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Ignite-UX Administration Guide: for HP-UX 11i > Chapter 10 Booting and Installing HP-UX on Clients Using the Server

Installation Using the Ignite-UX GUI


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This section describes how to add clients to the Ignite-UX server using the GUI, and then how to use the GUI to manage Ignite-UX tasks. The Ignite-UX GUI only runs on an Ignite-UX server. Ignite uses a terminal user interface (TUI) with keyboard navigation when run remotely from a client or other system.

This section does not address configuring the Ignite-UX server for network boot. To do that, see Chapter 3 and Chapter 4.

Prepare the Client for Installation

Begin your installation process with “Preparing the Client for Installation ”.

Starting Ignite-UX

Launch Ignite-UX on the server as superuser:


The Ignite-UX GUI will be displayed, similar to Figure 10-2.

Figure 10-2 Ignite-UX Graphical User Interface

Ignite-UX Graphical User Interface

If this is the first time Ignite-UX has been run on this server, a message will be displayed first, informing you that there are no clients found (Figure 3-1). The Ignite-UX welcome dialog box will also be displayed unless you have previously checked the Do not show this screen again checkbox (Figure 3-2).

Adding Clients

A client must already be running HP-UX in order to be added to the Ignite-UX server. If the client is not running, see “Booting PA-RISC Clients from the Console ” or “Booting Itanium-Based Clients using the Network”.

There are two ways to add a client:

  1. Boot it from the Ignite-UX server by selecting Actions->Boot Client. For detailed information, see “Booting a Client”.

  2. Add it for the purpose of recovery archive creation by selecting Actions->Add New Client for Recovery. For detailed information, see “Adding Clients for Recovery ”.

After a client is displayed in the GUI workspace, you can:

  • Click a client icon to select it for further actions.

  • Double-click the client icon to display the Client Status dialog box.

  • Right-click to activate the Actions menu for the selected client.

For more about the available Ignite-UX selections, see “Introduction to the Ignite-UX Graphical User Interface”, or select Help.

Booting a Client

To add a client to the Ignite-UX server, use the GUI to boot a client currently running HP-UX.

To boot a client, follow these steps:

  1. From the Ignite-UX workspace, select Actions->Boot Client.

    Figure 10-3 Boot Client Dialog Box

    Boot Client Dialog Box
  2. Enter the name of the client in the Hostname text box. If a client was selected, its name is in the Hostname box.

  3. From the Releases list, select the HP-UX release you want to boot this client with.

    The Match Client selection uses the HP-UX version the client was last installed with from the server. If this is the first installation, the server finds out what is currently running on the client, and uses that release.

    Make sure you have a configuration on the server for the release you select, otherwise you will not be able to install the client from the server.

    Figure 10-4 Select Boot Release

    Select Boot Release
  4. Select OK.

    Figure 10-5 Boot Confirmation Dialog Box

    Boot Confirmation Dialog Box

    A boot confirmation dialog box is displayed. If you want to boot the client to add it to the Ignite-UX server, select Yes; otherwise select No.

    Figure 10-6 Boot Process Terminal Window

    Boot Process Terminal Window

    A terminal window is displayed detailing the remote shell (remsh) communication and booting progress of the client, including any errors that may occur. If an error occurs, you are advised of the bootsys command that can be used from the Ignite-UX server to boot the client manually.

    You might have the connection to the client refused. In that case you will have to manually restart the client system. When restarting from the client console, the terminal window might be too small, requiring you to resize the window to make it larger.

    Ignite-UX will report a successful reboot and that the client is found and added to the server.

    Figure 10-7 Successful Boot

    Successful Boot

    Figure 10-8 New Client Found

    New Client Found

    Once the client has successfully booted, its icon is added to the Ignite-UX GUI.

    Figure 10-9 New Client Displayed in GUI

    New Client Displayed in GUI

    On a successful boot, the client console will wait for action from the Ignite-UX server. You can continue with the installation from the Ignite server, or you can install from the client console by selecting Perform Installation from this Console, answering y to the prompt “Are you sure you want to switch to run the UI locally? [n],” and then installing as described in “Installing HP-UX From the Client Console”.

    Figure 10-10 Client Console Awaiting Server Action

    Client Console Awaiting Server Action
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