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Index: J

Jargon File : 51.8. Type Bang Splat. Don't Forget the Rabbit Ears
job numbers
deleting : 40.9. Checking and Removing Jobs
jobs : 38.3. Managing Processes: Overall Concepts
checking : 40.9. Checking and Removing Jobs
jobs <file : 38.17. Automatically Kill Background Processes on Logout in csh
jobs and job control
advantages : 12.1. Job Control: Work Faster, Stop Runaway Jobs
autowrite and : 12.4. Job Control and autowrite: Real Time Savers!
background processing : 1.26. What a Multiuser System Can Do for You
changed job state notification : 12.6. Notification When Jobs Change State
changing the priority of : 39.11. Changing a Job's Priority Under BSD UNIX
deciding when to run : 40.5. Avoiding Other at and cron Jobs
fixing hung : 42.2. Fixing a Hung Terminal or Job
interrupting jobs : 12.7. Stop Background Output with stty tostop
killing foreground : 38.9. Killing Foreground Jobs
removing : 40.9. Checking and Removing Jobs
repeating the next weedkay : 40.10. nextday, nextweekday: Tomorrow or Next Weekday
running at night : 40.1. Off-Peak Job Submission
stopping : 12.5. System Overloaded? Try Stopping Some Jobs
jobs command
12.1.1. Foreground and Background
42.2.2. Job Stopped?
jobs | command : 38.17. Automatically Kill Background Processes on Logout in csh
join command : 35.19. Joining Lines with join
examples : 45.11. The Multipurpose jot Command
jot command
45.11. The Multipurpose jot Command
52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
ASCII to decimal conversion : 51.3. ASCII Characters: Listing and Getting Values
disadvantages : 51.3. ASCII Characters: Listing and Getting Values
getting control characters using : 45.35.2. With tr and echo
Joy, Bill : 5.2. The Idea of a Terminal Database

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