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UNIX Power Tools

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Shell Programming for the Initiated
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45.26 Quoted hereis Document Terminators: sh vs. csh

At the times you need to quote your hereis document (8.18 ) terminators there's an annoying problem: sh and csh demand different conventions. If you are using sh , you must not quote the terminator. For example,

#! /bin/sh
cat << 'eof'
Hi there.

If you are using csh , however, you must quote the terminator. The script:

#! /bin/csh
cat << \eof
Hi.  You might expect this to be the only line, but it's not.

prints three lines, not one.

- CT in net.unix-wizards on Usenet, 20 July 1984

Previous: 45.25 Shell Scripts On-the-Fly from Standard Input UNIX Power Tools Next: 45.27 Turn Off echo for "Secret" Answers
45.25 Shell Scripts On-the-Fly from Standard Input Book Index 45.27 Turn Off echo for "Secret" Answers

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