- Preface
Describes document organization, audience description, safety warnings, caveat information, and technical support resources.
- Basic Mobile IP Device Configurations
Describes some basic configurations associated with the mobile router, starting mobile router services, home agent and foreign agent configuration, clearing mobile router statistics, and shutting down Mobile IP.
- Wireless LAN Example Scenario
Example of a deployment for mythical Silicon Beach Police to extend its mobility, increase work efficiency, and improve the quality of its services to the public.
- Tunnel Templates
The configuration of multicast on statically created tunnels to be applied to dynamic tunnels brought up on the home agent and mobile router. The mobile router can roam, carrying multicast sessions to its mobile networks.
- Zeroization
Zeroization erases all potentially sensitive information in the router memory. This includes the erasure of the main memory, cache memories, and other memories containing packet data, NVRAM, and Flash.
- Mobile IP Redundancy
Describes the three levels of redundancy for the Cisco Mobile Network: home agent redundancy, foreign agent redundancy, and mobile router redundancy.
- Modems
Roaming with external modems.
- Mobile IP MIB Support
The Mobile IP MIB support for SNMP expands network monitoring and management capabilities of foreign agent and home agent Mobile IP entities.
- Configuring SNMP
Configuring the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) on your mobile node.
- Glossary
Cisco 3200 Mobile Access Router glossary.