
Table Of Contents


list name

list number delete

list number description

list number member

list number owner

locale (ccn trigger jtapi)

locale (ccn trigger sip)

log console

log console monitor

log server

log trace boot

log trace buffer save


list name

list number delete

list number description

list number member

list number owner

locale (ccn trigger jtapi)

locale (ccn trigger sip)

log console

log console monitor

log server

log trace boot

log trace buffer save

list name

To create a public distribution list, use the list name command in Cisco Unity Express configuration mode. This command does not have a no form.

list name list-name number list-number create

Syntax Description


Name of the list. Valid names have up to 64 characters letters and include letters A to Z, a to z, digits 0 to 9, and the characters underscore (_), dot (.), and dash (-). Names must start with a letter. Do not use spaces in the name.

number list-number

Number of the list. Valid public list numbers can have up to 15 digits.


Activates the list.


The system creates the everyone list with number 999 to contain everyone on the system.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express configuration

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Each list must have a unique name or number.

The system supports a maximum of 15 public lists.

A list number can match the user's or general delivery mailbox (GDM) telephone number but must not match another local public list number.

The system automatically assigns 9999 to the default everyone public list. An administrator can change this number using the GUI menu option Voice Mail > Distribution Lists > Public Lists. The 9999 number cannot be changed using TUI options or CLI commands.

A local user cannot modify a remote distribution list and cannot use a remote distribution list as the recipient of a voice message.

Note Use the graphical user interface (GUI) or telephone user interface (TUI) to create and manage private distribution lists.


The following example creates public distribution list number 12 for designers:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# list name designers number 12 create
se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

Related Commands


list number delete

Deletes a public distribution list from the local system.

list number description

Assigns a description to a public distribution list.

list number member

Assigns members to a public distribution list.

list number owner

Assigns an owner to a public distribution list.

show lists

Displays all public lists on the system.

list number delete

To delete a public distribution list from the local system, use the list number delete command in Cisco Unity Express configuration mode. This command does not have a no form.

list number list-number delete

Syntax Description


Number of the list. Valid public list numbers can have up to 15 digits.


No list number is deleted.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express configuration

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

An error message appears if the list does not exist.

A local user or administrator cannot delete a public distribution list at a remote site.

Note Use the graphical user interface (GUI) or telephone user interface (TUI) to create and manage private distribution lists.


The following example deletes list number 35:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 35 delete
se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

Related Commands


list name

Creates a public distribution list.

list number description

Assigns a description to a public distribution list.

list number member

Assigns members to a public distribution list.

list number owner

Assigns an owner to a public distribution list.

show lists

Displays all public lists on the system.

list number description

To add a description to a public distribution list, use the list number description command in Cisco Unity Express configuration command. To delete the description, use the no form of this command.

list number list-number description description

no list number list-number description description

Syntax Description


Number of the list. Valid public list numbers can have up to 15 digits.


Text description of the list. Enclose the text in double quotes (" ") if the text is more than one word.


No description is defined.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express configuration

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

An error message appears if the list does not exist.

Note Use the graphical user interface (GUI) or telephone user interface (TUI) to create and manage private distribution lists.


The following example assigns a description to list number 35:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 35 description "SJC Engineers"
se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

Related Commands


list name

Creates a public distribution list.

list number delete

Deletes a public distribution list from the local system.

list number member

Assigns members to a public distribution list.

list number owner

Assigns an owner to a public distribution list.

show lists

Displays all public lists on the system.

list number member

To add members to a public distribution list, use the list number member command in Cisco Unity Express configuration mode. To delete the user from the list, use the no form of this command.

list number list-number member {member-name | extension}
type {group | user | gdm | list | remote | blind}

no list number list-number member {member-name | extension}
type {group | user | gdm | list | remote | blind}

Syntax Description


Number of the list. Valid public list numbers can have up to 15 digits.


Name of the member to be added. Valid members include:

Local or remote users

Group IDs

General delivery mailbox (GDM) name

Voice mailbox extension (blind address)

Other public distribution list numbers

Other public distribution list names


Extension of the member to be added.


Category of the user. Valid values are:

group—The member is a group.

user—The member is a local user.

gdm—The member is a general delivery mailbox.

list—The member is a public distribution list.

remote—The member is a remote user.

blind—The member is a voice mailbox extension (blind address).


No list members are configured.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express configuration

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

An error message appears if the member name or extension does not exist. Additionally, the system verifies that the public list has members. If the list is empty, the system plays a prompt indicating that the list contains no members and does not allow the list to be used as a recipient of the message.

The maximum number of public list members is 1000 for the system. An error message appears if a new member would exceed the maximum.

A remote user that is statically configured on the local system can be a member of a distribution list. However, that remote user cannot own a distribution list on the local system.

A private list cannot be a member of a public list.

Recursive distribution lists are permitted; for example, list A can be a member of list B and list B can be a member of list A.

To use a blind address, specify the location ID and extension of the blind address. The system verifies the location ID and extension length.

Note Use the graphical user interface (GUI) or telephone user interface (TUI) to create and manage private distribution lists.


The following example assigns members to list number 35:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 35 member asmith type user
se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 35 member cbaker type user
se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 35 member supervisors type group
se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 35 member sales type gdm
se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 35 member project3 type list
se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 35 member bjones type remote
se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 35 member nyc72222 type blind
se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

The following examples delete members from list number 35:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# no list number 35 member asmith type user
se-10-0-0-0(config)# no list number 35 member sales type gdm
se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

Related Commands


list name

Creates a public distribution list.

list number delete

Deletes a public distribution list from the local system.

list number description

Assigns a description to a public distribution list.

list number owner

Assigns an owner to a public distribution list.

show lists

Displays all public lists on the system.

list number owner

To assign an owner to a public distribution list, use the list number owner command in Cisco Unity Express configuration mode. To delete the list owner, use the no form of this command.

list number list-number owner owner-ID

no list number list-number owner owner-ID

Syntax Description


Number of the list. Valid public list numbers can have up to 15 digits.


Name of the list owner.


No list number or list owner is configured.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express configuration

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The list owner can be a local user or a local group. If the owner is a group, all the members of the group are owners of the list. The default list everyone cannot have an owner.

The list owner can edit and delete members of the list and can assign other owners to the list.

An error message appears if the list number or list owner does not exist.

The maximum number of owners on the system is 50. An error message appears if a new owner ID would exceed the maximum number of list owners.

Members of the Administrators group are implicit owners of all public distribution lists and can edit any public list at any time. If all the owners of a list are deleted, the Administrator group continues to have ownership of the list.

The owner of a public or private distribution list can record a spoken name for the list using the TUI. The default everyone public list has a spoken name by default. An administrator can change this name using the TUI.

Note Use the graphical user interface (GUI) or telephone user interface (TUI) to create and manage private distribution lists.


The following example assigns asmith as the owner of list number 35:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# list number 35 owner asmith
se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

The following example deletes the owner of list 35:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# no list number 35 owner asmith
se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

Related Commands


list name

Creates a public distribution list.

list number delete

Deletes a public distribution list from the local system.

list number description

Assigns a description to a public distribution list.

list number member

Assigns members to a public distribution list.

show lists

Displays all public lists on the system.

locale (ccn trigger jtapi)

To specify the language used for the prompts that are heard by the caller when a JTAPI trigger is activated, use the locale command in Cisco Unity Express CCN configuration trigger mode. To set the language to the system default, use the no form of this command.

locale xx_YY

no locale

Syntax Description


Specifies the language used for the prompts heard by the caller. Cisco Unity Express supports several languages but only one language may be used for all triggers on the system. See Release Notes for Cisco Unity Express 2.2 for the current list of supported languages.


U.S. English

Command Modes

CCN configuration trigger

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.


The following example sets the trigger language to French.

se-10-0-0-0# config t

se-10-0-0-0(config)# ccn trigger jtapi phonenumber 1234

se-10-0-0-0(config-trigger)# locale fr_FR

se-10-0-0-0(config-trigger)# end

se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

Related Commands


ccn trigger jtapi phonenumber

Enters trigger configuration mode.

show ccn trigger

Displays the CCN trigger details.

locale (ccn trigger sip)

To specify the language used for the SIP system prompts that are heard by the caller when a SIP trigger is activated, use the locale command in Cisco Unity Express CCN configuration trigger mode. To set the language to the system defaults, use the no form of this command .

locale xx_YY

no locale

Syntax Description


Specifies the language used for the prompts heard by the caller. Cisco Unity Express supports several languages but only one language may be used for all triggers on the system. See Release Notes for Cisco Unity Express 2.2 for the current list of supported languages.


U.S. English

Command Modes

CCN configuration trigger

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.


The following example sets the trigger language to French.

se-10-0-0-0# config t

se-10-0-0-0(config)# ccn trigger sip phonenumber 1234

se-10-0-0-0(config-trigger)# locale fr_FR

se-10-0-0-0(config-trigger)# end

se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

Related Commands


ccn trigger sip phonenumber

Enters trigger configuration mode.

show ccn trigger

Displays the CCN trigger details.

log console

To configure the types of messages to be displayed on the console, use the log console command in Cisco Unity Express configuration mode. To stop messages from displaying, use the no form of this command.

log console {errors | info | warning}

no log console {errors | info | warning}

Caution This command generates many screen messages that scroll down the screen until you turn off the display. Seeing the prompt to turn off the display may be difficult. Pressing CTRL-c does not work for this command.

Syntax Description


Error messages.


Information messages.


Warning messages.


Only fatal error messages are displayed.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express configuration

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

The messages on the console display are also saved in the messages.log file. These messages can be used for debugging purposes.


The following example configures error messages to be displayed on the console:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# log console errors
se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

Related Commands


show logging

Displays the types of messages that are displayed on the console.

log console monitor

To display system messages on the console, use the log console monitor command in Cisco Unity Express configuration mode. To stop messages from displaying, use the no form of this command.

log console monitor {module | entity | activity}

no log console monitor {module | entity | activity}

Caution This command generates many screen messages that scroll down the screen until you turn off the display. Seeing the prompt to turn off the display may be difficult. Pressing CTRL-c does not work for this command.

Syntax Description


Cisco Unity Express modules.


Cisco Unity Express module entities.


Cisco Unity Express entity actions.


Only fatal error messages are displayed.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

The messages on the console monitor are also saved in the messages.log file. These messages can be used for debugging purposes.


The following example displays messages for results of the database entity in the networking module:

se-10-0-0-0# log console monitor networking database results

Related Commands


show logging

Displays the types of messages that are displayed on the console.

log server

To configure an external server for saving log messages, use the log server command in Cisco Unity Express configuration mode. To delete the log server, use the no form of this command.

log server address {ip-address | hostname}

no log server address {ip-address | hostname}

Syntax Description

address ip-address

IP address of the external log server.

address hostname

Hostname of the external log server.


No external log server is configured. The local hard disk is used for saving log messages.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express configuration

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.0.


This command was implemented on the advanced integration module (AIM) and in Cisco CallManager 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

An external log server contains a copy of the messages.log file that is stored on the hard disk of the router that contains the Cisco Unity Express module. Copying the file to a server permits flexibility in viewing, printing, and troubleshooting system messages.


The following example assigns as the external log server:

se-10-0-0-0# config t
se-10-0-0-0(config)# log server address
se-10-0-0-0(config)# exit

Related Commands



Specifies the server that stores the Cisco Unity Express applications.

ntp server

Specifies the NTP clocking server.

show hosts

Displays all configured hosts.

show running-config

Displays the log server as part of the configuration.

log trace boot

To save the trace configuration upon rebooting, use the log trace boot command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.

log trace boot

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module (NM), advanced integration module (AIM), and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

The current trace configuration is lost upon reboot because tracing is CPU intensive. To ensure that the current trace configuration is saved when the CUE module is rebooted, use the log trace boot command.


The following example illustrates the log trace boot command:

se-10-0-0-0# log trace boot

Related Commands


show trace

Displays the modules and entities being traced.

log trace buffer save

To save the current trace information, use the log trace buffer save command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode. To turnoff the log trace, use the no form of this command.

log trace buffer save

no log trace buffer

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Cisco Unity Express EXEC

Command History

Cisco Unity Express Release


This command was introduced on the Cisco Unity Express network module (NM), advanced integration module (AIM), and in Cisco CallManager Express 3.3(3).


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2800 series and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

Current trace information stored in the memory buffer can be saved to a file. The file created with the log trace buffer save command is atrace_save.log.


The following example illustrates the log trace buffer save command:

se-10-0-0-0# log trace buffer save

Related Commands


show logs

Displays a list of the trace logs.

show trace buffer

Displays the modules and entities being traced.


Posted: Fri Jan 13 04:06:28 PST 2006
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