
Table Of Contents

Using Cisco Edge Craft

3.1  Cisco Edge Craft Desktop

3.1.1  Toolbar Buttons

3.1.2  Menu Items

3.1.3  Copy and Paste

3.1.4  Cell Selection Mode

3.1.5  Navigation in Tables Using the Keyboard

3.1.6  Auto Fit Column Width

3.2  Management Tree

3.2.1  Opening Links in a New Window

3.3  Alarm Display

3.3.1  View Current Alarms

3.3.2  View the Events Reported From the Network Element

3.3.3  Notification

Using Cisco Edge Craft

This chapter contains information about how to use the Cisco Edge Craft software. You will learn how to navigate on the Desktop and use the Management Tree, Attributes view and the Alarm view.

3.1  Cisco Edge Craft Desktop

The graphical user interface of Cisco Edge Craft is built on the Cisco GUI framework and is delivered pre-customized to show a network element Management Tree, attributes, and an alarm list. The alarm list displays all alarms, events and notifications that occur while Cisco Edge Craft is connected to the network element. Figure 3-1 gives an overview of the Cisco Edge Craft desktop with explanation of the functionality. The status bar will display a description of selected toolbar button or menu item.

Figure 3-1 Cisco Edge Craft Desktop Overview

3.1.1  Toolbar Buttons

The table below shows the functionality of the icons which are used in the Cisco Edge Craft.

Table 3-1

Move up one level in topology.

Stop the current operation.

Refresh the active view.

Copy selected row(s) to the system clipboard.

Move Forward in Attributes Viewer.

Move Backward in Attributes Viewer.

Save the content of the Attributes View on the equipment.

Add a new row to the Attributes View.

Delete selected item(s).

By default, entire rows are selected in table, but single cells can easily be selected using the cell-mode toggle button.

Toolbar buttons

Figure 3-2 and Figure 3-3 show the functionality how to Move and Lock toolbars.

Figure 3-2 Move Toolbars

Figure 3-3 Lock Toolbars

3.1.2  Menu Items

This section gives an overview and explains the different menu items.  File

Figure 3-4 and Table 3-2 show and explain the functionality of the menu File.

Figure 3-4 Pull Down Menu File

Table 3-2 Menu File

Menu item


Save contents.


Reconnect to equipment.


Exit Cisco Edge Craft.  Edit

Figure 3-5 and Table 3-3 show and explain the functionality of the menu edit.

Figure 3-5 Pull Down Menu Edit

Table 3-3 Menu Edit

Menu item


Copy selected items to system clipboard.


Paste copied content


Add row.


Delete selected item(s).

Select all

Select all items in active the active view.

Invert selection

Invert current selection in the active view.

Clear selection

Clear current selection.   View

Figure 3-6 and Table 3-4 show and explain the functionality of the Menu View.

Figure 3-6 Pull Down Menu View

Table 3-4 Menu View

Menu item


Standard: Check to make standard toolbar active.

Attributes: Check to make attributes toolbar active.

Labels: Check to make labels visible on tool buttons.

Status bar

Check to make status bar visible in the bottom of Cisco Edge Craft desktop.

Alarm Display

Check to make alarm display an active application on the desktop.

Management Tree

Check to make Management Tree an active application on the desktop.


Check to make attributes viewer an active application on the desktop.


Toggle visible columns in alarm display. Please see the "Visible Columns" section for details.

Last Alarm

Check to view last alarm in separate window in the alarm display.


Move back.


Move forward.


Move up one level.


Stop current operation.


Refresh the active view.

Error Log

Open error log.

The log is also available from the status bar.

These symbols indicates severity in the status bar. Double-click current symbol to view log.  Equipment

Figure 3-7 and Table 3-5 show and explain the functionality of the menu Equipment.

Figure 3-7 Pull Down Menu Equipment

Table 3-5 Menu Equipment

Menu item

VLAN Settings

Open VLAN Settings GUI.

Please see the "7.4  VLAN Provisioning" section on page 7-12 for details on VLAN Settings.

Cross Connect

Open Cross connect GUI.

Please see the "5.6  ONS 15305 SDH Cross-Connection Management" section on page 5-16 for details on Cross Connects

WAN to SDH mapping

Open WAN to SDH mapping GUI.

Please see the "5.15.3  Add Initial WAN Port Capacity" section on page 5-57 for details.

Notification History

Open Notification History GUI.
Please see the "History" section.  Tools

Figure 3-8 and Table 3-6 show and explain the functionality of the menu Tools.

Figure 3-8 Pull Down Menu Tools

Table 3-6 Menu Tools

Menu item

VT 100 Terminal

If configured, the VT100 terminal launches.
Please see the "1.1.6  Configuration of VT100 Terminal" section on page 1-16 for details.

Text Editor

Open Text Editor.  Help

Figure 3-9 and Table 3-7 show and explain the functionality of the menu Help.

Figure 3-9 Pull Down Menu Help

Table 3-7 Menu Help

Menu item

Online Help

Launches Cisco Edge Craft User Guide online.


Launches information of installed Cisco Edge Craft software, Figure 3-10.

Figure 3-10 The About box - Example  Log Viewer

Table 3-8 shows and explains the functionality of the log viewer icons.

These symbols indicate severity in the status bar, if the log contains messages:

Table 3-8 Log Viewer Icons

An error messages occurs.

A warning message occurs.

Information is available.

Unmapped severity information is available.

If this icon occurs additional information is available.

Step 1 Double-click current symbol to view log.

Step 2 Messages marked with the note icon contain additional information.

Step 3 Click note icon to view hyper link.

Figure 3-11 and Figure 3-12 show details of the lock viewer function.

Figure 3-11 Log Viewer

Tool tip shows entire value if it does not fit inside the cell.

Figure 3-12 Log Viewer - Tool tip


3.1.3  Copy and Paste

All Cisco Edge Craft applications supporting table entry editing have a copy and paste feature. When pasting, Cisco Edge Craft will verify that selected columns have the same data type as the cells copied from. If not, you are asked if you would like to copy the data based on the column names. Only editable columns with the same name and data type will be then be pasted. This enables copying and pasting between tables with the same data but with different column order, Figure 3-13.

Figure 3-13 Example Copy and Paste


3.1.4  Cell Selection Mode

By default, entire rows are selected in table, but single cells can easily be selected using the cell-mode toggle button.

The feature enables copying one table cell, selecting the entire column, press Paste and copying the value into all selected cells. Copy and paste of ranges are also supported. Thus you can copy values A and B and paste them into a large range in order to get the A and B values repeated throughout the range.

Copy and paste to an external applications such as Microsoft Excel.

3.1.5  Navigation in Tables Using the Keyboard

Cell in focus is easily spotted and the arrow-keys can be used to move the cursor (applies for editable tables only). Editing of selected cell is easily available via Enter or F2. The Tab-key can be used for moving to the next editable cell (from left to right and top to bottom). The selection is circular, meaning when last editable cell on the last row is reached, the first editable cell in the first row will be activated.

In order to move to first editable cell in a table, activate the window and press the Tab-key twice.

3.1.6  Auto Fit Column Width

Double-clicking on the resize-area in the column header will resize the column so that it is wide enough to show all values in the column. By default, the column name is not taken into consideration, but this can be achieved by holding down the Shift key while double-clicking.

3.2  Management Tree

The Management Tree shows the hierarchy of managed entities, for example, LAN ports, VLANs, bridge, etc. on the current network element. The operator can view the entire hierarchy, or use any of the pre-defined views to only view managed entities of a certain type, for example only view the LAN ports. Whenever an item in the Management Tree is selected, the attributes view will list the child objects under it.

Clicking on the device folder in the Management Tree shown in Figure 3-1, will display all alarm-, aux- and management port(s). Clicking on alarmport:1 will show that specific port's attributes. Attributes that are editable (shown as bold), can be edited directly in the table, or through custom user interfaces.

The different configuration tasks using the Management Tree are thoroughly shown in the following chapters.

The combination of the Management Tree and attribute panes will work similar to Windows Explorer, only that it shows the contents of a network element instead of files in the file system.

Figure 3-14 Editable Types and Tables - Hyperlinks


All links to editable complex types and tables are visualized as hyperlinks, Figure 3-14.

Although changing attribute values can carry all necessary configurations, more complex configuration is handled using wizards or custom user interfaces.

3.2.1  Opening Links in a New Window

By selecting a managed object instance and right clicking you can select Open in new window. A new AttributesViewer displaying selected managed object is opened. This enables you to easily compare values on different managed objects.

3.3  Alarm Display

The purpose of the alarm display is to present the current alarm and event notifications.

In addition the history of all alarms are presented. The history list in the network element can be cleared. Alarms report failures in the network element. They can be clearable or not clearable. Clearable alarms have duration. Events report other situations in the network element that are not failures. An event has a status, Figure 3-1.

3.3.1  View Current Alarms

To view the current alarms, follow the steps described below.  Subscription of Alarms

Step 1 Log in to target network element, see section Set up the connection to a network element.

Step 2 You must manually register Cisco Edge Craft a subscriber to alarms and events from the network element. The registration is done by setting the device>users>snmp>TrapsEnable attribute to trapsEnable, Figure 3-15.

Figure 3-15 Setting the TrapsEnable Attribute


Step 3 Click Save.

Step 4 When the registration has been done, Cisco Edge Craft polls the element for all current alarms and starts sending alarms and events to the IP address of Cisco Edge Craft.

The SNMP traps are mapped to Notifications in Cisco Edge Craft. The mapping philosophy is described in the "Notification" section.

You can view the list of current alarm notifications by selecting current alarm in the notification list.  View Alarms

Click on the Current tab to view current alarms, Figure 3-16.

Figure 3-16 Current Tab - Alarm List

The latest alarm is visible in lower part of the Alarm List, Figure 3-17.

Figure 3-17 Latest Alarm


Click Refresh in the tool bar to update the Alarm List.


To get a list of all alarm notifications reported on the network element since the last restart of the network element or the last clearing of the history list in the network element

Select History in the notification list to get a list of all alarm notifications reported on the network element since the last restart of the network element or the last clearing of the history list in the network element.

You must explicitly do a refresh for Cisco Edge Craft to collect the alarm history from the network element. Before the refresh is selected the notification list might be empty because a load has not been performed yet.

The history log on the network element can be cleared through an action on the log administration attribute of the device. See the "4.5  Manage Common Parameters" section on page 4-25.

Step 1 Select Notification History in the Equipment menu, Figure 3-18.

Step 2 Select Refresh.

Figure 3-18 Notification History  Select Alarm

Single Selection

Click on desired single alarm, Figure 3-19.

Figure 3-19 Select Single Alarm

Multiple Selections

Step 1 Right click and choose Select all, Figure 3-20.

Figure 3-20 Select All Alarms


Step 2 Click on first alarm in a continuous range, hold Shift key and click on last alarm in desired range, Figure 3-21.

Figure 3-21 Select Alarms - Continuous Range



Step 3 Click on first alarm, hold Ctrl key and click on desired alarms to make a none continuous selection, Figure 3-22.

Figure 3-22 Select Alarms - None Continuous Range


You can also choose Invert selection or Clear selection.

Copy alarm(s)

Step 1 Select desired alarm(s).

Step 2 Click Copy.

Step 3 The content of your selection is copied to the clipboard and can be pasted to other applications, for example Notepad.  Alarm Lifestyle

Figure 3-23 Lifecycle Instance of Alarm Point

The notification list presents one row for each alarm point, that means, an alarm source and an alarm identification combination. When a new alarm notification for the same alarm point is being presented, the row is possibly updated with the severity of the new alarm and new timestamp(s) unless the alarm has been cleared. A new row is created if the alarm point starts a new lifecycle instance, Figure 3-23. Each new alarm notification might cause a transition from one severity to another or to the cleared severity, which ends the lifecycle.

No traps are sent to Cisco Edge Craft IP address if you have de-registered as trap receiver.

3.3.2  View the Events Reported From the Network Element

Current Events

To view current events reported from the network element, you select Event Trace in the notification list, Figure 3-24 and Figure 3-25.

Figure 3-24 Select Events


Figure 3-25 Current Events


Event History

Select Notification History from the Equipment Menu and click Event tab to view event history, Figure 3-26.

Figure 3-26 Event History


Details about the attributes of the event notifications are found in Table 3-9.

Visible Columns

You can decide which columns you want to be visible in the alarm display.

Step 1 Select View > Columns

Step 2 Uncheck desired column and this column will not be visible in the alarm display.

Current alarms and history of alarms is available in Figure 3-27.

Events and events history is displayed in Figure 3-28.

Figure 3-27 Visible Columns 1

Figure 3-28 Visible Columns 2

Change Column Order

The order of selected columns can be can easily be changed, Figure 3-29.

Step 1 Click on desired column heading.

Step 2 Drag column to new position.

Figure 3-29 Column Order

Column Resize

Step 1 Rest the mouse pointer to the right of desired column header. The mouse pointer turns into a double-arrow, Figure 3-30.

Step 2 Click and drag to suitable column-size.

Figure 3-30 Column Resize


Sort Columns

Step 1 Click on desired column to sort ascending, Figure 3-31.

Step 2 Click again to sort descending

Figure 3-31 Column Sorting


3.3.3  Notification

The notification types with attributes supported by Cisco Edge Craft are:

Current alarm notification, Table 3-9.

Event trace notification, Table 3-10.

Alarm trace notification

Notification Types

Table 3-9 Notification Types 

Legal Values


Acknowledge signature

Userid (automatic)


Acknowledge time

yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss (server time)


A check when alarm is acknowledged

Checked/ Unchecked


Additional text (free form text description)



Unique identification of alarm



Alarm grouped into categories

Equip(-ment), env(-ironment), comm(-unication), process


Boolean value to indicate if the alarm can be cleared or not. Some alarms does not have duration and therefore no Cleared severity

Checked/ Unchecked


Manual added text as comment to alarm

Text (latest only) (appear in history log)





Time interval: From alarm was received to cleared alarm


Ems Time

Timestamp set by Cisco EdgeCraft when the alarm was received

yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss (server time)


Unique sequence number to identify the alarm


Layer rate

The layer rate in which the managed object belongs if applicable.

Not Applicable (any other layer rate supported by the network element) See Map viewer and Map Designer




Identification of the network element



Unmapped trap data

(legal values depends on the network element)


Timestamp from network element (if available)

yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss


How many times the alarm has been updated from a given Alarm Point (defined by Source and Alarm Identifier)

Numbers (1- n)


The probable cause of the alarm

(legal values depends on the network element)


A probable cause qualifier if the probable cause itself is not sufficient to determine the exact error and source

(legal values depends on the network element)


Previous Identification of notification

Sequence number


Severity of alarm

Critical, Major, Minor, Warning, Cleared, Indeterminate


Identification of the network element that contains the source of the alarm.

Every managed objects available in Management Tree


Indication to report trends on severity change.

No Change, Less Severe, More Severe

Events Notifications

Table 3-10 Events Notifications

Legal Values


Additional text to explain the event



Additional text


Ems Time

Timestamp set by CiscoEdgeCraft when the alarm was received

yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss (server time)


Unique identification of event



Event grouped into categories

Equip(-ment), env(-ironment), comm(-unication), process


Unique sequence number to identify the event



Identification of the network element that contains the source of the event.

A M.O in the Information Model for the equipment

Native Values

Unmapped trap data

(legal values depends on network element)


Identification of the network element



Timestamp from network element (if available)

yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss

Alarm Notification Severity

The severity of an alarm notification can either be reported from the network element or must be defined in the notification mapping.

Trap to Notification Mapping

The interpretation of alarm and event is slightly different in the network element and Cisco Edge Craft. The mapping rules applied to the SNMP traps are illustrated in Figure 3-32.

Figure 3-32 Trap to Notification Mapping

The TrapAlarmRaised and TrapAlarmCleared traps are mapped to alarm notification. The timestamp in the trap will be used together with the severity. ONS 15305 and ONS 15302 have severity in the trap. This severity is used in notification.

One attribute in an alarm notification is called clearable. If set to true, this attribute indicates that the management system should expect a TrapAlarmCleared for this alarm.

Those TrapAlarmEvent traps that indicate an error failure in the network element will be mapped to an alarm notification with the attribute clearable set to false. The severity and timestamp from the trap are used in the alarm notification.

Other TrapAlarmEvents will be mapped to event notifications. These have no severity, but a status defining the type of event, for example info, confirm etc. The severity in the trap might be used as the status in the event notification.

Unknown Traps

If Cisco Edge Craft receives a trap and there exists no mapping to any type of notification, a notification is generated. The notification contains all the information as it was received in the trap.


Posted: Fri Sep 14 12:21:25 PDT 2007
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