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Index: H

.h filename extension : 1.17. Filename Extensions
Hacker's Dictionary, The : 51.8. Type Bang Splat. Don't Forget the Rabbit Ears
hackerese, interpreting : 51.8. Type Bang Splat. Don't Forget the Rabbit Ears
hacking : 1.7. Power Grows on You
half duplex system : 41.2.1. How We Made It This Far (Back?)
half-baked mode : (see cbreak mode)
HANGUP signal
automatically killing background processes : 38.17. Automatically Kill Background Processes on Logout in csh
hangup signal : (see HUP (hangup) signal)
hard disk quota limits : 24.17. Disk Quotas
hard links
14.14. Automatic Setup When You Enter/Exit a Directory
18.4. More About Links
(see also symbolic links)
copying : 18.15. Copying Directory Trees with cp -r
finding : 17.22. Finding the Links to a File
hardpaths shell variable
6.9. Special C Shell Variables
14.13. Which Directory Am I in, Really?
hardware flow control : (see RTS/CTS flow control)
hardware platforms : 52.5.3. Installing Pre-Compiled Binaries
hash mark : (see #)
head command, piping ps output to : 38.5. The ps Command
head script
25.20. Printing the Top of a File
52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
header files in /usr/include : Functions, Libraries, and Header Files
headers, editing : Unsharring the Sources
help : 50.1. UNIX Online Documentation
man pages : (see manual pages)
help command (lpc) : 43.3. Printer Control with lpc
here documents
8.18. Here Documents
9.14. Using Here Documents for Form Letters, etc.
19.2. Introduction to Shell Archives
hereis document terminators : 45.26. Quoted hereis Document Terminators: sh vs. csh
hexadecimal values : 51.3. ASCII Characters: Listing and Getting Values
hey script
16.15. Script with a :-) for UNIX Converts: dir, ..., ...
52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
hgrep : 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
hgrep script : 27.20. A Highlighting grep
hidden files : (see dot files)
hierarchical filesystems
1.19. The Tree Structure of the Filesystem
18.1. What's So Complicated About Copying Files?
High Sierra format : 52.5.1. CD-ROM Formats
in shell prompts : 7.8. Highlighting in Shell Prompts
highlighting text : 27.20. A Highlighting grep
histchars shell variable
6.9. Special C Shell Variables
11.15. Changing C Shell History Characters with histchars
HISTFILESIZE environment variable : 11.11. Picking Up Where You Left Off
history command : 11.1. The Lessons of History
.history file : 11.11. Picking Up Where You Left Off
history of command
11.1. The Lessons of History
11.14. More Ways to Do Interactive History Editing
editing substitutions : 9.6. String Editing (Colon) Operators
history substitutions : 11.1. The Lessons of History
passing to other shells : 11.12. Pass History to Another Shell
history shell variable
6.8. Shell Variables
6.9. Special C Shell Variables
11.1. The Lessons of History
history substitutions
8.5. Command-Line Evaluation
10.3. C Shell Aliases with Command-Line Arguments
HISTSIZE environment variable
11.1. The Lessons of History
11.11. Picking Up Where You Left Off
HOLD SCREEN button : 42.2.1. Output Stopped?
home directory
1.20. Your Home Directory
6.3. Predefined Environment Variables
finding : 14.11. Finding (Anyone's) Home Directory, Quickly
organizing : 4.1. What? Me, Organized?
HOME environment variable
6.3. Predefined Environment Variables
14.11. Finding (Anyone's) Home Directory, Quickly
in C shell : 47.2.5. Variable Syntax
.cshrc.$HOST file for : 2.13. A .cshrc.$HOST File for Per Host Setup
hrs field in crontab entries : 40.12.1. Execution Scheduling
hsfs (High Sierra Filesystem) : 52.5.2. Mounting the CD-ROM
HTML file extension : 1.17. Filename Extensions
.html filename extension : 1.17. Filename Extensions
hung terminals, fixing : 5.6. Checklist: Terminal Hangs When I Log In
HUP (hangup) signal : 38.8. What Are Signals?
hyphen : (see - (hyphen))

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