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This chapter describes the ATM commands that let you activate and configure ATM connections as well as statistical reporting for these connections at an ATM UNI in a BPX or IGX node. You can add ATM connections to an ASI or BXM in a BPX node, or to an ALM/A or UXM in an IGX node. Table 9-1 lists the ATM UNI card combinations for BPX and IGX nodes. For details on ATM commands and other support on an MGX 8220 shelf, refer to the MGX 8220 documentation. For details on ATM commands on an MGX 8550 shelf, refer to the MGX 8550 documentation.
Front Card | Back Card |
ALM/A | BC-UAI-1T3 or BC-UAI-1E3 |
ASI-T3 | LM-2T3 (Two ports) |
ASI-E3 | LM-2E3 (Two ports) |
ASI-155 | MMF-2-BC, SMF-2-BC, or SMF LR-2-BC |
BXM-T3-8 or BXM-T3-12 | BPX-T3/E3-8/12 (a universal back card for BXM-T3 or E3) |
BXM-E3-8 or BXM-E3-12 | BPX-T3/E3-8/12 (a universal back card for BXM-T3 or E3) |
BXM-155-4 | MMF-155-4, SMF-155-4, or SMFLR-155-4 |
BXM-155-8 | MMF-155-8, SMF-155-8, or SMFLR-155-8 |
BXM-622 | SMF-622 or SMFLR-622 |
BXM-622-2 | SMF-622-2 or SMFLR-622-2 |
To set up an ATM connection, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Activate a line with the upln command. Activating a line makes it available so you can configure it. Also, it starts statistics collection. Subsequently, you can begin to add connections with addcon. You can verify that the line has been activated by using the dsplns command. (See the chapter titled "Setting Up Lines" for descriptions of upln and dsplns.)
Step 2 Activate the ATM port with the upport X.X command, where X.X is the slot and port of the ATM card set.
Step 3 Use the cnfport command to establish the characteristics for the ATM port.
Step 4 If a suitable class is already configured, note its number and use this class when adding the ATM connection with the addcon command. (The dspcls command displays the parameters for each connection class. The cnfcls command allows you to modify an individual class.)
Step 5 Use the vt command to log in to the node at the remote end of the proposed ATM connection.
Step 6 At the remote node, use the upln, upport, and cnfport commands, as listed in steps 1 and 2, to activate and configure the remote port.
Step 7 Use the addcon command at one end of the connection to activate the ATM connection.
There are several commands that assist you in managing bandwidth to achieve satisfactory traffic patterns.
| You can use the configure preference command to specify preferred routing for intra-domain connections. You can use this command to assist in balancing the load on the network's trunks. |
| Use the display and print routes commands in conjunction with the cnfpref command to display the current connection routing information. |
| You can use the up and down connection commands to temporarily down connections, thus releasing bandwidth for other services. Frequently, to provide more bandwidth for data, Frame Relay, or ATM traffic, you can down some voice connections. |
The following commands are useful in establishing connections.
| Deletes a connection from an ATM line. |
| Displays the connections on a specified ATM line. |
| Displays the line utilization for an ATM line. |
Table 9-2 shows the name of each ATM connection command and the page the command description starts on.
Mnemonic | Description | Page |
addcon | Add connection | |
clrchstats | Clear channel statistics | |
cnfabrparm | Configure ABR parameters (applies to BXM) | |
cnfatmcls | Configure ATM class | |
cnfcdparm | Configure channel statistic level on UXM/BXM cards | |
cnfcls | Configure class | |
cnfcon | Configure connection | |
cnfport | Configure port | |
cnfportq | Configure port queue | |
delcon | Delete connection | |
dnport | Down port | |
dspatmcls | Display ATM class | |
dspchstats | Display channel statistics | |
dspcls | Display class | |
dspcon | Display connection | |
dspconcnf | Display connection configuration | |
dspcons | Display connections | |
dsplmistats | Display LMI statistics | |
dspport | Display port | |
dspportq | Display port queue | |
dspportstats | Display port statistics | |
upport | Up port |
Establishes an ATM connection between the current node and one or more nodes in the network. You can add ATM connections at a UNI port on either an ASI or a BXM in a BPX node, or an ALM/A or a UXM in an IGX node. When used with the syntax in this chapter, addcon adds either a standard ATM connection or an ATM-Frame Relay interworking connection. You can also use addcon to add a virtual path connection (or VP tunnelling DAX connection) between a line port on an IGX-UXM as the VP side, and the line port at the ATM cloud entry point as the VCC side. For a description of the addcon command as it applies to Frame Relay connections, voice connections, or serial data connections, refer to the chapter in this manual that describes the applicable traffic type. For descriptions of the ATM commands that operate on an MGX 8220 shelf, see the MGX 8220 documentation. For descriptions of the ATM commands that operate on an MGX 8850 shelf, see the MGX 8850 documentation.
Note that in this release, on BXM and UXM cards, you can configure port and trunk (routing and feeder trunk) interfaces on the same card slot. For example, you can have port 1 on a BXM slot upped as a trunk interface while having port 2 on the same card slot upped as a line interface. For more information on the Port and Trunks feature, refer to "Setting Up Trunks."
In Release 9.2.10, you can add VP tunnelling DAX connections. This type of connection has a VP connection as one end of the connection, and the other end as a VC connection. This VP tunnelling DAX connection can be between different port interfaces on the same UXM card, or on different UXM cards. See Example 2.
In Release 9.2.20, you can add both rt-VBR and nrt-VBR connections. The parameter prompts are the same for both rt-VBR and nrt-VBR, except for Trunk Cell Routing Restrict, which displays for all ATM connections except real-time VBR connections. (This is because rt-VBR connections should only be routed over ATM trunks such as BXM, UXM, and ASI trunks; rt-VBR connections should not be routed over FastPacket trunks such as BTM or ALM/B trunks.)
Note that for segment connections, all 2- and 3-segment connections must be the same, that is, all rt-VBR or all nrt-VBR. The CLI will not block you from adding any combination of rt-VBR or nrt-VBR segment connections.
The CLI will block you from adding rt-VBR connections in a network of nodes running releases previous to Release 9.2. All nodes in the network must be first upgraded to Release 9.2.10. In a mixed network of Release 9.1 and 9.2.20, or Release 9.2.10 and 9.2.20, the rt-VBR class of service is not supported in this scenario, all VBR connections will function as nrt-VBR connections. To support rt-VBR, all nodes in the network must be running switch software 9.2.20. See the Cisco WAN Switching 9.2 Release Notes for more information.
The addcon command for ATM adds any one of the following types of ATM connections:
This description has the following explanations in the form of figures and tables
For detailed descriptions of the connection types, traffic classes, policing, and ATM-related topics, refer to the Cisco BPX 8600 Series Installation and Configuration guide, the Cisco WAN Switching System Overview, and the ATM Forum specifications.
The node on which addcon executes is the "owner" of the connection. Connection ownership is important because automatic rerouting and preferred routing information is entered on the node that owns the connection. See the cnfpref and cnfcos descriptions for details on automatic rerouting.
The parameter prompts depend on the connection type. The figures on this and the following pages are flow diagrams showing the sequence of possible parameter prompts according to the connection type. The flow diagrams begin at the point after you have entered the remote node name and VPI and VCI (which are common parameters). The subsequent tables define the parameters and list the defaults and ranges for each parameter.
A form of notation appears for some parameters that may need explanation. The notation is either (0), (1), or (0+1). This refers to the state of the Cell Loss Priority (CLP) bit. The usage of the CLP bit is in the traffic policing schemes. (0+1) means cells with CLP=0 or 1. (0) means cells with CLP=0. (1) means cells with CLP=1. The CLP bit is used in different contexts. For example, CDVT (0+1) refers to Cell Delay Variation Tolerance (CDVT) for cells with CLP=0 or 1.
Before a connection is added, the proposed connection appears on the screen prompting you to confirm. After addcon executes, the system software automatically routes the connection.
Instead of entering a class of service, the user can instead enter a class number to select a pre-configured template, for example, class 4 for NTR-VBR, and class 3 for RT-VBR. The class of service templates can be modified as required using the cnfcls/cnfatmcls command and displayed using the dspcls/dspatmcls command.
Frame Relay to ATM Interworking enables Frame Relay traffic to be connected across high-speed ATM trunks using ATM standard Network and Service Interworking.
Two types of Frame Relay to ATM interworking are supported, Network Interworking and Service Interworking. The Network Interworking function is performed by the BTM card on the IGX switch. The FRSM card on the MGX 8220 supports both Network and Service Interworking.
VBR (variable bit rate) connections may be classified as rt-VBR or nrt-VBR connections.
The rt-VBR (real-time variable bit rate) category is used for connections that transmit at a rate varying with time and that can be described as bursty, often requiring large amounts of bandwidth when active. The rt-VBR class is intended for applications that require tightly constrained delay and delay variation such as compressed voice video conferencingfor example, video conferencing which requires real-time data transfer with bandwidth requirements that can vary in proportion to the dynamics of the video image at any given time. The rt-VBR category is characterized in terms of PCR, SCR (sustained cell rate), and MBS (maximum burst size).
The nrt-VBR (non-real time variable bit rate) category is used for connections that are bursty but are not constrained by delay and delay variation boundaries. For those cells in compliance with the traffic contract, a low cell loss is expected. Non-time critical data file transfers are an example of an nrt-VBR connection. A nrt-VBR connection is characterized by PCR, SCR, and MBS.
Configuring VBR connections. The characteristics of rt-VBR or nrt-VBR are supported by appropriately configuring the parameters of the VBR connection.
The parameters for a VBR connection are shown in Figure 9-2 in the sequence in which they occur during the execution of the addcon command. The VBR policing definitions are summarized in Table 9-6.
The BPX Command Line Interface (CLI) and Cisco WAN Manager accept the same connection policing and bandwidth parameters as in previous releases for both rt-VBR and nrt-VBR service.
The displayed addcon parameter prompts for both rt-VBR and nrt-VBR connections are the same. These prompts are: PCR, %util, CDVT, FBTC flag, SCR, MBS, and Policing Type.
There is no change in CDVT usage and the previous policing system.
When using the addcon command without the extended parameters, rt-VBR connections automatically use the parameters provided by connection class 3 which contains pre-determined values. Similarly, nrt-VBR connections use connection class 2. You can modify the values of a connection class by using the cnfcls/cnfatmcl command. You can display these values by using the dspcls/dspatmcls commands.
The term ABR is used to specify one of the following:
The ABR (available bit rate) category utilizes a congestion flow control mechanism to control congestion during busy periods and to take advantage of available bandwidth during less busy periods. The congestion flow control mechanism provides feedback to control the connections flow rate through the network in response to network bandwidth availability. The ABR service is not restricted by bounding delay or delay variation and is not intended to support real-time connections. ABR is characterized by: PCR and MCR.
Policing for ABR connections is the same as for VBR connections which are summarized in Figure 9-8.
The ABR connections are configured as either ABR Standard (ABRSTD) connections or as ABR ForeSight (ABRFST) connections.
The parameters for an ABRSTD connection are shown inFigure 9-5 in the sequence in which they occur during the execution of the addcon command.
The ABRSTD connection supports all the features of ATM Standards Traffic Management 4.0 including VSVD congestion flow control.
VSVD and flow control with external segments are shown in Figure 9-6.
An ATFT connection is a Frame Relay to ATM transparent Service Interworking connection and is configured as a VBR connection, with a number of the ATM and Frame Relay connection parameters being mapped between each side of the connection.
The parameters for an ATFT connection are shown in Figure 9-7 in the sequence in which they occur during the execution of the addcon command.
An ATFTFST connection is a Frame Relay to ATM transparent Service Interworking connection that is configured as an ABR connection with ForeSight. ForeSight congestion control is automatically enabled when connection type ATFTFST is selected. A number of the ATM and Frame Relay connection parameters are mapped between each side of the connection.
The parameters for an ATFTFST connection are shown in Figure 9-8 in the sequence in which they occur during the execution of the addcon command.
An ATFX connection is a Frame Relay to ATM translational Service Interworking connection and is configured as a VBR connection, with a number of the ATM and Frame Relay connection parameters being mapped between each side of the connection.
The parameters for an ATFX connection are shown in Figure 9-9 in the sequence in which they occur during the execution of the addcon command.
An ATFXFST connection is a Frame Relay to ATM translational Service Interworking connection that is configured as an ABR connection with ForeSight. ForeSight congestion control is automatically enabled when connection type ATFXFST is selected. A number of the ATM and Frame Relay connection parameters are mapped between each side of the connection.
The parameters for an ATFXFST connection are shown in Figure 9-10 in the sequence in which they occur during the execution of the addcon command.
The unspecified bit rate (UBR) connection service is similar to the ABR connection service for bursty data. However, UBR traffic is delivered only when there is spare bandwidth in the network. This is enforced by setting the CLP bit on UBR traffic when it enters a port.
Therefore, traffic is served out to the network only when no other traffic is waiting to be served first. The UBR traffic does not affect the trunk loading calculations performed by the switch software.
The parameters for a UBR connection are shown in Figure 9-11 in the sequence in which they occur during the execution of the addcon command.
The UBR policing definitions are summarized in Table 9-3.
Connection Type | ATM Forum TM spec. 4.0 conformance definition | PCR Flow (1st leaky bucket) | CLP tagging (for PCR flow) | SCR Flow (2nd leaky bucket) | CLP tagging (for SCR flow) |
UBR | UBR.1 when CLP setting = no | CLP(0+1) | no | off | n/a |
UBR | UBR.2 when CLP setting = yes | CLP(0+1) | no | CLP(0) | yes |
Table 9-4 contains descriptions of the ATM parameters that appear on screen. Table 9-5 gives the defaults, ranges (or values), and applicable connection type (marked with an X) for each parameter. Table 9-7 gives a shorthand definition of each type of traffic policing. In Table 9-6 and Table 9-7, note that VBR.1, VBR.2, VBR.3, CBR.1, UBR.1, and UBR.2 are ATM Forum standards for traffic policing. The columns in Table 9-6 and Table 9-7 indicate the actions involved with each policing type. For descriptions of the traffic types, connection types, and traffic policing, refer to the Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference and the Cisco WAN Switching System Overview. The preceding flow diagrams help clarify the information in the forthcoming tables. The remaining parts of this description contain attributes and screen examples.
Parameter/Prompt | Description |
local channel | Specifies the local slot, port, virtual path identifier (vpi), and virtual connection identifier (vci) for the connection. The format is slot.port.vpi.vci. The VPI range for a UNI connection is 1-255. The VPI range for an NNI connection is 1-4095. When adding an MGX 8850 interface shelf with a UNI interface to a BPX routing node, the VPI range is 1-255. The VCI range is 1-65535. When adding an MGX 8850 interface shelf with an NNI interface to a BPX routing node, the VPI range is 1-255. The VCI range is 1-65535. When adding an SES (Service Expansion Shelf) to an IGX 8400 routing node, for VCC addressing, the VPI range is 1-255. The VCI range is 1-65535. For VPC addressing, when adding an SES interface shelf to an IGX 8400 routing hub with a UNI interface, the VPI range is 1-255. The VCI range is 1-65535. For VPC addressing, when adding an SES shelf to an IGX 8400 routing with an NNI interface, the VPI range is 1-4095. The VCI range is 1-65535. Note that when adding an SES to an IGX 8400 routing node, the VPI/VCI configured on the IGX 8400 routing hub should match the VPI/VCI configured on the SES interface shelf endpoint address. When adding a VP tunnelling DAX connection to an IGX-UXM card, either end of the connection can be the VPI or VCI side. This connection type can be any of the ATM connection types supported by UXM virtual trunks, for example, ABR, CBR, UBR, and VBR. The VCI range is 1-65535. The vci can be an asterisk (*) to indicate the connection is a virtual path connection (so the vci has no meaning within the network). |
remote node name | Specifies the name of the node at the other (or remote) end of the connection. |
remote channel | Specifies the remote node's slot, port, vpi, and vci for this connection. The format is slot.port.vpi.vci. The vpi and vci ranges are: The vpi range for a UNI connection is 1-255. The vpi range for an NNI connection is 1-4095. The range for a vci is 1-65535. The vci can be an asterisk (*) to indicate the connection is a virtual path (the vci does not provide a distinction within the network). |
connection class/ | Specifies one of the following traffic typesVBR (rt-VBR or nrt-VBR), UBR, CBR, ATFST, ATFR, ABRSTD, ABRFST, ATFT, ATFX, ATFTFST, or ATFXFST; or connection classesfor example, for rt-VBR, connection class 3 for a new node running Release 9.2.20. The subsequent displayed parameters depend on the connection type you choose. To see the parameters associated with each connection type, refer to the appropriate flow diagrams (Figure 9-1 through Figure 9-11). For a definition of each class, refer to the Cisco BPX Series Installation and Configuration and the Cisco WAN Switching System Overview. The option for choosing a class number is also available. The class is a template for a connection type. The class serves as an alternative to specifying each parameter for a connection type. To specify a connection class, enter a digit in the range 1-10. To see the parameter values for a class, use the dspcls commands. To customize any class template, use cnfcls. Note For a new node running 9.2.20 or later, the rt-VBR connection class number is 3. An upgraded node will retain existing connection classes. Therefore, it won't have the rt-VBR connection class 3. However, you can configure the connection classes to whatever service and parameters you want by using the cnfcls/cnfatmcls command.Note that for VP tunnelling DAX connections, a VP tunnelling connection type is represented by CBRVP, ABRSTVP, ABRFSTVP, etc. (The letters "VP" are appended to the connection class or connection type, to indicate that it is a VP tunnelling connection.) This connection type must be the same as the VCC connection type provisioned within the public ATM cloud. |
PCR | Peak Cell Rate: the cell rate that the source cannot exceed. |
%Util | Specifies the percentage of bandwidth utilization. |
MCR | Minimum Cell Rate: the committed, minimum cell rate for a connection in a network. |
CDVT | Cell Delay Variation Tolerance: controls time scale over which the PCR is policed. |
FBTC (AAL5 Frame-based Traffic Control) | To enable the possibility of discarding the whole frame, not just one non-compliant cell. This is used to set the Early Packet Discard bit at every node along a connection. Note With the ASI, FBTC means packet discard on both policing and queueing. With the BXM, FBTC means packet discard on queueing only. |
VSVD | Virtual Source Virtual Destination. |
Flow Control External Segments | Enables Cisco WAN switches to perform flow control on external segments (on the CPE, for example) in addition to the Cisco WAN Switching segments. |
SCR | Sustainable Cell Rate: the long-term limit on the rate that a connection can sustain. |
MBS | Maximum Burst Size: the maximum number of cells that can burst at the PCR and still be compliant. MBS is used to determine the Burst Tolerance (BT), which controls the time period over which the SCR is policed. |
Policing | (see Table 9-5, "addconParameter Defaults and Ranges"). Note With the ASI, FBTC means packet discard on both policing and queueing. With the BXM, FBTC means packet discard on queueing only. |
VC QDepth | The depth of the queue VC QDepth. |
CLP Hi | Cell Loss Priority Hi threshold (% of VC QDepth). When the high threshold is exceeded, the node discards cells with CLP=1 until the number of cells in the queue drops below the level specified by CLP Lo/EPD. |
CLP Lo/EPD | Cell Loss Priority Low threshold (% of VC QDepth)/Early Packet Discard. When the number of cells in the queue drops below the level specified by CLP Lo/EPD, the node stops discarding cells with CLP=1. If the card is a BXM and AAL5 FBTC=yes, the percent of VC QMax equals the value of EPD. Frame-based Traffic Control (FBTC) is FGCRA for AAL5. Note The BXM does not support Frame-based Policing.For an ASI card, the percent of VC QMax is CLP Lo regardless of the FBTC setting. |
EFCI | Explicit Forward Congestion Indication threshold (% of VC QDepth). |
ICR | Initial Cell Rate: the rate at which a source initially transmits after an idle period. |
IBR | Initial Burst Size: the maximum burst size a source can initially transmit after an idle period. IBR applies to only BXM cards. |
ADTF (ATM Forum TM 4.0 term) | The Allowed-Cell-Rate Decrease Factor. Time permitted between sending RM-cells before the rate is decreased to ICR. (In previous software releases, ADTF was ICR TOInitial Cell Rate Time Out.) |
Trm (ATM Forum TM 4.0 term) | An upper bound on the time between forward RM-cells for an active source: an RM cell must be sent at least every Trm milliseconds. (In previous software releases, Trm was Min. Adjust.) |
RIF (ATM Forum TM 4.0 term) | Rate Increase Factor: controls the amount by which the cell transmission rate may increase upon receipt of an RM cell. (In previous software releases, RIF was Rate Up.) |
RDF (ATM Forum TM 4.0 term) | Rate Decrease Factor: controls the amount decrease in cell transmission rate when an RM cell arrives. (In previous software releases, RDF was Rate Down.) |
Nrm (ATM Forum TM 4.0 term) | Nrm. Maximum number of cells a source may send for each forward RM cell: an RM cell must be sent for every Nrm-1 data cells. |
FRTT (ATM Forum TM 4.0 term) | Fixed Round Trip Time: the sum of the fixed and propagation delays from the source to a destination and back. |
TBE (ATM Forum TM 4.0 term) | Transient Buffer Exposure The negotiated number of cells that the network would like to limit the source to sending during start-up periods, before the first RM-cell returns. |
PCR | Peak cell rate: the cell rate which the source may never exceed. |
PCR(0+1)[50/50] | 50-max. T1/E1 cells/sec. 50-max. T3/E3 cells/sec. 50-max. OC-3 cells/sec 50-max. OC-12 cells/sec | T3: MCR-96000 E3: MCR-80000 OC-3 (STM1): 0-353200 Limited to MCR-5333 cells/sec for ATFR connections. |
%Util [100/100] for UBR [1/1] | 0-100% | 1-100% |
MCR [50/50] | cells/sec 6-max. of T3/E3/OC-3/OC-12 | T3: 0-96000 cells/sec E3: 0-80000 cells/sec |
AAL5 Frame-Based Traffic Control: for rt/nrt-VBR [disable] for ABR/UBR [enable] for Path connection [disable] | enable/disable Note With the BXM card, FBTC means packet discard on both policing and queueing. | enable/disable Note With the ASI card, FBTC means packet discard on both policing and queueing. |
CDVT(0+1): for CBR [10000/10000], others [250000/250000] | 0-5,000,000 microsecs. | T3/E3 1-250,000 usecs. OC-3/STM1: 0-10000 usecs. |
ForeSight [disable] | 0 = disable 1 = enable | 0 = disable 1 = enable |
VSVD [disable] | enable/disable | enable/disable |
Flow Control External Segment [disable] | enable/disable | enable/disable |
Default Extended Parameters [enable] | enable/disable | enable/disable |
CLP Setting [enable] | enable/disable | enable/disable |
SCR [50/50] | c50-max. T1/E1 cells/sec. 50-max. T3/E3 cells/sec. 50-max. OC-3 cells/sec 50-max. OC-12 cells/sec
| T3: MCR-96000:T3 E3: MCR-80000: E3 OC-3/STM1: 0-353200 Limited to MCR-5333 cells/sec for ATFR connections. |
MBS [1000/1000] | 1--5,000,000 cells | T3/E3: 1-24000 cells OC-3 (STM1): 10-1000 cells |
Policing [3] For CBR: [4] | 1 = VBR.1 2 = VBR.2 3 = VBR.3 4 = PCR policing only 5 = off | 1 = VBR.1 2 = VBR.2 3 = VBR.3 4 = PCR policing only 5 = off |
ICR: max [MCR, PCR/10] | MCR - PCR cells/sec | MCR - PCR cells/sec |
ADTF [1000] | 62-8000 msecs. | 1000-255000 msecs. |
Trm [100] | ABRSTD: 1-100 msecs. | 20-250 msecs. |
VC QDepth [16000/16000] For ATFR/ATFST [1366/1366] | 0-61440 cells | Applies to T3/E3 only |
CLP Hi [80/80] | 1-100% | 1-100% |
CLP Lo/EPD [35/35] | 1-100% | 1-100% |
EFCI [30/30] For ATFR/ATFST [100/100] | 1-100% | 1-100% |
For ForeSight: = max [PCR/128, 10]
For ABRSTD [128] | If ForeSight, then in absolute (0-PCR)
If ABR, then 2n (1-32768) | If ForeSight, then in absolute (0-PCR)
If ABR, then 2n (1-32768) |
RDF: For ForeSight [93]
For ABRSTD [16] | IF ForeSight, then % (0%-100%)
If ABR, then 2n (1-32768) | IF ForeSight, then % (0%-100%)
If ABR, then 2n (1-32768) |
Nrm[32]-BXM only | 2-256 cells | not applicable |
FRTT[0]-BXM only | 0-16700 msec | not applicable |
TBE[1,048,320]-BXM only | 0-1,048,320 cells (different maximum range from TM spec. but limited by firmware for CRM (4095 only) where CRM=TBE/Nrm | not applicable |
IBS [0/0] | 0-24000 cells | T3/E3 ABR: 0-24000 cells ATFR: 1-107 cells OC-3: 0-999 cells |
Trunk Cell Routing Restriction (y/n) [y] | yes or no For rt-VBR connections, this prompt will not display. (This is because rt-VBR connections should only be routed over ATM trunks such as BXM, UXM, and ASI, not over FastPacket trunks such as BTM or ALM/A-B.) Trunk Cell Routing Restriction will display for all other connections. | yes or no For rt-VBR connections, this prompt will not display. (This is because rt-VBR connections should only be routed over ATM trunks such as BXM, UXM, and ASI, not over FastPacket trunks such as BTM or ALM/A-B.) Trunk Cell Routing Restriction will display for all other connections. |
Connection Type | ATM Forum TM spec. 4.0 conformance definition | PCR Flow (1st leaky bucket) | CLP tagging (for PCR flow) | SCR Flow (2nd leaky bucket) | CLP tagging (for SCR flow) |
CBR | CBR.1 when policing set to 4 (PCR policing only) | CLP(0+1) | no | off | n/a |
CBR | when policing set to 5 (off) | off | n/a | off | n/a |
UBR | UBR.1 when CLP setting = no | CLP(0+1) | no | off | n/a |
UBR | UBR.2 when CLP setting = yes | CLP(0+1) | no | CLP(0) | yes |
rt/nrt-VBR, ABR, ATFR, ATFST | VBR.1 when policing set to 1 | CLP(0+1) | no | CLP(0+1) | no |
rt/nrt-VBR, ABR, ATFR, ATFST | VBR.2 when policing set to 2 | CLP(0+1) | no | CLP(0) | no |
rt/nrt-VBR, ABR, ATFR, ATFST | VBR.3 when policing set to 3 | CLP(0+1) | no | CLP(0) | yes |
rt/nrt-VBR, ABR, ATFR, ATFST | when policing set to 4 | CLP(0+1) | no | off | n/a |
rt/nrt-VBR, ABR, ATFR, ATFST | when policing set to 5 (off) | off | n/a | off | n/a |
Note 1: - For UBR.2, SCR = 0
Note 2:
Connection Type | ATM Forum TM spec. 4.0 conformance definition | PCR Flow (1st leaky bucket) | CLP tagging (for PCR flow) | SCR Flow (2nd leaky bucket) | CLP tagging (for SCR flow) |
rt/nrt-VBR, ABR, ATFR, ATFST, ATFT, ATFTST, ATFX, ATFXFST | VBR.1 when policing set to 1 | CLP(0+1) | no | CLP(0+1) | no |
rt/nrt-VBR, ABR, ATFR, ATFST, ATFT, ATFTST, ATFX, ATFXFST | VBR.2 when policing set to 2 | CLP(0+1) | no | CLP(0) | no |
rt/nrt-VBR, ABR, ATFR, ATFST, ATFT, ATFTST, ATFX, ATFXFST | VBR.3 when policing set to 3 | CLP(0+1) | no | CLP(0) | yes |
rt/nrt-VBR, ABR, ATFR, ATFST, ATFT, ATFTST, ATFX, ATFXFST | when policing set to 4 | CLP(0+1) | no | off | n/a |
rt/nrt-VBR, ABR, ATFR, ATFS, ATFT, ATFTST, ATFX, ATFXFST | when policing set to 5 for off | off | n/a | off | n/a |
Tiered network, Frame Relay and ATM connections are supported as two or three-segment connections. Voice connections are supported for the three-segment connection. Simple gateway (SGW), complex gateway (CGW), cell forwarding (CF) gateway types are supported in the middle segment terminating on IGX 8400 hubs in the routing network, depending on the connection types.
Note the following changes in the switch software in the IGX 8400 feeder connection management area:
Previous to Release 9.2, the STI cell header format was used to pass cells between an IGX 8400 routing hub and a BTM E1 interface shelf (feeder) port.
In this release, the IGX 8400 routing hub can communicate with the SES interface shelves using the LMI-Annex G signalling protocol, which is similar to what the BPX routing hub uses to communicate with the MGX 8850 interface shelves.
The VPI and VCI ranges supported for UXM/UXM-E terminated feeder connections on an IGX 8400 feeder are different compared to BTM E1 terminated feeder connections. The UXM/UXM-E feeder interface can support the full VPI and VCI ranges for UNI or NNI.
Unlike the BTM E1 which has a fixed number of channels per card, the number of user channels available per UXM/UXM-E card is subject to card capacity. The number of user channels available per feeder port is not a fixed number because UXM/UXM-E user channels are allocated to a given port from the card pool on a first come, first serve basis.
On the MGX 8220, the slot number is mapped to the certain VPI on the IGX 8400 hub. This does not apply to the SES feeder. The VPI/VCI configured on the IGX 8400 routing hub should match the VPI/VCI configured on the SES feeder endpoint address. The cell header format used for cells passing between an IGX 8400 and an SES feeder port is a standard ATM format, which may be UNI or NNI format.
The MGX 8800's VPI field of the ATM cell depending on the interface type (UNI or NNI) and connection type (VCC or VPC):
Table 9-8 illustrate the existing and new (in bold) connection types:
Routing Endpoint (A) | Feeder Endpoint (B) | Connection Type | VCC or VPC | Gateway Type (if applicable) |
UXM | AUSM | CBR.1 VBR.[1-3] ABR.FST ABR w/o VSVD UBR.[1-2] | Both | CF CF CF CF CF |
UFM | FRSM | FR | N/A | CGW |
FRM | FRSM | FR | N/A | CGW |
UVM/CVM | Y | Not Supported |
HDM/LDM | Y | Not Supported |
X | VISM | Not Supported |
Table 9-9 lists supported three-segment connections for a three segment network consisting of two IGX-UXMs with two SES feeders attached to each UXM.
Feeder Endpoint (A) | Feeder Endpoint (B) | Connection Type | VCC or VPC | Gateway Type (if applicable) |
AUSM | AUSM | CBR.1 VBR.[1-3] ABR.FST ABR w/o VSVD UBR.[1-2] | both | CF CF CF CF CF |
Table 9-10 shows one-segment connections (between two IGX 8400s) that do not involve the SES interface shelf. There are UXM trunks only in the connection route. The cards are renamed for (for example, the UFM card is called UFSM, the UXM card is called UXSM, and so forth).
Routing Endpoint (A) | Routing Endpoint (B) | Connection Type | VCC or VPC | Gateway Type (if applicable) |
UFSM | UFSM | FR | N/A | CGW |
UVSM | UVSM | Voice | N/A | SGW |
HDSM | HDSM | Data | N/A | SGW |
A node running Release 9.2 can interoperate with nodes running release 8.4 and Release 9.1. The switch software will not block you from adding a UXM/UXM-E interface shelf trunk to a Release 9.2 IGX 8400 node in a network of mixed releases (that is, nodes running Release 9.2, 9.1, and 8.4). However, the addcon command will be blocked if you add a two-segment connection from a Release 9.1 or release 8.4 UXM port to a Release 9.2 UXM interface shelf trunk. Similarly, the addcon command will be blocked if you add a two-segment connection from a Release 9.2 UXM port to a Release 9.1 or Release 8.4 UXM interface shelf trunk. Checking of switch software is done on the remote end of the connection.
These changes support the ESP 4.0 VSI controller on BPX nodes:
Add a connection
addcon parameters (see preceding flow diagrams and tables)
delcon, dspcons
Privilege | 1-2 |
Jobs | Yes |
Log | Yes |
Node | IGX, BPX |
Lock | Yes |
addcon pubsbpx2
Add a standard ABR connection with VSVD and no Default Extended Parameters (which then require user input for SCR, MBS, and so on).
pubsbpx1 TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 Oct. 27 1997 05:22 GMT
From Remote Remote Route NodeName Channel State Type Avoid COS O pubsbpx2 Ok abrstd pubsbpx2 Ok abrstd
This Command: addcon pubsbpx2 abr * * * * e e * d * * 1
* * * * * * * * *
Add these connections (y/n)?
addcon 5.2.10.* pubsigx1p CBR ...
Add a virtual path connection (VPC) to virtual circuit connection (VCC) between ports 1 and 2. (This is called a "VP tunnelling connection".)
pubsigx1 TN SuperUser IGX 8400 9.2 Oct. 27 1998 05:22 GMT
From Remote Remote Route
NodeName Channel State Type Avoid COS O
5.2.10.* pubsigx2 Ok abrstvp pubsigx2 5.2.10.* s Ok abrstvp
This Command: addcon 5.2.10.* pubsigx1p CBR ...
Add these connections (y/n)?
addcon 5.2.10.* pubsigx1p CBR ...
Add a
pubsbpx1 TN silves BPX 8620 9.2.2G July 21 1999 21:32 PDT
Local Remote Remote Route
Channel NodeName Channel State Type Avoid COS O pubsbpx1 Ok nrt-vbr pubsbpx1 Ok rt-vbr pubsbpx1 Ok rt-vbr pubsbpx1 Ok nrt-vbr pubsbpx1 Ok rt-vbr pubsbpx1 Ok rt-vbr
This Command: addcon pubsbpx1
or class number:
Clears the gathered statistics for either a specific channel or all channels. When you enter a specific channel number, the current channel statistics display appears, asking if you want to clear the display. If you enter "*" (all channels) for the channel specification, the display prompts you to confirm whether you want to clear all channel statistics. This is sometimes referred to as a "summary statistics" command.
The Multilevel Channel Statistics lets you configure and display additional levels of statistics beyond level 1 statistics (for example, levels 2 and 3), as supported by the multi-level channels statistics feature. You use the cnfcdparm command to configure the channels statistics level on the BXM or UXM cards. For example, if you configure slot 5 to support level 3 channel statistics, all connections on that particular card are set to provide level 3 statistics. Switch software collects, displays, and propagates to Cisco WAN Manager the various statistics types. The channel statistic type vary in number and type based on the level of support provided by the BXM and UXM cards. You use the dspchstats and clrchstats to display and clear the statistics.
Clear channel statistics
clrchstats <channel | *>
Privilege | 1-2 |
Jobs | Yes |
Log | Yes |
Node | IGX, BPX |
Lock | Yes |
clrchstats 3.1.1
Clear channel statistics for 3.1.1.
sw83 TN SuperUser IGX 8420 9.2 Aug. 23 1997 19:24 PST
Channel Statistics: 3.1.1 Cleared: Aug. 17 1997 08:10
MIR: 3.8 kbps Collection Time: 6 day(s) 10:04:58 Corrupted: NO
Frames Avg Size Avg Util Packets Avg
(bytes) (fps) (%) (pps)
From Port: 1516586 198 2 35
To Network: 1516215 198 2 35 16678365 30
Discarded: 371 198 0 0
From Network: 1518665 197 2 35 16705146 30
To Port: 1518629 198 2 35
Discarded: 36 120 0 0 238 0
ECN Stats: Avg Rx VC Q: 0 ForeSight RTD 40
Min-Pk bytes rcvd: 52470 FECN Frames: 0 FECN Ratio (%) 0
Minutes Congested: 0 BECN Frames: 16 BECN Ratio (%) 0
Frames rcvd in excess of CIR: 0 Bytes rcvd in excess of CIR: 0
Frames xmtd in excess of CIR: 0 Bytes xmtd in excess of CIR: 0
This Command: clrchstats 3.1.1
OK to clear (y/n)?
Parameter | Description |
channel | Specifies the channel whose statistics are cleared. |
* | Specifies all channel statistics. |
Configures ABR parameters for a BXM or UXM.
Configure ABR parameters
cnfcls <slot> <parameters]
Privilege | 1-5 |
Jobs | Yes |
Log | Yes |
Node | BPX, IGX |
Lock | Yes |
cnfabrparm 2
Configure ABR parameters for the BXM in slot 2.
sw60 TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 Date/Time Not Set
ABR Configuration for BXM in slot 2
CI Control : Y
Egress ER Stamping : N
Last Command: cnfabrparm 2 Y N
Next Command:
Parameter | Description |
slot | Specifies the card. |
CI Control |
Egress ER stamping |
The cnfatmcls command allows the ten Cisco-supplied class templates for ATM connection configuration to be modified. (The addcon command can take a class as an input).
When you enter the number of the class to configure, the display shows the current value of each parameter in the class. For each item in the class, a prompt appears for changing or keeping the current value.
In Release 9.2.20, you can use cnfatmcls and cnfcls to configure the rt-VBR ATM connection class. You can use dspatmcls and dspcls to display the connection parameters for the rt-VBR and nrt-VBR connection classes.
The rt-VBR connections are configured per class 3 service parameters, and nrt-VBR connections are configured per class 2 service parameters. You can change these class parameters by using the cnfcls/cnfatmcls command, or you can enter the parameters individually for each connection by specifying 'yes' to the extended parameters prompt of the addcon command.
Configure class
cnfatmcls <class number> [optional parameters]
addcon, cnfatmcls, dspatmcls, cnfcls, dspcls
Privilege | 1-2 |
Jobs | Yes |
Log | Yes |
Node | IGX, BPX |
Lock | Yes |
cnfatmcls 10
Configure ATM connection class 10. The command line interface (CLI) displays the current settings and requests the class type (see System Response 1). After you enter a class type, the CLI prompts you to specify each parameter for the selected class type (ABRSTD as System Response 2 shows).
sw60 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 Date/Time Not Set
ATM Connection Classes
Class: 10 Type: CBR
PCR(0+1) % Util CDVT(0+1) Policing
4000/4000 100/100 10000/10000 4
Description: "Default CBR 4000"
This Command: cnfatmcls 10
Enter class type (rt-VBR, nrt-VBR, UBR, CBR, ATFST, ATFR, ABRSTD, ABRFST, ATFT, ATFX,
sw60 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 Date/Time Not Set
ATM Connection Classes
Class: 10 Type: ABRSTD
PCR(0+1) % Util MCR CDVT(0+1) AAL5 FBTC
4000/4000 100/100 4000/4000 10000/10000 n
Description: "Default CBR 4000"
This Command: cnfatmcls 10 abrstd * * * * *
Do you want this change (y/n)?
cnfatmcls 3
Configure ATM connection class 3 for rt-VBR class type connection parameters. The command line interface (CLI) displays the current settings and requests the class type.
sw60 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 Date/Time Not Set
ATM Connection Classes
Class: 3 Type: rt-VBR
PCR(0+1) % Util CDVT(0+1) AAL5 FBTC SCR
2000/2000 100/100 10000/10000 n 2000/2000
MBS Policing
1000/1000 3
Description: "Default rt-VBR 2000"
This Command: cnfatmcls 3
Enter class type (rt-VBR, nrt-VBR, UBR, CBR, ATFST, ATFR, ABRSTD, ABRFST, ATFT, ATFX,
Parameter | Description |
class | Specifies the class to configure. The class numbers are 1-10. |
Parameter | Description |
optional parameters | Individual parameters are specific to the type of connection (rt-VBR, nrt-VBR, CBR, UBR, ATFST, ATFR, ABRSTD, ABRFST, ATFT, ATFX, ATFTFST, ATFXFST). Each is prompted one at a time. Refer to the dspcls command to see the parameters in each of the classes. |
The cnfcls command allows the ten Cisco-supplied class templates for connection configuration to be modified. (The addcon command can take a class as an input).
When you enter the number of the class to configure, the display shows the current value of each parameter in the class. For each item in the class, a prompt appears for changing or keeping the current value.
In Release 9.2.20, you can use cnfatmcls and cnfcls to configure the rt-VBR ATM connection class. You can use dspatmcls and dspcls to display the connection parameters for the rt-VBR and nrt-VBR connection classes.
The rt-VBR connections are configured per class 3 service parameters, and nrt-VBR connections are configured per class 2 service parameters. These class parameters can be changed using the cnfcls/cnfatmcls command, or the parameters can be entered individually for each connection by specifying 'yes' to the extended parameters prompt of the addcon command.
Configure class
cnfcls <class number> [optional parameters]
addcon, dspcls, cnfatmcls, dspatmcls
Privilege | 1-2 |
Jobs | Yes |
Log | Yes |
Node | IGX, BPX |
Lock | Yes |
cnfcls 10
Configure connection class 10. The command line interface (CLI) displays the current settings and requests the class type (see System Response 1). After you enter a class type, the CLI prompts you to specify each parameter for the selected class type (ABRSTD as System Response 2 shows).
sw60 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 Date/Time Not Set
ATM Connection Classes
Class: 10 Type: CBR
PCR(0+1) % Util CDVT(0+1) Policing
4000/4000 100/100 10000/10000 4
Description: "Default CBR 4000"
This Command: cnfcls 10
Enter class type (VBR, CBR, UBR, ABRSTD, ABRFST, ATFR):
sw60 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 Date/Time Not Set
ATM Connection Classes
Class: 10 Type: ABRSTD
PCR(0+1) % Util MCR CDVT(0+1) AAL5 FBTC
4000/4000 100/100 4000/4000 10000/10000 n
Description: "Default CBR 4000"
This Command: cnfcls 10 abrstd * * * * *
Do you want this change (y/n)?
An example of a cnfcls/cnfatmcls command and response is shown in the following example:
pubsbpx1 TN silves:1 BPX 8620 9.2.2G July 16 1999 10:42 PDT
ATM Connection Classes
Class: 2 Type: nrt-VBR
PCR(0+1) % Util CDVT(0+1) AAL5 FBTC SCR
1000/1000 100/100 10000/10000 n 1000/1000
MBS Policing
1000/1000 3
Description: "Default nrt-VBR 1000 "
This Command: cnfcls atm 2
Enter class type (rt-VBR, nrt-VBR, CBR, UBR, ABRSTD, ABRFST, ATFR, ATFST, ATFT,
Parameter | Description |
class | Specifies the class to configure. The class numbers are 1-10. |
Parameter | Description |
optional parameters | Individual parameters are specific to the type of connection (CBR, rt-VBR, nrt-VBR, ABR, ATFR). Each is prompted one at a time. Refer to the dspcls command to see the parameters in each of the classes. |
Configures the ATM bandwidth parameters for a specified connection. The initial cell rate (ICR) normally is set to the port speed. It may be lower if other constraints exist on the data generation rate. If ICR is too low, cells are dropped. If it is too high, bandwidth may be wasted unless ForeSight is used. Statistical reports are the best source of information for deciding what to adjust.
If the connection type includes ForeSight (abr enabled), the results of the last test round trip delay command (tstdelay) appear. Note that this is not the current RTD but the result of the last test that ran. Connection priority high or low is displayed for standard Frame Relay connections and ForeSight connections. Several checks are done on the parameters that specify bandwidth to assist users in efficient use of network bandwidth. The following messages describe the performance evaluation.
♦ Error | Min cannot exceed peak. |
♦ Warning | Min exceeds this port's speed. |
♦ Warning | Sum of mins exceeds port's speed. |
♦ Warning | Peak exceeds this port's speed. |
Warning messages are informational only, so the related operation continues. If an error message appears, the operation does not continue.
Configure connection
cnfcon <slot.port.vpi.vci> [bandwidth parameters]
addcon, dspcon
Privilege | 1-2 |
Jobs | Yes |
Log | Yes |
Node | IGX, BPX |
Lock | Yes |
Configure ASI port
a20 LAN SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 Aug. 29 1997 11:43 PST
Conn: ca19 ABR
100/100 10/10 10/10 y 10/10 96000/96000 10/10
ICR TO Rate Up Rate Dn Rate FastDn Max Adjust VC Qdepth EFCI % Util
10 100 100 100 100 64000/64000 100/100 100/100
y 100/100 90/90
This Command: cnfcon
MBS (10) must exceed IBS (10)
Enter the MBS [10/10]:
Parameter | Description |
channel | Specifies the connection to configure. This command configures one connection at a time. The channel specification has the following format: slot.port.vpi.vci |
Parameter | Description |
bandwidth parameters | Refer to the addcon command in this chapter for descriptions and connection types. |
Configures the parameters of an ATM port on an ASI or BXM card on the BPX or a UXM card on the IGX. Press Return to keep the current value of a parameter. See the parameter table for important information.
Previous to Release 9.2, on the BXM card, only ABR VSVD connections are subject to VC scheduling policies on the egress and that is only when the FCES (external segment) option is enabled. With the introduction of traffic shaping, you can choose whether to perform VC scheduling on CBR, VBR, and UBR traffic streams.
In this release, the Ports and Trunks feature lets you configure multiple trunk lines and circuit lines on a single BXM or UXM card simultaneously. In previous releases, when you upped a single port as a trunk (by using the uptrk command), all the remaining ports on that card were treated as a trunk. Similarly, when you up a single port as a circuit line (by using the upln command), all the remaining ports on the card are treated as circuit line ports. This feature allows BXM and UXM cards to be trunk line cards as well as circuit line cards at the same time. This allows trunks as well as circuit lines to coexist on these interface cards.
The cnfport commands, in addition to other configuration commands, perform mismatch verification on the BXM and UXM cards. For example, the cnfport command will verify whether the cards both have LMI/ILMI configured.
The command cnfport will prevent disabling ILMI protocol on a port interface, if a VSI ILMI session is active on a VSI partition on the port interface and configure ILMI protocol running on a port interface to run on the BCC instead of the BXM.
Refer to "Feature Mismatching" section for more information on Feature Mismatching in Release 9.2; also refer to Table 18-1, "Upgrading Firmware when Single Active Card and Y-Cable Are in Use".
The Feature Mismatching capability will not mismatch cards unless the actual feature has been enabled on the card. This allows for a graceful card migration from an older release.
Traffic shaping lets you choose whether to have VC scheduling performed to your CBR, VBR, and UBR traffic streams. You can configure the traffic shaping (which involves weighted fair queuing) option on each BXM interface. A cnfport parameter will prompt you to enable/disable traffic shaping. (The default is for traffic shaping to be disabled.)
Traffic shaping is performed on a per-port basis. When traffic shaping is enabled, all traffic exiting the port is subject to the VC scheduling based on the appropriate service parameters you provision. When a particular port is configured to perform traffic shaping, all ATM cells, regardless of class of service, pass through the VC queues before leaving the card. Where a port is not configured for traffic shaping, the CBR, VBR, and UBR PVCs circumvent the VC queues and are scheduled by the Qbins.
No connections should exist on the port before changing the port traffic shaping parameter. If there are existing connections when the port traffic shaping parameter is toggled, then these connections will not be updated unless the card is reset, connections are rerouted, a switchcc occurs, or you modify the connection parameters. Also, traffic shaping is not enabled on a VSVC endpoint if an external segment has been enabled.
Redundant cards must both support traffic shaping, or neither support traffic shaping. In the non-redundant case, traffic shaping is configurable regardless of whether the BXM card in the target slot supports traffic shaping. If the card does not support traffic shaping, then a BXM card that does support traffic shaping can be inserted later and the traffic shaping configuration will take effect. System software will not perform "mismatch" checking on the traffic shaping capabilities of the BXM.
The traffic shaping rate parameters are in Table 9-18. The MCR is the minimum cell rate for the connection. This is the lowest rate that the connection will be scheduled from the VC queue into the Qbin. The PCR is the peak cell rate, or the highest rate at which the connection will be scheduled from the VC queue into the Qbin.
Service Type | MCR | PCR |
VBR | SCR1%Util | PCR |
UBR | 0 | PCR |
ABR | MCR %Util | PCR |
1Indicates that the system software issues a warning that traffic shaping is not supported on that specific BXM. |
Note that traffic shaping does not generate any alarms. There is no mismatch checking for BXMs that support traffic shaping, so if you insert a BXM card with firmware that does not support it, then the traffic shaping functionality will not exist.
Also, cells can be momentarily received out of order when you reconfigure connections between traffic shaping and non-traffic shaping. This is a limitation of the hardware for which there is no workaround.
Traffic shaping involves passing ATM traffic through the ATM interface at a VC queue, scheduled rate. Currently, in the BXM-only ABR VSVD connections are subject to VC scheduling policies. With the introduction of traffic shaping, the customer will have the option to perform VC scheduling to his/her CBR, VBR, and UBR traffic streams. Traffic shaping is performed by the BXM hardware.
Traffic shaping will be performed on a per-port basis. When enabled, all traffic exiting the port will be subject to the VC scheduling based on the appropriate service parameters provisioned by the user. Note that all ATM cells, regardless of class of service, pass through the VC queues before leaving the card.
No connections should exist on the port before you change the port traffic shaping parameter. If there are existing connections when you toggle the port traffic shaping parameter, then these connections will not be updated unless you reset the card (by using the resetcd command), connections are rerouted, a switchcc occurs, or you modify the connection parameters. Also, it should be noted that traffic shaping is not enabled on a VSVD endpoint if external segment has been enabled.
Switch software requires that redundant cards either both support the feature or neither supports the feature. In the non-redundant case, the feature is configurable regardless of whether the BXM card in the target slot supports traffic shaping1. If the card does not support the feature, then you can insert a BXM card that does support traffic shaping and the traffic shaping configuration will take effect. Switch software will not perform "mismatch" checking on the traffic-shaping capabilities of the BXM.
Software requires that redundant cards either both support the feature or neither supports the feature. In the non-redundant case, the feature is configurable regardless of whether the BXM card in the target slot supports traffic shaping. If the card does not support the feature, then a BXM card that does support traffic shaping can be inserted later and the traffic shaping configuration will take effect. Switch software will not perform "mismatch" checking on the traffic-shaping capabilities of the BXM.
Cisco WAN Manager in Release 9.2 has no changes to support traffic shaping. Switch software functionality is limited to enabling the traffic shaping option (involving weighted fair queuing) on a per-BXM interface case. The cnfport command has a new parameter which will prompt you to enable or disable traffic shaping. The parameter default is to disable the feature.
Refer to the WAN Switch Software Release 9.2 release notes for additional information on traffic shaping. No connections should be on the port before changing the port traffic shaping parameter. If there are existing connections when the port traffic shaping parameter is toggled, then these connections will not be updated unless the card is reset, connections are rerouted, a switchcc occurs, or you modify the connection parameters*. Also, it should be noted that traffic shaping is not enabled on a VSVD endpoint if an external segment has been enabled. In this case, the scheduling policies are based upon the ATMF 4.0 ABR rules.
The MCR is the minimum cell rate for the connection. This is the lowest rate that the connection will be scheduled from the VC queue into the Qbin. The PCR is the peak cell rate, or the highest rate at which the connection will be scheduled from the VC queue into the Qbin.
The BXM firmware supports a new Commbus parameter to enable/disable traffic shaping. When you add a connection, the BXM firmware checks its database to see if traffic shaping is enabled for the port that the connection is to be mapped to. If traffic shaping is enabled, the BXM firmware sets up the ASIC hardware to perform the weighted fair queuing. In the background, the BXM firmware runs a rate-based algorithm.
Existing functionality, such as VC queuing, is used by the traffic shaping feature.
In this release, the BXM firmware supports a new CommBus (CBUS) parameter to enable/disable traffic shaping. When a connection is added, the BXM firmware checks its database to see if traffic shaping is enabled for the port that the connection is to be mapped to. If traffic shaping is enabled, the BXM firmware sets up the ASIC hardware to perform the weighted fair queuing. In the background, the BXM firmware runs a rate-based algorithm similar to what is done today for ERS (explicit rate stamping). The only other interface change includes an egress SCR parameter in the channel (0x52) message.
The algorithm executed by the firmware involves the BXM firmware polling the cell arrival and transmit counters of the qbins approximately every 15 msec. During this time, the firmware determines the congestion ratio:
where rp is the previous value of rc, "out" is the number of cells leaving the QBIN, and "in" is the number of cells arriving into the QBIN. Note that if the ratio of out/in is less than 1, then the QBIN is experiencing congestion. The BXM firmware takes the resulting "rc" and divides this value into the sum of all of the PCRs for the Qbin and uses this result as the congestion factor to be programmed into the hardware (SABRE).
The weighted-fair queuing (WFQ) algorithm for traffic shaping runs the same algorithm as the explicit rate stamping (ERS). Today, this processing consumes 12 percent. Because the algorithm runs once (even if both ERS and WFQ are enabled), traffic shaping will not increase the worst-case demand for BXM processor time.
No alarms will be generated regarding the Traffic Shaping feature. As previously mentioned, there is no mismatch checking for BXMs that do not support the feature, so if you insert a BXM with firmware that does not support the feature, then the traffic shaping functionality will not be supported on that card.
It should be noted that cells can be momentarily received out of order when connections are reconfigured between traffic shaping and non-traffic shaping. This is a limitation of the hardware for which there is no work-around.
Configure port
cnfport <port> [<params>]
upport, dnport, dspport, dspports
Privilege | 1-2 |
Jobs | Yes |
Log | Yes |
Node | BPX, IGX |
Lock | Yes |
cnfport 12.1 N N N H N N
Configure port 12.1 to have a UNI cell header format; not to be an MGX 8220 shelf; not to have a Metro Cell Header format; shift on HCF; use no protocol; and not to apply %util.
batman TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 Date/Time Not Set
Port: 12.1
Interface: T3-2
Type: UNI %Util Use: Disabled
Speed: 96000
Shift: SHIFT ON HCF (Normal Operation)
VBR Queue Depth: 1000
Protocol: NONE
Last Command: cnfport 12.1 N N N H N N
Next Command:
Parameter | Description |
slot.port | Specifies the ASI, BXM, or UXM card slot and port number. |
nni/uni | Specifies whether the cell header format is NNI or UNI. UNI is the default. |
axis | Specifies MGX 8220 queue depth for each slot. |
metro data cell header | Specifies whether the metro data cell header type is used. |
shift h | n | Specifies whether a one-byte shift on the HCF field of the cell header occurs. The choice of H (shift) or N (no shift) depends on whether the ATM cloud includes non-Cisco WAN Switching nodes and whether virtual trunking is in operation:
For BPX or IGX ports performing virtual trunking within an ATM cloud to external Cisco equipment, ports should be configured to Shift on (that is, Shift h) for BNI cards; BXM ports should typically be configured to Shift off (Shift n). Note For UXM cards, you cannot configure the Shift parameterthe Shift setting is always N, or Shift off.For example, if the public ATM cloud consists of BPX nodes, the access points to the cloud might be ASI ATM-UNI ports. Because the cells transmitted to the ASI trunk interface are coming from a Cisco device, for example, a BNI card, the 16 VCI bits have already been left shifted by four (4) bits and contain 12 bits of VCI information and four (4) bits of ForeSight information. Therefore, the ASI cards at either end of the cloud should be configured to not shift (that is, Shift off). In this case, you would configure "shift n" on the ASI port. If the ATM cloud consists of non-Cisco nodes, then the 12 VCI + 4 bits ForeSight bits in the cells coming from the BNI card in the BPX are then passed through untouched as 16 VCI bits. Because it is a non-Cisco network, the ForeSight bits are ignored. Make sure that you set the HCF field correctly for your network configuration before you add connections. For example, if you are acting as a service provider, and one of your customers wants to configure virtual trunking through the network, if your ports have been previously configured with the incorrect HCF shift field setting, you may need to go back and delete all the connections from each port, configure the port, and add the connections again. Below shows some guidelines on how to set the Shift parameter when using BNI virtual trunking through a cloud of Cisco equipment using BXMs, and a cloud using ASIs and BNIs. Also shown is how to set the Shift parameter when using either BXM or UXM virtual trunking through a cloud of Cisco equipment (BXM cards), and a cloud of ASIs and BNIs. Non-Cisco cloud Cisco BXM Cloud Cisco ASI/BNI Cloud BNI VT X No shift No shift Refer to the section "Overview of Virtual Trunking" section for more information on virtual trunking and how to set the HCF Shift field. |
protocol | Specifies the use of either an LMI protocol, an ILMI protocol, or no specified protocol. No specified protocol is the default. |
%util | Enables/disables percent utilization. This parameter supports ATM VBR/ABR fairness for ASI terminated connections and applies to only VBR and ABR connections. To change the %util status of a port, no connections can be currently terminating on the port. Therefore, if connections terminate on the port, they must be deleted before cnfport execution then re-added after execution of cnfport. When this feature is disabled, the port queue bandwidth is calculated using the sum of the MCRs or PCRs for the connections terminating on the port. This is identical to the port queue bandwidth calculation prior to the implementation of the %util feature. The port queue bandwidth with %util feature disabled is:
When the %util feature is enabled, the port queue bandwidth is calculated for ABR and VBR connections as follows: for ABR connections, the port queue bandwidth is the sum of a percentage of the MCRs for the connections terminating on the port; for VBR connections, the port queue bandwidth is the sum of a percentage of the PCRs for connections terminating on the port. The feature is not applied to CBR connections. In summary, the port queue bandwidth with feature %util enabled is:
Configures queue parameters for a port on an ASI or BXM card on the BPX or a UXM card on the IGX. Pressing the Return key keeps the current value for the parameter.
In Release 9.2.20, the VBR class of service type can be either rt-VBR or nrt-VBR, depending on the way the corresponding port (service) queues (both ingress and egress) are configured. For the nrt-VBR class of service type in this release, the corresponding service queues are larger than in previous releases to provide more efficient bandwidth sharing with other non-real time service types. The service queues for both rt-VBR and nrt-VBR service types can be configured on a node-by-node basis.
You can use cnfportq to configure qbin values separately for rt-VBR and nrt-VBR connection types on ports. (To configure the qbin values for rt-VBR and nrt-VBR classes of service on trunks, use cnftrkparm.) The rt-VBR and nrt-VBR connections use different queues on a port: these are the rt-VBR and nrt-VBR queues, respectively. (See Example 3 for a cnfportq screen showing the configuration parameters available for a port queue.)
For information on configuring trunk queues used by rt-VBR and nrt-VBR connections, see the cnftrkparm command.
The rt-VBR and nrt-VBR connections use different queues on a port, these are the rt-VBR and nrt-VBR queues, respectively. You can configure these separately, using the cnfportq command.
See Example 2 for a sample cnfportq screen showing configuration parameters available for a port queue.
Configure port queue parameters
cnfportq <port> [<params>]
upport, dnport, dspportq
Privilege | 2 |
Jobs | Yes |
Log | Yes |
Node | BPX, IGX |
Lock | Yes |
cnfportq 4.2 200 80 60 80 1000 80 60 80 9800 80 60 80
Configure port 4.2 to the parameters indicated.
ca19 VT SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 June 23 1999 19:11 GMT
Port: 4.2 [ACTIVE]
Interface: T3-2
Type: UNI
Speed: 96000 (cps)
SVC Queue Pool Size: 0
CBR Queue Depth: 200 rt-VBR Queue Depth: 1000
CBR Queue CLP High Threshold: 80% rt-VBR Queue CLP High Threshold: 80%
CBR Queue CLP Low Threshold: 60% rt-VBR Queue CLP Low Threshold 60%
CBR Queue EFCI Threshold: 80% rt-VBR Queue EFCI Threshold 80%
nrt-VBR Queue Depth: 1000 UBR/ABR Queue Depth: 9800
nrt-VBR Queue CLP High Threshold: 80% UBR/ABR Queue CLP High Threshold: 80%
nrt-VBR Queue CLP Low Threshold: 60% UBR/ABR Queue CLP Low Threshold: 60%
nrt-VBR Queue EFCI Threshold: 80% UBR/ABR Queue EFCI Threshold: 80%
Last Command: cnfportq 4.2 N N N 200 80 60 80 1000 80 60 80 9800 80 60 80
Next Command:
cnfportq 2.2
Configure the port queue parameters on port 2.2.
pubsbpx1 TN silves:1 BPX 8620 9.2.2G July 16 1999 10:47 PDT
Port: 2.2 [ACTIVE ]
Interface: LM-BXM
Type: UNI
Speed: 353208 (cps)
SVC Queue Pool Size: 0
CBR Queue Depth: 600 rt-VBR Queue Depth: 0
CBR Queue CLP High Threshold: 80% rt-VBR Queue CLP High Threshold: 80%
CBR Queue CLP Low Threshold: 60% rt-VBR Queue CLP Low/EPD Threshold: 60%
CBR Queue EFCI Threshold: 60% rt-VBR Queue EFCI Threshold: 80%
nrt-VBR Queue Depth: 5000 UBR/ABR Queue Depth: 20000
nrt-VBR Queue CLP High Threshold: 80% UBR/ABR Queue CLP High Threshold: 80%
nrt-VBR Queue CLP Low Threshold: 60% UBR/ABR Queue CLP Low/EPD Threshold:60%
nrt-VBR Queue EFCI Threshold: 60% UBR/ABR Queue EFCI Threshold: 20%
This Command: cnfportq 2.2
Parameter | Description |
slot.port | Specifies the ASI card slot and port number. |
nni/uni | Specifies whether the cell header format is NNI or UNI. UNI is the default. |
cbr queue parms | Specifies the CBR queue parameters of depth, cbr-hi, cbr-lo, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 24000 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others. |
nrt-vbr queue parms | Specifies the nrt-VBR queue parameters of depth, vbr-hi, vbr-low, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 24000 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others. |
rt-vbr queue parms | Specifies the rt-VBR queue parameters of depth, vbr-hi, vbr-low, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 24000 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others. |
ubr/abr queue parms | Specifies the ABR queue parameters of depth, abr-hi, abr-low, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 24000 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others. |
Parameter | Description |
slot.port | Specifies the UXM card slot and port number. |
nni/uni | Specifies whether the cell header format is NNI or UNI. UNI is the default. |
cbr queue parms | Specifies the CBR queue parameters of depth, cbr-hi, cbr-lo, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 97250 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others. |
nrt-vbr queue parms | Specifies the nrt-VBR queue parameters of depth, vbr-hi, vbr-low, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 97250 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others. |
rt-vbr queue parms | Specifies the rt-VBR queue parameters of depth, vbr-hi, vbr-low, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 97250 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others. |
ubr/abr queue parms | Specifies the ABR queue parameters of depth, abr-hi, abr-low, and efci. The ranges are 0 to 97250 for depth and 0 to 100% for all others. UBR traffic shares this queue with the ABR traffic. |
Removes connections from the network. The same command with differing syntax may be used to delete voice connections, data connections, Frame Relay connections, or ATM connections. The syntax in this section deletes an ATM connection. You can verify connection deletions by using the dspcons command.
In Release 9.2.20, you can use delcon to delete data or FRP connections that are terminated on UXM/UXM-E cards for IGX 8400 interface shelves, and terminated on routing network feeder trunks for IGX 8400 routing nodes.
Delete connections
delcon <channel(s)>
addcon, dspcon, dspcons
Privilege | 1-2 |
Jobs | Yes |
Log | Yes |
Node | IGX, BPX |
Lock | Yes |
Delete connection The connections to delete are highlighted, and a prompt appears asking you to confirm the deletion. Respond with "y", for yes, and connection is deleted.
ca19 VT SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 Aug. 23 1997 20:36 GMT
Local Remote Remote Route
Channel NodeName Channel State Type Avoid COS O ca20 Ok CBR 0 R ca20 Ok VBR 0 R ca20 Ok ABR 0 R ca20 Ok VBR 0 R ca20 Ok CBR 0 L ca20 Ok VBR 0 L ca20 Ok ABR 0 L
Last Command: delcon
Delete connections? (y)
Next Command:
Parameter | Description |
channel | Specifies the channel or set of channels for deleting connections. <channel> is specified in the following format: slot.port.vpi.vci |
Deactivates (or "downs") the specified ATM port. Before downing a port, you must remove all connections from the port.
Down port
dnport <port>
cnfport, dspport, upport
Privilege | 1-2 |
Jobs | Yes |
Log | Yes |
Node | BPX, IGX |
Lock | Yes |
dnport 4.2
Down port 4.2.
ca19 VT SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 Aug. 23 1997 19:49 GMT
ASI Port States
Port State
Last Command: dspports
Next Command: dnport 4.2
Parameter | Description |
port | Specifies the slot number and port number in the format slot.port. |
Displays the current parameters for an ATM connection class template. The number of classes is ten. The parameters and the values for each varies with the type of connection (CBR, VBR, ABR, and ATFR).
In Release 9.2.20, both the dspatmcls and dspcls commands display
Display ATM connection class
dspatmcls <class number>
addcon, cnfatmcls, dspcls, cnfcls, dspcon, dspcons
Privilege | 1-2 |
Jobs | No |
Log | No |
Node | IGX, BPX |
Lock | No |
dspatmcls 1
Display the parameters for configuration class 1.
night TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 July 28 1997 13:22 GMT
ATM Connection Classes
Class: 1
Type: VBR
y 500/500 10/10 1000/1000 - 500/500 -/-
ICR ICR TO Rate Up Rate Dn Rate FastDn Max Adjust CDVT[in cells]
-/- - - - - - 64000/64000
100/100 100/100 n/n -/- y 100/100 100/100 n/n
Description: "Default VBR 500"
Last Command: dspatmcls 1
Next Command:
dspatmcls 1
Display the parameters for configuration class 1.
night TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 July 28 1997 13:22 GMT
ATM Connection Classes
Class: 3 Type: rt-VBR
PCR(0+1) %Util CDVT(0+1) AAL5 FBTC SCR
2000/2000 100/100 10000/10000 n 2000/2000
MBS Policing
1000/1000 3
Description: "Default rt-VBR 2000"
Class: 4 Type: rt-VBR
PCR(0+1) %Util CDVT(0+1) AAL5 FBTC SCR
8000/8000 100/100 10000/10000 n 8000/8000
MBS Policing
1000/1000 3
Description: "Default nrt-VBR 8000"
Last Command: dspatmcls 1
Next Command:
Parameter | Description |
class number | Specifies the class whose current parameters you want to see. Values are 1-10. |
Displays statistics for a channel. You can specify an optional parameter interval, and the statistics display will be refreshed by the number of seconds you specify. (You can press the Delete key to stop the screen refresh.) If you do not specify the interval parameter, the screen refresh interval defaults to 10 seconds.
In this release, the multilevel channels statistics feature provides additional levels of channel statistics configuration for the BXM/UXM cards. You can use the cnfcdparm command to configure the channel statistic level on the BXM and UXM cards. For more information see the cnfcdparm command description.
Display channel statistics
dspchstats <channel> [interval]
Privilege | 5 |
Jobs | No |
Log | No |
Node | IGX, BPX |
Lock | No |
Field | Description |
From the Port | Entering a port, typically from an external device/box. |
To the Network | Going out of the switch; typically trunks. |
Discarded | Received from the attached device but not transmitted to the network. |
From the Network | Received in; typically, into the trunk. |
To the Port | Transmitted out of the port, to an external device or cloud |
Discarded | Received from the network but not transmitted to the attached device. |
Display the channel statistics for connection
night TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 July 17 1997 02:46 GMT
Channel Statistics for Cleared: July 13 1997 02:53 (|)
MCR: 0 cps Collection Time: 0 day(s) 18:10:22 Corrupted: NO
Traffic Cells CLP Avg CPS %util Discards: Cells
From Port : 14710 0 0 0 VcQ > CLP: 0
To Network : 14710 --- 0 0 VcQ Full : 0
From Network: 14710 --- 0 0 Qbin Full: 0
To Port : 14710 14710 0 0 Qbin> CLP: 0
Failed : 14710
OAM Cells RsrcOVL : 0
VC Q : 0 Tx OAM : 29608 NonCompliant: 0
Rx EFCI : 0 Rx AIS : 14710
Tx EFCI : 0 Rx FERF: 0 ForeSight Cells
Rx BCM : 0 Adj Up : 0
Tx BCM : 0 Adj Dn : 0
AAL-5 Frames: 0 Adj Fdn: 0
This Command: dspchstats
Hit DEL key to quit:
dspchstats 13.1.100 10
Display statistics for connection 13.1.100 with a 10-second interval between screen updates. The card in slot 13 is an ALM/A.
sw142 TN SuperUser IGX 16 9.2 July 31 1997 14:38 PDT
Channel Statistics: 13.1.100 Cleared: July 31 1997 11:50 (/)
MCR: 150 cps Collection Time: 0 day(s) 00:00:00 Corrupted: NO
Cells Avg Util
(cps) (%)
From Port: 0 0 0
To Network: 0 0 0
Discarded: 0 0 0
From Network: 0 0 0
To Port: 0 0 0
Discarded: 0 0 0
This Command: dspchstats 13.1.100
Hit DEL key to quit:
Display statistics for connection The card in slot 9 is a UXM.
sw199 TN SuperUser IGX 16 9.0.s6 Aug. 28 1997 09:25 PDT
Channel Statistics: Snapshot
Collection Time: 0 day(s) 13:28:47 Clrd: 08/27/97 19:47:24
Type Count
Cells Received from Port 0
Cells Transmitted to Network 0
Cells Received from Network 0
Cells Transmitted to Port 0
EOF Cells Received from Port 0
Cells Received with CLP=1 0
Cells Received with CLP=0 0
Non-Compliant Cells Received 0
Average Rx VCq Depth in Cells 0
Average Tx Vcq Depth in Cells 0
Cells Transmitted with EFCI=1 0
Cells Transmitted with EFCI=0 0
Ingress Vsvd Allowed Cell Rate 0
Egress Vsvd Allowed Cell Rate 0
OAM state (0:OK,1:FERF,2:AIS) 0
Good Pdu's Received by the Sar 0
Good Pdu's Transmitted by the Sar 0
Rx pdu's discarded by the Sar 0
Tx pdu's discarded by the Sar 0
Invalid CRC32 pdu rx by the sar 0
Invalid Length pdu rx by the sar 0
Shrt-Lgth Fail detected by the sar 0
Lng-Lgth Fail detected by the sar 0
Last Command: dspchstats
dspchstats 1
Display statistics for connection (with a VPI of 1, and VCI of 1), and an interval of 1.
sw57 TRM StrataCom BPX 8620 9.2.zR Date/Time Not Set
Channel Statistics for Cleared: Date/Time Not Set (\) Snapshot
MCR: 96000/96000 cps Collection Time: 0 day(s) 00:01:45 Corrupted: NO
Traffic Cells CLP Avg CPS %util Chan Stat Addr: 30EBB36C
From Port : 0 0 0 0
To Network : 0 --- 0 0
From Network: 0 0 0 0
To Port : 0 --- 0 0
NonCmplnt Dscd: 0 Rx Q Depth : 0 Tx Q Depth : 0
Rx Vsvd ACR : 0 Tx Vsvd ACR : 0 Bkwd SECB : 0
Bkwd Lost Cell: 0 Bkwd Msin Cell: 0 Bkwd BIPV : 0
Fwd SECB : 0 Fwd Lost Cell : 0 Fwd Msin Cell : 0
Fwd BIPV : 0
Last Command: dspchstats 1
Next Command:
CD Minor Alarm
Display statistics for connection (with a VPI of 205 and VCI of 101).
m2a TN StrataCom IGX 8420 9.2.zR May 14 1998 14:19 GMT
Channel Statistics:
Collection Time: 0 day(s) 23:02:58 Clrd: 05/13/98 14:33:00
Type Count Traffic Rate (cps)
Cells Received from Port 82978 From port 0
Cells Transmitted to Network 82978 To network 0
Cells Received from Network 82978 From network 0
Cells Transmitted to Port 82978 To port 0
EOF Cells Received from Port 0
Cells Received with CLP=1 0
Cells Received with CLP=0 82978
Non-Compliant Cells Received 0
Average Rx VCq Depth in Cells 0
Average Tx Vcq Depth in Cells 0
Cells Transmitted with EFCI=1 0
Cells Transmitted with EFCI=0 82978
This Command: dspchstats
Parameter | Description |
channel | Specifies the channel for statistics display, with format of slot.port.vpi.vci. |
Parameter | Description |
interval | Specifies the interval (in seconds) between updates of the statistics display. If you specify an interval, you can either press Delete to terminate the command or wait until the command times out. The default is 10 seconds. If the Rx Q depth and the Tx Q depth fields remain "0", make sure that a value other than "0" is specified for the interval parameter. |
The table provides some statistics information regarding the BXM SAR. The switch software collects miscellaneous statistics regarding the Monarch SAR (Segmentation, Assembly, and Reassembly).
The table below provides some statistics information for SAR on the BXM card. Note that the object name typically maps to the screen field name on the dspchstats screen.
Object ID | Object Name | Range/Values | Default | Description |
01 | Message Tag | Byte 0-3: Tag ID Byte 4-7: IP Address | 0 | Identifier and source IP address sent with Commbus message. Both will be copied into the response, if any is to be sent. |
02 | Ingress Unknown AAL5 Discards | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | Number of unknown AAL5 PDUs discarded in the ingress. |
03 | Egress Unknown ALL5 Discards | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | Number of unknown AAL5 PDUs discarded in the egress. |
04 | Ingress Frame Ready FIFO Overruns | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | Number of ingress frame-ready FIFO overruns. |
05 | Egress Frame Ready FIFO Overruns | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | Number of egress frame-ready FIFO overruns. |
06 | Ingress Frame Ready FIFO Fulls | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | Number of ingress frame-ready FIFO fulls. |
07 | Egress Frame Ready FIFO Fulls | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | Number of egress frame-ready FIFO fulls. |
08 | Ingress Frame Ready FIFO Half-Fulls | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | Number of ingress frame-ready half-fulls. |
09 | Egress Frame Ready FIFO Half-Fulls | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | Number of egress frame-ready half-fulls. |
0A | Inverse ARP Requests Rcv | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | Number of inverse ARP requests received. |
0B | Inverse ARP Replies Rcv | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | Number of inverse ARP replies received. |
0C | Bad /errored ARP packets rcv | 0 - 232-1
| N/A | Number of invalid or unknown type ARP packets received |
0D | Inverse ARP Requests Xmt | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | Number of inverse ARP requests transmitted. |
0E | Inverse ARP Replies Xmt | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | Number of inverse ARP replies transmitted. |
0F | Errored ARP packet Xmt | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | Number of invalid or unknown type ARP packets transmitted. |
10 | Bad LLC/NSAP PDUs Rcv | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | Number of illegal LLC/NSAP packets received. |
Displays the current parameters for a connection class template. The number of classes is ten. The parameters and the values for each varies with the type of connection (CBR, rt-VBR, nrt-VBR, ABR, and ATFR). (Note that connection parameters for the rt-VBR and nrt-VBR connection classes display separately.)
Display connection class
dspcls <class number>
addcon, cnfcls, dspcon, dspcons
Privilege | 1-2 |
Jobs | No |
Log | No |
Node | IGX, BPX |
Lock | No |
dspcls 1
Display the parameters for configuration class 1.
night TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 July 28 1997 13:22 GMT
ATM Connection Classes
Class: 3 Type: rt-VBR
PCR(0+1) %Util CDVT(0+1) AAL5 FBTC SCR
2000/2000 100/100 10000/10000 n 2000/2000
MBS Policing
1000/1000 3
Description: "Default rt-VBR 2000"
Class: 4 Type: rt-VBR
PCR(0+1) %Util CDVT(0+1) AAL5 FBTC SCR
8000/8000 100/100 10000/10000 n 8000/8000
MBS Policing
1000/1000 3
Description: "Default nrt-VBR 8000"
Last Command: dspatmcls 1
Next Command:
dspcls 1
Display the parameters for configuration class 1.
night TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 July 28 1998 13:22 GMT
ATM Connection Classes
Class: 1
Type: VBR
y 500/500 10/10 1000/1000 - 500/500 -/-
ICR ICR TO Rate Up Rate Dn Rate FastDn Max Adjust CDVT[in cells]
-/- - - - - - 64000/64000
100/100 100/100 n/n -/- y 100/100 100/100 n/n
Description: "Default VBR 500"
Last Command: dspcls 1
Next Command:
Parameter | Description |
class number | Specifies the class whose current parameters you want to see. Values are 1-10. |
Displays connection information for a specified channel. The information displayed includes:
Any failures that affect the connection flash on the screen. For Frame Relay NNI ports, the NNI value indicates the Abit value received across the NNI from the remote network. The status that may be displayed includes:
OK | Connection OK |
FAILED | Connection failed |
MISSING | VPI.VCI was deleted in other network at NNI. A previous status report indicated a valid VPI.VCI was present but an updated report did not. |
UNUSED | Indicates the UNI port does not support reporting of NNI Abit status |
Release 9.2 switch software for a IGX 8400 routing hub does the following:
In Release 9.2.20, rt-VBR and nrt-VBR connection service types display separately.
Display connections
dspcon <channel>
addcon, cnfcon, cnfpref, cnfrtcost
Privilege | 1-6 |
Jobs | No |
Log | No |
Node | IGX, BPX |
Lock | No |
Display connection information for channel (a VBR connection).
ca20 LAN SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 Aug. 29 1997 10:44 PST
Conn: ca19 VBR Status: Down
1000/1000 10/10 500/500 --/-- y n y 100/100
Owner: LOCAL Restriction: NONE COS: 0
Group: NONE TestRTD: 16705 msec
Path: Downed by user
Pref: Not Configured
ca20 ASI-T3 : OK ca19 ASI-T3 : OK
Line 12.1 : OK Line 4.1 : OK
Last Command: dspcon
Next Command:
Display connection information for channel (CBR).
ca20 LAN StrataCom BPX 15 9.2 Aug. 29 1997 10:42 PST
Conn: ca19 CBR Status: Down
100/100 10/10 --/-- --/-- y n y 100/100
Owner: LOCAL Restriction: NONE COS: 0
Group: NONE TestRTD: 0 msec Trunk Cell Routing Restrict: Y Max Cost: 100 Route
Cost: 36
Path: Downed by user
Pref: Not Configured
ca20 ASI-T3 : OK ca19 ASI-T3 : OK
Line 12.1 : OK Line 4.1 : OK
Last Command: dspcon
Next Command:
Display connection information for channel (an ABR connection.)
ca20 LAN SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 Aug. 29 1997 10:31 PST
Conn: ca20
20000/20000 50/50 20000/20000 96000/96000 y y y 100/100
ForeSight RTD: 0 msec
Path: Route information not applicable for local connections
ca20 ASI-T3 : OK ca20 ASI-T3 : OK
Line 12.1 : OK Line 12.2 : OK
Last Command: dspcon
Next Command:
Display connection information for channel (an ATFST connection.)
sw53 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 July 26 1997 13:40 GMT
Conn: sw53 atfst Status: OK
25/25 1000/1000 25/25 25/25 y y y 100/100
ForeSightRTD: 0 msec
Path: Route information not applicable for local connections
sw53 BNI-T3 : OK sw53 BNI-T3 : OK
Line 4.1 : OK Line 4.3 : OK
OAM Cell RX: Clear NNI : OK
Last Command: dspcon
Next Command:
dspcon 12.1.1.*
Display connection information for channel 12.1.1.* (a CBR VP tunnelling DAX connection.)
sw224 TRM IGX 8420 9.2.a5 Mar. 5 1999 11:10 PST
Conn: 12.2.1.* sw224 cbrvp Status:OK
PCR(0+1) % Util CDVT(0+1) Policing
1000/1000 100/100 10000/10000 4/4
Pri: L Test-RTD: 0 msec
Path: Route information not applicable for local connections
sw224 UXM: OK sw224 UXM: OK
Line 12.2 : OK Line 12.1 : OK
OAM Cell RX: Clear NNI: OK
This Command: dspcon 12.2.1.*
Parameter | Description |
channel | Specifies the channel for which to display connection details. The command displays connection information for one channel at a time. You cannot specify a set of channels. Channel is specified in the following format: slot.port.vpi.vci |
Displays the following information for a connection's configuration:
The rt-VBR and nrt-VBR connection service types will display separately.
Display connection configuration
dspconcnf <channel>
addcon, dspcon, dspcons, delcon
Privilege | 1-6 |
Jobs | No |
Log | No |
Node | BPX |
Lock | No |
Display the configuration for
sw60 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 Date/Time Not Set
Conn: sw60 abrstd
PCR(0+1) % Util MCR CDVT(0+1) AAL5 FBTC
96000/96000 100/100 96000/96000 10000/10000 n
Last Command: dspconcnf
Next Command:
Display the configuration for
sw60 TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 Date/Time Not Set
Conn: sw60 rt-vbr
PCR(0+1) % Util CDVT(0+1) AAL5 FBTC SCR
---------- ------ --------- --------- -----
50/50 100/100 250000/250000 n 50/50
MBS Policing
---- ---------
500/500 3
Trunk Cell Routing Restrict: Y
Last Command: dspconcnf
Next Command:
Parameter | Description |
channel | Specifies the channel for which to display connection configuration. The command displays connection information for one channel at a time. You cannot specify a set of channels. Channel is specified in the following format: slot.port.vpi.vci |
Displays information about the connections on an IGX or BPX node. (For information about dspcons for an MGX 8220 card, refer to the MGX 8220 Command Reference.)
Table 9-32 lists all possible information headings that appear in the display. The actual headings that appear depend on the choice of selected optional parametersincluding no parameters. The screen examples reflect various optional parameters.
You can also use dspcons to display those connections that have failed the OAM Loopback test. See the cnfoamlpbk and dspoamlpbk commands for more information.
In Release 9.2.20, dspcons will display the rt-VBR and nrt-VBR service types separately.
As you configure VP tunnelling connections on a node, you can display all the VP tunnelling connections on a particular node by using the dspcons -tun command. VP tunnelling connections are indicated by a connection type of "cbrvp", for example, in the Type column of the dspcons screen. (For more information on VP tunnelling on UXM cards, see the "Virtual Trunking through a Public ATM Cloud using VP (Virtual Path) Tunnelling on IGX-UXM Cards" section.)
Fields | Description |
Local Channel | The connection's channel at this node. |
Remote Node Name | The name of the node at the other end of the connection. |
Remote Channel | The connection's channel at the remote node. |
State | The state of the connection(s) are as follows. State Parameter OK routed Down downed Failed unrouted, but trying |
Type | The type of connection (nrt-vbr, cbr, abr, atfr, or atfst). |
Route Avoid | The type of lines to avoid when routing (satellite lines, terrestrial lines, lines with zero code suppression). |
COS | The Class Of Service. |
Owner | The end of the connection in control of re-routing. |
Display connections
dspcons [start_channel] [nodename] [-f] [-v] [-d] [-atfr] [-abit] [-fabit] [-fail] [-down]
start_channel | is the starting channel to display. |
nodename | specifies that connections for only the named node appear in the display. |
-f | specifies that the display show Frame Relay connections only. |
-v | specifies that the display show only voice connections. |
-d | specifies that the display show only data connections (in Kbps). |
-atfr | specifies that the display show Frame Relay to ATM interworking connections (as well as atfr with ForeSight). |
-abit | specifies that the display show status of the Abit. |
-fabit | specifies that the display show only connections with failed A-bits. |
-down | specifies that the display show only downed connections. |
addcon, delcon
Privilege | 1-6 |
Jobs | No |
Log | No |
Node | IGX, BPX |
Lock | No |
Displays all connections starting with
ca19 VT SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 Aug. 23 1997 19:44 GMT
Local Remote Remote Route
Channel NodeName Channel State Type Avoid COS O ca20 Ok CBR 0 R ca20 Ok rt-VBR 0 R ca20 Ok ABR 0 R ca20 Ok nrt-VBR 0 R
Last Command: dspcons
Next Command:
dspcons -abit
Display the Abit status for all connections starting with
sw81 TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 Aug. 14 1997 10:32 PST
Local Remote Remote Local Remote
Channel NodeName Channel State Abit Abit sw81 Ok OK OK sw81 Ok OK OK sw81 Ok OK OK sw81 Ok OK OK sw81 Ok OK OK sw81 Ok OK OK sw81 Ok OK OK sw81 Ok OK OK sw81 Ok OK OK sw81 Ok OK OK sw81 Ok OK OK sw81 Ok OK OK sw81 Ok OK OK
This Command: dspcons -abit
Display connections
sw99 TN StrataCom BPX 8620 9.2.10 Aug. 27 1998 08:59 GMT
Local Remote Remote Route
Channel NodeName Channel State Type Avoid COS O
------- -------- ------- ----- ---- ----- --- -- sw14 Ok rt-vbr 0 L sw14 Ok rt-vbr 0 L sw14 Ok rt-vbr 0 L sw14 Ok rt-vbr 0 L sw4 Ok rt-vbr 0 L sw14 Ok nrt-vbr 0 L sw14 Ok atfr 0 L sw157 16.1.6 Failed atfr 0 L sw157 16.1.7 Failed atfr 0 L sw157 16.1.8 OAM-F atfr 0 L sw157 16.1.9 OAM-F atfr 0 L
Last Command: dspcons
dspcons -oam
Display connections that have failed the OAM Loopback test
sw99 TN StrataCom BPX 8620 9.2.10 Aug. 27 1998 08:59 GMT
Local Remote Remote Route
Channel NodeName Channel State Type Avoid COS O
------- -------- ------- ----- ---- ----- --- -- sw157 16.1.6 OAM-F atfr 0 L sw157 16.1.7 OAM-F atfr 0 L sw157 16.1.8 OAM-F atfr 0 L sw157 16.1.9 OAM-F atfr 0 L
Last Command: dspcons -oam
Next Command:
Parameter | Description |
start channel | Specifies the beginning channel to display. The start channel format is: slot.port.vpi.vci If no starting channel is specified, the display begins with the first connected channel. |
node name | Specifies that connections to a specific remote node are displayed. |
-atfr | Frame relay to ATM interworking connections |
-abit | Abit status |
-fabit | Connections with Abit errors |
-fail | Failed connections |
-down | Downed connections |
dspcons -tun
Display only VP tunnelling connections on that node.
sw224 TRM StrataCom IGX 8420 9.2.a5 Mar. 5 1999 11:10 PST
Local Remote Remote
Channel NodeName Channel State Type Compress Code COS sw224 12.2.1.* Ok cbrvp
12.2.1.* sw224 Ok cbr
Last Command: dspcons
Displays LMI statistics for a specified channel.
Display LMI/ILMI statistics
dsplmistats <port> [clear]
Privilege | Jobs | Log | Node | Lock |
1-6 | No | No | IGX, BPX | No |
dsplmistats 1.1
Display LMI statistics for channel
sw81 TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 Aug. 29 1997 14:44 PST
Annex G LMI Statistics for slot:1 port:1
VPI.VCI: 0.0 Lmi enabled Lmi polling enabled
Invalid Pdu Rx: 0 Status Polling Timer (T396) : 10
Invalid Pdu Len Rx: 0 Status Enquiry Timer (T393) : 10
Unknown Pdu Type Rx: 0 Max Status Enquiry Retry (N394): 5
Unknown IE Type Rx: 0 Update Status Timer (T394) : 10
Bad Transaction Rx: 0 Max Update Status Retry (N395) : 5
Status Rx: 77715 Spc Polling Timer : 3
Status Enq Tx: 77711 Spc Retry Timer : 0
Status Enq Rx: 77897 Spc Retry Counter : 1
Status Tx: 77897 Node Status Retry Timer : 0
Status Ack Rx: 1505 Node Status Retry Counter : 0
Update Status Tx: 1507 Node Status Polling Timer : 7
Update Status Rx: 2042
Status Ack Tx: 2042
Last Command: dsplmistats 1.1
Next Command:
Parameter | Description |
port | Channel is specified in the format slot.port. |
Parameter | Description |
clear | On a BPX node only, the optional clear argument clears the current statistics after dsplmistats executes. |
An internal firmware command provides the capability for the controller card to fetch ILMI/LMI stats on ILMI/LMI sessions on the BXM card. The BXM must be firmware-capable. Refer to LMI Statistics and Descriptions for dsplmistats (ATM) for BXM Card
Object ID | Object Name | Range/Values | Default | Description |
01 | Message Tag | Byte 0-3: Tag ID Byte 4-7: IP Address | 0 | Identifier and source IP address sent with Commbus message. Both will be copied into the response, if any is to be sent. |
02 | Port Number | 1 - 12 | R | Identifies the target port. If multiple port numbers are sent during the operation, then each port number object terminates the configuration for the string of objects for the previous port number. |
03 | Virtual Port # | 1 - 255 | R | Identifies the target virtual port. |
04 | Status Sync | 0 - Clear 1 - Get Status | R | Sync up ingress status information to bcc |
05 | Session Status | 0 - Okay 1 - Failed | 0 | Indicates whether or not the ILMI/LMI session on this logical interface is failed. |
06 | BPX/Feeder IP Address | 0 - 232-1 | 0 | Valid for feeder connections. Indicates the IP address of the Feeder |
07 | BPX/Feeder Name | Byte 0..8: String | N/A | Valid for feeder connections. Indicates the name of the Feeder |
08 | BPX/Feeder Serial Number | Byte 0..8: String | N/A | Valid for feeder connections. Indicates the serial number of the Feeder |
09 | BPX/Feeder Alarm Status | 0: Clear 1: Minor 2: Major | N/A | Valid for feeder connections. Indicates the alarm status of the Feeder |
0A | BPX/Feeder Line Rate | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | Valid for feeder connections. Indicates the line receive rate of the Feeder |
0B | BPX/Feeder LAN IP Address | 0 - 232-1 | 0 | Valid for feeder connections. Indications the LAN IP address of the feeder |
10 | ILMI Number of Get Req Rx'd | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | ILMI number of Get Requests received. |
11 | ILMI No. of Get Next Req Rx'd | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | ILMI number of Get Next Requests received. |
12 | ILMI No. of Get Next Req Tx'd | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | ILMI number of Get Next Requests transmitted. |
13 | ILMI No. of Set Req Rx'd | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | ILMI number of Set Requests received. |
14 | ILMI No. of Traps Rx'd | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | ILMI number of traps received. |
15 | ILMI No. of Get Resp. Rx'd | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | ILMI number of Get Responses received. |
16 | ILMI No. of Get Req. Tx'd | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | ILMI number of Get Requests transmitted. |
17 | ILMI No. of Get Resp. Tx'd | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | ILMI number of Get Responses transmitted. |
18 | ILMI No. of Traps Tx'd | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | ILMI number of traps transmitted. |
19 | ILMI Unknown PDUs Rx'd | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | ILMI number of unknown PDUs received. |
20 | LMI No. of Status Tx'd | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | LMI number of Status transmitted. |
21 | LMI No. Update Status Tx'd | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | LMI number of Update Status transmitted. |
22 | LMI No. of Status Ack. Tx'd | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | LMI number of StatusAck. transmitted. |
23 | LMI No. of Status Enq. Rx'd | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | LMI number of Status Enquiries received. |
24 | LMI No. of Status Enq. Tx'd | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | LMI number of Status Enquiries transmitted. |
25 | LMI No. of Status Rx'd | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | LMI number of Status received. |
26 | LMI No. Update Status Rx'd | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | LMI number of Update Status received. |
27 | LMI No. of Status Ack. Rx'd | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | LMI number of StatusAck. received. |
28 | LMI No. of Invalid PDU Rx'd | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | LMI number of invalid PDUs received. |
29 | LMI No. of Invalid PDU Len. Rx'd | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | LMI number of invalid PDU lengths received. |
2A | LMI No. Unknown PDUs Rx'd | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | LMI number of unknown PDUs received. |
2B | LMI No. of Invalid IEs Rx'd | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | LMI number of Information Elements received. |
2C | LMI No. of Invalid T.ID Rx'd | 0 - 232-1 | N/A | LMI number of invalid Transaction IDs received. |
Displays detailed status on a single specified ATM port. The more specific the port address in the command, the more detail is provided. A full description of these parameters is provided in the cnfport command.
Display port
dspport <slot.port>
cnfport, upport, dnport
Privilege | Jobs | Log | Node | Lock |
1-2 | No | No | IGX, BPX | No |
dspport 4.1
Display the status of ASI port 4.1.
swstorm TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 July 26 1997 17:57 GMT
Port: 4.1 [ACTIVE ]
Interface: T3-2
Type: UNI
Speed: 96000 (cps)
VBR Queue Depth: 10800
Protocol: NONE
Last Command: dspport 4.1
Next Command:
Parameter | Description |
slot.port | Specifies the slot number and port to display. |
Displays the port queue configuration for an ASI or BXM card on a BPX or a UXM card on an IGX. After you enter this command with the required slot and port number parameter, the display shows the detailed port queue configuration information shown in the example figure.
Display port queue configuration.
dspportq <slot.port>
Privilege | Jobs | Log | Node | Lock |
1-2 | No | No | IGX, BPX | No |
dspportq 4.2
Display the port queue configuration for 4.2.
ca19 VT SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 June 23 1999 19:11 GMT
Port: 4.2 [ACTIVE]
Interface: T3-2
Type: UNI
Speed: 96000 (cps)
SVC Queue Pool Size: 0
CBR Queue Depth: 200 rt-VBR Queue Depth: 1000
CBR Queue CLP High Threshold: 80% rt-VBR Queue CLP High Threshold: 80%
CBR Queue CLP Low Threshold: 60% rt-VBR Queue CLP Low Threshold 60%
CBR Queue EFCI Threshold: 80% rt-VBR Queue EFCI Threshold 80%
nrt-VBR Queue Depth: 1000 UBR/ABR Queue Depth: 9800
nrt-VBR Queue CLP High Threshold: 80% UBR/ABR Queue CLP High Threshold: 80%
nrt-VBR Queue CLP Low Threshold: 60% UBR/ABR Queue CLP Low Threshold: 60%
nrt-VBR Queue EFCI Threshold: 80% UBR/ABR Queue EFCI Threshold: 80%
Last Command: cnfportq 4.2
Next Command:
dspportq 2.1
Display the port queue configuration for 2.1
swstorm TN SuperUser BPX 8620 9.2 June 26 1998 18:01 GMT
Port: 2.1 [ACTIVE ]
Interface: T3-2
Type: UNI
Speed: 96000 (cps)
SVC Quque Pool Size: 0
CBR Queue Depth: 200 rt-VBR Queue Depth: 1000
CBR Queue CLP High Threshold: 80% rt-VBR Queue CLP Hi-Threshold: 80%
CBR Queue CLP Low Threshold: 60% rt-VBR Queue CLP Low Threshold: 60%
CBR Queue EFCI Threshold: 80% rt-VBR Queue EFCI Threshold: 80%
rt-VBR Queue Depth: 10800 UBR/ABR Queue Depth: 9800
rt-VBR Queue CLP High Threshold: 80% UBR/ABR Queue CLP High Threshold: 80%
rt-VBR Queue CLP Low Threshold: 60% UBR/ABR Queue CLP Low Threshold: 60%
rt-VBR Queue EFCI Threshold: 80% UBR/ABR Queue EFCI Threshold: 80%
Last Command: dspportq 2.1
Next Command:
Parameter | Description |
slot or slot.port | Specifies either the slot number or the slot and port number. |
Displays a summary of port statistics for the ATM port specified. These include the cell count in the transmit and receive directions, and error counts associated with the port. The display indicates the date and time that the statistics were cleared and the statistics collection time since they were last cleared. Cells transmitted indicates the amount of data transmitted out the port to the user device. Cells received indicates the amount of data received from the user device at the port. Corrupted statistics result from channel/port loopbacks or port tests. A "yes" in this field indicates that such loopback or port tests have occurred since the statistics were last cleared.
Display port statistics
dspportstats <port> [interval]
Privilege | Jobs | Log | Node | Lock |
1-6 | No | No | IPX, IGX | No |
dspportstats 11.1
Display the statistics for ASI port 11.1.
PABPX001 VT StrataCom BPX 15 8.5.04 Feb. 27 1998
16:38 G+01
Port Statistics for 11.1 Cleared: Feb. 19 1998 18:26
Port Speed: 80000 cps Collection Time: 5 day(s) 09:54:37 Corrupted: NO
Cells CLP (EFCI)
Rx Port: 41735369 0 0
Tx Port: 55704628 0 0
Unknown Addr : 144592 Cell Buf Ovfl : 0 Nonzero GFC Ct:
Rcv Ais Count : 0 Rcv Ferf Count: 343 Rx BCM Cells :
Tx Pyld Err Ct: 0 Tx H Err Dscd : 0 Lst Un Vpi/Vci: 0.16
This Command: dspportstats 11.1
Hit DEL key to quit:
Parameter | Description |
slot.port | Specifies the ATM card set and port number. |
Parameter | Description |
interval | Specifies the refresh interval time for data. It can be specified between 1 and 60 seconds. The default interval is 1 seconds. Note that you must specify a value other than 0 for the "interval" parameter. Otherwise, the screen displayed for a UXM and BMX card will be just a snapshotit will not be updated periodically. If the Rx Q depth and the Tx Q depth on the BXM and UXM cards remain "0", specify a value for the interval parameter other than 0. |
The following 45 statistics are available for each BPX ATM port, with an ASI or BXM front card type, and T3, E3, or OC-3 back card type. (Note that the statistics names listed below are what displays in Cisco WAN Manager; the field name that appears on the dspportstats screen may vary slightly from the Cisco WAN Manager parameter/field name.)
Statistics Name in Cisco WAN Manager | Statistics ID |
Cell Buffer Overflow | 1 |
Cells Rx w/CLP discarded | 42 |
Cells Rx w/CLP=0 | 40 |
Cells Rx w/CLP=0 discarded | 41 |
Cells Tx w/CLP=0 | 43 |
Egress OAM Cell Count | 44 |
Egress RM Cell Count | 46 |
Get Request Rx | 17 |
Get Request Tx | 23 |
Get Response Rx | 22 |
Get Response Tx | 24 |
GetNext Request Rx | 18 |
GetNext Request Tx | 19 |
Ingress RM Cell Count | 45 |
Invalid LMI IE Rx | 38 |
Invalid LMI Rx | 35 |
Invalid LMI length Rx | 36 |
Invalid Transaction IDs | 39 |
Non-zero GFC Count | 2 |
Number of BCM Cell Rx | 10 |
Number of Cells Rx | 7 |
Number of Cells Rx w/CLP set | 8 |
Number of Cells Rx w/EFCI set | 9 |
Number of Cells Tx | 11 |
Number of Cells Tx w/CLP set | 14 |
Number of Cells Tx w/EFCI set | 15 |
OAM Cells Rx Count | 12 |
Rx AIS Cell | 5 |
Rx FERF Cell | 6 |
SetRequest Rx | 20 |
Status Ack Rx | 34 |
Status Ack Tx | 29 |
Status Enq Rx | 30 |
Status Enq Tx | 31 |
Status Rx | 32 |
Status Tx | 27 |
Trap Rx | 21 |
Trap Tx | 25 |
Tx Header Err Discard | 16 |
Tx Payload Err Due to BIP-16 Err | 13 |
41) Unknown LMI Rx | 37 |
Unknown LMI Tx | 26 |
Unknown VPI/VCI | 0 |
Update Status Rx | 33 |
Update Status Tx | 28 |
This command displays the cache of all cost-based routing connections. The optional index parameter lets you specify a cache entry index. The optional c parameter clears the cache. The information displayed includes:
Display cost-based route cache
dsprtcache [index] [c]
[index] specifies the cache entry index
[c] specifies to clear the entire cache or a single entry
dspcon, cnfrtcost, cnfpref
Privilege | Jobs | Log | Node | Lock |
1-6 | No | No | IGX, BPX | No |
Display route cache contents, and let you monitor and manually clear the cache.
pissaro TN StrataCom BPX 15 9.1 Jun. 18 1997 11:11 GMT
Route Cache (Summary)
Index Use No. Cost Delay Restrict Load VPC Hops RemoteNode
0 Yes 1 Yes No None VBR No 2 lautrec
1 Yes 6 Yes No *s BDB No 3 vangogh
2 Yes 9 Yes No None BDA No 3 matisse
3 Yes 3 Yes No *t BDB No 3 rousseau
4 Yes 1 Yes No None CBR No 3 seurat <- current
5 No 0 No No None --- No 0 ---
6 No 0 No No None --- No 0 ---
7 No 0 No No None --- No 0 ---
8 No 0 No No None --- No 0 ---
9 No 0 No No None --- No 0 ---
10 No 0 No No None --- No 0 ---
11 No 0 No No None --- No 0 ---
Last Command: dsprtcache
Next Command:
Parameter | Description |
index | Specifies a particular route entry within the cache. When used with the c parameter, the route is either displayed or cleared from the cache. |
c | Clears the cache, or if you also enter the index parameter, clears the route cache specified by the index number. |
Activates a single port on an ASI or BXM card on a BPX or a UXM card on an IGX. If the port has not been configured, the default configuration values are used to configure the port.
Up port
upport <slot.port>
dnport, cnfport, upln
Privilege | Jobs | Log | Node | Lock |
1-2 | Yes | Yes | IGX, BPX | Yes |
upport 4.2
Activate port 2 on the ASI in slot 4.
ca19 VT SuperUser BPX 15 9.2 Aug. 23 1997 19:17 GMT
Port: 4.2 [ACTIVE ]
Interface: T3-2
Type: UNI
Speed: 96000 (cps)
CBR Queue Depth: 200
CBR Queue CLP High Threshold: 80%
CBR Queue CLP Low Threshold: 60%
CBR Queue EFCI Threshold: 80%
VBR Queue Depth: 1000 ABR Queue Depth: 9800
VBR Queue CLP High Threshold: 80% ABR Queue CLP High Threshold: 80%
VBR Queue CLP Low Threshold: 60% ABR Queue CLP Low Threshold: 60%
VBR Queue EFCI Threshold: 80% ABR Queue EFCI Threshold: 80%
Last Command: upport 4.2
Next Command:
Parameter | Description |
slot.port | Specifies the slot number of the card and the port to activate. |
Posted: Fri Nov 8 07:10:11 PST 2002
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