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Table Of Contents
Troubleshooting the Cisco 3200 Series Mobile Access Router
Wireless Card Default Configuration Recovery
Disaster Recovery with TFTP Download
TFTP Download Command Variables
ROM Monitor Image Download by using TFTP
Cisco IOS Image Download from the Console Port
WMIC Image Update over FESMIC Port
Flash and NVRAM File Management
Debug Commands for Troubleshooting
Good Registration from a Mobile Client on a Foreign Network
Debug Troubleshooting Scenarios
Configuration Register Modification
Troubleshooting the Cisco 3200 Series Mobile Access Router
This document provides some information on troubleshooting a Cisco 3200 Series router. It includes the following:
Wireless Card Default Configuration Recovery
Disaster Recovery with TFTP Download
Cisco IOS Image Download from the Console Port
WMIC Image Update over FESMIC Port
Flash and NVRAM File Management
Configuration Register Modification
Here are some important points to remember in troubleshooting Mobile IP clients:
Mobile IP clients transmit type 10 ICMP Router Discovery Protocol packets to trigger the Mobile IP process. Routers respond with type 9 ICMP router advertisement packets. After this initial phase, the registration or deregistration process occurs.
The hold time in the IRDP messages determines how fast the mobile node can detect movement between subnets. For example, the lifetime in the command ip mobile host interface FastEthernet0/0 lifetime 180 only makes the mobile node reregister with the home agent by using the current agent. It does not force it to switch agents (interfaces).
The default hold time for IRDP is 30 minutes.
When the home agents or foreign agents advertise, they put a time limit (hold time) in the IRDP advertisements that tells the mobile node the interval the advertisements are valid. When a mobile node moves to a different subnet, the router waits until the hold time expires before it associates with a new interface (agent). If the lifetime on the registration expires before the hold time expires, the mobile node transmits a solicitation for the old agent (interface), until the hold time in the previous agent advertisement expires. If you do not adjust the IRDP timers, for 30 minutes the mobile node does not know that it has changed subnets.
Listed below are basic troubleshooting tips.
Adjust the interval value for the foreign agent using the ip irdp maxadvertinterval seconds interface configuration command. Begin by setting the timer to 10 seconds and adjust as needed.
Before you can ping a subnet on the mobile device, you must first define the subnet on the home agent.
Redistribute mobile subnets on the home agent so that return traffic can be sent back to the mobile access router.
Establish a return route from the foreign agent to the home agent.
Avoid placing any routers behind the mobile device because it functions as a stub router.
Ensure that the MD5 keys match between the mobile device and the home agent. Authentication is required.
Caveats and Error Messages
The following caveats and error messages apply to the Cisco 3200 Series Mobile Access Router.
Non-Cisco Components
Cisco does not provide:
Power supply
Cable assemblies
Stacking hardware
Extractor tools
Thermal solutions
Non-Cisco Cards
We recommend that you do not add non-Cisco cards that produce peripheral component interconnect (PCI) bus signals. Adding non-Cisco cards that generate PCI bus signals can produce unpredictable results. (Cisco cards do not use ISA bus signals, but all the cards will pass the ISA signals through the bus.)
Cisco MIC Mismatch Error
Most of the Mobile Access Router Card (MARC) stacks are fixed configuration and the stack cannot be modified. The router generates the following error message if the cards are stacked in the router improperly or a MIC in the stack is not supported by the companion MARC.
The following error message is displayed:
* *
* 1) The three cards (3220MARC, 3220SMIC and 3220FESMIC) must be *
* plugged in for the 3220 Mobile Router to be operational. *
* *
* 2) The following cards are unsupported *
* card in slot 1 is 3201SMIC *
* card in slot 2 is an unknown card *
* *
* 3) Please power down the router and remove any unsupported cards *
* plugged into the 3220MARC. *
* *
* For more information, please refer to the user documentation *
* *
After displaying the error message, the router goes into ROMMON mode. You must modify the card stack before the router will boot by using the Cisco IOS.
Rotary Switch Position Error
The router generates the following error message if the rotary switch is set in a position that is unsupported.
* *
* One of the MICs has the rotary switch wrongly configured at *
* position 3. Please change rotary switch configuration on this MIC *
* to a valid position as described below. *
* *
* Both the MICs with switch positions at 2 and 3 are disabled. *
* Instructions: *
* 1) Only switch positions 0-2 are supported. *
* 2) Selecting the same switch position on multiple MICs is not *
* supported. *
* 3) To change switch configuration please power down router. *
* *
* For more information, please refer to the hardware documentation. *
* *
After displaying the error message, the router goes into ROMMON mode. You must modify the rotary switch before the router will boot by using the Cisco IOS.
Wireless Card Default Configuration Recovery
It is possible that you might be locked out of the Wireless Mobile Interface Card (WMIC) as the result of an error in an access list or typo in a password. These parameters are stored in the config.txt file in Flash memory.
CautionThis procedure erases the wireless card configuration. If you delete the configuration and do not have a copy, you will have to create the configuration from scratch.
To recover control of the router, connect a terminal to the console port of the WMIC and do the following:
Step 1
Enter the reload command.
Step 2
Press the Escape (ESC) key twice when the boot process begins to display a bootloader prompt.
System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: yes
Proceed with reload? [confirm]
Radio system: delayed or multiple reload request, ignored
Radio system is preparing for reload...
Radio system is ready for reload.
*Mar 1 00:02:31.770: %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested by console.Xmodem
file system is available.
flashfs[0]: 136 files, 6 directories
flashfs[0]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directories
flashfs[0]: Total bytes: 15998976
flashfs[0]: Bytes used: 8169984
flashfs[0]: Bytes available: 7828992
flashfs[0]: flashfs fsck took 34 seconds.
Base ethernet MAC Address: 00:05:9a:3d:32:01
Initializing ethernet port 0...
Reset ethernet port 0...
Reset done!
ethernet link up, 100 mbps, full-duplex
Ethernet port 0 initialized: link is up
"flash:/c3201-k9w7-mx.122/c3201-k9w7-mx.122"...########################################### #####################################################################bad
mzip file, unknown zip method
Error loading "flash:/c3201-k9w7-mx.122/c3201-k9w7-mx.122"
Interrupt within 5 seconds to abort boot process.
Boot process terminated.
The system is unable to boot automatically. The BOOT
environment variable needs to be set to a bootable
C3201 Boot Loader (C3201-BOOT-M), Version 12.2 [hftseng-c3201wmic 102]
compiled Sun 29-Feb-04 15:59 by hftseng
Step 3
Enter the dir flash: command to verify the config.txt file is in memory.
bridge: dir flash:
Directory of flash:/
2 -rwx 4114432 <date> c3201-k9w7-tar
3 -rwx 180 <date> env_vars
4 -rwx 1091 <date> config.txt
5 drwx 384 <date> c3201-k9w7-mx.122
142 -rwx 1091 <date> config.txt.saved
143 -rwx 5 <date> private-config
7828992 bytes available (8169984 bytes used)
Step 4
Enter the delete flash:config.txt command.
bridge: delete flash:config.txt
Are you sure you want to delete "flash:config.txt" (y/n)?y
File "flash:config.txt" deleted
Step 5
Reboot the router.
Disaster Recovery with TFTP Download
The standard way to load new software on your router is using the copy tftp flash privileged EXEC command from the command-line interface (CLI). However, if the router is unable to boot the Cisco IOS software, you can load new software while in ROM monitor mode.
This section describes how to load a Cisco IOS software image from a remote TFTP server to the router Flash memory.
The following steps should be performed while in ROM monitor mode.
Step 1
Use the appropriate commands to enter all the required variables and any optional variables described earlier in this section.
Step 2
Enter the tftpdnld command as follows:
rommon 1 > tftpdnld -r
The -r variable is optional. Entering this variable downloads and boots the new software but does not save the software to Flash memory. You can then use the image that is in Flash memory the next time you enter the reload command.
You will see output similar to the following:
rommon 4 > tftpdnld
TFTP_FILE: cisco/c3200-i11k9-mz.bin
Do you wish to continue? y/n: [n]:
Step 3
If you are sure that you want to continue, enter y in response to the question in the output:
Do you wish to continue? y/n: [n]:y
The router begins to download the new file.
Entering Ctrl-C or Break stops the transfer before the Flash memory is erased.
TFTP Download Command Variables
This section describes the system variables that can be set in ROM monitor mode and that are used during the TFTP download process.
The commands described in this section are case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown in the tables.
Required Variables
These variables must be set with these commands before using the tftpdnld command:
Optional Variables
These variables can be set with these commands before using the tftpdnld command:
Access ROM Monitor Mode
The ROM monitor firmware runs when the router is powered up or reset and helps to initialize the processor hardware and boot the operating system software. If there is no Cisco IOS software image loaded on the router, ROM monitor is the default operating system. If there is an Cisco IOS software image, you can still force the router to boot to the ROM monitor by pressing the break key within the first 60 seconds of the router booting or changing the configuration register so the router looks for the ROM monitor bootable image first. In ROM monitor mode, you can perform certain configuration tasks, such as to boot without loading the configuration file to recover a lost password or to download Cisco IOS software over the console port.
To use the ROM monitor, you must be using a terminal or PC that is connected to the router over the console port.
Break (system interrupt) is always enabled for 60 seconds after the router reboots, regardless of whether it is set to on or off in the configuration register. During this 60-second window, you can break to the ROM monitor prompt by pressing the Break key.
Take these steps to configure the router to boot up in ROM monitor mode the next time it is rebooted:
Command PurposeStep 1
Enters privileged mode. If there is an enable password configured, enter the enable password to enter privileged EXEC mode.
Step 2
Router#show version
Displays the current register setting. Record the configuration register setting, which is typically 0x2102, so the register can be changed back to the original setting.
Step 3
Router#configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 4
Router(config)#config-reg 0x0
Resets the configuration register.
Step 5
Exits global configuration mode.
Step 6
Reboots the router with the new configuration register value. The router remains in ROM monitor and does not boot the Cisco IOS software.
As long as the configuration value is 0x0, you must manually boot the operating system from the console. Refer to the boot command in the " ROM Debug Commands" section.
After the router reboots, it is in ROM monitor mode. To return the router to its original state, repeat the process, substituting the original value for the register.
ROM Monitor Commands
Enter ? or help at the ROM monitor prompt to display a list of available commands and options, as follows:
rommon 2>?
alias set and display aliases command
boot boot up an external process
break set/show/clear the breakpoint
confreg configuration register utility
cont continue executing a downloaded image
context display the context of a loaded image
cookie display contents of cookie PROM in hex
copy Copy a file-copy [-b <buffer_size>] <src_file>
delete Delete file(s)-delete <filenames ...>
dir List files in directories-dir <directory>
dis display instruction stream
dnld serial download a program module
format Format a filesystem-format <filesystem>
frame print out a selected stack frame
fsck Check filesystem consistency-fsck <filesystem>
help monitor builtin command help
history monitor command history
meminfo main memory information
mkdir Create dir(s)-mkdir <dirnames ...>
more Concatenate (type) file(s)-cat <filenames ...>
rename Rename a file-rename <old_name> <new_name>
repeat repeat a monitor command
reset system reset
rmdir Remove a directory
set display the monitor variables
stack produce a stack trace
sync write monitor environment to NVRAM
sysret print out info from last system return
tftpdnld tftp image download
unalias unset an alias
unset unset a monitor variable
xmodem x/ymodem image download
Commands are case sensitive. You can halt any command by pressing the Break key on a terminal. If you are using a PC, most terminal emulation programs halt a command when you press the Ctrl and the Break keys at the same time. If you are using another type of terminal emulator or terminal emulation software, refer to the documentation for that product for information on how to send a Break command.
ROM Debug Commands
Most ROM monitor debugging commands are functional only when Cisco IOS software has crashed or is halted. If you enter a debugging command and Cisco IOS crash information is not available, you see the following error message:
"xxx: kernel context state is invalid, can not proceed."
The following are ROM monitor debugging commands:
stack or k—produce a stack trace; for example:
rommon 2> stack
Stack trace:
PC = 0x801111b0
Frame 00: FP = 0x80005ea8 PC = 0x801111b0
Frame 01: FP = 0x80005eb4 PC = 0x80113694
Frame 02: FP = 0x80005f74 PC = 0x8010eb44
Frame 03: FP = 0x80005f9c PC = 0x80008118
Frame 04: FP = 0x80005fac PC = 0x80008064
Frame 05: FP = 0x80005fc4 PC = 0xfff03d70
context—displays processor context; for example:
rommon 2> context
CPU context of the most recent exception:
PC = 0x801111b0 MSR = 0x00009032 CR = 0x53000035 LR = 0x80113694
CTR = 0x801065e4 XER = 0xa0006d36 DAR = 0xffffffff DSISR = 0xffffffff
DEC = 0xffffffff TBU = 0xffffffff TBL = 0xffffffff IMMR = 0xffffffff
R0 = 0x00000000 R1 = 0x80005ea8 R2 = 0xffffffff R3 = 0x00000000
R4 = 0x8fab0d76 R5 = 0x80657d00 R6 = 0x80570000 R7 = 0x80570000
R8 = 0x00000000 R9 = 0x80570000 R10 = 0x0000954c R11 = 0x00000000
R12 = 0x00000080 R13 = 0xffffffff R14 = 0xffffffff R15 = 0xffffffff
R16 = 0xffffffff R17 = 0xffffffff R18 = 0xffffffff R19 = 0xffffffff
R20 = 0xffffffff R21 = 0xffffffff R22 = 0xffffffff R23 = 0xffffffff
R24 = 0xffffffff R25 = 0xffffffff R26 = 0xffffffff R27 = 0xffffffff
R28 = 0xffffffff R29 = 0xffffffff R30 = 0xffffffff R31 = 0xffffffff
frame—displays an individual stack frame.
sysret—displays return information from the last booted system image. This information includes the reason for terminating the image, a stack dump of up to eight frames, and, if an exception is involved, the address where the exception occurred; for example:
rommon 3 > sysret
System Return Info:
count: 19, reason: reset
pc:0x0, error address: 0x0
Stack Trace:
FP: 0x00000000, PC: 0x00000000
FP: 0x00000000, PC: 0x00000000
FP: 0x00000000, PC: 0x00000000
FP: 0x00000000, PC: 0x00000000
FP: 0x00000000, PC: 0x00000000
FP: 0x00000000, PC: 0x00000000
FP: 0x00000000, PC: 0x00000000
FP: 0x00000000, PC: 0x00000000
rommon 4 >
meminfo—displays size in bytes, starting address, available range of main memory, the starting point and size of packet memory, and size of nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM); for example:
rommon 1> meminfo
Main memory size: 128 MB.
Available main memory starts at 0x1b000, size 130964KB
IO (packet) memory size: 25 percent of main memory.
NVRAM size: 128KB
rommon 2 >
ROM Monitor Image Download by using TFTP
This section contains procedures for downloading software in ROM Monitor (ROMMON) mode by using the tftpdnld command.
Complete these steps to upgrade the ROMMON image from ROMMON mode.
Step 1
Download the ROMMON image from CCO, and place it on your Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server.
Step 2
Place the router in ROMMON mode by sending a telnet break command during the router reboot sequence. The following prompt will be displayed, indicating entry into ROMMON mode:
rommon >
Step 3
In ROMMON mode, set the following parameters by typing the names followed by an equals sign as shown, and then typing a value for the parameter.
Table 18-1 describes the type of value to provide for each parameter.
Step 4
Verify the parameter settings by entering the set command. Correct any mistakes by reentering the parameter and value.
rommon> set
Step 5
Upgrade the ROMMON image by entering the tftpdnld -u command. Sample output is shown below.
rommon >tftpdnld -u
TFTP_FILE: C3200_RM_ALT.srec.122-1r.XE2
WARNING: alternate copy of rommon exists, filename: C3200_RM_ALT.srec all existing data in the alternate copy of rommon will be lost.
Do you wish to continue? y/n: [n]:
Step 6
Enter y to start the download. A series of exclamation points (!!!!!!) indicates that the image is downloading successfully. The router will reboot when the download is complete.
You may need to reset the router while in ROMMON mode by entering the reset command before entering the tftpdnld command. The router will prompt you to do this if needed. If prompted to reset the router, you must reset the router and then follow Step 2 through Step 6 to update the ROMMON image.
Error Reporting
Because the ROM monitor console download uses the console to perform the data transfer, error messages are only displayed on the console when the data transfer is terminated.
If an error does occur during a data transfer, the transfer is terminated, and an error message is displayed. If you have changed the baud rate from the default rate, the error message is followed by a message telling you to restore the terminal to the baud rate specified in the configuration register.
Cisco IOS Image Download from the Console Port
You can use console download, a ROM monitor function, to download over the router console port either a software image or a configuration file. After download, the file is saved to the Flash memory.
If you want to download a software image or a configuration file to the router over the console port, you must use the ROM monitor command.
Xmodem is used in disaster recovery situations where the router has no valid Cisco IOS software or bootflash image to boot from and hence, only boots up in ROMmon. This procedure can also be used where there are no Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) servers or network connections, and a direct PC connection (or through a modem connection) to the router's console is the only viable option. Because this procedure relies on the console speed of the router and the serial port of the PC, it can take a long time to download an image.
Configure Windows HyperTerminal for 8-N-1 at 9600 bps and connect your PC's serial port to the console port of the router. Once connected, you need to get into the ROMmon prompt (rommon 1>). Typically, if the Cisco IOS software image and bootflash image are both corrupt, the router only comes up in ROMmon mode. If the former is not true and you need to get into the ROMmon prompt, change the configuration register (typically 0x2102 as given by show version) to 0x0 as described in the "Access ROM Monitor Mode" section.
Console port PC settings are also described in the "Terminal Configuration" section of the "Cisco 3200 Series Mobile Access Router Interfaces" chapter.
Follow the steps below to run Xmodem:
Step 1
Move the image file to the local drive where the Xmodem will execute.
Step 2
Launch the terminal emulation application, such as HyperTerminal.
You might have to reset the registry so the router boots from rommon.
Step 3
Enter the xmodem command.
Following is the syntax and descriptions for the xmodem console download command. For example:
rommon 1 >xmodem c3220-i11k9-mz.123-2.XA2.bin
The router displays the message:
Do you wish to continue? y/n [n]: y
Step 4
Type y and press Enter. The system displays a message indicating that it is ready to receive the file:
Ready to receive file c3220-i11k9-mz.123-2.XA2.bin
Step 5
Click Transfer>Send File. The Send File window displays.
Step 6
Type the file name in the Filename field or use the Browse button to select the file from the Explorer.
Step 7
Select the protocol, typically Xmodem, from the Protocol drop-down list.
Step 8
Click Send. The Xmodem file send window displays. Note that it might take a few seconds before the file transfer begins.
Download Errors
The following error displays if you are try to download a corrupt file, a file that is not an executable file, or a file that is not acceptable to the router. For example, if you try to download a Cisco 3250 base IOS image to a Cisco 3200 Series router.
Ready to receive file c3200-i11-mz.122-15.ZL.bin
BB0Download Complete!
ERR:File not a valid executable
rommon 36 >
xmodem Syntax
The syntax for the xmodem command is as follows:
xmodem [-ucyrx] destination_file_name
WMIC Image Update over FESMIC Port
This section describes the procedure for updating the software image on a MARC and WMIC over wired connection to a TFTP server through a port on FESMIC. It is also possible to update the software image on the WMIC by using a wireless connection; however, it is not described here.
To download the image, do the following:
Step 1
Add following to the configuration on the MARC. The IP addresses used are for illustration only and should be replaced by the IP addresses used in your configuration.
ip dhcp pool fa0
network (network <network addr of Fa0>)
default-router (default-router <ip addr of fa0/0)
ip dhcp pool vlan1
network (network <network addr of Vlan1>)
default-router (default-router <ip addr ofVlan1)
no spanning-tree vlan 1
no spanning-tree vlan 2
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address (ip address <ip addr>)
ip nat inside
duplex auto
speed auto
interface FastEthernet1/0
no ip address
interface FastEthernet1/1
switchport access vlan 2
no ip address
interface Vlan1
ip address (ip address <ip addr>)
ip nat inside
interface Vlan2
ip address (ip address <ip addr of TFTP network>)
ip nat outside
ip nat inside source list 100 interface Vlan2 overload
ip route Vlan2 (ip route <TFTP server network> Vlan2)
access-list 100 permit ip any any
Step 2
Use default configuration on Cisco 3201 WMIC. By default, the Cisco 3201 WMIC uses DHCP to acquire an IP address for Bridge Group Virtual Interface (BVI). The Cisco 3201 WMIC Workgroup Bridge BVI IP address is and Cisco 3201 WMIC Root Bridge BVI IP address is These are the Telnet addresses.
Step 3
Log-in into the Cisco 3251 through its console port and download image.
Step 4
Telnet into the WMIC after log-in into the MARC through its console port and then download image.
Flash and NVRAM File Management
The router uses a random access file system. It is not necessary to erase an entire file space to reclaim memory held by deleted files, because the random access file system has a hierarchical directory structure that allows you to delete individual files. When the file is deleted, the memory space is freed. In contrast, the low end system (LES) file system used by other platforms, such Cisco 2500 Series routers and Cisco 5200 Series routers, has no provision for reclaiming the space from deleted files.
NVRAM is the segment of Flash memory reserved exclusively by Cisco IOS to store the configuration files for the router. When an Cisco IOS image is loaded, it reads the configuration files to determine which interfaces to bring up and what kind of configurations to use.
Delete Configuration Files
To erase a configuration file, use the delete nvram:config command:
Router#delete nvram:config
Delete filename [config]? filename
Delete nvram:config? [confirm] filename
or if the file is in Flash (the device name is optional)
Router#delete startup-config
Delete filename [startup-config]? filename
Delete flash:startup-config? [confirm] filename
Erase the Flash File System
To delete all files in Flash, use the erase flash: command:
Router#erase flash:
Erasing the flash filesystem will remove all files! Continue? [confirm]
flashfs[10]: 0 files, 1 directories
flashfs[10]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directories
flashfs[10]: Total bytes: 31739904
flashfs[10]: Bytes used: 4096
flashfs[10]: Bytes available: 31735808
flashfs[10]: flashfs fsck took 5 seconds.
Erase of flash: complete
Related Commands
Mobile IP Debug
This section shows normal operating debugs and configurations of Mobile IP.
TLV stands for Type, Length, Value. It is the template used in registration request and reply messages. See RFC 2002 for more information.
Debug Commands for Troubleshooting
The following debug commands are useful in troubleshooting Mobile IP clients:
debug arp
debug ip icmp
debug ipmobile host
debug ip mobile
debug ip packet detail
The debug arp command shows you the mobile node ARPs on the local subnet. It can also help determine if the mobile node is causing a MobileIP: FastEthernet1/0 add rejected error message or if the interface does not have IRDP configured.
The debug ip icmp command shows you the mobile node solicitations and the replies. The debug ip mobile advertisements command only shows you the foreign agent replies to solicitations from the Mobile IP client or unsolicited advertisements, not the actual Mobile IP client solicitations.
The debug ip mobile command is a combination of the debug ip mobile host and debug ip mobile advertisements commands. The debug ip mobile host command shows all of the normal Mobile IP debugs except for the IRDP replies to solicitations and the skip2TLV messages as the home agent or foreign agent searches the request or the reply for information.
The debug ip packet detail command is used with an access list and shows you all the Mobile IP packets at the foreign agent since they are all still process switched.
Good Registration from a Mobile Client on a Foreign Network
These debug results show what occurs during a normal good registration. In these examples:
The Mobile IP client is coming up from a power on state.
The mobile node ARPs in the beginning against the RFC and the router rejects the IP address.
The Mobile IP client registration request is rejected the first time it tries to register with the home agent because its clock is too far out of synchronization with the home agent clock.
The home agent registration reply contains the offset the Mobile IP client will use for the next registration request. The mobile node registers successfully on the second attempt, after adjusting its timestamp with the offset sent by the home agent.
On the Foreign Agent:
*Mar 16 22:09:15:
MobileIP: Agent advertisement sent out FastEthernet1/0: type=16, len=10, seq=27773, lifetime=36000, flags=0x1400(rbhFmGv-rsv-),
*Mar 16 22:09:15: Care-of address:
*Mar 16 22:09:15: ICMP: src=, dst=, irdp advertisement sent
*Mar 16 22:09:15: IRDP: entries=1, size=2, lifetime=180, bytes=48
*Mar 16 22:09:15: IRDP: address= preference=0
MobileIP: FastEthernet1/0 add rejected
*Mar 16 22:09:18: IP ARP req filtered src 0010.a403.1357, dst 0000.0000.0000 wrong cable, interface FastEthernet1/0
MobileIP: FastEthernet1/0 add rejected
*Mar 16 22:09:19: IP ARP req filtered src 0010.a403.1357, dst 0000.0000.0000 wrong cable, interface FastEthernet1/0
MobileIP: FastEthernet1/0 add rejected
*Mar 16 22:09:20: IP ARP req filtered src 0010.a403.1357, dst 0000.0000.0000 wrong cable, interface FastEthernet1/0
*Mar 16 22:09:20: ICMP: rdp solicit rcvd type 10, code 0, from
MobileIP: FastEthernet1/0 glean accepted
*Mar 16 22:09:20: IP ARP: Gleaning entry for, 0010.a403.1357
*Mar 16 22:09:20:
MobileIP: Agent advertisement sent out FastEthernet1/0: type=16, len=10, seq=27774, lifetime=36000, flags=0x1400(rbhFmGv-rsv-),
*Mar 16 22:09:20: Care-of address:
*Mar 16 22:09:20: ICMP: src=, dst=, irdp advertisement sent
*Mar 16 22:09:20: IRDP: entries=1, size=2, lifetime=180, bytes=48
*Mar 16 22:09:20: IRDP: address= preference=0
MobileIP: FA received registration for MN on FastEthernet1/0 using COA HA lifetime 36000 options sBdmgvt
MobileIP: FastEthernet1/0 glean accepted
*Mar 16 22:09:20: IP ARP: Gleaning entry for, 0010.a403.1357
MobileIP: FA queued MN in register table
MobileIP: Visitor registration timer started for MN, lifetime 15
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start 3B0178C end 3B017A2
MobileIP: FA forwarded registration for MN to HA
MobileIP: FA received registration id mismatch (133) reply for MN on FastEthernet0/0 using HA lifetime 36000
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start 3B01788 end 3B0179E
MobileIP: FA forwarding reply to MN using src mac 0010.a403.1357
MobileIP: FA dequeued MN from register table
MobileIP: FA received registration for MN on FastEthernet1/0 using COA HA lifetime 36000 options sBdmgvt
MobileIP: FastEthernet1/0 glean accepted
*Mar 16 22:09:21: IP ARP: Gleaning entry for, 0010.a403.1357
MobileIP: FA queued MN in register table
MobileIP: Visitor registration timer started for MN, lifetime 15
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start 3B0178C end 3B017A2
MobileIP: FA forwarded registration for MN to HA
MobileIP: FA received accept (0) reply for MN on FastEthernet0/0 using HA lifetime 180
MobileIP: Reply in for MN, accepted
MobileIP: Update visitor table for MN
MobileIP: Tunnel0 (IP/IP) created with src dst
MobileIP: ARP entry for MN inserted
MobileIP: Visitor timer started for MN, lifetime 180
MobileIP: FA dequeued MN from register table
MobileIP: MN visiting on FastEthernet1/0
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start 3B01788 end 3B0179E
MobileIP: FA forwarding reply to MN using src mac 0010.a403.1357
MobileIP: swif coming up Tunnel0
Advertisements are sent out.
*Mar 16 22:09:24:
MobileIP: Agent advertisement sent out FastEthernet1/0: type=16, len=10, seq=27773, lifetime=36000, flags=0x1400(rbhFmGv-rsv-),
*Mar 16 22:09:24: Care-of address:
*Mar 16 22:09:24: ICMP: src=, dst=, irdp advertisement sent
*Mar 16 22:09:24: IRDP: entries=1, size=2, lifetime=180, bytes=48
*Mar 16 22:09:24: IRDP: address= preference=0
On the Home Agent:
MobileIP: HA 92 received registration for MN on FastEthernet0/0 using COA HA lifetime 36000 options sBdmgvt
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start FA36F6C end FA36F82
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start FA36F82 end FA36F82
MobileIP: MN - authenticating MN using SPI 100
MobileIP: MN - authenticated MN using SPI 100
MobileIP: Identification field has timestamp 240175185 secs greater than our current time 03/16/93 03:48:14 (> allowed 255 secs) for MN
*Mar 15 19:48:14: %IPMOBILE-6-SECURE: Security violation on HA from MN - errcode registration id mismatch (133), reason Bad identifier (3)
MobileIP: HA rejects registration for MN - registration id mismatch (133)
MobileIP: MN - MH auth ext added (SPI 100) to MN
MobileIP: MN - HA sent reply to
MobileIP: HA 92 received registration for MN on FastEthernet0/0 using COA HA lifetime 36000 options sBdmgvt
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start FA36F6C end FA36F82
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start FA36F82 end FA36F82
MobileIP: MN - authenticating MN using SPI 100
MobileIP: MN - authenticated MN using SPI 100
MobileIP: MN requested broadcast support, but disabled locally
MobileIP: Mobility binding for MN created
MobileIP: Tunnel0 (IP/IP) created with src dst
MobileIP: Roam timer started for MN, lifetime 180
MobileIP: MN is now roaming
MobileIP: Insert host route for via gateway
MobileIP: HA accepts registration from MN
MobileIP: MN - MH auth ext added (SPI 100) to MN
MobileIP: MN - HA sent reply to
MobileIP: swif coming up Tunnel0
Deregistration When a Mobile Node Returns to the Home Network
This example shows the mobile node deregistration when it arrives on its home network. The IKV mobile client repeats the deregistration process 3 times.
On the Home Agent:
*Mar 1 03:31:51: IP: s= (FastEthernet0/0), d=, len 28, rcvd 0
*Mar 1 03:31:51: ICMP type=10, code=0
*Mar 1 03:31:54:
MobileIP: Agent advertisement sent out FastEthernet0/0: type=16, len=6, seq=0, lifetime=36000, flags=0x2400(rbHfmGv-rsv-),
*Mar 1 03:31:54: IP: s= (local), d= (FastEthernet0/0), len 44, sending broad/multicast
*Mar 1 03:31:54: ICMP type=9, code=0
*Mar 1 03:31:54: IP: s= (FastEthernet0/0), d=, len 74, rcvd 0
*Mar 1 03:31:54: UDP src=1050, dst=434
MobileIP: HA 92 received deregistration for MN on FastEthernet0/0 using COA HA lifetime 0 options sbdmgvt
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start FA36CEC end FA36D02
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start FA36D02 end FA36D02
MobileIP: MN - authenticating MN using SPI 100
MobileIP: MN - authenticated MN using SPI 100
MobileIP: HA accepts deregistration from MN
MobileIP: MN - MH auth ext added (SPI 100) to MN
*Mar 1 03:31:54: IP: s= (local), d=, len 70, cef process switched
*Mar 1 03:31:54: UDP src=434, dst=1050
*Mar 1 03:31:54: IP ARP: creating incomplete entry for IP address: interface FastEthernet0/0
*Mar 1 03:31:54: IP ARP: sent req src 0002.4bb0.ecb0,
dst 0000.0000.0000 FastEthernet0/0
*Mar 1 03:31:54: IP: s= (local), d= (FastEthernet0/0), len 70, sending
*Mar 1 03:31:54: UDP src=434, dst=1050
*Mar 1 03:31:54: IP ARP throttled out the ARP Request for
*Mar 1 03:31:54: IP: s= (local), d= (FastEthernet0/0), len 70, encapsulation failed
*Mar 1 03:31:54: UDP src=434, dst=1050
MobileIP: MN - HA sent reply to
*Mar 1 03:31:54: IP ARP: rcvd rep src 0010.a403.1357, dst FastEthernet0/0
*Mar 1 03:32:01: IP: s= (FastEthernet0/0), d=, len 28, rcvd 0
*Mar 1 03:32:01: ICMP type=10, code=0
*Mar 1 03:32:01: IP ARP: Gleaning entry for, 0010.a403.1357
Transition from the Home Network to a Foreign Network
This debug example shows the mobile node transitioning from the home network to a foreign network. For the mobile node to send a registration request, it must first be alerted that it has changed subnets. It does this by waiting for the advertisement timeout to expire, and then sending a solicitation.
On the Home Agent:
MobileIP: HA 92 received registration for MN on FastEthernet0/0 using COA HA lifetime 36000 options sBdmgvt
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start FA36F6C end FA36F82
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start FA36F82 end FA36F82
MobileIP: MN - authenticating MN using SPI 100
MobileIP: MN - authenticated MN using SPI 100
MobileIP: MN requested broadcast support, but disabled locally
MobileIP: Mobility binding for MN created
MobileIP: Tunnel0 (IP/IP) created with src dst
MobileIP: Roam timer started for MN, lifetime 180
MobileIP: MN is now roaming
*Mar 1 03:52:31: IP ARP: sent rep src 0002.4bb0.ecb0,
dst 0002.4bb0.ecb0 FastEthernet0/0
*Mar 1 03:52:31: IP ARP: sent rep src 0002.4bb0.ecb0,
dst 0002.4bb0.ecb0 FastEthernet0/0
*Mar 1 03:52:31: IP ARP: sent rep src 0002.4bb0.ecb0,
dst 0002.4bb0.ecb0 FastEthernet0/0
MobileIP: Gratuitous ARPs sent for MN MAC 0002.4bb0.ecb0
MobileIP: Insert host route for via gateway
MobileIP: HA accepts registration from MN
MobileIP: MN - MH auth ext added (SPI 100) to MN
*Mar 1 03:52:31: IP ARP: creating incomplete entry for IP address: interface FastEthernet0/0
*Mar 1 03:52:31: IP ARP: sent req src 0002.4bb0.ecb0,
dst 0000.0000.0000 FastEthernet0/0
*Mar 1 03:52:31: IP ARP throttled out the ARP Request for
MobileIP: MN - HA sent reply to
*Mar 1 03:52:31: IP ARP: rcvd rep src 0010.7bb2.8d80, dst FastEthernet0/0
MobileIP: swif coming up Tunnel0
Transition from a Foreign Network to the Home Network
This debug example shows the mobile node transitioning from a foreign network to a home network.
On the Home Agent:
*Mar 1 03:56:35: IP: s= (local), d= (FastEthernet0/0), len 44, sending broad/multicast
*Mar 1 03:56:35: ICMP type=9, code=0
*Mar 1 03:56:35: IP: s= (FastEthernet0/0), d=, len 74, rcvd 0
*Mar 1 03:56:35: UDP src=1050, dst=434
MobileIP: HA 92 received deregistration for MN on FastEthernet0/0 using COA HA lifetime 0 options sbdmgvt
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start FA36F6C end FA36F82
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start FA36F82 end FA36F82
MobileIP: MN - authenticating MN using SPI 100
MobileIP: MN - authenticated MN using SPI 100
MobileIP: Delete tunnel route for via gateway
MobileIP: Deleted Tunnel0 src dest
*Mar 1 03:56:35: ip_mobile_query
MobileIP: HA route maint started with index 0
MobileIP: MN back home
*Mar 1 03:56:35: IP ARP: creating incomplete entry for IP address: interface FastEthernet0/0
*Mar 1 03:56:35: IP ARP: sent req src 0002.4bb0.ecb0,
dst 0000.0000.0000 FastEthernet0/0
*Mar 1 03:56:35: IP ARP: rcvd rep src 0010.a403.1357, dst FastEthernet0/0
MobileIP: Get ARP entry for MN succeeded
*Mar 1 03:56:36: IP ARP: sent rep src 0010.a403.1357,
dst 0010.a403.1357 FastEthernet0/0
*Mar 1 03:56:36: IP ARP: sent rep src 0010.a403.1357,
dst 0010.a403.1357 FastEthernet0/0
*Mar 1 03:56:36: IP ARP: sent rep src 0010.a403.1357,
dst 0010.a403.1357 FastEthernet0/0
MobileIP: Gratuitous ARPs sent for MN MAC 0010.a403.1357
MobileIP: HA accepts deregistration from MN
MobileIP: MN - MH auth ext added (SPI 100) to MN
*Mar 1 03:56:36: IP: s= (local), d=, len 70, cef process switched
*Mar 1 03:56:36: UDP src=434, dst=1050
*Mar 1 03:56:36: IP: s= (local), d= (FastEthernet0/0), len 70, sending
*Mar 1 03:56:36: UDP src=434, dst=1050
MobileIP: MN - HA sent reply to
*Mar 1 03:56:36: IP ARP: rcvd req src 0010.a403.1357, dst FastEthernet0/0
*Mar 1 03:56:36: IP ARP: rcvd req src 0010.a403.1357, dst FastEthernet0/0
*Mar 1 03:56:36: IP ARP: sent rep src 0002.4bb0.ecb0,
dst 0010.a403.1357 FastEthernet0/0
*Mar 1 03:56:36: IP ARP: rcvd rep src 0010.a403.1357, dst FastEthernet0/0
Verifying Operation
Verify that the foreign agent is sending agent advertisements.
Turn on debug ip mobile advertise on the foreign agent. The following messages should be displayed periodically (based on number in the ip irdp max command).
00:08:11: MobileIP: Agent advertisement sent out Ethernet3/1: type=16, len=10, seq=3, lifetime=36000, flags=0x1400(rbhFmGv-rsv-),
00:08:11: Care-of address:
If not, make sure configuration for interface and care-of address is correct.
Verify the mobile access router receives agent advertisements.
Turn on debug ip icmp on mobile access router. The following message should be displayed periodically.
2w2d: ICMP: rdp advert rcvd type 9, code 0, from
Make sure interface receiving agent advertisement is configured for roaming. Enter the show ip mobile router interface command to display interface information.
Verify the mobile access router learns about the foreign agent.
Enter the show ip mobile router agent command on the mobile access router to display foreign agent information.
Verify mobile access router registration.
Turn on debug ip mobile router on the mobile access router. The following messages should be displayed.
MobileRouter: New FA coa int Ethernet0/1 MAC 0050.50c1.c855
2w2d: MobileRouter: Register reason: isolated
2w2d: MobileRouter: Snd reg request agent coa home ha lifetime 36000 int Ethernet0/1 flag sbdmgvt cnt 0 id B496B69C.55E77974
2w2d: MobileRouter: Status Isolated -> Pending
Enter the show ip mobile router registration command on mobile access router to display registration information. When mobile access router is registered, the show ip mobile router registration command displays when request was last accepted and the show ip mobile router command displays the status of the register.
If the mobile access router is not registered, turn on debug ip mobile host on the home agent to see registration debugging messages. Make sure the SPI and key are same on both the mobile access router and the home agent by using the show ip mobile secure home-agent and show ip mobile secure host commands. Make sure the home agent knows how to reach foreign agent by using the show ip route command, which displays the route to the care-of address.
Turn on debug ip mobile host on both the foreign agent and the home agent to see Mobile IP activities.
Enter the show ip mobile router command to display mobile access router information.
Turn on debug tunnel on the home agent, the foreign agent, and the mobile access router. For packets that are process switched, the following messages are displayed.
00:55:33: Tunnel0: to decaps IP/IP packet> (len=140, ttl=254)
00:55:33: Tunnel0: decapsulated IP/IP packet> (len=120 ttl=255)
For packets that are fast switched, use the show ip cache command to display the cache entries.
Error Codes
This section provides a summary of error codes returned in registration replies from the home agent. Some configuration errors on the home agent do not return a registration reply and so no code is sent to the foreign agent or mobile node. One of these types of errors occurs when the mobile node does not have a security association (SA). In this case, the home agent registers an error and drops the packet. The best place to debug general problems is on the home agent.
Error Code Description131
Security Association mismatch, such as bad password, bad security parameter index (SPI)
Time clocks not synchronized (mismatched id)
Configuration error on HA
Foreign Agent Registration Error Codes
Home Agent Registration Error Codes
Debug Troubleshooting Scenarios
This section describes the following specific problems:
No IRDP on Foreign Agent Interface
No IRDP on Home Agent Interface
Time Clocks Not Synchronized on Mobile Node and Home Agent (usually not a problem)
Missing ip mobile virtual-network Command on the Home Agent
No Security Association for the Mobile Node on the Home Agent (a home agent configuration error)
Bad Password
The debug messages in this example show what happens on the home agent and foreign agent when either the home agent or the Mobile IP client is configured with an incorrect password. The passwords on the home agent and Mobile IP client must match.
On the Home Agent:
MobileIP: HA 92 received registration for MN on FastEthernet0/0 using COA HA lifetime 36000 options sBdmgvt
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start FA36CEC end FA36D02
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start FA36D02 end FA36D02
MobileIP: MN - authenticating MN using SPI 100
MobileIP: MN - invalid authenticator for MN
*Mar 1 03:10:32: %IPMOBILE-6-SECURE: Security violation on HA from MN - errcode MN failed authentication (131), reason Bad authenticator (2)
MobileIP: HA rejects registration for MN - MN failed authentication (131)
MobileIP: MN - MH auth ext added (SPI 100) to MN
MobileIP: MN - HA sent reply to
On the Foreign Agent:
MobileIP: FA received registration for MN on FastEthernet1/0 using COA HA lifetime 36000 options sBdmgvt
MobileIP: FA queued MN in register table
MobileIP: Visitor registration timer started for MN, lifetime 15
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start 3D04EAC end 3D04EC2
MobileIP: FA forwarded registration for MN to HA
MobileIP: FA received MN failed authentication (131) reply for MN on FastEthernet0/0 using HA lifetime 36000
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start 3D04EA8 end 3D04EBE
MobileIP: FA forwarding reply to MN using src mac 0010.a403.1357
MobileIP: FA dequeued MN from register table
This debug example shows when the SPI specified on the home agent does not match the SPI specified on the Mobile IP client.
On the Home Agent:
MobileIP: HA 92 received registration for MN on FastEthernet0/0 using COA HA lifetime 36000 options sBdmgvt
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start FA36BAC end FA36BC2
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start FA36BC2 end FA36BC2
MobileIP: MN - authenticating MN using SPI 100
MobileIP: MN - SPI 100 for MN is not configured
*Mar 1 03:05:08: %IPMOBILE-6-SECURE: Security violation on HA from MN - errcode MN failed authentication (131), reason Bad SPI (4)
MobileIP: HA rejects registration for MN - MN failed authentication (131)
MobileIP: MN - MH auth ext added (SPI 101) to MN
MobileIP: MN - HA sent reply to
On the Foreign Agent:
*Mar 2 05:25:19: IP: s= (FastEthernet1/0), d= (FastEthernet1/0), len 74, rcvd 3
*Mar 2 05:25:19: UDP src=1050, dst=434
MobileIP: FA received registration for MN on FastEthernet1/0 using COA HA lifetime 36000 options sBdmgvt
MobileIP: FA queued MN in register table
MobileIP: Visitor registration timer started for MN, lifetime 15
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start 3B01A0C end 3B01A22
*Mar 2 05:25:19: IP: s= (local), d=, len 74, cef process switched
*Mar 2 05:25:19: UDP src=434, dst=434
*Mar 2 05:25:19: IP: s= (local), d= (FastEthernet0/0), len 74, sending
*Mar 2 05:25:19: UDP src=434, dst=434
MobileIP: FA forwarded registration for MN to HA
*Mar 2 05:25:19: IP: s= (FastEthernet0/0), d= (FastEthernet0/0), len 70, rcvd 3
*Mar 2 05:25:19: UDP src=434, dst=434
MobileIP: FA received MN failed authentication (131) reply for MN on FastEthernet0/0 using HA lifetime 36000
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start 3B01A08 end 3B01A1E
MobileIP: FA forwarding reply to MN using src mac 0010.a403.1357
MobileIP: FA dequeued MN from register table
No IRDP on Foreign Agent Interface
This debug example shows where ICMP Router Discovery Protocol (IRDP) is not configured on the foreign agent interface. It shows the ARP process reacting to the mobile nodes address when it tries to put it in the ARP table. The router adds the mobile node address in the ARP table when it sends a registration request or an ip IRDP solicitation. In either case, IRPD must be enabled on the foreign agent interface.
On the Foreign Agent:
MobileIP: FastEthernet1/0 add rejected
MobileIP: FastEthernet1/0 add rejected
(repeated ...)
No IRDP on Home Agent Interface
This debug example shows where IRDP is not configured on the home agent interface. On the home agent, the interface continues to receive solicitations from the Mobile IP client. Unlike the foreign agent, there are no ARPing errors because the host is on the correct subnet.
On the Home Agent:
*Mar 1 03:56:35: ICMP type=9, code=0
*Mar 1 03:56:35: IP: s= (FastEthernet0/0), d=, len 74, rcvd 0
*Mar 1 03:56:35: ICMP type=9, code=0
*Mar 1 03:56:35: IP: s= (FastEthernet0/0), d=, len 74, rcvd 0
Time Clocks Not Synchronized on Mobile Node and Home Agent
This debug example shows the clock of the Mobile IP client is not within the specified variance of the home agent clock. The identification field in the registration reply holds the clock of the mobile node when the clock does not match the home agent clock. The registration request is rejected and the home agent sends a reply with the offset between the clocks on the mobile nodes and home agent clock. The mobile node corrects its timestamp in the next registration request, so it matches the home agent clock.
On the Home Agent:
MobileIP: HA 91 received registration for MN on FastEthernet0/0 using COA HA lifetime 300 options sbdmgvt
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start FA36CEC end FA36D06
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look 32 != type 200, addr FA36CEC end FA36D06
MobileIP: Skip2TLV skipping 2
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start FA36D06 end FA36D06
MobileIP: MN - authenticating MN using SPI 100
MobileIP: MN - authenticated MN using SPI 100
MobileIP: Identification field 970198610 has timestamp 1969734999 secs less than our current time 03/01/93 00:13:29 2939933609 (< allowed 255 secs) for MN
*Feb 28 16:13:29: %IPMOBILE-6-SECURE: Security violation on HA from MN - errcode registration id mismatch (133), reason Bad identifier (3)
MobileIP: HA rejects registration for MN - registration id mismatch (133)
MobileIP: MN - MH auth ext added (SPI 100) to MN
MobileIP: MN - HA sent reply to
On the Foreign Agent:
*Feb 28 16:07:17:
MobileIP: Agent advertisement sent out FastEthernet0/1: type=16, len=10, seq=38, lifetime=36000, flags=0x1400(rbhFmGv-rsv-),
*Feb 28 16:07:17: Care-of address:
MobileIP: FA received registration for MN on FastEthernet0/1 using COA HA lifetime 300 options sbdmgvt
MobileIP: FA queued MN in register table
MobileIP: Visitor registration timer started for MN, lifetime 15
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start 3CB5CEC end 3CB5D06
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look 32 != type 200, addr 3CB5CEC end 3CB5D06
MobileIP: Skip2TLV skipping 2
MobileIP: FA forwarded registration for MN to HA
MobileIP: FA received registration id mismatch (133) reply for MN on FastEthernet0/0 using HA lifetime 300
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start 3CB5CE8 end 3CB5CFE
MobileIP: FA forwarding reply to MN using src mac 0010.a403.1357
MobileIP: FA dequeued MN from register table
*Mar 1 03:56:36: IP ARP: rcvd rep src 0010.a403.1357, dst FastEthernet0/0
Missing ip mobile virtual-network Command on the Home Agent
This section shows an example of a configuration error on the home agent. Other configuration errors return the same code (128). Some errors cause the home agent not to respond with a registration reply. One of those is a missing security association for the mobile node.
On the Home Agent:
MobileIP: HA 92 received registration for MN on FastEthernet0/0 using COA HA lifetime 36000 options sBdmgvt
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start FA36CEC end FA36D02
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start FA36D02 end FA36D02
MobileIP: MN - authenticating MN using SPI 100
MobileIP: MN - authenticated MN using SPI 100
MobileIP: Request from MN denied, no virtual network
MobileIP: HA rejects registration for MN - reason unspecified (128)
MobileIP: MN - MH auth ext added (SPI 100) to MN
MobileIP: MN - HA sent reply to
On the Foreign Agent:
*Mar 16 21:48:37: ICMP: rdp solicit rcvd type 10, code 0, from
MobileIP: FastEthernet1/0 glean accepted
*Mar 16 21:48:37:
MobileIP: Agent advertisement sent out FastEthernet1/0: type=16, len=10, seq=27734, lifetime=36000, flags=0x1400(rbhFmGv-rsv-),
*Mar 16 21:48:37: Care-of address:
*Mar 16 21:48:37: ICMP: src=, dst=, irdp advertisement sent
*Mar 16 21:48:37: IRDP: entries=1, size=2, lifetime=180, bytes=48
*Mar 16 21:48:37: IRDP: address= preference=0
MobileIP: FA received registration for MN on FastEthernet1/0 using COA HA lifetime 36000 options sBdmgvt
MobileIP: FastEthernet1/0 glean accepted
MobileIP: FA queued MN in register table
MobileIP: Visitor registration timer started for MN, lifetime 15
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start 3B0178C end 3B017A2
MobileIP: FA forwarded registration for MN to HA
MobileIP: FA received reason unspecified (128) reply for MN on FastEthernet0/0 using HA lifetime 36000
MobileIP: Skip2TLV look for type 32, addr start 3B01788 end 3B0179E
MobileIP: FA forwarding reply to MN using src mac 0010.a403.1357
MobileIP: FA dequeued MN from register table
Mobile Node Is Not On Line
In this example, the mobile node is not online.
On the Home Agent:
MobileIP: MN is offline, icmp unreachable sent to sender
*Mar 16 20:31:59: ICMP: dst ( host unreachable sent to
No Security Association for the Mobile Node on the Home Agent
In this example, nothing is sent back to a foreign agent, no registration reply, no ICMP unreachable. The registration request is completely ignored.
On the Home Agent:
MobileIP: HA 91 received registration for MN on FastEthernet0/0 using COA HA lifetime 36000 options sBdmgvt
MobileIP: MN SA is not configured, request ignored
*Feb 28 16:02:20: %IPMOBILE-6-SECURE: Security violation on HA from MN - errcode MN failed authentication (131), reason No mobility security association (1)
Configuration Register Modification
The virtual configuration register is in nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM) and has the same functionality as other Cisco routers. You can view or modify the virtual configuration register from either the ROM monitor or the operating system software.
Table 18-2 shows the software configuration bit descriptions.
Table 18-2 Software Configuration Bit Descriptions
Bit No. Hex Description00-03
Boot Field (see Table 18-3)
Ignore NVM contents
OEM bit enabled
Break disabled
IP broadcast with all zeros
Console line speed
Boot default ROM software if network boot fails
IP broadcasts do not have net numbers
Enable diagnostic messages and ignore NVM contents
Table 18-3 shows the boot field register bits.
Table 18-3 Explanation of Boot Field (Configuration Register Bits 00-03)
Boot Field Meaning00
Stays at the system bootstrap prompt
Boots system image on EPROM
Specifies a default netboot filename Enables boot system commands that override default netboot filename1
1 Values of the boot field are 2-15 in the form cisco<n>-processor_name, where 2 < n < 15.
The value is always interpreted as hexadecimal. Entering confreg without an argument displays the contents of the virtual configuration register and a prompt to alter the contents by describing the meaning of each bit.
In either case, the new virtual configuration register value is written into NVRAM but does not take effect until you reset or reboot the router.
To change the virtual configuration register from the ROM monitor, enter confreg or enter the new value of the register in hexadecimal.
The following display shows an example of entering the confreg command:
rommon 2> confreg
Configuration Summary
enabled are:
console baud: 9600
boot: the ROM Monitor
do you wish to change the configuration? y/n [n]: y
enable diagnostic mode? y/n [n]: y
enable use net in IP bcast address? y/n [n]:
enable load rom after netboot fails? y/n [n]:
enable use all zero broadcast? y/n [n]:
enable break/abort has effect? y/n [n]:
enable ignore system config info? y/n [n]:
change console baud rate? y/n [n]: y
enter rate: 0 = 9600, 1 = 4800, 2 = 1200, 3 = 2400 [0]: 0
change the boot characteristics? y/n [n]: y
enter to boot:
0 = ROM Monitor
1 = the boot helper image
2-15 = boot system
[0]: 0
Configuration Summary
enabled are:
diagnostic mode
console baud: 9600
boot: the ROM Monitor
do you wish to change the configuration? y/n [n]:
You must reset or power cycle for new config to take effect
Password Recovery
This section describes how to recover a password that you configured with the enable command (enable password) on the Cisco 3200 Series router.
You can recover a lost enable password, but not a password that you configured with the enable secret command (enable secret password). This password is encrypted and must be replaced with a new enable secret password. See the "Hot Tips" section on Cisco Connection Online (CCO) for information on replacing enable secret passwords.
Follow these steps to recover a lost enable password:
Step 1
Connect an ASCII terminal or a PC running a terminal emulation program to the Console port. For more information, see the "Terminal Configuration" section of the "Cisco 3200 Series Mobile Access Router Interfaces" chapter.
Step 2
Configure the terminal at 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit.
Step 3
Reboot the router.
Step 4
From user EXEC mode, display the existing configuration register value:
Router> show version
Step 5
Record the setting of the configuration register. The setting is usually 0x2102 or 0x102.
Step 6
Record the break setting.
Break enabled—bit 8 is set to 0.
Break disabled (default setting)—bit 8 is set to 1.
To enable break, enter the config-register 0x01 global configuration command. The bit settings are described in Table 18-2.
Step 7
Turn off the power to the router and then turn it back on.
Step 8
Press Break on the terminal keyboard within 60 seconds of the power-up to put the router into ROMMON. The terminal displays the following prompt:
rommon 1>
Step 9
Reset the configuration register:
rommon 1> confreg 0x2142
Step 10
Initialize the router:
rommon 2> reset
The router reboots but ignores its saved configuration.
--- System Configuration Dialog ---
Step 11
Enter no in response to the prompts until the following message is displayed:
Press RETURN to get started!
Step 12
Press Return. The following prompt appears:
Step 13
Enter privileged EXEC mode:
router> enable
The prompt changes to the privileged EXEC prompt:
Step 14
Type configure memory or copy startup-config running-config to copy the nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM) into memory. Do not type configure terminal.
Step 15
Type write terminal or show running-config.
The show running-config and write terminal commands show the configuration of the router. In this configuration you see under all the interfaces the shutdown command, which means all interfaces are currently shutdown. Also, you can see the passwords (enable password, enable secret, vty, console passwords, and so on) either in encrypted or unencrypted format. The unencrypted passwords can be re-used, the encrypted ones will have to be changed with a new one.
Step 16
Type configure terminal.
router# configure terminal
Step 17
Type enable secret password to change the enable secret password, for example:
hostname(config)#enable secret cisco
Step 18
Issue the no shutdown command on every interface that is used. If you issue a show ip interface brief command, every interface that you want to use should be "up up".
Step 19
Type config-register 0x2102, or the value that you recorded in Step 5.
router# config-register value
Step 20
Press Ctrl-Z to exit configuration mode.
Step 21
Type write memory or copy running-config startup-config to commit the changes.
Step 22
Reboot the router, and enter the recovered password.
Posted: Wed Nov 1 10:41:39 PST 2006
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