
Table Of Contents

Manage Alarms

Before You Begin

F65 Print CTC Data

F66 Export CTC Data

F67 View Alarms

F68 View Alarm History

F69 View Conditions

F70 Changing the Maximum Number of Session Entries for Alarm History

F71 Display Events Using Each Node's Time Zone

F72 Enable Alarm Filtering

F73 Modify Alarm and Condition Filtering Parameters

F74 Disable Alarm Filtering

F75 Create Alarm Severity Profiles

F76 Apply Alarm Profiles for Ports and Cards

F77 Apply Alarm Profiles to Cards and Nodes

F78 Delete Alarm Severity Profiles

F79 Suppress Alarm Reporting

F80 Restore Alarm Reporting

Manage Alarms

This chapter provides procedures required to view and manage ONS15600SDH alarms and conditions.

Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) detects and reports SDH alarms generated by the CiscoONS15600SDH and the larger SDH network. You can use CTC to monitor and manage alarms at a card, node, or network level. Default alarm severities conform to the ITU-T G.784 standard, but you can reset severities to customized alarm profiles or suppress CTC alarm reporting. For alarm troubleshooting information, refer to the CiscoONS15600SDHTroubleshootingGuide.

Before You Begin

This section lists the chapter procedures (NTPs). Turn to a procedure for applicable tasks (DLPs).

1. F49 Document Existing Provisioning—Complete this procedure before performing any other procedures in this chapter.

2. F50 View Alarms, Alarm History, Events, and Conditions—Complete as needed.

3. F51 Enable, Modify, or Disable Alarm Severity Filtering—Complete as needed.

4. F52 Synchronize Alarms—Complete as needed.

5. F54 Delete Cleared Alarms from the Display—Complete as needed.

6. F55 View Alarm-Affected Circuits —Complete as needed.

7. F56 Create, Assign, and Delete Alarm Severity Profiles—As needed, complete these tasks to change the default severity for certain alarms, to assign the new severities to a port, card, or node, and to delete alarm profiles.

8. F57 Suppress and Restore Alarm Reporting—As needed, complete these tasks to suppress reported alarms at the port, card, or node level and to disable the suppress command to resume normal alarm reporting.

NTP-F49 Document Existing Provisioning


This procedure records, copies, prints, and exports CTC information.


A printer must be connected to the CTC computer

Prerequisite Procedures

Chapter4, "Turn Up Node"

Required/As needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Retrieve or higher

Step1 Complete the "DLP-F36 Log into CTC" task at the node with the information where you want to record, print, or export. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.

Step2 As needed, manually record CTC information (typically to document existing provisioning before upgrading or troubleshooting).

Step3 As needed, you can copy and paste CTC text into other applications using the Windows copy (Ctrl+C), cut (Ctrl+X), and paste (Ctrl+V) commands.

Step4 If you want to print information within a single tab, complete the "DLP-F65 Print CTC Data" task.

Step5 If you want to save information to a word processing application such as a spreadsheet, complete the "DLP-F66 Export CTC Data" task.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

DLP-F65 Print CTC Data


This task prints CTC windows and CTC table data such as alarms and inventory.


A printer must be connected to the CTC computer

Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Retrieve or higher

Step1 From the CTC File menu, click Print .

Step2 In the Print dialog ( Figure7-1) choose an option:

Entire Frame—Prints the entire CTC window including the graphical view of the card, node, or network.

Tabbed View—Prints the lower half of the CTC window.

Table Contents—Prints CTC data in table format; this option is only available for CTC table data (see the "Table Display Options" section  ) so it does not apply to the following windows:

Provisioning > General, Protection, SNMP, and Timing tabs

Provisioning > Network > General tab

Maintenance > Database, Protection, Diagnostic, and Timing tabs

The Table Contents option prints all the data contained in a table and the table column headings. For example, if you print the History window Table Contents view, you print all data included in the table whether or not items appear in the window.

Tip When you print using the Tabbed View option, it can be difficult to distinguish whether the printout applies to the network, node, or card view. To determine the view, compare the tabs on the printout. The network, node, and card views are identical except that the network view does not contain an Inventory or Performance tab.

Figure 7-1 Selecting CTC Data for Print

Step3 Click OK .

Step4 In the Windows Print dialog box, choose a printer and click OK .

Step5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-F66 Export CTC Data


This task exports CTC table data for use by other applications such as spreadsheets, word processors, and database management applications.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Retrieve or higher

Step1 Click the CTC tab containing the information you want to export (for example, the Alarms or Circuits tab).

Step2 From the CTC File menu, click Export .

Step3 In the Export dialog choose a format for the data ( Figure7-2):

As HTML—Saves the data as an HTML file. The file can be viewed with a web browser without running CTC.

As CSV—Saves the CTC table values as text, separated by commas. You can import CSV data into spreadsheets and database management programs.

As TSV—Saves the CTC table values as text, separated by tabs. You can import TSV data into spreadsheets and database management programs.

Figure 7-2 Selecting CTC Data for Export

Step4 If you want to open a file in a text editor or word processor application, procedures vary; but typically you can use the File>Open command to display the CTC data in an open application, or you can double-click the file name outside of an application and choose an application such as Notepad when prompted.

Text editor and word processor applications display the data exactly as it is exported, including comma or tab separators. All applications that open the data files allow you to format the data.

Step5 If you want to open the file in spreadsheet and database management applications, procedures vary; typically you need to open the application and choose File>Import, then choose a delimited file to display the data in cells.

Spreadsheet and database management programs also allow you to manage the exported data.

Note An exported file cannot be opened in CTC.

The export operation applies to tabular data only, so it is not available for the following CTC tabs and subtabs:

Provisioning > General, Protection, SNMP, and Timing

Provisioning > Network > General

Maintenance > Database, Protection, Diagnostic, and Timing

Step6 Click OK .

Step7 In the Save dialog, enter a file name in one of the following formats:

filename.htm for HTML files

filename.csv for CSV files

filename.tsv for TSV files

Step8 Navigate to a directory where you want to store the file.

Step9 Click OK .

Step10 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

NTP-F50 View Alarms, Alarm History, Events, and Conditions


Use this procedure to view ONS15600SDH alarms at the card, node, or network level; view the alarm history for cleared and uncleared alarms; and view conditions at the card, node, or network level.



Prerequisite Procedures


Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Retrieve or higher

Step1 Complete the "DLP-F36 Log into CTC" task. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.

Step2 Complete the "DLP-F67 View Alarms" task to review alarms for the current session.

Step3 Troubleshoot the alarms using the CiscoONS15600SDHTroubleshootingGuide.

Step4 Complete the "DLP-F68 View Alarm History" task or the "DLP-F69 View Conditions" task as needed.

Step5 Complete the "DLP-F70 Changing the Maximum Number of Session Entries for Alarm History" procedure as needed.

Step6 Complete the "DLP-F71 Display Events Using Each Node's Time Zone" task as needed.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

DLP-F67 View Alarms


This task displays ONS15600SDH alarms at the card, node, or network level.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step1 In the card, node, or network view, click the Alarms tab to display the alarms for that card, node, or network. Figure7-3 shows the Alarms window.

Figure 7-3 Viewing Alarms in CTC Node View

Step2 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-F68 View Alarm History


This task displays past cleared and uncleared ONS15600SDH alarms at the card, node, or network level.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Retrieve or higher

Step1 To view history for the login node, go to Step2.

To view alarm history for the network, go to a. 

To view alarm history for the card, go to Step 4 .

Step2 To display the node-level alarm history:

a. Click the History > Session tabs if you want to see only the alarms and events that have occurred since you logged into the current CTC session.

b. Click the History > Node tabs if you want to retrieve all available alarms for the node.

c. Go to Step 5 .

Note At the network-level view, CTC displays only network alarms and events that occur during your current login session.

Step3 To display network-level alarm history:

a. From the View menu, choose Go to Network View .

b. Click the History tab.

Alarms and events that have occurred on the network since you logged into CTC appear.

c. Go to Step 5 .

Step4 To display card-level alarm history:

a. From the node view, double-click a card on the shelf graphic to display the card view.

b. Click the History > Session tabs if you want to see only the alarms and events that have occurred since you logged into CTC.

c. Click the History > Card tabs if you want to retrieve all available alarms for the card.

d. Go to Step 5 .

Note The ONS15600SDH can store up to 3,000 total alarms and events: 750 CR alarms, 750 MJ alarms, 750 MN alarms, and 750 NA and NR events. When the limit is reached for an alarm or event type, the ONS15600SDH overwrites the oldest alarms and events.

Step5 Verify that the Alarms check box is selected. Alarms are events with a severity of minor (MN), major (MJ), or critical (CR).

Step6 If you want to retrieve events, check the Events check box.

Events include both alarms and conditions. Conditions are events with a severity of not alarmed (NA) and not reported (NR).

Step7 Click Retrieve .

Tip Double-click an alarm in the alarm table or an event in the history table to display the corresponding view for the alarm. For example, double-clicking a card alarm takes you to card view. In network view, double-clicking a node alarm takes you to node view.

Beginning with Software Release 1.4, alarms have specifically numbered VC4 object identifiers based upon the object TL1 access identifiers (AIDs). This is expressed in the format VC4-Slot-Port-VC4. For example, if the alarm pertains to Slot 6, Port 1, VC4 6, the identifier would be VC4-6-1-16.

Figure 7-4 Viewing All Alarms Reported for Current Session

Step8 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-F69 View Conditions


This task displays conditions (events with a not-reported [NR] and not alarmed severity) at the card, node, or network level. Conditions give you a record of changes or events that did not result in alarms.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Retrieve or higher

Step1 To view condition history for the login node, go to Step2.

To view condition history for the network, go to Step 3 .

To view condition history for the card, go to Step 4 .

Step2 To display the node-level conditions:

a. Click the Conditions tab if you want to see only the conditions that apply to the node.

b. Go to Step 5 .

Step3 To view network-level conditions:

a. From the View menu, choose Go to Network View .

b. Click the Conditions tab if you want to see only the conditions that apply to the network.

c. Go to Step 5 .

Note If you are not in the node (default) CTC view, you can also click the Conditions tab in the card and network views to obtain the same results.

Step4 To view card-level conditions:

a. Double-click a card on the shelf graphic to display the card view.

b. Click the Conditions tab if you want to see only the conditions that apply to the card.

Step5 Click Retrieve . (See Figure7-5.)

Events include both alarms and conditions. Alarms are events with a severity of MN, MJ, or CR. Conditions are events with a severity of NA or NR.

Figure 7-5 Viewing Retrieved Fault Conditions in the Conditions Window

Step6 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-F70 Changing the Maximum Number of Session Entries for Alarm History


This task changes the maximum number of session entries included in the alarm history. Use this task to extend the history list in order to save information for future reference or troubleshooting.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level


Step1 From the Edit menu, choose Preferences .

The CTC Preferences Dialog box appears ( Figure 7-6 ).

Figure 7-6 CTC Preferences Dialog Box

Step2 Click the up or down arrow buttons next to the Maximum History Entries field to change the entry.

Step3 Click Apply and OK .

Note Setting the Maximum History Entries value to the high end of the range uses more CTC memory and could impair CTC performance.

Note This task changes the maximum history entries recorded for CTC sessions. It does not affect the maximum number of history entries viewable for a network, node, or card.

Step4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-F71 Display Events Using Each Node's Time Zone


This task changes the timestamp for events to the time zone of the ONS node reporting the alarm. By default, the events timestamp is set to the time zone for the CTC workstation.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Retrieve or higher

Step1 From the Edit menu, choose Preferences .

The CTC Preferences Dialog appears.

Step2 Click the Display Events Using Each Node's Timezone check box.

Step3 Click Apply and OK .

Step4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

NTP-F51 Enable, Modify, or Disable Alarm Severity Filtering


This procedure starts, changes, or stops alarm filtering for one or more severities in the Alarms, Conditions, and History windows in all network nodes.



Prerequisite Procedures


Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Retrieve or higher

Step1 Complete the "DLP-F36 Log into CTC" task at the node where you want to enable, modify, or disable alarm filtering. If you are already logged in, continue with Step2.

Step2 As necessary, complete the "DLP-F72 Enable Alarm Filtering" task. This task enables alarm filtering at the card, node, and network views for all nodes in the network. Alarm filtering can be enabled for alarms and conditions.

Step3 As necessary, complete the "DLP-F73 Modify Alarm and Condition Filtering Parameters" task to modify the alarm filtering for network nodes to show or hide particular alarms or conditions.

Step4 As necessary, complete the "DLP-F74 Disable Alarm Filtering" task to disable alarm profile filtering for all network nodes.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

DLP-F72 Enable Alarm Filtering


This task filters the display of alarms, history, or conditions on the login workstation.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Retrieve or higher

Note The Filter button on the Alarms, History, and Conditions windows allows you to display data that meets a certain severity level, time frame, and/or condition. CTC retains user filter activation. The filter button remains active when the user logs out and logs back in.

Step1 In the node view Alarms, History, or Conditions window, click Filter .

Step2 In the Filter Dialog box, click the General tab. The Filter Dialog box appears ( Figure7-7).

Figure 7-7 Conditions Filter Dialog Box

Step3 In the Show Severity area, alarm severities appear. All of the applicable severities are checked by default. If a severity is checked, it appears in the alarm list.

Note The Alarms window and History window have CR, MJ, MN, and NA severities available. The Conditions window also has the NR severity.

Uncheck a severity to prevent it from appearing in the alarm list.

Step4 In the Time area:

a. Check the Enable Time check box to establish time as a parameter in the filter.

b. Click the From Date and To Date up and down arrows to set the date range for the filter.

c. Click the From Time and To Time up and down arrows to set the time range for the filter.

Step5 To set conditions, click the Conditions tab.

In the Available list, double-click the desired conditions to move them to the Selected list.

Step6 Click OK .

Step7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-F73 Modify Alarm and Condition Filtering Parameters


This task modifies alarm and condition reporting in all network nodes.



Prerequisite Procedures

F72 Enable Alarm Filtering

F36 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level


Step1 In the node, network, or card view, click the Alarms tab.

Step2 Click Filter at the lower-left of the bottom toolbar.

The Alarm Filter Dialog box appears, showing the General tab.

In the General tab Show Severity box, you can choose which alarm severities will show through the alarm filter and provision a time period during which filtered alarms show through the filter. To change the alarm severities shown in the filter, go to Step 3 . To change the time period filter for the alarms, go to Step 4 .

Step3 In the Show Severity area, click the check boxes for the severities (CR, MJ, MN, or NA) that you want to be reported at the network level. Leave severity check boxes unchecked to prevent them from appearing.

When alarm filtering is disabled, all alarms show.

Step4 In the Time area, click the Show alarms between time limits check box to enable it; then click the up and down arrows in the From Date, To Date, and Time fields to modify the period of alarms shown.

To modify filter parameters for conditions, continue with Step 5 . If you do not need to modify them, continue with Step 6 .

Step5 Click the Conditions tab.

When alarm filtering is enabled, conditions in the Show list are visible and conditions in the Hide list are invisible.

To move conditions individually from the Show list to the Hide list, click > .

To move conditions individually from the Hide list to the Show list, click < .

To move conditions collectively from the Show list to the Hide list, click >> .

To move conditions collectively from the Hide list to the Show list, click << .

Note Events include alarms and conditions.

Step6 Click Apply and OK .

Alarm and condition filtering parameters are enforced when alarm filtering is enabled (see the "DLP-F72 Enable Alarm Filtering" task ), and are not enforced when alarm filtering is disabled (see the "DLP-F74 Disable Alarm Filtering" task ).

Step7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-F74 Disable Alarm Filtering


This task turns off specialized alarm filtering in all network nodes so that all severities are reported in CTC.



Prerequisite Procedures

F72 Enable Alarm Filtering

F36 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level


Step1 In the node, network, or card view, click the Alarms tab.

Step2 Click the Filter tool at the lower-left side of the bottom toolbar.

Alarm filtering is enabled if the tool is selected and disabled if the tool is raised (not selected).

Step3 If you want alarm filtering disabled when you view conditions, click the Conditions tab and repeat Step2.

Step4 If you want alarm filtering disabled when you view alarm history, click the History tab and repeat Step2.

Step5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

NTP-F52 Synchronize Alarms


This procedure manually refreshes the CTC alarm display in the card, node, or network view so that it is aligned with the most current ONS15600SDH alarms.



Prerequisite Procedures


Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Retrieve or higher

Step1 Complete the "DLP-F36 Log into CTC" task. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.

Step2 Click the Alarms tab in the node view, card view, or network view.

Step3 Click Synchronize .

Note Alarms that have been raised during the session will have a check mark in the Alarms window New column. When you click Synchronize, the check mark disappears.

Although CTC displays alarms and events in real time, the Synchronize button allows you to verify the alarm display. This is particularly useful during provisioning or troubleshooting.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-F54 Delete Cleared Alarms from the Display


This procedure deletes Cleared (C) status ONS15600SDH alarms from the alarms window. This procedure can be used to delete transient messages from the CTC History window.



Prerequisite procedures


Required/As needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Retrieve or higher

Step1 Complete the "DLP-F36 Log into CTC" task. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.

Step2 To delete the cleared alarms for a node, click the Alarms tab and then click Delete Cleared Alarms .

This action will remove any cleared ONS 15600 SDH alarms from the Alarms display. The rows of cleared alarms appear white and their status is C.

Step3 To delete the cleared alarms for one card at one node:

a. In node view, double-click the card graphic for the card you want to open.

b. Click the Alarms tab and then click Delete Cleared Alarms .

Step4 To delete the cleared alarms for all the nodes in a network:

a. From the View menu choose Go to Network View .

b. Click the Alarms tab and then click Delete Cleared Alarms .

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-F55 View Alarm-Affected Circuits


This procedure displays ONS15600SDH circuits that are affected by a specific alarm.



Prerequisite Procedures

"Create Circuits"

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Retrieve or higher

Step1 Complete the "DLP-F36 Log into CTC" task.

Step2 Click the Alarms or Conditions tab and then right-click anywhere on the row of an active alarm or condition.

Note The node view is the default, but you can also navigate to the Alarms tab in the network view or the card view to perform Step 2.

Note The card view is not available for the Timing and Shelf Control (TSC) or the Core Cross Connect (CXC) cards.

The Select Affected Circuit shortcut menu appears ( Figure 7-8 ).

Figure 7-8 Selecting the Affected Circuits Shortcut Menu

Step3 Click Select Affected Circuits .

The Circuits window appears with affected circuits highlighted ( Figure 7-9 ).

Figure 7-9 Affected Circuit in Circuits Window

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-F56 Create, Assign, and Delete Alarm Severity Profiles


This procedure changes the default severity for certain alarms. You can also use this procedure to create, assign, or delete an alarm profile.



Prerequisite Procedures


Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step1 Complete the "DLP-F36 Log into CTC" task. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.

Step2 Complete the "DLP-F75 Create Alarm Severity Profiles" task to clone a current alarm profile, rename it, and customize the new profile.

Step3 As necessary, complete the "DLP-F76 Apply Alarm Profiles for Ports and Cards" task or the "DLP-F77 Apply Alarm Profiles to Cards and Nodes" task.

Note Both of these tasks can also be used to assign alarm profiles for particular cards.

Step4 As necessary, complete the "DLP-F78 Delete Alarm Severity Profiles" task.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

DLP-F75 Create Alarm Severity Profiles


This task creates severity profiles for alarms by modifying the default severity profile.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step1 From the View menu choose Go to Network View .

Step2 Click the Provisioning > Alarm Profiles tabs.

Step3 In the Node/Profile Ops area, click Load .

Step4 Highlight the node name you are logged into in the Node Names field and highlight Default in the Profile Names field ( Figure7-10).

Figure 7-10 Select Profile(s) from Node or Filename to Load Window

Step5 Click OK .

Step6 Right-click in the Default column to display the profile editing shortcut menu.

Step7 Choose Clone in the shortcut menu ( Figure7-11).

In the profile editing shortcut menu, any profile other than Inherited can be cloned.

Figure 7-11 Alarm Profiles Window Showing the Default Profile of the Listed Alarms

Step8 In the Clone Profile Default dialog box, type a name in the New Profile Name field.

Alarm profile names must be unique. If you try to import or name a profile that has the same name as another profile, CTC adds a suffix to create a new name.

Step9 Click OK . A new alarm profile (named in Step8) is created. This profile duplicates the severities of the default profile and appears as a new column on the right side.

Step10 Modify the alarm profile:

a. In the new alarm profile column, click the alarm severity you want to change in the alarm profile column to highlight it.

b. Select the desired severity from the drop-down menu.

c. Repeat Steps a  and b  for each alarm severity that needs to be changed.

d. After you have chosen severities for your new alarm profile, click anywhere in new alarm profile column to highlight it.

e. Click Store in the Node/Profile Ops area or select Store from the shortcut menu.

Step11 Click the To Node(s) radio button if you want to save the new profile to one or more nodes. If you want to save the new profile to a file, click the To File radio button and go to Step 13 ( Figure7-12).

Figure 7-12 Store Profiles Dialog Box

Step12 Choose the node(s) where you want to save the profile:

a. If you want to save the profile to only one node, click the node in the Node Names list.

b. If you want to save the profile to all nodes, click Select All .

c. If you do not want to save the profile to any nodes, click Select None .

d. If you want to update alarm profile information, click (Synchronize) .

Step13 Click Browse and navigate to the profile save location.

a. Enter a name in the File name field.

b. Click Select to choose this name and location.

Note Long file names are supported. CTC supplies a suffix of *.pfl to stored files.

Step14 Click OK to store the profile.

Note Click the Hide identical rows check box to configure the Alarm Profiles window to display rows with dissimilar severities.

Note Click the Hide reference values check box to configure the Alarm Profiles window to display severities that do not match the Default profile.

Step15 As needed, complete the "DLP-F76 Apply Alarm Profiles for Ports and Cards" task.

Step16 As needed, complete the "DLP-F77 Apply Alarm Profiles to Cards and Nodes" task.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

DLP-F76 Apply Alarm Profiles for Ports and Cards


This task applies alarm severity profiles to a port or a card.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

F75 Create Alarm Severity Profiles

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step1 In node view, double-click the card graphic.

Step2 Click the Provisioning > Alarm Behavior tabs.

Figure 7-13 Alarm Profile on the STM64_4 1550 Card

Step3 To apply alarm profiles on a port-by-port basis:

a. Click the specific port row in the Profile column.

b. Choose the profile from the drop-down menu.

You can select multiple port profiles.

c. Click Apply .

Step4 To apply a profile for all the ports on a card:

a. Click the Force all ports to profile drop-down menu at the bottom of the window.

b. Choose the profile.

c. Click Force (still need to "Apply") .

d. Click Apply .

Tip If you choose the wrong profile, click Reset to return to the previous profile setting.

Step5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-F77 Apply Alarm Profiles to Cards and Nodes


This task applies a custom or default alarm profile to cards or nodes.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

F75 Create Alarm Severity Profiles

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step1 In node view, click the Provisioning > Alarm Behavior tabs.

Step2 To apply a profile to a card:

a. Click the Profile column row for the card.

b. Choose the profile from the drop-down menu.

You can select multiple profiles for multiple cards.

c. Click Apply .

Step3 To apply the profile to an entire node:

a. Click the Node Profile drop-down menu.

b. Choose the profile.

c. Click Apply .

Tip If you choose the wrong profile, click Reset to return to the previous profile.

Step4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-F78 Delete Alarm Severity Profiles


This task deletes a custom or default alarm severity profile.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step1 From the View menu, choose Go to Network View .

Step2 Click the Provisioning > Alarm Profiles tabs.

Step3 Click the column heading for the profile column you want to delete.

The selected alarm profile name appears in the Description field.

Step4 Click Delete .

The Select Node/Profile Combination for Delete dialog box appears.

Step5 Click the node name(s) in the Node Names list to highlight the profile location.

Tip If you hold the Shift key down, you can select consecutive node names. If you hold the Ctrl key down, you can select any combination of nodes.

Step6 Click the profile name(s) you want to delete in the Profile Names list.

Step7 Click OK .

The Delete Alarm Profile confirmation dialog box appears.

Step8 Click Yes for each Delete Alarm Profile confirmation dialog box.

Note If you delete a profile from a node, it is still displayed in the network view
Provisioning > Alarm Profiles window unless you remove it by choosing Remove.

Step9 To remove the alarm profile from the Provisioning > Alarm Profiles window, right-click the column of the profile you deleted and choose Remove from the shortcut menu.

Note If a node and profile combination is selected but does not exist, a warning appears: "One or more of the profile(s) selected do not exist on one or more of the node(s) selected." For example, if Node A has only Profile 1 and the user tries to delete both Profile 1 and Profile 2 from Node A, this warning appears. However, the operation still removes Profile 1 from Node A.

Note The Default and Inherited special profiles cannot be deleted and do not appear in the SelectNode/Profile Combination for Delete Window.

Step10 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

NTP-F57 Suppress and Restore Alarm Reporting


This procedure prevents alarms from being reported on ONS15600SDH ports, cards, or nodes when an alarm or condition exists but you do not want it to appear. Also use this procedure to discontinue alarm suppression.



Prerequisite Procedures


Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step1 Complete the "DLP-F36 Log into CTC" task. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.

Step2 Complete the "DLP-F79 Suppress Alarm Reporting" task to provision the node to send out autonomous messages to clear any raised alarms.

Step3 Complete the "DLP-F80 Restore Alarm Reporting" task to remove the suppress-alarms command and provision the node to send out autonomous messages to raise any actively suppressed alarms.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

DLP-F79 Suppress Alarm Reporting


This task suppresses the reporting of ONS15600SDH alarms at the port, card, or node level.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Caution Use alarm suppression with caution. Suppressing alarms in one session suppresses the alarms in all other open CTC and TL1 sessions.

Step1 In node or card view, click the Provisioning > Alarm Behavior tabs.

Note Suppressing alarms for a card or node causes the alarms to appear on the CTC Conditions window instead of the Alarms window. The suppressed alarms on the Conditions window appear there with their alarm severities, color codes, and service-affecting status. But as conditions, their severities are overridden as NR severity. Suppressed alarms do not appear on the History window or in the Alarms window of any other clients.

Step2 To suppress alarms, perform the following action, as needed:

To suppress alarms for the entire node in the node view, check the Suppress Alarms check box next to the Node Profile drop-down menu ( Figure 7-14 ).

To suppress alarms for a card in the node view, check the Suppress Alarms check box for the card you want to suppress.

To suppress alarms for a port in the card view, check the Suppress Alarms check box for ports you want to suppress.

Figure 7-14 Suppress Alarms Check Box

Step3 Click Apply .

The node sends out autonomous messages to clear any raised alarms.

Step4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-F80 Restore Alarm Reporting


This task removes the alarm suppression command on a port, card, or node.



Prerequisite Procedures

F36 Log into CTC

F79 Suppress Alarm Reporting

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step1 In node view or card view, depending on where the alarms were suppressed, click the Provisioning>Alarm Behavior tab.

Note Suppressed alarm reporting must be restored in the same view where it was suppressed.

Step2 In node view, uncheck the Suppress Alarms check box next to the Node Profile drop-down menu, or uncheck the slot row for a card.

Step3 In card view, uncheck the Suppress Alarms check box for the ports you want to stop suppressing.

Step4 Click Apply . The node sends out autonomous messages to raise any actively suppressed alarms.

Step5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).


Posted: Thu Feb 26 21:52:35 PST 2004
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