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Index: L

la function : 10.9. Shell Functions
last access time : 21.5. What Good Is a File's Last Access Time?
deleting by : 23.20. Deleting Stale Files
last modification : (see modification time, file)
lastcomm command : 39.6. lastcomm: What Commands Are Running and How Long Do They Take?
addup script using : 49.7. Total a Column with addup
leave program : 48.5. leave: A Maddening Aid to Quitting on Time
left angle bracket : (see <)
left bracket : (see [ ] (brackets))
length command (awk) : 33.11.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
lensort script
36.8. lensort: Sort Lines by Length
52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
less command : 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
less utility : 25.3. Using more to Page Through Files
-s option : 16.22. Comparing Two Directory Trees with dircmp
lesskey program : 25.4. The "less" Pager: More than "more"
lf script
16.7. ls Shortcuts: ll, lf, lg, etc.
52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
lg script : 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
functions defined in : Functions, Libraries, and Header Files
linking with : Functions, Libraries, and Header Files
in /usr/lib : Functions, Libraries, and Header Files
limit filesize command : 24.5. Limiting File Sizes
line #: ;; unexpected : 46.1.4. Missing or Extra esac, ;;, fi, etc.
line drawings : 43.12.1. troff
line editing : (see batch editing)
line function : 44.13. read: Reading from the Keyboard
line numbers : 25.21. Numbering Lines
resetting : 46.1.5. Line Numbers Reset Inside Redirected Loops
line spacing : 25.12. Double Space, Triple Space ...
line-kill character : 9.2. Fix a Line Faster with Line-Kill and Word-Erase
line-wrapping : 42.5. Checklist: Screen Size Messed Up?
lines in files
counting : 29.6. Counting Lines, Words, and Characters: wc
searching for : 45.11. The Multipurpose jot Command
linespeed switches : 5.3. Setting the Terminal Type When You Log In
links : 18.4. More About Links
between directories : 18.7. Linking Directories
copying : 18.15. Copying Directory Trees with cp -r
creating/removing : 18.5. Creating and Removing Links
to directories : 18.4.2. Links to a Directory
disk space and : 24.4. Save Space with a Link
errors caused by : 50.12. Common UNIX Error Messages
to filenames
18.4.1. Differences Between Hard and Symbolic Links
44.22. Finding a Program Name; Multiple Program Names
45.13. Save Disk Space and Programming: Multiple Names for a Program
finding : 17.22. Finding the Links to a File
hard : (see hard links)
invalid : 18.6. Stale Symbolic Links
to programs
44.22. Finding a Program Name; Multiple Program Names
45.13. Save Disk Space and Programming: Multiple Names for a Program
relinking : 18.14. Relinking Multiple Symbolic Links
symbolic : (see symbolic links)
list.base program : 48.10. Working with Names and Addresses
literal percent sign, creating : 40.14. Including Standard Input Within a cron Entry
Litmaath, Maarten : 13.16. Store and Show Errors with logerrs
ll script : 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
lm script : 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
ln command
18.5. Creating and Removing Links
52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
-s option
18.5. Creating and Removing Links
18.7. Linking Directories
lndir program : 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
lndir script : 18.7. Linking Directories
load averages
39.7. Checking System Load: uptime
39.12.1. The CPU
local dictionary files : 29.1. The UNIX spell Command
locate program : 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
locate script : 17.18. Using "Fast find"
45.36. Shell Lockfile
(see also file permissions)
creating : 45.36. Shell Lockfile
examples : 45.36. Shell Lockfile
log command (awk) : 33.11.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
LOGDIR environment variable
6.3. Predefined Environment Variables
14.11. Finding (Anyone's) Home Directory, Quickly
logerrs script
13.16. Store and Show Errors with logerrs
52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
logging in
2.1. Customizing the Shell
38.2. fork and exec
to another user's account : 22.22. The su Command Isn't Just for the Superuser
changing login sequence : 2.12. Automatic Setups for Different Terminals
multiple sessions : 22.22.1. Ending or Suspending
showing login messages once : 2.15. Unclutter Logins: Show Login Messages Just Once
showing new message lines : 2.14. motd.diff: Show New Lines in Login Messages
logging, disk space and : 24.2. Save Space with Bit Bucket Log Files and Mailboxes
logical operators : (see operators, logical)
.login file
2.2.2. C Shell
2.7. C Shell Setup Files Aren't Read When You Want Them to Be?
2.8. Identifying Login Shells
2.12. Automatic Setups for Different Terminals
if statements in : 47.3. Conditional Statements with if
once-a-day setup : 2.5.3. Once-a-Day Setup
setting search path : 8.7.1. Setting Path in Shell Setup Files
setting terminal type : 5.3. Setting the Terminal Type When You Log In
login shells
2.2. Shell Setup Files-Which, Where, and Why
2.2.2. C Shell
2.8. Identifying Login Shells
51.9. Making a "Login" Shell
identifying : 2.8. Identifying Login Shells
unapproved : 2.16. Approved Shells: Using Unapproved Login Shell
loginshell variable : 2.8. Identifying Login Shells
LOGNAME environment variable
6.3. Predefined Environment Variables
6.9. Special C Shell Variables
.logout file
2.2.2. C Shell
3.1. Running Commands When You Log Out
long-line wrapping : 42.6.3. Set Width, Test Line Wrapping: longlines
longlines file
42.6.3. Set Width, Test Line Wrapping: longlines
52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
look command
27.18. Fast Searches and Spelling Checks with "look"
29.3. How Do I Spell That Word?
52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
lookfor script
17.21. lookfor: Which File Has that Word?
52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
1.5. Anyone Can Program the Shell
44.10. Loops That Test Exit Status
(see also under specific loop names)
alias definition : 10.6. Avoiding C Shell Alias Loops
basename command used in : 45.18.2. Use with Loops
in Bourne shells : 44.10. Loops That Test Exit Status
dirname command used in : 45.18.2. Use with Loops
exit status of : 45.19. A while Loop with Several Loop Control Commands
find command used in : 45.18.2. Use with Loops
for : (see for loop)
foreach : (see foreach loop)
if-then-else : 10.7. How to Put if-then-else in a C Shell Alias
increment number in : 45.11. The Multipurpose jot Command
jot command in : 45.11. The Multipurpose jot Command
parameters for : 9.11. Repeating a Command with a foreach Loop
split command used in : 45.18.2. Use with Loops
testing exit status : 44.10. Loops That Test Exit Status
lp command : 43.2.1. System V Printing Commands
lp spooler, defined : 43.1. Introduction to Printing
lpc help command : 43.3. Printer Control with lpc
lpc restart command : 43.3. Printer Control with lpc
lpc status command : 43.2.2. Berkeley Printing Commands
lpq command : 43.2.2. Berkeley Printing Commands
shell script running : 38.11. Printer Queue Watcher: A Restartable Daemon Shell Script
lpr command : 43.2.2. Berkeley Printing Commands
errors caused by : 50.12. Common UNIX Error Messages
examples : 44.16. Handling Command-Line Arguments with a for Loop
lpr spooler, defined : 43.1. Introduction to Printing
lprm command : 43.2.2. Berkeley Printing Commands
lpstat command : 43.2.1. System V Printing Commands
lr command : 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
ls command
2.15. Unclutter Logins: Show Login Messages Just Once
16.3. Reordering ls Listings
16.6. clf, cls: "Compressed" ls Listings
16.9. An Alias to List Recently Changed Files
52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
-A option : 16.11. Showing Hidden Files with ls -A and -a
-a option : 16.11. Showing Hidden Files with ls -A and -a
aliases for
16.7. ls Shortcuts: ll, lf, lg, etc.
16.12. Useful ls Aliases
-b option : 16.14. Showing Non-Printable Characters in Filenames
-c option : 16.2. Finding Oldest or Newest Files with ls -t and ls -u
-C option
16.3. Reordering ls Listings
16.12. Useful ls Aliases
-ctime option : 21.6. A File's Inode Change (not "Creation"!) Time
-d option : 16.8. The ls -d Option
-F option
16.6. clf, cls: "Compressed" ls Listings
16.12. Useful ls Aliases
18.6. Stale Symbolic Links
file searches with : 9.24. Get File List by Editing Output of ls -l, grep, etc.
filenames and : 1.16. Wildcards
-i option
1.22. How UNIX Keeps Track of Files: Inodes
18.4.1. Differences Between Hard and Symbolic Links
-l option
1.22. How UNIX Keeps Track of Files: Inodes
16.25. Listing Files by Age and Size
16.29. sls: Super ls with Format You Can Choose
22.15. Juggling Permissions
-L option : 18.6. Stale Symbolic Links
-ld option : Watching Directories
links and : 18.4.1. Differences Between Hard and Symbolic Links
-m option : 16.7. ls Shortcuts: ll, lf, lg, etc.
-q option : 16.13. Can't Access a File? Look for Spaces in the Name
-r option : 16.3. Reordering ls Listings
-R option : 16.4. List All Subdirectories with ls -R
-s option : 17.14. Searching for Files by Size
-t option : 16.2. Finding Oldest or Newest Files with ls -t and ls -u
terminfo database and : 5.10. Finding What Terminal Names You Can Use
-u option
16.2. Finding Oldest or Newest Files with ls -t and ls -u
16.3. Reordering ls Listings
-x option : 16.3. Reordering ls Listings
ls_today script
16.18. Listing Files You've Created/Edited Today
52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
lsdel program : 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc

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