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Index: C

C programming, for resolvers: 15.2. C Programming with the Resolver Library Routines
C-style and C++-style comments: 4.3. Setting Up a BIND Configuration File
cache directive: The db.root file
E.2.4. cache
cache file: 4.2.10. The Root Hints Data
cached data, TTL for: 2.7.1. Time to Live
caching: 2.7. Caching
cleaning interval for: Cleaning interval
configuring TTL limits and: 10.12.4. TTLs
corrupted, troubleshooting: 14.7.7. Can't Get Rid of Old Data
forwarders and: 10.5. Forwarding
missing cache data: 14.3.7. Missing Root Hints Data
negative: 13.4. The Resolver Search Algorithm and Negative Caching (BIND 8)
14.5.7. Other Name Servers Don't Cache Your Negative Answers
caching-only name servers: 8.2.2. Caching-Only Servers
benefits of: 8.2.2. Caching-Only Servers
registering name servers and: 8.3. Registering Name Servers
Campbell, Nigel: 8.1.2. Capacity Planning
cannot set resource limits message: 7.6.1. Common Syslog Messages
canonical domain name: 1.3. The Domain Name System in a Nutshell
mail exchangers and: 5.3. The MX Algorithm
canonical name records (see CNAME records)
canonicalization: 4.2.6. Address and Alias Records
filter for: 6.3.3. Updating .rhosts, hosts.equiv, etc.
sendmail program and: 6.3.2. Electronic Mail
capacity planning: 8.1.2. Capacity Planning
carriage return, treatment of: 10.13. Compatibility
case sensitivity: A.1.1. Character Case
zone data files and: 4.2.1. The Zone Data Files
categories: 7.5. Logging in BIND 8 and 9
7.5.3. Category Details
default: 7.5. Logging in BIND 8 and 9
chain of trust: 11.4.5. The Chain of Trust
channels: 7.5. Logging in BIND 8 and 9
7.5.2. Channel Details
configuring: 7.5. Logging in BIND 8 and 9
Chaosnet class: 2.1.3. Resource Records
character strings, resource record data and: A.3.1. Data Format
check-names directive: E.2.14. check-names (4.9.4+)
check_soa program
example in C: 15.2.8. A Sample Program: check_soa
example in Perl: 15.3.6. A Perl Version of check_soa
child processes: 7.1.3. Using Signals
children (see parenting subdomains)
domain names: 3.2. Choosing a Domain Name
registrars: Choosing a registrar
subdomains: 3.2.2. Where in the World Do I Fit?
third-level domains: 3.2.3. Back in the U.S.A.
top-level domains: 3.2.2. Where in the World Do I Fit?
chroot command: 11.2.4. Running BIND with Least Privilege
CIDR (classless inter-domain routing): 3.2.4. Checking That Your Network Is Registered
cities, domains named after: 3.2.3. Back in the U.S.A.
class A and B networks, subnetting: Class A and B networks
class C networks, subnetting: Class C networks
CLASS fields (zone data files): A.1.5. Classes
class w: 5.3. The MX Algorithm
classes: 2.1.3. Resource Records
A.1.5. Classes
class option (nslookup): 12.3. Option Settings
no root name servers for class message: 7.6.1. Common Syslog Messages
classless interdomain routing (CIDR): 3.2.4. Checking That Your Network Is Registered
cleaning interval: Cleaning interval
clients (see resolvers)
closest known name servers: 2.6.2. Recursion
cname category: BIND 8 categories
CNAME message: 7.6.1. Common Syslog Messages
CNAME records: 4.2.6. Address and Alias Records
6.3.2. Electronic Mail
16.1. Using CNAME Records
A.1.2. Types
chaining: 16.1.2. CNAMEs Pointing to CNAMEs
deleting: 9.7.1. Removing Parent Aliases
Looked for PTR, Found CNAME message and: 14.5.4. Resolver Reports "Looked for PTR, Found CNAME"
multiple: 16.1.4. Multiple CNAME Records
round robin load distribution and: 10.7.1. Multiple CNAMEs
order of in zone data files: 4.2.1. The Zone Data Files
query statistics for: BIND 4.9 and 8 statistics
transitioning to subdomains and: 9.7. Managing the Transition to Subdomains
using: 16.1. Using CNAME Records
A records instead of: 4.2.6. Address and Alias Records
com domain: 2.2.1. Top-Level Domains
command-line debugging: 13.2.1. Debugging Command-Line Option
command-line options used with h2n utility: 7.2.5. Generating Zone Data Files from the Host Table
commands, understood by rndc (list): 7.1.2. rndc and controls (BIND 9)
commands understood by ndc (list): 7.1.1. ndc and controls (BIND 8)
in BIND configuration file: 4.3. Setting Up a BIND Configuration File
C-style and C++ style: 4.3. Setting Up a BIND Configuration File
in resolv.conf file: 6.1.7. Comments
in zone data files: 4.2.2. Comments
Compaq (see Tru64 Unix)
compatibility, between resolvers and name servers: 10.13. Compatibility
compiling BIND: C. Compiling and Installing BIND on Linux
compressing domain names: 15.2.3. Domain Name Compression
conditions for checking sources of host information, specifying: 6.4.2. Sun's Solaris 2.x
config category: BIND 8 categories
configuration syntax in different versions of BIND: 3.1. Getting BIND
4.3. Setting Up a BIND Configuration File
channels: 7.5. Logging in BIND 8 and 9
dialup connections: 16.4. Dialup Connections
hosts: 6. Configuring Hosts
consequences of: 6.3. Minimizing Pain and Suffering
vendor-specific resolver configurations: 6.4. Vendor -Specific Options
incremental zone transfers, for BIND 9: 10.4.4. BIND 9 IXFR Configuration
IPv6 transport: 10.15.2. Configuring the IPv6 Transport
resolvers: 6.1. The Resolver
sample configurations for: 6.2. Sample Resolver Configurations
9.4.2. Creating and Delegating a Subdomain
TSIG: 11.1.3. Configuring TSIG
TTL limits: 10.12.4. TTLs
connectivity: 5.2. What's a Mail Exchanger, Again?
14.3.3. Slave Name Server Can't Load Zone Data
choosing hosts and: 8.1.1. Where Do I Put My Name Servers?
dialup connections: 16.4. Dialup Connections
loss of: 14.3.8. Loss of Network Connectivity
14.3.8. Loss of Network Connectivity
outages and: 8.6.2. Longer Outages (Days)
parenting and: 9. Parenting
contrib/named-bootconf: 4.3. Setting Up a BIND Configuration File
control channels, using instead of signals: 7.1. Controlling the Name Server
control messages
changing debugging level with: 13.2.2. Changing the Debugging Level with Control Messages
configuring name servers to listen for: 7.1.1. ndc and controls (BIND 8)
control session, command for ending: 7.1.1. ndc and controls (BIND 8)
control statement: 7.3. Organizing Your Files
controls statements
ndc and: 7.1.1. ndc and controls (BIND 8)
rndc and: 7.1.2. rndc and controls (BIND 9)
core size limit, changing: Changing the core size limit
counter, designing for incrementing serial numbers: 7.2.2. SOA Serial Numbers
counties, domains named after: 3.2.3. Back in the U.S.A.
countries, domains named after: 2.2.1. Top-Level Domains
3.2.2. Where in the World Do I Fit?
counts, table of: BIND 4.9 and 8 statistics
CPU utilization: 8.1.2. Capacity Planning
subdomains: 9.4. How to Become a Parent: Creating Subdomains
views: 10.6. Views
credibility measures: 14.2.3. How to Read a Database Dump
critical severity: 7.5. Logging in BIND 8 and 9
cryptographic checksums (see one-way hash functions)
cryptography, public key (see public key cryptography)

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