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O command (debugger) : Debugger Commands
-O file test operator : Named Unary and File Test Operators
-o file test operator : Named Unary and File Test Operators
/o modifier : Pattern-Matching Operators
object context : Conversions to Objects
<object> tags
Internet Explorer HTML Exclusives
The <object> Tag
The type attribute
object-oriented libraries : Why are so many of these CGI Perl l...
object-oriented programming (OOP)
Brief Refresher on Object-Oriented ...
Object-Oriented Scaling Tips
Object-Oriented Programming
objects (Object objects)
Class Context and the Object
The JavaScript Object Hierarchy
Conversions to Objects
Conversions to and from Objects
access operators : Array and Object Access Operators
arrays as : Array/Object Dual Nature
as associative arrays : Objects as Associative Arrays
blessing : bless
classes for (see classes)
comparing : Equality (==)
constructors (see constructors)
converting (see converting)
creation operator : Object Creation Operator (new)
for/in statement : for...in
functions as : Functions are objects
hidden (see Hidden element)
JavaObject object
The JavaObject Object
JavaScript Conversion of JavaObjects
JavaScript (see JavaScript)
methods (see methods)
prototypes : Object Prototypes
read-only : The assign() Method
reference counting : Reference Counting in Navigator 3.0
special methods for : Special Object Methods
testing for existence of : Event Handlers
with statement and : with
wrapper objects
Data Type Wrapper Objects
Wrapper Objects
obtaining Perl : How to Get Perl
oct function : oct
octal numbers
Octal and Hexadecimal Literals
Escape Sequences in String Literals
String literals
The rules of regular expression matching
Converting Strings to Numbers
specifying $/ as : Switches
ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) : Visual Basic
ODBM_File module
AnyDBM_File--Provide Framework for ...
ODBM_File--Tied Access to ODBM Files
off-screen images : Off-Screen Images and Caching
off/on (see Boolean data type)
for m// successes : pos
read function and : read
seek function : seek
(see also alignment)
$OFMT (see $# variable)
$OFS (see $, variable)
<ol> tags
Unordered, Ordered, and Definition Lists
The <ol> Tag
The style and class attributes
omitting HTML tags : Omitting Tags
on/off (see Boolean data type)
onAbort( )
Event handlers
Image Event Handlers
onAbort attribute (<img>)
The name, onAbort, onError, and onL...
JavaScript Event Handlers
onAnchorClick() : Live3D
onBlur( )
Event handlers
Event handlers
Event handlers
Event handlers
onBlur() and onFocus()
Form Elements
for Element object : Element.onblur()
for Window object
The Window Object
onBlur attribute
JavaScript Event Handlers
onChange( )
Event handlers
Event handlers
Event handlers
Event handlers
for Element object : Element.onchange()
for FileUpload element : FileUpload.onchange()
for Password element : Password.onchange()
for Select element : Select.onchange()
for Text element : Text.onchange()
for Textarea element : Textarea.onchange()
onChange attribute : JavaScript Event Handlers
onClick( )
Event Handlers
Event handlers
Event handlers
Event handlers
Event handlers
Event handlers
onClick() event handlers ignored
Forms and Form Elements
The Link Object
for Button element : Button.onclick()
for Checkbox element : Checkbox.onclick()
for Element object : Element.onclick()
for Link object : Link.onclick()
for Radio element : Radio.onclick()
for Reset element
onClick() in reset button
for Submit element : Submit.onclick()
onClick attribute
Executable Content: JavaScript in a...
Event Handlers in JavaScript
The onClick, onMouseOver, and OnMou...
Regular buttons
JavaScript Event Handlers
<input> : Client-Side JavaScript Examples
one-liners : How to Do It
onError( )
Event handlers
Event handlers
The Window Object
Opening and Closing Windows
Image Event Handlers
for Window object : Window.onerror()
onError attribute
The name, onAbort, onError, and onL...
JavaScript Event Handlers
onFocus( )
Event handlers
Event handlers
Event handlers
Event handlers
onBlur() and onFocus()
Form Elements
The Window Object
for Element object : Element.onfocus()
for Window object : Window.onfocus()
onFocus attribute
JavaScript Event Handlers
online help/documentation (see documentation)
onLoad( )
Event handlers
Event handlers
Event handlers
Event Handlers
Image Event Handlers
for Window object
onLoad() event handler called early
onLoad attribute
The name, onAbort, onError, and onL...
JavaScript Event Handlers
onMouseMove( ) : Live3D
onMouseOut( )
Event handlers
Miscellaneous Changes
The Link Object
Ignore the Problem
onMouseOut attribute
The onClick, onMouseOver, and OnMou...
The onMouseOver and OnMouseOut attr...
onMouseOver( )
Event handlers
Status and defaultStatus
The Status Line
The Link Object
onMouseOver attribute
The onClick, onMouseOver, and OnMou...
The onMouseOver and OnMouseOut attr...
JavaScript Event Handlers
onReset( )
Event Handlers
Forms and Form Elements
The Form Object
onReset attribute (<form>)
The onsubmit and onreset attributes
JavaScript Event Handlers
onSelect attribute
JavaScript Event Handlers
The onsubmit and onreset attributes
JavaScript Event Handlers
onSubmit( )
Event Handlers
The Form Object
onUnload( )
Event handlers
Event handlers
Dialogs in onUnload()
onLoad() and onUnload() Event Handlers
for Window object : Window.onunload()
onUnload attribute
JavaScript Event Handlers
OOP (see object-oriented programming)
open command
I try to open a file for writing so...
Creating Dynamic Home Pages
Digital Clock
Pipes and the open Command
-s option : Digital Clock
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) : Visual Basic
open( )
FileHandle--Supply Object Methods f...
The Window Object
Object Model Differences
Scope of event handlers
Opening and Closing Windows
The write() Method
Anonymous pipes
for Document object : Document.open()
fileno function and : fileno
for Window object
Window Size on Unix Platforms
Window.open() method
Multiple Windows and Explicit Windo...
$. and : close
open2( )
IPC::Open2--Open a Process for Both...
Bidirectional communication
open3( )
IPC::Open3--Open a Process for Read...
Bidirectional communication
opendir function
DirHandle--Supply Object Methods fo...
opener attribute : Other Window Programming Techniques
opener property
The Window Object
Multiple Windows and Explicit Windo...
The Least-Common-Denominator Approach
Defensive Coding
FileCache module : FileCache--Keep More Files Open Tha...
via low-level system call : sysopen
sockets : socket
openlog( ) : Sys::Syslog--Perl Interface to UNIX...
open_connection subroutine : Socket Library
operands : Number of Operands
operating system : Perl in a Nutshell
operator mask : Safe--Create Safe Namespaces for Ev...
Operator Overview
access : Array and Object Access Operators
Arithmetic and Mathematical Functions
Arithmetic Operators
associativity of
Operator Associativity
autogeneration : Autogeneration
bitwise : Bitwise Operators
combined with assignment : Assignment with Operation
comparison : Comparison Operators
data types with : Type of Operands
logical : Logical Operators
overloading : overload--Overload Perl's Mathemati...
File Test Operators
precedence of
Operator Precedence
string : String Operators
types of : Number of Operands
optimizing performance (see performance)
Option element
Form Elements
Form Element Names and Values
Option Object
<option> tags
The <select> Tag
HTML syntax
Menus and Scrolled Lists
The <option> Tag
Form Element Names and Values
Forms and Form Elements
The Select and Option objects
options, Perl command-line : Command Processing
OPTIONS method : Other methods
options[ ] property
Forms and Form Elements
Removing Elements from an Array
The Select and Option objects
OR operators
Programming with Style
^ operator
Bitwise Xor (^)
Awk Traps
| operator
Bitwise Operators
Bitwise Or (|)
|| operator
C-style Logical (Short Circuit) Ope...
Miscellaneous Differences
Logical Or (||)
Logical and, or, not, and xor
Oracle Cursor : A Gateway to an Oracle Database
Oracle databases
A Gateway to an Oracle Database
Utilities and Applications
A Gateway to an Oracle Database
ord function : ord
order (see precedence)
of array elements, reversing : Array Methods
of code execution : Execution of JavaScript Programs
for/in statement looping : for...in
function precedence : Functions
Netscape 2.0 buttons and checkboxes : Backward radio and checkbox arrays
of operations : Operator Precedence
ordered lists
Unordered, Ordered, and Definition Lists
Ordered Lists
The style and class attributes
nesting : Nested Ordered Lists
$ORS (see $\ variable)
osax (Open Scripting Architecture eXtended)
$OSNAME (see $^O variable)
$OS_ERROR (see $! variable)
output (see also filehandles)
checking file descriptors for : select (ready file descriptors)
from CGI programs
How come my Perl CGI program runs f...
Complete (Non-Parsed) Headers
embedding in other programs
Executing CGI Programs
Counting Days Until . . .
to sockets : Socket I/O in Perl
field separator (see $, variable)
flushing : Flushing Generated Output
inserting from programs : exec
pipes : Pipes
record separator (see $\ variable)
selecting filehandles for : select (output filehandle)
from SSI directives : Tailoring SSI Output
test script : The test script output
$OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH (see $| variable)
$OUTPUT_FIELD_SEPARATOR (see $, variable)
$OUTPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR (see $\ variable)
overload module : overload--Overload Perl's Mathemati...
functions : Scalar and list context
methods, LiveConnect and : Problems with overloaded methods
run-time overloading : Run-time overloading
Overloaded( ) : Public functions
base class methods : Overriding Base Class Methods
functions : Overriding Built-in Functions
MakeMaker methods : Overriding MakeMaker methods
array elements : Arrays in Navigator 2.0
objects : The assign() Method
scripts : Overwriting the current script
top-level variables : var
ownership, file : chown

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