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Event Display
Clear Buffer
Event Count: <nn>
Position the cursor next to the Event Display caption and press the <Enter> key to display a list of events. Position the cursor next to the Clear Buffer caption and press the <Enter> key to clear the event buffer. Press the <Esc> key to return to the Main Menu.
<#> <XX> <Time>
<#> <XX> <Time>
The system will display the most recent event message first. Use the <Up Arrow> and <Down Arrow> keys to display previous and subsequent event messages. Press the <Esc> key to exit this screen and return to the Events Menu. The following paragraphs describe the fields in the events display:
<#>: This field identifies the event number. It is a sequential number in the range 0-99.
<XX>: This field identifies the event group code. The group code identifies the FastPAD component that generated the event. It can be one of the following:
<Date>: This field identifies the date the event occurred in the form: Mon dd.
<Time>: This field identifies the time the event occurred in the form: hh:mm:ss.
The following example event screen illustrates the format of the event display:
1 SY Jan 01 00:13:12
System Reset
2 L Jan 01 00:14:22
Event messages are grouped by category according to the FastPAD component (System, Link, Data Channel, or Expansion Channel) that generated the event.
The following paragraphs describe the event messages in the System (SY) category:
$$O.S. Failure: This event message indicates an operating system scheduling error occurred.
Bad EEPROM: This event messages indicates bad EEPROM has been detected.
Bad FLASH-E: This event message indicates the system was not able to correctly erase flash memory.
Bad FLASH ID: This event message indicates bad flash memory has been detected.
Bad FLASH-W: This event message indicates the system was not able to successfully write to flash memory
Bad FlashPAK: This event message indicates the FlashPAK is defective or not configured correctly.
Failed P/S: This event message indicates a failure of the primary power supply.
FLASH Update: This event message indicates flash memory has been updated.
Good P/S: This event message can occur after a Failed P/S 1 event has been posted. It indicates the primary power supply has recovered from the failure condition.
New date/time: This event message indicates a new system date and time has been set. This can occur via the front panel, from a remote FastPAD configuration of this unit, or from the NMS.
New EEPROM: This event message indicates the contents of EEPROM has been updated.
Old date/time: This event message indicates new date/time information has been downloaded to this FastPAD.
The following paragraphs describe the event messages in the Link (L) category:
Bad EEPROM: This event message indicates bad EEPROM was detected by the composite link.
CI off: For a V.11 interface, this event message indicates the CI signal has been turned OFF.
CI on: For a V.11 interface, this event message indicates the CI signal has been turned ON.
DCD off: This event message indicates the composite link Data Carrier Detect (DCD) control signal has been turned OFF.
DCD on: This event message indicates the composite link Data Carrier Detect (DCD) control signal has been turned ON.
Link down: This event message indicates the composite link is down.
Link up: This event message indicates the composite link is up.
Bad EEPROM: This event message indicates the system has detected bad EEPROM.
Bad Module: This event message indicates the system has detected a bad expansion card. The group portion of the message (X1-X8) indicates the channel/card that is bad. This message is only applicable to expansion channels.
When the Clear Buffer function is selected from the Events Menu, the system will clear the contents of the event buffer. All event message are deleted.
Event Display
Clear Buffer
Event Count: 98
The system can maintain up to 99 event messages in the event buffer. After the 99th event, new events will write over the oldest events stored in the buffer. These events are listed in the following tables.
Major Code | Minor Code | Description |
00h |
| Miscellaneous |
| 00h | System Reset |
| 01h | Old Time/Date (generated only if modified from SDM-FP |
| 02h | New EEPROM (on Config Update) |
| 03h | Bad EZEPROM (on Config Update) |
| 04h | OS Failure |
| 05h | Bad Flash Erase |
| 06h | Bad Flash Write |
| 07h | Bad Flash Update |
| 08h | Link Up |
| 09h | Watch Dog Timeout |
| 0Ah | DCD on |
| 0Bh | DCD off |
| 0Ch | New Time/Date |
| 0Dh | Link Down |
| 0Eh | Reserved |
| 0Fh | Failed PS1 (primary power supply)\ |
| 10h | Reserved |
| 15h | Evt Que Overflow |
02h |
| NMS (not available) |
| 00h | Primary NMS Conn |
| 01h | Primary NMS Disc |
| 02h | Primary NMS To |
| 03h | Secondary NMS Conn |
| 04h | Secondary NMS Disc |
| 05h | Secondary NMS to |
03h |
| Propak Algorithm |
| 00h | Bk1 S0 ATC-01 |
| 01h | Bk1 S0 ATC-03 |
| 02h | Bk1 S0 ACELP8K |
| 03h | Bk1 S0 ACELP4.8K |
| 04h | Bk1 S0 IMBE |
| 05h | Bk1 S0 ATC-01 |
| 06h | Bk1 S0 ATC-03 |
| 07h | Bk1 S1 ACELP8K |
| 08h | Bk1 ACELP4.8k |
| 09h | Bk1 S1 IMBE |
| 0Ah | Bk3 S0 ATC-01 |
| 0Bh | Bk3 S0 ATC-03 |
| 0Ch | Bk3 S0 ACELP8K |
| 0Dh | Bk3 S0 ACELP4.8K |
| 0Eh | Bk3 S0 IMBE |
| 0Fh | Bk3 S1 ATC-01 |
| 10h | Bk3 S1 ATC-03 |
| 11h | Bk3 S1 ACELP8K |
| 12h | Bk3 ACEL4.8K |
| 13h | Bk3 S1 IMBE |
Major Code | Minor Code | Description |
00h |
| Miscellaneous |
| 02h | New EEPROM (on configupdate) |
| 03h | Bad EEPROM (on config update) |
| 11h | V.11 - CI off |
| 12h | V.11 - CI on |
| 13h | Reserved |
Major Code | Minor Code | Description |
00h |
| Miscellaneous |
| 02h | New EEPROM |
| 03h | Bad EEPROM |
01h |
| Algorithm |
| 00h | Reserved |
| 01h | Reserved |
| 02h | Reserved |
| 03h | No ATC-01 S/W |
| 04h | No ATC -03 S/w |
| 05h | No ACELP8K S/W |
| 06h | No ACELP4.8K S/W |
| 07h | No IMBE S/W |
| 08h | V C Conflict |
| 09h | Security Error |
| 0Ah | S/W Load Failure |
| 0Bh | Flow Cntl Ind RX (not available) |
| 0Ch | Flow Cntl Ind Tx (not available) |
Major Code | Minor Code | Description |
00h |
| SVC - Q 9.22 |
| 00h | Inactive (on power up, it is determined that Q.922 is not to be activated) |
| 01h | Reset (Q9.22 reset has occurred) |
| 02h | Failed (Q9.22 failure has occurred) |
| 03h | Active (Q.922 multiple frame acknowledged mode of operation has been established) |
Major Code | Minor Code | Description |
00h |
| Frame Relay LMI |
| 00h | LMI user down (number of error events is greater or equal to N392 on the user side) |
| 01h | LMI user up (number of error event is less than N392 on user side |
| 02h | LMI net down (number of error events is greater or equal to N392 on network side) |
| 03h | LMI net up (number of error events is less than N392 on the network side |
01h |
| PVC |
| 00h | PVC New (new PVC is configured) |
| 01h | PVC Act (PVC is activated) |
| 02h | PVC !Act (PVC is deactivated) |
| 03h | PVC Del (PVC is deleted) |
| 04h | LMI New |
| 05h | LMI New+ |
| 06h | LMI Del |
| 07h | LMI Act (activated PVC reported through LMI full status) |
| 08h | LMI !ACT |
| 09h | LMI! Rdy (Ready PVC not reported through |
| 0Ah | LMI Rdy |
| 0Bh | LMI !Rep PVC is not reported any more through LMI full status) |
| 0Ch | LMI Rep |
Major Code | Minor Code | Description |
03h |
| Hardware |
| 00h | Non volatile memory failure |
04h |
| Remote Bridge |
| 00h | Bridge restarted |
| 01h | Becoming boot bridge |
| 02h | Port number is root port |
| 03h | Port up |
| 04 | Port down |
| 05h | Topology change detected |
Major Code | Minor Code | Description |
05h |
| Modulator hardware |
| 00h | Synthesizer out of lock |
| 01h | Transmission off |
| 02h | General failure |
06h |
| TBD |
07h |
| RF |
Major Code | Minor Code | Description |
08h |
| Hardware |
09h |
| TBD |
Major Code | Minor Code | Description |
00h |
| Miscellaneous |
| 00h | Old IEC software (old version of intelligent expansion card software detected and consequently new features may not work. |
Posted: Thu Jan 25 14:16:07 PST 2001
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