2.13 A .cshrc.$HOST File for Per Host SetupI work with different types of machines every day. It is often necessary to set things up differently for, say, a Linux box, than a SPARCstation. Going beyond that, you may want to set things up differently on a per-host basis. I have this test in my .cshrc file:
So, if I log in to a machine named (50.7 ) bosco , and I have a file called ~/lib/cshrc.hosts/cshrc.bosco , I can source (44.23 ) it to customize my environment for that one machine. Examples of things you would put in a .cshrc.$HOST file:
In general, this idea allows you to group together whatever exceptions you want for a machine, rather than having to write a series of switch (47.6 ) or if statements (47.3 ) throughout your .cshrc and .login files. - |