
Table Of Contents

Turn Up Node

Before You Begin

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

NTP-25 Set Up Name, Date, Time, and Contact Information

NTP-26 Set Up CTC Network Access

DLP-63 Provision IP Settings

DLP-64 Set the IP Address, Default Router, and Network Mask Using the LCD

DLP-65 Create a Static Route

DLP-66 Set Up or Change Open Shortest Path First Protocol

DLP-248 Set Up or Change Routing Information Protocol

NTP-27 Set Up the ONS 15454 for Firewall Access

DLP-67 Provision the IIOP Listener Port on the ONS 15454

DLP-68 Provision the IIOP Listener Port on the CTC Computer

NTP-28 Set Up Timing

DLP-69 Set Up External or Line Timing

DLP-70 Set Up Internal Timing

NTP-29 Create Protection Groups

DLP-71 Create a 1:1 Protection Group

DLP-72 Create a 1:N Protection Group

DLP-73 Create a 1+1 Protection Group

NTP-30 Create Users and Assign Security

DLP-74 Create a New User - Single Node

DLP-75 Create a New User - Multiple Nodes

NTP-121 Set the Port Name for a Card

NTP-32 Provision the Alarm Interface Controller

DLP-82 Provision External Alarms and Controls

DLP-83 Provision the AIC Orderwire

NTP-123 Provision the Alarm Interface Controller-International

DLP-211 Provision External Alarms and Controls on the AIC-I Card

DLP-212 Create a User Data Channel Circuit

NTP-33 Set Up SNMP

NTP-34 Create Ethernet RMON Alarm Thresholds

Turn Up Node

This chapter explains how to provision a single Cisco ONS 15454 node and turn it up for service.

Before You Begin

Complete the procedures applicable to your site plan from the following chapters:

Chapter 1, "Install the Shelf and Backplane Cable"

Chapter 2, "Install Cards and Fiber-Optic Cable"

"Connect the PC and Log into the GUI"

This section lists the chapter procedures (NTPs). Turn to a procedure for applicable tasks (DLPs).

1. NTP-24 Verify Card Installation—Complete this procedure first.

2. NTP-25 Set Up Name, Date, Time, and Contact Information—Continue with this procedure to set the node name, date, time, location, and contact information.

3. NTP-26 Set Up CTC Network Access—Continue with this procedure to provision the IP address, default router, subnet mask, and network configuration settings.

4. NTP-27 Set Up the ONS 15454 for Firewall Access—Continue with this procedure if the ONS 15454 will be accessed behind firewalls.

5. NTP-28 Set Up Timing—Continue with this procedure to set up the node's SONET timing references.

6. NTP-30 Create Users and Assign Security—Complete this procedure to create CTC users and assign their security levels.

7. NTP-121 Set the Port Name for a Card—Complete this procedure, as needed, to assign names to the ports on the cards.

8. NTP-29 Create Protection Groups—Complete this procedure, as needed, to set up 1:1, 1:N, and 1+1 protection groups for ONS 15454 electrical and optical cards.

9. NTP-32 Provision the Alarm Interface Controller—Complete this procedure if an AIC card is installed in Slot 9 and you want to set up external (environmental) alarms, controls, or orderwire.

10. NTP-123 Provision the Alarm Interface Controller-InternationalComplete this procedure if an AIC-I card is installed in Slot 9 and you want to set up external (environmental) alarms, controls, or orderwire.

11. NTP-33 Set Up SNMP—Complete this procedure if SNMP will be used for system monitoring.

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation


This procedure verifies that the ONS 15454 node is ready for turn up.


An engineering work order, site plan, or other document specifying the ONS 15454 card installation

Prerequisite Procedures

Chapter 1, "Install the Shelf and Backplane Cable"

Chapter 2, "Install Cards and Fiber-Optic Cable"

Required/As Needed




Security Level

Retrieve or higher

Step 1 Verify that TCC+ cards are installed in Slots 7 and 11.

Step 2 Verify that the green ACT (active) LED is illuminated on one TCC+ and the amber STBY (standby) LED is illuminated on the second TCC+.

Note If the TCC+s are not installed, or their LEDs are not illuminated as described, do not proceed. Repeat the "DLP-36 Install the TCC+ Cards" task on page 2-6, or refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Manual to resolve installation problems before proceeding to Step 3.

Step 3 Verify that cross-connect cards (XC, XCVT, or XC10G) are installed in Slots 8 and 10.

Note The OC-192, OC48 any-slot (AS), four-port OC-12, and G1000-4 cards require an XC10G. If the OC48 AS cards are not installed in high-speed slots, they can operate with an XC or XCVT card.

Step 4 Verify that the green ACT (active) LED is illuminated on one cross-connect card and the amber STBY (standby) LED is illuminated on the second cross-connect card.

Note If the cross-connect cards are not installed, or their LEDs are not illuminated as described, do not proceed. Repeat the "DLP-36 Install the TCC+ Cards" task on page 2-6, or refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Manual to resolve installation problems before proceeding to
Step 5.

Step 5 If your site plan requires an AIC or AIC-I card, verify that the AIC/AIC-I card is installed in Slot 9 and its ACT (active) LED displays a solid green light.

Step 6 Verify that electrical cards (DS-1, DS-3, EC-1, and DS3XM-6) are installed in the ONS 15454 multispeed or high-speed slots as designated by your installation plan.

Note Multispeed slots are Slots 1-4 and 14-17; high-speed slots are Slots 5, 6, 12, and 13.

Step 7 If your site plan requires an Ethernet card, verify that the Ethernet card is installed in the specified multispeed or high-speed slot and its ACT (active) LED displays a solid green light.

Step 8 If a E1000-2, E1000-2-G, or G1000-4 Ethernet card is installed, verify that it has a gigabit interface converter (GBIC) installed. If not, see the "DLP-40 Install Gigabit Interface Converters" task on page 2-16.

Step 9 Verify that OC-N cards (OC-3, OC-12, OC-12-4, OC-48, OC-48AS, and OC-192) are installed in the slots designated by your site plan. OC-3, OC-12, and OC-48AS cards can be installed in multispeed or high-speed slots. The OC-12-4 can only be installed in a multispeed slot, and the OC-48 and OC-192 can only be installed in high-speed slots.

Note Multispeed slots are Slots 1-4 and 14-17; high-speed slots are Slots 5, 6, 12, and 13.

Step 10 Verify that all installed OC-N cards display a solid amber STBY LED.

Step 11 Verify that fiber-optic cables are installed and connected to the locations indicated in the site plan.

Step 12 Verify that fiber is routed correctly in the shelf assembly and fiber boots are installed properly.

Step 13 Verify that the software release shown on the LCD matches the software release indicated in your site plan. If the release does not match, perform one of the following procedures:

Perform a software upgrade procedure using a Cisco ONS 15445 software CD. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Software Upgrade Guide for instructions.

Replace the TCC+ cards with cards containing the correct release (see the " NTP-116 Remove and Replace a Card" procedure on page 2-18).

Use the " NTP-163 Restore the Node to Factory Configuration" procedure on page 15-11.

Step 14 Continue with the "NTP-25 Set Up Name, Date, Time, and Contact Information" procedure.

NTP-25 Set Up Name, Date, Time, and Contact Information


This procedure provisions identification information for the node, including the node name, a contact name and phone number, the location of the node, and the date, time, and time zone.



Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Complete the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for the node you will turn up.

Step 2 Click the Provisioning > General tabs.

Step 3 Enter the following information in the fields listed:

Node Name—Type a name for the node. For TL1 compliance, names must begin with an alpha character and have no more than 20 alphanumeric characters.

Contact—Type the name of the node contact person and the phone number (optional).

Latitude—Enter the node latitude: N (North) or S (South), degrees, and minutes (optional).

Longitude—Enter the node longitude: E (East) or W (West), degrees, and minutes (optional).

Tip You can also position nodes manually on the network view map by pressing Ctrl, then clicking and dragging the node icon to the desired location with your mouse.

CTC uses the latitude and longitude to position ONS 15454 icons on the network view map. To convert a coordinate in degrees to degrees and minutes, multiply the number after the decimal by 60. For example, the latitude 38.250739 converts to 38 degrees, 15 minutes (.250739 x 60 = 15.0443, rounded to the nearest whole number).

Description—Type a description of the node. The description can be a maximum of 255 characters.

Use NTP/SNTP Server—When checked, CTC uses a Network Time Protocol (NTP) or Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) server to set the date and time of the node.

If you do not use an SNTP or NTP server, complete the Date and Time fields. The ONS 15454 will use these fields for alarm dates and times. (CTC displays all alarms in the login node's time zone for cross network consistency.)

Note Using an NTP or SNTP server ensures that all ONS 15454 network nodes use the same date and time reference. The server synchronizes the node's time after power outages or software upgrades.

If you check Use NTP/SNTP Server, type the IP address of either a) an NTP/SNTP server, or b) the IP address of an ONS 15454 with NTP/SNTP Server enabled. If you enable Enable Firewall for the ONS 15454 proxy server, external ONS 15454 NEs must reference the gateway ONS 15454 NE for NTP/SNTP timing. For more information about the proxy server feature, refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual.

Caution If you reference another ONS 15454 for the NTP/SNTP server, make sure the second ONS 15454 references an NTP/SNTP server and not the first ONS 15454 (that is, do not create an NTP/SNTP timing loop by having two ONS 15454s reference each other).

Date—If Use NTP/SNTP Server is not selected, type the current date in the format mm/dd/yyyy, for example, September 24, 2002 is 09/24/2002.

Time—If Use NTP/SNTP Server is not selected, type the current time in the format hh:mm:ss, for example, 11:24:58. The ONS 15454 uses a 24-hour clock, so 10:00 PM is entered as 22:00:00.

Time Zone—Click the field and choose a city within your time zone from the popup menu. The menu displays the 80 World Time Zones from -11 through 0 (GMT) to +14. Continental United States time zones are GMT-05:00 (Eastern), GMT-06:00 (Central), GMT-07 (Mountain), and GMT-08 (Pacific).

Step 4 Click Apply.

Step 5 On the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.

Step 6 Review the node information. If you need to make corrections, repeat Steps 3- 5 to enter the corrections. If the information is correct, continue with the "NTP-26 Set Up CTC Network Access" procedure.

NTP-26 Set Up CTC Network Access


Use this procedure to provision network access for a node, including its subnet mask, default router, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server, IIOP listener port, proxy server settings, static routes, open shorted path first (OSPF) protocol, and routing information protocol (RIP).



Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

Required/As Needed



Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Complete the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task. If you are already logged in, from the View menu in node (default) view select Go to Network View.

Step 2 Complete the "DLP-63 Provision IP Settings" task to provision the ONS 15454 IP address, subnet mask, default router, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server, IIOP listener port, and proxy server settings.

Tip If you cannot log into the node, you can still change its IP address, default router and network mask by using the LCD on the ONS 15454 front panel. See the "DLP-64 Set the IP Address, Default Router, and Network Mask Using the LCD" task for instructions. However, you cannot use the LCD to provision any other network settings.

Step 3 If static routes are needed, complete the "DLP-65 Create a Static Route" task. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual for further information about static routes.

Step 4 If the ONS 15454 is connected to a LAN or WAN that uses OSPF, complete the "DLP-66 Set Up or Change Open Shortest Path First Protocol" task.

Step 5 If the ONS 15454 is connected to a LAN or WAN that uses RIP, complete the "DLP-248 Set Up or Change Routing Information Protocol" task.

DLP-63 Provision IP Settings


This task provisions IP settings, which includes the IP address, default router, DHCP access, firewall access, and proxy server settings for an ONS 15454 node.



Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

DLP-60 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed



Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Caution All network changes should be approved by your network (or LAN) administrator.

Step 1 If you are in network view, switch to node view by double-clicking the node you want to turn up on the network map.

Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Network tabs.

Step 3 Complete the following information in the fields listed:

IP Address—Type the IP address assigned to the ONS 15454 node.

Prevent LCD IP Config—Check this box if you want to disable IP configuration using the ONS 15454 LCD, that is, disable the "DLP-64 Set the IP Address, Default Router, and Network Mask Using the LCD" task. This box is unchecked by default.

Default Router—If the ONS 15454 must communicate with a device on a network that the ONS 15454 is not connected to, the ONS 15454 may forward the packets to the default router. Type the IP address of the router in this field. If the ONS 15454 is not connected to a LAN, or if you will enable any of the Gateway Settings to implement the ONS 15454 proxy server features, leave this field blank.

Net/Subnet Mask Length—Type the subnet mask length (decimal number representing the subnet mask length in bits) or click the arrows to adjust the subnet mask length. The subnet mask length is the same for all ONS 15454s in the same subnet.

MAC Address—(read only) Displays the ONS 15454 IEEE 802 Media Access Control (MAC) address.

Forward DHCP Request ToCheck this box to enable Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). Also, enter the DHCP server IP address in the Request To field. The box is unchecked by default. If you will enable any of the Gateway Settings to implement the ONS 15454 proxy server features, leave this field blank.

Note If you enable DHCP, computers connected to an ONS 15454 node can obtain temporary IP addresses from an external DHCP server. The ONS 15454 only forwards DHCP requests; it does not act as a DHCP server.

TCC CORBA (IIOP) Listener Port—Check this box to set the ONS 15454 IIOP listener port. This listener port is used to allow communication with the ONS 15454 through firewalls. See the
"NTP-27 Set Up the ONS 15454 for Firewall Access" procedure to provision firewall access.

Gateway Settings—Provides three checkboxes that enable the ONS 15454 proxy server features. Do not enable any of the checkboxes until you review the proxy server scenario in the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual. In proxy server networks, the ONS 15454 will be either a gateway network element (GNE) or external network element (ENE). Provisioning must be consistent for each NE type.

Craft Access Only— If checked, the login ONS 15454 is only visible to the CTC workstation that it is directly connected to; other non-DCC connected nodes will not be aware of the node provisioned for craft access only. This box is normally checked for external NEs; not checked for gateway NEs. If Craft Access Only is checked, Enable Proxy must be selected in order for the directly connected PC to have visibility to DCC-connected nodes.

Enable Proxy—If checked, the ONS 15454 responds to CTC requests with a list of DCC-connected nodes for which it serves as a proxy. Both gateway and external NEs within a proxy server network should have this box checked.

Enable Firewall—If checked, the node restricts IP traffic from being routed between the DCC and the LAN port. Both gateway and external NEs within a proxy server network should have this box checked. If Enable Firewall is checked, Enable Proxy must be selected in order for the directly connected PC to have visibility to DCC-connected nodes.

Step 4 Click Apply.

Step 5 Click Yes on the confirmation dialog box.

Both ONS 15454 TCC+ cards will reboot, one at a time. During this time (approximately 10-15 minutes), the active and standby TCC+ LEDs will go through the cycle shown in Table 4-1. Eventually, a "Lost node connection, switching to network view" message is displayed.

Table 4-1 LED Behavior During TCC+ Reboot

Active TCC+ LEDs
Standby TCC+ LEDs
Reboot Activity

ACT/STBY: flashing green

1. ACT/STBY: flashing yellow

2. FAIL LED: solid red

3. FAIL LED: flashing red

4. Alarm LEDs: flash once

5. ACT/STBY: flashing yellow

6. All LEDs: turn off (1-2 minutes)

7. ACT/STBY: solid yellow

8. ACT/STBY: Solid green

Standby TCC+ updated with new network information

1. FAIL LED: solid red

2. FAIL LED: flashing red

3. Alarm LEDs: flash once

4. ACT/STBY: flashing yellow

5. All LEDs: turn off (1-2 minutes) CTC displays "Lost node connection, switching to network view" message

6. ACT/STBY: solid yellow

ACT/STBY: solid green

Active TCC+ updated with new network information

If an AIC card is installed, AIC FAIL and alarm LEDS light up briefly when the AIC is updated

ACT/STBY: solid yellow

ACT/STBY: solid green

The backup TCC+ becomes the active TCC+

Step 6 Click OK. CTC displays the network view. The node icon is displayed in grey, during which time you cannot access the node.

Step 7 Double-click the node icon when it changes to green. As necessary, complete the "DLP-65 Create a Static Route" task or the "DLP-66 Set Up or Change Open Shortest Path First Protocol" task. If you do not need to create a static route or set up OSPF, go to the "NTP-28 Set Up Timing" procedure.

DLP-64 Set the IP Address, Default Router, and Network Mask Using the LCD


Use this task to change the ONS 15454 IP address, default router, and network mask using the front panel LCD. Use this task if you cannot log into CTC.



Prerequisite Procedures

DLP-36 Install the TCC+ Cards, page 2-6

Required/As Needed




Security Level


Note The LCD reverts to normal display mode after 5 seconds of button inactivity.

Step 1 On the ONS 15454 front panel, repeatedly press the Slot button until Node appears on the LCD.

Step 2 Repeatedly press the Port button until the following displays:

To change the node IP address, Status=IpAddress ( Figure 4-1)

To change the node network mask, Status=Net Mask

To change the default router IP address, Status=Default Rtr

Figure 4-1 Selecting the IP address option

Step 3 Press the Status button to display the node IP address ( Figure 4-2), the node subnet mask length, or the default router IP address.

Figure 4-2 Changing the IP address

Step 4 Push the Slot button to move to the IP address or subnet mask digit you need to change. The selected digit flashes.

Tip The Slot, Status, and Port button positions correspond to the command position on the LCD. For example, in Figure 4-2, you press the Slot button to invoke the Next command and the Port button to invoke the Done command.

Step 5 Press the Port button to cycle the IP address or subnet mask to the correct digit.

Step 6 When the change is complete, press the Status button to return to the Node menu.

Step 7 Repeatedly press the Port button until the Save Configuration option appears ( Figure 4-3).

Figure 4-3 Selecting the Save Configuration option

Step 8 Press the Status button to choose the Save Configuration option.

A Save and REBOOT message appears ( Figure 4-4).

Figure 4-4 Saving and rebooting the TCC+

Step 9 Press the Slot button to apply the new IP address configuration. (Or press Port to cancel the configuration.)

Saving the new configuration causes the TCC+ cards to reboot. During the reboot, a "Saving Changes - TCC Reset" message displays on the LCD. The LCD returns to the normal alternating display after the TCC+ reboot is complete (see Table 4-1 for reboot behavior).

Note The IP address and default router must be configured to be on the same subnet. If not, you cannot apply the configuration.

Step 10 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-65 Create a Static Route


Use this task to create a static route on the ONS 15454.



Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

DLP-60 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

Required if either of the following is true:

You need to connect ONS 15454s to CTC sessions on one subnet connected by a router to ONS 15454s residing on another subnet when OSPF is not enabled, and the Enable Proxy box are not checked.

You need to enable multiple CTC sessions among ONS 15454s residing on the same subnet, when the Craft Access Only feature is not enabled.


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Display the network view (from the View menu in node view click Go to Network View).

Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Network tabs.

Step 3 Click the Static Routing tab. Click Create.

Step 4 In the Create Static Route dialog box enter the following:

Destination—Enter the IP address of the computer running CTC. To limit access to one computer, enter the full IP address and a subnet mask of To allow access to all computers on the subnet, enter and a subnet mask of You can enter a destination of to allow access to all CTC computers that connect to the router.

Mask—Enter a subnet mask. If Destination is a host route (i.e., one CTC computer), enter a 32-bit subnet mask ( If Destination is a subnet, adjust the subnet mask accordingly, for example, If Destination is, CTC automatically enters a subnet mask of to provide access to all CTC computers. You cannot change this value.

Next Hop—Enter the IP address of the router port or the node IP address if the CTC computer is connected to the node directly.

Cost—Enter the number of hops between the ONS 15454 and the computer.

Step 5 Click OK. Verify that the static route displays in the Static Route window.

Note Static route networking examples are provided in the IP networking section of the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual.

Step 6 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-66 Set Up or Change Open Shortest Path First Protocol


Use this task to enable the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing protocol on the ONS 15454. Perform this task if you want to include the ONS 15454 in OSPF-enabled networks.



Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

DLP-60 Log into CTC

You will need the OSPF Area ID, Hello and Dead intervals, and authentication key (if OSPF authentication is enabled) provisioned on the router that the ONS 15454 is connected to.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Display the node view.

Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Network > OSPF tabs ( Figure 4-5).

Figure 4-5 Enabling OSPF on the ONS 15454

Step 3 On the top left side of the OSPF pane, complete the following:

DCC OSPF Area ID Table—Enter the number that identifies the ONS 15454s as a unique OSPF area ID entered in dotted decimal format. It can be any number between and The number must be unique to the LAN OSPF area.

DCC Metric—This value is normally unchanged. It sets a "cost" for sending packets across the DCC, which is used by OSPF routers to calculate the shortest path. This value should always be higher than the LAN metric. The default DCC metric is 10. The metric changes to 100 if you check the OSPF Active on LAN checkbox in Step 4.

Step 4 Under OSPF on LAN, complete the following:

OSPF active on LAN—When checked, enables the ONS 15454 OSPF topology to be advertised to OSPF routers on the LAN. Enable this field on ONS 15454s that directly connect to OSPF routers.

LAN Port Area ID—Enter the OSPF area ID (dotted decimal format) for the router port where the ONS 15454 is connected. (This number is different from the DCC OSPF Area ID.)

Step 5 Under Authentication, complete the following:

Type—If the router where the ONS 15454 is connected requires authentication, choose Simple Password. Otherwise, choose No Authentication.

KeyIf Simple Password is selected as the Authentication type, enter the password (OSPF key).

Step 6 Under Priority and Intervals, complete the following:

The OSPF priority and intervals default to values most commonly used by OSPF routers. In the Priority and Intervals area, verify that these values match those used by the OSPF router where the ONS 15454 is connected.

Router Priority—Used to select the designated router for a subnet.

Hello Interval (sec)—Sets the number of seconds between OSPF "hello" packet advertisements sent by OSPF routers. Ten seconds is the default.

Dead Interval—Sets the number of seconds that will pass while an OSPF router's packets are not visible before its neighbors declare the router down. Forty seconds is the default.

Transit Delay (sec)—Indicates the service speed. One second is the default.

Retransmit Interval (sec)—Sets the time that will elapse before a packet is resent. Five seconds is the default.

LAN MetricSets a "cost" for sending packets across the LAN. This value should always be lower than the DCC metric. Ten is the default.

Step 7 Under OSPF Area Range Table, create an area range table if one is needed:

Note Area range tables consolidate the information that is propagated outside an OSPF Area border. One ONS 15454 in the ONS 15454 OSPF area is connected to the OSPF router. An area range table on this node points the router to the other nodes that reside within the ONS 15454 OSPF area.

a. Under OSPF Area Range Table, click Create.

b. In the Create Area Range dialog box, enter the following:

Range Address—Enter the area IP address for the ONS 15454s that reside within the OSPF area. For example, if the ONS 15454 OSPF area includes nodes with IP addresses,,, and, the range address would be

Range Area ID—Enter the OSPF area ID for the ONS 15454s. This is either the ID in the DCC OSPF Area ID field or the ID in the Area ID for LAN Port field.

Mask Length—Enter the subnet mask length. In the Range Address example, this is 16.

Advertise—Check if you want to advertise the OSPF range table.

c. Click OK.

Step 8 All OSPF areas must be connected to Area 0. If the ONS 15454 OSPF area is not physically connected to Area 0, use the following steps to create a virtual link table that will provide the disconnected area with a logical path to Area 0:

a. Under OSPF Virtual Link Table, click Create.

b. In the Create Virtual Link dialog box, complete the following fields (OSPF settings must match OSPF settings for the ONS 15454 OSPF area):

Neighbor—The router ID of the Area 0 router.

Transit Delay (sec)—The service speed. One second is the default.

Hello Int (sec)—The number of seconds between OSPF "hello" packet advertisements sent by OSPF routers. Ten seconds is the default.

Auth Type—If the router where the ONS 15454 is connected uses authentication, choose Simple Password. Otherwise, choose No Authentication.

Retransmit Int (sec)—Sets the time that will elapse before a packet is resent. Five seconds is the default.

Dead Int (sec)—Sets the number of seconds that will pass while an OSPF router's packets are not visible before its neighbors declare the router down. Forty seconds is the default.

c. Click OK.

Step 9 After entering ONS 15454 OSPF area data, click Apply.

If you changed the Area ID, the TCC+ cards will reset, one at a time. The reset will take approximately 10-15 minutes. Table 4-1 shows the LED behavior during the TCC+ reset.

Step 10 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-248 Set Up or Change Routing Information Protocol


Use this task to enable routing information protocol (RIP) on the ONS 15454. Perform this task if you want to include the ONS 15454 in RIP-enabled networks.



Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

DLP-60 Log into CTC

You need to create a static route to the router adjacent to the ONS 15454 in order for the ONS 15454 to communicate its routing information to non DCC-connected nodes.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Display the node view.

Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Network > RIP tabs.

Step 3 Check the RIP Active? checkbox if you are activating RIP.

Step 4 Choose either RIP Version 1 or RIP Version 2 from the drop down menu, depending on which version is supported in your network.

Step 5 Set the RIP metric. The RIP metric can be set to a number between 1 and 15 and represents the number of hops.

Step 6 Under Authentication, select the authentication type; If the router where the ONS 15454 is connected requires authentication, choose Simple Password. Otherwise, choose No Authentication. (default). You must click the No Authentication button to choose the Simple Password option.

Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

NTP-27 Set Up the ONS 15454 for Firewall Access

If an ONS 15454 or CTC computer resides behind a firewall that uses port filtering, you must enable an Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) port on the ONS 15454 and/or CTC computer, depending on whether one or both devices reside behind a firewall.

Figure 4-6 shows ONS 15454s in a protected network and the CTC computer in an external network. In order for the computer to access the ONS 15454s, you must provision the IIOP listener port specified by your firewall administrator on the ONS 15454. The ONS 15454 sends the port number to the CTC computer during the initial contact between the devices using Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP). After the CTC computer obtains the ONS 15454 IIOP port, the computer opens a direct session with the node using the specified IIOP port.

Figure 4-6 ONS 15454s residing behind a firewall

Figure 4-7 shows a CTC computer and ONS 15454 behind firewalls. In order for the computer to access the ONS 15454, you provision the IIOP port on the CTC computer and on the ONS 15454. Each firewall can use a different IIOP port. For example, if the CTC computer firewall uses IIOP port 4000, and the ONS 15454 firewall uses IIOP port 5000, 4000 is the IIOP port set on the CTC computer and 5000 is the IIOP port set on the ONS 15454.

Figure 4-7 A CTC computer and ONS 15454s residing behind firewalls


This procedure provisions ONS 15454s and CTC computers for access through firewalls.


IIOP listener port number from LAN or firewall administrator

Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Log into a node that is behind the firewall. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions.

Step 2 If the ONS 15454 resides behind a firewall, complete the "DLP-67 Provision the IIOP Listener Port on the ONS 15454" task.

Step 3 If the CTC computer resides behind a firewall, complete the "DLP-68 Provision the IIOP Listener Port on the CTC Computer" task.

DLP-67 Provision the IIOP Listener Port on the ONS 15454


Use this task to sets the IIOP listener port on the ONS 15454, which enables you to access ONS 15454s that reside behind a firewall.


IIOP listener port number from LAN or firewall administrator

Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

DLP-60 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Click the Provisioning > Network tabs.

Step 2 On the General subtab under TCC+ CORBA (IIOP) Listener Port, choose a listener port option:

Default - TCC Fixed—Uses Port 57790. Used to connect to ONS 15454s on the same side of the firewall or if no firewall is used (default). This can be used for access through a firewall if Port 57790 is open.

Standard Constant—Uses Port 683, the CORBA default port number

Other Constant—If Port 683 is not used, type the IIOP port specified by your firewall administrator. The port cannot use any of the ports shown in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2 Ports Used by the TCC+ 



Never used


FTP control






rpc (not used; but port is in use)


rlogin (not used; but port is in use)


Default CTC listener ports


Proxy server


I/O card telnet


DCC processor on active TCC+








BLSR server port


BLSR client port


SNMP input port


EQM port


EQM port 2


TCC boot port


Flash manager


Proxy client


Default TCC listener port

Step 3 Click Apply.

Step 4 When the Change Network Configuration? message displays, click Yes.

Both ONS 15454 TCC+s will reboot, one at a time. The reboot will take approximately 15 minutes.

Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-68 Provision the IIOP Listener Port on the CTC Computer


Use this task to select the IIOP listener port on CTC.


IIOP listener port number from LAN or firewall administrator

Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

DLP-60 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

Required only if the computer running CTC resides behind a firewall


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 From the Edit menu, choose Preferences.

Step 2 On the Preferences dialog box, click the Firewall tab.

Step 3 Under CTC CORBA (IIOP) Listener Port, choose a listener port option:

Default - Variable—Used to connect to ONS 15454s from within a firewall or if no firewall is used (default)

Standard Constant—Uses Port 683, the CORBA default port number

Other Constant—If Port 683 is not used, enter the IIOP port defined by your administrator

Step 4 Click Apply. A warning is displayed telling you that the port change will apply during the next CTC login.

Step 5 Click OK.

Step 6 On the Preferences dialog box, click OK. A warning is displayed telling you that the port change will apply on the next CTC login.

Step 7 Click OK.

Step 8 To access the ONS 15454 using the IIOP port, log out of CTC (from the File menu, select Exit), then log into the ONS 15454.

Step 9 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

NTP-28 Set Up Timing


Use this procedure to provision the ONS 15454 timing.



Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

Required/As Needed



Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Log into the ONS 15454 node where you want to set up timing. The node (default) view displays. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions.

Step 2 Complete the "DLP-69 Set Up External or Line Timing" task if an external BITS source is available. This is the common SONET timing setup procedure.

Step 3 Complete the "DLP-70 Set Up Internal Timing" task if you cannot complete Step 2 (an external BITS source is not available). This task can only provide Stratum 3 timing.

Note For information about SONET timing, refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Guide or to Telcordia GR-253-CORE.

DLP-69 Set Up External or Line Timing


Use this task to define the SONET timing source (external or line) for the ONS 15454.



Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

DLP-60 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed



Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 On the node view, click the Provisioning > Timing tabs ( Figure 4-8).

Figure 4-8 Setting Up ONS 15454 timing

Step 2 Under General Timing, complete the following information:

Timing Mode—Choose External if the ONS 15454 derives its timing from a BITS source wired to the backplane pins; choose Line if timing is derived from an OC-N card that is optically connected to the timing node. A third option, Mixed, allows you to set external and line timing references.

Note Because Mixed timing may cause timing loops, Cisco does not recommend its use. Use this mode with care.

SSM Message Set—Choose the message set level supported by your network. If a Generation 1 node receives a Generation 2 message, the message will be mapped down to the next available Generation 1. For example, an ST3E message becomes an ST3.

Quality of RES—If your timing source supports the reserved S1 byte, set the timing quality here. (Most timing sources do not use RES.) Qualities are displayed in descending quality order as ranges. For example, ST3<RES<ST2 means the timing reference is higher than a Stratum 3 and lower than a Stratum 2. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Guide for more information about SSM, including definitions of the SONET timing levels.

Revertive—Check this box if you want the ONS 15454 to revert to a primary reference source after the conditions that caused it to switch to a secondary timing reference are corrected.

Revertive Time—If Revertive is checked, choose the amount of time the ONS 15454 will wait before reverting back to its primary timing source. Five minutes is the default.

Step 3 Under BITS Facilities, complete the following information:

Note The BITS Facilities section sets the parameters for your BITS1 and BITS2 timing references. Many of these settings are determined by the timing source manufacturer. If equipment is timed through BITS Out, you can set timing parameters to meet the requirements of the equipment.

State—For nodes set to Line timing with no equipment timed through BITS Out, set State to OOS (Out of Service). For nodes using External timing or Line timing with equipment timed through BITS Out, set State to IS (In Service).

Step 4 If State is set to OOS, go to Step 5. If State is set to IS, complete the following information:

Coding—Set to the coding used by your BITS reference, either B8ZS or AMI.

Framing—Set to the framing used by your BITS reference, either ESF (Extended Super Frame, or SF (D4) (Super Frame).

Sync Messaging—Check to enable SSM. SSM is not available if Framing is set to Super Frame.

AIS Threshold—If SSM is disabled or Super Frame is used, set the quality level where a node sends an Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) from the BITS 1 Out and BITS 2 Out backplane pins. An AIS is sent when the optical source for the BITS reference falls to or below the SSM quality level defined in this field.

LBO—If you are timing an external device connected to the BITS Out pins, set the distance between it and the ONS 15454. Options are: 0-133 ft. (default), 124-266 ft., 267-399 ft., 400-533 ft., and 534-655 ft.

Note LBO does not appear in releases before Release 3.3.

Step 5 Under Reference Lists, complete the following information:

Note Reference Lists defines up to three timing references for the node and up to six BITS Out references. BITS Out references define the timing references used by equipment that can be attached to the node's BITS Out pins on the backplane. If you attach equipment to BITS Out pins, you normally attach it to a node with Line mode because equipment near the External timing reference can be directly wired to the reference.

NE Reference—Allows you to define three timing references (Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3). The node uses Reference 1 unless a failure occurs to that reference, in which case the node uses Reference 2. If that fails, the node uses Reference 3, which is typically set to Internal Clock. This is the Stratum 3 clock provided on the TCC+. The options displayed depend on the Timing Mode setting.

If the Timing Mode is set to External, your options are BITS1, BITS2, and Internal Clock.

If the Timing Mode is set to Line, your options are the node's working OC-N cards and Internal Clock. Choose the cards/ports that are directly or indirectly connected to the node wired to the BITS source, that is, the node's trunk cards. Set Reference 1 to the trunk card that is closest to the BITS source. For example, if Slot 5 is connected to the node wired to the BITS source, choose Slot 5 as Reference 1.

If the Timing Mode is set to Mixed, both BITS and OC-N cards are available, allowing you to set a mixture of external BITS and OC-N trunk cards as timing references.

BITS 1 Out/BITS 2 Out—Define the timing references for equipment wired to the BITS Out backplane pins. Normally, BITS Out is used with Line nodes, so the options displayed are the working OC-N cards. BITS 1 and BITS 2 Out are enabled when BITS-1 and BITS-2 facilities are placed in service.

Step 6 Click Apply.

Note Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide for timing-related alarms.

Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-70 Set Up Internal Timing


Use this task to set up internal timing (Stratum 3) for an ONS 15454.



Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

DLP-60 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed (use only if a BITS source is not available)


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Caution Internal timing is Stratum 3 and not intended for permanent use. All ONS 15454s should be timed to a Stratum 2 or better primary reference source.

Step 1 Click the Provisioning > Timing tabs.

Step 2 Under General Timing, enter the following:

Timing Mode—Set to External

SSM Message Set—Set to Generation 1

Quality of RES—Not applicable to internal timing

Revertive—Not relevant for internal timing; the default setting (checked) is sufficient

Revertive Time—The default setting (5 minutes) is sufficient

Step 3 Under BITS Facilities, change State to OOS (Out of Service)

Coding—Not relevant for internal timing; the default (B8ZS) is sufficient

Framing—Not relevant for internal timing; the default (ESF) is sufficient

Sync Messaging—Not relevant for internal timing

AIS Threshold—Not relevant for internal timing

LBO—Not relevant for internal timing.

Step 4 Under Reference Lists, enter the following information:

NE Reference

Ref 1—Set to Internal Clock

Ref 2—Set to Internal Clock

Ref 3—Set to Internal Clock

BITS 1 Out/BITS 2 Out—Set to None

Step 5 Click Apply.

Step 6 Log into a node that will be timed from the node set up in Steps 1- 5.

Step 7 Click the Provisioning > Timing tabs.

Step 8 In the General Timing section, enter the same information as entered in Step 3 with the following exceptions:

Timing Mode—Set to Line

Reference Lists

NE Reference

Ref1—Set to the OC-N trunk card with the closest connection to the node in Step 3

Ref 2—Set to the OC-N trunk card with the next closest connection to the node in Step 3

Ref 3—Set to Internal Clock

Step 9 Click Apply.

Step 10 Repeat Steps 6- 9 at each node that will be timed by the node in Step 3.

Step 11 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

NTP-29 Create Protection Groups


Use this procedure to create ONS 15454 card protection groups.



Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

Required/As Needed

Required; some network information is optional, depending on your site plan


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Log into the ONS 15454 node where you want to create the protection group. The node (default) view displays. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions.

Step 2 Complete one or more of the following tasks depending on the protection group(s) you want to create:

DLP-71 Create a 1:1 Protection Group

DLP-72 Create a 1:N Protection Group

DLP-73 Create a 1+1 Protection Group

Note Table 4-3 describes the protection types available on the ONS 15454.

Table 4-3 Card Protection Types

Description and Installation Requirements







Pairs one working card with one protect card. The protect card should be installed in an odd-numbered slot and the working card in an even-numbered slot next to the protect slot towards the TCC+, for example: protect in Slot 1, working in Slot 2; protect in Slot 3, working in Slot 4; protect in Slot 15, working in Slot 14.





Assigns one protect card for several working cards. The maximum is 1:5. Protect cards (DS1N-14, DS3N-12, DS3N-12E) must be installed in Slots 3 or 15 and the cards they protect must be on the same side of the shelf. Protect cards must match the cards they protect. For example, a DS1N-14 can only protect DS1-14 or DS1N-14 cards. If a failure clears, traffic reverts to the working card after the reversion time has elapsed.


Any OC-N

Pairs a working OC-N card/port with a protect OC-N card/port. For multiport OC-N cards, the protect port must match the working port on the working card. For example, Port 1 of an OC-3 card can only be protected by Port 1 of another OC-3 card. The ports on multiport cards must be either working or protect. You cannot mix working and protect ports on the same card. Cards do not need to be in adjoining slots.



Unprotected cards can cause signal loss if a card fails or incurs a signal error. However, because no card slots are reserved for protection, unprotected schemes maximize the service available for use on the ONS 15454. Unprotected is the default protection type.

DLP-71 Create a 1:1 Protection Group


Use this task to create a 1:1 electrical card protection group.


Redundant DS-1, DS-3, EC-1 or DS3XM-6 cards should be installed in the shelf, or the ONS 15454 slots must be provisioned for two of these cards.

Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

DLP-60 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Verify that the cards required for 1:1 protection are installed according to requirements specified in Table 4-3.

Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Protection tabs.

Step 3 Under Protection Groups, click Create.

Step 4 In the Create Protection Group dialog box, enter the following:

Name—Type a name for the protection group. The name can have up to 32 alphanumeric characters.

Type—Choose 1:1 from the pull-down menu.

Protect Card—Choose the protect card from the pull-down menu. The menu displays cards available for 1:1 protection. If no cards are available, no cards are displayed.

After you choose the protect card, a list of cards available for protection is displayed under Available Cards, as shown in Figure 4-9. If no cards are available, no cards are displayed. If this occurs, you can not complete this task until you install the physical cards or pre-provision the ONS 15454 slots.

Figure 4-9 Creating a 1:1 protection group

Step 5 From the Available Cards list, choose the card that will be protected by the card selected in Protect Card. Click the top arrow button to move each card to the Working Cards list.

Step 6 Complete the remaining fields:

Bidirectional switching—Not available for 1:1 protection

Revertive—Check this box if you want traffic to revert to the working card after failure conditions stay corrected for the amount of time entered in Reversion Time.

Reversion time—If Revertive is checked, choose the reversion time. Click the Reversion time field and select a reversion time from the pull-down menu. The range is 0.5 to 12.0 minutes. The default is 5.0 minutes. This is the amount of time that will elapse before the traffic reverts to the working card. Traffic can revert when conditions causing the switch are cleared.

Step 7 Click OK, then click Yes on the confirmation dialog box.

Step 8 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-72 Create a 1:N Protection Group


This task creates a DS-1 or DS-3 1:N protection group.


DS1N-14, DS3N-12, or DS3N-12E (protect cards) in Slot 3 or Slot 15; DS1-14, DS3-12, or DS3-12E (working cards) installed on either side of a corresponding protect card.

Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

DLP-60 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Verify that the cards are installed according to 1:N requirements specified in Table 4-3.

Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Protection tabs.

Step 3 Under Protection Groups, click Create.

Step 4 In the Create Protection Group dialog box, enter the following:

Name—Type a name for the protection group. The name can have up to 32 alphanumeric characters.

Type—Choose 1:N from the pull-down menu.

Protect Card—Choose the protect card from the pull-down menu. The menu displays DS1N-14, DS3N-12, or DS3N-12E cards installed in Slots 3 or 15. If these cards are not installed, no cards display in the pull-down menu.

After you choose the protect card, a list of cards available for protection is displayed under Available Cards, as shown in Figure 4-10. If no cards are available, no cards are displayed. If this occurs, you will not be able to complete this task until you install the physical cards or provision the ONS 15454 slots.

Figure 4-10 Creating a 1:N protection group

Step 5 From the Available Cards list, choose the cards that will be protected by the card selected in the Protect Card pull-down menu. Click the top arrow button to move each card to the Working Cards list.

Step 6 Complete the remaining fields:

Bidirectional switching—Not available for 1:N protection

Revertive—Always enabled for 1:N protection groups.

Reversion time—Click the Reversion time field and select a reversion time from the pull-down menu. The range is 0.5 to 12.0 minutes. The default is 5.0 minutes. This is the amount of time that will elapse before the traffic reverts to the working card. Traffic can revert when conditions causing the switch are cleared.

Step 7 Click OK, then click Yes on the confirmation dialog box.

Step 8 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-73 Create a 1+1 Protection Group


Use this task to create a 1+1 protection group for any OC-N card/port (OC-3, OC-12, OC-12-4, OC-48, OC-48AS, and OC-192).


Installed OC-N cards or pre-provisioned slots

Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

DLP-60 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Verify that the cards are installed according to 1+1 requirements specified in Table 4-3.

Step 2 In node view, click the Provisioning > Protection tabs.

Step 3 Under Protection Groups, click Create.

Step 4 In the Create Protection Group dialog box, enter the following:

Name—Type a name for the protection group. The name can have up to 32 alphanumeric characters.

Type—Choose 1+1 from the pull-down menu.

Protect Port—Choose the protect port from the pull-down menu. The menu displays the available OC-N ports, as shown in Figure 4-11. If OC-N cards are not installed, no ports display in the pull-down menu.

After you choose the protect port, a list of ports available for protection is displayed under Available Ports, as shown in Figure 4-11. If no cards are available, no ports are displayed. If this occurs, you will not be able to complete this task until you install the physical cards or provision the ONS 15454 slots.

Figure 4-11 Creating a 1+1 protection group

Step 5 From the Available Ports list, choose the port that will be protected by the port you selected in Protect Ports. Click the top arrow button to move each port to the Working Ports list.

Step 6 Complete the remaining fields:

Bidirectional switching—If this box is checked, both Tx and Rx signals switch to the protect port when a failure occurs to one signal. If not checked, only the failed signal switches to the protect port.

Revertive—Check this box if you want traffic to revert to the working card after failure conditions stay corrected for the amount of time entered in Reversion Time.

Reversion time—If Revertive is checked, click the Reversion time field and select a reversion time from the pull-down menu. The range is 0.5 to 12.0 minutes. The default is 5.0 minutes. Reversion time is the amount of time that will elapse before the traffic reverts to the working card. Traffic can revert when conditions causing the switch are cleared.

Step 7 Click OK.

Step 8 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

NTP-30 Create Users and Assign Security


Use this procedure to create ONS 15454 users and assign their security levels.



Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Superuser only

Step 1 Log into the ONS 15454 node where you need to create users. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions.

Note You must log in as a Superuser to create additional users. The CISCO15 user provided with each ONS 15454 can be used to set up other ONS 15454 users. You can add up to 500 users to one ONS 15454.

Step 2 Complete the "DLP-74 Create a New User - Single Node" task and/or the "DLP-75 Create a New User - Multiple Nodes" task as needed.

Note You must add the same user name and password to each node the user will access.

DLP-74 Create a New User - Single Node


Use this task to create a new user for one ONS 15454.



Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

DLP-60 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

Required to add users to a node, although users can be added using TL1.


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Superuser only

Step 1 Click the Provisioning > Security tabs.

Step 2 On the Security pane, click Create.

Step 3 In the Create User dialog box, enter the following:

Name—Type the user name. The name must be a minimum of six and a maximum of 20 alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) characters. For TL1 compatibility, the user name must be 6-10 characters, and the first character must be an alpha character.

Password—Type the user password. The password must be a minimum of six and a maximum of 20 alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and special characters (+, #, %), where at least two characters are non-alphabetic and at least one character is a special character. For TL1 compatibility, the password must be 6-10 characters, and the first character must be an alpha character. The password must not contain the user name.

Confirm Password—Type the password again to confirm it.

Security Level—Choose a security level for the user: RETRIEVE, MAINTENANCE, PROVISIONING, or SUPERUSER. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual for information about the capabilities provided with each level.

Note The idle time is the length of time that CTC can remain idle before it locks up and the password must be reentered. Each security level has a different idle time: Retrieve user = unlimited, Maintenance user = 60 minutes, Provisioning user = 30 minutes, and Superuser = 15 minutes.

Step 4 Click OK.

Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-75 Create a New User - Multiple Nodes


Add a new user to multiple ONS 15454s.



Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

DLP-60 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Note All nodes where you want to add users must be accessible in network view.

Step 1 From the View menu in node (default) view, choose Go to Network View.

Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Security tabs.

Step 3 On the Security pane, click Create.

Step 4 In the Create User dialog box, enter the following:

Name—Type the user name. The name must be a minimum of six and a maximum of 20 alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) characters. For TL1 compatibility, the user name must have no more than 10 characters, and the first character must be an alpha character.

Password—Type the user password. The password must be a minimum of six and a maximum of 20 alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and special characters (+, #, %), where at least two characters are non-alphabetic and at least one character is a special character. For TL1 compatibility, the password must be 6-10 characters, and the first character must be an alpha character. The password must not contain the user name.

Confirm Password—Type the password again to confirm it.

Security Level—Choose a security level for the user: RETRIEVE, MAINTENANCE, PROVISIONING, or SUPERUSER. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual for information about the capabilities provided with each level.

Note The idle time is the length of time that CTC can remain idle before it locks up and the password must be reentered. Each security level has a different idle time: Retrieve user = unlimited, Maintenance user = 60 minutes, Provisioning user = 30 minutes, and Superuser = 15 minutes.

Step 5 Under "Select applicable nodes," deselect any nodes where you do not want to add the user (all network nodes are selected by default).

Step 6 Click OK.

Step 7 On the User Creation Results dialog box, click OK.

Step 8 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

NTP-121 Set the Port Name for a Card


Use this procedure to assign a name to one port on a card.



Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

Required/As Needed

As needed.


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Log into the node where you want to set a port name for a card or cards. The node (default) view displays. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions.

Step 2 Double-click the card that has the port you want to provision.

Step 3 Click the Provisioning tab.

Step 4 Click the Name column for the port number you are naming and enter the desired port name.

The port name can be up to 32 alphanumeric/special characters and is blank by default.

Step 5 Click Apply.

NTP-32 Provision the Alarm Interface Controller


Use this procedure to create external (environmental) alarms, external controls, and orderwire tunnels for the AIC card.


An AIC card installed in Slot 9

Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Complete the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task at the node with the AIC card you want to provision.

Step 2 As needed, complete the "DLP-82 Provision External Alarms and Controls" task.

Step 3 As needed, complete the "DLP-83 Provision the AIC Orderwire" task.

Tip Before you begin, make a list of the ONS 15454 slots and ports that require orderwire communication.

DLP-82 Provision External Alarms and Controls


Use this task to provisions external alarms and controls on the AIC card.


An AIC card must be installed in Slot 9.

Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

DLP-60 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Note For information about the AIC external controls, virtual wire and orderwire, refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Guide.

Step 1 Verify the backplane wiring. See the " NTP-8 Install Wires to Alarm, Timing, LAN, and Craft Pin Connections" procedure on page 1-35 for information about the ONS 15454 backplane pins.

a. For external alarms, verify that the external-device relays are wired to the ENVIR ALARMS IN backplane pins.

b. For external controls, verify the external relays are wired to the ENVIR ALARMS OUT backplane pins.

Step 2 Double-click the AIC card on the CTC shelf graphic. The card view displays.

Step 3 If you are provisioning external alarms, click the Provisioning > External Alarms tabs ( Figure 4-12 ). If you are not provisioning external alarms, skip Steps 4- 6 and go to Step 7.

Step 4 Complete the following fields for each external device wired to the ONS 15454 backplane:

Enabled—Click to activate the fields for the alarm input number.

Alarm Type—Choose an alarm type from the provided list.

Severity—Choose a severity. The severity determines how the alarm is displayed in the CTC Alarms and History tabs and whether the LEDs are activated. Critical, Major, and Minor activate the appropriate LEDs. Not Alarmed and Not Reported do not activate LEDs, but do report the information in CTC.

Virtual Wire—To assign the external device to a virtual wire, choose the virtual wire. Otherwise, do not change the None default. For information about the AIC virtual wire, see the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Guide.

Raised When—Choose the contact condition (open or closed) that will trigger the alarm in CTC.

Description—Default descriptions are provided for each alarm type; you can enter a different description if needed.

Figure 4-12 Provisioning external alarms on the AIC card

Step 5 To provision additional devices, complete Step 4 for each additional device.

Step 6 Click Apply.

Step 7 If you are provisioning external controls, click the External Controls subtab, complete the following fields for each external control wired to the ONS 15454 backplane:

Enabled—Click to activate the fields for the alarm input number.

Control Type—Choose the control type: air conditioner, engine, fan, generator, heat, light, sprinkler, or miscellaneous.

Trigger Type—Choose a trigger type: a local minor, major, or critical alarm; a remote minor, major, or critical alarm; or a virtual wire activation.

Description—Enter a description.

Step 8 To provision additional controls, complete Step 7 for each additional device.

Step 9 Click Apply.

Step 10 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-83 Provision the AIC Orderwire


Use this task to provision orderwire on the AIC card.


An AIC card must be installed in Slot 9.

Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

DLP-60 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Display the network view (from the View menu in node view click Go to Network View).

Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Overhead Circuits tabs.

Step 3 Click Create.

Step 4 In the Circuit Creation dialog box, complete the following fields:

Name—Assign a name to the circuit. The name can be alphanumeric and up to 32 characters (including spaces).

Type—Choose either LOW (local orderwire) or EOW (express orderwire) appropriate to the orderwire path that you want to create. If regenerators are not used between ONS 15454 nodes, you can use either local or express AIC orderwire channels. If regenerators exist, use the express orderwire channel. You can provision up to four ONS 15454 OC-N ports for each orderwire path.

PCM—Choose either MU_LAW or A_LAW.

The Local Orderwire subtab is shown in Figure 4-13. Provisioning procedures are the same for both types of orderwire.

Caution When provisioning orderwire for ONS 15454s residing in a ring, do not provision a complete orderwire loop. For example, a four-node ring typically has east and west ports provisioned at all four nodes. However, to prevent orderwire loops, provision two orderwire ports (east and west) at all but one of the ring nodes.

Figure 4-13 Provisioning local orderwire

Step 5 Under Endpoints, choose the source and destination nodes and source and destination optical ports and slots from the drop-down menus.

Step 6 Click Finish.

Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

NTP-123 Provision the Alarm Interface Controller-International


Use this procedure to create external (environmental) alarms, external controls, orderwire tunnels, extension type, or station number for the AIC-I card.


An AIC-I card must be installed in Slot 9

Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Note The AIC-I card provides direct alarm contacts (external alarm inputs and external control outputs). In the ANSI shelf, these AIC-I alarm contacts are routed through the backplane to wire-wrap pins accessible from the back of the shelf. When you install an AEP, the AIC-I alarm contacts cannot be used. Only the AEP alarm contacts can be used. For further information about the AEP, see " NTP-119 Install the Alarm Expansion Panel" procedure on page 1-31 and the " NTP-120 Install an External Wire-Wrap Panel to the AEP" procedure on page 1-42.

Step 1 Complete the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task at the node with the AIC-I card you want to provision.

Step 2 As needed, complete the "DLP-82 Provision External Alarms and Controls" task.

Step 3 As needed, complete the "DLP-83 Provision the AIC Orderwire" task.

Tip Before you begin, make a list of the ONS 15454 slots and ports that require orderwire communication.

DLP-211 Provision External Alarms and Controls on the AIC-I Card


Use this task to provision external alarms and controls on the AIC-I card.


An AIC-I card must be installed in Slot 9.

Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

DLP-60 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Note For information about the AIC-I external controls, virtual wire, and orderwire, refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Guide.

Step 1 Verify the backplane wiring. If you are using the Alarm Extension Panel (AEP), see the " NTP-119 Install the Alarm Expansion Panel" procedure on page 1-31. Otherwise, see the " NTP-8 Install Wires to Alarm, Timing, LAN, and Craft Pin Connections" procedure on page 1-35 for information about the ONS 15454 backplane pins.

a. For external alarms, verify that the external-device relays are wired to the ENVIR ALARMS IN backplane pins.

b. For external controls, verify the external device relays are wired to the ENVIR ALARMS OUT backplane pins.

Step 2 Double-click the AIC-I card on the CTC shelf graphic. The card view displays.

Step 3 Click the Provisioning > Card tabs and complete the following fields for the card:

Add Extension—Check this box if you are using the Alarm Extension Panel (AEP).

Extension Type—Select AEP if you checked the Add Extension box.

Input/Output—Select External Alarm if you use external alarms only; select External Control if you use both external alarms and external controls. Selecting only External Alarm gives you 16 external alarm ports and no external control ports. If you select External Control, four of the ports are converted to external control ports, leaving you with 12 external alarm ports.

Station Number—Enter a four-digit number unique to the node. This is the orderwire "phone number" for this node. The station number is used to call this node over the orderwire channel.

The default is 0000 and cannot be deleted. It is considered the "party line" and calls all nodes on the network when dialed.

Step 4 If you are provisioning external alarms, click the External Alarms tab ( Figure 4-14). If you are not provisioning external alarms, skip Steps 5- 7 and go to Step 8.

Step 5 Complete the following fields for each external device wired to the ONS 15454 backplane:

Enabled—Click to activate the fields for the alarm input number.

Alarm Type—Choose an alarm type from the provided list.

Severity—Choose a severity. The severity determines how the alarm is displayed in the CTC Alarms and History tabs and whether the LEDs are activated. Critical, Major, and Minor activate the appropriate LEDs. Not Alarmed and Not Reported do not activate LEDs, but do report the information in CTC.

Virtual Wire—To assign the external device to a virtual wire, choose the virtual wire. Otherwise, do not change the None default. For information about the AIC virtual wire, see the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Guide.

Raised When—Choose the contact condition (open or closed) that will trigger the alarm in CTC.

Description—Default descriptions are provided for each alarm type; you can enter a different description if needed.

Figure 4-14 Provisioning external alarms on the AIC-I card

Step 6 To provision additional devices, complete Step 5 for each additional device.

Step 7 Click Apply.

Step 8 If you are provisioning external controls, click the External Controls subtab and complete the following fields for each external control wired to the ONS 15454 backplane:

Enabled—Click to activate the fields for the alarm input number.

Control Type—Choose the control type: air conditioner, engine, fan, generator, heat, light, sprinkler, or miscellaneous.

Trigger Type—Choose a trigger type: a local minor, major, or critical alarm; a remote minor, major, or critical alarm; or a virtual wire activation.

Description—Enter a description.

Step 9 To provision additional controls, complete Step 8 for each additional device.

Step 10 Click Apply.

Step 11 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-212 Create a User Data Channel Circuit


Use this task to create a User Data Channel (UDC) circuit on the ONS 15454. A UDC circuit allows you to create a dedicated data channel between nodes.



Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

DLP-60 Log into CTC

Required/As Needed

As needed.


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Display the network view (from the View menu in node view click Go to Network View).

Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Overhead Circuits tabs.

Step 3 Click Create.

Step 4 In the Circuit Creation dialog box, complete the following fields:

Name—Assign a name to the circuit. The name can be alphanumeric and up to 32 characters (including spaces).

Type—Choose either User Data-F1 or User Data D-4-D-12 from the drop-down menu.

Step 5 Under Endpoints, choose the source and destination nodes and source and destination optical ports and slots from the drop-down menus.

Step 6 Click Finish.

Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

NTP-33 Set Up SNMP


Sets parameters so that you can use SNMP management software with the ONS 15454.



Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

Required/As Needed

Required if SNMP is used at your installation


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Log into the ONS 15454 node where you want to set up SNMP. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions.

Step 2 Click the Provisioning > SNMP tabs.

Step 3 Click the Create button. The SNMP Traps Destination dialog box appears ( Figure 4-15).

Step 4 On the Create SNMP Traps Destination dialog box, complete the following:

IP Address—Type the IP address of your network management system. If the node you are logged into is an ENE, set the destination address to the GNE.

Community Name—Type the SNMP community name. For a description of SNMP community names, refer to the SNMP information in the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual.

Note The community name is a form of authentication and access control. The community name assigned to the ONS 15454 is case-sensitive and must match the community name of the NMS.

UDP Port—The default UDP port for SNMP is 162. If the node is an ENE in a proxy server network, the UDP port must be set to the GNE's SNMP relay port which is 391.

Trap Version—Choose either SNMPv1 or SNMPv2. Refer to your NMS documentation to determine whether to use SNMP v1 or v2.

Max Traps per Second—Type the maximum traps per second. The default is 0.

Note The Max Traps per Second is the maximum number of traps per second that will be sent to the SNMP manager. If the field is set to 0, there is no maximum and all traps are sent.

Figure 4-15 Setting SNMP

Step 5 Click OK. Figure 4-16 appears.

Step 6 Click the node IP address under Trap Destinations. Verify the SNMP information that displays under Selected Destination.

Figure 4-16 SNMP Trap Destinations

NTP-34 Create Ethernet RMON Alarm Thresholds


This procedure sets up remote monitoring (RMON) to allow network management systems to monitor Ethernet ports.



Prerequisite Procedures

NTP-24 Verify Card Installation

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Step 1 Log into the ONS 15454 node where you want to set up SNMP. See the "DLP-60 Log into CTC" task for instructions.

Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Ether Bridge > Thresholds tabs.

Step 3 Click Create.

The Create Ether Threshold dialog box ( Figure 4-17) opens.

Figure 4-17 Creating RMON thresholds

Step 4 From the Slot menu, choose the appropriate Ethernet card.

Step 5 From the Port menu, choose the applicable port on the Ethernet card you selected.

Step 6 From the Variable menu, choose the variable. See Table 4-4 for a list of the Ethernet threshold variables available in this field.

Step 7 From Alarm Type, indicate whether the event will be triggered by the rising threshold, falling threshold, or both the rising and falling thresholds.

Step 8 From the Sample Type pull-down menu, choose either Relative or Absolute. Relative restricts the threshold to use the number of occurrences in the user-set sample period. Absolute sets the threshold to use the total number of occurrences, regardless of any time period.

Step 9 Type in an appropriate number of seconds for the Sample Period.

Step 10 Type in the appropriate number of occurrences for the Rising Threshold.

Note For a rising type of alarm, the measured value must move from below the falling threshold to above the rising threshold. For example, if a network is running below a falling threshold of 400 collisions every 15 seconds and a problem causes 1001 collisions in 15 seconds, these occurrences fire an alarm.

Step 11 Type in the appropriate number of occurrences for the Falling Threshold. In most cases a falling threshold is set lower than the rising threshold.

A falling threshold is the counterpart to a rising threshold. When the number of occurrences is above the rising threshold and then drops below a falling threshold, it resets the rising threshold. For example, when the network problem that caused 1001 collisions in 15 minutes subsides and creates only 799 collisions in 15 minutes, occurrences fall below a falling threshold of 800 collisions. This resets the rising threshold so that if network collisions again spike over a 1000 per 15 minute period, an event again triggers when the rising threshold is crossed. An event is triggered only the first time a rising threshold is exceeded (otherwise a single network problem might cause a rising threshold to be exceeded multiple times and cause a flood of events).

Step 12 Click OK to complete the procedure.

Table 4-4 Ethernet Threshold Variables (MIBs) 



Total number of octets received on the interface, including framing octets


Total number of unicast packets delivered to an appropriate protocol


Number of multicast frames received error free


The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this sub-layer


The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol


Number of inbound packets discarded because they contain errors


Total number of transmitted octets, including framing packets


Total number of unicast packets requested to transmit to a single address


Number of multicast frames transmitted error free


The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent


The number of outbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted.


Number of frames with an alignment error, i.e., the length is not an integral number of octets and the frame cannot pass the Frame Check Sequence (FCS) test


Number of frames with framecheck errors, i.e., there is an integral number of octets, but an incorrect Frame Check Sequence (FCS)


Number of successfully transmitted frames that had exactly one collision


Number of successfully transmitted frames that had multiple collisions


Number of times the first transmission was delayed because the medium was busy


Number of times that a collision was detected later than 64 octets into the transmission (also added into collision count)


Number of frames where transmissions failed because of excessive collisions


The number of transmission errors on a particular interface that are not otherwise counted


A count of times that the SQE TEST ERROR message is generated by the PLS sublayer for a particular interface


Total number of Octets of data (including bad packets) received on the network


Number of packets received with a length less than 64 octets


Total number of packets that are not an integral number of octets or have a bad FCS, and that are less than 64 octets long


Total number of packets received (including error packets) that were 64 octets in length


Total number of packets received (including error packets) that were 65 - 172 octets in length


Total number of packets received (including error packets) that were 128 - 255 octets in length


Total number of packets received (including error packets) that were 256 - 511 octets in length


Total number of packets received (including error packets) that were 512 - 1023 octets in length


Total number of packets received (including error packets) that were 1024 - 1518 octets in length


Total number of packets longer than 1518 octets that were not an integral number of octets or had a bad FCS


Best estimate of the total number of collisions on this segment


Best estimate of the total number of frame collisions on this segment


Total number of packets with a length between 64 and 1518 octets, inclusive, that had a bad FCS or were not an integral number of octets in length

receivePauseFrames (G series only)

The number of received 802.x pause frames

transmitPauseFrames (G series only)

The number of transmitted 802.x pause frames

receivePktsDroppedInternalCongestion (G series only)

The number of received framed dropped due to frame buffer overflow as well as other reasons

transmitPktsDroppedInternalCongestion (G series only)

The number of frames dropped in the transmit direction due to frame buffer overflow as well as other reasons.


Total number of transmit packets


Total number of receive packets


Posted: Fri Feb 22 17:24:43 PST 2008
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