrade

Downloads an upgrade package to install later.

software download upgrade

To download software for a later upgrade, use the software download upgrade command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

software download upgrade {package-filename | url ftp://ftp-server-ip-address[/dir]/package-filename} [username username password password]

Syntax Description


Name of the package file for the new software.

url ftp://ftp-server-ip-address

URL of the FTP server.


(Optional) Directory other than the default.

username username

(Optional) Username for the FTP server.

password password

(Optional) Password for the FTP server.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to download files for a future upgrade.

Note Only certain versions of CUE software support an upgrade or downgrade. Check the release notes for the specific version to see if an upgrade or downgrade is supported. You cannot downgrade below CUE 2.0.


The following is an example of downloading a software package to upgrade later where the FTP server information has been set in the CUE configuration.

se-10-0-0-0# software download upgrade cue-vm.2.1.pkg

The following is an example of downloading a software package to upgrade later where the FTP server information is included on the command line. The username and password could also be included in this command.

se-10-0-0-0# software download upgrade url

WARNING:: This command will download the necessary software to
WARNING:: complete an upgrade. It is recommended that a backup be done
WARNING:: before installing software.

Would you like to continue? [n] y
url_host :
url_user :null
url_uname :anonymous
url_psword :anonymous
url_proto :ftp
url_path :/
url_fname :cue-vm.
url_url :

Downloading cue-vm.2.1.pkg
Bytes downloaded : 63648

Validating package signature ... done
Validating installed manifests ..........complete.
[17497 refs]

Note When you download the software, there are no other prompts for user input. The software package is downloaded to the CUE network module.

The following is an example of using the software download status command to check on the download progress.

se-10-0-0-0# software download status

Download request in progress.
downloading file : cue-vm.2.1.prt1
bytes downloaded : 5536224

se-10-0-0-0# software download status

Download request completed successfully.

The following example shows how to verify the download success using the show software directory download command.

se-10-10-0-0# show software directory download

KBytes Directory
0 /dwnld/pkgdata

Directory listings

Directory: /dwnld/pkgdata

total 0
drwxrwxr-x 2 root daemon 48 Sep 15 2005 .
drwxrwxr-x 4 root daemon 200 Sep 15 2005 ..

Related Commands


software download abort

Aborts a download that is in progress.

software download status

Reports the status of a download in progress.

show software directory

Displays directory information for software downloads and downgrades.

software install clean

To install a new version of CUE software, use the software install clean command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

software install clean {package-filename | url ftp://ftp-server-ip-address/package-filename}

Syntax Description


Name of the package file for the new software.

url ftp://ftp-server-ip-address/

URL of the FTP server.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to download files for a new install.

Note This command cleans the disk. All configuration and voice messages will be lost after this step. For future upgrades and installations, verify that a backup has been done. If it has not, abort at this step and do a backup first.


The following is an example of the command to install a new version of CUE software where the FTP server information has been set in the CUE configuration.

se-10-16-0-0# software install clean cue-vm.2.0.pkg

The following is an example of installing a new version of CUE software where the FTP server information is included on the command line.

se-10-16-0-0# software install clean url

WARNING:: This command will install the necessary software to
WARNING:: complete a clean install. It is recommended that a backup be done
WARNING:: before installing software.
Would you like to continue? [n] y

Language Selection Menu:
Num. Selected Installed Language Name
1 CUE Voicemail European French Version
2 CUE Voicemail European Spanish Version
3 CUE Voicemail Gaelic Irish Version
4 CUE Voicemail German Version
5 CUE Voicemail US English Version
Available commands are:
# - enter the number for the language to select one
r # - remove the language for given #
i # - more information about the language for given #
x - Done with language selection
Language Selection Menu:
Num. Selected Installed Language Name
1 CUE Voicemail European French Version
2 CUE Voicemail European Spanish Version
3 CUE Voicemail Gaelic Irish Version
4 CUE Voicemail German Version
5 * CUE Voicemail US English Version
Available commands are:
# - enter the number for the language to select one
r # - remove the language for given #
i # - more information about the language for given #
x - Done with language selection

At this point the new software will load from the FTP server and the system will restart.

IMPORTANT:: Welcome to Cisco Systems Service Engine
IMPORTANT:: post installation configuration tool.
IMPORTANT:: This is a one time process which will guide
IMPORTANT:: you through initial setup of your Service Engine.
IMPORTANT:: Once run, this process will have configured
IMPORTANT:: the system for your location.
IMPORTANT:: If you do not wish to continue, the system will be halted
IMPORTANT:: so it can be safely removed from the router.
Do you wish to start configuration now (y,n)? y

IMPORTANT:: A Cisco Unity Express configuration has been found
IMPORTANT:: You can choose to restore this configuration into
IMPORTANT:: current image.
IMPORTANT:: A stored configuration contains some of the data
IMPORTANT:: previous installation, but not as much as a backup.
IMPORTANT:: example: voice messages, user passwords, user PINs,
IMPORTANT:: auto attendant scripts are included in a backup,
IMPORTANT:: not saved with the configuration.
IMPORTANT:: If you are recovering from a disaster and do not
IMPORTANT:: backup, you can restore the saved configuration.
IMPORTANT:: If you are going to restore a backup from a previous
IMPORTANT:: installation, you should not restore the saved
IMPORTANT:: If you choose not to restore the saved configuration,
IMPORTANT:: will be erased from flash.
Would you like to restore the saved configuration? (y,n)y

IMPORTANT:: Administrator Account Creation
IMPORTANT:: Create an administrator account. With this account,
IMPORTANT:: you can log in to the Cisco Unity Express GUI and
IMPORTANT:: run the initialization wizard.
Enter administrator user ID:
(user ID): Admin
Enter password for admin:
(password): ******
Confirm password for admin by reentering it:
(password): ******

Related Commands


software download abort

Aborts a download that is in progress.

software download status

Reports the status of a download in progress.

software download upgrade

Downloads an upgrade package to install later.

software install downgrade

Downgrades the current Cisco Unity Express software to a previous version.

software install upgrade

Upgrades the current Cisco Unity Express software to a newer version.

software install downgrade

To downgrade to a previously installed version of CUE software, use the software install downgrade command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

software install downgrade

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to downgrade to the previous version of CUE software. The package information has already been saved on the CUE module from the previous upgrade. No FTP information is necessary.

Note Only certain versions of CUE software support an upgrade or downgrade. Check the release notes for the specific version to see if an upgrade or downgrade is supported. You cannot downgrade below CUE 2.0.


The following is an example of the command to downgrade to the previous version of CUE software.

se-172-16-0-0# software install downgrade

The following example shows how to verify the downgrade success using the show software directory downgrade command.

se-10-10-0-0# show software directory downgrade
KBytes Directory
0 /dwnld/dwngrade

Directory listings

Directory: /dwnld/dwngrade

total 0
drwxrwxrwx 2 root daemon 48 Sep 15 2005 .
drwxrwxr-x 4 root daemon 200 Sep 15 2005 ..

Related Commands


show software directory

Displays directory information for software downloads and downgrades.

software install clean

Installs a new version of the Cisco Unity Express software.

software install upgrade

Upgrades the current Cisco Unity Express software to a newer version.

software install upgrade

To upgrade to a newer version of CUE software, use the software install upgrade command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

software install upgrade {pkg cue-package.pkg | url ftp://ftp-server-ip-address/cue-package.pkg}

Syntax Description

pkg cue-package.pkg

Specifies a package name.

url ftp://ftp-server-ip-address/cue-package.pkg

Specifies the FTP server information.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to upgrade to a newer version of Cisco Unity Express software.

Note Only certain versions of Cisco Unity Express software support an upgrade or downgrade. Check the release notes for the specific version to see if an upgrade or downgrade is supported. You cannot downgrade below Cisco Unity Express 2.0.


The following is an example of the command to upgrade to a newer version of CUE software.

se-10-16-0-0# software install upgrade url

The following is an example of the command to upgrade to a newer version of CUE software if the FTP server has been configured or the software files have been downloaded previously with the software download upgrade command:

se-10-16-0-0# software install upgrade pkg cue-vm.2.0.2.pkg

Related Commands


software download server

Configures the FTP server information.

software download upgrade

Downloads the files for a future upgrade.

software install clean

Installs a new version of the Cisco Unity Express software.

software install downgrade

Downgrades the current Cisco Unity Express software to an older version.

software remove

To remove software installed during a download or upgrade, use the software remove command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

software remove {all | downgradefiles | downloadfiles}

Syntax Description


Removes both the downgrade and the download files.


Removes the downgrade files.


Removes the download files.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.


The following is an example the software remove command:

se-172-19-0-0# software remove all

Download files removed
Downgrade files removed

se-172-19-0-0# software remove downgradefiles

Downgrade files removed

se-172-19-0-0# software remove downloadfiles

Download files removed

Related Commands


show software directory

Displays the disk usage for the download and downgrade directories.


Posted: Fri Mar 16 11:51:07 PDT 2007
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