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Index: Symbols and Numbers

/* */ comments: 4.3. Setting Up a BIND Configuration File
- hyphen: 4.5. Host Name Checking (BIND 4.9.4 and Later Versions)
* asterisk: 16.2. Wildcards
// comments: 4.3. Setting Up a BIND Configuration File
. dot
local domain name and: 6.1.1. The Local Domain Name
ndots option: E.5.6. options ndots (4.9+)
ndots setting for: 6.1.6. The options Directive
indicating root node: 1.3. The Domain Name System in a Nutshell
separating domain name labels: 1.3. The Domain Name System in a Nutshell
trailing: 4.2.4. SOA Records
6.1.2. The Search List
importance of not omitting: 4.4.1. Appending Domain Names
indicating absolute domain name: 2.1.1. Domain Names
A.1. Master File Format
troubleshooting: 14.3.6. Missing Dot at the End of a Domain Name in a Zone Data File
# hash mark for comments: 4.3. Setting Up a BIND Configuration File
@ notation: 4.4.2. The @ Notation
A.1. Master File Format
() parentheses: 4.2.4. SOA Records
A.1. Master File Format
# pound sign: 4.3. Setting Up a BIND Configuration File
; semicolon
starting comments: 4.2.2. Comments
4.3. Setting Up a BIND Configuration File
A.1. Master File Format
E.5.4. ; and # (4.9+)
in resolv.conf file comments: 6.1.7. Comments
/ slash: 1.3. The Domain Name System in a Nutshell
2.1. The Domain Name Space
_ underscore: 4.5. Host Name Checking (BIND 4.9.4 and Later Versions)

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