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Index: O

-name option
as command-line option: 16.1.4. Option Database Lookups
example: 16.2. Using the Option Database
start_helpers_calculating subroutine and: 20.2.3. Tcl/Tk Master Processor Code
Tk::CmdLine::SetArguments and: 16.1. Using the Command Line
-nocase option: 8.16. Marks
-offset option: 8.5.1. Tag Options
17.11. Tile and Transparent Images
-offvalue option: 4.3. Table of Options for Button-Type Widgets
4.7. On and Off Values for a Checkbutton
12.2.1. Menubars the Clunky, Casual, Old-Fashioned Way
-onvalue option
Button widgets and: 4.3. Table of Options for Button-Type Widgets
Checkbuttons and: 4.7. On and Off Values for a Checkbutton
12.2.1. Menubars the Clunky, Casual, Old-Fashioned Way
-opencmd option: 18.4.3. The Tree Widget
-option option: Subroutine Callback
-options option: 12.6.1. Tk::Optionmenu
14.1. A Mega-Widget Quick-Start
-orient option
Scale widgets and: 10.1. Creating a Scale
10.3. Orientation
Scrollbars and: 6.3.2. Scrollbar Options
6.3.5. Scrollbar Orientation
TList widgets and: 18.3. The TList Widget
-outline option
Canvas widgets and: 9.5.1. Common Canvas Dash, Stipple, and Tile Options
createArc method and: 9.6.1. The Arc Item
createOval method and: 9.6.5. The Oval Item
createPolygon method and: 9.5.3. Canvas Widget Option List
createRectangle method and: 9.6.7. The Rectangle Item
-outlinestipple option: 9.5.1. Common Canvas Dash, Stipple, and Tile Options
9.6.1. The Arc Item
-outlinetile option: 9.5.1. Common Canvas Dash, Stipple, and Tile Options
-overanchor option: 12.5.2. The Popup Method
-overstrike option: 3.2. Dissecting a Font
8.5.1. Tag Options
O command (Perl): 1.6. Debugging and PrototypingPerl/Tk Programs
Object-Oriented Perl (Conway): 14.1. A Mega-Widget Quick-Start
OnDestroy method: 13.21. Waiting for Events to Happen
open method: 18.4.4. Tree Methods
openfold image: 18.5. Tix Images
OpenGL, glpOpenWindow command: 15.9.1. Embedding OpenGL in a Perl/Tk Window
openLine method: 8.16.1. Setting and Getting the Gravity
operating systems
colormap complications and: 11.3.6. Colormap Complications
differences for Listbox modes: 7.3.1. Operating System Differences
identifer: 12.3. The Win32 System Menu Item
operators used with tags: 9.9. Tags
option database: 16.1.4. Option Database Lookups
option menus: 12.6. Option Menus
optionAdd method: 16.2. Using the Option Database
16.2.1. Manipulating Resources with option* Methods
optionClear method: 16.2.1. Manipulating Resources with option* Methods
optionGet method: 16.2.1. Manipulating Resources with option* Methods
Optionmenu widget: 12.6.1. Tk::Optionmenu
optionReadfile method: 16.2. Using the Option Database
16.2.1. Manipulating Resources with option* Methods
options, order of precedence: 16. User Customization
option/value pairs
alignment suggestions: 1.5.1. Programming Style
as resource: 16. User Customization
packInfo method and: Retrieving pack information
qw operator and: 1.3.3. Specifying Options
syntax for: 1.3.3. Specifying Options
Ousterhout, John K.: 1.2.2. The Coming of Tcl/Tk
ovals: 9.6.5. The Oval Item
9.6.5. The Oval Item
overanchor point: 12.5.2. The Popup Method
overridedirect method: 11.3. Options
12.5.2. The Popup Method
OverstrikeMode method: 8.16.1. Setting and Getting the Gravity
owner method: 19.5.3. Locking an SDB File

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