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Table Of Contents
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V - W - Z
Active Call Timeout field A-3
Add/Modify Phones page A-47
ERLs 4-21
onsite alert (security) personnel 4-20
switches 4-33
Add New ERL field A-10
Add New ERL page A-11
Add Schedule field A-29
administration, troubleshooting 6-14
ALI (automatic location information)
definition 1-3
exporting 4-25
setting up 4-23
submission requirements 1-20
ALI Details field A-14
ALI Information page A-15
ANI (automatic number identification) 1-3
calling search space 3-4
ERL to switch ports and phones 4-40
phones to partition 3-4
Assign to Zone field A-46
audit trail, ERL 4-27
backing up configuration 6-28
Backup CTI Manager field A-32
busy signal 6-10
call history
troubleshooting 6-14
viewing 4-48
Call History page A-49
calling search space
assigning 3-4
creating 3-3
Emergency Responder 3-6
CAMA (centralized automated message accounting)
definition 1-3
obtaining 1-18
CAM table use 4-29
capacity planning 1-15
CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol)
CER server 6-26
phone requirements 1-8
switch requirements 4-29
CER cluster
database or LDAP directory 2-6
deleting CER group 6-21
identifying server group members 6-21
inter-CER-group route patterns 3-19
troubleshooting 6-18
understanding CER 1-14
CER group
capacity planning 1-15
configuring 4-8
creating inter-CER-group route pattern 3-19
database or LDAP directory 2-5
deleting from cluster 6-21
identifying CER cluster members 6-21
telephony settings 4-10
troubleshooting 6-18
understanding groups and clusters 1-14
CER Group Name field A-2, A-52
CER group settings page A-2
CER server
configuring 4-11
starting and stopping 6-21
CER Server Groups in Cluster page A-52
Cisco CallManager
configuring 3-1
configuring emergency calls 3-5
database location, CER cluster 2-6
database location, CER group 2-5
example setup 3-1
identifying supported clusters 4-14
supported version 1-7
troubleshooting 6-20
Cisco CallManager Details field A-31
Cisco CallManager field A-32
Cisco IP Softphone
movement not tracked 6-4
supported version 1-7
CiscoWorks2000, integrating with 6-26
Class of Service field A-17
emergency call history logs 6-22
system logs 6-27
trace and debug information 6-23
Comments field A-18
Community Name field A-17
Company ID field A-18
configuration, backing up 6-28
Configure Default ERL field A-10
CER group 4-8
CER group telephony settings 4-10
CER server 4-11
CER servers and groups 4-8
Cisco CallManager 3-1
Emergency Responder 4-1
Emergency Responder overview 4-1
gateways 3-18
license key 4-13
phone route plan 3-2
SNMP 4-29
switches 4-28
switch ports 4-40
switch ports a few at a time 4-40
Contact Name field A-25
Contact No. field A-25
Control Center page A-8
County field A-18
alternate emergency call numbers 3-17
calling search space 3-3
CER cluster 1-14
Cisco CallManager user 3-22
CTI ports 3-11
ELIN route patterns 3-14
ELIN translation patterns 3-16
Emergency Responder calling search space 3-6
Emergency Responder partition 3-5
Emergency Responder route points 3-7
Emergency Responder users 4-4
ERL (emergency response locations) 4-21
inter-CER-group route pattern 3-19
partition 3-2
CTI Manager field A-32
CTI Manager Password field A-32
CTI Manager User Name field A-32
CTI ports, creating 3-11
Customer Code field A-18
Customer Name field A-17
data integrity 1-16
debug, setting 6-23
Debug Package List field A-7
phone manually 4-46
schedule 4-31
deleting CER group from cluster 6-21
one site, one PSAP 1-23
one site, satellite offices 1-27
one site, two or more PSAPs 1-25
overview 1-23
two or more sites 1-29
DID (direct inward dial)
definition 1-3
obtaining numbers 1-19
domain account, used for installation 2-5
Edit Table View field A-41
Elevation field A-18
ELIN (emergency location identification number)
creating route patterns 3-14
creating translation patterns 3-16
definition 1-3
obtaining DIDs 1-19
setting up numbers 3-13
troubleshooting not sent to PSAP 6-8
ELIN Digit Strip Pattern field A-5
ELIN Settings field A-13
Email ID field A-25
emergency call
busy signal 6-10
Cisco CallManager configuration 3-5
collecting history 6-22
creating alternate numbers 3-17
creating route points 3-7
definition 1-4
history problems 6-14
how routed 1-11
not intercepted 6-7
sending to onsite personnel 1-31
troubleshooting 6-6
troubleshooting incorrect location information 6-13
troubleshooting not sent to correct PSAP 6-9
viewing history 4-48
emergency caller, definition 1-4
Emergency Responder
backing up and restoring configuration 6-28
calling search space 3-6
Cisco CallManager configuration 3-1
Cisco CallManager user 3-22
clusters and groups 1-14
configuration overview 4-1
configuration settings reference A-1
configuring 4-1
data integrity and reliability 1-16
deploying 1-23
emergency call telephony configuration 3-5
features 1-5
how it routes calls 1-11
installation procedure 2-4
license key 4-13
logging into and out of 4-6
network overview 1-9
partition 3-5
planning 1-1
preparing network 1-18
preparing users 5-1
route points 3-7
terminology 1-3
troubleshooting 6-1
understanding 1-5
users 4-4
Enable CAM based Phone Tracking field A-35
Enable Syslog field A-3
enhanced 911 (E911)
overview 1-2
terminology 1-3
understanding 1-2
entering license key 4-13
ERL (emergency response locations)
administrator role 5-3
assigning to ports 4-40
definition 1-4
exporting 4-25
exporting port/ERL configuration 4-44
identifying 4-21
identifying default 4-21
identifying onsite alert (security) personnel 4-20
importing 4-24
importing configuration 4-42
management 4-18
manually-defined phones 4-46
setting up 4-23
understanding 4-16
unlocated phones 4-45
viewing audit trail 4-27
working with 4-16
ERL Audit Trail page A-53
ERL Configuration page A-9
ERL field A-48
ERL Information page A-11
ERL Name field A-12
ESZ (emergency service zone), definition 1-4
events, viewing 6-25
Event Viewer
message "No port to place call" 6-12
one site, one PSAP 1-23
one site, satellite offices 1-27
one site, two or more PSAPs 1-25
sending emergency calls to onsite personnel 1-31
two or more sites 1-29
Exchange field A-17
Export ERL/ALI Data field A-11
Export ERL/ALI Data page A-20
ALI 4-25
ERL 4-25
switches 4-37
switch port/ERL configuration 4-44
Export LAN Switch page A-35
Export Switch Port page A-43
Extract Date field A-18
features, Emergency Responder 1-5
File to Export field
Export ERL/ALI Data A-21
Export LAN Switch A-36
Export Switch A-43
Find ERL field A-10
configuring 3-18
supported 1-7
prerequisites, for installation 2-3
supported phones and switches 1-7
Heartbeat Count field A-2
Heartbeat Interval field A-2
Host Name/IP Address field A-6
House Number field A-16
House Number Suffix field A-16
icons, control center 6-21
CER groups in CER cluster 6-21
Cisco CallManager clusters 4-14
onsite alert (security) personnel 4-20
switches 4-33
unlocated phones 4-45
Import ERL Data field A-11
Import ERL Data page A-23
ERLs 4-24
switches 4-35
switch port and ERL configuration 4-42
Import LAN Switch page A-36
Import Switch Port page A-44
In case of Import conflicts field A-38
Incremental Phone Tracking Interval field A-29
Cisco CallManager database locations 2-5, 2-6
hardware and software prerequisites 2-3
on new system 2-4
overview 2-2
using a domain account 2-5
with CiscoWorks2000 6-26
with network management systems 6-26
inter-CER-group route pattern 3-19
Inter CER Group Route Pattern field A-4
IP Address/Host Name field A-27
IP Address field A-48
LAN Switch Details page A-33
Latitude field A-18
CER cluster 2-6
CER group 2-5
license key, configuring 4-13
License Key field A-8
License Manager page A-7
Line Number field A-47
Locate Switch Ports field A-35
Location field A-19
log, emergency call history 6-22
logging into Emergency Responder 4-6
login, troubleshooting 6-15
Longitude field A-18
MAC Address field A-48
Main NPA field A-17
maintaining data integrity and reliability 1-16
Main Telephone No. field A-17
ERLs 4-18
performance 6-25
phones 4-39
subsystem status 6-27
MSAG (master street address guide), definition 1-4
NENA (National Emergency Number Association), definition 1-4
NENA Header fields A-22
administrator's role 5-5
how CER fits into 1-9
management systems, integrating with 6-26
preparing 1-18
Notes field
CER group settings A-3
ERL Information page A-12
LAN Switch Details A-35
Number of Telephony Ports field A-33
CAMA or PRI trunk 1-18
DIDs for ELINs 1-19
onsite alert (security) personnel
identifying 4-20
not getting calls 6-12
not getting email or page 6-12
not getting web alerts 6-11
preparing users 5-1
sending emergency calls to 1-31
Onsite Alert ID field A-24
Onsite Alert Settings field A-14
Onsite Alert Settings page A-24
Order Number field A-18
call routing 1-11
CER groups and clusters 1-14
deployment 1-23
E911 1-2
features 1-5
installation 2-2
network 1-9
assigning 3-4
creating 3-2
Emergency Responder 3-5
Peer TCP Port field A-2
performance, managing 6-25
assigning ERLs to 4-40
configuring 3-4
defining manually 4-46
identifying unlocated 4-45
managing 4-39
setting up route plan 3-2
supported 1-7
troubleshooting 6-2
troubleshooting disappearance 6-5
troubleshooting moved 6-4
troubleshooting unlocated 6-2
upgrading 1-21
phone tracking, defining schedule 4-31
Phone Type field A-48
capacity 1-15
Emergency Responder 1-1
port, troubleshooting 6-16
Post Directional field A-17
Prefix Directional field A-17
Emergency Responder users 5-1
network 1-18
onsite alert (security) users 5-1
staff 1-22
PRI, obtaining 1-18
Primary Server field A-52
product key, used in installation 2-4
PSAP (public safety answering point)
callback errors 6-11
definition 1-4
troubleshooting ELIN not sent to 6-8
troubleshooting emergency call not sent to 6-9
PSAP Callback Route Point Pattern field A-4
Read Community field A-27
read community string 4-29
reliability 1-16
E911 1-2
Emergency Responder hardware/software 1-7
restoring configuration 6-28
Retries field A-27
CER system administrator 5-7
ERL administrator 5-3
network administrator 5-5
route pattern
alternate emergency call number 3-17
creating ELIN 3-14
inter-CER-group 3-19
route plan, setting up 3-2
Route Point for Standby CER Server field A-5
route points, Emergency Responder 3-7
schedule, defining 4-31
Schedule page A-28
identifying personnel 4-20
preparing users 5-1
Select Action field A-21
Select an ERL field A-46
Select a Tag field A-16
Select File to Import from field
Import ERL Data A-23
Import LAN Switch A-37
Import Switch Port A-45
Select Format field
Export ERL/ALI Data page A-21
Export LAN Switch A-36
Export Switch A-43
Import ERL Data A-23
Import LAN Switch A-37
Import Switch Port A-44
Server Name field A-6
Server Settings page A-5
service provider
ALI submission 1-20
DIDs for ELINs 1-19
setting up
ALI 4-23
default ERL 4-21
ELIN numbers 3-13
ERL 4-23
phone route plans 3-2
SMTP Mail Server field A-3
configuring 4-29
monitoring subsystems 6-27
SNMP Settings page A-26
prerequisites, for installation 2-3
requirements 1-7
Source Mail ID field A-3
staff, preparing 1-22
Standby Server field A-52
starting and stopping CER server 6-21
State field A-17
Street Name field A-17
Street Suffix field A-17
submitting ALI 1-20
adding one at a time 4-33
administrator's role 5-5
configuring 4-28
configuring ports 4-40
configuring ports a few at a time 4-40
exporting 4-37
exporting port/ERL configuration 4-44
identifying 4-33
importing port/ERL configuration 4-42
importing switches 4-35
supported 1-7
troubleshooting 6-16
understanding requirements 4-29
upgrading 1-21
Switch Host Name/IP Address field A-35
switch-port and phone update
defining schedule 4-31
running manually 4-38
Switch Port Details page A-39
Syslog Collector 6-27
Syslog Server field A-3
TAR Code field A-18
Telephony Port Begin Address field A-32
Telephony Settings page A-4
terminology 1-3
Timeout field A-27
trace, setting 6-23
Trace Package List field A-7
translation patterns, creating ELINs 3-16
busy signal 6-10
call history 6-14
call routing overview 1-11
CER server status problem 6-21
CER system 6-18
Cisco CallManager 6-20
Cisco IP softphone movements 6-4
ELIN for default ERL used for non-default ERLs 6-8
ELIN not transmitted to PSAP 6-8
emergency call not intercepted 6-7
emergency call not routed to correct PSAP 6-9
emergency call problems 6-6
Emergency Responder 6-1
ERL integrity 1-16
event viewer messages 6-25
incorrect location information 6-13
login problems 6-15
moved phones 6-4
onsite alert (security) not getting calls 6-12
onsite alert (security) not getting email or page 6-12
onsite alert (security) not getting web alerts 6-11
performance 6-25
phone disappears from CER 6-5
phone-related problems 6-2
points of failure 1-12
PSAP callback errors 6-11
shared line 6-6
switch and port configuration 6-16
system and administration 6-14
unlocated phones 6-2
Type of Service field A-17
UDP Port Begin field A-4
CDP support in CER server 6-26
CER groups and clusters 1-14
CER system administrator's role 5-7
E911 1-2
emergency call routing 1-11
Emergency Responder 1-5
ERL (emergency response locations) 4-16
ERL administrator's role 5-3
how CER fits into network 1-9
network administrator role 5-5
switch requirements 4-29
terminology 1-3
Unlocated Phones page A-45
upgrading switches and phones 1-21
CER system administrator's role 5-7
Cisco CallManager 3-22
Emergency Responder 4-4
ERL administrator's role 5-3
network administrator's role 5-5
preparing 5-1
Version field A-48
emergency call history 4-48
ERL audit trail 4-27
events 6-25
Event Viewer 6-25
user groups 4-4
Windows 2000, installing CER in domains 2-5
working with ERLs 4-16
Zip Code Extension field A-18
Zip Code field A-18
Posted: Wed Sep 26 14:27:49 PDT 2007
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