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- \n
- whitespace, newline characters
: Escape Sequences in String Literals
- n attribute (<nextid>)
: The n attribute
- n command (debugger)
: Debugger Commands
- n newline">\n (newline character)
: Perl (UNIX, Windows, Macintosh)
- -n switch, perl
: Switches
- name attribute
- Text and Password Fields
- Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
- <a>
- The name attribute
- Hyperlink Names and Navigation
- Attributes
- <applet>
- Attributes
- The name attribute
- The JavaObject Object
- Interacting with Applets
- <embed>
- The name attribute
- Attributes
- The JavaObject Object
- <form>
- Form Element Names and Values
- Naming Forms and Form Elements
- The name attribute
- <frame>
- Attributes
- Frames
- The <frame> Tag
- The name attribute
- Attributes
- Window and Frame Names
- <img>
- The name, onAbort, onError, and onL...
- Images in tables
- <input>
- Attributes
- The <input> Tag
- Text and Password Fields
- <layer>
: The name attribute
- <map> tag
: Attributes
- <meta>
- The name attribute
- Attributes
- <object>
- The id and name attributes
- Attributes
- <param>
- The name and value attributes
- Attributes
- <select> tag
- Attributes
- The <select> Tag
- with radio buttons
: Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
name property
- Other Window Programming Techniques
- for Element object
- for form elements
: Form Element Names and Values
- for Image object
- for Plugin object
- for Window object
- The Window Object
name servers
: Talking the Internet Talk
name space
: The JavaScript Name Space
name=value pairs
: The Set-Cookie Response Header
named pipes
: Named pipes
named parameters
- Passing parameters explicitly
- Using named parameters with GET app...
named unary operators
- Filename globbing operator
- Named Unary and File Test Operators
names (see HTTP_USER_AGENT)
- arrays
: Variables
- browser (see HTTP_USER_AGENT)
- capitalization conventions
: Variables
- case sensitivity
: Case Sensitivity
- color
: Color Names
- commands
: Verbs
- current working directory
: Cwd--Get Pathname of Current Workin...
- entities (see entities)
- file
: Other literal tokens
- for files (see filenames)
- format (see format names)
- functions
: Verbs
- getting from network addresses
- gethostbyaddr
- getnetbyaddr
- getting from port number
: getservbyname
- global variables
: vars--Predeclare Global Variable Names
- hashes
: Variables
- labels and filehandles
: Variables
- modules
: Modules
- modules/packages
: Programming with Style
- package identifiers
: Packages
- program (see $0 variable)
- protocol
: getprotobynumber
- getting from port number
: getservbyport
- signals
: Signals
- subroutine
: Subroutines
- subroutines
: Variables
- translating to network addresses
- gethostbyname
- getnetbyname
- typeglobs
- Typeglobs and Filehandles
- Passing Symbol Table Entries (Typeglobs)
- user (see REMOTE_HOST)
- variable
- Symbol--Generate Anonymous Globs; Q...
- Programming with Style
- variables
- Nouns
- Variables
names (identifiers)
: Identifiers
- browser window
: Window and Frame Names
- forms and form elements
: Naming Forms and Form Elements
- function
: The Function() Constructor
- function arguments
: The arguments[] Array
- of properties, as strings
: Objects as Associative Arrays
- reserved words
: Reserved Words
- for standard colors
: JavaScript and HTML Color Names and...
names for colors
: Color Names
namespace (see packages)
- creating safe
: Safe--Create Safe Namespaces for Ev...
- case conventions
- Classes in JavaScript
- Event Handlers in JavaScript
- socket
: bind
NaN (not-a-number)
- Core Language Changes
- Special Numeric Values
- Converting Strings to Numbers
- isNaN()
- equality and
: Inequality (!=)
NaN (Not-a-Number)
: Number.NaN
NaN (value)
- isNaN( ) Function
- Constants
natural languages
: Natural and Artificial Languages
natural logarithms
: Math Object
- The Location Object
- Window.navigate()
Navigator 2.0
: Client-Side JavaScript
- arrays in
: Arrays in Navigator 2.0
- bugs in
: Commonly Encountered JavaScript Bug...
- differences from 3.0
: Differences between Navigator 2.0 a...
- memory management
: Per-Page Memory Management in Navig...
- security holes/hobbles
: Security Holes and Security Hobbles
- SRC attribute and
: Included Files and Compatibility wi...
Navigator 3.0
- JavaScript Is Not Java Simplified
- Client-Side JavaScript
- bugs in
: Known JavaScript Bugs in Navigator 3.0
- documentation
: Official Netscape Documentation
- enabling data tainting
: Enabling Data Tainting in Navigator 3.0
- image manipulation
: Image Manipulation
- JavaScript HTML entity
- JavaScript Entities
- JavaScript Entity Execution
- reference counting
: Reference Counting in Navigator 3.0
- scripts exclusively for
: The LANGUAGE Attribute
- security
: JavaScript Security
- security hobbles in
: Security Hobbles in Navigator 3.0
- special numeric constants
: Special Numeric Values
Navigator 4.0
: A Preview of Navigator 4.0
Navigator object
- Still More Features
- The Navigator, MimeType, and Plugin...
- navigator
- Navigator
- Navigator.appCodeName
- Navigator.appName
- Navigator.appVersion
- Navigator.javaEnabled()
- Navigator.mimeTypes[]
- Navigator.plugins[]
- Navigator.plugins.refresh()
- Navigator.taintEnabled()
- Navigator.userAgent
- Navigator Object
navigator property
- The Navigator, MimeType, and Plugin...
- navigator
- Properties
NCSA imagemap program
: GET vs. POST
NCSA server (see also web servers)
- access log
: Web Server Accesses
NDBM_File module
: AnyDBM_File--Provide Framework for ...
NDBM_File mofule
: NDBM_File--Tied Access to NDBM Files
ne operator
: Universal Blunders
- arithmetic (-) operator
: Ideographic Unary Operators
- bitwise (~) operator
: Ideographic Unary Operators
- logical (!) operator
: Ideographic Unary Operators
- of character class
: Quantifiers
negation (-) operator
: Unary Negation (-)
negative infinity (-Inf)
- Special Numeric Values
negative lookahead asserion
: Regular expression extensions
: Constants
- data structures, printed
: Debugger Commands
- destruction
: Destructors
- framesets
: Nested Framesets
- HTML tags
: HTML Tag Syntax
- lists
- A Brief Tutorial: Manipulating List...
- Data Structure Code Examples
- packages
: Packages
nested arrays (see multidimentional arrays)
- content-based style tags
: Combining Content-Based Styles
- <frameset> tags
: Nesting <frameset> Tags
- lists
: Nesting Lists
- physical style tags
: Combining Physical Styles
- styles
: Contextual Selectors
- tables in forms
: Building forms with nested tables
- tags
: Proper and Improper Nesting
Net: :Ping module
: Net::Ping--Check Whether a Host Is ...
: Utilities and Applications
- Standalone JavaScript
- documentation
: Official Netscape Documentation
Netscape Navigator
- Golden Threads
- Nonstandard Extensions
- Netscape Navigator HTML Exclusives
- executable applications
- Applets
- The type and valuetype attributes
- plug-ins
- Video Extensions
- Embedding Other Document Types
Netscape persistent cookies
- Netscape Persistent Cookies
netscape property
- netscape
- Packages.netscape
- Properties
- Properties
NetSite server
: Other Languages Under Microsoft Windows
network address
- translating to names
: getnetbyaddr
network addresses
- translating to names
: gethostbyaddr
Network News Transfer Protocol (see NNTP)
- Java activity and
: Java network activity can cause exc...
networks file (see /etc/networks file)
networks, Perl and
: Networking
new command
: Cookie Server
new method
: new
new operator
- Data Type Wrapper Objects
- Object Creation Operator (new)
- Creating New Objects with Constructors
- Creating Arrays
- JavaClass object and
: The JavaClass Object
new( )
: FileHandle--Supply Object Methods f...
newline (\n) characters
: Perl (UNIX, Windows, Macintosh)
newline (\\n) characters
: Multipart Forms
\\n (newline character)
: Multipart Forms
newline characters (see whitespace)
- boundary assertions and
: The rules of regular expression matching
- removing
: Filehandles
- in string literals
: String literals
newpath operator
: Another Example: System Load Average
news URL
: The news URL
: Usenet Newsgroups
newsgroups, JavaScript
: Discussion of JavaScript
new_from_fd( )
: FileHandle--Supply Object Methods f...
next operator
- Breaking out: next and last
- Loop control
- next
- next if construct
: Time Efficiency
next property
- Properties
<nextid> tag
- The <nextid> Header ...
- <nextid>
NEXTKEY method
: Tying Hashes
NFA (nondeterministic finite-state automaton)
: The rules of regular expression matching
$nlink file statistic
: stat
NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol)
- Overview
- Network News on the Web
- status codes
: Network News on the Web
nntp URL
: The nntp URL
no declaration
- Pragmas
- no
"No Response" status code
: The "No Response" Code
no/yes (see Boolean data type)
<nobr> tag
: <nobr>
<nobr> tags
- The <nobr> Tag
- The <wbr> Tag
NoCache method
: Form Creation and Parsing
<noembed> tag
: The <noembed> Tag
<noframes> tag
- The <noframes> Tag
- <noframes>
- Frames
nohref attribute (<area>)
- The nohref attribute
- Attributes
nomethod operator
: No method
non-contiguous array elements (see sparse arrays)
non-HTML documents
: Non-HTML Documents
non-parsed headers
- Complete (Non-Parsed) Headers
- Server Push
nondeterministic finite-state automaton (NFA)
: The rules of regular expression matching
noresize attribute
- <frame> tag
- Attributes
- Frame Layout
- The <frame> Tag
- <iframe> tag
: Attributes
noresize attribute (<frame>)
: The noresize attribute
<noscript> tag
- The <noscript> Tag
- <noscript>
- Netscape Navigator HTML Exclusives
noshade attribute (<hr>)
: The noshade attribute
noshade attribute, <hr>
: Attributes
not (!) operator
- Ideographic Unary Operators
- Logical Not (!)
not (~) operator
: Bitwise Not (~)
not equal operator (see inequality operator)
not equal to (!=) operator
: Equality Operators
"Not Found" status code
- Status Codes
- Checking Hypertext (HTTP) Links
"Not Implemented" status code
: Status Codes
Not-a-Number (NaN)
: Number.NaN
not-a-number (NaN)
- Core Language Changes
- Special Numeric Values
- Converting Strings to Numbers
- isNaN()
- equality and
: Inequality (!=)
not-a-number value
- isNaN( ) Function
- Constants
notab attribute
- <input>
: The notab and taborder Attributes
- <object>
: The notab attribute
: Nouns
nowrap attribute
- <div> tags
: The nowrap attribute
- <th> and <td>
: The nowrap attribute
- <tr>
: The nowrap attribute
nowrap attribute, <td> and <th>
- Attributes
- The <th> and <td> Tags
nph- headers
- Complete (Non-Parsed) Headers
- Server Push
$NR (see $. variable)
nroff utility
- UNIX Manual Page Gateway
- filehandle
- angle operator and
: Line input (angle) operator
- list
: List Values and Arrays
- scalars
: Boolean context
null (keyword)
- The null Literal
- Null
- breaking cyclical references
: Shortcomings of Garbage Collection ...
- converting
- Conversions to Strings
- Conversions to Numbers
- Conversions to booleans
- Conversions to Objects
- testing for existence with
: Event Handlers
number (see _ _LINE_ _ token)
: Number Object
- line (see _ _LINE_ _ token)
- port
- getting protocol name from
: getservbyport
- port, getting name for
: getservbyname
- protocol
: getprotobynumber
Number object
- Number
- Number.MAX_VALUE
- Number.MIN_VALUE
- Number.NaN
- Number.prototype
- Number.toString()
- Number.valueOf()
: Conversions to Objects
numbered lists (see ordered lists)
- Numbers
- Converting Strings to Numbers
- binary
: Bitwise Operators
- command (see command history, debugger and)
- comparing in awk
: a2p
- comparison operators for
: Comparison Operators
- complex
: Math::Complex--Complex Numbers Package
- converting (see converting)
- converting to
- parseFloat()
- parseInt()
- \d (for digit)
: Regular Expressions
- digits in names
: Variables
- floating-point
- Math::BigFloat--Arbitrary-Length, F...
- Conversion of floating-point values...
- Still More Features
- Floating-Point Literals
- Numbers
- parseFloat()
- hexadecimal (see hexadecimal characters)
- The rules of regular expression matching
- hex
- Octal and Hexadecimal Literals
- integer
: integer--Do Arithmetic in Integer I...
- integers
- Math::BigInt--Arbitrary-Length Inte...
- Integer Literals
- parseInt()
- JavaScript range of
- Number.MAX_VALUE
- Number.MIN_VALUE
- justifying by decimal point
: Formats
- large, underscore and
: Numeric literals
- Math object
: Math Object
- NaN (see NaN)
- Number object
: Number Object
- octal (see octal characters)
- The rules of regular expression matching
- oct
- Octal and Hexadecimal Literals
- Escape Sequences in String Literals
- for pages
: Per-Filehandle Special Variables
- parseFloat( )
- parseFloat( ) Function
- parseInt( ) Function
- psuedo-random
: Math.random()
- random
- rand
- srand
- size of
: Floating-Point Literals
- truncating with int
: int
numeric context
: Conversions to Numbers
numeric literals
: Numeric literals
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