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When the STATUS function is selected from the Main Menu, the status menu is displayed in the following format:
Data Channel: 1
Expansion: 1
SYSTEM: Select this field to display FastPAD system status information.
LINK: Select this field to display FastPAD composite link status information.
Data Channel: To display Data Channel status, use the <Left Arrow> and <Right Arrow> keys to select a data channel number (1-5), NMS port, or HS port.
Expansion: To display Expansion channel status, use the <Left Arrow> and <Right Arrow> keys to select an expansion channel number (1-8).
Press the <Enter> key to activate your selection. The system will display a status screen for the selected FastPAD component (System, Link, Data Channel, or Expansion Channel).
When the System function is selected from the Status Menu, the system status screen is displayed:
Revision xx.xx
<Latest Event>
<Date> <Time>
This screen shows the current system status. Press any key to exit this screen and return to the Status Menu.
Revision xx.xx: This field defines the FastPAD base card software revision number.
<Latest Event>: The Latest Event is a string of characters that identifies the last event message that was entered in the system event log. See Chapter 12 for a complete list of event messages.
<Date>: This field in the status display indicates the current system date in the form:
Mon dd yyyy.
<Time>: This field in the status display indicates the current system time in the form:
Press the <Enter> key to display the next System Status screen:
Revision xx.xx
<Date> <Time>
This screen displays the name of the version and the date and time the release was created.
<nnn>: The number displayed in the upper-right corner of this system status screen indicates the percentage of CPU processing time that is available (0-100%).
<Name>: This field identifies the name of the version.
<Date>: This field indicates the date the release was created in the form:
Mon dd yyyy.
<Time>: This field time the release was created in the form:
When the Link function is selected from the Status Menu, the link status screen is displayed:
Interface: <int>
Rate: <rate>
State: <status>
<Signals> ABW: <nn>
This screen shows the status of the FastPAD composite link. Press any key to exit this screen and return to the Status Menu
Interface: This field indicates the type of interface that is currently being used on the composite link. The value of <Int> will be one of the following:
Rate: This field identifies the data transmission rate of the composite link. The actual value of <Rate> will be one of the following: 9.6, 12, 14.4, 16.8, 19.2, 32, 48, 56, 64, 72, 96, 112, or 128 kbps (512 kbps for the FRAM-01).
State: This field identifies the current state of the composite link. The actual value of <Status> will be "DOWN" if the link is not up or "UP" if the link is connected and working.
<Signals>: This area of the link status screen shows the number and type of control signals that are ON. For example, the captions DCD and DSR would indicate the Data Carrier Detect (DCD) and Data Set Ready (DSR) control signals are ON. The number and type of control signal indicators will vary based on the Interface type (V.24, V.35, V.11, or 449).
ABW: This field indicates the current amount of Available Band Width. This field will indicate zero (0) if the link is down.
There are two types of data channel status displays: one for the low speed data channels (1-5) and the High Speed port (HS) and one for the NMS port.
Data <#> <Mode> <Rate>
State: <status>
S#<nn> P#<nn> Ch#<nn>
<Control Signals>
This screen shows the status of a selected data channel (1-5 or HS). You may use the <Left Arrow> and <Right Arrow> keys to display the status of subsequent and previous data channels (1-5, HS, or NMS). See Paragraph 4.2 below for the NMS port status screen. Press any other key to exit this screen and return to the status menu.
Data<#>: This field identifies the data channel number for which status information is being displayed. It will be a number in the range 1-5 or HS for the High Speed data channel. You may use the <Left Arrow> and <Right Arrow> keys to display the status of subsequent and previous data channels (1-5, HS, or NMS).
<Mode>: This field identifies the operating mode of the current selected data channel. The actual value of <Mode> will be SYNC for synchronous operating mode or ASYNC for asynchronous operating mode. For the High Speed (HS) data channel, it will always be SYNC.
<Rate>: This field identifies the data transmission rate of the currently selected data channel. The actual value of <Rate> will be one of the following: 1.2Kbps to 19.2Kbps for the low speed data channels (1-5) or 1.2Kbps to 64Kbps for the High Speed (HS) data channel.
State: This field indicates the state of the data channel. The <status> string can be one of the following:
S#: When a data channel is in an Active state, this field identifies the switch number (1-63) where the data channel is connected.
P#: When a data channel is in an Active state, this field identifies the switch port number (1-15) where the data channel is connected.
Ch#: When a data channel is in an Active state, this field identifies the destination FastPAD channel number where the data channel is connected.
<Control Signals> This area of the status display indicates the current state of the data channel control signals. The following control signal indicators may appear in this portion of the display:
Data <#> <Mode> <Rate>
State: <status>
S#<nn> P#<nn> Ch#<nn>
If RTS is present in the display, it indicates the attached data equipment is providing the Request to Send (RTS) control signal to the FastPAD. If CTS is displayed, it indicates the FastPAD is providing the Clear to Send (CTS) control signal to the attached data equipment. If DCD is displayed, it indicates the FastPAD is providing the Data Carrier Detect (DCD) control signal to the attached data equipment.
If DTR is present in the display, it indicates the attached data equipment is providing the Data Terminal Ready (DTR) control signal to the FastPAD. If DSR is displayed, it indicates the FastPAD is providing the Data Set Ready (DSR) control signal to the attached data equipment. If any of the control signal indicators (i.e., RTS, CTS, DCD, DTR, or DSR) are not present in the display, it indicates the control signal is OFF.
As an example, the following example status display indicates the attached device is not providing DTR to the FastPAD:
Data <1> <sync> <9.6>
State: <Active>
S# 2 P# 3 Ch# 4
Unit No.: <#>
<Control Signals>
This screen shows the status of the NMS port. You may use the <Left Arrow> and <Right Arrow> keys to display the status of subsequent and previous data channels (1-5 and HS). See below for information about the data and HS channel status screen. Press any other key to exit this screen and return to the status menu. The following paragraphs describe the fields in this screen:
#NMS: This field identifies the data channel number for which status information is being displayed. It will be a number in the range 1-5, HS for the High Speed data channel, or NMS for the NMS port. You may use the <Left Arrow> and <Right Arrow> keys to display the status of subsequent and previous data channels (1-5, HS, or NMS).
<Rate>: This field identifies the data transmission rate of the currently selected data channel. The actual value of <Rate> will be a value from 300 bps to 9.6 Kbps.
Unit No: The field identifies the number configured for the FastPAD at the NMS. The actual value of #: should always be zero (0).
Ex <#> <Type>
<Rev#> <State>
<#,#,#> <CType> <Rate>
This screen shows the main status information for the currently selection expansion channel. You may use the <Left Arrow> and <Right Arrow> keys to display the status of subsequent and previous expansion channels (1-8). Press the <Esc> key to exit this screen and return to the status menu.
Ex<#>: This field identifies the expansion channel number (1-8) for which status information is being displayed.
<Type>: This field identifies the expansion channel module type. For the FastPAD Rel 8.0, this will be VFC-01, VFC-03, FRAM-01 or blank if no module is installed in the expansion channel.
<Rev #>: This field identifies the software revision number of the expansion channel.
<State>: Identifies the current state of the expansion channel. It can be one of the
<#,#,#>: These fields will only be present when the expansion channel is in an Active state. When present in the status display, they indicate the Switch#, Port#, and Slot# where the expansion channel is connected.
As an example, the following status screen indicates the expansion channel is connection to switch #3, port #2, and slot #1:
Ex 1 VFC-01
1.11 Active
3,2,1 Fax 16
<CType>: This field indicates the type of connection when an expansion channel is active. It can be one of: Voice, Fax, or PSTN.
<Rate>: When an expansion channel is active, this field indicates the current data rate that is being used by the channel.
Posted: Thu Jan 25 13:33:47 PST 2001
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